The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, December 30, 1904, Image 5
Tthe Leq County Jourpla n. E.TieCN Ecitr end,tic; . PUBLISHED BEXERY én}fiz’fi’s? : 5 - v-,-A Official Organ cfleeCcunty. .. —IF YOU WANT TO AT— -——TRACT THE ATTEN -—TION OF THEPUBLIC— -TRY AN AD IN THE—- —JOURNAL. IT WILL -—BRING YOU MONEY.— The bo'l weevil is rece'ving an im mense amouai of atieation between seasons. eis R s It is est'mated that tite Panama czaal will cost 200,000,0c0 and 20 ye» 's lo fin ish the wo L s It is claimed that M, Roosevelt will change jmany of the McKinlev appoi: t ments whose term erpives nextsping, e b e The farmer is ‘e man that feeds them all, Giand bv the famee and help him to ge: 10 ceu s for b s cotton. : ,-.4’,‘,-«‘;} b If the south §s* ever to* cantiol the me “xet value of ihe great-staplgy pow ig the time, when the plantevs are nat bur. deced wiL'u.pdebt, S g e W. S. Witham seems to be the man of {he horr. Hecertanly {'s the man for an eme-gencv,—Fit gerald Euterpri-e, Mi, Withams banks have proved a great to the fermers, i —~= {TAKE+NOTICEI T | MEAN WHAEAT I SHY. - =1 AMSELLIN TIRE STOCK OF:- Dry. Goods, Boots;shos, Hardware; Qlothing W +4+ At Qost. + + . .. ol mea,n.QOS‘T;When I sé;y cost, Come and see if you can't find “what you want, - CALL AND SAVE MONEY BY DOING SO. All persons owing me will please call and settle, I am dlosing out to engage in other business, 1 tezjid@r my kindest regards and thanks to my former patrons, 1 el R . Mrs! C. adwick issick and her creditors are ol o o L e g v e g L .fl‘al;e"ft look over our advertisi g, ¢ g Wame T o b i e e N e e - .t ey SHER]\FI‘ SALE '-@E‘ORGIA.—Lee Cornty, -'V",,Wili:_,b'c sold before the door of {hs Co.rt House of said County at Leesburg Ga,, on the first Tuesday in January, 1905 ~acertamn tract or lotof land, of which the following is a description, te-witi— Lot of land number one hundred and six ty-two (162) in the 14th district of Lce county, Georgia. Levied on and suld as the property of E.J. Simmous, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court ' of said county of Lee, in favor of Juo. S. ‘Byron (vs.) Ed, J. Simmons and Mrs, i.. B. Simmons. Defendent in poss sion notified in writing as piescribsd b law, Tais ths sth day o, Deceniber, 1904.— S. B. SMITH, Sheriffi of Lee County, Ga. e GEORGIA,—Lee County. . To Whoni it may concern, A. S. Stately having made applica tio. to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estat. ' of C. A. Jobnson, late of said ‘County, | dbccaéed, Notice is hereby given that the ] iisaid' application will be heard at thel reguiar term of the Court of Ordinaty of | ;said Couul'i t 0 be held at Leeshur;k on ‘ the first Monday in January, 1905 — Witness my hand and official signxuture, I this the sth day of December, 1904 | ; GEo. C, EDWARDS, 1 Ordinary of Lee Couaty, | MONEY FQR-¥OU. | | e a:,a},nf%;;‘m.@?w:i e e 'ZL"’W.:,'E,: ETRTRER % Dot | I Can Sell Y%fll’ Farm, Wanted Lands to List For Sale. ;;s £ - 1; WRITEME ARETONCE, | ; ik e T C.H BERZLEY, | e o e , LEESBURG, GHR/} T O] g SRR ioSN S PGV IR AR, 3byß, By SIS GRS Pitol gt MM, L, Yes Gk e Sty Bk AT G ) Richard Ptison. ~am Pattison. .Risharp. 7, Datti. A" ¥ ; - , F.PAT FISON SONSS. Al ALY .2, (— ; tm i o @ l h ¢ 20 ™ f‘ T ’i“{ “}d ¢4§ !”"’- ‘”‘\_ fng * S‘S rOés,)d«fii 5 dl) [i IaCIDISLS. ! K & 5 ¢ ~“'" . ; : WATER 4ND GAS PIPINGS SND FITHINGS. * Iron and Brass Castings of every Descript cn. Cestznd Micrglt i Railings - ENGINES AND BOITLERS RETAILED, . Orders soiicited an! Satisfaction Guarauteed.