The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, February 09, 1855, Image 1

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BY THOMAS A. BURKE, PROPRIETOR. VO L. V I 1 . iff DAE D ,! KKV FUIUA.Y. of Public Square. •ear if paid in advance, months, or three dol-‘ mill'all arrearages art }f the publishers. incuts ininrcyd at $1 for the first insertion, llv eo ituiuance. iblish ‘i at the usual ked will bo published accordingly. /• be pre-puid, and ad- . *-■ - feetoKj. Wofford, V, Cassville, Geo.- - ountics ot the Clicro- 1 ;end faithfully to all care. Oliice east ot aug IS—tt c Hico, W, Gassville, Geo.— n ties of Cass, Cobb, | rokee, Dade. Floyd, j Pickens, Walker and ; , will, as heretofore, 11a! and almost exclu ding business. r iklo, , Cartcrsriile, Geo. — j .entiou to the collect- : his hands in any of ties : Cass, Cherokee,! iyd, Lumpkin, Pauld * Refers, by permis jO., Charleston, ri. C. rain, _ ‘, Calhoun, Ga.—Will rantics of the Chero ttentiou will be paid mh 9. iropsliire, y, Borne,. Ga.—A. R. a..; F. C. .Shropshire, June 10.’ 3ha stain, V, Morgmton, Ga.— ountittS of the Cliero- I Jatr 5 P-itum, , Trenton, Ga.—This:- j i care in any of the ! ire ait, will meet with j Nov. •/]. slnor, r, Cassville, Geo.— Los of the Cherokee mh -L aw For cl, IV, Calhoun, Geo.— ties of the Cherokee I apr o-l. . | ■ aw ford, , Gassv He, Ga. Bn >s c ire in any of the rcu.t, will meet with apt: 8.. rrotfc, , Cirtersville, Geo.— ties of the Cherokee mh 11. ■fpsliav/, sM ..‘lri I : -xJ85 , S o v ‘ Lf.ivyjssß. Vi mill. • §§•’’ W*’’•s>- .y, •• ‘ f • - 6ci]ti'qi K'weifiliefeoiafe Now Tailoring Establishment At (’iiilnsYillf, Geo, tri*'lll? subscriber has lately opened ii .1 the town of Cartcrsriile a hfcw T.u | luring Establishment, where he is pro pared to do any work in his line in the best and most fashionable manner. He guar ■ antees all work turned out of his shop to lit in the most uuexcejitionable manner. Particular ly attention paid to cutting and lifting jobs for ladies. lie respectfully solicits a fair trial,, as lie is confident of success. SILAS O’SHIEI.PS. Shop at S. 11. I atillo’s old stand, sept 9—ly Carriage and Buggy-Making Establishment. 0 WE would solicit a contuuiance of i the patronage henfirtfore enjoyed.- We are doing good work, and at reasonable pri ces. We keep on hand a good selection of Stock, and have employed a fine assortment, of firstrate Mechanics, who know what they arc : about. We warrant our work not to fail. Give |us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our i motto is llonestu and Industry. JONES & GREENWOOD. Cartersville, Ga., July 8, 1854. i . Tin Roofing, Guttering, and Tin ware ESTABLISHMENT. . rpHE Subscriber begs leave to call the X attention of the public to his superi- Xje or mode of Tin Roofings which is believed to be equal to all others in neatness, du- I rability and strength. I confidently assert that there is uo Routing material in use equal to Tin, ; when well put on. It is perfectly tire-proof, j niore substantial and cheaper than shingles, be | cause more durable insurance is saved, and great i risks avoided ; as at least two-thirds of the num ber of buildings consumed in large conflagra tions, first take tire upon the roofs. Having made ample arrangements for Roof ing, and secured the services of first-rate work men, experienced in the business, 1 am well pre pared to contract with companies or individuals, throughout the State, or any of the adjoining States, fbr covering factories, engine houses,, rail road bridges, dwelling houses, and other buildings, in the best manner. No Tin plate will be used but the best brands, and all roof's warranted. E. A. BROWN. Shop on the east side of the court house, at Hood’s old printing office. aug 18 At Erwin’s Old Stand! TD. Carpenter respectfully announces to • his friends and late customers that he has bought out the Stock of Goods of E. M. Brice, and may be found at Erwin’s old stand, where lie .'.l be glad to wait upon his friends, and promises to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Give i him a call if you please. Cassville, aug 5 Cassville Furniture Store! THE Subscriber offers for g for sale a large and line as ” “ -na< !S sortrnent of Cabinet. Furni ture, consisting of Bureaus, Book Cases, Side and Centre Tables, Ac. lie is prepared to fill all orders on, the shortest notice. Abo, Fisk’s Metallic Burial Cases, Os all sizes and quality, kept constantly on hand. WIL‘L lAM GOULDSMITH. Cassvdie, Ga., May 11, 1854: Yogt’s Piano and Etusic Store, JVo. 143 Arch Street, Philadelphia. /’ CONSTANTLY on hand Pianos, Melodeons, \J Musical .Merchandize of every description, i Sheet Music, Ac. Ac. V out’s Pianos are pronounced superior to all others in sweetness, power and beauty of tone and unequalled workmanship. Persons wishing a Piano of the.first class and .undoubt ed excellence, at a very moderate price, will do well'to give them a trial. sept I—l Attention! rpilE Subscribers respectfully inform their X customers and friends, that they have re moved their stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac., to the store house formerly occupied by Messrs. Patton A Clntnn. HIRSCHBERG A DAVIDSON. j 1-fT COME A XI) PA Y UP! JS3 \ LL persons indebted to Hirschberg A Da- : _/X vidson, by note or account, arc politely j reqnested to come forward and pay up, as im> j nuy vve must have, being we have determined to break up our establishment shortlyi. Ladies Dress Goods At greatly reduced Prices for Cash ! fTMIE Subscribers will sell off their entire j X stock ?)f Ladies Winter Press Goods, con sisting in part, of Merinos, Alpaccas, Plaids, DeLaines, Chillies, Cassiinere and Thibet Shawls, Mantillas, for nearly at east, to which they invite the attention of the Ladies. HIRSCHBERG A DAVIDSON. . Cassville,. Jail 12 To Farmers and Planters, j A AJ. L. HILL are now receiving a su- i • perior lot of Negro Shoes, Negro BlanK ’>'ts and Kerseys, Osnabiirgs, Shirtings, Trunks, j Ac., f>r the fall and won ter trade, which they j are offering Low for Cash, or on short time. ! L Farmers or others wishing to piuchase such j larlieles will do well to give us a call and exam.- j line prices, for we will have them on hand and I ■ntetid to sell. All that we ask is that you will i Hill and examine for yourselves, at the old , Hkknd of George B. Russell, first door east of post office: Cassville, Oct 27 SI , ■nVeapeststork- of Dry Goads and ; Cloth lay, at Levy's cheap store; of Alapaccas, Bombazine, De : cashmere, Merino, Flannel, Kerseys, Stripes and Plains, Hosiery, Blk. Silk, colored Calicos, Shirting and Slici t- Weeds, Kent. Jeans, Satlinett,- casiim re, ’ . Ac. Also, Broad-cloth, Felt, Beaver, coals, casimerc, ctoth and Satlinett HHH<>oiis, eh th, silk, satin and fancy Vests. . savntches, jewelry, knives, razors, guns, usually kept in a Drv Goods ” Oct 20 sMfc Mtiie time to buy great bargains. rid?* HK SILK, Irish lima:, table elolhs, eali Y'fifi Bliecting ami shirting, hosiery, collars, v in (Icrsleeves, and a great many ar v kept in a Dr\ (.oods store, will “J-V IS ipcr than ever oll'i-red I), tore in ( la. s- Levy’s ciikai* cash sroitK. ■ ■Kdtr.. - 111 , ■>!.!> and Sliver Watches, Got,! Fin- H* ‘ Hot and ! i ■ r Kinc-, I’.reast-pms and UMi:'): Ms, cheap for cash, at. mmmß m lews store. mu: Sale at thts Oitioo. Mi m 2 Ifcb)jpi|jh:F—‘-Slibotcd io ppj Skite politics, Jikuilitiv-, fi)e Eoreicjti i|i)o iQohicgt'tp tfetos, &e. Oetfssss-villo, G-eorgia: FIIO>.AY MORNING, FEBRUAEY 9, 1855. tu'iKßi Tlvhertisitiynis. m.- ■ ■ Great Arrival t If lull and U utter Goods ut the Cassvllt Emporium ! IimSCHBERQ &, DA'VIDSCN, MOST respectfully inform the citizens of CusscUle and vicinity, that they are re ceiving and opening the largest and best select ed stock of Dry Goods of all descriptions, ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, gentlemei/s furnishing goods, fancy goods, jewelry, Ac. ever before offered in this market, to which they in vite the attention of the public. They will hold out inducements to purchasers superior to any ever bc-fore offered. As regards quality and prices, all they ask is that persons wdj cull, examine and judge for themselves.. they return thanks to their friends and cus tomers for the liberal patronage heretofore be stowed, and trust for a continuance of the same. Great Baryoins in. Clothing. —The largest tand best selected stock of gentlemen’s and youth’s clothing, (of our own mami ufacture, and warranted), almost of ev ery style, consisting of: Coats: frock, sack, over, business, youth’s.— Hunts: embroidered satin, velvet, black satin, figured, silk plush, cashmere, cloth. Pants) superfine doe skin, fine black easimere, finebl’k cloth, fine fancy casimere, black satinett, fancy satinett, tweeds. Cloaks, Talmas,—all of tile latest styles and patterns, which they are able to sell as cheap as any house in Georgia. H'd® and Caps.—A. large stock of these ’ articles, of all varieties and styles, just received at our establish ment and for sale cheaper than the cheapest. Skirts ! Shirts I .Shirts I —A large assortment of this article,’ of all styles and patterns; in-, eluding undershirts, drawers, half-hose, pocket handkerchiefs, cravats, Ac. For sale low. Domestic pyxis.— Avery extensive lot of su perior English and American prints, furniture and curtain calico, ginghams, apron checks, bleached and unbleached'shirting, bed ticking, Irish -linen, damask table cloths, towelling, diapers, Ac. for sabs very low. J Boats and Shoes.—-A large stock of hoots and shoes, including Congress, patent Heather, and cloth gaiters, water proof boots, Ac.:, for sale at prices to suit the times. Important to Planters and Slave Owners.— A large lot of russfet brogahs, blankets, kerseys, linseys, striped osnabiirgs, eagle denims, suita ble for negro wear. Lower than the’ lowest: Avery large assortment of ensimeres, satinets, tweeds, Kentucky jeans, suitable for gentle mens’, youths’ and children’s wear. For sale lower than over. Trunks, Carpet F.ags, and Va jfMyUp-frt lises, Satchels, Umbrellas, Ac., -N und wiil bo sold cheaper than • hey ci.b be bought any where in this part of the country. ladies’ Jkress Goods. —A large, handsome, and superior lot, of the most fashionable styles, aud patterns, consisting in part of French plaid cashmeres, (all woolen ) delaines, challi, meri nos, black and figured alpaccas, black and bn - cade silk, poplins, ( latest styles) just received and for saie cheap. Som'taitfjj f<r the Ladies, —An extensive as sortment of silk mantillas, plain and embroi dered casimere, Thibet, fancy cashmere and heavy woolen shawls, of the latest patterns, veils, laces, sleeves, collars, chemir.ette.% linen cambric handkerchiefs, ribbons and a large lot of woolen and coifon hosiery; just received ; call and examine. Indies Shoes and- Gaiters. —A / complete, assortment of Ladies and Misses shoes and gaiters, of the latest styles, for sale, at prices remarkably low. Give us a trial. j Jewelry and I'an-cy Goods. —A good hit of jewelry, consisting in part of breast pins, ear •Hid linger rings, pencils, lockets, gold chains, Ac. Also, a large variety of fancy soaps, per fumeries, and various articles “ too numerous to mention.” Spun Thread, from the Roswell manufacto ring company—just received. Twenty Thousand Cigars, just received, and will be sold cheap. JjV HfESOfIBERG A DAVIDSON. Cassville, Ga, Oct. 27, 1854. WATCHES ! WATCIIESTT B Y MA IL ! r pHE Subscriber would respectfully inform ! X the citizens of this place'and vicinity and the public generally, that lie has just received from Europe a large and splendid stock of; Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, which lie in tends to sell off on the principle that “ large i sales and small profits” are the most advanta geous. In order to give the public access to his stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to any part of the United States, any number of Watches,/><? of charge. He has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, SSO to SIOO Docket Chronometers, 100 to 200 Eight-day Watches, 325 to 200 Ladies’ Enamel Watches, 80 to 100 I Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gold Hunting Levers, 18 k. full jewelled, sr> Gold open-faced Lovers, full jew. 26 Gold Lepines, 22 Silver Levers, full jewelled, 18 Silver Lepines, Gold Dens, Silver holders, 2 J Gold Pencils, 3 . Do receipt of the value, any of the above j Watches will he forwarded by return mail.— 1 Orders should be sent in cariy, and addressed to J. M, EASTWOOD, l Oct 20—ts Raleigh, N. C. I Ward & Burchard, AUGUSTA, Ga., would inform their friends . and the public generally, that anticipating a change in their business, the coming season, they are disposed to make’ large concessions 1 from their former low scales of prices, in order to reduce their stock to the lowest possible point. The attention of wholesale dealers us well as solicited. ... AUgusta, Dec 2* Atlanta Hard-Waro Store, A. J. BRADY, WHITEHALL STREET, keeps always on hand a full assortment of Iron, Nails, Cutlery, Mill Irons, Springs, Axles, Carriage Trimmings, Cooking and Parlor Stoveit, Me chanics’ and Farmers’ Tools, Ac., which will be sold as low as can be bought in any market. Atlanta, Gip, July 14, 1854. XA Few more Left OF THOSE CIIKAI 1 Double-Barrel Guns!! AT LKYV’S CHEAP CASH STORE. Selling off at Cost for Cash. J A S the undersigned is closing up the business I IV, of the firm of Leake A Howard, jle has , determined to sell oil’ at cost for cash. !( Come all that want good bargain* and corns quick: or you will miss them, ii Oartemdle, Dec I—ts W, W. LEAKE, “PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.” ifliaut }%rtnj. iijj tWiTe JogjrfhdN BY GEOKGB P. MORRIS. Wc were hoys together, And never can forget- The school-house near the heather, 111 childhood where me met; The huinhle home to memory dear, I ts- sorrows and its joys ; Where woke the transient smile or tear, When you and I were boys: We were youths together, And castles built in air. Your heart was like a feather. And mine weighed down with care ; To you came wealth with manhood’s prime, To me it brought alloys— Foreshadowed in the primrose thus, When you and I wore boys. We’re old men together— ■ The friends vve loved of yore, With leaves of autumn weather, Are gone for evermore. llow blest to ago the impulse given, The hope time ne’er destroys— Which led onr thoughts from earth to heaven, When you and I were boys. if'rigiunl Ihimifllcttt. Written expressly for the Cassville Standard. Li]j L!)i*ce So.lfoi) LINK THE FIRST. FRIENDSHIP: OR TIIE MYSTERIOUS GOVERNESS. BY JIISS C. W. BARBER. CHAPTER I. OAKLAND. “ A place of sunshine, and of shade.” , Oakland was a pleasant place enough in summer. It ws a rural tmok, but the house was a fine old mansion, w ith w hite statuary gleaming from the niches of'the rooms, and the walls were hung about with paintings. The furniture was antique, heavily carved, and rich in the extreme, the lfoors were none of them carpeted, Put were painted in imitation of Italian marble, finely variegated, and were so polished, that in \ny childhood, I nev-i essayed to romp through the rooms'; “a lofl v tillable” i well knew would be the result of so dangerous an experiment. — There were large mirrors too, before j which I used lo pause, and contemplate a tiny little figure, wiih pale face, raven hair, white frock and sky blue silk sacqtie stating at me from concave stafaces.— !'h use looking glascs repealed the marble | statues in the niches, and multiplied the number of canv ass paintings on t he walls. In the bed rooms, thev reflected the ma jus:ie (he beds with their white counter pa ties, and snowy pillows, the bureaux, and ihe large doors th tough ! which the servants were continually pass’ ing to and fro. Sometimes t'ho white and crimson curtains, would be stored, at the windows bv the summer breeze, or the wintry blast, and ll e blue depths of the mirrors -would throw out broken reflections of furniture and figures,- which I thought it exceedingly charming to witness. Sometimes I threw r back the curtains, and let the shadows of the tall ; oaks by which the mansion was summit- j ded, fail at full lengl !r athwart the floors: some times I clambered out onto a low tei race, and watched the summer swal lows twittering over the tops of the tall j chimneys, or building their nests beneath j the eaves, f was never sad or lonely even in winter, although I was the only child about the premises, aud my com panions consisted of iny staid old grand lather, who had the gout in his great toe, and was sometimes ill natuted in conse quence—-my kind and loving grand mother, who used to sit in a high back ed chair, hour after hour, w ith gdjd bow-, ed spectacles astride her nose, and large crowned cap upon her head, netting ta pestry —Mary the house-maid and John her husband, Nelly the cook, and Torn the errand boy. lam forgetful. I had other companions. There was Lily my snow white kitten, who* used to wear blue ribbon§, like her mistress’ saeque, about her neck, und never did such an indelicate thing as to catch a mouse in all her life, but was fed daily on sweet ! cream, and pastry, which she lapped up J from the gilt-flowered depths of an old j fashioned china saucer, in the dining hall, 8 Therewas Calida, a lap-dog, shaggy,! and white too (when the creature would keep herself clean) as w 00l but sometimes she strayed into the kitchen, und came forth so ashy and black, that I dreaded having her come in contact with my j Mary always had to wash these exploring expeditions, before mT) nice old grandmot her would permit her ■ to set foot in the parlor or dining hall. Then t here was a flock of beautiful pige ons, which sat on the roofs of the pigeon house and kitchen, and drew in their green and glossy necks and uttered their cooing, brooding notes to each other— notes which sometimes seemed to mo plaintive, and sometimes to be the sweet est language in which bird love was ev er uttered. In summer, the front-yard was full of flowers. The beds were laid outAufan ciful shapes. There were among! them ! triangles and squares, circles and %<*• cents, diamonds and half circles, butt ev | ry bed was edged with box, and ifl’a * Copy rigid’ fliTyrM. m|| grant with the breath of rOse. c , southern wood, pansies, jessamines, and sweet wil liauu. I used to take Lily in my arms and dance at sunrise down the neat grav el walks. If OalidA was clean, she was permitted to join in the romp—but if not, she was banished to the wash-room, and would come forth from her ablutions trembling like an aspen, and Mary would sometimes have to wrap her in a blan ket, and iaY.her on the hearth rug be fore the fire to dry. In the. companionship of these beings-in the arrangement of my doll’s toilet, arid j in wetching the figures in the mirrors, glided away the first ten years of my lit*-. Oakland was my world. I knew little of existence beyond its boundaries. We bad a carriage and a pair of bright | hay horses, but my grandfather owing to j the gout in his great toe, seldom went j abroad, and my Grandmother was too devoted a wife, to leave him often alone. | Once I remember however they took me i (o Oakland cemetery, to visit the graves of my parents, neither ofwhonl 1 remem bered. I stopped beside the tall maible monuments of my fat her and mol her, and gazed, will) a feeling of idle curiosity, at the little winged angels so beautifully sculptured near the top —at ihe oak leaf veined and curled at the summit, and at the sulooth white columns resting on the box like base, covering the mounds. I did not weep —w by should I l The pale still faces of the sleepers had smiled over my 1 cradle—the cradle of their first-born and only one. Hut my memory did not stretch back though a decade of years, to that moment. They” went with mute lips, and folded hands to take their pla ces in the silelit chambers of the dead,! long before my infant tongue had learn- ! to lisp their names, or mirror hack their; smiles of love. I knew- nothing of their! personal appearance. Only what [ gather ed from their portraits hanging near the parlor fire-place at Oakland-', and was told by my grandmother and Mary. 1 had never felt the need of their protec tion and cate. Love had taken me at the gate of life, and thus far had led me through thornless paths. Mv Grandfa ther aud Grandmother had Ken to me all that my heart craved, and so ! did not shed, in my guileless simplicity, one hypocritical tear. Mary went, with me to look at the I graves, and while mv grand-parents Were in another part of the eeinetry, she bus ied herself with narnting to me what took place at mv fathers obsequies. “ Oh Miss Claude,” said she, ** it was a grand sight—the grainiest sight I ever saw in all my days, though I’ve lived with ihe Alston family all mv life, and seen grand dinners and parties, aud gath erings of all sorts It was the solemnest thing too, that I ever dreamed of. Mas sa Edward Alston your father, was a big man. Not big in body—l don’t mean that, for he was neither very tall nor ve ry stout, hut a real gentleman, and eve rybody set a store by him. He was not j only the richest gentleman, but the best j beliked gentleman in ail these parts, and | he belonged to some Order of men, 1 for- j get. w hat ye call ’em, who wear beauti- ) ful collars, and jewels, and aprons. — ; Your father was the verv grandest one; among them, and wore a beautiful sear- ; let satin collar trimmed with silver. He! had besides tiles of books and was the benevolentest mortal I ever sot eyes on. I He used to carry big baskets full of vie-) finds away to give to.the poor, and used J to watch with the sick, and there wasal-j ways somebody coming to see him, and : every body was praising him. “ [ don’t think your, mother liked it i much at first, when Massa Edward join ; ed the Lodge. She was a pretty w>>m;u>, 1 but her health was always bad, ‘and at j times site was melancholy. When Mas sa Edward first joined the—Bhe —Odd! Fellows, that’s w hat they call’em, Miss ; Susan, your mother diifn’t like it. at. all, j and took a hearty’en ing spell every time | that ho went to the lodge. However; she found a school-mate of hers, who had been rich, but. afterwards Install her property, and would have suffered, she! declared, if it hadn’t been for them Odd I Eel lows. After that, Miss Susan never j ‘cried anv more when Massa .Edwaul j went to the lodge, and when he died, she never said a word against their bu- j rving-him. There were hosts of them 1 who come out here with the coffin, and : thev marched so slow and solemn, with black crape scarfs and some bine, and 1 some green, and there were some of them ] carrying white ‘wands, and when they) jYjjutJtere to the grave, they filed off to 1 ;7IuP and -stood there, till Massa Ei I iso am Ia 11 the mourn-1 ers had past through. Wln/iiAlx, £ajuLL> —your mother’s minister, had talking, and praying over the grave,: then them Odd Fellows come around j and their minister said some awfully sol- j j emu words, about 1 man’s being born to j j die,’ and a heap that 1 don’t remember,') i and then he prayed, and afterwards t hey j j all went up one by one, and threw in a 1 little sprig of evergreen, find then they ) all nmiohed away, as they had marched j up hercfvwiih slow and solemn steps. I due lament was the solemnest and grand- j • I ever expect to see, and your I mother sobbed like she would die.— I l’oor,tiling: went, homeland took ! l l( T went TWO DOLEARS A-YEAK, IN ADVANCE. did n’t live but three weeks afterwards, and then they brought her out here, find buried her, and your grandmother took you home with her from the funeral, and you have lived at Oakland ever since. y\ hen you grow to be a young lady, you will have a fjjie proper ty. So you must try and be a nice young Jady, find do as much good among ffre poor, as your father did.” This was the first that I ever heard of the Older of Odd Fellows, and MaryV story made h deep impression upon my 1 mind. I looked up again, and studied the inscriptions upon the rnonmiVents.— ‘ I could only spell a little, and Mary could not help me much ;so I was not greatly enlightened by my reading.— | Hut all the way home, and that night j after I was securely tucked by grawj ! mothei’s loving hands into my little Led, i 1 mused abou.t my father’s burial, and • concluded that if I ever came across one jof these Odd gentlemen, described by j Mary, 1 would surely pay him particu lar dclicience, on my father's account. CHAPTER 11. A VISITOR. “ Friendsh'p it> llic wine of life.” I have said in a former chapter, that I could only sj-ll h little. This allows that mv early'education had bee u .some-; what neglected, for at the age of ten ! yearn, many children read fluently and ’ well. My Grandmother left me to stray about the house at mv pleasure, hjk! J seemed to regard me as such a mere j child, that books were'uncalled for, and ! unnecessary. But one day, my Grand-1 father saw me trying to dccipk *ri7Tr4fl J seriptioo on a little blue mug, wJiieh j i Mary, had given me for a Christmas j ; present. The words were “ For a (/rand 1 j child,” but they balfled mv ability al j reading. I studied over them for full I half an hour w ithout having made out what the letters spelled. At length my grandfather called me to him.’ lie was seated in his large arm chair, wiiii kis gouty foot cushioned Upon another, which stood in front of him, “Claude,” said lie when 1 reached his! side, “-how old are von.” “ 1 was ten last May, sir.” “ Ten, and hardly know 1 perceive a ; letter in the book ! Sijch ignorance is top bad. You ought to be sent losehool. You have been petted here by your poor foolish old grand-parents too long— you j will grow up. an ignoramus, and will 1 blush lor yourself, and make others blush : for you one of these davs w la-n voti go out j into society. Ollier little children at 1 your age, are reading pretty little hanks ‘; full of bright, pictures, such as “ Old ! mother llubbnrd and her Dog,’’ “ This is the house that Jack built,” and are great ly diverted and amused by them, IcD you cannot make.out a line on a pahiyj blue mug. Such neglect and ignorance is I shameful, outrageous, entirely tod bad,”! and my grandfather took up a newspa- \ per, and pditFed out the various letters i of life ilphabet, desiring me to pronounce 1 them after him. I went through the I task with what abiliiy I could, ‘ proficiency was far from giving m v grand- j father satisfaction. He laid the paper upon liis knee, and looked straight into; the lire for the space of half an hour. . Meanwhile nrv giandmolmr entered l with anew pattern for crimson tapestry in her hands. S!n* was followed by both : Lily and Calida. 1 longed i<> take mv j dumb playmates and scamper away with them down the gravel walks among the! now leafless''shrubbery, but I Saw by the! expression of mV grandfather's face, that ! he was deciding a point in my destiny, | and did not dare to leave his side until! he signified it to be Ids pleasure to have j me do so. He immediately turned to: grandmother and said, “Alice, Claude is ten years old, and! the child I find hardly knows her alpha bet.” “ How should she ?” ask-'d my grand- j mother. ‘No one has taken pains to; teach it. to.her. She has lived here with us ever since she was a baby, and we have noVer hired a governess for her.— : The child is not. to blame. No child teaches itself, or obtains a knowledge of; letters,bv intuition. lam surprised that site knows as much as she does.” “ True,” said my grandfather, “ verv true,-wc .have taken no pains w ith her I understanding but it is time for her to be sent, to school, or we must hire teach ers for her here. It never will do fur her to grow itp such a liumbsculi.” My grandmot her mtt-ed in silence.—- She. evidently did not relish ihe idea of my being sent otf to school, it involved separation, ami 1 was the child of her old :tge%*PKked tints far at. (laklaild, andj quite as dea’Hy her .as anv of her offspring had K4u. Mv grand sat aud drummed anjjfif with the ends o* lii> (mge mY T ft “ I think,” said ; lari, “ that we had ■ 1 - - h'l C! -:. i ■ .■ii! aw summL i \e: •. i. “1 dertake her education, and we can look after her then ourselves.” My grandfather hemmed. “The great difficulty I apprehend will he in getting a suitable person,” lie replied. “Teach ers are not the easiest got in the world—especially good ones, and the child must not have a bad one. A silly weak woman, would he w orse than none ; such an one would tie absolutely unen durable at Oakland.” ‘At this period in the conversation, l slipped away. 1 stole out upon the tei race, and dropped crumbs from my tinv lingers, down into the yard ladow, ; ind watched the'pigeons that flew down in flocks to pick t hem up. It was not quite clear to my mind, whether I should like a governess or not. It depended some thing I thought upou w hat sort of a per son she might he. 1 had heard Tom j Morton, whose father lived on a neigh boring plantation, talk about going to school. From his description of hi* school, I did not imagine that school could he a very pleasant place. I asso ciated the idea of it with straght jacket* and hard benches. Tom had told me a bout * dre*dful flogging which a boy, about his size, had got one day just for laughing out loud because a chicken got into the entry. I knew'that if Lily and CViide got into any great gambols about the house, I should be.sure to laugh, and the idea of being punished for it was highly revolting to my feeling. Hut if my geoverness should ybanco to be * sweet faced, gentle creature, one who would always speak as gently to me as grandma and the servants did, I felt that her company would be a great acquisi- ETon-at. Oakland. I was debating this iu my minuvilteiM*. chaise came dashing up the broad carriageHmd leading to. the., Oakland*. It rattled through the gate and stopped in the back-yard. A young man leaped out of it, and after brushing the dust from his fine uniform, went round to the front door, and ruug tin* hell. Mary answered the summons. I got back as fast as 1 could into the housa and ran to the top- of the front stairs to listen. The maid was showing the stran ger into the parlor. I afterwards heard grandmother uttering s glad cry of sur prise, and grandfather got up and walk ed across the floor, Mary, said after wards, in spite of his gouty foot. I could not guess even, what guest had so unex pectedly arrived. 1 heard a clear man ly voice laughing and talking almost bois terously below. Such sounds were un usual in that still staid bouse, whore, guests seldom came —where the work went on like clock-work from years end to wears end, and nothing like outburst ing merriment was ever heard. It was not long before the house-maid came to seek me. “ You must have your hair smoothed, and your face washed in.mediately,” said she, •• Miss Claude and go down into the parlor to see your cousin. Mister Frede rick Armstrong, who has been away to a great Military school, and is going by and by to join the army. He is dressed vou don’t know how beautifully, with silver things which look some-like wing* upon Ids shoulders, and he has such u handsome face, and laughs and talk* with your grandfather and grandmother as if he had known them ail his life, al though he never was here before. You must go into the parlor and see him.— Yoilr grandmother sent me up here af ter vou and you must have on your new sacque, trimmed with braid, and your very prettiest pair of pantalettes.”’ 1 gave myself up into the girl’s hands, mechanically. She washed my face, and brushed inv hair, and tied the ends of the smooth braids with blue ribbons,she got out my prettiest dress, and drew from my drawer in the bureau, a tinj pair of black cloth gaiters. At last, mv toilet was completed. 1 pecjH'd in th large mirror, many limes, before I vnuU satisfied that I looked well enough to pear in the present*; of stick a handsome, dashing cousin, as this gentleman appeared to he. Hut at 1 summoned up all of my went below. When I opened lor deer, [ saw cousin Fie leryjfl ‘-.cfl in t!i” nc. y light and w at nith^HHBBH A glance sufficed to j v. I’ tic IM ‘ I ’.'Oil'. -I n*Ss-j bug’;, ‘.'i n k • • a'. :I. an i hi-’- ® . ■ 0‘ t .• JBk X O. 1.