Banks County gazette. (Homer, Ga.) 1890-1897, February 18, 1897, Image 4

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not hare charge of the orchard. —Stutj Agricultural Department. Insect 4 In (fd P Vines. Question. —I hare quite a number of prupe vines in app really healtiiy con dition, but unless j Mi-k the grapes each year they are attacked by rit or'else perforated by insects. The sacking is both troublesome and expensive. Can you give tuo some information and di rections about sprayim'? Is it a certain preventive and protection? Whoa shall' 1 begin? Answkb—With even a few vines spraying pays, and on larger areas, the man who dues no: spray will be dis tanced by ilia moro progressive brother, who lias taken this precaution against fungus diseases aid insect posts. Now is the time to begin preparations, tier a sprayer suited to the urea to be gout over. For small viney ard-, I lie knap sack sprayer is boat suited, while for larger areas, the cart or barrel sprayers should be used. Tinas last are moved up and down the ro-.vs by either hand or horse power, and do their work most, effectively. For a few vines in the yard or garden, there are hand sprayort, which answer every purpose. Bor deaux mixture lias been found most ef fective for rot and downy mildew an 1 should be applied from the time the buds begiu to swell, and at intervals of two or throe weeks, until tho fruit be gins to color. Cdpper carbonate dis solved in two quarts liquid ammonia of 2ft per cent strength, and dilute! with 4# gallons of water, is considered -the best mixture for tho last application, because the deposit of copper sulph ite from tho Uordeaax mixture might af fect the ready sale of the fruit. If pi n ferred, a simple so'uti->u of copper sul phate may bo used f >r the first spraying. This sliouhl ho applied before thorn is any green foliage outlie vines. Evh spraying must be carefully an.l til r- ; ouglily done, and repeated at shorter in tervals than ah >vo mention •1, if the weather should enitmm and imp an i warm For the Bordeaux mixture the following directions, will'd aro plan, being free from technical t inns, have been published. Dissolve 4 pounds of bluestoue in a woo.lon or earthen vessel, using about 2 gallons hot water. In a separate vessel shako .'I pounds of 1 imo. with ouougli water to render it thin enough to strain through a coarse cloth. The lime solution is strained to prevent it from clogging the nozzle of the sprayer. After tho copper solution hri3 become cool, mix it with the strained lime solution and dilute with 40 gallons of water It will then ho ready for uto. —State Agricultural Department. 1h "Borer” In I’moti Truei. Question.— I uni engaged in peach f 'lowing, amt being a beginner, 1 would iko (o know what insects aro liable t i injure the trees or damage tho fruit prospects, at this season, jit it before the buds begin to swell. Answrk.—Tho worst enemy to your peach trees, at, this season of tho your, is the "borer,” which is found in all sections of tins c: lu’utry, and Canada It hatch is from eggs laid during tho summer, on the hark of tho tree near the Rrouml. After hatching, the larvtu work their way into tho sap-wood of the tree, and also downwards, into the inner bark of the largo roots. As they grow they continue to feed upon the sap wood of the tree, doing it great damage Thoir tunnels can always be discovered, i by tho exudation of gam at tine entran ces. To destroy them, remove the earth carefully front the base of the tree, ex posing all tho large lateral roots; then with a sharp knife out out tho "borer, ’’ wherever an exudation of gum indicates the pressuce of one. They can fre quently he destroyed without cutting them out, by inserting a stiff wire or small kni'o blade, wherever tlieir pres ence is indicated. Some growers de stroy them by the application of scald ing hot water, the earth of course being first removed as above mentioned. To. provout the moth from depositing her eggs near the surface of the ground, mid consequently near tho roots, many growers bank up tho earth around the base of tho tree, to a height of 8 or 10 inches, doing this late in the spring and removing when qojl weather commen ces. Some cover the bark at tho ha oof the tree with paper or struv, which is said to afford considerable protoe ion. This insect is unknown in the older countrios, and seems to bo confined as yet to America. For other enemies at this season, ex amine with great care for any of the scale insects, which, if present, maybe found on the limbs. Especially is this necessary now that the San Jose scale, the worst enemy to the peach grower, has found its way to Georgia. The.-o and other scaleinse.’ts may be destroyed by a very careful and thorough spray ing with whale oil soap—2, l a pounds to one gallon of water. Till* must he ap plied before the bu Is begin to swell, or they will be injured by the wash.— State Agricultural Department. To Improve litM iu i 1 t I***l uret. Question. — I have a bennu la grass pasture iu which the ground has become hard and packed, by the continue,t graz ing of stork Would it tie of benefit to plow aud fertilize it, and u i, tell me how to do n. ANSWER. Your boniuda pasture would certainly b.) much benefited if properly plowed fertilized. On each acre, broadcast s:x t) h rse wagon loads of well rotted stable manure, and 20 bushels of uuleached ashes; then at ouoe plow and cross-plow the p itch wifn as-:,:, scooter or bull-tongue. Should y u not have the .stalee ; : inure, use 40J to dUU pounds of o ttouscivl meal iu its place.— state Agricultural Department. Sales With Hood’s Sarsapa- ■MB a ■ ; rilla," Sales Talk,” and ■ J® ll# ' show that this medi- B W R Wvx cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord '■ ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than | any other. It is not what we say, but ; what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that telli ! the story. All advertisements of Hood’s | Sarsaparilla, like Hood’s Sarsaparilla it self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people Liavo abiding confidence in it, and buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla Almost to tlie exclusion of all others. Try it. Prepared onlybyU. I. Hood&Oo., Ixiweil, Mass. „ are tin- only pills to take Hood S Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sheriff Sales For March, GEORGIA: Banks County.— Will lie sold on tho fiist Tuts,lay in March next at the court house in sahl county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to wit: One tract of land lying jn said county bounded ms follows: Adjoining hinds of Wyley J. Thritddkeld oil the north and Went, lands of Mrs. Conn and J. If. Gardiner on tho east, lands of J. J. Hay on the south The place whereon defendant now resides con taining ore hundred and twenty six acres more or lets, said land levied on as the property of J. If. Brooks to satisfy ;n: execution issued from the Superior Court of Bftid county in favor of Sarah A. Fowler, now Smith against said J. H. Brooks, Administrator of the estate of F. F. A. Hiteh, deceased. Written notiic given as required by law. This ‘2sth day of January, 1h97. J. S. FARRS, Sheriff. GEORGIA: Banks County. Will lie sold on the first ‘Tuesday in .March next at the court house n said county, within tho legal hours of sale, to [the highest hidden f< r cash the following property to wit All of Marion Gachrar, s interest iq forty acres of land, under bond for title, lying in the 1464th disitiet, G. M. of said county, adjoining lands of 11. M. Smith on the east and Mrs. Morris on the South. Whereon defendant now lives, sari place is well improved’ about fifteen acres in cut tivation Written notice given Alar ion Cochran in u run; of the law. Said land levied on as tße pn pet ty of Marion Cochran to satisfy an execution issued from the Justice Court of said iistrict in favor n! H. t . Strickland against said Coch ran, W. A. Griffin transferee. Levy made by 11. M, Smith, Fi. C. January 21st day 1897. and returned to me this 28th day of January 1867 J. S. FARES, Sheriff. GEORGIA: Banks County.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next at tlie court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to nil: One clay bank mare about fifteen years old, also one black horse mule, me (limn size with white nose named Jack about ten years old. Said property levied on as the property of 11. B. Rice and A. G Rice to satisfy an exeev,lion issued from the Supe rior Com t of Habersham county in favor of H. M. Edwards against H. B. Rice and A. G. Rice. This 29th dav January, 1807 J. S. FARES, Sheriff. Administrator Sale. GIX'KGIA: Banks County.— Agreeable to an order of tho Court lof Ordinary; Will be sold before the, court uouse door tu said county, on 1 the first Tuesday in March next, | within the legal hours of sale the foliowing property to wit: Two tracts of land, one known as the G. J. Forbes place adjoining lands of J. K. Thompson, A. J. Sanders and others, 1 containing ninety-six acres more or less-, the other known as the John A. Walker home place adjoining lands jofA. J. Sandeis, Mrs. Ow en, Mrs. | Sarah Norwood and others, contain Img one hundred acres more or less j Sold as the property of J. A. Walker* j deceased: Terms one third cash the ' other due Ist November, 1897. Kind for title given to purchaser. This 2nd day of February, 1897. 1 . N. TU UK, Administrator. (.'■ KOIUIi A : Hanks County Th? Appraiser* appointed to set opart a twevo months support for A! tnerva Parson.-, widow of Joseph Parsons, deceased, having tiled their return, all persons concerned are h< rein died and required to show cause ir. the Court of Ordinary of s lid Count v. why the application far said twelve months’ support, should not be gran to I, This "Jthh, Januarv, 15',17. T. ¥ HILL, Ordinary. P otash is a necessary and important ingredient of complete fer tilizers. Crops of all kinds require a properly balanced tr tc. Tile best Fertilizers ir.’.T high percentage . Potash. •k .i.Jtsof its use by actual ex ’ v- ii -v i.i h.-c United States—is . w ■ iiibi'sh and wi l gWdly . ... ' .v. wi.-i will write for it, kali works, <ji Nassau St , New York. JJKAFN! SStANNo * LKUI K Mi- ll v l ed appiaa,loll as thev cannot reach the diseased portion of the war There is only one way to cure de .f ness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an mliained condition of the lmtcnua lin ing ol t e Kustachain Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and I when entirely closed, Deafness is 'he j result, and unless the iutlninai ion can !he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, healing will Ihe destroyed forever; nine eases out | of ten are caustd by catarrh, which is i nothing but an inflamed condition ol the tnneons surfaces. We will give one Hundred Dollars [ for any case of Dealness (Caus'd In i catarrh) t lint cannot be cured by llah s i Catarrh Cure. .Send for circulars; In e F. J. CHENEY & CO., 'Toledo, O. ! #b?*'hl(l by Inn "gists, 75c. Electric Belt Free- To introduce it and obtain agents | tho undersigned firm will give aw ay a few of their $5.00 German Electric Belts invented by I’rof. Van dei Weyde, Pres, of the New York --triful Society (U. S. [’at. 257,047) a positive cure for Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, loss of Tower & e. Address at oin'e Eh etrio Agency. i.O. Box 187i, New York, N. Y. ‘ 1 (IKOL’GIA: ilwks ('oti.vrv.—l!. J. 1 )v;ir has npjil.i and for exemption of pergonal : v and sotting ap.iri ami valuation < f honn stead, and 1 wJ! pass upon the same at 12 o'clock in. on the 25th da, of Jan. 18117 at n.v office. T. T HILL, Ord y. GEORGIA: Banks County.— j li. N. Turk, administrator do bonus nun of John A. Walker, deceased, has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said -ire’d ami said application will he heard mi the first. Monday in February next. 1 his [anuarv 6th, 1807. T. F. HILL, Ordinary. The littlo daughter ot Mr. Fred Webber, I Mass., had a very had cold and c atgli which he had not been able to cute with any thing. I Save him a 25 cents bottle of Cham : herlain.s Cough .Rcnu dp, says W . F. Holden, merchant and postmaster at Wist Bi'iinlield, and the next time I saw him he said it worked like u (harm. This remedy is intended especially for acute thioat and lung diseases such ns colds, croup and whooping cough, and ii is famous fof 1 it* cures. T here is ru> danger m giving ! jit to children for it e-.mains n thing injurious For snlo hv R 'L Thomp son Homer SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $t 50.00 every month given away to any one who ap. plies through us for the moat mo itonous patent during Cite month pteceding. Wo hi’hup tlio host patents for our clients, and the object of this offer 1 • to ensottrage inventors to keep track >f their bii. ht ideas. At the same Uinc we wish to impress upon the public the fact that ;T THE SIMPLE,TRIVIAL INV ENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window” which can be easily sKd up •nd down without breaking the passenger’s back, “rauce-nan.” “collar-bmiou.” “nut-lock,” “bottle stopper, and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving: and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to tlie author, l’ry to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the “ National Recorder,* published at Washington, 13. C , which is the oest newspaper published in America mi the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s sub scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also adverti>, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder,” containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattcied throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attention the merits of the invention. AH communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBU 'm & CO., Solicitors of American and PfMrifet Patents, <SiB F Street, H. V n Box 355. Was’.iUiSfoit, D. C. f vy~ AV. V f iftet—fttitrr of this /,:Vr. U 'ritijar su9 J'KF.E. THE ONLY True lilood Purifier prominently in the public eye to day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood's only HOOD’S. HOOD’S Sarsaparilla hasttverand over again proved by its cures, when all other preparations failed, that it is the One True BLOOD Furifier t>r. Mites’ Paia PIKs, ‘One recta dose.** MARCH APRIL MAY 1 Are the months in which to give es , p( eia! att-nt;on to the condition of yur physical health. If you pass ‘"•‘.ei\ iluotig’i these months and find urselt strong and vigorous, on the i a, i.f warmer weather, you may ’>• ic. I'.- e xpect that von will be •''•li u summer. Now is the time to . e Hood’s Sarsaparilla, because in w - 'i e time wnen die blood must he ; r.fii and, enriched and vitalized, and b, cause Hood’s Sitrsapar 11a is t he only true blood purifier prominently in the pi olio eve today. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias power lo make you healthy and ■ ii id your system against disease. Notice, Toe repairing of the Chambers! Ini ge will oe let to the lowest bidder | ■■■*. die old bridge cite on ti e 2.itli ' j nun v next nt 12 o'clock m. I’lans lorn j ainrg can be seen at die Di li ; nary’s office. T:u i:i:ty 12th. 1697- 1.1 LULL <hoi'iarv. NEW YORK WOULD ti;rice--a-w c .ek editjon. THE TWICE-A-WEEK Edition ot tin- Ni.w \ ork World has i ecu eoiivctted into the Thrkt a ,vi.i.k It urnisiies 1} papers of G pugi a apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of ONE DOLLA R a year. 'This gives ICG papers a ye r for t ne Dollar and every paper ha 6 pages eight columns wide or 48! eolaniiiK in all. The a wki k ; \\ okld in not only much larger than i any weekip or semi-weekly news- j paper, but it ftmiishea the news with tmii h greater frequency and prompt ness. In fact it combines all the , crisp, Iresh qualities of a daily with! the attractive special features of a' weekly. Wo will club the Banks County Ga /.cite and New York World for 81 25 GEORGIA: Banks County— The appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve month support for Mrs. Mary K. Oliver and her minor children wid ow of W. C. Oliver and having tiled their return, all persons concerned are hereby cited and required to show cause in the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in Februa rv next why the application for said twi Ive months support ti.muld not be granted. 'I his Jan. sth 18 '7. T. F- HILL, Ord'v. (.REA LEST ON EARTH. James SI. Brooks, Washington Ave. St. Lotus, Mo., makes affidavit that he suffered from Rheumatism for \ears until persuaded to try Drum momli Lightning remedy, and that, by its use lie ha been fully restored by its use he has been tulh restored. He says the remedy is the greatest on earth. bins is high praise, but full\ warranted bv other miraculous cures. If you want to be cured, send $5 to the Drummond Mcdicene Cos., New o. k, and they will send you two largo [unties, enough for one months treat ment., liy first express. It is not as quick as electricity, but it will save tour life if you take it in time. Agents Wanted. CURES.. SUMMER DISEASES llic ft3 ‘l R’U'rty for fill rwMs >f ih<' Miuin.-u'li it ml l* rid, Miit h im l>ia t htu *. IHm u- Ifri . In tijuNfion. riiiupH. i ipiM-lilts Id !i:tl Ml till) vr*l wi' rd I UlA’Ul rint and, . . DR. KOG’S . . Royal Gesmefuer. : ..u j, : 111 it CU Ii Utt t tlCt. Mr. L. T ( I ior. KoSv i; A •*. M says: “My bt*els wo..!J ac ion c o m- *t' a Jav, or a b’co ly, mucus va ur . oaoil o ' 't sixle of my lower btswr) w- sap: r aNuii •> > * o' a dollar, ih.i* jjav m.* kuhli a M- ' a .Lv uu n"U gesi, my ktailed s wvr v,t- bail, u* of l wji ireaiou l y ih? I'- st ph* n . m-. :.r. . : -v v >.tt J I cou J live ln;t a shi'Tt \\ l l i- t*. I It n c inntrn td um uj- Roval Gcfntefuer. In tlr ■•. no cks I tou ca 1 anv thiiur. arvl du as moc't w k ,n ever I coiv.l-ur-j the Gcr. ' r a. M J c. nt-s ;v t‘ t 1 am viiil.clj cured, a. J u..ti r.. u.ur Jid tie wo ” **V —- lx.** ' • fi’r fHr ft d V* 'TU •hi i H. hcti j. In in * ‘i . * * *. *-1 * • y mu.l f( >i<l !■•• l twit * f*. ly >t i.l n. *.<n lion, lAt Ijtlild o si*- * e . Si haa ii , * . .: hi * i o, huil.’d tp irum ih first tiOK . s iti.ra*f bj fO* izi.* % ujr ?•** r fU St Id hy Druggists. One Dollar* MANUr.VCTkREC ONLY BY THE CII.LiSAL C3., ATLANTA, GA. VTiUTK tou 4 -.CAUK itaOK. BAII.KU FUEL iso or.Bt'Yrr.a fii.ia kiki r u's. it f.:u'iu t.iisvlP. tC j ? ' ' ' A.'t \ r.'i t* i --’v ir-usic tor f Tty fS . ) -L v . U v-/ u i is. i Jp.’ucd, iul! rue.* best Lg i t nwsic rf i ;e I test, re st popn-lc |1 r - -i ; \ >.cal and nx.tumcat .i peurs. K j u r ' \ t. 4 iti tc r.iosi elegant wanner, incnuiir.e M ]. . 1 put traits to .'armcocitn, tbcQ i ' ii . . i i:c i . 'AWie. . t’c;. :c L> . i ::.i- . a rsauv.ii.:, ,- i .. u I nf\.‘ MrsiCAU r- fj> i'd '•* v ■] h C KtiiUlirf, New NcrkCf Irr* r~ tr "Wdll/ N.- fTWt. mawcj* •_ li? DR. DRUMMOND S LIGHTNING Remedy has received the unqualified ! endorsement of the medical faculty, 'as being a safe and remarkebly effi cient preparation. Its work is so speedy and miraculous that benefit is felt from the first dose. A treatment consists of two 1 >ottles, and lasts a month. Brice s5, s?nt bv express on receipt ot price, with full special in structions. One treatment will cure any ordinary ease. Drummond Med icine Cos.. New York, Agents Wanted GEORGIA : Banks— To ali whom it may concern : M. E. A Lovick Oliver has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent let ters of administration on theestate of W C. Oliver, late of said county dee’d and 1 w ill pass upon said application on the first Monday in Fi b. 1897. Given tinder my hand and ■official s:g nature Jan. 4th 1897. T. F HILL, Ord’y. BLOOD IS I IFF. It is medium which eat lies to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its idin ishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well; if impure, disease will soon overtake y u. Hood's Sarsapa rilla has [lower to keep you in fi alth by making your clnod rich and pure. HOOD'S FILLS are easy to take, easy *o oj • rate- Cure indigestion, bil.onsness. 25r. Important to Farmers of Banks County. We have made nrrangemants w ith brokers in New York City through whom we are to place loans secured by a first mot tgnge on improved farms f<r five years time, payable in instal ments, at the low rate of 8 per cent, interest per annum. The brokerage und the charge for abstract and in spection are small and at the expense of t’ne borrower. If you want cheap money, come in at once as the supply is limited. DUNLAP & PICKERKLL Gainesville, Ga. Money to Loan. f will Finn money on real estate runty at a low rat* of interest promptly. Call at tnv office Oscar. Brown, Att'v. Homer, Ga. NO URE—NO FAY. lie livi • Lwo miles from Gillsville on the Athens c I Billon road and will come to you if you are not in good health. Hi will cure von with the herbs of the earth. He has cured more than a thousand, in the last two years, iu Hall and adjoining counties, most of whom End been treated by other physicians and were not bene. : fitted. Female diseases are treated w ith great success. Also Fits, Fevers, j C die, Catarrh and Nervousness and all blood dibeast s. No charge made for conciliation or treatment. Call on or address, Tib; Indian Doctor. Gillsville, Ga. " ' '*’l i'ri > 7 ." ,7V '*\Vs V : , - —* ' H A \ frn. li - _ '-~*o * K | X r'f 'im i- ( i,J ’ • f s l ) - 44;‘ j*v ,-* . T x M -am . - r*. -*-3 =• 9 —cr. ?V T2I- - j Ccvjmbian r in: n* awarded to th* . Sewing Machine Cos. " Ras Grade FanU; Sewing Machine*. i'wi:; Sewing Machine Cos. ILL. i-iTj . BuOf;; I r-.n 1 .', i. c:;:v. f- ,:r i . *• . ■ -***, - , FOSi " ' : . -i " ;; cq.:-U |)QjBrU-.‘:i ': r . i‘!i 111 ;vih\ I * in y • r - i-* re jc*V- nt i tsnskO'l. r>r-y . i he 13 u ::c‘uret- ;•, - ami suve :i -> •. i achin.- v - rr ' . e*\ for live yc-s. -1 '•> i ir,rl ofriex < \v:*h ic vr ee. r. >e wil : r.acuiue < t-> you h i >:gyul. h r - uif freirAu tc-Or ''li' civ ■• ’ C '‘-ii'2 So. I*- * : 5- ■ •. ; : i ~ .;>l in. V*. DISEASES OP THE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to eczema, tetter, Ealt-rfieum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Ere and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases hare been permanently cured hy it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chapped liands, chil blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyaa. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady’* Condition Powder*, they are just what a liorsa needs when in had oondi- Gon. Tonic, blood purifier and Tti-mifuge. J. H Sri.Liai-. H D. Stkphkk. Have Y our PAiNTING —DONE BY— HKLI.ERS a- S TEPBEKS\ The House Painters, Grainers and Paper Hangers, HOMER, GA. PR OEESSIOXA L CARDS QSCAR BROWN, ArroliXEY AXII COI'XSRLI.OB-AT-I.AW. BOMKK GJL W ill j'rm iice In all ite courts and n.: ke col lection a specialt--. ( are aa prom , s i everv Dueineiw. (J. VY. BROWN, ATTOIt.NET AT Law. JEFFERSON, A Mi11.:.1 a -cneir.l 1 rac. ,re. Collecting a ir . ®Wty. Oftlce over Ucralit office. \ . D. LOCKHART, M. I). !3?~o*> i‘ E Went ovJ’l blk- tgnsi, MAYSVILLE, A I) W. 11. JACKSON, dentist, HARMONY OF.oVR OA All work guaranteed first class TetUi *x tractcil wlihout pain (iflio. over Bates A Cari Eton's Jewell jr Storw J) \V. G. SHARP, i)E>TIST ( MAYBVILLB, OA rfz -Office with I>l H C Strir]il*ml. I) AVII) S.STARK, Attorney at law, homer, ua Kjieeial attention given to all tmslneee. (M IA RLES M W ALK ER ATTCBNF.Y AT LAW, HARMONY UROvE, Will ~: i' loo* in ail t.ho > ourtsaml give proa p attenliuu tu all busincaa. 0, N. HARDEN, M. I). HOMER, GA • - iV'Mt of t irt house, and may I found at at the resident.of Judge T. F. : llill. R. FAULKNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Itellton, Ga. Prompt attention given to all luminejvs North Gisorola jifirlcultural Goileoe, DEPftRTMENT OF THE UKIVER6IT V , AT DAHLONEGA, GA. Spring Term Begins First Hondsy in ftbrmcrr. Ball Venn Btglas First Moaday I. Siptcßter. FULL LITERARY COURSES. TUITION FREE, V i.h sc: pic csrps ol Tucksrs. FHOROUGH MILITARY TRAINING Usder aU. S. Array Of flee* detailed by Secretary of Vsr. DEPARTMENTS Oi :sGm<iaiis!i]p, A\usiG and Art, l’r.4ar rrnpetsal aad tlr-ong*" i&atrscters. YOU'tj LADIES bare rtnial advaataju*. CHEAPEST COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. >r Cat-J.-jats ml (all lafarailbi nMrM* Sttnarj w *rc. i~‘+c M f T . Always Dures. Botanic Blood The Great Remedy for the speedv and permanent cure of Scrofula. Rheumatism, Cx tarrh. Ulcers, Eczema. Eating and Spreading Sores, Eruptions, and all .SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Made from the prescription of a* esi nent physician who used it with marvelous surcess for 4® years, an J its continued use for fifteen years by thou sands of grateful people has demonstraua that it is by far the best bu.'Jiag up Tonic and Eiood Purifier to the world. It makes H2W rich blood, and possesses almost ralracn'ei* healing properties. WRITE FOR BOOK OF WONfERFUL CURES, sent free on application. If not kefc-t by your local druggist, send si. for a large bottle, or $5.00 for six bottle*, and medicine will be sent freight paid by BLOOD BALM GO., Atlanta, Ga.