Newspaper Page Text
All The New. Os Too.b. end Surrounding Counties
In writing of the older firms and
special industries that make up the
businss interests of Vidalia, we wish
to _ include one of the newer enter
prises and one that enjoys a distinct
prestage in this city and section—
the new Vann Tobacco Warehouse,
which is one of the finest, largest and
best in the Georgia tobacco belt, and
is a valuable asset to the Vidalia
The new Vann warehouse was
built and opened here this year and is
owned and operated under the per
sonal direction of Mr. W. W. Bernard
and J. C. Vann, who also own three
warehouses at Greenville, Tenn.
and one at Douglas, Ga. Mr, Ber
nard and Mr. Vann have had many
years of experience as tobacco grow
-1 5 ‘ warehousemen and are thro
oughiy conversant with every angle
of the businss in which they are en
They are furnishing a good and ac
tiv competitive market for tobacco
supplies, etc., than does LEE HARD-
For more than seventeen years the WARE QOMPANY and trade is
Lee Hardware Company, has been drawn from a wide radius of terri
most favorably known throughout tory. No detail is lacking to make
Toombs county as meaning headquar- tn.s house a competent agency to
ters for hardware, farm implements, r>-eet nil the varied '■’eeds of the pub
paints and builders’ supplies and all lie in its town and fild.
*° r V l6 k es t. in this line, Thishasalwaysbenastoreofqual
and that the good name has not stood jty. The owner has always been a
in vain is shown mhe immense bus- fi rm believer in quality knowing the
iness now annually handled by this economy of good merchandise. He
stcre, one of the largest concerns of and his competent clerks always urge
its Kind in this section of the state, their trade to buy the best in their
It was back in 1910 when this busi- line, and value more highly a satis
ness was first started and during fied customer than temporary profit
these years it has grown and expand- cheaper goods.
ed steadily ,keping even pace with The gentleman at the head of this
the progress and advancement of the firm, Mr. F. R. Lee, “Tom” Lee, is
territory it served and is today a counted among the most highly re
recognized leader in its line. The • spected citizens and business men of
fact that they have occupied this the county and has contributed much
same location throughout these seven- toward Ihe material and civic devel
teen years is another evidence of the current of Vidalia and surrounding
of this old reliable home in- counties. His square deal business
stitution. No firm in this section of .. , , , ~ . x
the country carries a more diversified an d close attention to the
line of hardware, implements, paints, best interests of his cusomers has
sporting goods, crockery, kitchen drawn a steadily increasing list of
utensils, farm friends and customers to the
k __ 1,111 L ~
A 7:00 PM Macon 7:00 AM ■
10:50 AM Macon 1:00 PM
■ For information as to through fares, schedules etc., I j
apply to Agent or ■
■ G. H. WHITAKER, Traf. Mgr. I
Filling Station is A
Popular Motorist’s Headquarters
Give equal advantages the ordinary
person prefers to trade with a ser
vice that he has known for yeais
than with one whos-- reputation is
taken on heresay. There is no ex
periment in dealing w:eh THE EVER
has been established in Vidalia for a !
number of years, and is one of the j
best and most conveniently located in
the city.
In addition to selling standard gas
oline this concern carries a line of
tires and tubes. They made a spe-,
ciabv of washing and alemiting cars,
rendering the most efficient service.
They also have a most efficient tire
service department and maintain.
read service. Their slogan is “Ser
vice With a Smile.”
The mere thought of saving di
rects many a housewife in Vidalia j
and vicinity to the MOSLEY GRO
CERY and many of their custom-!
ers are able to set a far better table
than their means would permit un
der ordinary conditions. An increas
ng number of particular housewives
are learning this fact every day. This j
new grocery is offering a full line
of pure food products, both staple
and fancy groceries of nationally
recognized brands, also fresh fruits
and vegetables. The surroundings
are inviting throughout and the
stock well arranged .so you can read
ily see at aglanc what they have to'
offer 'this progressive firm has the
~ •
Wc desire to bring out in this
ed’tion the value of the service and
the qualities of tle various con
cern' 1 who operate in this territory
and for this reason deem it proper
to* give comfcndable -mention to the
activities of this new Vidalia con
cern. , * , ,T
The fact that this is a local indus
try manufacturing a quality product
lu-t is is in constant demand, should
be (riven th- mpMrt of all local
rieonle. An investigation of the com-1
pany and its products will prove very.,
In their renovating department
old mattresses are made like new
and commanding the highest market
pries for same which will do much
to foster and encourage the growing
of tobacco, not only in this immedi
ate vicinity, but in all surounding ter
ritory as well, Mr Barnard and Mr.
V ann both take a personal and active
in terest in seing that the farmer gets
the highest prices possible for his
These gentleman have given fate
rial evidnee of their faith and confi
dence in the future growth and devel
opment of the Vidalia market by in
vesting a large sum of their personal
capital in this warehouse without
calling for local assistance and are
well deserving of the patronage of the
•growers and the hearty co-operation
of our business men.
Mr. Var.n and Mr. Bernard are
both gentlemen of high integrity and
pieasing personality and have many
friends and acquaintances among the
business men and farmers in the Vi
• dalia territory.
This well known and popular ser
vice station -occupies a convenient
corner location on Church stret. It
io one of the best Os its kind in this
• ction and has always been given a
liberal share of patronage by the best
element of citizenship in this com
Mr. T. W. Willitt, the owner of
this business of the most highly
respected citizens and business men
in this community, is modern and
progressive in his ideas and methods
and is a man who can always be re
lied upon to come to the front in
supDort of measures for the better
ment of the city in which he lives.
He is a gentleman of courteous bear
ing and pleasing personality and has
a huge circle of friends in this com
right idea of modern merchandising—
a quick turnover at small profits.
! The result is absolutely fresh mer
chandise and at a saving to their cus
tomers. Mr._ J. Gould Mosley, the
; owner Os this store is winning a
steadily incrasifig list of friends and
customers, and is appreciative of pat
ronage accorded him.
j Mr. Moseley is a young man of
pleasing personality and high integ
rity and one with whom it is a pleas
ur to deal. Mr. Mosley is known to
most of the farmers in this county
and is making a special effort to
take care of h>s farmer friends. He
buys considerable farm products and
. vites the farmrs to bring him their
produce to his store.
:y modern dust extracting machin
'sT- This js the only machinery of
: ird ir. this section and enables
t"ei". to guarantee work to give sat
isfaction. Free delivery service.
The business policies of Mr. Hail
have been such that he has gained
:he confidence of business men and
th public generally. It is such con
cerns as this that make a liver, bet
ter community arid we nve more
than glad to refer them to our read
jers and to assure them they will
, find all inquiries met with a cour
teous answer and then in buying any
of their products you will get value
received for your money.
Taking rank as one of the fore
most enterprises in this section of
Georgia, is JOHN T. RAGAN &
COMPANY. This is a worthy home
concern which has contributed both"
time and money toward the develop
ment of Vidalia and Toombs county
and have assisted in the material up
building of Vidalia and this section
in the construction of homes, schools,
are extensive dealers in lumber and
building materials including lumber,
brick, lime, cement, sand, sash, doors,
roofing, builders harware, etc., and
do both wholesale and retail busi
ness. They also do cabinet work of
all kinds.
They make a specialyt of building
schools for consolidated districts
throughout the state. Buildings of
this character constructed by them
have been_ highly satisfactory and
they have probably built more schools
of this typa than any other firm in
No public utility corporation does
its share in a city’s growth without
assisting municipal development and
bettering working conditions. From
the date this busines swas founded
this concern has kept well abreast of
the times. With the advancement
and growth of Vidalia and unimpair
ed confidence in the city, encouraged
by support and patronage received,
the company has ambitious plans for
the future. The sums invested in
electric equipment and property is
for the fulfillment of Vidalia’s des
tiny and only a reasonable compen
sation is asked.
Their desire and intention is always
to give a full dollar’s worth of ser
vice for every dollar paid to the com
pany and to do their work mindful
of the best interests to the comunity
of which they are a part
The employees of the company are
In writing of the representative
v firms which make up the business
I interests of Vidalia we wish to in-
I dude one of the most poular auto
s mobile service firms in Vidalia, the
which is one of the best and most
centrally locatd places in the city. It
was opened last July by Mr. H. G.
• Cochran ard in this comoarativelv
brief space of time the Red Star
Service Station has assumed a prom
inent place among the best of its
kind in this section .
It is thoroughly modern in con
structon and equipment, attractive
rin appearance and occupies a con
venient corner location in th heart of
,the city opposite the First National
Mr. Cochran has embodied all the
9 essentials of a real service station in
his establishmnt. It is equipped
rfwith all modern facilities including
high pressure washing machines, ale
smiting service, etc. Mr. Cochran sells
The most practical economical
and popular means of transportation
today is the automobile. The auto
mobile is responsible for our good
roads and wherever you find good
roads you will find prosperous and
contented farmers. The immense i
number of automobiles in use make i
it necessary for every city worthy of j
the name to have establishments de- 1
voted to he sale of accesories and the J
furnishing of service for these ma- \
chines. This leads us to speak of I
GILSTRAP’S GARAGE located on 1
Railroad street. This concern is
prepared to handle cylinder and j
crankshaft grinding, etc., and they
also deal in parts and accessories, etc. j
They make a specialty of high class
The history of the business belong
ing to the firm in the heading of this
sketch is on of the continued success
success, not of the old kind, but of
the new. the progressive. The peo
ple of Vidwlia and Toombs county
known ftiat o ben they trade at BAR
RON W. GODBEE’S they are sure
of getting frhe best groceries obtain
able and at low prices as can be had
anywhere in this section of the
country. This is one of the reasons j
why this is one of the most popular
liberally patronized and successful
retail grocery markets in this sec-!
tion. They carry a large, well se- 1
lectod stock of groceries, vegetables
and fresh fruits—at all times.
Ir was hack in 1921 that the firm
was founded by the present owner
and opened its doors for business
and since that time it has assumed a
commanding position in the retail in-
Mr. 0. . Anderson of Dublin, was
a visitor to the city on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jenkins at.-
rounce th ebix-th of a daughter on
Wednesday, October 24th.
Mrs. R. R. Price and little daugh
ter. Mary Ethel Price of Bruns
wick, are the guests of Mrs. J. C.
Price and family.
They turn much money back into
local channels and furnish remuner
ative employment to a large number
of workmen, directly aiding in the
prosperity of the city.
The gentlemen at the head of this
firm are Mr. John T. Ragan and Mr.
J. D. Stewart. Mr. Ragan is too
well known to need any yords of in
troduction at our heands. He is a
citizen of sterling worth and unques
tioned reliability. Mr. Ragan is a
director of First National Bank, a
director of the Kiwanis Club and has
always co-operated in all worthy
movments for public good.
Mr. Stewart is another of the w r ell
known and substantial bus.ness men
and citizens of this section. Mr.
Sewart is thoroughly conversant with
every i.ature of the lumber business
has tb 3 fulling confidence and es
teem f the masses and is known as
one of our most public spirited citi
making doubly sure of its success by
their loyal and efficient efforts and
by the harmony for every movement
for the development of their city.
The splendid spirit of the fine group
of men and women points once more
to the security of the organization
with which they are connected.
Those in charge of the local office
are : r. Paul Thomas, Supt., Miss
Pauline Vickers, ashir and Mr. Ed
Zackary, salesman.
The local office of this company is
located on Railroad street, where in
I addition to transacting the business
jo fthe company, an attractive display
|of electrical heaters .stoves, fans,
land electrical appliances is carried in
j complete stock for their customers
; desiring this equipment.
The Georgia Power ompany sells
, stock to its customers and others and
lean be bought from any employee of
I the company.
‘ Texaco” products exclusively. Tex
aco gasoline and motor oils are used
extensively throughout this section
and give the motorist the most com
plet esatisfaction from every point
of view.
Mr. Cochran’s patronage is increas
ing because he does business on the
principal of treatng all customers
honorably and alike.
There are few of Vidalia’s younger
business men who are more favora
bly known than Mr. Cochran, and
none more dependable for a square
deal. He is sincere in his desire to
give good service, and values more
higly a satisfied customer than tem
porary profits. His business policies
and affable manner have won for him
many friends among the business
men and citizens of this commumtv.
i Mr. Cochran’s father-in?law, Mr.
£.. L. Lomberg, who has recently
moved here, is now associated with
him in this business. Mr. Lomberg
is a courteous gentleman whose con
nection here is adding much to effi
cient conduct of this business.
automomible repairing ,having the
latest and best of facilities for tak
ing care of work of this class in a
scientific manner. Their work is of
every job turned out is a standing
advertisement in their favor. Bus
iness is drawn from all parts of this
J This business is opei-ated under
i the capable management of Mr. Gil
j strap. He is a progressive business
I man and is interested in any under
} taking for the betterment of the com
tnu "»itv in which h%l ; vps.
! Evidence of Mr. Gilstrap’s mechan
: ical ability is shown in the fact that
j his is the authorized Buick and Chrys
ler service garage in this territory,
| which he handles of course, in addi
tion to doing general repairing on
all makes of cars.
tor'-'Ms of Vidalia.
This business is operated under
the personal direction of Mr. Barron
Godbee. Mr. Godbee is counted
among the most far-seeing and pro
gressive men of this section and is a!
full time booster for the town and j
county in which he lives. He has I
loi>g been counted as among Toombs I
county farmers’ truest friends and 1
is a grat believer in Toombs county i
I Mr. Godbee has always been a firm '
i believer in quality and carries only I
the best goods to be had, a policy j
| which appeals to people of discrimi-1
mg tastes who desire the best. He
’o:ds exclusive salesrights on several
grade lines, a specialty being ;
made of sue ci: Iterated products as
Richelieu’s r l White Peso canned
goods and Phase and Sanborn cof
' Miss Adel Hacket ar • ved last
I week from Athens, where she has
! been attending Summer school.
Miss Esther Hacket had "airier
, guests the past week-end Misses
j Jeanette Estroff. of Louisville, and
Xaofi, of Augusta.
M. and Mrs. Joe Hackel were in
Atlanta last week.
Omission of the GEORGIA TO
BACCO WAREHOUSE from the list
of leading Vidalia and Toombs coun
ty enterprises would be unpardona
ble on the part of the journalist who
pretended to give a resume of our
resources and attractions. This is
beyond question one of the largest
best and best known tobacco ware
houses in this section. It has be
come an invaluable asset to the to
bacco growers in the territory in
which it is operating and since it was
established in 1923 has shown a
steady increase in volume of tobacco
handled each season for growers in
this section whose experience has
taught them the decided advantages
of a home market. Both in price and
in service to growers the GEORGIA
vantages secon dto none in the Geor
gia tobacco belt.
This season the Georgia Warehouse
is again being operated under the
personal direction of Messrs. J. J.
Winstead, E. F. Hester and F. J. Hes
ter, of North Carolina, who are
pleasantly remmberd by th growers
and business men in this section.
In every trade center there are
certain commercial establishments
whose important high characters con
stitute them as an essential part and
element of the community in which
they are located. This is especially
true of staple lines like furniture and
such a concern is the GUNTER FUR
NITURE COMPANY. This is one of
the outstanding enterprises in Vidalia.
It was established in 1924 and during
these years has been a leader in its
line in this part of the state. They
carry an exceptionally complete and
up-to-date stock of home furnishings,
carpets, curtains, draperies, luggage
and also maintain a oomplete musical
It is but fair to say that this home
firm has been a good booster for
Vidalia. It is the class of store that
attracts trrde to the ciy from he sur
rounding counies and by adhering to
absolute square dealing with all man
kind they have built up a patronage
of which the management and the
New fall styles are arriving at
MRS. J. E. THOMPSON’S. The new
est creations in sport and novelty
millinery and dresses—new modes
that you simply cannot resist. Re
freshing new models that you will
adore, whether you are a matron or
a miss. In our feature story of
Vidalia we are not exaggerating
when we say that this stablishment
enjoys a recognized percentage for
offering th ehighest class of merchan
dise—the newest creations in hats and
frocks for street or sport and for any
and all occasions. A complete line of
ready -to-wear and piece goods.
The entire stock is being replen
ished frequently with new advanced
styles. Mrs. Thompson spares no
is one of the institutions of Toombs
County, w r here the most motorists
know they can learn real economy.
They operate a well equipped drive
filling station and is headquarters for
many Vidalia and Toombs county
Here you will find a business that
has succeded because of quality and
courteous service . It is operated un
der the personal direction of Mr. W.
D. Poe. His business has steadily
increased because he does business on
the principal of treating all custom
ers honorably and alike. Mr. Poe is
well known in this section for his
commendable business methods
and has many friends in all walks of
life. Whatever you may need in the
There is always two ways of doing
things—the right way and the wrong
Fred Taylor who operates a o ill
equipped vulcanizing plant on
Chuieh street, adjoining the E/er-
Ready Service Station, has the right
way, and is meeting with success by
producing work of a superior quality
at right prices. His shoo is provided
with all up-to-date facilities including
a large Akron-Williams vulcanizing
machine and all mode rn facilities
for the expeditious handling of high
grad ■ vulcanizing on b' th tires and
Larg; patronage from _ territory j
continguous to Vidalia and in the city I
proper is enjoyed, by the SANI
ING CLUB. which has a well
equippd plant or Radroad ave
aue, next to the Colonial Theatre.
This enterprise, under the direction
ol Mr. G. C. Daniel specializes in
the highest type of cleaning and
pressing service. Their service is
prompt but they give every piece that
comes into the plant the most pains
taking care.
Many people have learned through
this service that they can save the ex
penditure of many dollars for new
clothes. Every day brings work from
patrons who have saved the purchase
of new garments through the excel-
through their association with thi*
warehouse during the past three sea
sons. These men have the interest*
of the growers at heart, which com
bined with thir broad experience la
this line, intimate knowledge of mar
ket conditions and judicious manage
ment assures the growers the high
est market prices throughout the
Mr. Winstead and the Messurs Hes
ter are well and favorably known in
this community as gentlemen of high
integrity and progressive ideas and
stand high in business circles.
They hav eben tobacco growers and
warehousemen for many years and
ar thoroughly conversant with every
feature of th ebusiness. They are
therefore in a position to appreciate
the growers side, and are interested
in seeing that every pile of tobacco on
their floor brings as much per grad*
and pound as any market in Georgia.
These gentlemen are all optimistic
over the outlook for Vidalia and it*
tobacco market and state that it i*
their intention to continue to operate
in the local field and co-operate in
the upbuilding of the Vidalia market.
town have every reason to fell proud.
Mr. Morgan Gunter, the gentleman
at the head of this business, is counted
among our leading financial citizens
and business men, stands high in all
; circles and has contributed both time
and money toward the upbuilding of
| the citv and county, and is closely
i identified with the business activities
of Vidalia. Mr. Gunter is a member
of the Vidalia Kiwanis Club and takes
much interest in civic affairs.
1 Mr. E. C. Faulk and Mr. B. W.
Mclntyre, both of whom have been
associated with Mr. Gunter since the
inception of this business are highly
valued members of the personnell of
| the store. They are thoroughly cott
; versant with every feature of the bus
iness in which they are engaged and
their geniality and courtesy is one
of the most useful assets of the firm.
Mr. Faulk and Mr. Mclntyre are
favorably known in this community
and have many friends and acquain
tances in the territory in which they
time or energy i nsecuring exactly
what she knows will please the most
exacting buyers. In shopping here
you will always find your inquiries
meet with an intelligent understand
ing of your requirements together
with pleasing, cheerful service.
Mrs Thompson has recently re
turned from Atlanta and the East
ern markets where she made some
splendid purchases, and will have an
especially attractive line for the com
ing saeson. The “Juanita” hat will
be one of the featured items and
will be in stock at an early date.
Mrs. Thompson has engaged MiSf
Blonde Ivey, an experienced milli
i ner to be in charg of the fillinerj
i department this season.
way of this kind of service he has
it for you and is always ready to give
your requirements personal atten
We are pleased in this review to
direct the special attention of our
readers to this firm as one of the
most distinctive feaures of the com
mercial efficiency of this section,
and to assure them that at his estab
| lishment they will always find effi
; cient and courteous men, competent,
ready and willing to serve them.
Mr. Poe is one of the substantial
i business men in this section and is
i well known i nthis community. He
: has merited the success that has been '
j his and we wish to suggest that as
j regards any service in his line you
will find his place unexcelled.
( tubes. The work is handled in a
scientific manner and by methods
| that secure the best results and ab
solute satisfaction to the customer.
He has been serving our people in
this respect for the past two years
and has the entire confidence of all
wih whe n he has had business rela
ions. His prices have always been
based upon as low margin of profit
as it was safe on which to do business.
I He is a young man of genial dispo
|sit:on, always working to the best in
i trest of his patrons and has friends
i in pracicallv all walks of life.
| lent work that this firm does in the
j cleaning and pressing of the old ones,
an up-to-date lin of samples and
I patterns in fabrics in woolens, wor-
I sted. etc. and their stock is so varied
in design and prices that they can
met the demands of people in all
walks of life. High grade suits are
made to measure at most reasonable
prices ,and every garment is absolute
ly guaranteed to give the customer
| the most punitive satisfaction.
: j Mr. Daniels is one of the wnsll
known young business men of thu
cofnunity who has always taken an
i active interest in \ idalia’s onward
■ progress and is among the valued res
' idents whom we wish to compliment
t 1 upon the efficient business and the
j admirably policy followed in its
• direction.