The bee. (Forsyth, Ga.) 1848-1???, October 17, 1849, Image 1

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VM-a> ir> '££ 5 J* *£& JiJ iitj ■iOJ IS I* a BLISHKI) EVKIir VVKDN'KSDAV . BY JABIES w..CSAVLDKiXCi, be r.ade within three months from the Unit of subscribing, no additional charge will be made; but further indul gence will, in each instance, subject suiiSCßim iss r> a tax ok fiktv CRN ITS MISCJELEiA S'EOI _ _ _ .._ . _____ THE LEGACY. Mr. Wilson, of the wdl-known lira) of Sand lord and Wilson, manufactur ers, sat at his uell-funiish breukfasl table. Apparently, he did, not want more agreeable companions than his own thoughts, at least if one might judge from his countenance, which expressed a considerable degree ! of self-satisfaction and sclf-gratulation. Nor did he appear in need of social in tercourse to sweeten the repast, for he ate with a zest that denoted tin excel lent appetite, and keen rellish for the good things before him. And Mr. Wil son had reason to be in a peculiarly happy and contented frame of mind.— He had that morning, early as it was —and it was not yet nine o’< locik —i made what he called an excellent bar gain. The manufacture in which he was encaged, was one in winch there was Considerable consumption of coal, i and oi course it was an object to obtain - supplies of so necessary on article at as reasonable a rate as possible. He had that morning ridden over to the village of Thorley, a distance of several miles, | in order to see an old man, the propri- 1 ctor of a small field, under which ran . a valuable vein of coal This field join- ! ed one of the mines belonging to the ■ firm, and the object of Mr, V ilson s visit, was to inquire the terms upon which they could obtain a lease of the ! ground for the purpose of excavation. It was the very satisfactory result of tliis negotation which imparted so much cheerfulness and buoyancy totiie countenance and manner of Mr. Wil son. But there is no perfect happiness in this world, and a doubt which he com 1 not enliiely suppsess —as !<> v,! . , might be his purl; o: c > 1 on th abject of his bai a ‘in to ciestray the pt itc'T \'.>u gi s. f. t -•■x ■ j •;.it was iirtjxn* tint , •• I to ins own satisfaction during lus walk i to the manufactory-—quite impossible that tiny man, notan absolute fool could Mt iStOililV t(* HH GiJ-FX? ll fiiL‘lll SU obviously fire their joint interest. As it certainly was not a failing of his own, it did not enter into Mr. Wilson’s cal culations that a man without being art absolute fool, or indeed a fool at all, might think that some consideration was due to the interest of others as well as his own; and that precept, to do us you would be done unto, was not quite so obsolete but that some might he found old fashioned enough to look upon it in the light of a moral ohliga tion. No two persons could differ more in character than these partners They were both excellent men of bu siness, keen, industious, and energeti- ; but whilst the one considered strata nem allowable in business, as in love and war, and held the doctrine that the end sanctified the means (and the end constantly before his eyes, that of get lino riches, sanctified many means not strictly honorable or even honest, but all in the way of business of course,) the other would not, to promote the success of the most promising specula lion, have taken advantage of the igno rance, or practised on the credulity, of the poorest or most simple person with whom he had to deal. To render to every one that winch was Ins just due. was Mr. Sandford’s maxim in business ; whilst Mr. Wilson, in commercial transactions, as strictly adhered to his favorite saying, of * Every man for himself, and God for us all ;’ taking es pecial good care of his own interest in everv possible way, and leaving it as a matter of faith and practice to Provi dence, to take care of other people’s. On his arrival at the counting-house, he greeted his partner with a ‘ Well, Sand ford, l have seen old Richardson about that bit of land, and he is very willing to let us have it. He says it has been anything but a plague to him, and he shall bo very glad to be rid of it. ’ Tis a very fortunate thing I thought of riding over this morning, for 1 understand Morton has been thinking of getting it from him, and sinking a shaft there ; hut it have made every ar rangement, and we are to have it foi fifty pounds a-year. It will be a capital speculation. 1 The man must be entirely ignorant of the value of his own property to a orceto such terms,’ said Mr Nandford. \ i/I. tiii.J ‘Did you i#l*hirn the purpose for whicli it was wanted !’ ‘ Oh, yes; of cnurstjft told bin we thought there might becßl. 1 did not see the necessity of entering into pnr ticubrs : he knows nothing about rhin ingjPand he will, upon these terms, make a deal more by hi- land than lie has ever done yet.’ ‘ Perhaps so, but not so much as he ought to make by it if he does not know its value, we do ; and 1 cannot, consent to profit by what would, you know, be imposition upon him.’ ‘Nonsense; you are so over-paitic ular. No one but yourself would think of making the slightest objection to a i thing so much to your iutv,mt,ig<v-c*6- peciullv as the man is peifectly satisfi ed. He would not know what to do with more.’ ■ Do you think he vvi'l he perfectly satisfied when lie learns that lie is not receiving more than halt of what he lias a i ;ght to expect ? But even suppns- i ing he were, that does not alter the I question; so far as we are concerned, we should be equally taking an unfair, and, in my opinion, dishonest advan tage, to bind him to such terms.’ ‘ Well, I don’t know how it is,’ said Mr. Wilson, who was losing his tem per; ‘ but it is impossible to do any thing to please you. 1 never made an arrangement that you have not some objection to advance, some fault to find. If you might have your way in every thing, the concern would come to noth ing.’ • Nay.’ said Mr. .Sandford, laughing, ‘ that is asserting more than you ran prove, 1 think, iou know that 1 be lieve no one loses in the long-run by plain and straightforward dealing ; so, hat, sating aside all but selfish motives. 1 act only in such a manner as 1 think v, it best promote ou interest.’ • VVe'i, you can make out that it ; ‘ t- c i m pav one bun ... sos fifty lonnds a-vear f>r | tin 11 ,;U ul mining mulct that field, w il ■ 1 .aid good, lull 1 confess i c.omot ; and | i must suv, SSandlor , it will be very ! absurd of you .to make apy nJtcraUqu.- j m the terms agreed upon. sicy me j satisfactory to Richards u, and advan tageous to us, and what more would you have ?’ I would have nothing more than justice and common honesty dictate, replied Mr. Sandford. ‘1 would give ; Richardson what, were I in his place, 1 should expect myself as the rent of that land—suv one hundred a-year. This i would be right towards him, and still 1 advantageous to us : and what I loM | | in my money I should expect to g un ; : in kindly and eling and confidence in my ! upright intentions —capital which is a! ; .vnvs secure, and which brings larger! returns than those who do not npioy it can con.. ive.’ I V, ell, said i'jr. >■ idon gr, ~.v imi tated, *it is no use arguing uilii y u ; f will have nothing more to do with the affair : manage it as you like.’ <So saying, lie sat down to his desk and wrote letters with great rapidity and energy. Accordingly, that same evening Mr. Sandford rode over to Thorley. He found the old mart at work in his gar den busily engaged in digging up pola toes, in which occupation he scarcely paused to return Mr. Sandford’s salu tation. ‘My partner was here tins morning, Mr. Richardson,’ said that gentleman, ‘speaking to you about that piece of land of yours, and J under stand you parity made an agreement with him to let us have a lease of it at rent of fifty pounds a-year?’ ‘ Why, yes,’ replied he, ‘you ar’ na far wrong ; there was something o’ Use ! | kind talked on at ween as.’ ‘ Well,’ said Mr. Na rid ford, ‘ perhaps you do not quite understand for what purpose we want that field of yours, and are not aware of its value to per | sons in our business. It is worth much more to us than fifliy pounds a-year ; ! and it was to make what I considered or both parlies that I came to see you this evening. If you are willing to ac- j cept one hundred a-year for it 1 shall ; be glad to have a lease of the land up* | on such terms, as it is contiguous to to one of my pits ; but farther than , this 1 am not prepared to go.’ The old man paused from his dig j ging, and looking up at Mr. Sandford 1 with an admiring twinkle in his his eve, -“BY INDUSTRY wjE THRIVE.” EORSYTH, (Ua.l 17, 1349, .-■aid, ‘ I've always heard say, sir,as you was a right down good an, ; an now J believe it. You see,sir, I eou’nn say as I understand much about the vally of coal an’ such-like ; but l seed as Ches ter Wilson were tnristifly anxious to get the field ; an’ at afterm 1 were gone, 1 turned it ovei i’ my mifief, an’ 1 thought, as he seemed so willin’ to gim fifty pounds, which ispibove til.’ real vally of the land. as>,land. lie iritght he wil ling to <e, a little further if I hung back like, .last as I ‘we rtf thinking i’ this ways, up comes; Master Morton, an says he, ‘ 1 heard as you was wauling j to sell that bit o’ ground o’ yours as gines up to Mester Najuifnni/out j i .’ ‘’ >, -■i V-s . ’ : wrong, sir; fori u utda thinkii got sel ling it at all/’ • Oh,’- ays he, 1 perhaps| it was letting it, then, you was thinking j oi ? It con’na be of dutch use to mu ;’ an’ I dare say you wj-ufil make more ! by it tiiat way; now.ts'pose 1 was in clined to make a bargain with you, what would you let iume for ?’ Vv by. savs I. I’ve purlly promised, you see. 1 to Mester Wilson for fifty pounds a-] year; an’ then he fires up, an’ says, j Well, what an imposition-; it’s down-j right disgraceful ; vot} mustn't accept it, .Viester Riehardsnif. I'm willin’ to give you seventy, or even eighty; so \ nu’ll consider my oiler’ an, let me know what you decide on to-morrow ;’ an’ with that he ror.Uv/ But you see, I didna iike‘ Mealier Morton’s of ler no better than Mester Wilson’s ; for 1 thought they was both ‘ birds ol a feather.’ 1 wasna quite so soil as tlii'v thought me. But, sir, i think you are honest (no offonce): for you tell me what you want the land for, an’ make me an oiler jjyojn are willin’ to slick bv ; an’ so, sir, you shall have it that von shall, even if, they offer me a hundred and fifty an’ you may send a lawyer M draw out the lease as soon as you like-’ •Very well; then I may consider the mailer settled? The lease shall be diawn out as quickly, as ‘possible, and will, 1 hope, he leadyfor your.sig ou.t>p;.e ,m aje vydyysßi ing, atyl wishing the old mail good evening. Mr. .Sandford turned towards home. Rich ardson stood lor some minutes looking after him, spade in hand, then calling to an igbor who happened to be pas sing by lie said, ‘1 -ay, John, do’st j know who that gentleman is there upo’ | tfie brown Itoss V ‘ No,’ replied his friend, ‘ 1 canna 1 say as I do-’ * Beil, liiert, I II tell thee; it's the honestes! man i Niocklon, let the oilier , be who he will ; an,.that's Mester San- i ford. lie’s put fifty pounds'a-year i'j iiiv pocket; am’ please God, lie shun-i nu lose bv it t* the! end ; for I’ll leave ! him till 1 leave wljen I'm dead ; and it’s not so little, for D . naither kith nor kin, an’ it’ll ifo mV,” g>-.od that way, mme than i shall ever do v\ illi it 1 douirt ; for ihev say as he’s an open-1 handed an’ kind-hearted to the poor, as he’s honest and straighttorrard.’ h\ the meantime Mr. Sanford rode | home, ignorant of Richardson’s benev- i olent intention towards him ; and ! thought in the course of a few (lavs j what had been said was,repeated to I him, it was no sooner heard than for gotten, iiod in the press ol business, the whole affair passed irom Ins iniml, it occasioned little surprise in ; lock ton, w hen, in a shop tune alter this e vent, it became known that Messrs. -Sandford and Wilson were about to dissolve partnership. Tic wonder was, how two persons, differing so much in their manner of concluding! business, should have continuad togeth er, for so long a time. It now remain ed to be seen whetler Mr. Wilson was collect m his prediction as to the pro bable fate of a business carried on in strict accordance vith the rules and principles advocated by his late part ner. It would scarcely be justice to him to say that lie wished fur the ac complishment ol lus own prophecy, or 1 that he would not, supposing it in no way detrimental to his own interest, j have done anything in his power to ! avert such a catastrophe ; but still, as he said, ‘ knowing Sandford’s quixotic opinions, such a tiling would not have surprised him in the least;’ nor, at the bettotn of his heart, have grieved him either ; for it is rather a dangerous ex periment to place sell-esteem and bc- , nevolonce in direct opposition, in such cases, the former will more gen erally prove victorious than people are u liiing to admit. However, Mr. Wil ; son was pared anv such conflict. Months and yems passed on, and still Mr. Sandlurd's business mew and prosper ed ; so a iso did the estimation in which he was holi), and the influence lie pos sessed in nis native town; fur, though iidles alone v ill always buy a certain de- ! gree ol outward respect and utltenlioa lor ilietr possessor, be i,is what it will, it is entirely distinct horn the influ ence which high principle, and undevia ting, consistent rectitude ol conduct, must always cominanJ, and which is felt by the most ignorant and careless. It vats, per; qsi, tlii. cidi'ienco, presen ting itself in an undefined manner to Ins mmd that gave rise to, and kept alive in •Mr. V\ i.son a kind ol rn in • a continu al wish to place himseil’ in contrast and comparison will) Mi. Sandford, in order, it possible, to humble him, and display his own superioiity. So far had he allowed ißis feeling to gain ground, that when, in compliance with a lequi-itiou, numerous ly and respectably signed, Mr. Sandfoid cnn.-cuted to come t iwarr! as a candidate for the representation of the borough of Stockton, .Mr. Wilson immediately etF.*r ed himself in opposition. Their politics • were similar, their talents for public bu siness pretty equal, though Mr. Wilson had consideiably the advantage as a spea ker But the electors of Stockton were not to be diverled from the choice which inclination and judgment alike approved, i At the hustings, the show of hands was i all in Dior of Mr. Sandford. The dav’s : polling saw him several hundreds in ad vanced! his opponent ; and amidst the ac- j clamalions of the people lie was declared duly elected. Mortified and humbled, Mr. Wilson talked of a petition to console iiis wounded piide; but iris committee! knew better. Not one person could be found to second his wishes, as they well knew such an attempt would prove as j fruitless as it would be discreditable and : vexatious. it was on a bleak and gusty ttiornino- 1 early in spring that Mr. Sandlord's family ‘ was assembled m the comfortable break fast room ; the table readly spread, and the fire giving that cheerful glow so desir -abb*..on Qne.oi our raw. March inm'isin The timepiece told the hour of half-past! nine, and several little laces were begin - j mng to look anxious lor breakfast, and ; many were the exclamations of— 1 Mam- ; ma, what can papa be doing ?’ 1 1 won- ; I der where he is; surely he cannot be | very hungry.’ And the eldest hope had j ! just given it as his opinion that they had j better not wait any longer, when the well i known footstep was heard. The urubrel- ! la placed on ilie stand, the baton its peg, i the broakiast-rooin door opened, and Mr ‘ Sand lord made iiis appearance, lookin'*; jeven more good humored than usual,! j while a hall-suppressed smile 1 ui ked about 1 ! the corners ol tiis mouth. The children i | rushed forward to meet him, and Mrs,’ : Sandford rang the bed for the long ex peeled breakfast. As soon as all were seated, and their various wants supplied, | j Mr. Sandford said— ; ‘ Well, my dears, I suppose you won- I der what has made ine so late this morn - ; i ing!’ Avery general look of assent was the result ot this inquiry. Mi'. Sandford pro ; needed- ‘ A singular and most unexpect i and circumstance has happened to me. — I John Simp-on and William Wood came] to my counting house “this morning, and said if 1 vveie at leisure they wished to -peak to me on business of consrouerjce. I ! 1 heir looks were so lull of impoitance. ! ; that though it was time to come home, 1 could not refuse. They then told me that old Ricbaidson, the man from whom 1 have rented the field containing the ! valuable stratum of coui lor so many years ■ is dead, and tins left me all his property, except a small sum to each of themselves i as executors. Alter enjoying my surprise, I thevbrought to my recollection what John j had told me of the old rnau’s intentions! when I first agreed to take hi- field upon 1 a lease.’ ‘ 1 thought nothing of it at the time, and I do not think it has ever entered my ! mind since, i lie men detained me some time longer by the accounts they had to give ol their old friend. It is now seve ral years since 1 have seen him, as he re moved to a small farm ot his own at some distance liom his former residence ; but, i j previous to his leaving Thorley I had se ! veral conversations with him, in which I endeavered to impress upon his mind the duties he owed to his fellow-creatures: 1 and it seems these conversations had some j effect, tor the old man has, I understand, j been much more kindly and benevolently disposed of late years. The property, of I course, is not large, though considerably \m, 4a. A I) V E R T I S E M E N T S Charged for at ihe rate of 75 ceuts fer 15 lines or less, first insertion, mid 117$ ceuts for earl) continuance. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. Job Wohk must bo paid for ou delivery. No attention will be paid to letters taxed wiib postage, unless they cover money. All dues must be paid when a discoiitiu uance ol the paper is ordered. j more than he was supposed to possess ; hut I shall value it much, not only as a tribute of sincere r* sped and regard, but . as a testimony to the truth of my princi ple—that even as a matter of self-interest, to give no higher motive, tiie simple rule, “ To do as you would be done unto.” will be found most successful. I was much amused, as 1 came along, to see what an excitement the news has caused. One alter another rushed breathless out of their houses, with a ‘ Sir, do vou know old Richardson’s dead, and has left you all his money : So now 1 think you cannot wonder at mv being so late for breakfast; eh. h ftle Mary ?’ ’ 1 No, indeed, papa ; and I think that old man was very wise to give you all his money.” Ibis remark caused a general laugh, but there were many others who agreed with little Marv. Amongst the pom this leeling was very general; they knew that he regarded riches not as a means for self indulgence or personal aggrandisement, hot as a loan entrusted to|his care for the benefit of otheis, especially the poor; and that the richer he was, the more his power to serve them would be increased, and liis means ot doing good multiplied. ‘I he wealth which Richardson had so carelully hoarded, and which, in his pos session. was like a sealed fountain of pure water, ha-’, by being usefully and benev olently employed, like the same fountain released from confinement, spread into innumerable small streams, telfeshing, fertilizing, and diffusing plenty add con tentment in their course : and hundreds have iiad reason to bless the old man’s legacy. LOAFING Speaking of landlords reminds us of ari amusing incident which transpired a few days since. A shabby-genteel individual with a semi philosophic look, sauntered into an office in Nassau street, with the owner of which he was acquainted. On entering Be was greeted with— ‘ Ah, Sam! How are you? (Had to see you.” 1 Bad, said Sam, shaking his head ruefully. ‘ Every body dues badly in the present state of society. Now-a-days the rich grow iidler and the poor poorer} The employer preys upon the producer; am* ti.wca will raii get better until aoart is reorganized.’ ‘ Well but, Sam, don’t you think it would be better for you to go to work. — \ou now live on the working classes as much as any body else, and you do noth ing for the world.’ 1 1, I,” said Sam ; ‘ Ido more for the world than if 1 worked. If I worked I would sustain the present false state of society ; but Ido not woi k; Ido not sus tain it.” ‘ What, in the name of common sense do you do then?’ 1 uphold the natural right of man to steal. Man has a natural right to take , and eat when hungry ; but he has nd right to support a faise state of society.— 1 do more than most men to break down society as it is. I never work ; 1 never pay rent : 1 haven’t done so for nineteen I months; 1 have cheated the landlord all the time.” With tiiis frank avowal Sam left the place without observing that one of the clerks had abstracted a fine silk handker chief from his pocket. Ten minutes af terwards he rushed in again, and begged to know if any of them bad taken the'mis sing article. ‘1 paid a dollar for it, and would not lose it on any account,’ said ne. 1 Doing a landlord is one tilin'*, but taking a fellow’s hankerchief out of his pocket is not right no how.’ Sam finally got his hankerchief, but he has since been careful where he broached Ihe doctrine of man’s natural right to steal. A.Y, Sun. It was Sunday morning—and a rou<*h looking but full congregation had assem bled to listen to their pastor’s eloquent disseitatation upon piety and ‘ equal rights.’ In Ihe midst ot his discourse, a denizen ol the town rushed into their midst, with the intelligence that a vessel had stranded on a beach nearby and was last going to pieces. The audience (who were known to a man as ‘ wreckers,’) rushed to the door—for the spoils'.— ’ Hold ! my friends,’ shouted the parson, as he quietly seized his hat, ‘ hold! be patient, be calm one moment, and listen to the words of advice. Observe,” (and the reverend gentleman still urged his way towards the door,) be quiet one mo ment longer--control your passions !’ and having reached the door, he bolted ahead with the final exclamation, • now, let’s have a fair start!’ I Envy shoots at others and often woundi herself.