The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, February 22, 1855, Image 1

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BY THOMAS A. BURKE, PROPRIETOR. ■VOL. VII. rpIIE Cassville Standard, is | m an 1 published every Friday—ol- I KsCy CTtice, north-east corner of the pub sqiiafo. —Tick ms. Two Dollsus | t a-vear if paid in advance, two and a half after three months, or three Uol'ars at the end of the year. No paper discontiuned until all arrearages are paid, except at. the option of the publisher. Miscellaneous advertisements inserted at 51 per squire (twelve lines,! tor the first insertion, and 50 cents for each weekly continuance. Legal advertisements published at tile usual Advert'semcnts not marked will be published Viutil forbid, and charged accordingly. Letters on business must be prc-jnnd, and ad dressed to the Proi'fietor. _____ 3-t W CII \ST VIN, Attorney at Law, Mor jj, gait ton, G*. —Practices in all the coun ties of the Cherokee circuit. J;ul 0 AMES MILNER, Attorney at Law, Cass*. ville, Geo. Practises in the counties of the Cherokee circuit. R. PARROTT, Attorney at Law, Carters-j • ville, Geo. —Practises in the counties of the Cherokee circuit. ml’ H. TONES & CRAWFORD, Attorneys at Laiv, Calhoun, Geo. —Practice in the counties of the Cherokee circuit. • a P r 24. RII. TATUM. Attorney at Law, Trenton, . (j i.—Business entrusted toll scare in any j of the counties of the Cherokee circuit willjncet j with prompt attention. Nov. 21. SWEIL, Attorney at Law, Canton, Geor- j • gia. Business entrusted to his care in any of the counties of the Cherokee circus, will meet with faithful attention. Feb 16, .1855. (~A J. FAIN, Attorney at Law, Calhoun, Ga. ~JL • Will practice in all the counties ot the Cherokee circuit. Particular attention will be ! paid to the collecting business. mb 9. j JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Cassville, Ga. Business entrusted to his •care in any of the ; counties of the Cherokee cir cuit, will meet with faithful attention, apr 8. WT. WOFFORD, Attorney at Law, Cass • ville, Ga.- -Practices in all the count es of the Cherokee circuit, and will attend faithful ly to all business entrusted to his care. Cilice east ot the court house. ug )8 —H HOOPER & RICE, Attorneys at Law, CaSs ville, Geo.—Practice in the counties of; < ’ iss, Cobb, Chattooga, C itoos a, Cherokee, Dade i Floyd,Gordon, Gilmer. Murray, P.ckens, W alk- 1 er and Whitfield. John U. Rick will, as here tofore, continue to give his personal and almost j exclusive attention to the collecting business, j april 29, 1354. JR. WTKLE, A ‘t-wiieyat Law, Cartersville, j • Go >. Will give prompt attention to the j collecting of all debts pi iced in h s hands, ill ! any of the following named counties: Cass, j Cherokee, Cobh, Gilmer, Gordon, l - 1 >yd, Lump- ■ k : n, Paulding, Folk, and Wliitfiald. Refers,! bv permission, to \\ iley, Banks & Cos., Charles ton, S. C. J an. 20, 1851. fV 1.. BAKBOUII, Attorney at Lair, AtUn \ • ti, Georgia.—Will pract'ce in the differ ent- Courts of Fulton and cout’guous counties. I’iirticular attention g ven t i the execution of Interrogatories, and draughting leg'l instru ments. Claims in the citv of Atlanta will be promptly attended to. Office in the Holland House, up stairs.—Entrance first door above Whitney A Hunt. Feb 16, ’ss—ly / 1 L. UPSH AW, Dealer, in IV y floods, Gr..- \JT • ceries, hardware, cutlery, saddlery, hats, and caps, boots and shoes, iron, nails, &c., at Black’s old stand, west of the public square, •Cassville, Ga. WIKLE & WIKLE, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Ac. South west corner of Public Square, Cartersville, Ga. Jan. 26, 1854. fl), CARPENTER, Dealer in fancy, staple • and domestic dry goods, sugar, coffee, mo lasses, Ac.; hardware, cutlery, Ac., at Erwin’s j oil stand, Cassville, Ga. Jan 1. < TW. HOOPER A CO., Dealers in Staple and • Fancy Goods, Groceries, Iron, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ac., Ac., at the Brick store, -Cassville, Ga. Feb 2, 1854. nIRSCIIBERG A DAVIDSON, Co.ssnilto, Ga. —Manufacturers of clothing, and de il •ers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gentlemen’s Furnish ng Goods, Fancy Goods, and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, at Patton’s olb stand j Cassville, Ga. June 23 1654. j IOCKETT A SNELLINGS, Factors and 1 j General Commission Merchants, will attend strictly to Receiving and Forwarding and Selling everything sent to our address, sept 9—Cm* DOCT. 1). 11. ZUBER, Reform Physician. Would most respectfully inform the cit- n *izcns of Adairsville and surrounding l country, that he is now prepared to treat forms of diseases upon the soundest Phy-; Biological principles yet known; his rein-1 edial agents arc all of the safest kind, and chief ly Botanical. march 30, ISs4—ly WM. M. PEEPLES, Dealer in Dry Goods, i Groceries, Iron, Hardware, Saddlery, 1 Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Ac., Ac. Cal houn, Ga. May 5,1854. —1 y G. COURTENAY, A CO. No. 3, Broad j • Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Books, ; Stationery, Fancy Articles, Magazines, and Newspapers. The most extensive stock of Novels, Roman-[ ces, Ac., in the Southern country. Near the Post Office. ‘ mb 16 ; 8. G. COURTENAY. W. A. COURTENAY, i A AJ. L. IIILL Dealers in Groceries, Con • fectionarics, Ac., east of the court house, Cassville, Ga. HYATT McBURNEY A 1 CO., Direct Im porters and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign •and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 37 Hayne Street, •Charleston, S. G. Jan 12, lSst>—49—ly SELLING off at Cost for Cash, As the tindci - ’ signed is closing up the business of .the firm •of Leake k Howard, .he .has-determined to ■aell off at cost for'cash. Cotne all that want good bargains and corns quick or you will miss'them. Cartersville, Dec 1-ts W. W. LEAKE. Tailoring establishment, at Cartersvi'le -b ’ Georgia,Shop at S. H. T atillo’s old stand. tThe subscriber has lately opened in the town of Cartersville a New Tai loring Establishment, where he is pre pared to do any work in his line in the best and most fashionable manner. He guar antees all woik turned out of his shop to lit in the most unexceptionable manner. Particular ly attention pnf to cutting and fitting jobs for i ladies. He itpectfully solicits a fair trial, as he is confident of success. SILAS O'SHIELDS. sept 9—ly A FEW MORE LEFT of those cheap Double- Barrel Guns!! at LEVY'S CHEAP CASH STORE. | SObeHigehieirfs. CARRIAGE and Buggy Making Establish ment at Cartersville Cass county Georgia, WE would solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore enjoyed. — We are doing good work, and at reasonable pri ces. We keep on hand a good selection of Stock, and have employed a fine assortment of iirstrate Mechanics, who know what they are tbout. We warrant our work not to fail. (Jive as a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is Honesty and Industry. JONES A GREENWOOD. Cartersville, Ga., July 8, 1854. Atlanta, hard-ware store, a. j. BRADY, Whitehall Street, keeps always on hand a full assortment of Iron, Nails, Cut lery, Mill Irons, Springs, Axles, Carriage Trim-1 niinps, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Mechanic’s j and Farmers’ Tools, Ac., which will be sold as j low as can be bought in any market. Atlanta, Ga., July 14, 1854. WARD A BURCIIARD, Augusta Ga., j would inform their friends and the pub- i j lie generally, that anticipating a change in their j ! business, the coming season, they are disposed j to make larafe concessions from their former low scales of prices, in order to reduce their stock to j the lowest possible point. The attention of j wholesale dealers as well as“ customers, is res- j pectfully solicited. Augusta, Dee ‘22 i I) ARR A McKENZlE.—Factors and Comniis- ! sion Merchants, and Dealers in Groceries, j Produce and Merchandise generally, Atlanta, Ga. Particular attention given to consignments of Cotton, Grain, Bacon, and all kinds of Produce. L. J. PARR. E. MCKENZIE. | aug. n.—ly. yVHWSHIPS 1 RONWO RKsT—The subset-1 YV her is now prepared to receive and exe-1 cute orders for any kind of Castings, or Ala-I chine work, and all persons favoring him with j orders may rely upon having them executed in | the best manner, and with despatch. Orders ’ lor Sash-blinds and doors promptly attended to at his Car Establishment. Cash paid for old Copper, Brass and Iron Castings. JOSEPH WIXSIIIP. Atlanta, Ga., June 30, 1 54. rpo FARMERS AND PLANTERS. A. A J. j JL L. Ilill, are now receiving a superior lot. of Negro Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys.l Osnaburgs, Shirtings, Trunks, Ac., for the fall and winter trade, which they are offering Low i f>r Cash, or on shor‘ t me. Fanners or other*, i wishing to pu-chase such articles will do well 1 1 give us a call and examine prices, f rwe will have them on hand and intend to sell. All that I we ask is that you will call and examine for I yourselves, east of the court house, i Cassville, Oct 27 ! ‘ ~~ “ j r-g-—. f t EORGE VOGT’S Piano and ’ r s v T Music Store, N<>. 148 Arch 77 y fj jM/’ ,‘, Philadelphia. Constantly ; J on hand Pianos, Melodeons, Musi-j 1 cal Merchandize of every description, Sheet. Mu- j sic, Ac. Ac. | Vogt’s Pi vxor ore pronounced superior to i all others in sweetness, power and beauty of! tone and unequalled workmanship. Persons j wishing a Piano of the first class and undoubt- : ed excellence, at a very moderate price, will do well to give them a trial. sept I—l ,4 MERIC AN AND FOREIGN AGENCY. a V FIDELITY AND PROMPTNESS! Tile Ullder signed are prepared to furnish, by mail or cx pres any Books, Magazines, Newspapers, En-: gravi igs. Maps ot Charts, that areprocurnblc in i the American or Foreign Trade, at the lowest pr‘- j ee*. Indiv.duals ordering of us shall be served I with fidelity and promptness. Country mer-! chants accommodating us with tlieir orders, j shall have them filled at correct prices, of which | a single trial will give evidence. The very great patronage this Establishment h is received at home and abroad, speaks louder than anything else of Its merits, and we have j only to refer to the Editor and Publisher of j tins paper for satisfactory proof upon this head, i Christmas presents of all kinds are now in i vogue. Give us a trial. JXO. W. LEONARD A CO., Dec 22. 383 Broadway, New York. ! f \ Mill I AGES AND HARNESS. — GharIes- V , ton S. 6. White house, south-west corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets, Ch .rleston. The subscriber has always on hand a large assortment ofVe v_y ~~yy hides of every description, such as Coaches, Rockaways, Ba ’ Touches, top Buggies, no top Buggies, and Ped ; lar Wagons, which are manufactured expressly i i for his own sales, and which in point of finish j and durability cannot be surpassed. All articles sold by him are warranted in | the fullest terms. Persons in want are solicited ! to give him a call, where they will find a cheap and good article on favorable terms. Carriages built to order, and repairing done with neatness and despatch. I Refers to Col. 11. F. Price, Cassville. M. H. NATHAN. Nov 17 —Cm. ! -VTOTICK TO LAND OWNERS! The under-! Lai signed having removed from Albany to ; ; Troiipville, Lowndes countv, Ga. ; will in addition to the practice of Law examine ! and report the value of land in the counties of j Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appaljng and j Irwin. He will, when requested, examine ‘ I Lands personally, and give full information sis ! • to value, location and probability of immediate ; sale. Having no connection whatever with i ! land speculation he will engage to act as agent, j ! in the sale or purchase of lands, in any of the ’ aforesaid counties for a fee of ten per cent, up-; i<m the amount received or paid out, Ilis char ges for examining land will be five dollars per lot, for lands in the 12th district of Lowndes, in all the other districts, he will charge ten dol lars. Additional will be charged for an exami ! nation of title upon record. EPIIRIAM H. PLATT, Attorney at Law, Troupville, Lowndes Cos. Ga. 1 Nor 17—ly PIANOS, SHEET MUSIC, ifv. <fw. rja —>_ THE undersigned is pre pared to furnish Vogt’s *3r rj Pianos , at short notice, 1 H B an< * (,n as good terms us y they can be had anywhere at the Houth. These in struments are warranted to be etjual in point of tone, durability and workmanship, to any man ufactured in the world. Every Piano warranted | foi “ ve years. Any instrument failing to meet 1 the exp.a’tations of the purchaser, rimy be re turned at a*.’ v time within six months, and an other .will be “iren in its stead. Having a brother (a JVolesso.” °f Music) in Philadelphia, who selects every Piah 0 St3,, t out, purchasers may rest assured thut non*, out perfect instru meuts, in eoery respect, will t' 1 ’ A large lot of Sheet Music, of t^' e and | most fashionable issues, constantly on hand and for sale at Publisher’s prices. WM. SCHERZER, Professor of Music in Cassville Dec. 8,1854 —1 y Female College. >^~UP HrNIZY & ©DAYTON, Ware ffitMairudI X House and Commission Mbu chants, Augusta, Ga, —Continue ;the bnsiness in all its branches, and vwiM give their personal attention to the sdle Df COTTON and <ither produce. Cash advances made when required. Bagging, Rope, and family supplies purchased at the lowest iwprkct rates. Conn mission for selling Cotton-25 cents per bale, aug 18— “ r ’ ) a Zqlfliiy Tfctospapci-—Scbofed so ffqiiosifti Sinie Solific?, Xifdi|ft|te, ii)C foHtyn ddO fiolnedic Ketos. Ac. CASRA r IL],E, CxA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1855. SEMI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE,for Duck Town Copper Mines, by way of Talking Hock, ES Ujay and Dunn's Perry. • li - ‘-TfV The safest, quickest, and most pleasant route to the Duck Town Copper Mines, Tennessee, is through Cassville. The Stages are pleasant and commodious, good horses, safe and careftt dr.vers. The route is through some of the fines’ Mountain Scenery in Georgia. Asa large poi • tion of the land iii the vicinity of the Mines is owned by persons living in the middle and low er parts of the State, it would be to their inter est to come up and examine. The Stages leave Cassville every Monday and Friday morning, immediately after the arrival of the cars. Stage offices at Latimer’s hotel, Cassville, and Cottage Hall, by B. A. Freeman, ! Ellijav. Buy vour tickets at Atlanta for Cass | Depot. ‘ * J. S. DUMM, Proprietor. o-pr'erw, BEING also for of a well-stocked cry Stable at Ellijay, the un- 4i-i ----i dersigned is prepared to send persons to any ! point to which thev mav wish to go. ! Nov. 27. ‘ ‘ J. S. DUMM. I(X “WTATCIIKS! WATCHES!! BY ! >p% YV MAIL!—The Subscriber would J fetyi 2&a respectfully inform the citizens of tliis i place and vicinity and the public generally, i that he has just received from Europe a large [ and splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry and ! Silverware, which he intends to sell off on the ; princ ple that “ large sales and small profits” ■ are the most advantageous. In order to give the public access to his stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to any part of the United States, any number of : Watches, free of charge. lie has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, &5u to §IOO Pocket Chronometers, 100 to 200 Eight-day Watches, 125 to 200 i Ladies’ Enamel Watches, SO to 100 Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gold Hunting Levers, 18 k. full jewelled, 35 Gold open-faced Levers, full jew. 26 Gold Lepines, 22 Sliver Levers, full jewelled, 18 Silver Lupines, 8 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 2 Gold Pencils, 3 On receipt of the value, any of the above ; Watches will be forwarded by return mail.— i Orders should bo sent in cariv, and addressed to J. JI. EASTWOOD, Oct 20— ts Raleigh, N. 0. ‘ rpiN ROOFING GUTTERING AND TIN X WARE ESTABLISHMENT, at Oassville The Subscriber begs leave to call tiie & attention of the public to his superi or mode of Tin Roofing, which is believed to be equal to all others in neatness, du rability and strength. I confidently assert that there is no Roofing material in use equal to Tin, when well put on. It is perfectly fire-proof, more substantial and cheaper than shingles, be cause more durable, .nsurance is saved, and great j risks avoided; as at .east two-th'rds of the num ! her of buildings consumed in large eouflagra- \ ; tions, first take fire upon the roofs. Having made ample arrangements for Roof -1 ing, and secured the services of first-rate work ; men, experienced in the business, I am well pre | pared to contract with companies or individuals, / ! throughout the State, or any of the adjoining States, for covering factories, engine houses, j rail road bridges, dwelling houses, and other ; buildings, in ihe best manner. No Tin plate j will be used but the best brands, and all roofs I warranted. E. A. BROWN. j ’ -Ff” Shop on the east side of the court, house, ■ at Hood’s old printing office. aug 18 ("UPSVILLE FURNITURE STORE.—The J Subscriber offers for for sale a large and file assortment ot Cabinet j Furniture, consisting of Bti l reaus, Book Cases, Side and | Centre Tables, Ac. He is prepared to fill all orders on the shortest notice. Also, Fisks Metallic Bururial Cases , ; Os all sizes and qu ilitics kept constantly on hand. WILLIAM GOULDS Mil’ll. | i Cassville, Ga., May 11, 1854. AUCTTON AND COMMISSION HOUSE, ; Atlanta, Ga. —Jos. li. Swift, having lo cated himself ou White-Hall street, opposite Mess. Whitney & Hunt’s store, and below W. W. Roark’s old stand, is now prepared to sell Merchandize, Real Estate, Negroes, Furniture, ; Ac. Ac., at Auction or at private sale. He would be liappy to re ceive on consignment Bacon, Corn, Oats, wheat, and all kinds of Produce, which he will sell on the best of terms, and make prompt remittan ces. He intends to keep on hand everything for the use of the Planter, —Rope, Bagging, Groce ries, &c. Ac. A share of patronage is respect fully solicited. JOS. 11. SWIFT. Atlanta, Ga., Doc. 8, 1854. 44—ly TYLATTA GILIIAM, X Ware House and i|pSl|P Commission Merchants, s&gdZl&dgL Reynold street, Augus ” —ta, Ga., (Successors to Platt A Brother) —Possessing every facility, will devote their personal and undivided attention to the sale of Cotton and other Produce consigned to their care, and the purchase and forwarding of goods. Commission will be the established rates of the citv. Reference: Mess. Ilavilaud, Risley A Cos., Hand, Williams A Cos., McCord, llart,A Cos., Scranton, Seymour A Cos., Belcher A Hollingsworth, Thayer A Butt, Dawson A Skinner, and T. S. Metcalf, Esq.—Augusta; Hand, Williams A Wilcox—Charleston. EDWIN PLATT. THUS. A. dII.HAM. sept 9, 1854 T D. CARPENTER res ti • pectfully unnounciS to h‘ B b’lends and late custom ers that he has bought out f] le ytock of Goods of E. M. Price, and may be found at Erwin’s old stand, where ho _. ill be glad to wait upon his friends, and promises to be as cheap as the cheapest.— Give him a call if you please, at Erwins old stand. Cassville, aug 5 (1LOTIIING! CHEAP CLOTHING!! —At J Private and Public Sato—by J. R. Swift. MERCHANTS wishing to lay in a stock of Clothing, would -1° 0 > ils I have just received a large consign nient, which I huve orders to close out very low, and offer great inducements to purchasers. Atlanta Ga., Jan. 19 50—ts ATLANTA CITE PROPERTY FOR SALE. PERSONS desirous of purehns ing City Property would do well lANtriyiffsfijftr. to call on us, as we have a num ber of improved and unimproved ii irtoiMW f ()r Ha | u Also, a lot of ground containing ten acres, of fine woodland, w'th a good two story house, and all other nec ess rv out-buildings situuted thereon. Terms, reasoL'able. JOS. It. SWIFT. Jan. h, 1855. 43—ts. > viy,r P. STOVALL, Ware House Wymlmml JYI aad Commission Merchant, — ugusta, Ga- —Continues the busi ness in all its branches, at his extensive FIRE-PROOF Warehouse on Jackson Street, near the Globe Hotel. Tile usual Cash facil tics afforded to customers, M'K 25 ly* “PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.” Cjjniit I'ortnj. q Sllrefii'o. A maid reclined beside a stream At fall of summer day, And, half awake and halfa-dream, She watched the ripples play. She marked the waters fall and heave, The deepening shadows throng, And heard, as darkened down the eTe, That river’s babbling song, And thus it sung, With tinkling tongue, That rippling, shadowy river, — •‘ Youth’s brightest day Will fade away Forever and forever!” The twilight past, the moon at last Rose broadly o’er the night, Each ripple gleams beneath her beam, As wrought in silver bright The heaving waters glide along, But, mingling with their voice, The nightingale now pours his song, And makes the shades rejoice, And thus he sunjuwith tuneful tongue, That bird besjdfc the river, “ When youth is gone true love shines on For ever and ib| ever”, iDriginM linundlfttc. Written expressly for the Cassville Standard. Il)e Wee SoiOei) JWs.* LINK THE FIRST. FRIENDSHIP: OR TilE M YSTERIOUS GOVERNESS. JU’ MISS C. W. BARBER. CHAPTER V. Sorrow. “ She stilled her grief, and wrought her daily tasks.” The next morning after Miss Church’s arrival, she entered upon her duties in the school-room. She appointed me my tasks, after having first ascertained the amount of knowedge which I alrea dy possessed, and went about every thing i connected with mv improvement, sys tematically and energetically The day was apportioned off into allotments— every hour brought with it its load of things to he done, and the striking of the clock seemed to her n new incite ment to labor. I sometimes looked at her with wonder. Frail, slender, pale and delicate as a hot house flower, she never ’ . ! seeim-d weary, hut she was often do-; spondent. Yet she evidently made ; great efforts to he cheerful. For the ! first week .after her domestication at j Oakland, she and cousin Fred, I verily j , beleive, never exchanged half a dozen j ! words with each other. They met in the j morning with a slight nod of recogni- j j lion they passed and repassed each i other during the day, with the same ea sy, formal mode. Miss Church kept in the school-room as quiet as one of the benches. She never seemed desirous of attracting his attention—neither was she anxious to avoid him. There was some thing about her which at first seemed to say, “ it does not matter much any way, about young Mr. Alston’s company. — lie is nothing to me —be never will be.” This utter ihdifierence upon her part at first stimulated my curiosity. 1 w ish ed to ascertain the reason of it. Fred, was, as I have already said, the hand- J i son test, man I everv saw : and when ! alone wilh me, or in the presence of grandfather and grandmother, he was lively and .piick-witted, but somehow if Miss Church entered the room, he grew into an automaton. This then was that high, intellectual communion which Fred had pictured to me on the terrace, on the day in which grandmother interrup-, ted rs. And yet Miss Church was all 1 that he had ..then imagined Iter to be-! She was a thoughtful, high-minded, con- ! versationable woman—she would, I felt : sure, if he had broached any cotiversa. j tion with her, have sustained her part ! readily and well, but somehow they j seemed destined never to get on well I together. I sometimes thought that cousin Fred, was acting in this way in order to rebuke me for the words that 1 | had uttered lo him about Miss Church’s) wealth, but no, it could not be that, which kept him so grave, watchful and silent. My grandfather and grandmother, it was easy to see, approved of Miss Church’s course in everything. And j well they might, for she showed a def fcrence to tlieir opinions and age, which it was beautiful to witness. Even j my grandfather, in the worst twinges that his gouty foot experienced, spoke] to her abruptly perhaps, but still kindly. She seemed to understand the mysteries of net work almost as well as my grand mother did herself, and after school clos ed for the day she would sometimes go down into the parlor, and picking up grandmother’s needle and ball, would work on for an hour or so as intently as though Ihe work belonged to her. One day she was thus engaged, when my grandfather spoke to her of her fath er's family. “ Miss Church, you are an orpinn I suppose.” “ My father is alive,” she answered af ter some hesitation—“ my mother lias been dead several years.” “ You arc well educated,” he contin ued—“ there are few young ladies who sing, play, draw, paint, or speak French with so much accuracy as you do.— When did you recejyp your training ? at what school were you educated ?” Again Miss Church became confused and hositated’—the subject seemed painful *Copy right secured. to her. At length she replied, as if con strained by honesty to utter the truth, ‘‘l was mostly educated by private tutors. My father hired teacher’s for me at home.” “Ah!” said my grandfather, lifting his grey eye-brows in a manner peculiar r.o himself, when astonished ; “ Private tutorage costs a good deal. Your fath i jr must in those days have been well to |do in the world. Did 1 understand you ; to say that you were his only child ?” j “ Ilis only child,” said Miss Church, rising and preparing to leave the room. “ What my father has been, and what he is now, Mr. Allston, are subjects alike painful tome. You will excuse me, 1 hope, if I decline conversation upon the flieme,” and she glided out of the room. “ Humph!” said my grandfather, “That is queer—very queer. If the girl’s fa'lier has been rich, and has fall en, it’s nothing to be ashamed ot, I m sure.” “Nothing to be ashamed of,” said my grandmother, “ and yet the subject must, as she said, be a painful one.” “ What is that ?” said Cousin Fred, at that moment coming in—“what sub ject is a painful one ?” “The leverses of fortune which Ellen’s father has passed through,” said my grandmother. “ Have they been serious?” said Fred. “She declines talking upon the sub- Iject,” said my grandmother, “and we must argue from that that they have been.” Cousin Fred mused, and drummed with bis fingers upon the arm ot his chair. I stole out of the room, and followed my teacher up stairs. She sat with both elbows upon her desk, and her face was covered lip by her hands. Now and then a hot tear stole out from between her pale, thin„.,fi.ngers, and dropped upon the desk. She was evidently unhappy. I would have given a world at that mo ment, to have known what about. I j went up, and sunk down beside her. I j laid my arm across her lap, and leaned ! my head upon it. My up-turned face | gazed into her’s. She wiped her eyes ; [and took mv hand gently. Her clasp j i was hot and feverish. 1 ventured a j question. ! “ Are you sick. Miss Church ?” “ No, my child, lam not sick —I am i only unhappy.” “ What about, Miss Church? Do T | grieve you ? Am 1 not a good girl in • school ?” “ Verv good. Claude, I never saw a better child. The cause of my unhappi ness is remote from everything here. I cannot explain to you the reason of mv despondency. Hut rest assured, Claude, that the occupation of teaching you is a pleasure—a relief from thoughts —it is almost the only comfort I have on earth.” “ Grandpa would not have been in quisitive,” 1 said, “ if he had known that the past was unpleasant to you. I dan* j say that lie will never ask you anything ‘ about your property again.” ! “ Property !” she repeated with some thing like bitterness in her tone, “Prop erty! yes, that rules the world. lam not unhappy though, because my father lost his, and I have become a governess. I became the latter through choice, and j I wondered what she was going to ! add, and she read perhaps my perplexity Jin my eyes, and so framed her answer | accordingly. “And I am glad. Claude,” she contin ued, “that Providence has directed me to so safe an harbor, and to such a good little scholar,” and she bent over and kissed me. The next morning Cousin Fred came j in after breakfast and proposed to Miss Chinch a horse-back ride. The air was balmy and fragrant with the breath of Spring—the hills in the distance were blue with wreaths of smoke, and the golden sun shone gloriously over hill and dale, river, and Oakland. Miss Church hesitated. “Go.” said rnv grandmother, “You need exercise. You confine yourself ir doors too closely.” “Yes,” said my grandfather, “go; 1 have got one of the easiest nags you ever rode in your life. It can pace, or ga.lop, or walk, to suit your pleasure. I will have him caught, and Alice has one of the best side-saddles in all the land.— Torn !” he cried to the errand boy, who was just at that moment crossing the yard, “ bring Nance here, and put a side saddle on her.” “ I am not a very good rider, Mr. Al ston,” said the teacher, looking up into Fred’s face. lam entirely out of prac tice, and moreover, I always was afraid of a horse. You will find me an encum brance. I shall destroy, I fear, all of the pleasure of your ride. You had better leave me behind.” “ We will only go to tho river,” said cousin Fred. “Grandfather’s horses are very gentle; you will have nothing to fear from them. I shall be very happy indeed to have you accompany me.” “Go,” repeated my grand mother, “ as I before said you need the exercise.” Miss Church went up stairs and soon returned, clad in a brown riding dress, with a pretty straw bat crowning her braided hair. She looked prettier than 1 had ever seen her, Tom brought Nance, one of tho carriage horses, to the door. Fred assisted Miss Church to the saddle, TWO DOLLARS A-YEAIt, IN ADVANCE. and then mounted the other bay horsi* They started. Miss Church’s hoiseman ship was at first timid, but exceedingly graceful. My grandfather watched her , from his seat near the window. “ She rides, as she does everything else,” he said, “in the best mann'er. She needs a little practice, it is true, but sin has, I warrant, often been on horseback before. I shouldn’t wonder if she ha.- been to some of them northern riding | schools. She and Fred must ride every morning, and if I forget to have Nance saddled, and brought round to the door, j I wish that you would see about it.— j There is no use in the girl’s moping her : life away here, like a nun. Oakland is a lonesome place, anyhow. I should be sorry to have her health fail while she is staying with us. She doesn’t look as if she was any too rugged.” “No,” said my grandmother, “she is pale, and evidently labors under some mental suffering.” I stood as long as the riders were in sight, and watched tlieir retreating forms. It was beautiful to witness the lady’s timid air, contrasted with the bold and fearless horsemanship of Cousin Fred, j whose animal seemed to partake of the | buoyant spirit of its rider, and to be de- j termined to dash away, regardless of; curb or rein, as fleeily as an Arabian steed. Fred, however, managed to re- j strain him, and rode by Miss Church’s side, on through the grove of oaks, away towards the blue hills, and finally dis appeared on tiie road to the river. They were gone full two hours. When they came home, Miss Church’s cheek had j borrowed a rosy Hush from the morning! air—her glowing hand held the rein tightly in its clasp, and something like a smile lit her dark, expressive eyes.— Fred assisted her to the ground, and threw the reins to Tom, who stood in] waiting. They both came up the gravel j walk towards the house. The mutual j reserve with which they had heretofore; ] regarded each other, seemed to have ] | worn off during that exhiliarating morn-; 1 ing ride, and they chatted together, j j freely and pleasantly, i From that hour, they were friends.— ! They sat and talked together at twilight. When they met, tney had now a pleas ant word for each other, ins ead of the formal, civil bow. They often talked of things beyond my comprehension—they discussed ethical subjects, with a keen- j ness and acumen which made me won- ] der, and I believe equally astonished ; each other. Sometimes tlieir eonversa-: tions were carried on in a pleasant, ban- i tering lone —sometimes lliev grew as grave as doctors of divinity. Cousin Fred, I discovered for the first time, was] a ripe and thorough scholar. Ino lon- j ger wondered 1 hat he wanted at Oak ] land the society of a refined and intelli- ! gent woman. He Seemed to me to have in his composition the elements of two characters—one grave, thoughtful, feel- ] ing, easily impressed, and full of strong,; [native and acquired sense: the other, | free, easy, foolish, frolicsome, almost j boisterous. Ellen was easily persuaded to go eve- [ ry morning with Fred on a short cxc.ur- j sion into the surrounding country on ; horse-back. They often returned with their horses laden with flowers—some times with those of the aridities and wild mosses torn from the rocks. These rules evidently did her good. They brought a glow to her pale cheek, and a •sparkle to her eye; still 1 sometimes found her, after school hours were over, l s/.d, pale, drooping and tearful. CHAPTER VI. THE STRINGS. Wh:it say’st thou wise one? that all powerful Love Can fortune's strong impediments remove?— Lrdhbc. Summer came on with its languid days —its blue and cloudless skies—its rich ness of forest foliage, and the lazv hum of insect, tribes. Oakland, I Lave said, was a pleasant place enough in summer, and so it was. Miss Church seemed to enjoy the quietude of its large old j rooms, and the cool breeze which swept along, waving the boughs of the uni brageous oaks. Cousin Fred, I began to sufpeet, was happy whenever sliej was happy. Not that he was officious; in his attentions, or in tiny way led her j for a moment to suspect that she was anything to him hut a pleasant com panion, yet when she was absent, he seemed restless and absent minded. He lost, in some degree at least, the free and easy, careless and half banteiing airs, which he used so often to assn.t o when she first came to Oakland. When Miss Church rode, he always had some find old ruin to show her, or j there was some curious and rare botan j ical specimen, that they must search for,’ or some fine natural scenery in the dis-; lance, which was sure to make tho ex-! cursion a protracted, and I presume a i pleasant one. Miss Church yielded to; all of these demands upon her time with | an easy, unaffected grace, which it was pleasant to witness. I wondered some- 1 times what she thought of him, or out ot i his presence, if she even thought of him j at all. I could not read her thoughts j and motives, as clearly as 1 rend his.— | Indeed she often seemed to me to be act-1 ing under an assumed character, and out j of her proper sphere altogether. It was nearly time for cousin Fred to take his departure; the time which he, had allotted for his visit, had well nigh ISTO. 3. expired. Grandmother urged him to write, and obtain a longer leave of ab sence. Bhe affirmed that she had seen , next to nothin g of liim, (although he 1 had already been there full three months) land that he must not think of leaving Oakland so soon. My grandfather’s health too, was get ing daily worse and it was suggested by lie physician, Dr- Olcutt, that a visit to the White Sulphur springs, might do him good. My grandmother affirmed that this I trip could not be taken, if Fred left. To leave the estate was no light matter for two old people like them—to go full a hundred miles to a fashionable watering place, and to go too with the intention of staying there a month or two, was a Herculean task. Mv grandfather poolied ! and hem med ! whenever the subject was men tioned. lie had, no idea, he said, of go ing. What would be the use ? lie was an old man, with one foot already in the grave! Why should lie drag himself away from the comforts of home, just to gratify Dr. Oleutt’s whims. He had no i idea that the waters would prove benefi ; eial to him in the least, j My-grand mother ins’sted that they ! might do him great good, and affirmed ] that she was exceedingly anxious to have i him try them. Cousin Fred, too, was ] very anxious upon the subject, and the first that I knew, he had written and ob tained another three months leave ofab sence. Active .preparations for the visit to the | watering place, after cousin Fred receiv- I ed this letter, went forward. My gn.namo.her increased the number of her high-crowned caps, greatly enlarged tiie contents of her own and mv grandfather’s wardrobes. Cousin Fred bought anew uniform, and Mary’ ; looked over my dresses and eaeques, j with a solicitude which slie had never be fore exhibited. j Miss Church, at firsF’objected serious !ly to forming one of the party. She said [ that m v progress in my studies in a fash | ionable crowd’ would be greatly retard ed, and that she prefered remaining with me and such of the servants as mv grand mother might choose to leave behind at Oakland. Her objections acted as a signal for my giar.dfather to give up bis opposi i tion. He declared that she must go — 1 that it was for her sake only, that he would consent to go —it was the very ! change of place which she needed : as j for him —why, it was nonsense for him I to go there on his own account. in vain the sweet tempered girl, te j monstiated—in vain she protested that ] she needed neither change of place or air, i that her health perfectly sound— | that there was no use whatever in her [ going, but the greatest reason in the world why he should comply -with Dr. Oleutt’s advice. My grandfather grew firmer than ev er under this opposition, and cousin Fred, I saw plainly, was much gratified by the stand which the old gentleman had taken. “ You see Miss Church,’ he said “That ! grandfather is harder to deal with than any refractory scholar could possibly be. You will either have to accompany us to the springs, or he, the very invalid for whose benefit we are going, will remain with von, here at Oakland.” “The trip of course will cost you noth ing,’’ said my grandfather. “I. wh ji sist so hard upon your going, will tktray all your expenses.’’ The governess blushed crimson. “ I rarely thank of money,” she was going to say, hut she checked herself when the words were half uttered. “I am much obliged to you,” she said, after a mo ment’s embarrassing pause: “ I am much obliged to you, Mr. Alston, and to gratify you I w ill go.” Site turned and left the room. “ That girl is a strange creature!’’ said my grandfather, musingly. “ I believe that she felt insulted at first, bv my of j feting to pay her expenses. She is proud j —proud as any Alston I ever saw, and Heaven knows that some of them ought j to be bung for their haughtiness.” Fred glanced at me, with a mischievous ! twinkle in one corner of his eves. I “ I agree-with your grandfather,” ho said. “ 1 “in thinking that our little Claude here, might get a bit of the ropo, if that ‘ought-to-be’ was carried into execu tion. She is as proud of her family lin eage, as any ‘auld laird’s laird’ in Scot land ever was. “ It’s false,” I said with s< me degree of asperity in my tone: “ I am not. haugh ty, l am only fond of my family.” “Tut; tutsaid Fred, “ What was ! that w hich you said to me, one day ’ while feeding your pigeons from the j back terrace!” “ You remember what I said,” 1 ro ! plied—“ you remember much better than j you practice. Who was it, that dis claimed with so much vehemence against flirtation, that day. Perhaps you have , forgotten that too, cousin Fred !” “ I have not forgotten it,” ho said | calmly. “ Why will you insist upon it I Claude, that 1 am a male coquette, a flirt ? I I despise the class it invites me to beta- I ken for one of them.” Just then rny grandfather espied Tom, | crossing tho yard, lie sung out to him, j in his loudest voice an order or two, and , quite put a period to the conversation. By tho first of July, we were all m