The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, April 19, 1855, Image 3

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Later Jrom Europe ! abeiVai. mE WASHINGTON. Nmv York, April 12 Tiie Bremen. ? mni l steam ship IVashing ton lias arrived at her wharf in this city from Bremen via Southampton, having left the latter port on tiie 28th ult. The Liverpool. Cotton Market, — Richard's Circular quotes Cotton firm ami unchanged. The sales (luring the three days succeeding the Atlantic s departure •comprised 23 000 bales, of which speculators took 23U0 bales, leaving 20,500 bales of all descriptions to the trade. Aftairs at Sebastopol are unchanged. The Russians maintain their positions. Consid erable skirmishing had occurred, but with no iir porta lit results. On he 17 tii lilt., the Russians attacked the entire line of the Al lied forces befor Sebastopol, but were repuls ed with great loss. The two first points have been settled Ly the Vienna Conference. It is said that the third, which is more critical, would occupy several days. The aspect of affairs, howev er is unsatisfactory.’ The Allies do not in sist upon the demolition of Sebastopol, but propose terms disagreeable to Russia. The preparations at Constantinople for the reception of Louis Napoleou, were in a state of forwardness. France, according to the London Morning Herald, agrees to send 50,000 add tional troops to the Crimea, pn vidid England will transport them. Sir Charles Wood, stated in the British House o! Commons that as soon as the ports in the Baltic and White Seas were open >l, it was in tended to enforce a strict block- : a ue. Alter the conclusion of the Vienna Con f're.nce, Sardinia will come into the Eng lish money market fur a loan of 2.000,000 sterling. Still Later!—Arriooi of tire << .'lnerica The Liver root. Cotton Market. —The Circular of Messrs Milligan. Evans, L‘tu priere &Cos , of the 30th alt., report the sales, daring the week ending that ev a ng as comprised 82,500 bales, of which speculators took 11 00. and exporters 15.. UOO hales, leaving 50,500 bales of all de script,ons to the trade The market closed buoyant with an active demand, which hol ders supplied freely, fair Orleans was quoted at 5 l 2d , and Middling Up,'and [> i . per ib Nothing important lias been received from the Crimea. No favorable indications have emanated from St I’eterst urg Tiie Vienna Conference has met w th u se ’ viiius and fiicuity in the third,pomt, not With st mi l - g it Ims been mod Sed by the Allies Tiie matter has been referred to rft Betel's I, urg. and the further consideration of the qostion [os puned until the arrival of the rep’y. Tj, e fourth point, howeve*, may j.taibahly be d..-cisS ! id sn the The lab’.-t advices from Lojidou. dated Friday night, the 20th uH., state that M. Dionyn d>* Lhuys, the French Minister of Foreign Altairs had been ill that city for ‘consultation’with the British Cabinet, and on day had b >en closeted for Curie days with the lead'ilg Minister, nod subsequent ly ha! a lengthened audience w.tli the Queen. He left the sane night for Baris, where he was to remain for two days, and thru proceed to Vienna bearing the irrevi - cable determination of the Antes upon the third point. Anew Belgian Ministry had at length been formed. .\1 a Ir.d was tranquil lispartero had re s sted the demand for Democratic modifica tion of the Spanish Ministry. Advices from China state that the insur gents in (."union were gaining ground. African goin.3 to Ssbasto pol. The New York Tiibune says: .. We learn that tiie A hninistration fit Washington have detached Col. Richard L)-lalield, one of the engineers, Maj ir Alfred of the ordu mce, an I Capt. Geo 15 MoCulland, of the cavalry, on special duty, to proceed to to Sdi (stop'll, to in-pect the works there and view the operations of the war. They are ordered to d-pavt as soon its possible- We ‘dare say they will have opportunities if ■seeing much that is new in the business of arms, and bringing home with some uddi- Tiotii to t!i; knowledge of military practice Asa matter of course they will occupy a strictly neutral position, and we advise them to leave all private letters of introduc tion. and trust entirely to their official cre dentials. By this means, we do not doubt fliat they will be received by all the com manders at Sebastopol, both Within and without the city, and allowed, on all proper occasions to go unmolested from one side to the other. There are three nepers in this Slate which < re particularly down on the .and and inr- j rmcti ’ ot'ull ktitls the Albany State Ueg-! istei - , Rochester American, and Bait’ tlo Cum - ■ nerciai advertiser—and yet strange to say. the lending men of these papers are of for ’-d'u extraction. Lacy Tone of the proprie ‘e’-sol the Register, was horn in England Latin, of tiie Rochester American, was born ‘in Scotland, and, until lie was 14 years of u = e ’ itch ointment around Elm burgh. Barmelee, of the Buffalo Conuner* the man of the twenty five duliitr eu.ti.loter was an English soldier, and left uuu day under the escort of one J u,,u;i and two rope ends These are the win, ,u e now .< rallying around the cm uud who insist that foreign influ yet undermine the liberties of tiie >a ‘on. Uaeer people, those Hindoos. That *>-AtoyKni ckt rb ck „. ... A <L ’ !IGYM vr,f Withdrawn.—l 11. lackeu.a.Uethod.stUiergyman.dEorrcd- Kuo^^Chiu^ s ,J ;Y^ w:u, ' i^ lw,l trom tlie th-nr I °’ “ eulusa the obligation Os >™ ■“ wto Or recoil I deg, oo ~1 8 ... g” ’ ‘ i' l ‘otter ofGaorgo W.-ia'.iiagton conrii,., i bollection of cunostUes •coQtmuad &t tnoemous jiriceg. v Uva Jon paid for your Standard ’ The Charleston Fair. Articles for exhibition still continued to come in throughout yesterday, and the dif ferent depurtiYients presented a much more full and finished appearance than on the previous day. Tiie Hull was also more crowded with visitors : those from u distance are just now coming in, and our streets and hotels present the busy, bustling appearance of a holyday season and all seem anxious to swell, not only the crowd of happy faces m attendance, but also to increase the nutnbei jof the many beautiful and useful articles with which the spacious aud commodious Hall is filled. We gave ourselves more time, and took rather a more minute survey of the various article, than we have been able to do before and the more we saw the better we were pleased We know that distance sometimes lends enchantment to the view; but there are many articles in the Fair especially those made by woman's fnL- hands, that are | exceptions so this poetic sentiment. We no | tioed several specimens of crochet, needle work and embroidery, which would compare favorably with anything of the kind from any quarter. Also, various specimens of j stiell and waxwork, that attracted general I attention, and elicited the admiration of all. j In dramatic phrase, the mirror was held up j to nature iu a manner that exhib.ted the nr- j tides so true, that it deception might be j practised upon the unsuspecting, and the fruits and flowers be mistaken lor the gen uine productions of nature We not ced some specimens of earthen ; ware, contributed by the Catawba Indians, shoeing some impiovement over the wooden spoon and disli which formerly graced the tables ol ’he red men of the forest; a so, a curious wrought wampum be t and pouc , from a Canadian Indian, which attracted much attention for their grotesque and uu ique workmanship. Anything from tin,- aboriginal but waning race, attaches an interest at once active and lively, with these who lire acquainted with tiie early history of its times and character. Those who have a taste for the sweet-s os life without its bitters, will remember the beautiful sugar landscape, winch indicated so much skill and industry in the artist. It is a perfect farm house country scene, with all tiie appurtenances of forest field, and water, make in raised sugar work, arid most beautiiuily colored The specimens of min iafurc painting on ivory were also magnifi cent. some of which have been painted twen ty years, and still present all tiie colors, bright and beautiful, uadi mined by time, i unsullied by age.” j Fe era! specimens of Daguerrean gaTTeri.-s ; were on exhibition, presenting the striking | characteristics of the improvements in that particular line of art. Several frames from different artists were there, but all were so tine and finished that it was impossible to ; di-c. im ti te or criticise. Our remarks on the Fair have heretofore be. ii pietty much of .1 general and ratio r • iiai nre, but- (in Monday we will try and secure a catalogue, which will ena b c lift i specify with more minuteness and -ati ac'.on We shall be careful to notice, as far as our time and limits will permit, ev ery thing of interest connected with the ex hit. in, and wehave no doubt but that it w.H afford us as wide a field as we shall he able to fully explore. —Charleston Clan dard. Arrest ok a Supposed Mail Robber.-— Titos. J. Eetles, late Mail Agent on the Charlotte and j South C Polina Railroad, was arrested in Yol k-j vile on the loth hast, by Win. Toppe, U. States Deputy Marshal, under several warrants, for robberies committed on said road. lie -w is bn tight into th s c ly yeskrd-iy morning, and lodged in jail to await Ids trial. We are inform ed that ihe evidence is supposed to be pretty strong in h’s and sfavor, but at the same time we sincerely hope the affair may in some way be explained. Mr. E. has always heretofore, borne a c'n ir.icter entirely above repro ich and suspi cion, and th’s circumstance and arrest hive to ken by surprise, not only Ids friends, but the whole community. Clt. Standard 13 th ins!. Kansas — The St. Louis Re publican of Saturday states that a tele graphic dispatch received Friday from Kan sas says: ; A majority of pro slavery members in each lmnse of the Legislature of Kansas have received certificates of their election Gov. Reeder it is “sat'd ‘recognizes the right- of the Legislature to decide cases of contested e lection. The'Governor leaves in a few days for Washington. The Advent Deli’kioiv. The Potts month (N. II.) Chronicle learns that ;• con siderable interest is manifested as the time fixed for some Adventists for the end of the world draws near. Ten of their converts were baptized on Monday noon. They ex- j ifv*ct to be caught up on tin 17th proxunn. j while tiie earth and its inhabitants are i burning up.’ Democratic Meeting in Cherokee The Demoor cy of Cherokee have appointed Dr J. R. Foster, Lawson Field, aril M. J. C iden, delegates to the Gubernatinr. >1 Con- j vention. and Eli McConnell. J L Keith, and ! i Joel L Galt, to represent the party in the | Congressional Convention for the sth Dis trict. We learn from the Knoxville Whig that 1 the E ist Tennessee and Georgia Railroad I mu to a point distant only seventeen mil ts j frun Knoxville, >:nl that the contractors are I ! pushing on the work with energy. The Hebrew population of Chicago Begins ; to be quite numerous During the recent ; celebration of the Feast of the Passover there about s.x thousand pounds of unleavened bread were sold to them. Horace II- Hazard, one of the proprietors of tho-ilszar 1 Company's Powder Works at Enfield, Conn , died on Friday last, from the premature explosion of powder which lie was proving. Mr Stratton, father of the well Unowu dwarf Tom Thumb, rendered fatuous by Bar nutn. has become insane, aud is now an it;- mate of the Hartford Lunatic Asylum. Among the patents issued last week from the Patent Office, we observe that C. Gustav Mueller, of Charleston received oue for im provemeat in bulk locks. lowa voted in favor of a prohibitory liquor i liw lust week. Tbo majority will bo about 5,000- A New York journal states that a lady in | that city has made u quarter ef'a million of | dollars by keeping atdliool. YheGtA/rgia Baptist Convention convenes !in Newjsan sn Friday pc?t, t.b.e 20th inst. | David Dougherty was killed in Atlanta on j Tuesday the 17th, by James Martin, j The stock for the Atlanta Gas Company Ims been all subscribed. Senor Pinto, lately garroted ‘ fit- Ha vana. had a private fortune of £21)0,000. A fresh crater lias recently opened at. Mount Vesuvius from wliicti an eruption is looked tor, ou account of threatening aspect of the mountain. A new law —Governor Gardner, of Mas sachusetts, has signed the legislative act making jurors judges ol the law as well as the facts. Moke Coming —Six hundered and thirty five graduates have been licensed to practice | physic from the Medical Colleges, at 1 hila | delphia alone the past year. Hon. Henry Wilson, Know Nothing U. S. Senator from Masacliuetts, delivered the last of a series of anti s a very lectures in Bos on, last Friday evening ll.s perform mice upon the occasion is spoken of very cuintemptoously. Southern Qi-aetexly Review. --It is proper to state that W. M Borwell, E-q.. is not the E I tor ol the *■ Southern Quarterly Review.’ His connection with that journal commenced an ! terminated With the January Number — Baltimore Patriot MARRIED, On the 31 inst. by ihe Rev. John Hunter, at the residence of her uucie, S. T. Gaiilard, on Black River, Theodora C. only daughter of the late D A Gaillurd, to Edward P Gam.i. uin, all of Georgetown Districts. C £oj^s)elrcii)l. j Wholesale Price of Groceries in At lanta. i Corrected Weekly from the Examiner. | N1 It o 0 ff.'e, li 1-2 to 12, cts. per lb. S dt p. r sick, 1,80 ! Star 0 indies. o cts per lb. N. O. Sug irs—Fair, lidd, 5 1-2 per Ib. “ Prune, “ o !-2c per lb. “ Ch lice, hhd., 7c per lb. N. O. Syrup, bbl., 33c per g.iUou. Atlanta Rafail Prices. Y/cdm.-sday, April 11. Cotton, extremes, 7 to 8 • - t cents. Silt Pork, tic. Lard,pr. bbh, into 12 c. B S dcs, “Ida 11 ; i£.<ms, 10 alx i-2, “ Shoulders S 12 a 9, “ ll.ig round, 3.-2 a 10, Pork, nt-tf, 3 1-2 a 7 ; Coro, 100 a sl,lO pr bu. Salt, pr sick, #2, Coffee, 11 a 13. per hhd, 5 1-1, l> 1-1 a 3 1-2, pr lb ClarJied, 3 cents, Syrup, 37c, Cheese, 12 i-2 cants, Mackerel, No. 1, f-tj'iV per kit, “ 2, A;-j am 15 per barrel, “ “ $9 “ “ 4, §4 C indies, Adamantine, 25 a 3f’c per lb, Fleur, 4 1-2 a&. Eggs, In al2 >2. Iron, 5a 6 1-2, Nads, 3 1-1. Cotton Market. Charleston, April 15. — Cotton. —The mark et is, holders linn, and prices full. —Sales to-d iy 450 b lies at S to 10 cents. Savannah, April Iff— Cotton.— -The market h s advanced Sales t. -day t.'siu bales at tj 1-2 to ‘J 1-2 cents. Strict Middling is quoted at 2 1-2 e-CHtS. ■ A mui.'.stA, Wednes.lay, April 15. —The At irk et closed last evening, with a good demand nt r m 7 r-i to y 1-4 extremes. Spec-iq! Notices. The Frien is of Prohibition Aiv requested to meet in C ussv.He on the Ist Tu. sil *v in M v next, to fill the vacancy m the r T cket Gee.isimied by the duel natam of Judge llom.i:. * Many Citizens. I. LSdZ id.: VVWv>.\V V i ‘*'\\W\N X ,V\VV’ ‘ ‘\.V\ ~\-N’ . - i lie ineetnij? of Valley Loooe, 770. 4S, f. O. of O. F., wll b e held on every Friday evening, at-8 o’clock. Transient br -thren are invited to attend. By order of T. A. Burke, N7. G. ARTHUR H A IRE, Sec-netarg. TTOLLOVYAY’S PILLS, a certain Remedy fi r 11 Fein.iTe Complaints,—-The invigorating a id pur tying properties of these invaln bie Pills remiev them s ife and infallible. They imv betaken by females of all ages, who are suffering from any derangement of the system, *t. wli ch rhe’r sex : s peculiarly subj ect, preven ting those and stressing dieases which frequently occur (from inattention) at the turn of life. It Ims been inc-ntotiblv proved by experience, that these P-lls are the verv best reined cs ev: r known f.if the cure of those disorders, ami when t iken at the turn of life, there need be r.o apprehension of dropsy or worse consequences. April 19. I BENEFICIAL RESULTS hiv'riab’y follow f) the admin-storing of STAPLER’S ANO DYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT in cises of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, and Throat and Lung complaints generally. It is not claimed th it it will cure in a'l cises, but none h ive come t > our knowledge where, it fad ed 1 1 g vo relief; wh ie at the same time, thou sands of instane.B h ive occurred where its ef fects h tve been so marked, that thev have b *en tvid-dv not e"! and eom:ni*jde l. Tiie DTAR- ItHiE V CORDIAL, it. “s cmd d’y believed, is’ uneqti died in and senses of the bowels, and its cur it ve property's h ive been iv uiderfu’.lv ex periqne *d in numerous eases. Therefore, vmi are advised to m akirtriul of these ,“g ->od medicines,” should you or vour family reqn re the r aid.— See advert sem *ut in another column, and des criptive pamphlets, to be I*. id grates of agents. Price of each, only 50 cents per bottle, or six bott’es for -82 r,n. E. H. Stabler & Cos., Pr prietnrs, Wholesale Druggists, Bdtimore; T. A. Burke, Cassv.lle, Elliot A T tppan, Kingston. April i9 -‘2t. Ural the Sick —M *n of liber and education at the present day, devote ail their talents to dis cover the means whereby they may remove these painful maladies which ass lil the human frame. There is no nobler art th in that of healing the sick, considering the numb ‘Hess diseases to wli ch man is liable, and which may cause han to drag out a protracted life old stress, or Slid dimly cut him off in th * bloom of his existence ! and usefulness. We should gratefully seize up o i evjrv m.■ ms of cm it.Tictiiig tlie.r dreadful elf'Cts, or causing a removal of those clogs to hippinessi. fn th iscic tses .where't.ha J<;ver or the Stomach is the cans ;, wj would highly re- j commend l)r. 11-ollmd’s Gor.n in Bitters, pro- 1 pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. No tmdie', ie at tins time stands higher than these Hitters, and to those who tire sulf-i'-ng from the horrors of Imiigest'ou, we say they arc the antidote. rpHE GREAT DISCOVERY.--KROLLEIU JL ON! FOR CURLING THE HAIR!-For: m inv years it his been the object of deepest study w th chemists atid others, to produce a flu and that applied to the hair, would e mse it to in beauty to the natural Curl. The K itohUtßTO.v is the onlv article ever of fered to the world tint Will effect, this most de sirable object. But three or four applications are necessary to curl it tm much us may bo dash ed, and for any length of time. From the initny testimonials of those who have used it, the subscr her dose not hesitate to warrant the Kuollbiuon to g.vo uatisfiction, and prove as rcc niimeiHled in all cses. The recipe for making, with full directions for use, will be sent on the roce’pt of one dollar, ! post paid. Tiie ingredients will not cost over 12 cents. D reel to It. A. FREEMO.NT. Warren, Trumbull Cos., 0. April 19—5 m, Gi EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.-Whereas U. )T W. Stubbs applies ti me for letters of Gu irdiansh jj over the person and property of Louisisamt F. McMullen, minor heir of Sinclair McMullen, deceased. Those are th refore to cite anti admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why sa.dletturs should not. be granted- Given under my hand at office, tfcip Ujbl day of April, 1855. T. A. WORD, apr l‘J —Bod # . Ordinary. COME AND SEE /r-A r W. IIOOPLR & CO. bc fj • fore yon make your pur ■':T%2raaff. ‘ chases, as they have decidedly | P rett cstsf • •'S ds, and l ‘ < ll(i detenu.ned to sj.l them as che *p or a little cheaper than any b.idy else, in | the place. If you want— Hoots, .Shoes, ffi Hits, (ftps or Bonnets, they have them. ! Press foods of all k.uds, cons.sting of Prints, Muslins, linages, T ssues, Ac., 1 can be found there. Sheetings and Shirt ngs in abundance. Furnishing goods of ail k nds and qu ilities, ready made, or in the piece. Iron, ; nails, steel, sa-l-t. woodtoure. Besides a great j many other art cles. | To their old customers they. Would return jthaiki fir the r hb.T'l-ty in times past, and beg a continu ince of the same—and to the ’ public generally they h no ties taney in j saving, if you call you wdi lie treated politely, i even if you don’t buy. Call and see, at the bidc/c store south of the.court house, apr. 15th 1355. Cais County Lan h for Sale. ii'iders'g.ied, w sli'ug to change his bit i smess, otters for s lie h.s Well k-iuivn and v.iiuiblu plant t on on the Al ib una Road, two mnlea West of Cissv lle, Iving on Two Run Creek, and known as the “ Uhick Water Adair ipi :ca ” Til's plate embraces n all about 1800 ! acres of land, live hundred acres of wh ch are e’o ted and nmv in a hgh sf te of ciiUiv it.ion, mil all undergo al repair, and lying iinm e lint - ly on n.l along the l.ue of the Western & At hint e Rail R ad. i Tiie place is well improved, and finely w.iter j cd—a dwelling house of eight large r nuns —a , new and large brick smoke house—a Thrasher, ; 15 urn. Cribs and smbles all framed, large and convenient. Also anew framed Gin house and i cotton screw. Blacksmith and wood shops, cai | riage house Ac. I There are on the premises five or six good i and never failing springs, and running water] in every field on the plant itam. The spring near the dwelling is a notable and must excel- . lent one. j There is also o:i. the place a good mill scat, ]qu which is situated an eiit rc new saw in,ll, and one of the best grist and merchant flouring mills in the country, and all now in full and • successful operation. Thee is also it good ! lime Kiln iv Hi a i ah riduitof lime rock con jvrnient. There is furthermore on the place a ! g >o(3 young apple and peach in, contain j mg about four hundred well selected apple and l tib mt one thuus tiul peach trees. Persons wshing to exam me the premises, or j to know the terms, c in do so by apply ng to the ; subscriber on the p! ice. I Will say however, ! that tiie terms will be reason able. YYILL lAM SOLOMON. | CasSviMe, apr 19 —If ] 1^. T OTICH. —There is now erect ng aik w town : ii in the copper mines, (Polk county, Tenn.) ]nim al B.nmvilic ; One hundred lo s s of suitable 1 :-z • for business purposes iv 11 be off red by the j pi opr .. tors ro the h ghost b dder on Fr and iy ami ’ Saturday, the 4th and th days of Miy next.— : The business portion (,f the cmirnua ly ’ire rcs ] pectfudy inv.t A to attend. F< r further “liforitr - j ton e.iiquiic of ti. T. Jonet; & C.Cupp rhdl, and Job a March mt, at the Loudon nines. Terms ~fs L-: one h ilf down, the other h.;lf-aotu and approved sccur'tv. .! OIIN MERCHANT/ Proprietor. Load <n mines, Temiessee, Aped lit — tds. I) iltim J rues Ud-velaud (Tenn) I)ispat.,ft, and Myriett i (_!-(■.'n'nion and Advocate, will copy three times and tbnv id their bills to S. T. Jones & Cos. Cupper hill, Tout). TXTE daily lie tr of the most nston'sh'ngcurgs \ V bedig i fleeted by th it great mul popular in ad cine ii. G. Fabricli.’s Arauiax Liniment, and we cun tru'y s y, from our own knowledge, th it no rued.c no ever and scosxred his performed the same wonderful cures, th t t h s, both in man and beast, and it Sequdly good f r both, which m >kes Uso truly vain ,ble. It is theri t ire hailed bv the suffering as the great st bless ing of the age, and no one would ev )’ allow h.mself to be w thout this sorere go b tint, who nice w.tness its in eg e p.,w ;r ov\r and sense, and its wonderful potency in relieving pain, howev er s vcre, in a f.iv rnait s’ tm *. We crnestly d-s re yu to call upon the agent, wh > iv.ll lur n s!i volt free ol ell trge a sm ill book con tup lug bes (les other v du tble inform it’o.i, u larg- list of cert lie ites from in my of the most i esj>. ctab'e persons, of cures .If cted by th seelebr ited med icine, wh ch surely are enough to convince the sceptical of its tr uiscttiideiit v.i tuus. \Ye n,- t.ce sever and celt licates of rheum:.t sin cured fil ter the p .tie l it had suffered every thing but de th for live to twenty ye irs. Also cases ..f [> o-i lys's, or loss of use of the limbs, where the flesh i: id tv itherort, leaving nothing apparent y but dried skm ind bone, present ng so hoi rid a spi-cct de that ihe'r Frtexiw looked i.ton them Appalled wh'io pi.vs c ans pronmioced them Bkkoxd any Human Eekort to relieve. It s tiie most cilic ic.(fits remedy known for burns, sprains, wounds, bru ses, ch Ibhiins, nt-u .Igia, t .oth’.ch", bdes of insects and reptiles, sore throat, s,ore or weak eyes, tumors, sun p lilt, etc., etc. : and is used with u dam ailed success in most of the ailments of horses and c ittle, such as sweeny, farcy, sprains, brn ses, wounds, st If neck and joints, lameness, swellings, galls or chafes, sore eyes, part a! blindness, ttc. If us ed in the beginning of fistula, pol:-..vl, ringbone and spavin, it will invariably stop the r further progress. Every fondly should keep til's val uable medicine on hind, for any emergency. //•oh out for (hunterfats ! The public sir.* c int oned against another counterfeit, wh'ch h;s lately made its appear ance, c.dled \V. B. F utcH’s Arabian Liniment, the most and tugiTous of fill the c'eunterf.:it.s Ik caus-e h s having ihe name Farrell, many w.H buy it in a good, iv thout the knowledge, that ft cpuirterfc t exists,- and they w'il peril ips only and scover th's eiror when the spurious nnx ure has wrought itts evil elfects. The genuine article is m itiufictmvd only bv H. G. Farrell, sole invent ir and ;>’• iprietm - , and wholesale druggist-, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, 111:i mig, to whim ail appi cations for Agenea s must, be addressed. Be same you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell’s thus—ll. G. FAR RELL’S—and his s g lataire on the wrapper, all others are counterfeit. Sold by T. A. Burke, and .T. 1). Carpenter, G issville, Anderson, M lucr &. Cos. C-rtcrsviUe, Elliott A Tupp in, Kingston, u>id bv regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. Erie ■ 25 and 5o cents, and $1 per battle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village mil hamlet in the United States, in vvli'cb one is not already established. Address 11. G. Fori roll as above, accompanied with good reference as to ch ir ioter, responsibility, Ac. Robert Bitty, Rome, G. 1., wholesale agent. Apr.l lit—4t. A U r All NINO! DELAY not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fools’ philosophy, that a discos,. will get cured of itsejf, or that volt cm cure it w til certain medicines for a few dollars. Be ware how you temper with your general wel fare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will yon persist in dosing w th Ilia filthy nauseating com pounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you men tally its well as physically, when you can he cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines V Ye rakes of every age mid eond.t on, why will ye suffer and repine, and drag out a ruicerabie ox stonce, unfitted for the enjoyment, and even ordinary ts oflife. You who are thus an noyed and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and eflec tu il, should consult Dr. MORRIS. II s suc cess in chronic diseases has been greater than th it of any other physician of his day. M any who hive been for years nflUctod with cßseaSi? or consequences resulting from excess, hare been restored to health ami vigor under his real ly scientific treatment. Should a personal interview be objectionable state your disease in writing—enclose five dol lars-address Dr. W. H. MOBRfri. through the Postoffloe, Savannah, <1 i., and a package of ine.l e nos, securely put up, will be sent private ly and with despatch, full of directions therewith and no questions asked. Persons living at ad stance,and afllietod with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers, Piles, Fistula in Ann, Gravel Strictures, Gleets, or any disease whatever of an aggi’ ivated or malignant ch trader, can be cured at home by consulting l)r. MORRIS, by letter post paid, ’oiKiusinr a fee, Medicines pleasant and safe, can be scut per mail to any part, of the Umted States. Particular attention g ven to tlic treatment pf female dtimplaints, Lad es wh > irtny be i*libel ed with frregularit'es, Flor Alhtis, or Wbdes, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of tlic Womb, would do ivell to lay aside nil false debeaev, and I promptly consult the Doctor, Cukes Wauoan* i tbi>. ‘ ... All letters to rece : ve attention must bn post-paid, enclosing a foe, Address Dr. W. H. MORRIS, Savannan. On. Consulting Rooms, No. 98, Brvan Street, qjposite Monument Square. July 14—ly BLANNSAT TF£ ft?*,"’*’ ”2. “ ‘fjODetffisefricute. Terrible Fighting at Sebastopol!!! THE LIKE NEVER KNOWN BEFORE 1 IT is a true maxim and is fully proven to all who call upon A. & .L I* IIILL, to Ret cheap bargains at cash prices that, the “ Sirnhle YupEnce i* hetier lit an a slow shiUln/fX - ,- v ~ . THEY would call the attention of , the.r friends and the surrounding country to the fact ‘hat they are occupying the old stand < *] intnvn i;s the “ 0 u n ti i u g h a in House,” opposite the Globe Hotel, where they keep on baud and are constantly receiving all kinds of FamilyXlhocekies and Confectionaries, consisting, in part, of the Stow art’s refined A. B. & C. Sugars, li%P Coffee, Sugar; Wgs%mp; New Orleans, M used rad o and St. Croix Sugars; L igo ra, Java St. Domingo and K o CeUvC; New Orleans Syrup; Star, Sperm and Tallow Candles; *x< Mackerel, cheese, iluck wheat _>'***’ Flour, iVp.per, Sp.ce, Ding- r; Ginger Preserves, assorted Preserves, Jellies and Jams; Stick Cand es, Candy Toys, Ketchups, Pepper Sauce, Olive Oil, Table S lit ; Sal Soda, 15. C. Soda, Cloves, Nutmegs, Gel - tine, Mace, Currants, Citron ; a prgSj, Bacon, laird, Cooking Extracts, fine Tobacco and Cigars; rwiisfei- l\,wder, Shot and Lead; Figs, 1!. i-s ns, Prunes, Lemon Syrup, Rasp berry and Strawberry Syrups; SioHgliton’s Hitters;. Together with a good assortment of Drugs, (Osueh as Window Glass, Paints, Offs, Can:* phine Burning Fluid; i Lamps, Spirits “of Turpentine, Castor Oi', i Coach Varnish; Mustang Liniment, Snuff, &c. ALSO , a few Dry Goods,Shoes, fjnjFV &c., which we will sell nearly at W**&ms* cost for the cash. Come in aval j see us before pureh as in g else where. We intend to adhere to the Gath S.'/stew, and by so doing we will be enabled to sell you goods low down. A. A J. L. HILL. Cassv.lle, apr 12 —ts VLIST OF LETTERS remaining in tin: Post-Office at Cossville, G i., on the Ist dav of Apr.l, IS.V% which if not taken out with in three months will lie sent to fl:e General P. 0. as dead Letters. Biker, Jasper Kennedy, J s. Clack, M tic Ki:kpa-.riek, W. L. Barton, M. Long, W. W. H.uiev, Joseph Ledford, If M. Bozeman, Win. T. Langston, Miss E. K. Burge, W. S. Lite, J me | Brown, Sam’l Lipsc mih, Marion i Brown, Mrs. M. M. J. ntoa, M ss Dora Bell, W. T., J. : Bruce, John McGinnis, Jas. i Bndg. s, Tiilmon F. Martin, Perry ! Barna, Mrs. E. A. Motto, Jas. i. j Calutvel!, Mrs. Francis MeC-.v, V. J. 2 • Goliifs, A. I!. MeQu m, M ss C. C. Caldwell, Robert M irtin, M. P. Coursev, John Morgan, Thus. 11. Colons,” A. J. MeN ucb, D vd Collins, Mrs. J. A. Methu laud. Freeman Campbell, Rev. J. 11. Nody, 11. F. M. I). “Colbert, P. G. Ore.r, Jas. R .m, Ti.c/olus ■ Poison; M irt.n Unruly, Mrs. S.*, Andrew I [),,* or, Henry C. Powell, Uoct. J. B. i Dot-man, Rev. A. It ivnolds, Perniedius i I)ml;iv, J mn s Rollms, N cliola* | Ever g., William It ch u'ds, J. M. ! Floyd, Kn.vii) Reaves, J..lm | F.niche, M n ton Kelson, James j Fleinmons, Levi Stovnil, Mrs. Nancy | Floyd, Andrew Sliddon, M irtin Fuller, Miss Susan E. Sm th, Albert 1 Ford, J. V. Sober, Doct. Gr.swell, Mrs. M. Strain, Adolphus M. G li ner, S.mon W. Smith, Samuel Gaines, Henry Smith, J lines Gray, J. W. * Strnwhorn, Moses Gr'siVvl , ,James T. • S nith, F. M. (5 tea, M ry 2 S*Jones, lie ry C. IT. ileiidr.x, F. C. Scott, W. Byron it .r.le, l.eoiiiife Smithson. li.T. &E.F. Handers-.n, L.-w’s Scal'v, Thomas Howard, Mrs. S. J. T •rrell, Mr. He.b r, Mrs. L. U.iih-i -wnod, Jas. F. II lyg .od, Z. 1). Underwood, Mrs. T. II ii, Mrs. M -rv M r girt, Andrew Henderson, Arch. 2 Wall, Div'd Huggins, Mss Eliza’th Wi'.s n, Q. .!. Hefner, (Jo rge “Whitehead, L. M. Higjrfv, W.lTiam Wh tfield, Marion I vie, Milton Wirshim, Win. 11. Jones, Mrs. Emily G. Walker, Lew s Jentry. it ley Wells, Th .nets J. Keys, A. C.* 2 Yeargiu, Wiliam K ng, W. or Alfred Yoates, Mrs. Mary Persons calling for any of the above Letters will please remetnb. r th v are advert"scd. ARTHUR liAIRE, CtissviHe, npr 12—at ‘.4&Jbegs leave to inform the Cfizens >f that W. pl..ce, iiml the adjoining towns nod c„u: - ties, th it she bus just returned from Charleston and is m.w tvce.virg a most beautiful stock of Bonnets, It bbous, Flowers, M intilins, Ac. for egr ,1 summer styles, and al! kinds of staple J&Jg and fiticv goods, wh'cli wol be sold at prices to su t the times—cheaper than the cheapest. M.llinerv and Divs.--:irik : ng carried on in the neatest uml mosts islronable styles. All orders attended to w.tli despatch. ‘ aj>rl2— : -t rpIN ROOFING GUTTERING AM) TIN L WAKE ESTABLISHMENT, at Cussviilc The Subset 1 ber leave to call the attent on of the jiuhlic to h s super- Vjr or mode of Tin Hoofing, wh eh s bolieted to be equal to all others in neatness, du rability and strength. I confidently assert that tle.-re is no Roofing m iterial in use cqti <! to T n, when well put on. It is perfectly tii\-pro. t, ni.uv.subst mt i! and cheaper than sh'ugies, bc • cause more durable, .nsurance is saved, and great risk-, avoid', and ; as at ,e ist tw -th rds ofth * num ber of bu Id tigs consumed in large canll gra tious, first take lire upon the roofs. Having made ample arrangements for Roof ing; and secured the ftervees of first-rate \v ;rk men, experienced in the business, I tun we'! pre pared to contract w.tli companies or hid v duals, throughout the State, or any of the adjoining States, for covering factories, engine houses, ill roiul bridges, dwelling houses, ti'ul other buildings, in the best in intii'r. No Tin plate will be used but the best brands, and a’l roofs warm.ted. E. A. BROWN. iPSjT Shop on the east, s’de of the court, house, at Hood’s old printing office. ang 18 fSs§tsa Jis the So. Mu. Insurance Conipany for Cass and Gordon Counties, and whl take risks upon Hou ses, Negroes, Ac. Ac. Will also receive appli cations for insurance upon the lives of white persons. JOHN 11. RICE, Agent. Jan. ft, 1855. 4-5 —ly. \I KDICAIi CARD.-Da. S. C. Eiioc \ n 11 woieni h iVitig permaliently located /ft in Cassvdle, offers has s- rv ees to the citizens of the town and county, in tho practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. Office and Residence at Latimer's Hotel, l'eb. 22, 1855. o —ly. Superior Cos cut Surpocnas—and in short, “ everything usually sought after” in the line of Blanks, lor sale at the Bra.Np.uto Printing Office. n EORUIA, FANNIN COUNTY. Whereas VX William Franklin and M rguM Beard, apply to me for letters of Administmt on do la • iiis non on the est to of \V Ilium Webster, efi ceasnd, l.ito of s i:d county: These are therefore to o tc and admonish all persons concerned, to be and iippenrr at my <■., lice, w.tli ii the time prcstj’b. and by hnv, to shew cause, (if any there be,) wby said letters should not lie granted. (liven under mV baud at office tills April .15, 1855. JAMES KiNO.UD, Apr! 10—flfd. * Ord nary. XT AGI ST HA’ l’ K’S SUMMONSi-a large qu u • i\i. titvjust printed--“done up brown,” on hand and for sale at tho Standard Printing Omen. MAGISTRATE'S EXECUTIONS 37 n ~c r, feet sticks—as a body might s iy,” and fixed lip “ according to lloyle,” may he f.mid at tlio Stanhau-ii JVuMixo Cmpa. MAtlTtiivf.K WctXSKS--The best looking lot Unit's been along lately, and will plo4*o the most fastidious, for sale at the Standard Printing Offion. ; \ FEW MORE LEFT of those oheup Doublc iVr.rrel Guns!! at • - I'RL'A.P CifH STORE. :Q Obelrl 1 pc i7) e7l 3. NEW SEEING and SUMMER GOODS. ragy-s* - EXPECTED EVER VDA Y, 1. j 5 s * A LABOR AND CAREFI'LLY St* lkctku stock of C 110 I C K SPUING *\ND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of B iregb, Lawn, Muslin, Caliches, Jac onet*., Swiss and cross-barred Muslin, Edging, aid inserting, Cord’ and and Grass Skirts, Collar.-, Umlersleoves and Chemlsetts, and a large stock of Domestic Goods. j ALSO, just received, the latest styles | of black and white BONNETS, Ribbons, * and Flowers. ALSO, Ready-Made Clothing, Cutlc ry, and every artde usually kept in a •AA Dry Goods Store, at apr s —ts Lew’s Cheap Cash • ‘■to'jie. ~ ~ T? M. EDDLEMAN BRO., All,into. 0,t., keep const mi Pi jF?VgA on hand slid for sale, --’ ■- v slt ‘he lowest cash pri- ‘Jxx fri 8 ecs, a large assortment / at ‘Sitff-s, Emil. U#-j y*i3c; Lasts, Peas, Cult Lining arid Binding ; Skins, Slr>#-M.ik'tr ! Toe's, Store on p; win Wh .i le-h til Si rye t, p ---i: sife W. Rays Book J P* Store. Atlanta, “Gu. Jan. 12—Ty. REDEOTIO .V OF DRIVES. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT. —These famous Medicines will in future be sold through,Ait the States at the following prices : Sn ill Pot or Box, 2 r > cents, instead of :-J7 1-2. j Medium do. do. 02 1-2” ” y< 1-2. I Li ge do. do. f-i “ j JV.fessor Holloway’s Manufactories are at > Ho Maiden Lane, New York, and 24i Strand. | London. J- lii 1“ j SELLING off at Cost for Cosh, As the under* ! s : gued ; s closing up tlrd business of the firm j of Leake & Howard, he has determined to , sell off at c st fir cash. Come all that want (too-l Jntrtf ; wm and COT/O oniric or you will miss then:. Cartersville, Dec i—ts V, . W. LEAKE. t>l.vtt & gilham, 1 Wore Ilouie ftiu ‘Si>^. R vnold - root, -Vugils — -—* 1 1. G.t., (Huecessors to Platt & Bro ther)—Possessing ev; .;v t.ic.ktv, w.l! devofe tlioir pci somd aiul mid vidnl attention to the sale of Cotton and other Pr -dtiCi; cobs grud to their care, and the parch :se and forward-ng •f goods. Coiiimissiou w.l! tie the established rates of the c tv. R. ieret'.C*-: Mess. Hiv land. R’sley & Cos., Hand, Williams MyC- 1 1!, [{ trt & Cos., Scranton, Seymour & Cos., Bekaei & Ilol’iugsworth, Th-ver & Butt, Dawson A Sk’nner, and T. S. Metcalf. Escp—Augusta: Hand, Williams A. Wilcox —Charleston. EDWIN PLATT. THUS. A. Oil VM. sept h, IH'4 if OR TOR’S ACADEMY G. C. NORTON, Principal of Male Depart mi"’ t. Mrs. AURELIA VAUGHN, IViacipu} .f Ft m th* Dep-Ttinent. r exorc’ses us this Ac tdemv will be r stun* JL ed on Monday, the Bth of January, 1850. For Terms <>l tuition, apply to G C. Nuiten at his residence, in Cartersville. Dee 2 J FAS 111 OX AISLE TAILOR'XO th ', ,r fv,olul ‘ SXX jH “> -t they IX- &xfsrt/TUiik';: i/. •’-NCont.nue th. fef Tuilorhiif l■■■- • r *■* in ; ■ £%* t’-'i G. 4 its In-inches, IH Mlrkx at their old jl: s :->R’ \ s rind I, the %;• v: n u ;d v s *'•• s. * . > 4 lv i'r. Patton s l< Ti Ai: f.iA.V; [I f\ 1 ■ --I ;• ii'"” ji ’i.M, .. J ‘ | I V w:l. oe exicu !! 7 i 5 \':\ h- tli nc-i* jj ;■'/ *,/ ? j v, t and dcs i'hfK / V 1 I )iU Bre> My W_f:. h UlSt- ti.* ers. Cussrille, Jan 12—if. SK L. I, IXG A ’ V C 6 ST ! iiiascnnmiG * davidson, Offer their entire st ick of (foods, contesting o’ Rea!// m, t.U VUtihlng, UaU, th/*.*, Rwlb, Ulan r-v, (it v.'.v-v/hvF.v FarnU'd-ig Godn, Fui.-g <tn>l Sfaphe Dry Gov<U, tfare'rji, Fancy (h>>><>.*, d:c., AT FIRST COST FOR CASH ! Tocv intend to-do what they s v, ami no humbug, us their intention is to leave Cassv'lle is soon as posable, They call the attention of the public to tint fact, and invite them tv come quick, or you will lose great b..rgaiiis. COME AND FAY UP! A'l pers us indebted to I! i soli berg A Da vidson, eith.-r by note or account, are pobte'y requested to <•■ , H e forward and pay -up, as mo ney we must hive, being we h ve determined t.i break up our establishment shortly. Those stiling to do so, t II th-* Ist of April, will be dealt with according to Law, l \ b zii—tf i -*>V -*' N r |''RDUT HOUSE.—TbcS un > do'is’gned begs to inf tin s , Jrjl ll the citizens of Atlanta nu-l in.- • 1 f A2r>S? travelling public that this su perb establishment is now open for the uecoin io dot oii of Boarders and Transient persons. The ll.mse and furniture being entirely new, i> Minis well ventißotefl, II ills large and airy, thp-Subscriber hopes by constant attention to the w ints if h s guests, to make Ivs House di - sir lde to the traveller, and merit a shave of public patronr.g.'. AARON GAGE, Proprietor. Atlanta, Fit. 18 -ts One Hundred oi7ts, 5 CONSISTING OF GOU) Vi'rtcilKS, LII.VIIONUS, Ac., TO THE VALUE Oh 82,500. EIGHT PIirZEtS OF SIP, AND OVER, To be drawn oil Hiiurdav. April 21st, or so soon thereafter as the Tickets can uli be sold. Tickets, S5. Circulars, containing nil the Particulars, can be b id of the Agents, or by mldivssiug, Post paid, 2'. A. \\ vOH <<• V'>., mil 8— Rome, (la. ATLANTA CITY PROPERTY FOR SALT. , , .. PERSONS desirous oi purckas ing Property would do well to call on us, as We liavo iv nuin ■ < her of improved and unimproved >CiAiOiiPv i.„ts fur sale. Also; n lot ol ground coot lining ten acres, of foie woodland, w ;th a good two Stun house, and -til other me essarv eut-buildings situated thereon. Terms, reasonable. JOG. R. tv I FT. .1 ui. 5, 1855. 48- ts. The Cheapest C00d.3 KVI-'.ll soil! IN CASSVIULF, ‘TO A l)SAl- OIIIITA 1 NTT.’ Clothing, Staple and Fancy Mo Goods, Watches, .Lwelrv, Ac., NOT AT COST, Rut willle .to'-.i cheaper than ear offered be tire In (hptunihU, <i! LEVY’S CASH STORE- Feb 16 —ts /■wrtfii’T's * > pcotbißy annonuci sto J h s friends and I itecustom - .5. ers tint lie has bought out t j lt . Htoek of Goods of E. M. IVce, ard nay bo found at Ki*r- n’s old stand, where I'. ..’.! be glad to wait upon h s friends, and prunvaos t. be ns choap as tho clicapi-st.—— Give him a call if you please, at Knv us old stand. Oassville, aug 5 —LI-n l)IAN0 FORTES, Music, Musi ‘jdfljS L cd Instruments, Fancy Art- c ‘ White-Hall Street, Sign Vi u J “of thu Gulden Piano, Atlanta, Ga. Feb IC—tf 11. BHAUMULLEU. STEET PENS, at 85 cents pergjuss, ut LE _ V Y ‘hi cheap cash Stojv, ScWnfeeiTjente. - BRIT IS H PERIODICALS. copies secured. r EONARI), BCOTT & CO., New York, con l j tinue to t e-publisli the following British Per.(..dip ils, viz.: 5 • Tub London Quarterly, (Conservative. Ihr Edinburcu Review, (Wing.) Inn Noiiru JJhitisii Review, (Free-Ch’ch) j 4. lUK Wkstmunister Review, (Liberal.) j i. Blackwood nEmxanßoii Magazine (Tory) ! The present'state of European affairs wi.i render these publications unusually interest mg during the year ’ad. Tiny will ocfcu’py a mid dle ground between the hastily written news* i items, crude speculations and flying rumors of ■ lie and >tly Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future h storian, written after the living in terest and excitement of the great political e vents of the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodicals tint people must look for ■he only really intelligible and reliable history •f current events, audits such, in addition to ihe r well cst bii.-.bisl lder.iiy, scientific and hvok.g c si, w- urge’ them upon the coit.s d.'ration of (he reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt ; f curly sheets from the Brit sh Publishers, by i winch we shall be able to place all .our reprints n the hands of Mihscr.bcis, about as soon as die.v dll be furuishtd with the fore : gn copies. Although tins will involve a very huge outlav mi our part, we shall continue to furnish the Pe riodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, yz: Per Annum: For any one of the four Reviews, oo For any two of the R views, 5 00 For at: v three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all fur of tit,* R views, 8 00 F>-r Blackwood’s Magazine S 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and the lour Reviews, 10 00 Payments tc be mud in all cases, iit advance. Money current in tke St.ite where issued will be received at par. (Jluubjno.— A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices w-ll be allowed to Flubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies 1 Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent ■ o one addresjs tor §9 ; four copies of the four Reviews am! Blackwood for • and soon. Postage.—-’-In all the prina.p-i) cities and ’ awns these works will be delivered, through •gents, free of postage. When sent- by mail, Use- post-ige to any part ol’ the United States vd! be but twenty-four cents a year for “Ulaek ••vei-d,” and but fourteen cents a year for each n tin: Reviews. i em ttu.ces and communications should ai vjys be addressed, p. sf paid to tbe publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., 0? Gold Street, New York. N. IJ. —L. S. k Cos. have recently published, md have now for sale, the “Farmer’s Guide,” Henry Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor on, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in “• vol oet IVO, emit lining 1 tino pages, 14 steel and iiio wood engravings. Price In muslin binding. This work ‘snot the old “ Book of the Farm,’ * itely lususoJTATLD and thrown upon the mn-rk- L mli ‘22 ’ |N) yhft .v! *, Soldiers, Seamen, <kc., of all I \> ai s, tlie;i’ widows and minor children.— ! 8. M. Knight, Attorney for Government Claim* | lilts, Washington, D. C.,—Cotitin ucs to give | orontp.t and jiersonal attention to the prosecu <l*ol) ot Claims of every description agtunst the ’ Government, and particularly to those J ‘tore the Treasury Department, Pension and Bounty'-Land Bureaus, Patent and General Land ■offices, and Board of Claims. An experience of years, and a familiarity with j he means of obtaining the isliest and most-fa* j vor .ble action on Claims, with his facilities for I d ,e and spatch of business, justify him in assur- I !! ff h'A Correspond', nts. Claimants, and the : rtublic gener.ilty, that interests intrusted to his 1 kcttrng will not be neglected. Pension, Boun :t Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws.— le !i s no fly u-iuly far gratuitous distribution iniopg h s business Correspondeirts, (and those who may become such,) u neat, pamphlet con ■aurtng a synopsis if tbe cX sting Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws, •I -wo t' the end of the lute Cot giVss— including the li u mty-Land Act of Makci*, 1855, under ,v “ eh ai: who have heretofore received less ’mil iffi;.ores are now entuled to additional and :sy .and Act grants also li>*i acres to all C t‘er>-, Ahit -jomii! ssiored Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, V. agon Masters, Teamsters, and friend* ;ly Indians, of the Army, including States ; !Y,mps, Volunteers, and Militia—and all 0* , deers. Seamen Ordinary Seamen, Marines, (Jerks, and Landsmen, of the Navy, not here* ■ toforc provided for, who have served not less than icurteei) days (unless in battle) ut any pe riod since; and to the w.dorrs and minor children of all such persons entitled, .and de ceased. Tins pamphlet contains “ Forms of Applica ton nioii> full and conijdete than any else where to be fund; adapted to the wants iof ; every cmss of Claimants under the Act., with j copious decisions and instructions of thefcejjart nieiit, and practical suggestions as to the-'course j to bo pursued in suspended or rejected cases. I Panics Hid wish’ug to avail tbciuselve of the laoil t es aflorded by th.s Office in securing l-• m’pipt ’ ’il p'-rtumsl superman lance of their | claims at the Departments, can obtain copdss of j file above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents jin postage stamps. Inducements to Corrbs j i’Ondi nts. Coi respondents who prepare and | forward coses to mamigement bv tlfs A gene v j will be dealt with liberally: supplied with all ! necessity blanks grate-, and kept, constantly • nlv.sed of the changes th it from time to time I occur in the execution of the law. It is within the subscriber’s power to direct fus Correspondents to the locality of very fi tiny persons entitled under flu- late Act; nndEhVlng • obtained sev thousand Land AVarriitits tin dur f. rnier laws, lie is in possession of data that will assist In securing additional bounty. Fees, below the usual rates—anil ‘contingent up- ‘ii the admission of Claims. The highest cash prices given for Land War r mfs. Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Laud Fatet t-. Address SAM. KNIGHT. Apr 1, s.—ixn ■iVcmkingUm OHy. GRAKD SCHEMA ECU APRIL Jf! CLASS N, To be Pro mi April 1855, of ifrmtf/omery, WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 850,000 Will be d'strlbuted according to the following .17.1 GNIFICEXT SChPFMh.’ And bememtint every Prise drawn at each Drawing and paid when due wf-rnouT discount 1 1 Prize of i2,<*<W is $12,000 1 do 8,"00 is 5,000 1 do JV'Ob is 8,000 1 do if, 1 *OO is 2,n00 1 do 1,500 is 1,500 1 do 1,200 is LgOO 1 and o 1,100 Is 1,100 5 and > lpittu is 5,"00 10 do 4-a ’ is 4,000 1” do 150 is 1,500 D* <l ‘> 120 is ],440 ■-0 and i 100 is 2,000 ‘! * do 50 is 8,(100 250 do 25 is 0,400 4 <!u Approximation 50 is 200 4 do da 4” is Ifio •1 do do 85 is 140 4 do do 80 is 120 4 do cR* £5 is 100 4 do do ■£(.! is 80 4 do do 15 is 60 403 Prizes amounting t# $5",000 ONLY TEN 2YJOUEANP NUNfURRSP'f Tickets $8- Halves $4 - Quill tyVS #2. SAM’S SWAN, Agent A Nfvoager, ftpv 12 -tdd MautgiVmebr, Ala, IJOUXTY LANDS- The nfaht-signed ‘hnv j iiig long been engaged in the prosecution of Revolutionary Pension t'butns, Invalid lVn sion Claims, Bounty Land Claims Ac., against the General Government-, noW tenders his ser vices to all such claimants, especially to livunty Land tTinn rtf* fur the procurements of their Claims, as Hr re are many such Claims under the late law of Congress, which gives an addi tional Rounty ot Land to the soldiers of all tho wars in whien the United States has engaged since 17'J", who have not received a* notch os 10” acres. ELISHA KING. Ad ursvillc Ga. mb 22—2 m DU. W. T. EWING, Physician and Sur geon,—Takes this method to inform the z.uis 1 1 W.-llVud’s ne'ghbotli ind and vicini ty, 111 it he has located mi the Tennessee Rond, about a mile and a half from the Gross ltoad3 meeting house. Dlliee and residence, for tho present, at tho residence of Levi Fierce, Esq. Special attention paid to tlio diseases of tho Eye. ink H>—3m Bounty land declarations.—Jut printed and lor sale at the Standard office, Bounty L ind Declarations, suited to tho Into uo* of CouarsM. Pr.oe Ifcl.bO pur quire.