Newspaper Page Text
Paints and Painting.
TJ so Economy
* And it will not Tot d6wh on you, and
tbe best paint is sold by
No. 205 Broad Street,
He keeps always on hand a large
stock of the best paints in the city.
Also contracts for House and Sign
Painting. 11-5-91
Dry Goods .
Merchants will do Well to Call
Largest Store in Northeast Georgia.
At the solicitation of my friends I
hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election for Coroner of Banks
county. Respectfully,
O lIC Smith-
I hereby .announce myself a candi
date for the office of Tax Receiver of
Bank comity.
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for the office of Sheriff of Banks
county. J. E. Stephens-
Thanking you my friends and fellow
citizens of Banks county for the liberal
support you have given me in the past,
and assuring you that if I am' elected
m the coming election I will be as
faithful in the discharge of my dulies
in tbe office as I have been in the past,
I therefore announce myself a Candi
da o for re-election to the office of
Sheriff of Banks county,’ subject to the
action of the democratic party.
Respectfully, VV. A. Scoggins.
I hereby announce myself a, candi
date for the office of County Treasurer
of Banks -county.
I hereby announce myself ? candi
date for Sheriff' of Banks countv.
i hereby announce myself a candi
-daie for the office of County Treasurer,
aud if elected I promise to discharge
uiy duty faithfully.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Treasurer, and
jf elected I promise 10 make an efficient
officer. Respectfully,
W. A. Boling.
At the solicitation of many friends I
hereby announce mvself as a candidate
fur re-election for Clerk SnperiorCourl
of Banks county. Respectfully,
Thanking my many friends fur the
liberal support you tiave given me in
the past, 1 announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the-office of County
Treasurer. Respectfully,
I respectfully announce myself a
candidate for the office of Tax Receiver
of Banks county, subject to the actiou
of the democratic party
1 respetfullv announce myself as a
candidate for the office of County
Treasurer of Banks County, subject to
the actiou of the Democrtie party.
Thomas E. Anderson is our author
ized agent at Hollingsworth. He
will receive and receipt for all money
due the Gazette.
The public well needs attention.
Rev. S. I> Evans’ wife has a baby.
W. A. Martin was in town Mon
Go to W. W. Brooks for ready made
Hugh Means attended preaching at
Mt. Pleasant Sunday.
The chimney to the printing office
is going right up.
Mr T C Chandler is one of the
best citizens in Banks.
Mr. J. J. Weld gave this office a
pleasant call yesterday.
Miss Fannie Cochran spent Thurs
day night in Homer.
Our candidates are all running now
at a high rate of speed.
Sam Mason had a cornshucking
Friday night.
J. G. Ray, a worthy citizen of
Banks was in Homer Friday.
J. M. Garrison was in to see us
Monday. See his “ad” in this issue.
Several good citizens were in
Homer Monday attending ordinary’s
When you want nice furniture, go
straight to W.W. Jordan in Harmony
If you wish to live in a quiet little
country town buy a lot and build in
Grady, one of the best horses in
Northeast Georgia, for sale at this
Buy the celebrated Gainesville
Shoes, for sale by W. W. Brooks,
Homer, Ga.
Hon. D. F. Scales and J. F. Evans
were in Homer Friday.
P. F. M. Furr is a nice gentleman
and one of the best business men in
Banks county.
We were glad to see Colonel A. P.
Wofford and his wife in the congrega
tion Sunday at Homer.
Bro. Segers and Bro. Luke Turk
forked over their announcement
money the other day.
We spent an hour or two very
pleasantly in the Age office with Bro.
Alexander Tuesday.
Money saved is money made. You
can always save money by buying
goods from W. W. Brook’s.
Col. P. M. Edwards left monday
for Atlanta to attend the opening of
the Georgia legislature.
Buy furniture from no one else as
long as W. W. Jordan advertises in
your county paper.
The longer wc live in Banks the
better we love her citizens. [Amen,
with all my heart.—Senior print.}
If you will mention this paper when
you go to trade with our advertisers
they will make it to your advantage.
. Bro. J. J. Anderson forked over
his dollar for the Gazette Saturday.
Brother A. likes the paper right
■ We know a woman who does all
the house work and then does as
much work in the field as her hus
Revs. Walker Lewis, .1. R. McClus
ky and T. R. Kendal will be trans
fered to the North Georgia confer
ence this winter.
Fred McClusky, of Athens, and
Hon. 11. H. Perry, of Gainesville,
will join the North Georgia confer
ence tnis winter.
Be sure you don’t believe any ru
mors until the proof comes. A fellow
shows his weakness by believing a
report without proof.
Rev. J. D. Gunnels and J. M.
Sogers, of New Salem, were in Homer
Monday. We are always glad to see
these gentlemen among us.
Our friends are rallying to the sup
port of the Gazette right along.
We love any man on earth who loves
the Banks County Gazette.
A precious woman who will do all
the domestic work about the house,
and then go into the field and work,
is worth her weight in gold.
Bro’s. J. M. Herbert and M. C
Hulsey hunted us up to pay their
subscription to the Gazette. A man
like that will do.
Geo. Muse put an advertisement
in this paper and sold S6O worth of
goods to citizens of Banks county in
less than one week.
The Gazette is doing one hundred
per cent better than we expected it
would when we began. Two or three
new stockholders arp coming in.
Turkeys are being shipped from
Banks to Wilkes county, far the
Methodist conference which meets
there the 3rd of December.
Wo called on Baxter Smith with
his broken arm Saturday. Baxter is
a good looking hoy, but his sisters are
a long ways better looking than he is.
The Elberton Star is right. The
legislature should make the fine on
carrying pistols so high that a person
could not escape the chain-gang who
carry one.
We would call especial attention to
the advertisement of John L. Arnold,
Athens, Ga. The public will find it to
tbeir interest' to go to see him when
in the clasic city.
The name of Mr. O. H. C. Smith
will be found in the announcement
column, for coroner. Mr. Smith is
the present incumbent and has made
an efficient officer.
Thos. E. Anderson, of Hollings
worth, was in our community Satur
day and Sunday. Tom is as jolly a
fellow as there is in Banks, and he is
a good friend to the Gazette.
There is a good prospect for the
Homer circuit to make the best show
ing it has made since it has been a
circuit Let every body rally that
has not done so.
Mr. J. J. Anderson left the nicest
lot of potatoes in this office Monday
we’ve seen this season. Mr. Ander
son is one of the most prosperous
farmers in this county.
The Atlanta Constitution, the
Gainesville Eagle and the Crawford
Herald have been kind in their no
tices of us of late. Long may these
good papers live to bless the people
and the country.
If the Banks County Publishing
Company is properly managed the
county will be so thoroughly adver
tised, and the interest of the county
so built up, that our population will
be doubled in the next decade.
On November the first,
When Sol began to shine,
And give fourth his light,
The leaves of the mulbery
Began to fall and ceased not
When Sol reached maridian Light.
It is our deliberate opinion, care
fully formed, that those candidates
will be egregiously beaten who fail
to announce in the county paper, and
we make this statement as a friend to
the candidates without personal inter
est. t
When this issue of the Gazette
reaches its readers the editor will be
in the gate city mixing and mingling
with the newly elected legislature of
Georgia. If we can get it started off
right it may do well. A good be
ginning is half the battle.
Brother and Sistet A. J. McWhor
ter’s visit to us last week was a bene
diction to us. They did not only
bring nice butter, pound cakes, ect.,
but they expressed their sympathy
and interest in us in such a way that
wc can never forget.
Mr. J. K. Thompson started a gin
in Homer in the early fail and he has
been running day and night. Mr.
Thompson is a gentleman whose hon
esty is unquestioned. People are
therefore perfectly willing to have,
him gin their cotton.
J. J. Anderson again comes to the
front with another good yield of lint
cotton. From 1,104 pounds of seed
cotton, Jeff Welborn, Peterkin and
Truitt’s Premium—mixed varieties,
he had a bale put up weighing 472
pounds: 85 pounds over thirding
itself after deducting the to!o.
In coming to Homer from Rags
dale’s mill, by the grocery place where
Brewer was killed, yesterday, I lost
my pocket-book containing $lO.
The person finding it will please re
turn it to J. L. Patterson,
Nails Creek Ga.
Mr. Thomas D. Weld, formerly of
this county but now of Atlanta, came
in to see us yesterday and gave us
two dollars and directed us to send
the paper to two of his relatives.
Mr. Weld is a snbsriber himself.
He says the Gazette is a first class
We understand that some of our
subscribers at Nails Creek are not
getting the Gazette regularly. We
write every subscriber’s name with
the utmost care, and are sure that
the paper is started from this office
to those who are complaining. Let
any one missing the paper report to
us and we will look into the matter.
We asked a leading farmer the
other day if he didnit have the best
cotton crop he had made in twenty
years. He answered that he had the
best crop he lias ever made. It is
said by a number that a better cotton
cvop never grew in Banks than we
have this year.
Notice is hereby given that a char
ter will be asked for at the next ses
sion of the Georgia legislature incor
porating the Northeast Homer rail
road, from the most accessable point
on the Northeastern railroad to
Homer, penetrating the counties of
Jackson and Banks.
Citizens of Banks county should
stand firmly by those who patronize
the county paper. We should trade
with those who trade with us. Before
starting to any given town look over
the paper and trade with those mer
chants whose advertisements you find
in the paper, and when you start to
the polls he sure to vote for the fel
low who advertises in your paper.
There will be a bill introduced in
the next legislature entitled a bill
to prohibit the sale, manufacture and
delivery of any spirituous or malt
liquors witliin three miles of Mount
Bethel Methodist church in Banks
county, Georgia. 11-12
The people are hereby notified that
stock law prevails in Ilomer district, j
Colonel Ab Wofford tells us that
they are getting on finely with a
$1,500 school house at Hollingsworth.
The Hollingsworth High school will
be a tower of strength to that section
for generations to come. We con
gratulate our Hollingsworth friends
on their move, and on the success
they are having.
Rev. J. J. Pendergrass will preach
at Mt. Pleasant next Sunday.
Store House for Rent.
I will rent my store house and lot
in Homer Ga. very cheap to a good
tenant. Possession given Ist January
1891. Apply to
W. B. Mason, Homer, Ga.
Thursday morning, business inter
est and a natural inclination led us off
down the Carnesville road. We
reached Bro. George Wiley’s bv high
noon and came to a full stop. Mr.
Wiley has one of the best farms in
the county, and in addition to that
he is running two stores, one at his
home, and one a mile or two up the
road at Cheap. Ho has his head and
hands full of business and yet he is
as youthful in appearance as a boy.
lie aud bis new wife seem to be per
fectly happy in their new home.
After partaking of a sumptuous din
ner we set our faces homeward.
All who are indebted to me will
save cost and trouble by settling their
notes and accounts at once. All
who do not settle at once will find
their notes and accounts in the hands
of an attorney for collection.
Respectfully, W. B. Mason.
The Gainesville fair will take place
on the 11, 12, 13, and 14, of Novem
Col. P. M. Edwards invited us to a
nice ride into the country Friday after
noon. We visited, among other
j 1 laces, the farm of Mr. Tom Ray.
We found him busy hauling up corn
He is a thrifty farmer, and has one of
the best farmes in his neighborhood.
He had the misfartune to loose S4O.
in cash the other day, either in liar
mony Grove or along the road or at
The rate of mortality reported for
Banks county was so surprisingly low
that the census department sent
back all the reports for revision. The
several enumerators for the county
had to get certificates from the doc
tors to show that the number of
deaths reported was a fair average.
Verily this is the healthiest climate
in the United States.
Having decided to change business
relations we are offering for sale our
entire saw mill outfit. Any person
desiring to purchase a good second
hand machine will find it to their
interest to consult us before purchas
ing elsewhere. Clear titles and
easy terms guaranteed.
J. M. Garrison & Bro.
It is thought that the public enter
tainment, which will come off here on
the evening of the Bth of November,
will eclipse any thing in the past. An
amateur troup has been organized
and will tackle Shakespeare, and play
Othello. Betsy Hamilton will be
dramatized and acted on the stage.
A negro minstrel show will end the
exercises. All are cordially invited,
and specially the literary clubs of the
Real estate is going like hot cakes
in Athens. Lots are being sold every
day by private and public sales. It
will not be many years befor Athens
becomes one of the largest cities in
the south. With her university, her
two female colleges und her grand
public school system, besides being
one of the healthiest spots on the
continent. Athens ought to take a
stand amongst the foremost cities in
the country.
Legal Advertisements.
GEORGIA: Banks County.-0 H
C Smith has applied for exemption on
personalty an j setting apart and valua
tion of homestead.and I will pass upon
the same at twelve o’clock m on the
25th of November 1890 at mv office.
Nov 4th 1890 T F IIILL,
11 12 Ordinary
We invite the citizens of Banks and surrounding counties whenever in need
of anything in our line to call upon us.
II mil MU, WETS,
Of all Kinds. Wc Carry A. #50,000
Stock to Select From.
Wholesale and Retail
11, 13 & 15 college avenue, Athens, Ga.
1 Y V&
i HamlinX
1 Bl),oo(N^'}._
Baby Cab-VA
entlld Walnut
;h, Octave coup- VY.
Organ t for S49AtP
_ n. Pianos from \
vA$235 to S9OO. We deliver the
vj.\ O rg ,n at your bouse flee of/c~
arge. No money
•A\after 10 days’ trial. Don’ 1/
** \ forget the place. Y. M / a?
A. new building/'’"
,A Athens,Georgia/^
Hope Kale
A /c°
'C\ />
Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens, Georgia.
M A N U F ,A O T ir R ERS.
Fliey Warrant EVERY PAIR.
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods
Hats, Caps Roots and Shoes.
Gents’ Underware
Ladies’ Wraps
Farm Implements, Etc.
Call anti Sec Us When in Town,
C. w. HOOD -Sc SON,
Harmony Grove, Geo.