The Ashburn advance. (Ashburn, Ga.) 18??-19??, February 10, 1900, Image 2

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Ashburn Advance,
J. It. HORN!’ a ml C. It. BRADY,
Offioial Organ of Worth County
(Invariably in Advance )
One year.. . * « <t ] no
Six months. .M
Three months...... . .23
Entered nttho postoffice at Ashbtirn,
np..r K in. I»i*il »*«•> ( ’l IU .... ..... .
(joiie and doing to New Vork.
Some of our merchants are at
present in New York, others pro
pose going in the near future to
buy direct from iiianufactiirer'H
agents their spring stock of dry
goods, notions, hats shoe.-, etc.
This is an index finger pointing
to what the future of Ashbum
w ill be. Most merchants in conn-
try towns buy their goods from
the irrepressible drummer, travel-
ing very oYten from local mar-
hots, ottering goods that have
passed through many mercenary
and middlemen's hands. Ho the
uninitiated can see at a glance
the advantage accruing to them
by dealing with Ashburn merch¬
By our merchants buying from
headquarters Ashburn is put on
tiie same plane with Midi towns
as Atlanta, Macon, Savannah and
other large towns, as there are
none of these places go farther
than New Vork lor their merch¬
andise. Indeed there would he
no use in tliom doing so, lor
the exception of a few markets
for specialities in Europe, New
York leads the world.
Besides th<‘ advantage of buy¬
ing goods at manufacturer’s pri¬
ces, Gy going to New Vork our
merchants, when on the ground
there, will lie in a position to avail
themselves of many bargains dai¬
ly offered, such as bankrupt
stocks, clearing sales etc. These
in themselves would place our
merchants in a position to give
such inducements to buyers as to
largely increase the trade of Ash-
Keep your eyes on our adver¬
tising columns as no doubt our
wide awake merchants will let
you know through them what
they have to oiler you.
Much interest lms been
among the legal fraternity of the
West by the remarkable action
at law brought by Mrs. Catherine
Smith against the city of Colum¬
bus, Kansas, for $15,000 damages,
on the ground that through the
neglect of the proper authorities
to enforce the prohibition law her
husband has become an habitual
The High Springs, Fla., Senti¬
nel, is a lirst-class local newspa¬
per—in fact it is one of our news¬
iest exchanges. Its local columns
are just all right, and we’ll wa¬
ger that old man George Butler
is partially responsible for it.
We think we know the trade¬
mark. By the wav, Major, ain’t
you past due here?
If present indications go for
anything there will bo no oppo¬
sition to the nomination of Mr.
Bryan. He is touring the North¬
ern States, and at every appoint¬
ment is being heard with much
enthusiasm by thousands of peo¬
ple. Those who opposed him in
1890 are now among his most ar
dent adherents.
With the plague in Hawaii,
polygamy in the Sulus, dormant
yellow fever germs in Havana
ami Aguinaldo in the Philippines,
we have indeed enriched our¬
selves with a varied assortment
of pestholes under the McKinley
administration, says the Verdict,
of New Vork.
The Boers have astonished the
world by the sturdy stand they
are making against England, the
greatest power in the world.
I lie Atlanta dom.ial is of
; , i’ i,li : > " ,li;i, Mr ' l:ryin Ii ^'"
to get into bad company, as the
dispatches aiiiiounce that lie is to
lie joined in hi-, speaking tour
hy Mr. Algeld.
A Washington dispatch says
t hat Senator Bacon lias fractured
one of his rihs hy slipping on I lie
icy steps of hi- residence cn Sal-
urday last. He is improving,
however, and jl i- annonnceil that
Ik- will prnlj:iltlv Ik ..... I in a f,-w
Helen Gould's Services.
It is in accordance, therefore,
with the chivalry of American
manhood Hint Helen Gould's Ber-
vices to the nation should be pub-
acknowledged, says the Olii-
cago News, Ohjeetions on the
- core of precedent have been
raised to giving her the thanks of
congress, but those who cavil at
this form of recognition gladly
add they believe she should be
given a medal of honor,
To l ight the Trusts.
At a mass meeting of fanners
Greenwood county, S. Judd
recently, the following resolu¬
tions presented by ex-,Senator
Gaines were unanimously adopt¬
ed :
“Whereas, the price of fertali-
y.ers are being advanced arbitrari-
Jy through the influence of a trust
and to an extent not justified Ivy
the commercial conditions.
“lb-solved, 1—That we, the
fanners of Greenwood county, S.
hereby appeal to the farmers
of the state and the cotton states
to hold meetings at their respect¬
ive court houses on the first Mon¬
day in February and that the}'
pledge themselves not to purchase
fertilizers at an advance exceed¬
ing 10 per cent over last year’s
“2—That we regard 10 per cent
advance in prices of fertilizers as
much as the conditions justify,
and we advise farmers not to pur¬
chase any fertilizers at more than
10 per cent advance over last
year’s pric?s.
”3—That all newspapers are re¬
quested to publish these resolu¬
tions and help the farmers to
thwart flic* designs of the perni-
cous fertilizer trust.’’
The farmers agreed to stand by
t hese resolutions and not to pur¬
chase fertilizers till prices were
made in accordance with these
resol ut inns.
Additional Local Matter.
The Cull of t he Candidate.
1 W llli every offloo to be tilled
f rom liillville up to Brown,
How will the farming land be tilled,
And cotton brought to town?
Cor It’s “Vo’e, vote, vote!"
So the campaign echoes lloat
soon and Into
Across the slate,
It's "Vote, vote, vote!”
They're tramping o'er the highways,
They’re visiting the schools;
The hedges and the byways
Resound to bray of mules,
For it’s "Vote, vole, vote!”
So the campaign echoes float
Soon and Into
.Across the state,
It's "Vote, vote, vote,!"
Some of Ashburn’s prettyost
girls possess dozens of hearts—
of the friendship variety.
Services at the Baptist church
will continue as usual on 2ml and
4th Sundays in each month ami
not on 1st and 2nd as has been
Miss Molhe Cook, one of Ash-
burn’s popular young ladies, and
who has been visiting Cordele
fiiends, returned home on Mon¬
day last, to the delight of her
many friends.
i i No man is exempt from ar¬
rest.” ’Tis an old saying, but oh
how true. Sometime ago Ash-
burn’s barber, R D. Law, became
involved in a law-suit with the G.
S. K- F. Ry., and it was thought,
that the matter had been adjust¬
ed. The ease assumed a different
phase this week, however. Mr.
Law had a warrant issued for Agt.
R. Huckrbee and a trial was had
before Justice Z. Bass on Wednes¬
day. A satisfactory settlement
was effected and the warrant dis¬
missed. Col. J. A. Comer repre¬
sented the Prosecution and Col. It.
B. White Agt. lluckabee,
Are You
To your interests?
If so, roc Invite you to visit our
stores and see our immense ar¬
ray cf new and Stylish Dry
Goods, Clothing , Shoes, Hard¬
ware, Groceries, and hit line of
IIa ntalio n Supplies.
Fancy Dress Goods
I lie host that can be bought in the Northern markets, consist¬
ing of Figured Worsteds, Serges, Extra fine Henriettas, Brocades,
Ooutings, etc. etc. Trimmings, at small cost. This line is com¬
plete and embraces the latest styles. We will be pleased to have
the ladies call and inspect these goods.
CloUiing Announcement.
We are in the clothing business to please our customers. We
are never satisfied with vour trade unless wo please you with goods
and prices. We have a splended line of clothing, Shirts, Under¬
wear, Collars, Cud's, Ties, Hose, Handkerchiefs etc., which the
gentlemen of this section should see.
• Do You Eat?
If so, we beg to call your attention to our stock of Fancy Gro¬
ceries, which can be bought at the lowest market prices. These
goods are all fresh. We also supply our customers with everything
in fresh meats, such as Beef and Fork Steak, Sausage etc, Phone
us/or edibles of all kinds; your order will be appreciated, and giv¬
en prompt attention.
New F^iaTn-iture.
We wish to call the attention of the public to the beautiful
line of furniture we are receiving. We have oak suits at prices
that will please you. Extentsion tables, Sideboards and China closets
in variety. Wardrobes, Lounges, Couches and Fancy Chairs “to
beat the band.”
Stoves-all Kinds.
A nice line of Stoves we have, and intend selling them
right. All of you young people who intend going to house-keep¬
ing in the near future would do yourself an injustice not to ex¬
amine our line of Stoves, Cooking utensils etc.
Slioes, SlLOes.
Yes, we have Shoes; Good Slices; cheap Shoes; Large Shoes;
Small Shoes, and infact we have the largest line of Shoes in Ash¬
burn. Our stock of fall and Winter Ladies, Misses and Children’s
Button and Lace Shoes have arrived ami it will be a pleasure to
show them to you. Gentleman, we have Shoes and Hats to suit
you. The prices we make on these goods will sell them.
Our Stores are Crowded
With good values in every department. We cant mention
all, but visit our stores and inspect. We can not sell goods at cost
but by buying in large quantities and for cash we are enabled to
offer many bargains.
Yours Truly.
J. S. Betts & Co •f
ASHBURN, - =s as - - GEORGIA.
IRcmembcv *
Collard, Cabbage, Turnip, Ruta Baga
and English Pea seeds in bulk
0. K. Drug Store,
Phil. C. Everett, Propr’. —
If that s what is wanted, you’l find
it at Whidby’s Jewelry Store, for
lie has a beautiful lot of Watches,
Kings, Chains, Cuff-buttons, Fobs,
Clocks, Musical Instruments etc.
A Present?
If that’s what you want, just look
at my
Holiday Goods.
ir. m. mabtbbv.
(Georgia |)outF|eni Plorida pyy
Local Time Table, Effective Deem. 1,1899.
Subject to change without notice.
5 00 pm 1155 pm 1120 am Lv. Macon ,Ar 4 15 pm 4 10 am 11 20 am
5 30 pm 12 16 am 11 41 am . . . Hofkee ... 3 53 pm 3 40 am 10 50 am
6 52 pm 116 am 12 49 pm . .. IJnadilla.. 2 48 pm 2 52 am 9 19 am
7 18 pm 1 37 am 112 pm . .. Vienna ... 2 25 pm 2 31 am 8 48 am
737 pm 153 am §130 pm Ar. CordeloLv 2 OS pm 215 am 8 25 am
7 55 pm 153 am 1 47 pm Lv. Col lide A 2 08 pm 2 15 am § 8 05 air
8 05 pm 2 05 am 1 58 pi.....Wenona .. 158 pm 2 05 am 7 54vn
8 35 pm 2 30 am 2 22 pm . . . Worth ... 1 36 pm..... 7 22 am
8 41pm 2 36 am 2 30 pm ...Ashburn.. 130 pm 135 am 715 am
9 30 pm 3 10 am 3 05 pm Ar. Tifton Lv. 12 55 pm 100 am 6 25 am
9 30 pm 315 am 310 pm Lv Tift«m Ar. §12 35 pm 12 55 am 625 in
0 12 pm 3 46 am 3 41 pm ...Sparks... 1159 am 12 22 am 5 45 -n
10 25 pm 3 57 am 3 56 pui ... Hcartpine. 11 4S am 12 11 am 5 32 am
1120 pm 4 40 am 4 45 pm Ar. Valdosta Lv 11 05 am 11 30 pm 4 40 am
4 40 am 4 55 pm Lv Valdo-ta Ar 10 50 am 11 30 pm
5 05 am 5 32 pm ... Lake Park 10 21 am 10 06 pm
5 37 am 6 10 pm Ly, Jasper Ar 9 45 am 10 34 pm
6 06 am 6 42 pm ... WhileSp’gs 912 am 1004 pm
§6 26 am §7 05 pm Ar Lake City Lv 8 50 am 9 42 pm
6 55 am J 25 pm Lv Lake City Ar §8 30 am 9 25 pm
8 10 am 8 35 pm . Sampson City 7 25 am 8 16 pm
8 23 am 8 47 pm . . Hampton 6 12 am 8 04 pm
9 00 9 23 ...
am pm . . . Graudin . .. 6 36 am 7 26 pm
9 40 am 10 00 pm Ar. Palatka Lv 6 00 am 6 50 pm
4 50 pm Ly Valdosta Ar 11 00 pm
8 50 pm Ar Jack’yille Lv 7 00 am
§ Meal Station.
Trains No. 3 and 4, the ‘ Dixie Flyer,” have through sleeper between
Louts, and Jacksonville, yia Tifton c z nd through Coach and Sleeper
between Macon and Jacksonville via Vald O sta, open for the reception of pas¬
sengers in Union Depot, Macon, at 9:30 p. m., and remains in Macon Depot
on return until 7.30 a. in,, and can be occupied nutil that tune-
Harry Burns, D. G. Hall, General Agent,
F. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. 8 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga.
Wm. Checkley Shaw, Vice Pres,, C. B. Rhodes, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
Macon, Georgia.
Tifton & North Eastern R’y.
“soldiers colony routf.”
Local Time Table JIo. 6.
H. II. TIFT, President. W.O. TIFT, Vice-President.
General Offices: Tifton, Georgia.
No 3. Nol. Miles. Effective Dec. 19, ’97. Miles. No2. No 4. No 8
M. P. M. A.M LEAVE ARRIVE p, j[. M
CO 10 CO 5 P. M. P..
03 22 SO J.® ........tifton........ 25 12 15 6 25 C 10
~ % % <-¥ .....Brighton...... 20 12 00 6 10 5 56
CO 30 CO 7 ° 5. —hi .•■••••» Harding...... 17 n 51 6 01 5 48
CO CO - }* f .....Pmetta....... 11 11 31 5 41 5 29
OO CC l \ T ;.....-Mystic....... -c 11 25 5 35 5 23
4- tt* e J 13 20 1 .....Fletcher 01 11 14 5 os 512
rf* ©» 9 30 25 .......
......Fitzgerald...... 0 1100 5 10 5 00
Trains Nos 1, 2, 3 ami 4 run daily, except Sunday. Trains No 7 and 8 ran
on make Sundays only (f) Flag Station T *-t aine stop only on sLmal An fra' a s
connection with the Plant S—‘ o ’ ' • 2
nla at Tifton, and the Georgia & AlatomVtU • JUUl,,cru ^ 1;
1. G. BOA I RIGHT, Traffic Manager.