Newspaper Page Text
4 4 Proof of the ‘Pudding
Is in the Eating."
SvsA^?nu h *L7 e th?i ‘ute'ifhc
w, rJirkeble of people cTeo g*K the Hoof/s*,- proof by
idbng of by
iAper.lL „ of tori Lc'ofuU, Salt c r. Rheum. dc Dys- rv
pepotA. UUrrh. RneumAHsm. Ar.J all
other blood dizcAitt ond debility.
%(a0iC6 SaUabMlKa
lllitnl I’ertr.nt and hr mm.
Everybody c!u-ai more or less, but
have you < .. . reltr ." I upon the fact
fhiit people who are bora blind have
only "l.-ea,lux" d a.. . In other
wotda. til -,, mental eye sees nothing;
limy only heat sounds.
this lut.'M-rtU.i;, i.o.ut'nine up before
» Udnutihc sor.-y t), other day, aud
d wo , found that „i jo . blind p ■■■».,ns
wb bad b"-n uuc,-.o.;, .l on tho sub-
|. - t those who I,ad o, n born without
‘ u .......'bo bad become blind
bor,„ „ rlHr llflh rear never saw
’““T u1 ' , dr,u " n "' wbU «
allth-.m who ,,o, ; h. was destroyed
after the v t.r had as vivid
dream , 1 l as seeing people
dn.:,,., Blmd Just p / ns. lieiiuently It may a* be do observe^ normal
a ,
people. Cincinnati Commercial Trlb-
Shocmm-cr’s Automatic Habit.
A s.' orie« bud a shop la tha
basement of a large building lu tbe
lower portion of .Vow York Oily. The
shoemaker worked with bJs hack to
flic door 10very time tho door opened
I!., ui rwl h!s bead lo tho
loft to ■ who entered. For ten years
tho id .-milker worked and Minted Ida
head almost every hour in Hie day.
Before many years hud passed the
shoemaker s tr id turned automatic¬
ally, aud now that ruan has spent ev¬
ery cent of money he has over madu
trying to tic cured of tins uutomatly
habit. But bis head still Jerks, so that
lu- looks over his left shoulder coo-
stantly. in ub i-ltfljik? hg wuRhiug wU»n you
g-o Id in am Fadi i.i>h 1/ y eh, bold by all
I l>u UiMiiipoiuti (I One.
A wo vin o it rid obi I'Tiy worn mi [Biased bywitFT
one "f hvr kind We riuuhfc only this '/'uk'
fimuL* “l t m'-' H! to i; so imp person* iivv born
JlVit to K*>L thi) II r ub I'll iditig nt now books at
lljti A Lbi'fiuinil..’' Mo »fcon Journal.
Rtatk i sir Onto, i'lrr of Ton#no. / „
hniAK rm.i.NTV. j f.b«
b ll ANK .5 t 'll I’.NKY Mink o.i Ci llnitbtiia
► »nior [» hi rtii rv of tin- firm of F. J. ('if r s n y
Co., doi mu bind n >' in Di u Cl tv tibnt-nid of Toledo,
Comity, Hill] Him tc i for • id. /uni f) r/n
will It'll hr h‘l ill <)f ON K lltr.MJf <KHDOM<A1<8 for
eu'-b »1 i*Y I'Vi'M i:t-1■ i*y r,\T.Mtn n that. f.fUiHot
bucurod l>y tho u»u of II a i.i/h <’/ ATAIOIIII l lo-:.
Fit AN K •! ' ' 111; N K V.
Hworn to before me ami -ubscrlhml In my
' ) f.'"h «■»*. ilim tll.h .luv <‘t Pi-.-omliiir,
|H¥!A l.j” A. l>. IHWi. A. sv, Xotary i interiiHlIv, • I,KABOS. l*nbiin. find
HftH’is < -ntsirrb Cure jxInkeii
lifts>ii n • My on tbe blood nm! TiiiiomiHHiirfiiOfS
«f tilts system. HimhI for testimonialH. free.
V ■ .5 - < MV NV.T \ Ct>., Toledo, O.
Hold by T)nu?}fi“t u , Tfk*..
HiilFs. Family IMF ar»' the bast.
A Blight M’ibMiuttrrKtatiding.
wmioTn I-reecutc-.l «t cour
llo- V, .. i"Imt News 1 was acquitted bell.
After nix yonrP ■> dVrin^ / ivas nit red !>)'
I'Uo'.M (.’ll If. -M A I* Y ! JiD^Ohio AV(\,
Allogbuoy, l J n , Mb rob III, I8J-4.
Mr». WlnMow’a Soothing ) for children
ViMvtliliiK, fstilieurt Mi*' i ’ dm t H iiilliimmu-
Vloli, allays Tim s wind colic. 5 ijc. h bottle.
W illi Hoo mu! <Hu».
A be Transvtu,\ Jbn*r b. btml tho hoe
Ft'vh'ips mny hr :i t-riflo si-ivv;
Rut bo’s h hlubt to tiirtkc im<n run—
'l hnt I rnnsviiHl Uoer belihnl a i/un.
A ml iimnpolls Jotirnnl.
Cures Croup and Whooping-Cough
Unexcelled for Consumptives. Gives
quick, Mtvc results. Refuse kubstitutc*.
XV. Pull's Pills curs JUUfwsntss. Trial, 20 /orsc.
A Lamps
alt hana-jialnted. , , lam,, ..... N(.
V . luui' mrnle.
- x Kn pricos .hl Ml tiuinufm-iurtT's K 11IIE
j ’ ^bik.,-, 1 n!‘,!i.-oioredcat. ,i nio.t »cce,)ta-
iiIoruo r.\i.Md{»rllA\bll.T <*f liiiiMl-piilntciI
UMI‘S, fra o.
If* Rotiy he. mp backyf fluoran-
LaL Mvnry
you 'ran! it
Manufactured by
F* MAS! T11K I A MVS, I’ittshu pjJ Glass Co.,
t* 111' niRKc c Pittsburg, Ta.
••Built like a watch;
Rarely run.-* down.
Has nil the finish
Of« tailor-made gown.”
So say thousands of the
best women of tiie South •
who wear the
TRed Sea! Shoes.
Ask for them.
J. I V' IS.. nnn 1/rv.rv OMUL oufax- LU.
A I LAN I A. tiA.
■*.i f.tro a'.! 't\.' nmuirKHu 1“ «rTniML b
w La tJV 11% ^
*, Nil.*ik Min u».. I* (Koxsk. win. i. t. f
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
M ^ADTffft'C S» I felt d S B’Mir SW^V
“ nK R allr ' ,ftJ< '
2}) 'CIS:
(aWts iv« :i /,.i usf (nits.
l> ** 1 si'.-d sr'erute ’ i.cs' 1 ^
^~ L
Proved Too Much For the
Rrifnna BntOUS at at ftamfttrflA O&metree.
In the Hen,I, M*«l« It Hot
For the Jte<l Vonts -Hortie W»m
liUttftttouft iTuiluie.
The London Times publishes the
dispatch from Ma/eking,
December 20th:
« At dawn today OoloDel Baden-
organized au unsuccessful at-
upon a strong position of the
enemy at Oametree, two miles from
Mafeking, from which the Boers have
been , ljaintaiDiD(? a desultory but an-
ru , jiD(? .hell and rifle fire for several
wet)ks . The ral] w fl y has recently been
between the town aud
where the Boers had de-
stroyed it, the final repairs being
o in preparation for the sortie, train,
During the night the armored
with Maxi.n and Hotchkiss guns, uu-
,. r Captain Williams and troops, took
ponitions for attack from two sides, Lord Charles Beutinck and a
squadron were in reserve upon the
left, while the extreme left wing wits
occupied by artillery under Major
l’uuzera and a galloping Maxim of tbe
capo police, the whole being under
Colonel llore.
“Emplacements were thrown up
during tbe night, tho order being to
attack at dawn and the artillery fire
desist upon prolonged tooting of the
armored train. At daybreak the guns
opened fire aud rapidly drew tho re¬
ply of tho enemy, our shells
within effective range. Captain
non gave the signal to cease firing and
to advance, his squadron leading off,
“As our men engaged the position
with their rifle fire it was soon found
that the strength of tho fort, was great¬
er than we had supposed. The enemy
eoncentrated such an exceedingly hot
fire that the advance of Captain Ver¬
non was almost impossible, but with
remarkable heroism a few men actu¬
ally reached tho sand hags of tile fort
within 800 yards of the area of the fort.
“But nothing living could
there, sinoo the grouud was swept by
Mauser nnd Martini bullets. The men
who charged through this zone of fire
suffered terribly, and in
their officers to capture (he fort
men lost their lives. Captain Sandford
was the first to fall, and Captain Ver¬
non, already twice wounded, and Lieu¬
tenant Baton were killed at the foot
(he fort. These two officers, climbing
a ditch which surrounded the fort,
thrust their revolvers through the en¬
to be shot them
selves the next moment.
“Oametree is surrouuded with scrub
which concealed many sharpshooters,
and their accuracy of fire still further
confuted the men who had followed
Captain Vernon and who saw him and
his brother officers killed. Being
without commanders, they were driven
off at one point, but they endeavored
to scale tho fort-at others. They found
Die position of the Boers, however,
almost impregnable. of
“When wo retired under cover
the armored traiu so many men had
been wounded that a suspension of
hostilities occurred under the auspices
of tho lted Cross. The veldt around
tho Boer position was at once dotted
with flags of mercy and' it was seen
that our wounded were scattered
within but a short radius of the fort.
We had almost completely surrounded
it; and, hud it not been so extraordi¬
narily well protected, we should have
1,et)n iu possession.”
Kutghta of I.ahor »t CaryvUle, Fla., 1>«-
ciile to Oo On n strike.
Members of tho Knights of Labor
employed nt the Sanford Lumber Com-
pauy’s mill at Caryville, Fla., de¬
‘"“"'’ed , , a few - days , ago that they ho
paid weekly instead of monthly. The
demand was refused, and Friday after-
noon the hands struck. All work at
tlle ‘ben ceased.
Clark Bribery Charges.
The senate committee ou privileges
aud elections began its investigation
Friday of the charge* of bribery made
in connection with the election of
Senator Clark, of Montana.
London Await* Further New* From
Stormberg With Misgiving*.
A London di,spat oh says: It is hard-
ly too much to regard General Get-
acre's repulse near Stormberg us the
most serious defeat British arms have
yet sustained iu the whole campaign.
The proportion of wounded aud
killed is so small wheu compared with
11,6 U1 ’ BS '°8 who are undoubted,y
prisoners iu the hands of the Boers—
ihi\t Ah* $tti>}>lenn'ntftry list of casual
lies is awaited with serious misgivings.
Oter Three Thou**ud Hogshead* of th«
Buru * a «ichmo«,i.
At Bicbmoud, Yu., Nleroliauts’ Friday evetiitig
fire broke out iu tho aud
Planters’ tobacco warehouse at Fif-
teeUtU alul < - >ar N streets Iu It were
stored some 3,000 hogsheads of tobac-
some $30^000^ fnBy 'the insured Tlmloss
on the tobacco iu Merchants' ami
Planters’ warehouse is estimated at
*150,000, with ... insurance of , about ,
$300,000. The building was fully iu-
sured. Total estimated loss, $400,000;
msurauee, $350,000.
Onslaughts Kept In Check
B J General White.
Hitmen BRITISH l/irrnnicc VICTORIES ARE me CLAIMED n ..urn
Ammunition at Lailytmlth U Dwlndlhtf
and Trouble* of Hritou* Are u*
AtftfiHutfeil un Kver JJeSore.
The r London war office _ has just pub-
lislxed tho following dispatch from
General Buller:
Fwsjm Camp, Natal, Jan. 8.—The
following “ ln « “ from from fionoral ° eneral White Wblte ’
dated yesterday:
t I ‘An attack was commenced on my
position, but was chiefly against
Cmsar’s camp and Wagon hill. The
enemy was in great strength and has
pushed the atlack with the greatest
courage and energy. Borne of tbe en¬
trenchments on Wagon hill were three
times taken by the enemy and retaken
by us. The attack was continued ua-
til 7:20 p. m. One point in our posi-
tion was occupied by tbe enemy the
whole day. But at dusk, in a very
heavy rainstorm, they were turned
out of this position at the point of the
bayonet, in a most guliaut manner, by
the Devons, led by Colonel Park.
Colonel Ian Hamilton commanded on
Wagon hill and rendered valuable ser-
vice. Thetroopshavehadavery try-
tog time and have behaved excellently,
They are elated at tho service they
have, rendered the queen.
“The enemy were repulsed greatly every-
where with very heavy loss,
exceeding that on my side, which will
he i-epofte^ as soon as the lists are
Another London special says: Gen¬
era! White still holds out, or did so
sixty hours ago, when tho Boers, oust¬
ed from their foothold inside the
works, suspended their assault at
nightfall. England has taken heart.
The situation, however, is worse. The
beleaguered force must have expend¬
ed large amounts of amunition, which
cannot bo replenished and must have
lost a number of officers and men,
which is counterbalanced, so far ns
the garrison is coucernotl, by greater
loss of tho Boevs.
“General White still needs relief
am! the difficulties confronting Gener¬
al Buller are as great as before.
“The former’s unadorned sentences
as read and reread suggest eloquenty
the jievil in which the town was for
fourteen hours, and how barely able
his nine thousand men were to keep
from being overcome.
“The chief concern for General
White is iti respect to ammunition.
Sixty-eight days ago, at the beginning
of tho siege, his small arm ammuni¬
tion was vaguely described as
“plenty.” His artillery tlieu hud 300
rounds per gun. Some of the bat¬
teries have been in action frequently
since then and all were probably en-
gaged last Saturday. His stock of
shells, consequently, must below, and
this will make it difficult for General
White to co-operate in a movement by
General Buller.
The intrenchmcnts atLady#mith, as
described iu a message that left a day
ar two before the fighting aud has just
come through, aro fortified hills, well
covered with rifle pits, and trenches
down which the infantry move in sin-
gle file to the various posts in absolute
safety. Full rations are still served.
Will I*ut Out » Full State Ticket This Fall
According to Chairman Johuaon.
An Atlanta special says: According
to the call for a state convention issued
Monday morning by Chairman ProTem
Vv alter H. Johnson, of the Republican
state central committee, the Repnbli-
vans of Georgia will take au active part
in state politics this fall.
It is declared by the Republican
state central committee through its
chairman pro tem that candidates .'or
governor and other stateliouse officers
will be nominated at the state couven-
tion. which is called to meet in Atlan-
ta March 7th.
If the Republicans carry out their
plaus it will be the first time in a num¬
ber of years that they have put a state
ticket in the field and will briug them
more prominently into the arena of
state polities.
(.rind of Terttlinony In Morrison Cn,o
Was an* Monotonous.
The fourth day in the sensational
trial of Actress Julia Morrison began
at Chattanooga Monday morning at 1)
o’clock iu tho superior court room,
before Judge Estell and two thousand
spectators. pale and distressed
The prisoner, de¬
looking, eutered the court room,
claring with an attempt at a smile that
she was feeling some better than she
had ou Saturday.
The trial Monday was without any
sensational features, aud the grind of
testimony has been steady aud monot¬
Stftrvloj MUUon» Iu IndU
Break Family TIm.
Latest mail advices from India aver
,Ut th * situatioU tbere grows darker
' v « k ' Three “ iUioa P eo P le «a
working ou government relief work,
_, The sale , of , eh'ldreu , , , by starving par-
eats is becoming commou. Families
aro breakiug np, each member shift-
ing for himself in search of food.
A Clever (nag's Wey ol Swladlief tbeCred*
atom Out ol Thoutenili,
M cnvinier, commissary or Police
flt Charenton, France, Las arrested a
Pretended sorcerers, who, in
loss than a twelvemonth, hav» relieved
credulous Inhabitants of this district
of over *20,000. The chief of the gang,
Jena Sorino, known ns "the brass man,”
was first arrested, and it was on his
Confession that M. CuvMier was able
to raid the sorcerer’s h(!U<l<JUart<TH.
They were situated i« a small detached
house, fitted up as a witches' den. Be-
aides the phantasmagorical decorations
incumbent on such a locality, the floors
aud walls contained trap-doors and
ether devices of stage trickery likely
to »PPe»‘ «*« Imagination of be-
,icvers in occult sciences. Sorlno's
wife used to officiate as chief witch in
these Interesting surroundings.
Correspondence seized during the po-
lice raid revealed the methods where-
by the victims were despoiled. For in-
stance, a Madame de Maigen, widow
of an officer of high rank, who was suf¬
fering from an Incurable malady, ap-
plied to Madame Sorino, and In
course of a few sensational seances
parted with $2,000. When Madame de
Maigen cume to follow the treatment
that was to cure her, “Hebe” (Madame
Sorino), after an Impressive reception,
set her in a comfortable armchair fac-
ing a brightly decorated scene.
soon two dazzling attired young wo-
men. ltosa and Paule, appeared. In-
troduced as angels thev nromised
Madame de Maigen relief on earth and
eternal life In Heaven. Aftter these
predictions thev vanished opium Then
“Hebe” gave her pattent piUs
that reduced her to a somnolent corn
dlt | oa . As seen, howaver, as her eyes
t .’ 103ed ghe wnH awa kened with a start
bj . a tremendous clanging of metal and
electrlc detoHadon,, aU( , t ]ookillff up>
saw iu p ( ace ot angels the celestial
physician who was to cure her of all
her Ills, The part of the apparition
was efficiently played by M. Jean Sor-
iuo, clad in a gorgeous suit of shining
brass armor surmounted by a magni¬
ficently plumed helmet. “Vouug and
beautiful person,” he would say, “thou
slialt he healed. But some of your fel¬
low-creatures who are poor suffer as
you do. It Is written that thou slialt
contribute to relieve their woes. Give
1,000 francs to the lovely Hebe aud
thou slialt be healed.” Madame de
•Maignen used to pay, and she was
then given a third opium pill, which
sent her to sleep. When she awoke
the foolish woman believed she had
been in Heaven, aud was thus led to
part with $2,000.
There are other victims, whose
names are withheld owing to their so¬
cial position, who should have known
better than to be duped by such a vul¬
gar fraud. Meanwhile, the Brass
Man, Hebe, Rosa aud Paujf unearthing are all fur¬ in
jail, and the police are
ther accomplices. The soccerers, it has
been discovered, had branches In Bar¬
is, where similar swindles were perpe¬
trated, and it is stated that the vic¬
tims are not only choice In quality, bul
aru considerable lu number,
No hear When Death Draws Nigh.
“I have seen thousands of persons
die under nil sorts of circumstances,
and never yet have 1 seen one display
the slightest fear of death.” This re¬
markable statement was made the
other day by a physician who has prac-
tlced many years iu Philadelphia and
who has seen a great deal of hospital
“It Is a popular fallaaf,” he went »n,
“to Imagine that a deathbed scene is
ever terrible, other than as a parting
between loved ones. The fear of the
unknown is never present at the last.
Even amid igaeraaee and vice I have
never experienced such scenes as a
novelist, who strives after realism,
will sometimes picture.
“When a patient is told that he can-
not reoover and the oud Is near, he in¬
variably seems resigned to his fate,
and his only thought seems to be of
those who are to be left behind. This
Is true alike of men and women,
“Those who become hysterical and
declare they arc net fit to die are the
ones who are not as ill as they thiuk
they are. They always get well,
“A psychological reason? Oh, I
don't know that there is any. It’s just
a human trait.”—Philadelphia Record.
l<0 Pub’ic Sehoois in China.
There are no public schools In Chi¬
na, and all Instruction has to be by pri¬
vate tutor, yet there are few young
men there who do not get at least
two years off schooling. The young
women do not, as a rule, take school¬
ing, as they are to pass their lives in
the home, aud about household duties,
v.uil they do not need it. Thera are few
peple there so poor that they cannot
give their children some little instruc¬
tion. The studies are almost entirely
confined to Confucius. He did every¬
thing for China, while Buddhism did
quite tho reverse— Miuueapolis Trib¬
Fufcland’a Armored Train*.
The magnificent armored trains used
KiiKland In her war vrtUi the ikvers -wUl
port her troops, protect fcridpo* and teio-
gvaj'.hic communication* in about the same
)vnv that Hostetler's 'tomaeli Bitters
dyspepsia irom the bunuau stomach and then
jinoiuts jruard that It does not return.
Gltters has won in every ease of indigestion,
biliousness, liver and kidnojr trouble for the
past fifty years. It is Invaluable at all times.
Too Severe a Strain.
"Rhyno^tells iue behiisgune out of poliwes
* n 4hit > «”true. Pentium- the .pe.ktnv, hce h, becan w«,
on rne fence, and when era
S2 e’ 0 um\taVd''-rhni;n Newt
VlTtL!TT low . or „ h . QSt . a rurpJ
t-y Ur. KUue'a ia,i«o;a«o* Tontc. Kh«b *i
trial bottle -tor a week-’ treatment. Dr klinv.
i.d..wi Anai St. Phiiadeipiuv Founded isri.
In Westminster Abbey 1,173 loiies
twen buried.
Tobacco on Earth is
m. ?es Union Made
tdl&V: m n CG
<P WM IIUOW.V ■1 DUOS. maxuvactubvdby CO., WINSTON, CC IV
Don’t allow yourself to be talked into buy-
/ /r \ ing a shoddy job to save a dollar or so when
1 the best is on sale in every town in the
)T\V t c South. for Did people you ever bo talked think how into easy thing? it is
sorno to a
rhl . War ch „ s . '
0nce 111)0,1 a tinje tho re really was
a 5 hest ~ att actuaI 1 , ' literul war
chest - Kings of England respected the
demands of tbat <*<*«• to 11 K reater ex-
teut than the \ WOre ' voa } t0 resI)ort
the requirements of a good many other
deserving insUtutions. and alt the gold
' >iecas that **** Mt they could «
f ‘'°“ °I“ I>Ct ^ Tpr \ sea th ‘ y
dropped into it as a child put pennies
iu hili llttle tiu bank '
Government officials say when I ask
them half seriously if the wnr chest is
to-day hidden away In some burglar-
proof vault that no such thing now
exists, that in these days ot blue books
had public reports that any one can
buy for a cent, there is no chance for
any such secret fund. Germany, how-
ever, is popularly supposed to have a
strongly guarded war chest, and so it
Is believed, have Italy aud Austria.—
Atlanta Constitution.
Itching, Burning Eczema.
Was troubled with a painful skin
eruption and after all other remedies
t al ‘ e o, the father writes: bend me
four more boxe8 of Tetteriue for my
Mile daughter. It does her move good
^ iau Anything we ever tried. Yours,
etc - Jas S - Porter, Lynchburg, S.C.”
^t druggists 50c. box, or postpaid by
J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga.
Lobsters Along Maine’s Coast.
Lobsters are more plentiful than they
have been during tho past five years.
The dealers say that the United States
lish commission, by collecting seed lob¬
sters, hatching the eggs aud distrib¬
uting the small fry about the coast of
Maine, are responsible for the Increase
iu the supply. The hatchery of the
commission is nt Gloucester nnd dur¬
ing the past few years millions of the
young lobsters liave been nursed to
life and distributed along‘the coast.
During the last two years 30,000,000
of the young have been freed in the
waters of Maine, the best feeding
grounds along the Atlantic coast.—
Bangor (Me.) Whig and Courier.
OT >
“I have used your Hair
Vigor for £ve years and am
greatly pleased with it. It cer¬
tainly restores the original color
to gray hair. It keeps my hair
soft and smooth. kind It of Quickly humor
cured me of some
of the scalp. My mother used
your Hair Vigor liked for it some
twenty years and very
much.’ —Mrs. Helen Kilkenny,
New Portland, Me., Jan. 4 , ' 99 .
Twenty Years
We do not know of any other
hair preparation that has been
used in one family for twenty
years, do you ?
But Ayer’s Hair Vigor his
been restoring color to gray hair
for fifty years, and it never
fails to do this work, either.
You can rely upon it for
Stopping your hair from falling
out, for keeping your scalp
clean and healthy, and for mak¬
ing the hair grow rich and long.
St C# a bottle. AH drojtiste.
Write the Doctor
I f you do not ohtn in s Ll-the benefits you
d<--ire from the use of the Vigor, write
the Doctor about it. Address,
Dr. J. C. Avkk. Lovell, Mass.
it. » a d fu«. lS eiiicci W k public
or livimc tkctbi fob heau akd iika
"tV Bll 1). * L. J lOOffU if
fijSKJ- A u hortjunh'on a. co^ Uartr.rJ, c^i
HOICK Vegetabl.
will always find a reai
mar k e t—but only J that farm
can raise them who has studit
the great secret how to O
. , both , quality ,. and . quantr
by the judicious use of we!
balanced fertilizers. No ferti
*zer for \ egetables can produc
a ] ar ^ ^ e yielc J un j ess j t conta j n
at least 8% Potash. Send fc
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