The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, April 19, 1855, Image 1

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|y THOMAS A. BURKE, PROPRIETOR. VOL. Ni l - r I LcfcJ riMIE Cassville Standard, is j ]Fyp, 1- imbi-slutl every Friday.—Ot j I Eypjs> m lice, north-east cunicr (if the pub •IhpUf lie square.—Terms, Two Dollars u-year if paid in advance, two and a half after three months, or three ollars the end of the year. No p iper discontinued until all arrearages arc laid, except at the option of the publisher. Miscellaneous advertisements inserted at £1 >er seju ire (twelve lines,) tor the first insertion, lud r>o Coots for each weekly continuance. . Legal advertisements published at the usual Advertisements not marked will be published until forbid, and charged accordingly. Letters on business must bt pre-pit id, and ad dressed to the Proprietor. Business Bji’cetoßf. /ATt UVFOUI) & CRAWFORD, Attorneys at 1 ) Lai Cassviilo, Ga.—As a firm under the itbove name John A. A M. ; T. Crawford will nrotnpllv and faithfully attend to all business , intrusted to their care in any of the counties of j the Cherokee or Blue Ridge Circuits. M. .1. Craw- ; ford will give particular attention to the codec- j ting of all claims and debts, and will spare no j pains to put clients ill speedy possession ot their ; money. Dili 1 1} D]A W. CHASTAIN, Attar,try at Law, Mot- ; gmton, Oa.—Practices iu all the couu-| ties of the Cherokee c.rciut. Jan and F.\ MRS MILNER. Attorney at Lair, Cass- ; v ile, Geo. Practises in the counties of the j Cherokee circuit. mh 4. j X) . O. CRAWEORD, Attorney at Luc, Cai ># houn, Geo.—Practice in the counties cf j die Cherokee circuit. a P r ~ k | Iy 11. TATUM. A''arr,.-i/ at. Lair, Trenton, ! V • (j.i.—ltusitu -s entrusted toh'seare in any I of tiie counties of the Ciierokeecircu.t. will meet j with prompt attention. Nov. 21. G WEI L. Attorney at Law, Canton, Gcor- j O* gia. Business entrusted to his \we ini Tiny of the comities of the dgecireu t, Will ! meet with faithful attention. Feb 16, 1805. j - | (“A J. FAIN, A:mill at. Laic, Calhoun, C-t. | TANARUS Will practice in all the counties of the ] ikec circa't. Particular attention will be ! i:d to the collecting business. mh 6. VTT T. WOFFORI). Attorney at Law , Csss* | \ \ • vide. Ga.--Practices in all the count’es ] of the Cherokee circuit, and will attend fiithful- Iv to all business entrusted to hid cire. Office ’ east of the c.mrt house. tmg IS —if TTOOI’KB A RICE, Attorney* at Law, Cass •J L viihi, Geo. —Practice in the counties of C iss.Dohb, Ciuttoogi, Catoosa, Cherokee, Dade Flovd. Gordon, Gilmer, Murray, P.ckens, Walk er and Wiffii.dd. John 11. Rich will, as here tofore, continue to give his jieraftnul and almost exclusive attention Vo the collecting business, april 2 1 ', IS'iL / t l. bar hour. Attorney at J.aa-, Athth-i \ • to, Georgia.— Will practice in the and ller • ut Courts of Fulton and contigilous counties. | Part cu'ar attention gvcu to ilte execution of j Inten-ogst-.ries. and draughting legd instru-j meuts. Claims in the clt v of Atlanta wili be promptly attended to. Office in the Ilmlncd House, up stiirs.— Entrance first door above Whitney A Hunt. Feb 16, ’do—ly ('1 L. Ul’Slt \W, Dealer, in Dry Goods, Gr.r i 1 • e,, hardware, cut levy, saddlery, hats, and cip, b i-iis and sh vs, •> in, nails, &e., at 1 Hack’s old stand, west of flic publ.c sou .re, Cassv.lle, O f. ‘\\7iKLE .t Wfi-ILM. I)e dors in Drv Goods, ’ V Groceries, Ac. Ac. South west Corner •of Pubic Squire. Car'crsville, La. J.ui. 26, J D. C viiPENTER. D tier in fancy, staple f ) • md domestic dry go >ds, sugar, coltec.ind’ I iss s, Ac.; hird .v uv, cutlery, Ac., at Erwin’s old stand, Cassrille, Ga. Jan 1. TAV. HOOPER A CO., Dealer.-, in Stapleami • F ii'cv Goods, Groceries, Iron, 11 its, Caps, I! >• Ls >ml Sines, Ac., Ac., at the Brick stmts, O.issville, G.w Feb a', 1854. RfUSCHBERG & DAVIDSON, C&eillo, ti t. —M mus iclurors of clothing, and deal ers in ! ita, Shies. H its, Caps, Gentleifum’s I •u , :s sh m: G i ids, Fancy G oods, and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, r.t Patten’s olb stand ‘C.i.-si ;He, Ga. June rid 1854. JOCKETT -mk SPELLINGS, Factor* at,A j Central Cnninieuftt, Merchant.*, will attend str.cily to Receiving and Forwarding and •Selling everything sent to our address, sept t)—Urn* DOCT. !). 11. ZUBER, Reform I>hy*ician Would most respectfully inform the eit ize:iiri of Adairsvdle and surrounding f country, that he is now prepared to treat f nans of d-senses upon th., soundest Phy siological principles \at known; his rem edial agents are all of the safest kind, and chief ly Botanical. march 30, 18-54—ly W.AI. M. PEEPLES, Dealer in Dry Goods- Groceries, Iron, Hardware, Saddlery,, Boots, Shoes, Drugs, .Medicines, Ac., Ac. Cal* ILoun, Ga. Slav 5,1851.—1 y at G. COURTENAY, & CO. Xo. 3, Broad ‘Oi Street, CharUetor,, Smith Carolina. Books, ‘Stationery, Fancy Articles, Magazines, and Newspapers. The m >st extensive stock of Novels, Roman •ees, Ac., in the Southern country. Near the Post Office. ‘ mh 13 A. 0. COURTSN'tr. W. V. COOKTHVAV. H~ .YATT McBURNEY A CO., Direct lin ’ porters and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign rand Domestic Dry Goods, No. 37 Hoyne Street, Charleston, S. C. Jan 12, lboo—4l*—ly \T7"ARD A BL'ROIIARD, Augusta Ga., \ V would inform (heir ftaends and the pub lic generally, th it anticipating a change in their “business, the comi *g season, they arc disposed ’to wake large tone issions front the r iormcr low ‘scales of prices, in order to reduce their stock to ’■he lowest possible point. The attention of •wholesale dealers as well as customers, is res tpectfullv solicited. Augusta, Dec Tl p A UR A McKENZIE.--Factors and Coinmis 1. sion Merchants, and Dealers in Groceries, Produce and Merchandise generally, Atlanta, Particular attention given to consignments ol Gotten, Grain, Bacon, and all kinds of Produce. L - PAIIU - E. MCKENZIE. __ a g. 11.—ly. “IVTiNSIIiPS IRON WORKS.—The subseri , ’ f’ uow prepared to receive and oxe ciate orders for any kind of Castings, or Mu chme work, and all persons favoring him with smlers may rely upon having them executed in the best mauner, and with despatch. Orders for Nish-bhudsimd doors promptly attended to at 1, star Establishment .Cash paid for old Copper, Brass and Iron Casting* , , _ T JPSEPIJ WlNsnij*. Atlanta, Ga., June 30, 1 ‘54. T>LACKSM ITII rNG.—The. S.ibseGbor Qf 13 *s prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, such as Ironing Carriages, making and repairing Fanning imple* ments, edge-tools, horse-shoeing, Ac. in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms.— Ldge tools warranted. A bharc of patronage is W) s c ‘ k ‘ d ',. „ L. GRIFFIN. .Cassvillc, Ga., Feb. 13,1850. —2— I v < CARRIAGE and lluggy Making Establish ment at Cartersville 6ass county Georgia, it- V*’K would solicit a continuance of ’ the patronage heretofore enjoyed.— We are doing good work, and at reasonable pr - 1 cos. We keep on hand a good selection ol j Stock, and have employed a lino assortment ot i firstrafo .Mechanics, who know what they an bout. We warrant our work not to fail. Giv es a call before purchasing elsewhere. Oir motto is Iltnusty and Industry. JONES & GREENWOOD. Cartersville, Ga., July 8, “VfEW Tailoring establishment., at Cartcrsvi’le Georgia, Fhop at S. 11. I at lio’s old stand. The subscriber has lately opened in jra the town of C>rtersvilie a Nsw Tai if# lorisc Establishment, where he s pre pared wi do any work in ids line in the* best and n >:*, fashionable manner. He guar antees all v*><k turned out of his shop to tit in the most ui.<-vceptionable manner. Particular ly attention >id to cutting and fitting jobs for ladies. He i.wpectfuUy solic.ts a fair -trial , as he is confident of success. SILAS O’SHIELDS. sept 9—ly rpO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. A. & J. JL L. Hill, are now receiving a superior lot of Negro Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, Osnaburgs, Shirtings, Trunks, Ac., for the fall and winter trade, which they are offering I.i.w for Gish, or on short time. Purifiers or others wishing to purchase such articles will do well to give us a cull and examine prices, for we will have them on hand and intend to sell. All that we ask is that you will call and examine for yourselves, east of the court house. Cassville, Oct 27 iriFW-r — ••/ r ~N EORGE A OGT’S Piano and V £ Music Store, Ao. 14s Arch 1J g “j! Sirert, Philadelphia. Constantly J on hand Pianos, Melodeons, Musi cal Merchandize of every description, Sheet Mu sic, Ac. Ac. Vogt’s Pianos arc pronounced superior to all others in sweetness, power and beauty of tone and unequalled workmanship. Persons wishing a Piano of the first class mid undoubt ed excellence, at a very moderate price, will .do j well to give them a trial. sept I—l i YJ OTIcE TO LAND OWNERSi m signed h iving removed from Albany to Troupville, Lowndes county, Ga. Will in addition to the practice of Law examine and report the value of land in the counties of Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Anpaling and Irwin. lie will, when requested, examine L inds personally, and give full information as i to - Hue, location and probability of immediate j saL. Having no connection whatever with I land speculation he will engage to act as agent, ! in tin: sale or purchase of lands, in any of the aforesaid counties for a fee of ten per cent, up on ihe amount received or paid out, IPs chat - ges for examining hind will be five dollars per lot, for lands in the 12th district of l/owndes, in a!! the other districts, he will charge ten dol lars. Additional will be charged for an exami ut t.tle upon recur.!. El’ll RI AM 11. PLATT, Attorney at Law, Troupville, Lowndes Cos. Ga. Nov 17—ly PI AS OS, SHEET MUSIC, dr~d~\ rt*j —j. THE undersigned is pre- P :iiw * to furnish Vogt’s L? Piano*, at short notice, L .l y ‘k ; j -Wla J and on as good terms as <S - ‘1 \i they can be had anywhere ■“ at the South. These in struments are warranted to be equal ir. point of tone, durability and workmanship, to any mail Urielmvd in the World. Every Piano warranted fur five years. Any instnifneiit fa'Frig to meet the expectations of the purchaser, may be re turned at any time within s.x months, and an other will be given in Us Stead. Having a brother (a Profcssr— Music) iu Philadelphia, who selects every Piano sent out, purchasers may rest assured’ that, none but perfect instru : men Is, m. ferry respect, will be sold. A large lot at St,-o t Manic, of the latest and most fashionable issues, constantly on hand and for sale at Publisher's prices. WM. SCHERZER. Professor id Music in Cassviilo j Dec. ?, iS-j i—ly Female College. ‘ST~nfI> inN ' IZY & CLAYTON, W.u:u- I House and*Commission Mer - A>t(>■>.<via, Ga. —Continue the business in all its branches, and will g've their personal attention to the sale of COTTON and other produce. Cash advances made when required. Bagging, Rope, and family supplies purchased at the lowest market rates. Coin missMjn for selling Cotton 25 cents per bale. *n;g 13— r 130 OLD SOLDI MILS. —By a recent Act of _l. Congress, all persons who have served in any War since 17'.*", are entitled to Did acres of Land—and those who have received Warrants for a less number, are entitled to a sufficient number of acres to make that amount. The undersigned will attend to the collection of such claims. WM. T. WOFFORD. Cassville, mh S —ts rpo MERCHANTS AND PHYSICIANS!!- A A'/.anta Dray Store. —The Subscriber huv ing pi irehased the vvh *k: interest in the above establishment, respectfully offers to the Mer chants and Physicians of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, a large and well selected assortment of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Surgical and Dental Ap paratuses, Medicinal L quors, Fancy Goods, such as Soaps, Colognes and Lubin’s Extracts, at wholesale or ret ail, as low as can be purchas-* ed in any city South. Wc invite persons visiting Atlanta to call and see—\vr cl urge nothing for showing, and would be glad to exhibit our Goods to all. 11. A. RAMSAY. Atlanta, Ga. mh 15—Cm *Duhlonega S'gnul, Cherokee Advocate, Cedar Town Republican, Jacksonville (Ala.) Republican, Dalton Times, Rome Southerner, West Point Beacon, LaGrafige Reporter, New nan Banner, Griffin Union, will copy twice n month for six months, and forward accounts. \OENCY AT WASHINGTON.—The un dorsigned prosecutes ail manner of claims against t’ne. Unite*! States, before Congress, be fore Commissioners, and before all the Public Departments, and especially claims for bounty land under the act ol Congress just pissed, pen sions, back-pay, h >lf-pay, adjustment ofainou.its of disbursing officers, settlement of postmas ters and contractors-accounts, and every other business requiring the prompt and efficient ser vices of an attorney or agent. A residence of twenty years at the seat of the Federal Government, with a thorough and fa miliar acquaintance with all the routine of the public business at the different offices, added to his free access to. consult the ablest legal advi sers, if needed, justifies the subscriber hi pledg ing the fullest satisfaction and utmost dispatch to those who may entrust their business to his care. Being well know'll to the greater portion of the citizens of Washington, as well as to many gentlemen who have been members ol both Houses of Congress in the last fifteen years, it is deemed unnecessary to extend this notice by special references. A full power of attorney should accompany all cases. Communications must be pre-paid in all cases. Fees regulated bv nature and extent of the business, but al ways moderate. 11. C. SPALDING, Attorney. Washington, D. C. mh 15— A FEW MORE LEFT of those cheap Double- Barrel Guns!! at 1 LEVY'S CURty CASH STORE ‘ll fcihiily Feto.sp;ipci>—fkbofi) so dioiienql oeO Stale politics, %MnkU, tl)e Dfurliefe foteip flird Sofcoestie ffetos, &c. CASSVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1855. CjjniiT pertnj. 33(rodi)^h>?. Over the fields of tliymy blossom, Over beds of dewy flowers. Now upon the streamlet’s bosom, Now Within the whispering bowers, Soft and slow The moonbeams go Wandering on through midnight hours. Lightly o’er the crested billow, Wlicc the heaving waters flow, Where the sea-bird finds her pillow, There the glistening moonbeams go— Soft and slow, Soft and slow, Ever wandering, soft and slow. Queen of beauty ! robed in splendor, Fin is thy foot, no rest! N Looks thy snrile, so soft and tender, Ne’er upon a kindred breast? Soft and slow, Thy footsteps go, In tlieir silver sandals dress’d. Queen of bdauty ! const thou over Thus thy lonely task fulfil, Bister voices never, never, Answering thee from bower or hill? Bolt and slow As winter’s snow, Fall thy footsteps cold and still. Silent nmon! tliy smile of beauty Fainting hope will oft renew ; Teach me, then, thy holy duty, Waste and wild to wander through, Soft and slow, Still to go, Patient, meek, but lonely too. 5i Ciijiilnl Itorij. ilotu iJJdisisi’ocis “ loci} ifye ! aiLhff.” I BY JOHNSON J. HOOPER, ESQ. Some years siruie, professionn! liusi-; ness threw me into the company, fur a : lui;! Gay's ride thro 1 a dreary pine- woods j cutmirv iti an easiern countv, with Mr. j StuLlis, its Sheriff. By the middle of the afternoon, we hud exhausted, as sub jects ofcoiivoisittion the particular at tachment case, which -brought ns teigeth ei, the pu'itica! eotulition of the cotui- Ii v, tin: prospects of the growing crop, and several matters of personal his tory. Iti fact, we had wv>r cat when suddenly Mr Stubbs’ eve Hashed, ami A smile Hi tiered acres.- lis lips as he re marked — ‘• I haven't told you,’Squire, I believe, lro\v I got initiated sarviu’ the first pro ems, ’’ (the Si a-!'.H was not a learned mail, and occasiotiallv did misplace the accent.) “ that eici’ come into mv hands.” No, let’.- have it,” I :< ; lied turning k ,d. iound in the saddle ; “it cost you some money, did it—your mistake ‘•Ah, - ’ he ejacubated with a sigh, “it cos! a !iea]> —a hi op / ’ ‘j’hi> was said wiili the air of much sui ter: ii , and 1 told him, if it awakened painful emotions, lie must, not think of opening the old wound, merely for my entertainment. “ Its ail over now,” he said, “and I don’t, mind telb n’ it.” 1 don't know how it was but just at this moment, 1 caught sight of a shady fold of crape a round his hat and 1 could not help as s< cialing it with the sign, the lugubri ous expression and the “sarviu of the first process.” Alien! that, we shall dis cover something presently. Mr. SiuLibs proceeded : “ 1 was “lee.ted the iir.-L sheriff of the county, and at that time, there weren't more n three or four hundred voteisiuif. To be sure, i was light proud —it was sicn an honor, like.’’ “ This is voiir sec- nd term, then,” “ Ves. 1 had U> mi>s one tei in ofsar viee, on account of the law : but then I was debity (deput ,) muter Stokes, and when his time run out. last. August was two year ago. I was elect and again. But that ain l teHin’ how 1 got ruinated by that writ. Now it’s reasonable to sup pose, that the first of a thing ain’t as ea sy to know as the middle or ihe last. — So wheiuthe lawyer down at town made out ;lie first paper and put it in my hands, 1 was jisf as bud ’onpillaged as ev er you see” “ What sort, of a writ uas it?” “Nothing’ but the common sort (at. sa res.';) 1 know cm now, like a book. Es 1 had only knowed ’em then ” —here another deep-drawn sigh supplied the place of words. ‘‘ 1 took liie plaguey lliiug home, and l called ill Bill Stokes (which was Sheriff hisself, after that,) and old “Squire Lump kin to counsel me on it. We read it over three or four times, ll ordered me to lake tlie body o \ lla,natch Wcxtbruuk , es to he found in mv county, and her safe ly to keep, so that 1 should have her to auswei before the Judge at the next Cir cuit, fora debt she •owed; and morc’n that, it said 1 was to do it withotF delay —and it than aijh on to fine months tell Court! What was I to do with her all that lime, and no sign ot a jail in the county !” “ Well, it was a hard looking case, but that, was simply a form, and the writ might, have been served by leaving a copy with tlie hidy,” “Oh, l know that mi hty well now, but I didn’t know it then. Besides, at the bottom of” the paper was writ “ JVo Bail and I know now that them words mean no bail req ,ired; but, i thought then it meant that es she was to offer the best security it) the State, I wam’t to take it. it was the consideration, that “PRINCIPLES NOT MENt” Stokes and lAtmpkin both put upon it ; and the old ‘Squire went so tar as t<* say, es he was sheriff, he'd take that wo man and carry her home and lock hei iiji in the room with hisself and his wife •ivi rv night of life, ontell Court came a omul.” ■‘That would have made it pretl’ f,-.” , “ Yes,” said Stubbs but I knowei. that wouldn’t suit me, for inv wife (that was then) was high-tempered, and nov or could bear strange pcojHe in the room. But however, after counselln,’ 1 got Stokes to go with me, and I went tip to the w dow, and told her business. She was mighty bad scared at first., but when#he got over that, she r ared and pitched. I should a gin out and resigned, but Stokes quieted her by say in,’ we could put her in jail, but es she behat'cd herself we'd only take her down to mv house and let her stay tell Court. Then she turn and into on in’ and begeiii me to take her nigger woirtan and keep her as Security for the debt, which it w as only something over a hundred dollars, and the nigger was likely. But 1 look ed in mv paper, and read it out to h-r— ----“to take tiie body of llanxaii West brook ! 1 ’ “She said she’d go, and she had her old roan horse saddled up, and while Stokes and me was a talkin’ and not notiem,’ she mounted him and started oft’ in a lively canter on the Georgia end of the trail. We mounted and galloped after her, and she hadn t got, a halt mile, before we had her. Then she cried and begged again, but we put a plow line a round her w aist., and held I lie ei ml, and afier let tin’ her give some directions to her nigger v. etookh r and iwii to my hou.-e My wife treateu her mighty civil, and ev ery dav or two we’d let her so Bp home and look after her consulrh. So time rolKd on teii about, a mouth heime Cota and oneAlay Stokes lid up to the gate in a powerfull hurry, and called me out.’’ “You’ve played thunder,” said lie. “ How ? ’ ssi \ s “ Why ts.kin of Miss \Ve (brooks. — j Its alt wrong, and she’s sent word down to the very lawyer, that put out that writ .against he.r, ami’s got two against you ; one to make you turn her loose, and ’tother to make you pay twenty thou- j sand dollars for takin her!” “ I shan’t serve ’em,” says f. “ Makes no odds. They’ve done ap pointed a kurriuer (coroner.) and lie’ll be up to morrow, soon as Miss West- j brooks has had a chance to swear to j somethin.’ You’d better look out ! ’ “ Well.” says 1, “ 1 reckon they've got von too. You was along, and hope toj do it.” “Oh, yes,” says he, “ but they're (jot me, for a ‘witness !” “ I said no more, but walked right in to the house, and that- I found the wid dei lookin’ mighty pleased, and I told her she was bee to go, and l asked her par-; dun and slionld’nt charge her mu Jjoard and 1 hoped she’d come and see my old woman, and so on, and so forth.’ “ißlte went, 1 suppose.” “ She did, and the kurriner come ; and he showed tnc how to serve a writ by copy. 1 shall never forget it. She toofv me into Court, and there warn’t nothin’ done with it, the first time, i efbre the next Court, my old woman died, and that upsurged, every tiling. What with her and yin and the suit, 1 thought I would go craz\, to be sure. ’ “ But you did’nt “ No, 1 bore it as well as I could, and ! just before Court, comes along the law yer—Jenkins—and says be to me, “1; think vou and my client, Miss West brooks, could comprise that case, es you was to talk together about it.’ I hardly waited for him to leave, before I jumped on mv horse and rode up to the Wid ders. Widder says 1, kin we settle that case ?” “ She sorter- hiuglmd and said may her ! “ I’M give you a hundred dollars to drap it, sa s 1.” “ She frowned mightily, and said that warn t the way she wanted to settle it.” “ I'll give you two, said I.” “She frowned worse than before, and J said that, warn’t the way she wauled to settle it.” Directly somethin’ come right into my mind. 1 sevined to see plain. I studied and considered. Then I cleared my throat. Widder, says I, will you have me P “ Says she I will /” “ I give that rascal Jenkins, fifty dol lars for his share, and the widder took me hers. I had kept her a unlawful pris oner for nigh four months, but, ‘squire, she had me onclcr arcst , for mighty nigh seven years !” 1 enquired if he lmd been at last, com pelled to separate from her, lie simply pointed to the crape on his hut mid the same stranee smile fiitttiod about bis mouth. He only added “ I judge she got a little wow than even!’ The apparent motion of iho earth is from the rising to the sotting situ, when her real motion is frahj the setting sun ‘towards the rising. 3o is it with man, he fancies himself journeying from life tip death, while in fact he is travelling fiotn death unto life. Cjjnirt Mkrllumj. 3AJbeo l In the dim crypts of the heart, where lespair abided), tltese words seem writ n A strange meaning—a solemn in .mation unfolds itself at their ut'erance. .''our simple monosylablcs—bow much ot gloom ye convey ! llow ye speak in funeral tones of the extinguishment, of carthlv hope—of the spirit that has struggled in vain, and is painfully quiet now ! “ When 1 am dead !” is uttered calm ly ; but wl r: a calm! —such as a tornado leaves whejjgnlciue broods over desola tion. pioiioiuicing that des pairing uluase, has not all its mourn fulness from itself. The listening ear hears something more : for from those words the groan of high aspirations quenched, and hopes pale and bleeding upon ihe sharp rocks of adversity, come up phantom-like, amid the gliasd) scenes of ihe buried past. “ When 1 am dead !” We have licaid it often, like tire: pealing bell that toils the body of the departed toils final test. The last word “ dead,” lingers strangely, and echoes sadly in the ear, and through the portals of the sympa thizing soul. 1 lead--dead—dead —and ihe world itlows gray, and the heart stills, and eye moistens, to that mysteri oils sound. The spirit trenibless before the rushing ■ flood of conflicting emotions which fol low the daik echo, and essay to glance through its import. But the echo fades amid encircling mist, and the spirit turns hack confused with blindness. Even the echo of death cannot be penetrated. The few feet, of mould Mint composes the grave, are wider than the glebe, higher than the stars. Not the mind’s eye, nor the anxious soul can glance through the barrier—the bound ary between Time and Eternity. “ When 1 inn dead ?” More or less signifies resignation, or dependent wo, a fulfilment of nature, or a perversion of its end, may these words express, tho’ sad tliev are at last. When tlic aged, man, whose steps have grown feeble in the walks of goodness and whose hands trembled with the fruit, of his oft given charity, utters these words, they fall from the lips as a prayer to heaven. In them his will harmonizes with his destiny; and the tear that starts for a superior soul about to leave its elav, glistens in the ILht of happi ness that gleams out of the heart, at the prospective reward of the fuiuie. The lips, too, that never pressed the rim of the fount, of Nature's Poesy, may mumur “ When I am dead!” but death to such an one is better, perhaps, than life. His heart holds no music, chim ing in cadences to weal and wo : his inward existence is void and the rough surface of his being checkered, though not brightened bv the half stray tlio’ts, darkens but little with the panoply of the tomb. 11 1 >\v different, when youth, glowing with beauty of soul and heart, rich with the treasures of mind, and vvarm with sympatln for all of loveliness, sidis, like the south wind, “ When I am dead! ’ A spirit seems to wail its anthem, and an eclipse of the noontide sun to fall up on the picture of a high nature checked in its purpose —turned from dulcet waves upon a coral reef, against the locks of a destructive slide. “ When lam dead !” It is as mourn ful as the plaint of a ghost on the temp est and midnight wind. But wo must, all say it. some time ; for the grave lies at hand, yawning through a bed ofthorns or gleaming like a w hite avenue of hope leaning against the stars. “When lam dead!” Strange ami fearful import hath it to the utterer, but it. is a weak phrase only toothers, the world. Who speaks it? many think the single going forth of a sottl will move none/- —all w ill be as.before. When he, and vou, and we, gentle readers, are folded in our shrouds, friends dearest, and those who loved us best, will dry their tears eie they have all be gun to flow. The heart that boats with rapture against our own will freeze above our memory in brief time.—briefer than woman's trust or man's period of good ness. But it is well thus; ‘tis the world's custom and nature’s liw. We weep not for the dead but while they die.— We shall soon be with them; and it may be good, wo go early to their nar row homes. A Jolly Like. —lnsects, genendly, must lead a truly jovial life. Think’ what, it must be to lodge in aI i I ly. Im agine a palace of ivory or pearl, with pil lars of silvtr, and capitals ot gold ail ex haling such a perl nine as never arose from human center. Fancy, again, the fun of tucking yourself up for the night in fold* of a rose, rocked to sleep by the gentle sighs of summer air nothing to do vyhen you a qwfjke but to wash your self in J dew fjrpp, and fall to and eat ypl|l’ l|t'd plqtjtes! Usefulness is confined to no station and it iis astonishing how much good may be done, and what, may be affected by | i ill j ted means, united with betievo lenco of heart and activity of mind. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR, IN ADVANCE.- ‘■ ‘ 4 ll ILetjf of hjNoorij An old man's memory is.a queer i place. Indeed, it resembles an old fash-’ ioticd garret full of relies and souvenirs of the past; the rubbish of to-day, but riches of yesterday. In conversation but a short time since, with an old man, who has passed a long and useful life, and with whom now r it is an Indian summer, we were impressed with a remark he ineidental lv made. lie bad seen the opening of ; near seventy springs, at first, the win : teis came and went; but by and by, I unmelted snowflakes lingered in his hair, ‘and be saw them, drifting over the \ graves of one after another, whose feet j with his, had brushed the morning dews together. ; At last, they whitened over his wife’s last resting place —over her who knew him when the shadows Tel! to the west ward and the day was before them both who never thought him old, though all the world pronounced him so. Every bodv.said when she died, 1 It is a terrible blow to the old man,’ and a few did all they could to make him for get, but there was no need of that. ‘ for,’ said lie, ‘ thev didn't seem to know where tin* blow fell, they so deplored (hex didn’t think how much i missed some body to help me remember !’ Those few words, indeed, contain a world of meaning, lie did miss the other leaf from memory’s tablet. Two pairs of eyes had seen but one rainbow ; but one pair beheld it now. Two hearts ; bad lived over again the past ; but one 1 remembered it—and imperfectly now. — Who would have life's little thread ex tended, till he toOj should be compelled to take up the .wort’s and say, ‘ 1 miss i somebody to help me remember ?’ j Dofl’f \}i J)0 Jt ? When tiie Farmer knows that a gate is better, and, as a ~time saving fix | lure, cheaper, than a set of bars and posts, j and without calling oil a carpenter lie i can himself make one, Why don't he do | H ? . \\ lien he lias no oilier Listenings to ; his gates and barn-doors than a stone ! rolled against them, and in a sim.le eve ning after supper is- 1 able to make a bet iter one, Why don't he do it ! j Or when he sees the boards dropping i from bis barns and out-buildings, and : like heaps of rubbish lying in piles about ‘ his piemises and need on lv nailing on i again, Why don t he do it ? Or if he is afraid of the expense of I nails and is always crying up the maxim ! of Dr. Franklin, to “ save the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves,” land he knows that t lie same Dr. Frank i lin also said that many men are “jy nny !■ wise and pound foolish,” and lie is not I careful to think of the precept-contained ; in the latter, Why don't he do it ? If it is a saving of nearly half the ma nure of a farmer’s stock by keeping them shut it]> in yards, instead of running at j large through most of the winter, Why \ don't he do it !■ If he knows that many of his fields would be greatly improved by ditching, and bv the removal of large stumps and stones, Why don't he do it ? If lie knows that his pastures yield nearly double the feed, and of a bettei quality, if the bushes weie all cut and subdued Why don't he do it! And if he can add fifty per cent, to the ; product of his clover fields and even his ’ pastures, by the use of gypsum, Why don't he do it ! ! If a farmer of fifty acres has (as lie should have) use for a uopd corn sliciler and one of the many improved I’auning iiii 1 Is, and In* has not already obtained both, Why don't he do it ! And if it is cheaper, actually cheaper to bum dry wood than green, ami to use a stove instead of at) open fireplace, Why don't he do it! God and love are everywhere; in liglu, in colors, in flowers, in the beauty of man : n tho happiness of animals, in the hu man mind, in the endless spheres, as the sun shines on all. alike yet different ly. and is majestic on the ocean, ; park ling in a dewdrop, ruddy on the ripe inr, silver on the stream, many-coloured in , the rainbow, and pale and tremulous in the moon. Avarice, the accumulation of wealth for its own sake, brings with it. its own punishment in the drying up of every tie with which the charities of life are hound and in the conversion of tho heart into a substance “ harder than the nether mi l- ! stone.” Music servos to make a homo pleasant b engaging many of its inma es in a delightful recreation, and thus dispelling the sourness and gloom which frequent ly arise from petty disputes, from mor tified vanity, from discontent and envy. “ Whv don’t vou give us a little Greek and Latin occasionally ? ’ asked a conn tiydoicon of anew minister. “ Whv do you ui derstand those lan guiures ?” he replied. “ No, but we pay for the best and we ought to have it.” The lianpii|esss of our lives depends much on tljp iiytivo performance of the duties of (jitf siitfltion ; ppr have we any right to piler, that if they are not prop erly discharg'd, they would be better if wo moved in a more exalted sphere dSTO. 11. loniftljing .far tjjr i'afe. CoioplcxSoi) -ijO'wiU. A subject of infinite importance —to the ladies— is-incidentally discussed in a paper in the November Blackwood en titled Color in Nature and Art. W’e quote f-jr the enlightenment of our fair readers : lri n gard to ladies’ bonnets, it is gen erally sup]rosed that a great deal, if not the main part, of the effect produced by the color of the bonnet being thrown or reflected upon the face, Mr. Chevieul, af ter experimenting, in his usual painstak ing way, with various colored bonnets upon white plasfe’rcasts, found that this was a mistake—-that the reflection, even under the most favorable-circumstances is very feeble except upon the temples, —and, moreover, that these reflected hues have always a tendency to produce as they pass into the ordinary daylight, colors the very opposite of themselves; so that when rose-color is reflected upon the face, a space lightly tinged with green will intervene between it and the parts of the face illuminated directly by the daylight.- As for any reflected tints falling upon the face while the present faslrou lasts, the tiling is impossible; for the bonnets are placed so far off the face-—or rather, we should say, off’ the head—that any reflected tints can fall onlv cm the hair. Here isM. Chevreul’s catalogue raisonne of head-dresses in re lation to fair and dark complexions; and it will be strange indeed, gentlest of rea ders, if you do not find “ a love of a bon net” that will just suit you in the list here presented. Fair haired Type —A black bon net witli-white feathers, with white, rose or red flowers, suits a fair complexion. A lustreless white bonnet does not suit well with fair and rosy complexion. It is otherwise with bonnets of gauze, crape or lace ; they are suitable to all complex ions. The white bonnet may have flow ers, either white, rose, or blue. A light-blue bonnet is particularly suitable to the light haired tvpe ; it may be ornamented with white flowers, and in many cases with yellow and or ange'flowers, but not with rose or violet flowers. * A green bonnet is advantageous to the fair or rosy complexions. It may be trim med with white flowers, or with rose. __ A rose colored bonnet must not be too dose to the skin; ami if it is found that the hair does not produce sufficient separation, (he distance from the rose color may be increased by means of white or green, which is preferable. A wreath of white flowers in the midst of their leaves has a good effect. 1 shall not advise the use of a lighter dee]) red bonnet, except when the paint er desires to diminish too warm a tint in the complexion. Finally, the painter should never pres cribe either \ ellow or orange-colored bon nets, and be very reserved in the use of violet. Type with Bi.ack llair. A black bonnet does not contrast so wed with the ensemble of the type with black hair, as with the other type ; vet it may produce a good effect, and receive advantageous ly accessories of w hite, red, rose, orange, and yellow. A white bonnet gives rise to the same remarks as those which have been made concerning its use in connection with the blonde type, except, that for brunettes it is better to wive the preference to acces sories of red, rose, orange, and also yel low. ra her than to blue. Bonnets of rose, red, cerise, al'B suit able for brunettes, when the hair sepa rates as much as possible the bonnet troui the complexion. White feathers accord well with red; and white flowers, with abundance of leaves, have a good effect with rose. A > ellow bonnet stilts a brunette very well, and receives with advantage violet or blue accessories ; the hair must always interpose between the com plexion and the head-dress. It is the same with bonnets of an or ange color more or less broken, such as chamois. Blue trimmings are eminent ly suitable with orange and its shades. A green bonnet is suitable to fair and light rosy complexions; rose, Yed. or white flowers, are preferable to others. A blue bonnet i- only suitable to h lair or light i>d complexion ; uorvau it he allied to such as have a tint ot orange blown. When it suits a brunette, it. may take with advantage yellow or or ange trimmings. A violet bonnet-is always unsuitable to every complexion, since there are none which \ellow will suit. Yet if we inter pose between the violet and the skill not oulv the hair, but also yellow accesso iies, a bonnet of this color may become favorable.” As an hnpartaut memorandum, it must be added, that, w henever the color of a bonnet does not realize the intended effect, even when the complexion is sep arated from the head dress bv masses of hair, it is advantageous to place between the hair and the bonnet certain ac cessories—such us ribbons, wreath, or detached flowers —o*’ a color coinple- I rnentary to that of the bonnet, in the way j above presciibed tor the violet bonnet ; I aud the same color must also be placed on the outside of the banner.