Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, February 18, 1897, Image 3

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LOCAL NEW S AN D NOTTS. GATHERED FROM TOWN AND COUNTY. Little Items toe Short tor Heads But Long: Enough to In terest the Reader. Read ad ©f R X Ejnmet & Sou, Mi-. T. E. Andersou was in t'i see us Saturday. The roads are in splendid shape for daubing chimneys. Wanted—Two farm hands. For particulars call at thiseffioe. The Chapfber's bridge,-, 'half mile east of Ilomsr is undergoing repairs Mr. J H. Patterson, and wife vis ited M ivsville Tuesday. Col.Wofford and Mr. Jule Owen o( Ilollingworth, were here yesterday. A. C. Moss, of Duckett, Moss & Co s tin. has just returned from Atlanta, Ga., where he pur chased the Largest Stock of (roods and Prettiest Styles Ever before Carried by them. Call and See them Examine the paintings of Mr j. H Sellers up stairs in Mr. Dear's shop Mr. Logan Perkins is preparing to erect a tine dwelling house in the upper pm t of town. Mr. Will Garrison, of M iysvi!lc, spent Sunday in Homer. Come again Will, hut be sure you stay in Homer. Duckett, Moss & Cos. Rollings, worth, Ga. will pay you the Highest Market price for your Chickens ami Eggs. They have made Special arrangements to Handle them. We have an agency for soma hust ling, business fellow. Call on us at once and if yen are the fellow, we will send ill your name. Sheriff Parks and sa/ members of his family have been quite sick for several days with grippe, wo nr, glad to note that they are improving. Messrs Aytrs & Henderson have opened up their -new shop at the Sumpter old Hand and ,-tre now ready to and your work according to order. 1 h< j have anew outfit of tools and will guarantee work ami juices- Give them a ti ial. Mr. John Au-is, a prominent young man of tile beautiful little City of Mt Airy, spent .Saturday and Sunday w ith us. Wo have a Chute the Chutes over in the pnik below the aetdemy, and several of the boys are wearing patched pants by indulging to freely. The ladies ot liai.ks county can patronize home industry and get all kinds of patters foi fancy work; such designs for Shams, Splashers, Lattl- Urtquin etc. Wiita to OHN 11. SELLERS, Homer, Gn. I'esigns drawn on short notice. If you desire to purchase a Large Fine Brood Mare only 7 yearn old will work anywhere, any body can drive iwr- Guaranteed Sound prop erty. Price Reasonable. Call and Sae Duckett Moss & Cos. I lolling* wouh, Ga. Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton West V a., has been subject to attacks of olic about once a year, and' wo ini have to call a doctor and tlieu suffer for about twelve hours as much ns some do when they die. He was taken J recently just the same as at o'herl times, and concluded to try Chamber- ! lain.s Colic, Cholera wud Diarrhoea Remedy, lie sayc,-: -‘i look one cose of it and it gave me relief iti live infmites. That ts more thau any thing else has dona for me.” For sale by R. T i’hoinpsoti Homer. Taiy Receiver J. G Ahen has been here for several days assisting Jud e Hill in his office. The J dge has had his hands full looking after the pcusinrs and bridges of the county for several w eeks. Mr Cnope., of Lawt enccvUle, iaspectoi of fertiiiz rs for Com. Nes bin was here yesterday. Cornmissiouc Nesbitt is ever looking after the in t-ov.sts of tile firmer, and is an officer we should be pr, ud of. Mr. C O Brock paid u- a hurriei sit Fuevlar in .riling He j;:sf cam ia ii inquie flow we were get tin a' out; and to Dud us bis good will a • e I- meige-m-nt which was thankfully rece”. ei. Ye w i*h the c jntry wo fi and . ii sack men Our people are growing more and in the ha' it of looking to R. T. Thom pson for the latest and best of every thing in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain’s Cough Reroey famous for its cures of bad colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of i such a medicine gixe this remey a trial and you will be more than plea sed with the result. R. T. Thompson Homer. Our Correspondets are waking up in most every section of the county. We heard from two new places this week. Let the news cone, for we couldn't live without it. One of our boys said he di ln’t like to hear of so many marriages unless he could be one of the contracting parti**. We think we understand it and will make it plain to you next week. We are not in the habit of publishing things two days before they happen or we would tell you now- A POINT TO REMEMBER. If you wish to purifv your blood you should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medicine for t lie blood ever procured. Hood’s Sarsanarilla cures the most stubborn eases and it is the medicine for you to take if your blend is impure. OI.l) Dr. Dummoud. Has an enduring monument in the ajßYction and esteem of th uisands have been restored to health and hap piness bv Dr. Drummond's Lightning remedies for Rheumatism. If your druggist lias not got it, do not take anytning else. Write to the Drum mond Medicine Cos., New York, and they will send you full particulars and testimonies from 22 states. Agents wanted. now roiiNDoir.' Fill a bottle or common glass w ith urine and let it stand twerty four hours; a sediment, or settling inicatrs a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine staines linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too freznent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys aud bladder are ou of order. WHAT To DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed’ that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney feme dy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidnevs, liver, blad der aud every part of tba urinary passages- It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in pass ing it or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or bet r, anp overcomes that unpleasant necessity of hein compelled to get up many turns during the night ta iiiiiirtc. The inihl'and the extraordinary effect of Swamp root is soon realized It stands the highest for its wonderful cutes of the most distressing easts If you need a medicine you shou.d have the best. Sold by druggists (trice fifty cents and one dollar Fora sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free hy mail, mention The Gazette and send your full post office addrets to Dr. Kilmer&Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the geniiineeness o this offer. SSOO WILL BE GIVEN. For any ease ot Rheumatism which can not be cured by Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy. The proprietors do not hide this offer, but print it in bold type on all their circulars, wrap -1 pers, printed matter, and through the I cnbnniisof newspapers every where. It will w ork wonders, one bottle will i cure nearly every -use. If lie drug gist has not got it be will order it, or it will bo sent to any address bv pre ’ pai-1 express oil ree-ipt of price s•>• Drummond Medic.-i ■ co., Now York Agents wanted YOUR P LSLNT NEED Is pure, rich blood, and a strong and haaltbv body, because with the appr oach of spring and the beginning of warmer weather your physical system will undergo radical changes. All the impurities which have aceumlnted hitting colder weather inns' no vbe expelled or serious const-xuenecs will result. The one trim blood puller irnmiriitiy .n the public eye today is ■'bind’- Sarsaparilla Its record of us is am qnaled Its sales are the icgest in the world. A few notilc of flood s S,ir>a| ari la will pf< pre w>u for spring bv purifying and enri hing your blood and toning and in .isolating vour whole system. Everybody Says fio. rtajawt.® CrUmlk, th? mr'So'voT - Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek N. Y-, was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes, and even then it caused him great pain. Aftei using Chamberlain,s l’ain lLilm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. ll© savs this liniment did him more good than ail other medicines and treatment put to oeathen For sale at 5d cents per bot tle by R. T. Thompson Homer. HOOD’S PILLs are the best after dinner pill; “assist digestion, cure headache. 95 cents. Silver Shreds. The lagrippe has grabbed nearly every one in our vicinag-*. G Plackwell seems 'o be doing a thriving business in tlie blacks nulling line. A stireoptican sb w at the home of Jnn s Mortis was an event of last week. Paul llav leii vi.-itml the “Old Folks at Home” on S.tnrlav and Sunday hist. Misses Willie Cox and Philo Merris visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. Furr on Wednesday last. A delightful quilting and valentine party look place at the residence of Mr Tlios. Chambers on the 13ih mat Every body reported a pleasant time At Thomas IP Griffin's mill you can almost any day hear a hearty laugh and numerous quaint stories toid at somebody else’s expense. The old reliable grist null it Silver Shoal seems to be doing a thriving business under the management of Mr, Carver. Uncle Steve Furr is afflicted with one of Job's comforters on one leg, and a ram butted him on the other. He says lie bad rather have another comforter than aiiotl.e • butt. There has been so many improve ments made about Silver Shoal of late that I would deem a few g. nr-ral remarks in regard to this section of country, and her prosperous and enterprising oitizeus, not out of phiet- Al P. I*’. M. Furr’s store, under the management of Jones Griffin F.sq- Can be seen from early morn until night, people by tin dozens selling their', country produce and buying goods. Jn other words Silver Shoal is well blessed with enterprises .• f every description. We do need however a lawyer and another court grant'd a doctoi and a few more graveyards- Ajax Ml Pleasant Plums. Quite a crowd was out to hear Bro* Grincr’s excellent sermon Sunday. Miss. Mamie, Hope, spent Sunday wiili her friend Miss. Coker. MrJ.G. Ward's Canons all came to see him last week. We me glad to learn that Mrs. W •J. Hall, is improvt-ing in health. We | hope she will so m be well again. Mr Arthur Arnold is out of school this week. His name* has been added to the sick list. The Alt Plersaut schools are doing linaly now. The Literal y, under the management of Miss Quillian is as good as has been for years. The S. S is flourishing also. Mr. Ed. Garrison one of Mays vili’s best hoys, attended Church at Mt. Pleasant Sunday. Mr Jim Eubanks* and others have be.n hauling guano from Harmony Grove this week. Mr J. L. Danson, came home on a short visit from his school 'ast week. The reaper death has again drawn I;is sickle and laid to rest,Uncle Runty Ragsdale. For many years his life was one of beautiful consis - tency. Patiently he did the work as signed him by bis master, until in obe ! ilience with his Father’s call, lnsj r-deemed spirit went to tiie saints j everlasting home, on Sunday night Feb 14th He was buried at thc| family burying ground on Thursday, i We extend our deepest sympathies to tli bereaved re'ativ.s. Washington News. Paul Hayden v ets us twice a month when oux- girls lie low There is no whiskey made her* and j consequently morality runs high. Coroner Poole lias had a stoke of paralysis. A great deal of sickness prevailes especially among tile old folks - Rev. L. B. Norten aw 1 wife have i both been down, but are better., and Herrv Whitfield is yet dangerously sick- Dr Hayden lias made his advent among ns. No more cemeteries will probaly lie needed, as Ins health is too bad to allow him to practice. There will be fun at the Damascus church on next meeting day. One half of the church will make an effort -to exclude the other half. Bill Martin is also here- This may account- for the i-ff.irt being made for the purification of the i Ini relies. Farmers have done but little tow ards their next crop and want a hand iiurdering the weather lor the future. A fine Christian ( hiin-li is being erected at Corinth- Hopes are en tertained that one may watch the other so closely that the divil wid stand no chance in either, Two parties are necessary in national politics to deter either from stealing, and opposing churches must act as beneficently in the moral world. 1 suppose that it is generally known that there is, and has been, a thriv ing Baptist church at Cm int It for several years undci the pastorate <d Rev. I. B. Norten, an ohl an almost worn out worker in the vineyard l God bless him in Ins declining years- Pruitt Praises Clinh Lawrence is proud over tli e arrival of a very pleasant young man over at his house. Mr. -Jlion Cochran liv completed anew shop on Main St. Uncle Berry Whitfield is very 'on at this writing. Col. A P. Wofford visited the family ot Mr. T. K. Anderson Thurs day night. Our school has been cut off eon sulerahly by sickness. Mr. | T. Peyton, of Mt. Airy, was in our town Friday. Tom and Judge hauled in the fish oao night last week- Don’t tell that any more please— I've heard it. - Carnot Dots. We have some s ekness m our neighborhood yet. Mr Berry Whitfield is down with pneumonia. We wish him a spiedy recovers-. There are others on the sick .ist, also. Mr, E- Strange will have his engine home in a few days from Toccoa, where it has been under repairs foi s imetime. Mrs 1 John Crow is better at this writing- She has had a long spell ot sickness and we greatly sympathize with her. Well, log rolling is the order of the (lay now. We rolled logs last week, this week and will roll ne>t week. So you see we have to get a hump on u.. to keep tilings rolling- Airs. J. E. Strange has leturned home from Elborton, where she has been visiting her daugl-ter, Mrs- She reports a splendid time. Saw Puxnywixki.k EXPOSURE TO DISEASE Does not necessarily mean the dis ease provided the system is in a vigo rous’eondition, with the blood pure and all the organs in healthy action. When in such a condition contagion is readily resisted and the disease germs can find no lodgement. Hood’s Sir sapanllti is the best medicine to build up the system because it makes pure, rich blood, and pure blood is line basis ot good health- In cold weatner it is especially necessary to keep up the health tone b cause the body is sub jeet to greater exposure and more !ia file di-ease. Hood’s Sarsapaiilla is the safeguard of health. - hundred l ead of cat New Business Yarbrough, Eckles & Co.* MA V A i Fills ENTERPRISING FIRM HAVE ENGAGED IN THE HARDWARE BUSINESS AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH COOK STOVES, FARMING TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, GUNS, PISTOLS, ( AKTR! DOES AND CUTLERY AT BRICES TO SUIT YOU. /JJANDY CATHARTIC vafccaAeAby CU R£ COH&TI PATIOt^^ 2S* S0 DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY (iTT&T? ANTF.F.ri ,n , '" re *"T <•’) or coiitlpl<>n. re the lilral I an. e.UOUIiU lCilit UUnnHIUEiCiU UvKnpvcrirripnrirrl|ie.liulrus f Mjntiirlrei™lla. S*m l'ly lij Smiklot free. Ail. STERLING REMEDY (().. Chii nto, Montreal. Ca., nrNrw York. ill. BUCKET, MOSS k CO., ->3Hollingsworth, Ga,B<~ smnnHH HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE ATLANTA AND eastern markets the stock of 2 >H* V <SOC>DS, MOTIONS, SILOES ET(]., over botore carried *>y llioni, All their g-ootl* are bought I ! and will be Mold at {tricen licit will No doubt, they will be so low that competitors will tell you tbair goad* ire shoddy, but you will please call and see them and investigate for your self before you agree with them. They will sell you genuine good C ilicoes at 3s, 4, fraud G cents per yard. Good Daisy Chi -I ,6c kind at .. “ Common checks, 5c “ at 4c. “ 1 •* Shirting 5c “ at 4c. | Heavy Shirting, 6c kind be Heavy, yd wide sheeting at 6e Rest heavy XXX Sheeting, 7 cents kind at G cents. Good plain wool Worsted 10 cents kind at 9 cents. Good wool Brocaded Worsted, 15c kind at 12| cents. Good wool Brocaded Worsted, kind at 10 cents. Host (./Hand replant Ladies 60c kind at 40 cents. All wool Ladies Dress Goods double Double width kind 15c. All wool Ladies Dress Goods, 25c card kind at 20 cents, \il Wool Ladies Dress Goods, 35c ytl kind at 23 ccSts. All wool Ladies Dress Goods, 65c yd kind 45 cents. School Roy Jeans 65 per cent wool 20c kind 15 cents. Tennessee School lioy Jeans 7oz 85 per retd wool, 30c kind at 18c. Dig Hut gain bast yet 0 oz Jeans 85 per cent wool, 40 cent kind at 28c. Rest all woo! World’s Lair 9 oz Jeans 50c kind at 37 cents. ■Jeans Pants, 7 oz, 50 per cent wool, 85c kind at 03 cents. Jen ns Pants, 8 oz 87 per cent wool, 81. kind 35 cents. Jeans Pants 9 oz 95 per cent wool, $1.25 kind at sl.lO Men’s Cassimer Pants, regular $2.50 kind $2.00. Men’s Cassimer Pants reg. $3. kind Just visit their STORE see their goods and be con vinced that the COODS can be bought as ADVER TISED. 1 82 50. Men’s Cassimer Pant*, reg, $3.50 kind $2.75 Men’s Cassimer Pants reg. 44. kind $3.00- Men’s Cassimer Pants reg. $5.00 kind at $3.75 Meat 5J and 6 cents. Past Granulated Sugar 201 b for fl. Real Good Green Coffee 61b $t Common. Good Green Cofiee 7tt> $1 Best on earth Soda 211) 5 cents. Salts, Sulphur, Copoeras and Stsrcb all 5 cents per pound. Shoes Ladies Dongola Button 41,25 kind $l - kind $1.15; $2.25 kind $1.75; 2.50 kind 2.00. Shoes, Men’s Brogan *1.25 kind 1.00. Men’s High Cut Kip Tie 1.40 kind 1.20; 1.60 kind 1.40. Men’s Buff Bsls, good 1.60 kind 1.25 Men’s Congress good 1.75 kind 1.60 den’s Congress real good 3,00 kind, 2 50 Flour Fancy Patent 5:00 “ Best “ 5 35 Men’s Hats good wool 75c kind 60c “ “ “ Fur 125 kind 140 Better grade Hats at reduced prices. Shirts unlaundred, 65c kind 45c; 75c kind 50c; 90c kind 65c. Laundred 65c kind 50cj 75c kind 65c; 1.00 kind 75c; 1 25 kind 1 00. All kinds of Colored Shirts from 20 to 65 cents.