The Georgia register. (Talbotton, Talbot County, Ga.) 1877-18??, March 27, 1883, Image 1

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legistm am stajimbd f hrushed EVEKV -oesday. Olllce i v Eegistei and StawUrp Building* TFKMS, $1 00 Pir Annum. Aj.vmtXisiNCi Hates lAeasoxaiieu Qtliicial Organ of Talb' t County. iiAUQE ClßCLtli.*.' 'OX. J. B- GORMAN Propr- The City Drug Store. dr. e. Xu bardweli TciODOtton, Gr£l. I have in store one of the most Complete Stocks of Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Varn ishes, and Fancy Articles, onclucling firm toilet roups, vases, toilet sets, combs, bruslies, and an endless variety 1; other useful aud di iirable articles, ever brought to this market. I will sell. My prices have all been marked low down. Give me a call. nov22 12m U!. L- BABIJWELIi. Mir & Kirtland, * No. 3 COT CUN AVENUE and GO THIRD STREET, MACON, - ■ Georgia DEALER IN Boots, Shoes and Mats. TTTE HAVE now in store one of the best stocks we have ever offered, and la W prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. It comprises Gents’ and La dies Boots and Shoes, of the best makes; the celebrated Philadelphia Youths’aud -Chit circus' shoes —superior ta all others; Mens’ and omens’ heavy kip Boots aud Shoes in tine everything to suit the wants of the purchaser. We liave, also, at tS -*" t rcet, a good line of Tlyv'T^ We invite attention of Shoemakers to our stock of FINDINGS. Send us you> ~r , iß r_ w-e will execute them with as much satisfaction as though bought in persou JHIX X JU H l I.AiN I> . apliSOt Stacou, '- FURNITURE. THOMAS WOOD, Mberry, Street, - ------- - Macon, Ga- The oldest Furniture House in Middle Georgia, keeps hill lines of ail styles . WALNUT BED ROOMS SUITS, Bed Steads, iSfcunds, Side Boards, Hat Bucks, Uliairs ot uii kiads. WINDOW SHADES and LAMBREQUINS. Cornices, Mattresses. Gold and Black Walnut, Moulding Ac. People ef Talbot and surrounding counties are especially invited to call when vis** tine; the city—or satis.action guaranteefl, when goods are ordered. <lec2ol2m THOMAS WOOD, Georgia Warehouse j. w. WOOLFOLK, > LL'*<o-p3r , i Gt cr> Colmniras,Georgia. j '• > ’** t : * • * • SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO STORAGE AND SALE OF COTTON AT REASONABLE RATES. Liberal Cash Advances on Cotton iff Store. Cull and see us. •J. w _ . WOOLFOLK, Proper. F- F- JENKINS- Salesman CHAS- A- HOUGH, Scalesman- t* tip 156 m -jrmsr - DEAL E R IN iAU classes and styles of Carriages, Buggies, TFagons, Hoad ‘Carts, Saddlery, Hnr -1 ess , etc. lam agent for the t hid Hickory and Milburn Farm Wagons. ke< p always on hand any size that moy be wanted, I keep in stock cbe*p IVesteim Buggies a-ud Vine Bastern toent rom to aud Carriages from $l5O to fBOO. The best assort'* , SADDLES AND HARNESS ™ ha f onnd in the city. 1 keep more g- ods in thy line than any house ill the city ami will rarh ) fn anything you buy.' Just tome mid will cost you nothing. J. A. WAjLKER, Next to Raiikrrt House Office, oet3 -' Go i limb us, Ga- VOL 7- Slje #e®r|k llcgk'fe A. R.WILKERSON. B. T H ATCHER. W. G.ESTES mm k HATCHER, talbotton, ga. Have Supplies, Supplies. o CORN, MEAT, SEED OATS, MEAL, FLOUR,FEED OATS, SUGAR, COFFEE, SOAI, STARCH, SYRUP, FISH, OAT MEAL, RICE, TOEACCO, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. STEEL PLOWS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, PLOW 3TOCKS. SADDLES, HARNESS, AXES, HOES, WAGON & BUGGY MATERIAL SHOVELS SPADES IRON. NAILS BOOTS, SHOES, HAMES, TRACES, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS- Virginia and Liverpool Salt. SOLE AGENTS For Patapsco Guano and Add Phosphate. We respectfully invite the Public to examine our stock before pur chasing, We guarantee satisfaction. janioi2m WILKERSON & HATCHER. How to Save Money! MANUFACTURER’S PRICES l Order your ’Wagons, Dump Cnrts, Drays, Buggies Ac., from WM. AMOS, Columbus, C rs. Lowest prices given. „ muvii, L. NEWMAN. *" I. THORNER NEWMAN & THORNER. PROPRIETORS OF THE STORE, JI \CON, GA., beg leave to announce, that in order to make .room for their immense stock of Holiday Goods,tliey are offering for the next JO days extra ordinary inducements. Dress Goods, Miilinery, Hosiery, Ladies and Children’s Cloaks, Dolmans and Jackets. Parties desiring to make purchase in above goods will save from 25 to 35 per cent bv cailing on them. „ NEWMAN & THORNER, 99 Cherry St. Macon. S.—Country merchants will do well to examine their immense and vatied to-s .ic. bnfoie purchasing elsewhere. nov 7-noy2B Singleton, Hunt <Ss Cos., llVl!<el<3o3:x, C3rSt Invite the attention of the Wholesale and Retail trade to their Cottipiete lltles of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Umbrellas, &c. All of which are offered to the folding public at lower figures than ever before. An examination of their stock will satisfy their customers as to goods and prices. Call and examine. Singleton, Hunt & Cos., aug29 Trian ular Block, Macon, Ga. T. GUERNSEY, Macon, Georgia. DEALER IN— Doors, Sash, Moulding, Rough and Dressed XiTJMBBR, Builders’ Hardware, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, &c. A gent for BUFFALO WAGONS. Door and Window frames, Brackets, Balusters, Newels, Mantels, ete order. Estimates for ail kind* of work promptly furnished. Ware rooms,Sec end street, op posit J W BmLe & Cos. Factory on Crlt stare t, Mat on, Ga. lhayl(jl“Kii TALBOTTON, GA., TUESDAY. MARCH 27,1883. He Could Sympathize with Him Theophilus Wiggleton could ci awl out through a smaller hole than any other man in town; I mean by that, that he coaid shirk responsibility; and especially creep away from [lay ing his honest debts. In this latter respect he was both slippery and brazen. Here is a case directly to the point, Homer Harvey was known as one of the best natured and most accommodating tailors. He had entered the name pi Theophilus Wiggleton in his bi.oks believing him to be what he would appear to be, —worth money; and under that impression he had made for him two suits of clothes of the finest cloth. After that he had furnished him with a third suit, for fear of los ing what was alreahy duo should he irritate the man by refusing him And now llavey wanted his money. He wanted it very much, Tne bill amounted to little more than SIOO and the debtor had many limes promised that in a very lew days the money should be forthcoming. One bright sum tier’s day the tai lor met this delinquent customer, and caught him by the sleeve. Wiggleton, my dear man, can you let me have the arnouut of my bill against you this morning? Ol—ho! ho! It‘s you, my dear old lellow! How are vou? And be gave him a hand.grasp that was warm and hearty. Say ( Harvey, are you pressed? Do you owe any body that ought to be paid at • net? From the look of WiggletouG eye, as he gave a sidelong glance from it, the tailor believed, if lie should own to being in debtor to oth ers, the Itliow would retort that it was very unpiiucipalled of him to press him lor money. No ho an swered in the negative. No, he said, I don’t owe; add I don’t mean 10 ifjl can help it. Aha!-—good, good! cried Tneopi lus gladly. It you are owing no body, of course you don't need money. At all events you Jo uot need it one-half so much hs I do; for lam in debt. But do not worry Harvey. It shall come some of these times, The tailor turned away in disgust and in partial despair. The next time he asked the man for money he would not give him any such hole through w hich to crawl away. The next time came. Harvey met his man at the hotel b/r. Ah, Wiggleton! You are just the man I have beeD wishing to see. Can you make it convenient to pav Unit little bill to-day? My dea-J Harvey, are you really in need. I am; desperately so! Mercy! You do not owe anybody else money, do you! I do; I owe a large sum! Aha! Goodj good! gjasping the tailor’s baud, Now, my dear fel low', can you sympathize with me. We’re both in the same box. But dout let ns fret. We’ll Keep our shoulder to the wheel— keep your courage up ; my boy, and well come out all right. Never fear. Have a drink. One Soul Made Happy- Yes, I always, make a practice of sending some poor family anew year’s turkey, he was saying to the grocer, and shall want an extra one this week. Yes, I must make at least one soul happy. Ah ! heaven bless you, called out a man who had been asking the price of onions—you are the man who sent me that turkey last year 1 Is that so? Were you living on street*! I was; and I was laid up with a lame foot, and my wife was nearly dead with the chills. Well, lam glad to meet you, I told the coachman to give the bird to some deserving person, and Fra glad you were made happy. And f shall never forget you, sir. I put that turkey up at a raffle, raked in three dollars on him, and outside of a pint of whisky for my wife, I laid in enough tobacao to last me six weeks ! May you never know what it is to be pdbr. W. Murray Daviuson, 6 f Jefferson St., Savannah, says : 1 can cheerfully recommend Brown’s Iron bitters as one of the best tonics. Four-year-old Augustus is ffflind shav ing the head of his cat with hn father’s razor, and is severe’y reproved by his nurse. “But,” says the little fellow, “men have always such a ‘ time shav ing, I want to ’ practice before my beard grows.” ’ — ♦ • O R. D Foster,-Savannah, Ga., says • I have uSed Brown’s Iron Bitters for nettoushfess aftd have’found it .to be all that ’it is’feeomtff enjied. Not the Right Kind of Butter- From the Texas Sittings. J B Baltzlv strolled into hisgro ] eery establishment on Austin ave- I into, just as that excellent man, Mr Allen White, was opening a keg of golden-tailed olemargarine. That looks nice. It’s genuine but ter, I suppose; noue of your bogus stuff? queried Baltzly. Now this was a leading question, ns the lawyers say. The grocer wanted to sell some of that stuff to Bntzly, so he spoke tip and said: Of course it is butter. Dil you think it was lard? Don’t you see it has got t that beautiful golden hue that can only be found in real but ter? It makes me think of cows aud meadows, clover and buttercups, just to smell it, and the grocer held some of it on a paddle under the nose of Baltzly, who asked: Yes, but is it butter? Is it butter? Why of course it is butter. Some people are so sus picious that they won’t belive but is butter unless they see it taken out of the chum thomselves. Man alive, smell it. Don’t it make you think you ure rolling about in newly mown hay? Y r ou can just taste the buttermilk in it? YTs, but is it butter? It was evident to the grocer, who goes to church, that tho crisis had arrive 1, Ha ha I either to lie or loi-e a customer, so he came right out and told a lio. He said it was buttei • Do yo i say it is real butter from cow’s milK? asked Baltzly, YVs, replied White. Then, said the customer, as a sad smile passed over his t-atures, then I don’t want it. Cow’s butter is no longer fashionable, 1 wanted some j ot that stuff called oleomargarine, made up of axle grea.--e, second hand tallow, and mucilage, which looks like butler, but which really contains tho organism fa new kind of tape worm. I don’t say I like that kind of jelly but was re quested by a friend who keeps a boarding house at a railroad station to ship him a keg of oleomargarine. Sorry you haven’t the genuine arti e.le. Allen White gazed after the retreating form of the lost custom er, and then he said to himself: Next time I’ll tell the truth if it bursts me wide open. From cause to effect: A bald headed professor reproving a youth for the exercise of his fists, said : “We fight with our heads at this college.” The youth reflected a moment and then replied : “Ah, I see, and you have butted all your hair off.” A certain scientific paper defines a malady which it is pleased to term “writer’s cramp,” We have read the article, and cannot say that we agree with our extremely K, C. The only writei s cramp we ever heard of was located in the wallet. The stylographic pen is one of the necessaries of our modern civilization, if Hood’s song had been “Dip, dip, dip,” Instead of “Stitch, stitch, stitch,” it would have lost its text at the hands of Mr. Livermore, who lias given his age this perfection of pen, penholdei, and case, and ink, all in one, hand some, and always at hand and ready for use. The inventor has put some new improvements into it, and novt what remains but for every scribe and letter writer to find it on his desk. Ink, filler and cleaner, all go with it. And to crown all, the price has been reduced to $2. Send that amount to the sole agent, Mr Louis E Dunlap, 260 Washington St., Boston, Mass., and the return mail will bring you this most perfect pen.—Contributor, Bos ton, Mass. “Anybody called this morning?” asked the editor of a country paper of his assistant, whom he met on the stairs. “Yes, our subscribers are up stairs.” What I all of ’em? Yes, they’re all there. What did you do, then? We’ve only got two chairs. Oh, 1 borrowed one next door. “Medicine Made Easy.”—-Brown.— Yes, Miss, I do look pooty well, but I suffers horful from rheumatic gout. Young lady- Well, Brown, why don’t you go to the dispensary down there and get something for it? Brown— Noa, nob, Miss, my wife’s a-takin’ physics from theer fur bronkicters, an’ now an’ then I takes a good long suck at it ! . Young lady—Well, but it might be quite wrong in your case, Brown. Brown—Well, you see Miss, what 1 ses is this, what’s sauce fur the goose is sauce fur ’he gander ! “No,’ a. Ido not wish to mar ry vet. What I want is a man who does not drink, smoke, chew, snuff, go out at nights,’ gamble, bet, over-eat etc., iff short, a man with no vices, and ctfe who js always good. My daughter, siiid Mr. Dusenbery, you are biit a stranger here-—heaven is yoiir home. NO. 13. GEO. 8- OBEAR, No. 110 Cl\erry Street, - Macon,G&f WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN Crockeiy, China, Cutlery, Lamps, Chandeliers, Plated Ware. Granite Iron Ware, Japanned Ware, Baskets, Lanterns, etc SOLE AGENTS POlt THE “EXCELSIOR” COOK: STOVES' The Best made, and Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. HEATING STOVES, GRATES, AND OTHER GOODS. Write for Prices and Catalogue. 1 Monumental Marble Works! First Doot North of Virginia Grocery, Broad Stieet Columbus, - - Georgia. Monuments, Tombs, Headboards, Vases, &o. of the best Italian & American Marble. Designs and estimates furnished by addressing us. Workmanship the best. Prices Reasonable! march lltf. A. M. & J. H. EELEDGE, Proprietors Winsliip Iron Works? WINSHIP & BRD-. ATLANTA, GA. THE WINSHIP COTTON GIN, GIN FEEDER AND CON DENSER, THE WINSHIP COTTON PRESS. All Gins fitted with the latest improvement—staple unsurpassed, only*? material u.ed in const*Ucfion of each gin. For prices and other information as to Gins, condfz&ers, screws, . Bee H L McLendon & Bro., Agents, Talbotton. a Jk.l 7 -1?53:3E3 HARDWARE STORE TSLl'toO't'tOlO., C3r£t. A LARGE STOCK OF Plow Stocks, Plow Hoes, Scovil Hoes, and : VERY mG USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRSTJCLASS Hardware Store, all of which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for the CASK AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Call before purchasing and be Convinced. Keep Constantly on hand a stock of the best COOKING STOYES. Manufactured in the country. Call and see them. auglfi bl H- L. McLENDON, Talbotton, Ga- A. B. FARQUHAH, A. JESSUP* ROBERT n, SMITH A. R Farquhar & Go. Macon, <txeorgla u —MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware, Machinery, Agricultural, Implements. Steam Engines Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Farquhar Threshers and Separators, Champion Reaoere. and Mowers, Horse Hay Bakes, Grain Fans', ete., -PROPRIETORS OF— CENTRAL CITY IRON WORKS ! Prompt attention given to repair work. 18a J. A. FRAZER & CO -Dealers in- HKD WARE, Nails, Steel and Iron, Grain Cradles, Rubber Belting.Scevir . Carpenter’s Tools, &c ', Cutlery arhd Agricul tural Implements, Mill Gening, Paints, Oils, &c. ' apr23’ 9o and 97 Broad St], (Went Stde|)'Columba, o<if JobVVorK. Alt .-.lasses of .Xl,b W ol'le deb? )n the Xlestt styles and utttt lotveit pricosy at, the KI GlrtlEl£ JO OFFICE'. Our Job Dvi-aststbht is lur mailed with a fixe poweii riitss and til the latest arS nbit approved styteti eff type. We do Getter woik for lew money than any office in the Stats Give us your orrlers and we will pleete you.