Newspaper Page Text
Bargains.. ♦ ♦
Nothing; at cost, but ev¬
erything so cheap you
can never Regret a Pur¬
chase with us.
M'e have been receiving and opening daily for some time, a large
and well selected stock of
recently purchased in Northern Markets.
We now claim to have the largest and best assorted stock in Ash-
burn, bought especially for the
The public generally are cordially invited to inspect our stock be¬
fore buying elsewhere. If we fail to please you, no
harm will be done and we will still appre¬
ciate your call upon us.
Just received, and are being sold at the lowest prices. These goods
are all fresh, and the stock is being added to daily. We
will save you money on Groceries.
Everybody Claims to sell cheap
but we Convince by actual
WH. B. /Ilburrav, Cash Ahburn’s MECHANT.
. . .
Local Happenings. #
See new legal advertisements in
this issue.
Mr. R. L. Betts went to Cordele
Mr. G. S. Evans is on a business
trip to Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are visit¬
ing Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gorday.
Col. B. B. White expects to vis¬
it Macon on legal business to-day.
Mrs, E. B. Judge, of Lake City,
Fla., is the guest of Asliburn rela¬
Col. W. H. Dorris, of Cordele,
was here visiting relatives Wed¬
Remember the election of J. P.
for the 1145th district Saturday
the 10th.
Mr. J. W. Burke is building a
photograph gallery near the Pin-
nix bouse.
Mr J. S. Betts is again looking
after the company’s interests in
Coffee county.
Miss Mary Sallie Gatlin, of Ogle-
thorp, is the guest of her cousin,
Miss Mamie Hill.
Marshal 0. G. Hallman made a
business trip to Cordele this week
spending several days there.
Mr. Phil. C. Everett spent sev¬
eral days in Vienna this week with
Mrs. Everett, who is sick in that
Mrs. C. B. Patterson and baby
left for Berrien, Ga., Tuesday af¬
ternoon, where they will reside in
in the opinion of an old bache¬
lor there are but few women who
show good judgement in choosing
Miss Lizzie Bloodworth, an ac¬
complished young lady of Miluer,
has returned to her heme after a
rnoBt pleasant visit to Miss Mag¬
gie Hadaway,
Miss Mattie Bird Watson, an ac¬
complished young lady of Wad ley,
is tho popular guest of Miss Aure-
na Evans.
Rev. J. J. Hyman, of Abbe¬
ville, was an attendant upon the
Masonic meeting here Tuesday
Drs. E. C. Walker and W. L.
Story, of Sycamore, attended the
Masonic meeting here Tuesday
Mr. J. T. Pelham lias been car¬
rying an aristociatic head for the
past week as a result of an ulcer
upon his neck.
Mesdames Bass, of Dakota, and
and Mullholand, of Bronwood,
visited their brother, Mr. J. W.
Evans, Tuesday.
The Devotional Committee of
the Epworth Ldague were in ses¬
sion at the home of Mr. J. S. Betts
Monday evening.
Royal Arch Masons will in
future meet here on Tuesday af¬
ter the 1st Sunday instead of the
3rd Tuesday as heretofore.
The music “crowd” met at the
elegant home of Mr. J. S. Shingler
Monday evening for practice. All
present enjoyed themselves.
Our good friend, Mr. J. W.
Walker, is a little indisposed this
week. The Advance trusts that
he may soor. be all right again.
It may be G. B. Gorday & Son.
A young fellow is stopping at G.
B’s. home who claims an interest
in the business and he will probab¬
ly be admitted to the firm in about
21 years.
Quite a number of Ashburu
young people will attend an en¬
tertainment at the home of Mr.
J. M. Whiddon, near Sycamore,
this (Friday) evening. It prom¬
ises to be a very enjoyable affair.
Mr. R. A. Wliidby, we are sorry
to say, is still indisposed. Mr.
VVhidby has been on the sick list
ever since Christmas, and his
many friends sincerely trust that
he may soon be restored to health.
The constant drop of water
Wear* away the hardest stone;
The constant gnow of Towsor
Masticates the toughest turno;
The constant cooing lover
t tarries off the blushing maid;
And the constant advertiser
Is the one that gets the trade.
- Kxchance.
Acquittal of 15. H. Cockrell.
As to the case of the State vs.
H. 11. Cockrell, charged with ac¬
cessary before and after the facts
of tho murder of I). .1. Luke,
which occurred at Sycamore, on
the 213d day of December, 18DD,
the facts of which are already
familiar to the readers of The
Advance, the case was taken up
at 10 o’clock on Tuesday morning,
consuming the remainder of the
The State was represented by
Busbee & Busbee and W.T. Wil¬
liams, while the defendant was
represented by Capt. ,1. 11. Mar¬
tin, of Hawkinsville, and Colonel
Z. Bass, of the Asliburn bar.
Fourteen witnesses were sworn
for the State. About 4o’clock in
the evening the State closed. The
defence swore not a witness, of¬
fering to submit the case without
argument. Council for the State
wanted to argue, which was
agreed to.
'flic trial resulted in an acquit-
Judge Alex McKenney presid¬
ed in his usual dignified manner.
The Georgio Prohibition Asso¬
ciation have decided to enlarge
the “Sentinel” to an eight page
and to publish weekly.
The “Sentinel” is published at
Athens, Ga., Rev. A. J. Hughes
.doing the editorial work, assisted
by such men as Chancellor Walt¬
er B. llill, ltevs. J. B. McGhee,
W. W. Landrum, L. G. Brough¬
ton and many others just as able.
They put the subscription at the
remarkable low price of $1.00 per
year which will enable every pro¬
hibitionist in Georgia, no matter
how poor, to take the paper.
Let us send forward a good list
from Asliburn.
If you do not want to go to the
trouble of sending in your own
name, band yeur subscription to
Rev. J. C. Flanders or J. Law¬
rence, who will gladly forward
Lecture at Worth.
In the Methodist church, at
Worth, Ga., February Jo-l(>, Prof.
Clias. Lane will lecture for the
benefit of the Methodist church.
Many of our people have heard
Prof. Lane on a former occasion,
and were much impressed with
him as a lecturer and a Christian
gentleman. 11 is lecture is for a
noble purpose, and he should
have a full house. Let every one
go and hear the Professor.
League Program, Sunday nth.
Daily Bible Reading:
S. Trusting the King Jlatt. vi. 21-111.
M, The Door of the Kingdom....Kph. ii. i 1-21.
T. Terms of Citizenship .. .Matt. xvi. 24-28.
W. Losing hy naming.. .....Mark x. 17-27.
T. Gaining hy Losing ......Mark x. 28-31.
F. How Paul Sought...... .......1'hll lii. 7-14.
S, The Topic: Seek Frst tho King¬
dom of Goil .............Matt, xiii. 4446,
J. G. Jeffcoat, Leader.
Capt. Jackson and Mr. Tom Hill
of Sycamore, Royal Arch Masons,
attended their regular meeting
here Tuesday afternoon, as did
also Mr. J. J. L. Philips, of Em¬
Drs. Gardner, Thrasher & Mc¬
Arthur, Physicians and Surgeons
is the way their shingle may
read, as the latter gentleman has
just taken office room with “be¬
fore and after.”
The two smaller school build¬
ings were sold to Mr. J. C. Dur¬
ham and have been removed to
his lot, and he thrertens to rent
them to Mr. who has mat¬
rimony on the brain.
Mr. H. D. Smith, formerly of
the Ashburu Advance and late of
the Cordele Sentinel, has pur¬
chased the Vienna Progress lock-
stoek-and-barrel, and has taken
charge. His friends here wish him
success in las new fild of labor.
Sc!:oe! Happenings.
Clipping* from the "School News."
We suppose that our
thought we gavo them rather a
cold reception last Friday. Wo
did not intend to do so, but iteer-
tainly was “airy” in the audito¬
More and more interest is being
taken in tho Friday afternoon ex¬
ercises, especially since Professor
Jetfcoat and Miss May Jenkins
offered prizes in their department.
The following conversation took
plnce at Mr. Blank’s supper ta¬
ble: Mr. 15.—“My son, did you
have to stay in on your history
today?” Bobby—“No, sir. Pro¬
fessor didn’t call on me,
Rain and absentees have been
the prevailing fashion at school
this week.
Some of the pupils of the sixth
grade could successfully compete
with those of the higher grades
in composition writing.
The pupils of the music and
elocution classes are practicing
for a concert which is to bo given
some time next month.
Roll of honor in tho Intermedi¬
ate Department Ashburu High
School and what it takes for a pu¬
pil to get his name there:
1st—Regular attendance, or if
unavoidably absent lost lessons
must be made up.
2nd—Pupils must be in place
when bell rings, or render satis¬
factory excuse.
3rd—He must be quiet and or¬
derly in school house.
4th—He must make an earnest
eff ort to prepare lessons, doing
his night work and quietly attend¬
ing his duties during school
5th—He must carry the
full course of study and do his
best in exercises required of the
pupils. Surely it is not too much
to ask that every pupil do his
best, and yet that is all that is
required to get your name on this
honor roll.
Parents, if your child’s name
is not on this list ask him why.
In this way you may encourage
them to nobler effort. Many of
the children are not provided
wit h books. This is discouraging
to them, and tends to disorder,
as it encourages idleness, and
idlers are mischief makers. Do
not expect two children to study
from the same book. It is a
source of continual annoyance,
and the children can’t do the
work thev should do. In their
efforts to make true men and wo¬
men of your boys and girls, the
teachers need your sympathy and
J. B. Holmes, the Cordele cot¬
ton buyer, spent several days
here this week and succeeded in
purchasing a considerable amount
of the fleecy staple.
Mr. J. B. Bozeman, tho efficient
manager of Betts & Co’s, mercan¬
tile establishments, is now in New
York buying an immense spring
anil summer stock of dry goods,
notions etc. for his firm.
To those who are going to come
before the people for the various
offices to he filled this year, The
Advance would remind them that
it costs them no more to announce
their candidacy now than if it.
were the day before election.
We will carry you the round trip
for $3, cash in advance, always.
It, is time you were letling your
wants be known. j
The old . , school , .I house, which , . ,
“as J »een recently purchased by
Mr. J. «. Shingler, has been
moved to an adjoining lot and
converted into a nice six
dwelling. Mr. Tliad. G. Shirah
is the contractor, which is
antee sufficient that the work is
well (lone. Dwelling houses are
no greatly in demand in Asliburn, '
audit might be well for others
who have to follow Mr. ,
Nhillgler’s B example 1 — we don't
mean to remodel chool houses,
but lo build now mu
A Lesson
in Bargains
To be taught those who will he taught
during the next few weeks.
Our Hat stock is hard to heat—Neat, New
and Complete—and as low as low can ho
Quito a nice
Line of Dry Goods and Notions
Are now on our shelves and wo do not
expect them to reman there long if very
low prices will usher them out. Those
we liavo now—at your price and they are
Our Shoos arc Nice and Stylish,
now and good, As we make this line a
a special specialty we defy competition.
We shall sell shoes at a price that will
cause tho buyer to laugh and rejoice anil
our competitors to stand and wonder.
Como in friends—price, buy and ca.iry off.
Also wo have a general
Lino of Groceries and Confectioneries,
which we are always glad to swap for dol-
bus. Our fancy candies are in the lead
here—all owing to the fact (bat they get
fresh goods and a heap for a dime.
Highest prices given lor hides, either fresh
or dried.
Mercntile Co.
Prof. Thomas Walsh, the well
known insurance man, who, like
a bad penny, goes everywhere,
returned to our little city on last
Saturday, and is shaking hands
with his friends. Every one likes
the Professor, lie is a good,
clever fellow. He is autograph¬
ed at the Pinnix House.
From Now Until April ist.
II, Jeffrey has gone North anil
left orders with Mr. George Dan¬
iels to sell all the heavy winter
Clothing, consisting of Men’s,
Youth’s and Boy’s Suits, Men’s,
Youth’s and Boy’s Pants at actu¬
al cost. And all other goods at
very low prices.
As II. Jeffrey is left in the bus¬
iness he is willing to closeout, the
stock and raise money to buy his
spring stock and also to make
room for his spring stock which
will arrive in due season.
Now is the time to buy goods
at low prices.
Take advantage of this special
sale while you have such a good
Remember the place at old
name Jeffrey & Roobin, and now
the new one
Legal Notices.
i; KOKG1A—Worth county:
Will buHOlil before tho court bouso iloor in
iHubellii, Ua., to hout-Hof the highest bidder for cash
duriuft the lentil tttiloon the flint Tugs-
day In March 1M0U, the following property
to wit:
““"terand t LKetchuin^. ajs<,
Also all of lot of
In North qin^and of lot being,„
acres the west corner of land
No 1144. Algo 8 aeroB in the horth east corner
of lotof land Ne -m:> known as the !*aah White
place*. Also one liumlml ami fifty [ loOj acres
oir ortho iiastgido oi 'lot or land no*m>. ajb-.
i (in [jo] ucrcH in the flouth west corner of lot
Of land No m known as the TomlorikiiiH place
Kuhl lHHt named planus of land lyim< and be in#
in thn'Mi District of Worth county Ga. levied
on aw the* property of O. s. Nelson to satisfy a
flfa Ihhu<*I from the Superior Court i f Haiti
county In favor of the Exchange Bank of AI-
bany »»<5 W Nets Oil. Teriunl, in p
ion nettlin'! in writing this Fi b. <1, I4IU0,
8 , ft, IJuucock, i/Gpt, sheriff.
Physician and Suegeon,
Asliburn, Georgia.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Betts Building, Asliburn, Ua.
Mercantile and Real E-tiite Litigation
Red lyo Special
and Vigorous Attention
In all Courts, otalo and Federal.
Physician and Surgeon,
Asliburn, Ga.
General practice,solicited.
Asliburn, Georgia.
Attorney at Law,
Asnmjnx, Gkouoia,
Will practice in nil the Courts, Stat*
and Federal.
Telephone connection with Cor
dole, Vienna and intermediate
points, No. 37.
Physical! and Druggist.
Treats Chronic Diseases. Terms
Reasonable. Patronage Solicited.
Electricity brought into requisition
Office in the O. K.
Drug Store.
City Barber Shop,
K. D. LAW, Proprietor.
For a first-class Shampoo, Shave,
Hair-cut and any work in
the tonsorial line,
call on me.
F.vans Building, Asliburn, (la.
Try us.-