The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, April 19, 1855, Image 4

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C’ljp t'jiirp of lift. The Tall Gentleman’s Apology. Upbraid me not, i never swore Eternal lore to thee, For thou art only four feet high, And I am six fe**t three. 1 wonder, dear,how you supposed That I could look so low ; There's uutuy a one can tie a knot Who cannot fix a beau. Besides, you must confess my love, The bargain’s scarcely fair, For never could we make u mutch Though we might make a pair. Marriage, 1 know, makes one of two, But h. re’s the horrid bore, — My friends declare if vou are one, That I at least am four. ’Tis true the moralists have said, That love has got no eyes, But why should all my sighs be heaved For one who has no size ? And on your wedding day. I’m sure, l‘d leave you in the lurch ; For you never saw a steeple, dear, In the inside of a church. ’Tis usual for a wife to take Her hush tad by the arm : But pray excuse me should I hint A sort of fond alarm. That when l offered you my arm, That happiness to beg. four hghest efforts, dear, would be To take me by the leg. Then fare thee well, my gentle one, 1 ask no parting kiss— I must not break my back to gain So exqirsitc a bliss ; Nor will I weep lest I should hurt So delicate a flower— Tito tears that fall from such a height Would be a thunder shower. Farewell! and pray don’t throw yourself In a basin or a tub— For that would be a sore disgrace To all the six feet club: But it you ever love again, Love on a smaller plan— For why extend to six feet three, The life that’s but a span ? Every man can do his best thing easiest. Money is a bottomless sea, in which hon or, conscience and truth may be drowned. When is a man truly over head and cars in debt? When he has not paid for his wig. Jg*"Why is coffee like an axe with a dull edge? Because it requires to be ground. Why is a drawn tooth like something to be forgotten ? Because it is out of the head. Why is a fanciful idea like the sea? Be cause it is a notion (an ocean). E-sT* Why is the letter 1) like a sailor? Be cause it follows the C (sea). CuST* What word, signifying anything taken, can be spelt with two letters? C. Z. (seized). 537” What pungent powder can be spelt with two letters? K. N. (Cayenne). What two letters signify a written ar ticle? S. A. (Essay). What is that which we often sec made, but never see after it is done? A bow. What single bird’s name will at once des ignate fish and poultry ? Solan goose (sole and goose). 55?“ Why are the very strongest parts of a wall as weak as a woman’s hair? Because they are buttresses (but tresses). Why is the sense more clearly seen in the word vision than in sight ? Because the for. mer has two eyes, and the latter only one. £5?” Why is a happy laughing eye like one that is t >tal!v destroyed? Because it is an eye dated (annihilated). Why is the! a dollar bill? Because it is well circulated, offends no one, and is welcome to all. car Why are B and D in the alphabet like England and Franee ? Because there is a C (sea) between them. tW Why is a horse that i.-> constantly ridden and never fed in no danger of being starved ? Because he has always a bit. “Friendship—'” for me I ask no more than honor gives. Call me yours and rank me with your friends. It is not a great Xerxes army of words, but a c impact Greek ten thousand t’n it march safely down to posterity. Men who speak more acceptable are mure prized, then they who speak more truly and more wisely. The history of human weakness is yet unwritten. Man knows it, feds it, but hates to own it. What is Man-?—An American author describes man as the only animal that drinks sherry cob blers. “ DoctoF, do you think tight-lacing is bad for the consumption ?” “Nut at all, it is what it li'-ts on.” The doctor’s reply was wise as well as witty. A little grl was told to spell ferment , and sgive its meaning, with a sentence in which it was used. The following was literally h r an swer : —F-e-r-m e-n-t, a verb, signifying to work —l love to ferment in the garden I” £5Pf” Quite a joke happened to one of our doc tors the other day. II j ordered some very pow erful medicines for a sick boy, and the father, not liking the appearance of it, forced it down the cat’s throat and when the doctor called again and inquired if the powder had cured the boy, the father replied “No, we did’t give it to him.” “ Good heavens !” said the doctor, “ is the child living?” “Yes, but the old cat isn't; we gave it to her!’’ The doctor sloped. Quite Sake. — There is a gentleman in the leg islature who can be trusted with any secret; for nothing ho can say will be believed . Reverence for Tkcth. — “My friend has a great reverence for the truth,” said a baronet to a gentleman.” “So 1 perceive,” was the re ply ; “ for he always keeps a respectable distance from it.” Akolino.—“Anyt’ing pite you dir?” in. quired one Dutchman of another, while engag ed in angling. “No, not’ing at all.” “Veil,” returned the other, “ not’ing pile me, too.” A Sceptic’s Creed. —A sceptical y.u;ig man one day, conversing with the celebrated I)r! I'arr,observed that he would believe nothing which he could not understand. “Then young man, your creed will be the shortest of any man th’ tt I know.” No Oviatk UminiKED. —The celebrated Mcl ho bc dined one day with the Archbishop of Tl men, and fell asleep soon after the meal. The prelate, a sorry preacher, was about t;i deliv er a sermon, and awakened Malherbe, inviting’ tun to be an “ud.t ,r. Ah! thank you. ’s id Malherbe; “ pray excuse ine; lean sleep ve rv well without that.” Whistling at Falskiiood.—A clergyman in Scotland desired his hearers never to call one-an other liars, but when any one said what was not true they ought to whistle. On Sunday he preach ed a Sermon 0:1 the parable of loaves and fishes, being at a loss to explain, he said that the loaves were not like those now todays, they were as b g ms the hills of Scotland, lie had scarcely pro nounced the words when he he ird a loud whis t’ •. •’ Wha's tb it?” said he, “ who calls me u 1 “It’s 1, Willy M DSnald, the baker.”— ” Well W ily, wh it objections have ye to what l ;..! I ye?” “None, luaste* John, only I want* • t. know kind of ovens they used to bake t.i... loaves in?” JLecjf)! Notices. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—On the first . Tuesday in June next, before *he court house door in the town of Cussville, during the legal hours of sale, will be sold the following property: one negro woman named Sukey, ag ed about IJo years. Sold as the property of Charles M. Brown, deceased, Jute of Oglethorpe county, Ua., for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. ELIJAH LUMPKIN, yjir 12— tds Administrator. IT'XECUTOR’S SALE.— On the first Tuesday lj in July next, between the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in Fannin county, bv authority of the will of the deceased, the following lots of land belonging to the estate of Benjamin Boyd, deceased, late of Burke county, Ua.: one lot No. ft, in the 7thdistrict, •2d section, and lot No. 1!, 7th dist., 2d section ; both lots in originally Cherokee, now Fannin county. Terms, credit till Ist January, 1850, with interest from date. ALLEN BOYI), Administrator. apr 12 —tltj QTATE OK GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY.— ► A Bv Thomas A. Worn, Ordinary of said Cor.vrr. —The petition of A Herd C. Day, caus ing it to appear to me that Telamon Cuvier of said county, deceased, did in his life time execute to siitl Day h : s bond tor titles, to that portion of the lot in town of Cassvi'ile, upon which said Cuvier then lived, bounded on the North by lot of .Sirs. Balls, on South by that portion of the lot occupied by su'd l)iv, on the East bv prop erty now occupied by Thomas 0. Dunlap, and on the West by the street riming out from the South East corner of the public squ ire of said town : am’ also certain other lots lyin within and belonging to the original lot of land on which the town of Oassville is situated, former ly owned by Mrs. Benton, the whole containing thirteen acres more or less \ and it appearing that said Day has paid a large portion of the purchase money and is ready to pay the residue, and said Day lmv’tig petitioned the Conrt. to di rect Charles A. Hamilton, the administrator up on estate of said Curler, to make titles to him for said*; lots: it is therf.-r ordered hereby that notice be given in the OasevUle Standard ofsueh application, that all persons concerned may file objections, of any they have, in niv office why said Charles A. Hamilton, administrator os afor said, should not execute titles in conformity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes of this Court, this Januarv 2Vth 1854. T. A. WORD, Ordinary. Feb. 2d- in”. “VTOTrCE.-Wii! be sold on told on the first .1. x Tuesday in May next at the Court House door in Cassviilelot of laud No. 1282 in the 21st district and mid section. Also at M irietta on same day lot of land No. 227 in the 17th district 2d section to be sold for the benefit of Samuel A. Pardee drawer and the Estate of Eli Mansfield deed., the latter by an or der of Curt of Ordinary of Hancock county said Pardee and Marsfteld being joint owners of said land 12 M: rch 1835. SAML. A. PARDEE, HENRY ROGERS, Adm’s. mil 22—tds Eli Mansfield deed S'i EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY. —Whereas \’T Lew’s I). E!l‘ngton applies to me for let ters and Guardianship over the property of Dav'd A Washington L. Nancy IT. Isaac L. Lewis C. and Massey W. Jackson, orphans of Massey R. Jaeksoo, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons cone-rued, to be and appear at iny of fice within tin* time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv baud at office, tlrs 21st dav of February 1851.’ M. GREER, “ nib 2—;;od Ordinary. p EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas 11. \T W. Cobh, administrator on the estate of Lemuel Johnson, deceased, applies to me for i letters Disruissoi-y from said administration : i Therefore the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished to tile their objections (if any they have) in my office, i in terms of the law ; otherwise letters Dismiss*,-- j i v will be granted the applicant at the Mav j Term next, of the court of Ordinary for said ! county. Given under my hand at office, this i 8d dav of October, IS.M. I Oct 0 Gin TJIOS. A. WORD, Ord. / A EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.--Whereas \ J Thomas Wakefield, ndmimstrator upon j the estate of Isaac Wilkins late of said county i decesed makes application to me for letters of i dismission from said administration. I Tims • are therefore to e : to ami admonish all ■ and singular the kindred and credknrs of said | deceased, to be and appear at. mv ofliee with | in the time prescribed by law, to allow cause, ; if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under nn hand at office, this 22nd of December Is.VI. MOSES GREEK, Onl’y. !. dec 22—Gin p EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—Whereas j *ll Newnrin Osborn, adiTiuiistriitor of the | Eesate of Lm-y Harris, late of said county, de ceased, -ppfios to fir letters of dismission I from said admiiustr iron ; | These are therefore to cite and admonish all | persoi s concerned to bo and nj.pear at my of i tice within the time prescribed bv law to show 1 cause, if am they have, why said letters should | not ha gr listed i Given under my hand rt office, tills 20th uav [ofOctober, 1 S;;4. * MOSES GREER, Oct 27 - ‘fin Ordinary. ifi EORGIA, WIIITFIJ-iLD CO IJNTV. -Ton'll * % whom t ttviy concern. On the lifteeuth | and tv of September last. I sold and transfered to T. I?. Thom])son and J. 11. Kibbeo, all mv stock j or interest in th.e capital st rk of the Planters ; k Mechanics Bank of Dalton, located and doing I business at Dalton, Georgia. SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. j December B.—oanifOm. ! ‘VTOTICKTO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. |1 1 —Ali persons indebted to the Estate of i William C. Guyton, late of Cass county, dc- I ceased, are r quested to make immedinte pav i meet—and those having demands against said 1 estate please pe-.seni them in terms of the | law. WILLIAM P. SMITH, Adrn'r. mh B—Gw f \ EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY~WIktois l l James Simmons and George R. Edwards, ■ administrators of the cst no of William Evn”s, ! late of su’d county, deceased, applies to me for I letters of dismission from the administration of ! said estate. These are.therefore to cite and admonish all ! persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, tills March 25, 1851. M. GREER, Ordinary. mli 2ft—fim CM EORGIA, Fannin County.-—Whereas Jo- Ts slab 11. Carter applies to me for letters of udininistr-t on on tin* estate of M irjary Pinson, ! late of said county, deceased. Tli :se are therefore t > cite and admonish all i persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of- j tice within the time prescribed by law, to show’ cause, if any exist, why said letters should riot i be granted. Given minor iny hand at office, this sth day of March, isli. JAMES KINCAID, Ordinary. mli l.i—cf and N'OTICE. •Tv /‘•■/■tor* and Creditors.— All persons indelntd to the estate of Benjamin ■ Key nolds, deceased, late of Cass county, are re quested to conic fi.nvurd and make immediate : payment; and those hiving demands against said estate, will please present them in terms of t,l I; ‘ M - CHARI, liSS. M A SON, UICHTVJ. puocTOR, npr 12—Cw Executors of Rrmj. Reynolds. I'PO DEBTORS AM) C:itM>!TOKS~\7I ! X persons indebted to the estate of Martin j Stidham, late of Cass county, deceased, are re j quested to make immediate payment; and tlu,c ! haring demands ugilnst said estate, will please 1 present them in terms of the law. ELISHA STIDHAM, ) SIMEON ST I Dll V M, k Executor* T. M. ANS LEV, j mh 10- Rd \EL persons having demands against James A. Heard, late nl'Fannin County deceased are hereby notified to present tli-m properly, attested to us within the time prescribed bylaw ! or they will not be settled. Aml all persons in debted to said deceased arc hereby required to make immediate payment. WM. FRANKLIN, AdiuY. MARGARET HEARD, Adm’x. Fel. 2—(lt. SIXTY days after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Cass county for leave to sell the real estate, and one negro, be longing to the estate of Win. C. Guyton, lute of Cass county, deceased. WILLIAM P. SMITH, Adm’r. no) 8 O'Hl Jfcgjjl Notices. * i CASS SHERIFF SALES.— WiII be sold be fore the court house door in the town of Cussville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following property, tit-wit: One settlement of land in the 17th district and Jd section, known as the plantation of Jas. McGinnis; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor of George S. Black, vs. James McGinnis. One lot of land, No. 1 Go, in the 11th district and 53d section of Casa county ; levied on to sat isfy four li. fas. in favor of William Solomon,, assignee, vs. .J- nathan Whitesides. Property pointed out by defendant. One lot of land lying- in the 17th district and 3d section of Cass county ; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Super.or Court, in lavin’ of Alexander Cobb, vs. John L. Baker—known us the lot upon which said Baker now lives. Mortgage sales.—At the same time and place, one lot of land No. 1 til,-in Vile 11th district and 8d section of Cuss county ; lev ied on to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Abraham Tate, administrator of Evuu Pearson, deceased, vs. Jonathan Whitesides. One town lot with improvements thereon— known as lot No. 17, in trie town of Cussville;’ levied on to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from Cn>s Superior Court, for the use of M. A. Clouts, v>. John W. Olardv tii.d Z. 11. Clardy. Property specified in said Mortgage. One stock of Dry Goods, consisting of calicoes, i ready-made clothing, hardware, cutlery, boots, shoes, crockery ware, Ac., and various other ar ticles usually kept in country stores; levied on to satisfy three Mortgage fi. fa’s, from Cass Inferior Court—one in favor of Peirson, .Jennings A Cos., one in favor of W. E. Whitney & Cos., the other in favor of Bancroft, Betts & Marshall, vs. Ilen rv J. Arnold—said goods specified in said Mortgage. Mortgage.Sams—On- Fiiist Tuesday in Junk. Two negro men, named Ned and'Cain, about 3ft years old each; levied on to satisfy a Hurt i gage li. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor I of Thomas G. Barron, vs. Jonathan Whitesides, i Property pointed out in said fi. fa. mh 2’J —tds E. A. BROWN, Sheriff. 1 RANKIN SHERIFF SALES.—WiII be sold before the court house door in the town of Morganton, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next: One negro man named Peter, about twenty two years t.IcF: levied on as the property of Nan cy Holcombe, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a justice’s court of Lumpkin county, A. J. Glen vs. Nancy Holcombe. One lot of land, No. 72, in the Bth district and 2d section leviedim as the property of Gabri el W. Grimes, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Oglethorpe Superior Court—Thomas J. k G. W. Mattox, for the use of Thomas J. Mattox, vs. Gabriel W. Grimes. mb 2'J—tds JEHU THOMAS, Slr’ff. /V DMiXtSTUATOHAS SALE.—WiII be sold jl\ before the court house door in Cassrille, by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of Cass county, within the legal hours of sale, a valuable plantation, consisting of the following lots of land, to-wit—Nos. 1214, 1210, 1217, 1231, 1288, 1238, 1314. 1287, 1228, 1289, containing 4<) acres each, all in the 17th district and 3rd section of Cass county, to be sold as the prop erty of Jesse Dickerson, deceased. Terms of sale made known on day. Hold on the dr,d Tuesday in May next. J. B. PARROTT, Administrator. Feb 10—tus ADM INISTRATORS SALE.—By virtue of f\ an order oftlie court, of Ordinary of Cass county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, before the court house door in Cassville the plantation known as the Hatch place,consis ting of the following lots of land to wit. Nos. 181, 132, 110, 117, 201, and six acres off? of lot No. 80, till in the 111) (Pst., and 3rd section, sold \ subject to the widow’s dmver, also lot No. 79, i in the 4th and strict and 3rd section and a negro girl named Eliza about eleven years old: all wild 1 as the property of John Hatch lute of said court ty deceased for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. Terms of sale g von on the day. li. W. COBB, Adtu’r mh 22—tds A DM INI ST RATO IPS SALE. -By virtueTf .. V. an order from the Ordinary coun ty, will be sold in the town of 0 tssville on the first Tuesday in may next, between the legal hours of sale: two lots of land Nos. 488, ami 60a, both lying in the 21st dist and 2d section of said county, also one town lot in the town of Carfersviile, lying on the west side of'th'e Wes- j tern and Atlantic R lil Road, whereon Wilson Turbelill now lives, all sold as the property of Win, Smithson deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. E. F. SMITHSON, Adm’r. ELIZA BETH SMITH SDN, Atk-rv. mli 22--tds ADM IN I>TR ATOI.'S S*A ilk.'.--By .-in order! / \ of the Old nary of Jones county, Georgia. I will be sold at the court house door in Canton, 1 Cherokee county, between the usual, hours of sale, on the first- Tuesday in Ju; e next, lot of j Iznd No. >l2, in the litn district and 2d soution | of Cherokee county. Sold as the property of Joannah Barron, deceased. J AMES F. B ARRON, A Jm ’/-. mh 15—tds dc bonis non. _. : CM EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—’Whereas R,>- j VT bert Scott, administrator on the estate of Robert Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all j persons concerned to be and appear at iny of- | fire, and file their objections, (if any they have) I on or before the Ist Monday in October next, 1 otherwise letters Dismissory will be granted | the’applieant on that day. THOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. mli s.-.(Jm* (’ 1 KOUGIA CASS COUNTY.—Whereas, 11. ! VT \Y. Cobb Administrator on the Estate of! Ilamqn Karp, deceased, applies to me for letters 1 Dismissory from said administration. 1 hese are there!ore to cite and admonish all i persons concerned to he and appear at my office I within the time prescribed by law, to show cause ! (if any exist,) wliy said letters should not bo | granted. Given under my hand at office, ibis 2?th dav oi Nov. 1814. IIIOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. Dec I—Gm | CASS COUNTY: Whereas Wil j V.* * non Hays, administrator on the Estate of George W. Hays, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of fice within the time preset- bed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should Hot be granted. Givon under mv hand at office, this 27th of October. 1814. TUGS. A. WORD, Nov 0 Out “ Ordinary. (X EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.— Whereas J. vJT It. Parrott, applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the effects in tlrs State of John S. Allen late of the State of Alabama, deceased. These arc th, reforo to e tc and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time preset* bed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why suid.lettcrs should ; not be granted. x j Given under my li uid nt office, tlus March 10, 1855. T. A. WORD, Ordinary, mh 22—Cm p EOUfIIA, CASS COUNTY. -Wh.-rcns A- V T manda Reynolds applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Robert Rey nolds, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they said letters should tnd be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 12th, 1865. TflOMAfe'A. WORD, Ordinary. mb lf>—and /~N EORGIA CASS COUNTY.—Whereas, W. *. T P. M.lam, ap[iliesto me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Mary Milam, late of said County deceased. 1 hesc nry therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. O ven under my hand at office, this 21st day of February, 1866. T. A. WORD, mh I—tds1 —tds Ordinary. PURSE SILK, Steel Heads, Rings and Tas sels, ere well, crochet needles, and furniture iringo, cheap ut Llivy’s cash stork. sept 15— ts riNiN ROOFING GUTTERING AND TIN X WARE ESTABLISHMENT, at Cassvilk* Thu Subset .her begs leave to call the attention of the public to his super'.- or mode of Tin Roofing, which is believed to be equal to all others in neatness, du rability and strength. I confidently assert that there is no Roofing material in Ufse equal to Tin, when well put on. It is perfectly tire-proof, more substantial and cheaper than shingles, be cause more durable, .nsprance is saved, and great risks avoided; as at .east, two-thirds of the num ber of httildmgs consumed in large conflagra tions, first take fire upon the roofs. Having made ample arrangements for Roof ing, and secured the services of first-rate work men, experienced in the business, I am w ell pre pared to* con tract with companies or individuals, throughout the State, or any of the adjoining States, li.r covering factories, engine houses, rail road bridges, dwelling houses, and other buildings, in the best manner. No Tin plate will be used but the best brands, and all roofs warranted. E. A. BROWN. Shop on the east side of the court house, at Hood’s old printing office. uiig IS QM TTTATCIIES! WATCHES!! BY •£/%. VV MAIL!—The Subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of this place ami vicinity and the public generailr, that he has just received from Europe a large and splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, which he intends to sell off on the principle that “large sales and small profits” are the most advantageous. In order to give the public access to bis stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to im part of the United States, any number of Watches, free if charoe. He has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, &Ift to ?lhft Pocket Chronometers, 10ft to 200 Eight-day Watches, 125 to 20 Ladies’ Enamel Watches, SO to I'>o Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gold Hunting Levers, IS k. full jewelled, 35 Gobi open-faced Levers, full jew. 20 GohrLepines, 22 Silver Levers, full jewelled, IS Silver Lepines, 8 Gold Fens, Silver holders, 2 Gold Pencils, 3 On receipt of the value, any of the above Watches will be forwarded by return mail.— Orders should be sent in earlv, and addressed to J. M. EASTWOOD, Oet 20—ts Raleigh, N. C. O EMI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE,for Duck Town ICT'Copper Mines,'by way of Talking livck, E- Lijuy and Dunn's Ferry. pleasant route to the Duck n-as-Kg-K — Town Copper M ines, Tennessee, is through Cassvilk*. The Stages are pleasant and commodious, good horses, safe and carcftri drivers. The route is through some of the finest Mountain Scenery in Georgia. Asa large por tion of the land in the v ein ty of the Mines is owned by persons living in tin* middle and low er parts ot the State, it would be to their inter est to come up and examine. The Stages leave Cussville every Monday and Thursday morning, immediately after the arrival, of the cars. Stage offices at Latimer’s hotel, Cassvilk*, and Cottage Hall, by li. A. Freeman, Kllijitw Buy vom* tickets at Atlanta fur Cuss Depot. ’ * J. S. DTLM.M, • Proprietor. -•driw v BEING also I’roprie*” jTt tor of a well-stocked Liv cry Stable at Ell jay, the till- aLVJJI dersigned is prepared to send persons to any point to which they may'wish to go.” Nov. 27, * ‘ J. 3,’DUMM. T>APEU HANGING’S DEPOT, No 744 Jr Courtland Street, New York.—Nearly op posite the I'-ftkehunt’s Hotel.—Tins Cuorox MaNtiFACTuniKO Company, (Organized under the General Manufacturing Law of the State of New York,) offer at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchasers, nt manufacturers’ lowest ju i ces,, for cash’or approved credit: Paper Hangings, of every variety of style and price; Borders to match ; Fire-Board Prints in great variety; Transparent Window Shades ; Oil Painted Window Shades; Wide Window Curtain Papers; and Window Shade Fixtures, of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manniiie ture and importation. As their stock is large and entirely new, they invite merchants, book sellers and dealers in these articles, local! and examine their styles and prices whenever they visit the city. New York, mh 8 ‘ \UCTJON AND COMMISSION HOUSE, Atlanta , Ua. —Jos. R. Swift, having lo cated himself on Whitc-llull street, opposite Mess. Whitney & 11 nut’s store, and below W. IV. Roark’s old stand, is now prepared t > sell Merchandize, Real Estate, Negroes, Furniture, .Sc, Ac., at Auction or at private*sale. He would he happy to re ceive on consignment Bacon, Corn, Oats, wheat, and all kinds of Produce, which he will soil on the best of terms, and make prompt remittan ces. He intends to keep on hand everything fu tile use of the Planter,— Rope, B iggitig, Groci • ries, Ac. Ac. A share of patronage is respect fully solicited. JOS. It. SWIFT. Atlanta, Ua.., Dec. 8, 1 fei4. 44 —ly BOOK BINDER T BY ATI. AFT A ! Y\7TLLIAM KAY, respectfully informs the > i c:t.zeus of Cass”i]le and surrounding country, that Ik* is now prepared for any k ud of Binding and-Ruling at short iiut’ee. lie has also on hand a large assortment of Books in the various departments of Literature, Fancy Sta tionerv, Mus e, Musal Instruments, Paper Hang ings, Guns, Pistols, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Ac., at the very lowest possible prees. A sh ire of the public patronage is i-usneetfnliy solicited. Atlanta, March 24, 1 S;V—ly. /"I ■ t lilt I AGES AXD JIAIiXhSS.-Cluvdes ton S. t. Wh te house, south-west corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets, Charleston, .tsti 3 / The subscriber lias always on V*j\i> hand a large nssortiuent ofVi ../ Y j hides of every description, such as Coaches, Roekaw.tys, lia rouolics, top Buggies, tio top Buggies, and Ped lar Wagons, which are manufactured expressly for his own sales, and which in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed. All articles sold by him arc wauiiantf!. in the fullest terms. Persons in want tire solicited to give him a call, where they will find a cheap and good article on favorable terms. Carriages built to order, and repairing dune with neatness and despatch. Refers to Col. 11. F. Price, Cassvißi*. M. 11. NATHAN. Nov 17—6 m. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY.— Prokita- UI.E AND lIoXOMABMC EuPI.OYMK.NT. The j Subscriber is desirous of havingan agent in each J county and town of the Union. A capital of from 5 to §<li) only will be required, and any thing like nn efficient, energetic until can make from three to live dollars per day indeed some of tlie Agents now employed are realizing twice that sum. Every information will be given by addressing (postage paid.) WM. A. KINSLEE, Itox 1228, Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office. mh 22—lit.* I o'AMILY NEWSPAPER, 25 cents per year. — The Philadelphia “ Key-Stunk City,” third year, fpublished monthly )~28 columns of matter, sent to subscribers for 2o cents per fit 1 year, commencing at any month. Five copies to due address, one dollar. CRANE A STIVERS, Publishers, No. 57 South yd St., Philadelphia. Send your quarter in silver or post-office 1 stamps’ The paper is never sent until the tno n*y m received. mh 8 IT' A1H NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the tinders gned either by note or account are earnestly requested to come forward and settle up without delay. All claims not settled < r otherwise satisfacto rily arranged by the lstol May will be put in suit for collection. GEORGE J. HOWARD. Curtersville, Or. mh 22—ton OTOP THE THIEF! -Stolen last night, from the stable of the subscriber, two and a half miles from Cassvdlc, on the Kingston road, a Hay Jlue, 6 years old this Spring, lias a small wh te spot, on her neck, one white hind foot, slightly li p shot in the right hip. She is a na tin il pacer, of ordinary size and in tolchibly good order. And information that will lead to the rocove- 1 ry of said m ire will be thankfully received and suitably rewarded. BENJ. BRANTLY. , Near Oassville, March 27,1855. GOLD and Silver Watches, Gold Finger and Ear Rings, Breast-pins and Lockets, cheap for cash, at i * sept 15 LEVY’S STORE. . yaTater running up ihll, to your VV House, Without Labor. —G atciiel’s ‘Pat ent Premium Improved double and single self acting IIVDRAUI/IC E.V.Mb, patented April, 10, 1847. —Fur supplying: Dwellings or Farm houses, Villages, Rail Road Stations, Ac., with pure running water, any height or distance re quired,Avitb from one pint to twenty gallons per minute, from a Spring-or Stream where a fill of two or more feet can he obtained. The quantity thrown in proportion to theiitll and elevation. • The IVze Medal was awarded to Gatchel’s Rams, at the World's Fair, London. Gold and Silver Medal# and numerous Diplomas and cer tificates can he shown to prove tins Ram the Simplest, best and most durable invention in use, or ever discovered by the art of man for raising water above its level, Ac. The first and only Gold Mnlal ever awarded to anything by the New York State Agricultu ral Society, was awarded to Gatchkj.’h Ram, September, 1547, tor its simplicity, citnubdity, and effectiveness in its operations. SiiEKUunsE, Chenango Cos. Sept. 14, ‘.'>4. Phave used one of Oatchel’s Rams since the Ist of November, 1847, and cheerfully recom me: and them to all. It exceed.-, anything [ ever saw or heard of both for durability and utility. The distance from the Springs to the bouse is 118 rods. The water is forced up an elevation of‘2l - 2.feet; the fall or head, is 13 feet. I have sufficient water for 2<>n head of cattle, and also a full supply at my house. I would not be de prived of it for §luo pet- year. D. C. Bcei.. , R kfekencks i— Parker <f; Monroe, Oxford , A'. Y.; Horace L. Emery, diking, A'. (>.■!<• \mon dr Stetson, New York Oily; IL-Gov. A■ I’. \ lira-urn, Nashville, Tennessee; B. W.Fdsgcrtdd, \ Nottoway Oh., Ya.; Thou. 1... Parish, Charlotte - ; ville, Ya., where the above machine can be seen in full operation. ; ‘fbe unders : gncd having purchased the rights I of Cass, Gordon and Floyd, proposes to furnish ; and put up the above machine, which is in all i eases warranted to give satisfaction. 1 Address .1. 1.. GIBSON, Cass ville, On. j Refers to A. Algood, Iron Factory, Chattoo ga county, Gn., and Ford, Caldwell A Cos., Un i ion Furnace, Cass county, Ga. mhß-tij Y 1 HA RL EATON A COO UNT 800 KATA NU \J FACTORY!! Walker & Evans, Manu facturing Stationers, No. 10! Fast Bay, Char listen, Have now on hand the largest assort ment of Account Books ever offered for sale in this part .>f the country, ami equal to any in the United States. Our entire stock is manfnc.tvred in Charles- Jon, in our own Bindery, bv competent Work men, under our personal supervision. The pa per and nth ;r materials are of the best quality, carefully selected, and the Books warranted in every respect, equal to those made by the best New York Stationers for their city trade. County mid State Officers, J-!antis, Merchants land others, can have their Books titled and bound to any pattern, and payed when required. ; Music Books, Periodicals, and other printed , Books bound in every variety of style. Always on band, a large stock of superior ! Lett- r Paper, Foolscap, Bill Paper, Note Paper, | and paper of various kinds, ruled expressly ff’r i Lawyer’s use. Also, Stationery of all kinds, ; consisting in part of Copying Presses, Gold Pens, Seal Presses, Steel Pens, Envelops s, Pen-holders, Inkstands, Pocket books. Ink, Writing Desks, Pencils, wafers, sealing wax, India rubber, ru lers, quills, seals, parchment, folders, back gammon boards, chess men, Ac. Ac. Book and Job Printing of all kinds neatly ex ecuted. Charleston, Dec 15 —lim ‘ r FMIE WHOLE WORLD. -Three Humlr.d ! _L Thousand Hollars Worth of Gifts, J'or th j Subscribers to the Mata moth Rocto.-iml of th, I Whole World, published simultaneously .in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia and 14a!- i ttuore. As soon as Soo.onO subscriptions are obtained, and having already an actual ciraula • tion of aland 2n0,000, it is now certain THK niSTUIBITTON WILL SOON TAKE PLACE. : Among tho extraordinary List of-Gifts, (be j ing e for every ticket -issue, l,) are j Png'. Hart's Elegant Country Scat, val j tied at * *25,000 j A Magnificent City Residence, valued at 17,000 A flush Loan for 100 Years, without in ! tere.-t or security, 10,00** Building Lots, Elegant Piano Fortes, j Melodeons, Gold Watches, Bracelets, Rings, Books of Travel in the Old and New World’, by Prof. Hart; Real Es t fate, Ac., Ac., Ac., in all numbering i .‘>"0,0011 Gifts, valued at sa’,oo,ooo | Every single remittance of #l, secures one year’s subscription to the M. mnu/th Pictorial, and the gratu.ty of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one shhre in the B<>o,t>oo Gifts. — Thus every person investing in thm’sttipendous > receives the full worth nf-his or her j money, in subscription to a first class journal, ('the greatest, and most interesting Pictorial of ; the age,l besides a Gift for each subscription, which may prove an immense fortune to the : receiver. Ka complete L'st of Gifts, and full and ex plicit particulars in regard to the great Enter prise, Distribution, Ac., see a copv of The’ II hole 11- urief, which will be promptly sent, free of charge, where desired by letter, post-paid. | The Whole Wen LI may also be seen at the offices m ail the papers containing this adver tisement, where information may be obtained in regard to the paper and Enterprise, Agents, /'os'/nastc/# and Ladies , desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ ment, should not fail to see a copy of Tin. Whole World, w hich contains bv far the most liberal inducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, com missions, Ac., whereby any person with ordina ry activity, can easily make .*I,OOO and up wards, per year ; to which fact tins agents we already have cut certify. Secure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich and happy. OoiTespond-iits must write their address name, post ollice, county and State, pm, v and distinct, or it will be their own fault, if they fail tb get tin answer, Adhere to tins, and all re turns will be promptly sent wherever desired in any paat'ot the world. Ifian.v orders are received after the .".00,000 subscribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, post-paid;, to the persons sending it. All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, with G'ft Tickets, must invariably be address ed, post-pa and, to prof. J. WCjOJ>MAX/JART t World's 11-’ll, Broadway, Nw iork, there lin ing the only office for the Gift Enterprise. ‘But remittances for the Pictorial without Gift , Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOOHMAN HART, '.Hart’s Buildings, Chestnut street, 1 Philadelphia, Pa., there being the principal ed itorial <! uublication ollice. Oct 20—Gin gg*2£g&% f AENTAL NOTICE.- The sub -1 / scribers respeel fully ilil'yrm j J citizens of Cussville that they intend locating here with a view to becoming permanent citizens for the space of five years or more. They hope, by close attention to their profession, to be enabled to give that satisfaction winch the public demand, and to merit a shire of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed lu re. All jobs, such as Plugging, Mounting teeth on gold plate, Ac., warranted. Close attention u ill be paid to children's teeth, when dcs'red. COUl! & MOSELEY, Jan. 2t>—tf Surgeon Dent sis. /NLOTIIING ! CHEAP CLOTHING!! -.1/ V. J I‘ricate anil t‘oldie SoU hi/ /,'. Swift. MERCHANTS wishing to lav inn stock of Ci.otiiino, would “''II to call on me, as ! have received a large consign* mept, which 1 have orders to close out very low, and otter [treat inducement# topurcAancrs. Atlanta Ua., Jan. It) 60- ts ting between Leake A. Howard is this day dissolv eci bv mutual consent. All (he debts due said tinn will he collected by W. \V. Leake, who as sumes all tin l liabilities of (lie same. AH per sons indebted to said concern will please make immediate payment. This 2Mb day ot'N’oy. 18,Vi „ ‘ W. W. LEAKE, Oartersvillc, Dec 1 J. A. HOWARD, A TLANT.V, HARD-WARE STORE, J. -i /> ’ftAl>] ,\\ !i teluill. Street, keeps always on hand a full iissnrtmtsjt of Iron, Nails, Cut lery, Mill Irons, Springs, A xles. t lArriage Trim mings, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Meehanie’s amt Farmers’ Tools, Ac,, which will be sold as low as can be bought in anv market. Atlanta, (la., July 14, is 54. —T.—jf P. STOVALL, Ho/v Mow zrwxfm ill • ami Ctmmmion- M>rrhnnt,-~ - v ~-— uffonto, ltd. —Continues the bus ne&s in nil its branches, at his extensive FIRE PROOF Warehouse on Jackson Street, uqnr the Globe Hotel. Tho usual Cash fuctl tie's atVordeJ to customers. aug 55 1 y* Wiscellqneous rpilE GREAT SOUTHERN REMISE Y—JACOB'S CORDIAL, For all Bowel Diseases.! Cholera, Cholera. Morbus, Cholera Infinitum, Bilious Cholic, Dysentery, and D.anhcea Also, admirably adapted to many diseases of Female#,'most especially painful Menstruation The VirtiJCs of Jacob’s Cordial arc too well known to require Encomiums. Ist. It cures the worst eases of Diarrhoea. 7th. It cures painful Menstruation. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Btb. it relieves pain in the buckund loins. Bd. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea. 2th. It counteracts nervousness, despondency - 4th. It relieves the severest Colie. loth. It restores Irregularities. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical feelings Cth, It cures Cholera Infantum. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic. ‘ A few Sliori Extracts from I.cth rs Testimonials, &<*,. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in m judgment, a valuable remedy.” Hon. Hiram Warner, Judge of Supreme Court Gn ‘ “ It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own persona) cxneri enco, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee lkr n • to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy.” Wit. 11. Underwood, formerly Judge of .Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit “ I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with ],, lV diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy— decidedly superior to any ii ull ,, c | s ’ ever tried by me.” A. A. Gai, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge uf'Geoti.-iu H ’ “ This efficient, remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his ii to Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia differs- nUrn, May ]• i 6 7 ;; ‘* For sale by J. W. Hooper A Cos., Samuel Levy, A. A J. L. Hill, and Lemuel Dillard, Ciissvilit• Cheshire A Groves, Kingston ; D. L. A R. M. Wingard, G. J-. Roberts, and Matthias 15< Leris’ Slilosboro; A. A. Williams, Eultarlee; E. Porter, Adairsviiie; JI. Ryeis A Cos., Cartel sv:l!e- and’ by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the State. * ’ ‘ * WM. W. BLISS A CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors January 16, 1855.—Cm. 20 Deck man Street, Now Yfiik Id’ { EYE.- Deafness, par-, J- Jt tail or total, entirely removed.— i < v®.2 > Dr. Alsojdiert begs to call the utter.-’ tion of those .suffering from a total or partial loss of the Hearing', to the Allowing facts. He treats diseases of the middle and lnt.-rnal Ear with Medicated Douches, such as is practised in the Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsie, Brussels, Hamburg and St. Petersburg, and lately by the most distinguished London Aurists, with the most wonderful success j indeed, it is the only method that has been uniformly successful.— The best proof of the efficacy of the treatment will ben reference to nearly nin.ehundred names, residents of the United States, Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, who have been re stored to acute bearing, and not a single, s.olita i ry case, to our know ledge, did we lai 1 to effect j either a partial or total restoration of the Ilenr i ing, when our advice and instructions were’ ; faithfully and punctually adhered to. Many: who could not hear the report of a pistol uti arm’s length, can now hear a watch beat at the! distance of four feet. | In cast's of muenous accumulation in theEus-i I taclvtjtfi Tube and Tympanum, Inflammation of! | the Mucus Membrane, Nervous Affections, Dis-i lease of the Metnbrana Timpani, j culled the “ Drum,” or win it the disease can be! i traced to the effects of Fever, colds, the use of! Quinine, Mercurial Medicates, (Gatheringshi the Ears in childhood, Ac., Dr. Also; hi nt’s treat-, incut stands pre-eminent. Where the Auditory; 1 Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no seen-, i tion, when the deafness is accompanied v.lli noises in the Ear, Ike falling water, chirping of I insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, eon-; ! kintal pulsations, discharge of matter, or when,, j in stooping, a sensation is felt as if a rush of! I blood to the head took place, when the hearing] ! is less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a! I cold has been taken, this method of treating! i this disease, is i),/c. | In i leaf and do mb cases mv experience war-; j rants me in saying, that if the hearing was at; ! any time good, very much can be accomplished.’ In the Deaf and Dumb School, out of a class oft ; 14, I succeeded in l estoriug four to acute hear-! i ing. Dr. Alsophert begs respectfully to state, i that i.Tthose cases lie undertakes lie guarantees’ J a successful result, complete restoration, or such: j a marked improvement as will be perfectly sat-’ ; Isfactorv, if !*s remedies are faithfully applied,! land directions adhered to. I Applicants will please state their age, dura-’ j lion of disease, if matter issues front the external I passage, if there are noises in the Ears, state ] of general health, mol wliat they suppose to have i been the cause of the deafness. When the In or* j ing is restored, it is expected that those in easy ’ circumstances will pay liberally. ] All diseases of the Eye successfully treated j by the application of Medicated Vapors, Ac., tin ; infallible and painless treatment for the disca ! ses of the Eye, acute and chronic, cataract, j specks, inflammation, film and weakness of vis | ion, granulation of the lids, ulceration of the ! Laelirvnal glands, Ac. j To the astonishing and gratifying effects of ! tit s treatment, the child, the youth, those ofj i mature age, as well as those lar auvnncid in I life, all bear testimony to its wonderfully run - I vating, Tiealing-'and soothing effects, j Medic Tic, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to any part at my own expense. Address Dr. Also ! piiert, Broadway, office, 422 1-2, near ( anal j street, New 7 York. Consultation fee—five do!-’ 1 s Dr. Alsoplurt’s Win V. on the Eer tuni i Eye, illustrated with steel plates. iVce SBUM'>.! j Money letters must be registered by the I'nsf ! Master. T'eb. f>, Is',s—6m. i CANXiFTBE DoVP.IED. let td? j l AFFLICTED READ AND I’ONDF.K. ! More than 500 persons in the city of Rich- 1 hnond, Ya., alone testify to the remarkable! cures performed by Cartel’s Sptmish Mixture.! ; The great Spring Medicine and I’uriff r of the] Blind is now used by hundreds iff grateful p - ! tieiits, wb” testify.daily to the renuirkabK* cures! p'rt'i riiu-d or tfib greatest of all medicines. (\ t ter’s Spanish Mixture. N-vawtlgia, lUienunitisui,! ■ Scrofula, Eruptions on the Skin, Livtr Disc: se,j Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sores, Affections of the! i Kidneys, D senses of the Throat, Female (An - , plaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones aid. i Joints, are speedily nut to fight by using thisi i great and inestimable Venn dr. For all and senses of the Blood, nothing lies yi t ; been found to compare with it. It cleanses the* j system of all impurities, acts gently and itli -1 ciently on th ■ l.iver and Kidneys, strengtluns | the D ; gest'on, gives tone to tlieStomaeh, makes ; the Skin dear and healthy, nnd restores the] ■ Const tut lon, enfeebled by and sense, or broken! , down by the excesses iff youth, la its pristine! j vigor and strength. For the Lades, it is incomparably better than ! ;d! the cosmetics ever used. A few doses ot'j ;C< r’s trt Spanish Mixture will remove till sal ! lowness of complexion, bring the roses mant- 1 ; ling to t!i*> check, g v>> elasticity to the step, and ’ improve the general health in a remarkable <k | gree, beyond all the mod c : nes ever heard <f. I A large number of certificates of remarkable cures performed on persons res'ding in thee tyi of R'chmimd, V:u, by (be use of Carter’s Span ish M'xtnre, is the best ev’dence th t llu-re is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, phys'eians, and publ'c men, w ell known to the community, ali add then- testimo ny t > die effects of ties Great Blood Purifier. ('ill and seen few hundred of the cert licates - • und the bottle. None genuine unless vgned Bennett A Beers, Drugg’sts. Prliic'pul Depots at M. Ward, Close A Co’s., No. BJ, Maiden Lane, New York; T. W. Dvott A Sons, and Jenkins A Hartsln-rno, Philadelphia; Bennett A Beers, No. lga Main Street, Richmond, Vu.; and for sale by dealers in medicine e scry where.; March 28, 1554.—7—1 y. (CONSUMPTION stccEssrri.Y trkateu kv J 1 Mii \ I.AVION or MKOK'ATEO VAPORS, bv Ji bo son Stiwart Rose, M. D. Fellow of the Koval College of Physicians, end for y ears Senior pjiy sician in the London Royal in Urinary for dis ; eases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption bv inbala ; tion, I have obt lined the results which warrant me m asserting, that it is as curable as d.seases of the stomach and liver. RrcatlungM. d.o ties directly into the lungs is certainly the rational mode of attacking the disease, and like many other great beneficent discoveries, it seems strange why such treatment was not resorted to long ago. Where tin-re is life there is now assured hope for the most seem ingl y hopeless eases, as throughout all the stages ol tins insidious disease, the wonderful and hen olioient effects ot his treatment are soon uppar-i ent. In eases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, Ac., inhaling of powders and vapors has Ken etui* nentlv s-uecessfuf,.aud. of those siiHei-ing under! any of the above named complaints, I euiguaran-, tee speedy and certain relief 1 have pleasure in referring h 207 names, residents of New York| amt neighborhood, w ho have been restored to vi- t gorotts health. About one third of the above, number according to the parents’ owu state-! meets, were eons dend hopeless oases. The inhaling Method is soothing, safe, until speedy, and consists in the administration of| medicines in such a manner that they arc con veyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, and; produces their action at the seat of the dis ease. Its practical success is destined to revolu tioirzo the operations id'the medical world and establish the entire curability of consumption. Applicants will please state if they have bled from live Lungs, it they have lost flesh, have a emigh, night sweat and fever turns— what and how much they expectorate, what the condition of their stomach amt bowels. Tho necessary Medicine, Apparatus, Ac., will be forwarded to any part. TERMS.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Balance of fee payable only when patients re port themselves convalescent. DR. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TION.—Price one dollar. Address JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, Office 881 Broadway, New York. I Jan IMpa. riMIE AMERICANS’ I RII ND- Holloway’s 7 iA. I'ills. —do the Cit-zn-s of tl,e f nitui t-iuto. ■ -I most humbly and sii tardy tliai k viuf i the immense p; tionagc which you lmv< -fi, s t ow cd upon my Pills. J take th s < { jii.iiiiintv t/ stating that friv ai.ccstV,?s W ere all Anur can cit izens, and that f entertain lor all that ci nrern- America and the Americans, the most l.vriy syn.paihios, so much so that I ergo allv eerff pounded these Pills expressly to suit your eh ]mate, habits, corstitut oi s, and ol bv | ing, intending to establ . It my self among m u wiiicb I have now done, by taking premises in New York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 88, Corner if Ann and Nassau Pts. X. f Purification of the Id cod, and Liver and Lil li tag t ompluin is. The citizens of the Union suffer much front ! disorders of the Liver and St.,ninth, scarcely any ]are free from the influence of these d-stnictiVe : maladies, lienee life wt-ms fast. The fair six, ! perhaps the nu st hands* me in the world, up to la certain period when, distressing to sav, many (lose llicir teeth at and good looks, while yet in tlu lny day ofl.fe, Midi sad evils may !u (ffedtutllr ] remedied by contii.mdly keeping the b!o* and j ure juricl th<‘ Liver and .Stomach m a healthy i<t .e ( ‘when life will tli-v smoothly, aid risen. Lie plants in a congenial dliuc, where an eternal spring sen,'s to reign. As it regards the pres iervation of the human frame, and the duration ;of life, much may be < fleeted, and 1 say fearless jl.v that health and l.fe c. n he prolonged for nai ! ny years beyond .he r ordinary 1 ntits, if 11011..- ; way ’ Pills arc taken to puffy the bleed act . ni jir.g to the runs lad down fi r health contained tin the directions which accompany cat it box. M case of \\ cckn'ss and L clUdy, -f Ten pars’ sU-t-dmr, i vr-d by Molli wey s J -Us. j Copy ‘f a letter Jr- ?t \ pterin del. a dob nsr-n, | A star Ii- use, N. Y. tfuicd dab. 5, 1854. !To JT.of. Uollowav, New York : ] Sir:—-It is with the most heat t.f; It pleasure I j have to it.form you that I have l.beii restored t.; 1 health and strength lay i king- yOur Pills.’ - rtr jtiie lust ten years, I suffered in mi a clenngirlert jof the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced t such an cxltctiiety that 1 gave tip my slip, nci \er expecting to goto sea any more, as 1 ] tried every Remedy that was recommended to me, but ail to no pur; os*:*; atul had given mv j seif up to di-spa'.r, wli n l was i t rccoi’n intended to take y. ui- PMs. After using them for three months, tlie result is that I am iu bit ter health now th ;u I have been lor eleven years ! past, and indeed as v.-*-!l: s evir 1 was in i I uu are qu te at lib rty to make tips km lia f r j the benefit of others. I r v maln, sr, v.aits iv>- jpcctfully, • F gi.i it. JOHN JOiINMON. j l--LSI ccti A atrd pduare wan Jei-f'ut-i . e ■ y<.i in thejud.-u'iiij c‘ ):tp:-< , n!-\ : j Ague Frysipibs* Pibs j Asthma Female Irreg- ILtentloii’ t ! Billimjs cejn- ulatitiis Vr'i.i; j plaints Fevers of all Sen-fnla *r’ | Blotches on kind* King’s Evil .1 the skin Gout Gravti . Bowel com- He cl-aeko See, iv j plants . 1 dg. .Ton unis’ ; Const pat’on J.-ut nct Vcn-nal i.ffct. , of boWiis L.ver cof: - ,- ii, : s IF bilfy -j Vi'oitns-f all . kills V\ e; kt css fir tn whaUv* r cans-. !■ tffignid; R. lb KANT, i Ti.f !'■•!# should I, - y... ctd-d -• rill ff ] Otnth-1’ vn must , T ti.if.i-’u Bad Kgs to,ut S iv t: jp’i* i Bad breasts ( bindub r .--i ntl i>.: t j Mtirns sw* II rgs k-k. ii tl sums Bmdons J tin L;.oo Sctnvv Chilblains p.i, s UdT < hajqucl 1-tetls Kin mi.atism I'lnrs j Col: truett'd a;.d Salt Kbit.m Wetiitds i St if Joints Si . ’ds I *V vole! ;,t the Establ shine-1 of Profi'••-*-1 | ; Hollow;-.v, ft* Maiden l.i tic. N, w Y.ik i.tdr-4 I Strand, Li nden, end by ell nspebl. : c lb tv I g-isfs and Doricis iiiiiie'] i-. ;! u ugh. it if I I n.ted Statis, in Bets in dßi \i-. ; .i uni.- 1 : Gl* 1-2 cents, and > | i.o eac h. There is ac< t.s cf; r; fcle sating bv t. l’?g ffe I the large r sizes. N. }!-- J) i * JnuiT (i r the gui- I >( patients ;n tvetv dsitilir tre ,’f-stti I ;to each Pot. :- MaY26- chav \ | A CURE FOR ALL I— H.p.vufsVimwA. 1 E V Citizens if the 1 1,ii n.- V, u have di 11 tic ■ ihe honour as. with ope voice, ft. in .me and : A ,lhe Union to the other, to stamp the (h. ncar || ‘*,< my O.ntnitni y* nr a;; n bat’< n. It | j scarcely tv.-o yc**i ss-ii cc 1 made it km vn ■ rap. .1 jJ(*L Li and aln-udv, it has c nu ree- !•'•}’ J than ai v udiii- Mid i-a ein m, slu it n m<-', .i 0 THOM.tS HOM iff AV,. R f-8, Cirner if Ann and Ae.- ■.■at. 4'-. A. Y- ■ ASTONISHING ( I RE OF SORE 1 Ft S .U-3 TER NINE YEARS STANDING. Copy iff hitter /,-/„• J,/-, W. J. -ft, P ■ Jiuntsvine, ) mu.n f- i i-ty, N-; th far- I A., dal -a .L - etna a Rit, 1858. IiE.ID ILL OWJH WORDS. To rj-orrsson Holloway,-- Sir, — It is ‘ ! mv wish to hecvim- m ti-rit ns, neiihcr is t! * letter written h r the m< re sake of writing. I : to sav, that your Oii.tme; t ctmrt me of lie and the most dreadful cutaiueus diseases *Jut fd , is hen to, and which was cons and, i\d bv all v j knew me, to be entirely be\ old the'n-arh’ f medicine. For nine years t was efllicti and “ : £ one of the most naiuftil and troublesoim- > ‘ 1 legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; mil nfu'l try ing every medicine I had ever heard of. 1 a-1 s gtted in despair all hope ei being cured t i ,!: || a friend brought me a couple of large pot- I v-oiu- Oimneut, wit eh caused the son s t*n n I legs to heal, and 1 entirely regained my liea!’ fi to niy agreeable surprise and delight to tk- v l touishiueut of mv fiiemls. (Sgiied) w. j. land ley. a AX EXTRAORDINARY CERE OF a lt.Ll BREAST, WHEN XKAHhY AT THE j 1 DINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Letter from Jfi -. J,‘ I urantyN-X BJ| lain# .Voirif/.,/- t-M, 1 ’ To Professor Holloway, ;>s. Corner of A n£ j I and Nassau Streets, N. Y : Dear Sir, -R s l [ with hearßelt gratitude 1 ha\c to iuh titi y l that ly the use of your Ointment and Pills.* 1 ! l.fc of my wife has been saved. For si-w’S years she lu.d a bad breast, w ith ten nn ,|,: ’| winnds, (not of a cancerous nature*. 1 “"1 j told that nothing could save her: she was tl>a.| inductd to use your Ointment and Pills, y'l"“ I in the shot! space of time months, ihev ::i perfect cure, to the astonishment, of all 1 knew us. We obtuiiud yi wr Jltd uincs ‘'i", ‘ [Messrs. Wright A Cn M of Chartn-s-street, M'i [Orleans. 1 send tbs front “Hotel di-s V , | ces,” Par's, although, 1 had written it a* • Vl ',l| Orleans, beh n we PunHy left, til that tint” 1,1 ■ knowing your addict s t jNew A oi k. rpitF “ .m.tXTJ Jt/.J’ l V'/yC-CV’ k.'jjll 1 title of a wetklv iitwsja'pir j übl‘G* 1 I the C'ty of Atlanta, Oeo., m Two I tot i annum. It is by fctr the best paper in that city, and contains a Prices Cm reuj_ I '- fully arranged, and cerrcctcd weekly. who desire to read an interesting join taf ■ ee a weekly report of the prices of the h ,|!t , 1H .articles bought and sold in the AtlauG > 1)Ul l|j j would do well to order the jLfjmbLcuo- : Pi st-maeters and our friends and m tanccs generally, in Cher. Kee Georg n. a, ’, t (t|jß Tennessee, are respectfully reouesttd to ■ Agents iu extending the eircnlntion of ‘•* 1 \L s '| ATTENTION! , I r pIIE Subscribers respectfully ink”’" 1 vt pM J. customers and friends, that they’ a moved their stoek of Dry Goods, Cloth’ ■ to the store house formerly occupied by * • | * eUu,.„. scuberg ■ Cnesvi'K, Jan 12