Newspaper Page Text
AD Tlm New* Os ToMbi and Sarroandiag Counties
“Gold Leaf’ Business Review*
A special feature of unique interest to the citizens of Vidalia and Toombs County, Commemorating this City s
Fourth Consecutive year as one of Georgia’s largest Tobacco Markets, and Comprising a breif resume of Vidalia
leading business enterprises, Special Industries, Finincial Institutions and the men behind them.
All mention of the industries and
commercial enterprises of Vidalia
would be incomplete without refer
GIN COMPANY. This pioneer en
terprise was originally established in
1903 for the purpose of manufact
uring the famous Sea Island Cotton
Gin. The history of this firm was
steadily progressive one and it be
came one of the towns out-standing
After the advent of the boll-weevil
the business was converted into a
machine shop and now forms Ane of
the most useful as well as one of the
most prosperous industries in Toombs
county. The plant is thoroughly
modern in point of equipment, en
abling them to fake care of the needs
of customers in a highly satisfactory
manner and at reasonable prices.
They are prepared to handle any
thing in the of machine works, a
specialty being made of recorking,
patching and welding turpentine
stills also gin repairs. They also
repair saw mills, furnsh mill supplies
and do oxyacetylenewelding in an
efficient manner.
This is the largest and best equip
ped concern of its kind in this section
and its operations are not confined
is a story of absorbing interest in
Vidalia business circles. It was
about fifteen years ago that this bus
iness was originally established by
Mr. Joe Hackel, as one of the towns
pioneer enterprises. Through all
these years owner has stood for the
best in business aad the position of
his store among the leading mer
chandising firms in this section is
well merited .
This plae eof business is situated
in the geographical center of the
town in a modern building contain
ing two sales-rooms. traveling men,
say and they are in a very good
position to be c correctly informed
that this is one of the most complete
ly stocked and thoroughly up-to
date establishments of its kind in
this section. It is one of the best
stores in this section, is a credit to its
owner, as well as to the town in
which it is situated. The large and
well arranged stock carried by the
house comprises dry goods and cloth
ing of every kind and description,
also shoes, notions, etc., a specialty
In writing of the leading firms and
institution that play on important
part in the business activities of Yi
dalia, we wish to include the VIDA
LIA ICE COMPANY, which was
established here about IS years ago
and is doing its full part in making
Vidalin a btter place to live in. Our
very health, to ray nothing of our
comfort, depends in a great measure,
upon how well an establishment of
thi3 kind performs its obligations
thiit are necessary to our bodily
The people cf this comunty arc
fortunate in having such a concern as
pure chrystn] water ice meets every
exacting requirement as to purity
and by genic sanitary cleanliness. In
addition you are offered prompt,
ecu r* eon and attentive service.
Their earnest sire is to reach the
high* st type < f service.
In their ce! \ storage department
they maintain ike most efficient ser
vice, modern dr rooms equipped
with Cue best facilities for th proper
curing of nvats. They also maintain
a coal and wood - ard. In all three
dc-p?- •tmerts. ov the business, this
worthy home or i erprise fills a wide
anti in, octant t ; elds of usefulness
THE SMART SHOP is an especi
illy attractive and modern Millinery
(hop showing the very latest models
vhieh s>> * known for their smartnesS
»nd individuality. This is the most
sxclusive shop of its kind in this sec
tion and is equipped with an attrac
tive ladies lounge, display cases and
all modern facilities.
All of the goods for THE SMART
SHOP comes 1 om the arbitors of
fashion of th and are on hand
for the accommodation of those de
siring the best. No matter whether
it is a street or sport wear they j
have hats in any design that vou de
sire, and you can get them here with
the assurance that they will be be
to the city and immediate vicinity
but extend throughout all territory
within radius of fifty to sixty miles
of Vidalia. W. T. Jenkins is presi
dent and founder of this company,
W. T. Jenkins is presiden and founder
of his company. W. F. M. McArthur
and H. L. Cromartie are general
manager and superintendent of the
plant. They are gentlemen who are
well known in commercial and manu
facturing circles as energetic and
honorable business men possessing
tserling qualifications for the irnpro
tant business they control.
Mr. Jenkins was the developer and
builder of the famous SEA ISLAND
COTTON GIN, conceded to be the
best gin over made for long staple
I cotton. Among other enterprises in
which he is interested he is president
of t he Vidalia Cotton Oil Company.
To Mr. Jenkins goes the credit for
having founded the present city of
Vidalia. Settling here about thirty
-seven years ago he entered the naval
stores business .establishing the
town’s pioneer enterprise, and dur
,ing the succeeding years he has be
cofe known as one of the builders of
the town and one of the strong fig
ures in the development of this sec
being made of ladies’ ready-to-wear.
This department is operated truly in
line with the slogan “24 hours from
ifth Avenue,” and is replete with last
minute styles from the Eastern mar
kets. This store has become known
as a style center in this section.
The growth of this business has
been steady, substantial and gratify
ing, and the future of the house is
based on the same solid ground on
which its long and honorabl past has
built up a solid and permanent pub
lic endorsement.
The business is operated under the
personal superivision of Mr. Joe
Hackel. Mr. Hackel is one of the
most widely respected and progres
sive men in this section and is keenly
interested in any movement for the
civic and commercial development
and betterment for Vidalia and
Toombs ccunty. His activities have
contributed to the success of many
completed projects for the advance
ment of the County at large. He s
one of our poneer ctizens ,one of the
builders of the town and is looked
upon as a foremost business man of
this part of the state.
in Vidalia. They also operate a
modern swimming pool which contri
butes much to the pleasure of the
Th ; s business is operated under
the direction of Mr. C. E. (Charles)
Adams. Mr. Adams is a gentleman
of the highest standing in all cir
cles and has contributed much to
ward the material and civic develop
ment of the erritory in which he is
operating. He is a member of the
Vidalia Kiwanis Club and has always
taken a commendble and active part
i any worthy movement having for
its object the further advancement
of Vidalia and Toofbs count*** —■
Mr. Adams demonstrated his fa-ita
and confidence in Vidalia”s future
growth and development by invest
ing large amounts of his presonal
capital in city business and residential
The general management of the
Vidalia Ice Company is in charge of
Mr. L. L. Aadms, another of the
valued citizens and well known men
of this community. Mr .Adams is
thoroughlv conversant with ‘"'c*w
feature of the business in which he
is engaged and is entitlted to a great
deal of credit for his earnest efforts
in helping to afford the local public
such excellent service.
! coming.
THE SMART SHOP is operated by
Miss Lilian Morgan ,who has exer
cised wonderful taste in her selction
o-f the stock, which is largely respon
sible for th excellent patronage of the
, store. The pricinal upon which she
has established this successful busi
ness is that of furnishing exclusive
1 and distinctive womens’ wear most
reasonable and meeting all competi
tion as to style and price. This pol
icy has made THE SMART SHOP
*he mecca for the ladies of this sec
! Miss Morgan’s courteous and affa
ble manners has contributed much to
the steadily increasing popularity of
Reflects Rapid Progress In
Vidalia’s Commercial Life
Vidalia Kiwanis Club Drawing
• Attention to Toombs Couniv
Vidailia has a live and wide-awake
KIWANIS CLUB whose membership
comprises some of the most progres
sive men of the town. Its aims are:
To give aid and impetus to all com
mercial and civic movements af
fecting the welfare of Toombs Coun
ty, to encourage friendly intercourse
between business ran of this city,
county and state, to bring home
seekers and investors, thus assur
ing better conditions for our citiizens
of all classes and the improvemenj
of highway. To crystalize through
this central organization the very
best thought, activities and ambitions
pun aq:} jo isare+ui ■jsaq aqj
o} }joqs ui s tazpia jno jo
its people.
Since its inception in 1920 the
always endeavored to reflect a cor
dial spirit and welcome visitors in
siqt spjsA\o} guqaaj Ajpuauj n
q}iM 3AB3J [([.w Xaqi }sq} Xeav v. qans
community. It has been a splendid
medium for creating favorable pub
licity and good will towards Vida
lia and Toombs County.
In heralding advantages attrac
itons and resources of the town and
HOUSE is one of the specal enter
prises of Vidalia of which she has
every reason to feel proud and which
is contributing to her prestage as a
live and growing tobacco market as
well as a commercial and agricultural
HOUSE was established here some
four years ago and during these years
has most ably filled the needs of the
growers in this section. By reason
of the excellent service afforded and
the high prices commanded by this
market, both large an small growers
in a w ! de scone of territory bring
their tobacco to the Vidalia market
to be handled by this warehouse and
the Vidalia Tobacco Warehouse has
been a direct stimulant to the to
bacco industry in this section of the
Messrs W. M. “Wes” Bowland and
“Joe” Cuthrell ,the gentlemen who
are again directing the and activities
In writing of representative firms
iha; make up the bus:..ess interest of
Vidalia, we have not meant to exag
ate, nor do we mean to draw any com
parisons, but merely to note a few of
the important characteristic business
features and enterprises of the mer
chandising firms and financial in
These business institutions are
among the strongest and best, rep
resenting some of the leaders in their
various lines of endeavor in this sec
tion of the State, and stand high in
the estimation of the public in
general. They are headed by busi
ness men of ripe experience and
progressive tendencies whose names
are everywhere identified with the
growth and 0 . vrlopmnt of the town
and county at large.
We have told you soma of the
good things we know about these
home firms and business men and
we have a desire to find out what
some of you readers think of them.
An exponent of the progressive
spirit and altruistic citizenship which
have caused Vidalia and Toombs
county to forge so rapidly forward
in the past few years is Mr. E. W.
Dai ie's who founded on of the sev
eral important new industries which
■v« mtheir appearance here
during the past few year’s. Mr. Dan
iels is an experienced ice cream man
ufacturer and since establishing this
business here two years ago he has
enjoyed an enviable reputation for
producing a product which in quality
and purity cannot be excelled by any
firm or individual in the country. His
ice cream has won its immense popu
larity purely on its merits. It is
made from pure nrilk and sweet but
'ter (which is especially manufactured
for this purpose in a modern and .
thoroughly sanitary plant, and is
not only sold by practically all the
leading retail dealers in Vidalia but
it shipped to a number of points in
this territory. They also do a con
siderable retail business from the
plant. In addition to ice cream i
'county the KIWANIS CLUB has
played a leading part; co-operating
ir: every movement to make this
j community more attractive to home
seekers and new enterprises.
The KIWANIS CLUB stands sol
idly behind Vidalia’s tobacco mar
get realizing the district advantages
of a home market, both to the town
and the tobacco growers in this sec
tion. They have lent their assistance
I at every opportunity and have taken
jthe lead in movements for the up
l building of this market, which prom
ises to be one of the largest in the
Southern tobaco belt.
7he officers and members of the
prise the foremost business men of
fhis community who devote their
services to the club purely out of
the deep regard they have for the
future welfare and progress of the
county and its people.
George S. Rountree is President;
H. A. Turner, Vice-President; W. C.
Somers, Past President; R. M. Stan
-1 ley, Treasurer and W. A. Jones, Sec
1 The directors are: John T. Ragan
O. D. Worthen, „T. W. Timmerman,
J. W. Gunter, W. J. Murchison and
iW. L. Downs.
at the “old reliable” warehouse this
season no introduction in these
columns for they are already well and
favorably known in this comunity and
section. During th efour consecutive
years the yhave bee noperating here,
essrs. Boland and Culthreell have
shown a co-operative spirit with the
growers in this section taking part in
ever vworthy movement to thir ad
Mr. Bowland and Cuthrell are
gentlement of courteous baring and
pleasing personality and have a
large circle of friends in this commu
nity and section. Their policy has
been alwavs to “xtend the samp treat
ment to all, rich or poor—large or
small growers and assure each the
best market prices regardless of the
amount of tobacco brought to their
warehouse. All of the best buyers
are here this season and this with
other favorable indications supports
Vidalia’s claim as one of the best mar
kets in the state.
| And just to make it more inter
j esting we are offering some capital
■ nrizes to the persons who write the
] best short sketches, thirty-five words
!or less, about each of the firms in
! eluded i nthis feature.
You may write anything you wish
—write a separate sketch about each
firm and bring or sent your answers
to The Advance office anytime be
for next Thursday night.
The prizes will be trade checks
i good at local businss houses.
! T'jrst prize, valued at $15.00
Second prise, valued at 10.00
Third prize, valued at ..... .. 5.00
Fourth prize, valued at 5.00
; Fifth prize, valued at 3.00
I Sixth prize, valued at 3.00
j Seventh prize, valued at 3.00
1 Eighth prize, valued at 2.00
Ninth prize, valued at 2.00
Tent!’, prize, valud at 2.00
Total Value ... $50.00
they also make a delicious line of
• sherberts in the popular flavors.
This plant is located on Church
street. It is thoroughly modern in
point of equpment, beng provided
with late improved freezers which
have a capacity of making 2250 gal
lons per day. The establishment
is also provided with pasteurizing
machinery, hardening room and re
frigerating plant and at this writing
they are contemplating further im
Mr. Daniels is one of the best
known as well as one of the most
progressive of the newer business
»en of the city and since beginning
operations here two years ago he has
been a consistent booster for any
ctmse advanced in the interest of the
community of which he is a live arm
i wide-awake member.
His brother, Mr. G. G. Daniels is
now associated with him in this bus
iness as a partner, and is general su
perintendent of the manufacturing
department. He is an affable and
: courteous young man and thoroughly
i understands this business.
Over seventeen years ago, when
Vidalia was little more than a vil
was organized and set about the
task of aiding in a financial way the
various interar.ts of Toombs county,
espcially that of agricultural import
which was then as now, a chief
source of revenue and traffic. The
First National bank opened its doors
for business in 1910 and is now the
oldest bank in the city.
During these years this banking
institution acted its part well in the
drama of business progress and
through its influence the community
Experienced a more active and pros
perous business life, because it
afforded the means that set the
wheels of progress to movng whch
contnued to revolve more smoothly
and swiftly as each year of its use
ful career passed by.
Tangible proof of the effect that
this bank has had in the downtown
business development is seen in the
number of new buildings which have
been erected and contracted for in
the immediate vicinity of their new
home which was opened May Ist. A
No man ever built up a lucrative
and growing patronage except ,
through untiring effort and honest
methods. No more successful busi
ness man who has won success
through close adherence to this creed
and personal endeavor exists in Vi
dalia than Mr. V. B. Herring, dealer j
in the great oecessity—insurance. Mr. j
Herring has gained the entire j
dence of the community by living up j
a code of business ethics that has j
meant an absolute square deal for |
Mr. Herring represents some of
the largest and oldest insurance 1
companies in existance for any kind ,
of insurance you desire and he is pre- :
The name of S. SKUROW means
much to the person desiring the
best in dry goods, clothing, notions,
ladies’ ready-to-wear and millinery.
Mr. Skurow has always made it a
rule to handle the newest and most
seasonable goods to be had from the
leading manufacturers and jobbers
of the country and has built his
splendid business on quality and
service, coupled with right prices.
He keeps well abreast of the times,
avails himself of trade discounts, and
in return offers the customer the ben
efit of as low prices as can be had
anywhere in this section. In addi
tion to dry goods and clothing he also
carries a complete line shoes. Several
courtous and capable salespople
In a comprenensive review of this
kind, embracing, as it does the most
important of our progress, we can
not fail to devote space to the profes
sionr.l status of the community and
especially so to a profession which is
so essential as that of the modern
funeral director and embalmer.
Since the J. H. McClosky Co., was
established they have been most fair
and honest in their endeavor to give
the best service. Not only has this
contributed to the benefit of the
public, but has built for them a repu
tatfcm that has spread for miles
around. The proprietor, as well as
assistants, are eoureous, and it is
a pleasure for them to comply with
your wishes. The establishment is
complete from a standpoint of stock
and from it they are able to offer
service that is unexcelled i* any city.
They have the best of facilities,
including new motor equipment which
has been recntly purchased for ihe
convenience of the public in this
community and section.
In writing of the business activi
ties of this city and community we
have made an effort to give the
reader’s a fair ar.d impartial re
view of some of the leaders of the
various linss of endeavor. Our story
of Vidalia is not merely a talk feast,
but a rather elea* statement of facts
enabling you readers to actully fa
miliarize yourselves with each one
sketched. In accordance with this
policy we wish to include Dr. W. E.
Walker, Jr., optometrist. Dr. Walk
er has the best optical equipment in
stalled. This, together with a knowl
edge of advanced methods and pains
taking care in the examination and
adjusting of glasses, is evidence of his
number of new buildings have been
completed with others under con
struction and much development has
been noted in this particular srction
since the first of the year.
Completion of their new building „
mark the beginning of a new era
for this bank and with improved fa
cilities in every department they are
serving the public better than ever
recent official financial statement
shows a wonderful growth in depos
its during the past year and a splend
id record of which any bank might
be justly proud. It now has a cap
ital stock of $25,000.00; surplus
funds, $43,258.69; Total
$750,000.00 and total resources Wr
$900,000.00. V
The officers of the FRST NATION
AL BANK are: J. W. Sharpe. Pres
ident;; P. J. McNatt, Vice-President;
D. C. Patillo, Vice-President; George
S. Rountree, Cashier; Miss Emmie
Carter, Assistant Cashier.
Directors: J. W. Sharpe, D. C.
Patillo, . P. Phillips, George S. Roun
tree, P. J. McNatt, D. C. Harris and
John T. Ragan.
pared to render the most efficient
service in this feature of the bu.-:*-
, ness. Those desiring any service in
his line will find no one better
equipped to serve them than Hr.
Herring. Mr. Herring is known
almost everybody in this trade
tory and is represented and admirad
j for his energy and straight-forward
| dealings with all mankind. Just at
this time he is making a specialty of
! hail insurance which will be of
'■ special interest to tobacco growers,
i Mr. Herring is city clerk and de
| votes most of his time to the work
iof this office. In this capacity he
has rendered invaluable service to the
1 community in which he lives.
are employed and patrons and visi
tors are shown every attention and
consideration consistent with sound
business principles.
Just at this time the store is feat
uring an especially attractive line of
ladies ready-to-wear and new styles
in Fall coats, a large assortment of
fancy silks and the latest m dress
goods, all of which have just arrived
and are the newest to be had from
the Eastern markets.
Mr. Skurow is one of the well
known and progressive business men
of th city, stands high in all circles,
and has not only contributed much
of the development of the community
but to aid in promoting the welfare
of this section has been his privi
lege and pleasure.
As is well known, they have con
ducted some of the largest funerals
ever held in this section in a most
admirable manner and their excellent
facilities makes it possible for them
to render complete service. We wish
m this review to compliment this firm
on the satisfactory service it is ..en
people cf this section. »
Tne J H. McClosky Co., is oper
a.ed under the personal direction of
Mr. Herman McClosky. It is highly
pioper m this rev c-v That we give
this gentleman special mention. as
among our highest esteemer aa |*V
ful citizens who in the su<m-$H5,',;
practice of this important profusion
has gained the good will of all who
have had business relations with him.
.*r. i.icGlosky has been engaged in
th.s work for the past 17 or ig
years and is thoroughly conversant
witn every demand attendant upon
the calling During these years he has
personally conducted funerals for
many of Georgia’s prominent fam
and dupjicXbroken o lens^prompTlv
Dr. Walker has the nocessarv ev
perience and facilities to me!? y
demand attendant upon the
and h eis thoroughly '"^
everv font.,-a ? r H i- „ ersa nt with
’>fficu ‘ w i 0r h ‘ s profession. Aiis
iiicir.t work has brought to UhVm
“ I T, V ,hro “ eh<,u: &JC
of ~ Dr ' j Valker is » *™tle3
of court**, bearing and pleasing
“ larsa "A of
mends in th community nud