Newspaper Page Text
All the News Os Teembs and Surrounding Coonties
Htftalta Mortal and (Elub Nabs
Telephone Number Twenty-three.
* o
Marriage of Interest
Os wide social interest to their
many friends throughout the state
is the Announcement of the marriage
of Miss Nobia Phillips, the attrac
tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. if.
Phillips of this city, to Mr. William
Howard Jones, also of this city,
formly of Cochran, on Monday Au
gust 21st. The marriage ceremony
being performed at the Baptist pas
torate by Rev. D. S. Grindle, pastoi
of the Tabernacle Baptist church in
the presence of a few relative; anil
Mrs. Jones is a charming young
woman, having lived in Vidalia for
a number of years. She has taught
school in Good Hope, Ga., for two
terms where she wot a great many
friends by her lovely dispositon.
Mr. Jones is overseer lor Dr. t.. H.
Darby, having a large amount of
farming interest throughout the
Mr. and Mrs. are at home to
their many friends on North Raiirca.i
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson had
as their guest last week their aunt,
Mrs. H. C. Willis, of Fort Myers,
Mrs. H. A. Deen and attractive
sons, H. A. and Buddie Deen, expect
to leave Monday for Baxley to spend
a few days as the guests of rela
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Timmerman
had as their guests on Tuesday, Mr.
Collins and Mr. E. W. Timmerman.
©f Macon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cawthen, of
Winter Park, Fla., who have been the
guests of Mrs. C. W. Brazell and .»e
Misses Brazell left week for the
coast. They were accompained by
Miss Anna Brazell, who will >•*
their guest.
September 3 and 4.
Limited 7th. I
See Seaboard Ticket |
Agent |
Statesboro, Georgia
Fall Term opens September Thirteenth.
Special Six weeks cours for rural teachers. Thirty
One fifty yearly expense; One hundred seventy two fifty
regular College High School Business and Finse Art
«»*- ——
Standard credit. Apply at once.
I Rooms limited.
GUY H. WELLS. President.
*\ . - V. '
Miss Ruby Darby has returned
home from Columbia, S. C., after
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy argeror..
Mrs. W. H. Peacock, of Lake City.
Fla., will arrive September Ist to
visit her monther, Mrs. \V F.
Mr. W. F. Peacock, Jr., who is a
medical student at University of
Chicago, will arrive the first of Sep
tember to be the guest of his mother,
Mrs. W. V. Peacock and fam ly.
Mrs. Frank Darby Dr. and Mrs. L.
H. Darby and Dr. and Mrs. !ce
Darby and children motored to Dub
lin on Wednesday.
Mrs. H. H. Powell and little son.
Harry Powell, Jr., left Sunday for
their home in Rockmart. They were
accompanied home by Mr. and Ivhs.
Joe Jackson and little daughter,
Jane, who will be their guest for
t ——
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Evens, (Mary
Kate Shuman) of Soperton, an
nounce th'* birth of a son on Thurs
day, Aug-st
Mr. James Cromartie, of Gran
ville, S. C., is the guest of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cromartie.
Mrs. Jimmy Wimbish left last
week for her home in South Boston
Va., after spending several weeks in
the city.
Miss Annie Stone returned home
Saturday from Atlanta, where she
went to buy her fall millinery for the
millinery store.
Mrs. J .C. Timmerman, Jr., who
has been spending sometime here as
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Timmerman left Thursday for
Plains, Ga. Where she will visit be
fore returning to her home in At
Let me send you my applica
tion on one week tral before pay
ing. Price 76c, if satisfactory re
mit us. Otherwise return and
you owe nothing. It is soft, cool,
comfortable. Holds rupture per
! fectly. There is nothing like it.
| |l It is patented, ore Mthan than
| i fifty thousand in use in U. S.
Station C., P. O. Box 53,
:l1 "'
Mrs. Rotcoe Ledford, Editor
As fully as important to the social
structure of the modern world to
dav as the bread winner is the bread
maker and calling of the man who
plies the baker’s art is a citizen of
importance almost beyond belief.
With the advance of civilization im
provement has characterized all de
partments of commercial enterprises,
and no branch of business has kept
better pace with the strides of time
than that which has to do with the
manufacture of articles of the baker®
production. One of the recognized
leaders in its line in this section and
a firm that has gained an enviable
reputation here for producing the
best goods and selling same at right
prices, is the SMITH BROTHERS
This establishment is equipped
with the latest improved and most
up-to-date mixing machinery and
other conveniences and is always
A decidedly attractive and dis
tinctive shop is the beauty parlor
and millinery shop operated by Miss
Anrie Stone and is one that will de
light ewery feminine reader of the
Feature story of Vidalia. Here you
will find a wide variety of millinery
for all occasions. The hats shown
here are individual and distinctive in
designs. The newest creator.-} of
hghest quality. Smart new styles in
sport hats. The Hollywood and Re
genstyle hats ar featured and you’ll
find the prices very reasonable
throughout . There is also an attrac
tive line of accessories and a wide
variety of new novelties, bags and
the like. The showing of hosiery is
equally complete—and is shown in
One of the pioneer business men
of Vidalia and one of the substantial
figures in the local life of the town
is S. R. SHUMAN, who has bade of
him a record of many years expe
rience in mercantile pursuits. Mr. j
Shuman began business here about I
eighteen or twenty years ago and to |
the best knowledge operates Vidalia’s
oldest business firm in point of con
tinuous operation. VHe originally
started in a small tin building wihch
is still standing opposite his present I
location. During all these years he
has been continually in the meat
business and has occupied the same
building for the last eighteen years.
The. fixtures in use in this market
are of the latest and best, among ; ’
In the restaurant business, as per
haps in no other, continued mainte
nance of a high standard of service
is absolutely necessary if on" ' to
succeed and there is a reason for it.
The average man cherishes, although
perhaps unwillingly, the memory of a
poorly prepared meal and when he
gets what n considers poor service at
a restaurant he is ant to f ry some
other place next time. The best
evidence that the PLAZA CAFE is
an estblishment which, once tried, is
always patronized, is shown by the
fact that many of those who patron
ized the place when it was first open
ed for business, are regular customers
This is an exceptionally well equip
ped, sanitary and attractive restaur
ant ,and is popular with all classes of
people who appreciate good service,
Modern contracting and building
is now" essential and is the most
important feature in the develop
ment in any city. A local man folow
lrg all original and modern ideas re
specting twentieth century building
operations also sanitary plumbing
heating and electric wiring is Mr.
M. 11. Fountain, who has an office
end shon locatd on Railroad avenue.
Mr. Fountain is a pion er in his
’n in this section. He has been en
gaged in contracting and building
and the plumbing and heating busi
ness in Vid alia fnr the past 15 years
and is one of the best known citizens
of the city. His broad experience
and clear sight into all details con
nected with this impoi’tant line en
ables him to please the most exact
ing class of patrons During the
time he has been in business here
he has. at one time or another, hand
led contracts for nearly all th lead-
Mr. John Waters will return to
his home in Atlanta today after
spending several days here with Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins and family.
Mr. Waters will be accompanied to
Summit by his sister, Miss Lizzie
Miss Louise Mathews spent Wed
nesday in Rochelle as the g~est of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Oliver spent
the week-end at Colonel’s Island.
Mrs. R. M. Anderson, Sr., and son,
R. M. Anderson, Jr., and Mr. J. \V.
Timmerman, left Sunday for their
home in Plains, after being the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. \V. Tim
kept in a most scrupulously clean and
sanitary condition. They mar.uact
ture high grade bread, cakes, pies,
cookies, etc., and enjoy a large and
suDstantial patronage, not only here
in the city, but in all surrounding
territory as well.
j This business is owned and operat
ed by, mMessrs. Ira ard Earl Smith
j who also own a similar busness at
' Stateahoro These gentlemens have
identified with this line for years and
know the business in all its details.
They have been operating here
j about six years and have assumed a
1 prominent place in the business ac
t’vities of this community,
j The Vidalia plant is operated un
der the personal management of
; Mr. Ira Smith. Mr. Smith is progres
; sive in his ideas methods and
j may always be found taking an ac
| tive and spirited interest in every
undertaking that promises desirable
j and permanent improvements in con
i dirior.s in the city in which he lives.
all the latest colors and kinds. A
specialty is made of the “Modern
Girl” hosiery which may be had in a
wide range of prices and is abso
lutely guaranteed.
Another department of this shop is
devoted to pemiannt waving and is in
charge of an expert i nthis line who
is thoroughly conversant with the
A genuine friendly interest and
prompt, courteous service on the part
oi Miss Stone and associates makes
a visit to this shop decidedly pleas
ing and profitable experience
Miss Stone has recently returned
from the Atlanta markets where she
,made a number of special purchases
! "-hich will interest every Miss and
j Matron in Vidalia and vicinity.
other conveniences being a late im
proved Lig-ONer refrigerator coun
ter display case. Home killed and
packing house meats are carried
and a specialty is made of poultry,
also fish and oysters in season. Mr.
j Shuman features the best, is a leader
lin moderate prices and has the en
i tire confidence of the community in
which he is operating. He is one
our progressive and most highly re
spected citizens. In addition to the
local market, Mr. Shuman is also in
terested in a similar business in
Florida. Marvin and Leland Shuman
are in personal charge of the busi
ness and their courtesy and close at
tention to the wants and needs of
customers has contributed much to
he populariy of this market.
cleanliness and popular prices. They
, serve everything good to eat that the
markets and season afford,
j The PLAZA CAFE is owned and
operated by C. D.Kavakos. Mr. Kav
akos is courteous and obliging and has
had a broad experience in his line.
■ , -Constant aim is to please the
; public in quality, price and service.
* . keeping with his progressive
policy, Mr. Kavakos has recently made
many improvements in his restaurant.
He has rcently renovated and redecor-
added ne .w equipment and
facilities for rendering an even high
er type of service. During the seven
y MrV ha [ He u has ben "perat^Vhere
kavakos has always made every
; effort to please his friends and cSZ
tomers and give them the best ser
vice Possible He also owns and oper
ates the Jackson Hotel. F
, ing property owners of the city. He
is an expert in his line ai:d makes it
'* ru o to employ only the most high
jly skilled and reliable mechanics
Mr. Fountain also carries a complete
hne of high grade plumbing and
, electrical supplies, pipe, fitting.
: heating equipment, etc. He also does
! considerable business in the sale of
paints, varnishes, paint supplies,
Drushes, etc., and makes a specialtv
jof the famous “Duco.”
i Mr. Fountain does not confine his
j operations to the city of Vidalia. but
(handles work in any part of South
I a specialty being made of
'building homes ard plumbing and
h £ atl ’? sr w ork in court houses, schools
; churches, post offices, stores, offices'
etc Mu. Fountain is a gentleman of
th highest integrity and business
ability ar.d is very highly regarded
' IT ,. hls straight-forward methods and
polic> °f absolute square dealin:
With the public.
, Friends of Dr. Elijah Peacock, of
i.arrison, Ga., will be glad to learr.
he is resting nicely after undergoing
an operation at Mayo Brothers clinic.
Mrs. Sidney J. Reeves, of Mary
anr.a, Fla., arrived last week to he
the guest ot her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Bland. . ■
Miss Adel Hackel spent Monday
and Tuesday in Savannah as the guest
'of friends .
Economy in purchasing is the key
rot of prosperity. No store of its
vir.'A in rhis $ ft •> *' n t* ih r fountr” o^-
fers better values than that conduct
ed under the style of the VIDALIA
5 and 10c STORE located in a mod
ern and spacious building on Rail
road avenue.
This is one of Vidalia’s better re
tail establishments and is an enter
prise that is worthy of the support
and patronage of all who are inter
ested in Vidalia’s growth and material
' The VIDALIA 5 nrd 10c STORE
carries one of the largest stocks of
ite kind to be found in this section
of the state, here you can go far
toward furnishing all the articles of
clothing for the whole family to say
nothing of the numerous “handy
things” and novelties of every kind
j The gift season is always on and
the jewelers receive their share
making possible the wisest selection
of presents for all occasions. An
up-to-date jeweler is indispensible to
i every community of taste and refine
ment, and or.e whose work shows
marked skill is sure of liberal pat
At W. E. WALKER’S will be
found the leading makes of watches,
diamonds and jewelry as well as
| novelties and silverware, clocks of
( handsome des : gns and extensive
j stock of fine chi? a. They also have
an attractive showing of leather
goods, etc.
The stock has been selected with an
It is more or less a problem to
know when purchasing foods for the
family table, where to obtain these
necessities and be assured that the
goods are fresh and of highest qual
TERIA is answering this problem for
an increasing number of people in
Toombs county. Not only will you
readers find nationally advertised
brands of proven worth but you will
find also an inviting atmosphere
about this store which is satisfaction
While QUALITY is the main es
sentia! of Mr. Galloway’s business
policy, SERVICE also pays an im
portant part—prompt and attentative
service is shown in the filling of ail
orders. We suggest that you make a
note of the name and location. In
addition to QUALITY and SERVICE
you will find their prices right and
an earnest desire on the part of the
Specializing in this particular line
of work with which he is thorougly
familiar Mr. S. B. Davis operates the :
only exclusive battery service station j
in Toombs county.
In order to render the most com- ■
plete service to the public Mr. Davis j
has equipped his establishment with j
the latest and most improved devices
for the expeditious care of batteries
Repairing and charging of batteries
is one of the most efficent services
rendered by Mr. Davis. His slogan is
‘ Service That Satisfies.”
When a motorist needs battery
service he wants to consult one who
knows the business from A to Z.
Right here let it be said that Mr.
Davis can qualify in every respect
The excellent servic erndered has
many patrons has brought much new
business and th enumber of his pat
rons is steadily'increasing.
We don not think we exaggerate
when we say that this is one of the
most efficiently operated battery
service stations in this part of the
Among the first-class and effi
ciently conducted service stations
■n Vidalia none enjoy a better repu
tation for fair and square dealing
This service station is most con
veniently located in the center of
town opposite the Railway depot.
It is equipped with modem pumps
and is conceded among the best ser
vice stations in this part of the state,
in the comparatively breif space of
time that has elapsed since the open
ing it has taken a place well at the
front among the best patronized and
most successful establishments of it
kind in this section.
A specilty is made of the famous
Crown gasoline and Standard and
One might almost say that the
modern spirit of a city or town was
shown in the accommodations it af
fords to automobile owners, since the
automobile industry is one of the
newst, and most rapidly expanding I
ones of recent date. If the measure ‘
of a city could be taken through the |
facilities it affords in this line Vi
dalia would stand forth prominently,
i nthis standard, having a number of
leading service stations and garages
of th esouthern section of the state, j
In this connection scpecial mention!
is due the SCARBOR’S SER VICE i
STATION, located on First street. ;
The service station is operated by j
Henry Covington, who moved here 1
from Millen and assumed controll of j
this business about two months ago.
Mr. Covington is a courteous young
n an who can be relied upon for a ]
and description. The rto*
ing everything one would expect
flJd in establishments of »
nature in the larger cities. This store
was opened here about two years ago
and has met with a success from the
is operated under the
personal management of Mr. •- ■
Holton, a gentleman of pleasing per
sonality, and high integrity, who if
thoroughly conversant with every
feature of this business. He extends
the people of Vidalia and Toolbs
county a cordial invitation to visit
! the store, assuring them courteous
and efficient service in every m
Mr. Holton endeavors to keep well
i abreast of the times, is very cour
j teous to meet in either business or so
cial intercourse and has scores ox
loyal friends and well wishers in this
comunity and section.
eye to value as well as beauty and
included verything necessary to the
conduct of a modern and up-to-date
s'-ore. We take particular pleasure in
directing our readers to this estab
lishment and point to it as one of the
business enterprises of the city that
is aiding in making this a more valu
able community to live in.
Th proprietor, Mr. W. E. Walker r
Jr., is counted among Vidalia’s lead
s citizens and business men in w’honi
the public has every confidence. We
are pleased in the “Gold Leaf” Re
view to compliment him on the char
acter of his establishment and the
quality of the merchandise he offers
the public.
owner to please you that you will
be glad to call again.
Mr. Galloway is a man of good
standing in this community and is
winning the entire confidnece and
esteem of our people. His home
was originally in Nashville but he is
well known to many of the citizens
of Vidalia and Toombs county and
has many frinds among both the
business men and farmers of this
Mr. Galloway features a good line
of heavy groceries and carries a num
ber of special lines, one of the lead
ers being Sensation flour. His es
tablished policy of selling for cash
only enables him to offer his custom
ers a substantial saving. He caters
especially to the farm trade and
makes a special effort co give his
customers good merchandise at lew
state, for many Vidalia and Toombs
county motorists unite in their
i praise of the excellent work per
j formed here. No matter how urgent
j may be your demands, they are
i equipped to serve you, for a Service
| Battery is always ready for your use
j while your own battery is being re
charged or repaired. This is a most
accommodating service which is ren
dered efficiently and courteously by
a progressive business man.
n making this business review of
eh the progress of Vidalia we desire
to refer the DAVIS BATTERY SER
VICE STATION to oVr readers as
c ne of that meets the demands of the
day, no matter what they may be in
their lines, and to say that the repu
tation of the past has been main
tained and to refer it to all our read
ers. M r. Davis has been engaged in
this line of work for the past four
teen years, having spent most of this
time in Vidalia and is favorably
known to most of the citizne of this
! Mobile Oils. These products are sold
and used throughout this section"
I and have given the motorist the most
absolute satisfaction from everv
point of view. In addition to sell
ling gasoline and motor oils, they
have on hand a general line of au
tomobile accessories, tires and tubes,
alty Washing and casing a speei-
9 he . ss Abernathy, the owner
ot this business, is also general mar-
COMPANY. Mr. Abernathy is a
r*r- i " te^rit y> courteous
beam g and pleasing personali 1/
and has many friends and acquain
tances in this community and sec
’ " a CA JL 1 \Jf l «
square deal He is, moreover, pro
gressive in his methods and much in
ti-rested in the advancement of the
home town and county. Mr. Cov
, ington makes a specialty of the well
| known and popular “Texaco” gaso
il ires i"! 0 ,* 1 ' ° lls and carries Falls
I a tire ail eT° ries - He maintains
land also w’r 6 •r!- nair d cpartnmt
i as l.icihties for washinor
and greasing cars. His nrices wdl
j t-e xound to be ac reasonable as those
!° f any Slm!!ar establishment in this
i Section and the service afforded is
j in keeping with the best ol" ervice
j stat!ons Ir - large cities. I f you are
not already a patron of this service
! station you owe it to yourself to
give this firm a trial. Mr. Coving
tons constant air is to please the
public ,n quality, price and service.