Newspaper Page Text
ft.• • •"
, Manner watchman athsns,
—z—— V
* "York.
Gen’ Alex. Shalcr, a dandy sol-
dier in New Yoik, ha*been arrested
A. U. 8.0FKIC.
for bribery.
A Hsndaomt Woman Worrits Hlm--Ths
aonne atrtkoi Her With a Hoary Cane-
Tlt# History oftnaca*#.
recent electiooa.
a lit of insanity.
The Western railroad train eollidl
ed with a .flat carat Loacbipoka.
Engineer Sain Foster had a leg bro
ken and sustained other injuric*. ^
| TbAlBirminghasa rolling mills are
ureparing to add twenty more pud-
‘ding farnicea'to their already large
plant. Tbia-mill,baa for along time
analog a full double turn and
been running .
dt still lar binind with orders.
At Norwich, last night, Mias Bir<
young wife, of
a. well to do
herfelf by taking
strycbpine. The sad affair to deep,
ly affected her husband that a few
hours later he swallowed several
Qucces pL cbloreforin,, and is now
fyifg)Uneoescious with very little
h0pc»4t h» recovery.
A colored man named Briggs baa
been arretted, who confesses bis
implication in the murder ot Con
St. Louts, Nov. to.—A sensation
al scent tobk place here at the Union
depot M which Col. W. W. Hall,
formerly of Chicago,'and recently
appointed chief or the United States
secret serriwla ' this eity, was the
principal. Hqll states that hla wife
recently died in Chicago, and after
bt waa transferred ho was followed
by a wo ipao flamed Anna Howard,
who kept a swell boarding house.
The pair aaw :«• frqat deal of each
other here. SKe wanted him to
dlsdcvsell, of Edgefltld coun-
p..C., last Octbbar. Blackwell
. latht to arrest some disorderly
negroes, and thiy barricaded them-
scIvm and fired on the officer, killing
him. 1 The murder caused great ex
citement at the time.
(— BsrbseuH aaa Sis Ouppsrs for the Votsrs.
\ * Last Bight the Reeves and Wood
'lqafiera were out in full force, and
, many remained up until daybreak.
| Ifvery effort was made to keep the
" voters'solid, and prevent any inroad
from tlie enemy. The Reaves inun
were given e magnificent banquet
- in (he ToWn Hall, and speeches
were made... The Wood side had
narbccica ip every ward, and the
adpporters of dial ticket were ur
taatsnd film and not yield. '
. morning there will be a rush for the
^r' polls, but no trouble -i* anticipated,
as .both parlies desire Jo preserve
tire peace at all hazards. So far as
-- -hlr. Rosves is concerned, the victo
ry hat been won, and no amount of
\ wort''or rnonay can defeat him.
THere will ties heated contest'in
several ol the wards, and a few votes
will probably decide the question.
Qljths Citizens’ Ticket is elected,
'** Athens will witness the grandest
WlehNNiatration in the history ol the
pltce. The supporters will be giv
en a splendid aupper. Tbit it a
- most important contest, and will dt-
’ ;cide the future of Alhtns, The tri
ll umph ol Reaves means renewed
prosperity for the-city and a buti
nets boom.
keep an alleged promise of marriage,
which be refused to. do, and thia
morning she bopght a ticket back
to Chicago. Jaat before she step
ped on the train Hall met her, and
after a few angry wprda struck her
twice with a heavy cane, breaking
it into fragment*. . The woman
screamed and, fell Bleeding on the
platform. The police seized Hall
and locked hitff up. He states that
he struck the woman to prevent her
from drawing a pistol to shoot him.
The woman it handsome and richly
dressed.. She atatea the waa a frlend
«£ the deceased Alia-Hall and that
she came to St. Lonis with Mr. Hall
upon promise of marriage. When
he wuuld not fulfill the promise the
eiaried bsck and waa followed to
the depot afid kfadnltedc Hall waa
fined *20 in the police codlt. ■ Uni
ted States Attorney Drummond in
terceded lor him. The woman gent
back to her home In' Chicago. ,
A Missing Soy.
. . _ CaristtfiU* AsHstesn.
The strange disappearance ol
Will Denary, the colored boy at An
derton’t livery stable, bat created
considerable excitement. On last
, -Ssjurday night, about 7 o'clock, he
left with a couple of strangers to
pilot them to a bouse of ill-fame.
He carried them six or eight mites
up the river, in the neighborhood
for Cooper’s old iron wot ks. The
men returned about ta o’clock that
night without the boy,and when
I -w)iat -they bad dene with
_ that “the d-rd
I them to a place
him, thfy replied
rascal nad carried I
— wtmjmitmy w*f*:*b<ror w get' into
trouble, for which they refuted to
let kimrideback, and bad dumped
MM ttjt o* tbo roadside.” , THo
"friends of the boy, supposing the
story of the men to be true, looked
for blori to torn, up some time during
the day Sunday, consequently very
little notice was taken of the mat
On Sunday evening the two men,
^Who belonged to a party of »ix aus
picious looking characters, called at
the stable, got their buggies and
lelt. in the direction of Acwotth.
Search has been made for the boy,
and, since nothing can be learned
of hit wHereabouts, the opinion ia
that the aix strangers were sharpen,
il&BOme dray'connected with one of
the numerous circuses now In the
' country;‘and that the boy Will
agreed 'tor jofav them-' The boy’s
mother ia very much troubled about
o^j. gwmtt.- ' •- ■ v i | ‘-2 -
iaturday night aid -had
Blaine waa • accompanied by ex-
President Manley, of Augusta, and
ColAnel Oakley, U. S. marshal of
rinr' It la said that -Mr.
yre in the in-
ion of General
rnt of the sea
way tbs Usetlnt Last Hlcbt Was ?«t-
prnsd-A Dispatch Worn Jala H. Inman.
A card was printed yesterday
afternoon, announcing that the
meeting called lor |a*t night, at the
court house, by the Business men of
Atlanta' had been postponed,'
The reason for this postponement
was as follows;
Tde meeting has been called tor
the purpose ot raising fifty thousand
dollars, with which to secure the
building of the Goorgta Midland
railroad to Atlanta. There wa« rea
son to believe that fifty thousand
dollars of iron clad subscriptions
would make this sure. A letter re
ceived from Mr. G. Gunby Jordan,
president of thia Georgia Midland,
announced that for the present he
could give no assurance that such a
subscription would secure the road,
as the company was already com
milted to another route. In view
ol thia fact it was thought best to
postpone the meeting, although the
l5o;aoo necessary had already been
practically subscribed, and would
unquestionably have been raised.
The following dispatch will show
that the friends or Atlanta are in
earnest about the matter, and that
the road would have bad strong fi
nancial backing if Atlanta could
have been accepted as the terminus.
Mr. Inman is a director in the Rich
mond & Danville road and also ir
the Louisville & Naahville railroad.
Nkw York, Nov. 30.—James
W. Harie. The Constitution states
that the Georgia Midland enter-
prise it to come before a meeting of
your citizen* to night. My judg
ment is you should do all vou can
toward* securing the building of
this road. The enterprise look* *0
favorable and promises to much for
Atlanta, that I am willing to take one
hundred thousand dolarsof its bond*
at a fair price, and undertako to mar
ket an additional half million.
Being the owner of considerable
real estate in Atlanta and interested
in her
■«' fir. RS
Vu. Waring Eaber*hau, in Dixie.
Since the discovery of gold in
Georgia in 1828, the state has labor
ed under many disadvantages;
hence her mineral resources have
not been developed as they would
have been had she possessed rail
road and other facilities; and bad
not the discovery of gold in Cali
fornia and Australia caused the with-
drawal of her minersfrom the sceae
of mining operations at Dablonega
sad other parts of Lumpkin couuty.
. In 1840 the towns of Dahlonega
and Auraria contained over five
thousand miners, with their families,
who were actively engaged, in ac
cumulating the gold in whicn the
surrounding surface abounded, and
in laying the foundation of future
fortunes. Th* mines were super,
facially worked with the rudest ap
pliances, and but a small portion of
the gold in the sand, gravel and mi
caceous slste was obtained, but the
amount was sufficient to prove that
the mines, when fully developed,
would yield a large amount of the
precious metal, and that the future
of Georgia, as a gold mining section,
[was assured.
■The failure of the placer claim* ofl
the Pacific coast to produce gold inj
paying quantities, has induced a
number of these Georgia miners to
return to their homes, well knowing
from what they have learned of the
I genera) character of the mine* else
where, that not only gold but silver
and other- metals abound in their
native state and throughout the
south. 1.;
Old mines, which were partially
worked ip ■ early days, but which
I were abandoned on account of the
Iwantof proper machinery with
which to control the water in them,
have been reopened and prove very
rich. The assertion made by the
writer in 1877, that thr future ofl
Georgia would develop silver asl
well as gold is now being verified,
as proven by the discovery of silver
mines in the Cohutta mountains, in
Murray county, and elsewhere in
fthe state. |
■The minds of Northern and Wesl
tern capitalists have been aroused to
the fact that the 'mineral as well as
the agricultural resources of Geor
gia, and of the South generally, are
[of the very best character, and nu
merous capitalists are contemplating
the establishment of various branch
es of industry, and are looking fori
ward to the tipie when the South!
will be self-supporting. Already
Alabama and Tennessee are furnish
ing Georgia with all tha iron and
coal she needs; and these states are
supplying the Northern states with
a superior article of iron, which can
be rained here cheaper than else
where. These facts speak for]
themseves louder than words; aid
it is not difficult to deduce proper
[conclusions from them.
■At the present time there it a
perfect network of railroads cxtend-i
ling through the mining sections
which are being developed, and the
utmost recesses of our mountains
will, in the near future, be penetra
ted by them.
The geographical position of the
state of Georgia, extending as it
docs along the line of the seaboard,
from northeast to southwest, makes
it pecuiiaily adapted to the develop
ment of her mineral interests; as the]
general trend of the veins of miner!
al ore is from northeast to south!
west, and the main trunk lines of]
the railroads are in that direction,
and invariably follow the course of
the mineral veins, within a distance!
of a few miles. In no section of the
country are the advantages greater
than in Georgia for freighting di
rectly to the mines. There are sev
eral foundries in Atlanta, at which
mining machinery of a superior
rest, my belief it the dc{ ^
cision in favor of prohibition ia a quality is manufactured, which will
part of her forward modern ent,
which will impel our
rapidly toward* her n
ny, and the completioi
will but accelerate the movement.
John H. Inman.
It may not be out of place to aay
that we do not yet giro up this
road-. Jt is our opinion that when
it ia built, Atlanta will bolts north
ern terminus. There ia' nothing to
do, however, but to watt and see.—
T. C. Hampton, wholesale dealer
in oranges aad cocoanuts.
strayed or Btelsa.
A large sorrel horse, wWt„ white
spot in forehead. The horse either
strayed or waa stolen Saturday
night Any information will be
— - - - 7.
B. M. Subxr.
Tt Beat or Lease.
A desirable store now occupied
by A. Coleman, on Broad street
Apply to J. M..Barry.
Collins & Puffin have on hand the
largest and finest selection of gold
end silver watches, diaraoud*,' Jew
etry, clocks, silver and plated ware
and fancy good* ever brought to
ens, which th ~
Atkens, which they offer at~prices
lower thao aay other dealer. Call
end see for yourselves, corner Clay
ton street und College avenue. .
Valmsdge Bros, are agents for
genuine Lucy Hiutott tobacco. Be
ware of imitations.
compare favorable with that made
The result of recent mining oper
ation* has been such, at Dahlonega
and In. other section* of the state, as
to givq abundant assurance that our
most sangine calculations upon the
mineral wealth of Georgia have been
below the fact, and that it requires
only skilled imd persevering indus
try to make this mineral nearing
section one of the moatfamoua on
the continent
1 per cord, delivered say where
W DL * a
». 0. Grtffatb.
i and Set of Harness. !>
W. D. Griffith.
A full blooded, unregls-
1 Ball.twepetnold. Abets-
WllftsUoaUwstc »,««>d
C OW8--Three Good Milch Cow*
with young Calve*.
W.'.O. GrlfiUi.
seven-eighths Jersey, and the oth-
lerhslf Jersey.) Both belfisrawlth
, . by Jersey bull. Pricefor two (50.
Address Box 123, Athens.
Calf b;
Foundry street, formerly occupied
by MiySk Beusse.
. or H. K. Nicholson.
A NEAT COTTAGE on Douaherty
■iMi, op£oelteMr. W. C. Orr’e.
H. B. or H. K. Nicholson.
■WO KOOMSonflrst floorofFrank
tin house, suitable for Law office
H. B. or H. K. Nicholson.
A Tissue ef Lies.
In the Macon Telegraph of yes
terday, which came to hand just as
we go to press, we notice an ex
tract from a letter purporting to
have been written Ly Miss Libbie
D. Kelsey, a Yankee school marm
of Macon, Ga., to the Ohio State
Journal. So far as the letter refers
to the action of the citizens of Quit-
man, on the night of the burning of
the negro college, it is simply a tis
sue of lies from beginning to end.
Mr. Parr, whom the calls Prof.
Ayres, and the four women were
waited upon at soon as possible by
a party of gentlemen, consisting of
the Mayor, Aldermen Dukes and
Roundtree, Dr. Snow and the edi
tor of thia paper. They were invit
ed to at least two private houses
and were finally escorted by the
Mayor and aldermen to the Com
mercial Hotel, where quarter* were
furnished them. Miss Kelsey’s let
ter will receive further attention
next week from the Mayor of Quit-
man.—Quitman Free Press.
Large lot of raisin* and citron just
received atT. C. Hampton’s.
Holmes*’ Wash and Dentifrice fpr
•ale, by Dr. H. A. Lowrance.
Pig’s feet, tripe and steur kraut
atT. C. Hampton’s.
Use Long’s saponaceous tooth
powders, 25 cents a bottle at Long’s
drug store.
Nuts of all kinds, wholesale and
retail, at T. C. Hampton’s.
The best 10 cent cigar, smoke
Hauser’s best, made of the finest
Havana tobacco.
Atmore’s mince meat, at T. C.
Hampton’s. . j
The La Prommento cigar U the
best five cent cigar told in Athena,
manufactured by G. Hauser.
Just received a large lot ot banan
as at T. B. Hampton’s..
Pond Lily toilet wash, *5 cents
bot'Ib at Long’s drug store.
Flag* of nation* at T. C. Hemp
xuisa by tka stlnx of Wasds
Wasp* killed William P.Thomp
too, a farmer living itf Allegheny
county, Md. While working in his
corn-field he noticed what he' sup
posed to be bees twafming around
the stump of an old oak tree fund
ing'll! a fence corner. He approach-
ed nnd rashly attempted to Investi
gate them by striking the stump
With his hbe: In an inttant a who’-
neat of wasp*, pMbaMpjoo or 6oo
ig, attacked him. They settled
all over his bead, And dung to him
with remarkab’o persistency. Whes
he reached home sereamlhg fur
help hi* wife was compelled tw
beat' them off ’With a broom. Ho
had been stung In a terrible manner.
There Was aearcely a piece of akin
as big as a penny on hi* head which
had not been pierced by lie wasps’
sting'. Hu liutf just ha 1 his hair
Ci.t with-H clipper, and the w*»p»
found no itillicnltv in '-getting in
their Ho k all Over his -Culp. One
of them h id settled in In left 'ey*!
and s'liog 1 hr eve-ti-ll. In two
h r* 'I »-i’« hr-d fc ad swol
len to a tnon ro a z-. a left e
protruuiiig, ami He was < terrible
••v ehicle. Tin* mm suflf red great
agniVy it ml died i'* a few hours.—
RocnCtfer (S: Y.) Democrat.
Itiu’kluu’. A 1 'de» Helve.
The Deal rtalv in ihe world tor Cnt«
Bruises, Sores, Ulcer*, Salt Rheum, Fe,
oruiBCf, jtirca, i/ivcrB, onumiouiit, ro
ver Sores, Tetter, Chaupwl Ifnnd*, Clill
blsiiia. (-urns, and ujl Skin Krupiioua,
and positively 'aunts riles, or n» par re
quired: It fa guaranteed to give perfect
aati-fnction, or money refunded. Price
Sf5 i-oort |>er bo*. For sole bjr R. ~
Brnmiiy «tC'o
Chewing and smoking tobacco of
all grades, at G. Hausers.
Thsv 111 oiled slant Uis orosd sarsle,
John Jones tnl prcsUT Miss M«ri»
“Your troth tr* awful, John,” tbs Ml*|
••Why dta't yon bay th* HataUSarT
^°:AiSSo^ mT '
Love Turns his Book
on slovenliness, as regards the teeth
Keapthem pure, all ye who wish to be
beloved aud carrested. &OZODONT I*
unequaled as. a means of whitening,
polishing, and preserving them.
“fipALowa.s Glcb,” Cheap, Con
venlent and Uaelul. Mends everything
The time 1* at nand when you are
and if become* your dotr‘a* the
guardian* of our moral and religious
institutions Jo ponder wall the af
fect*, tha influence, y|u are about
bring upon our beloved city.
' Skiff, the Jeweler.
A Pleasant Lift forth* Young Man.
Some man art content with formal
“■ tuM
OfMarbWucmi, fUWia w ^www ewis auitwtvu
from POoTOTwblch mused cold feet,
a tired feeling at thepitofatomach, and
_ Chapman bought
ila Iron Bitter*. T6»
„ man took three bottle*, and the
r now write* t^Tbe last time Isaw
he looked and felt a rrmt deal
r."Srr it on youraick friends
relations. Buy of any druggist.
The larges t and grandest displaj
of fire works ever aeen in Athena
,t T. C. Hampton’s.
T. C. Hampton sells fire work*
wholesale as well as retail. '
ing c
now offering their entire stock of
breech and mnszle loading shot
guns, rifles and sporting goods at
New York coat Don’t lose this
opportunity to secure a gun cheap.
We mean what we aay.
Brumby & Co. are selling castor
oilwt fir per gallon.
Butts county's Terror.
The'Jnokson New* contains
lengthy account of a strange animal
seen by uuuy reputable gentlemen
disporting on the banks of Towali-
ga river, and in the water in the
neighborhood Of Flat Shoals. It i*
described a* being about the size of
an average mule, and with all the
characteristics of a seal. It travel*
best in the water. A ambers ol cit
izens have been frightened by it, and-
on Saturday a posse ot men went in
•earchofit. Sumo -seem to think
that it is a seal that baa escaped
from some traveling menagerie.
Itching for a.contest.
Atlanta, Nov. • 30.—Mr. Jerry
Goldsmith, a leading prohibitionist,
arid thia morning: “I wish the antis
would contest this election., We
can throw out enough illegal vote*
on their ride to greatly increase the
prohibition majority.”
Don’t fail to take a course of lea
son* of Hagan, and adorn tha walls
of your hornet with the work of
yoprown hands,, ...
Cleansed, Purified and Beautified
by the Cuticura Remedies.
•tests it
tkm great Hkla cure, aad Cutlcara Soap, aa
the treat Skin cure, aad Cuttcara Soil, aa
W« kavt M*a •tiling you, Out
'fths pst^ >bree orfiur
Profit for Everybody.
Parker’s Toole kept in, a borne Is
aenUnalto keepaiekueaeout. Used dis
creetly it keeps the Mood pure, and hie
•tomeeb, tlver end kidney* in working
order. Coughs aud colds vanish before It.
It builds up the health.
“I sell largo quantities of Parker’s
Tonic in my drag itorK 7 AmMig my cus
tomers, a doctor, baa bean (Meenbfng
It (Or tha paat two JMar*. He waa nearly
dead himself, and triad every remedy
known to his Profession, without any
relief. After be bad used tour bottle* of
Parker,! Tonic he began to grow In flesh
and the Improvement fn his health waa
absolutely wonderful. He now tocom-
It to everyone, ”—J. E. Daw
d* It to everyone.”—J. K. Dab.
low, Orinmet Ave Pharmacy, 113 Twen
ty-uinth Hlroet, Chicago, OL
noUoarm ao>, I. SaaMsCty* tbt^tei
tbctiar, Vs.
Oor m!c« of Cutlcuik ire u
Oar mIm of Cutlcuii are u Urx«, if nol Un
ss‘:.°^j ilc irv.r w, hr. U! i«.Msr!
wblcE iE. p«n*t,sr »w aIsmUsHi. asraV
.. fTittiffadu
Ullstgu. HO.
•ray. a
TVsCal'HirsRrbiallvs sraMOiWlsstrtitattsa
Araroldi-r t!t dnngtets. frit*, erweva*. to
caste; »» .lvzvt r. s»; Osav. SI< seals F.itsa
An Appsallng apoctaels.
London , Non, 30.—A ghastly
and appalling spectacle was wit t
netted at Norwigh to-div, , Robert
Goodale, market gardener who
was convicted of murdering hie
wife, whom he had!killed at Wis-
brach on September 10th last, waa
brought out upon the scaffpld in the
prison ' yard, to aoffetr tbe.extrem#
penalty. The culprit, since his in
carceration, had increased , greatly
in flesh, and weigher) Ji66 pounds.
After the d'eath warrant had been
read and everything made ready,
the drop was sprung and the con
demned man fell a distance of six
feet. His heavy weight crused the
drop to rebound, yiplently, jerking
the head completely off the body.
The headless truuk, together with
the head, fell unon the platform of
the tcafloid, blood spurti-- — J
gushing in all directions
severed head lay at'the feet of thcq)
Victim, the muictes ot the face
twitching in the most hideous style,
while the eye.lida opened and clos
ed several times. ' ARqgQbor the
sight was most sickening.
One of the
It. i* a little disc, oval in
tbethreetbeusandth part of
asisas 1
to the iron that, is; It "
Iron your Mood..wouli .
thin aa to be Of'Ho accoont. Irod enric
hes Hand gives you. vitality. The only
reliaMe preparation of linn for-'a tow
state ol bipod la Brown’* Iron Bitter*,
which does wonders for the ailing and
debilitated. Buy thia valuable tonic of
your druggist. ...
Coffins & Puffin; the'
have on hand a largo si
guns, rifles and apor _
which they are closing out at New
York cost. Call and secure a bar-
{ •ain, corner Cleylon street and Col-
lege avenue./
Absolutely Pure.
trcnjtth and wholtit wm* bb. Moro •connnlM
histhe ordluAfv kind*, aud rsnnol t» boM Id
Itlnn with tn« to jltl tu Jc of lav trot, ikon
weljihk^uni or pkoopliato powder*. Sold only
Wollit. ll. Y. ongSdAwly
The CcaatM has TnJs Mark s*4cnMsd Rai
Mtpsa tapi». _ ••
«rpNR«W»Wt; r PMLYi
The Eminedt Tragedian,
In Sheridan Kuowle’s Tragedy
Besvrved seats (1.
A ttef ft 9S4*pan <tivMce Into SUM
wo coa oCtr no Wctor modiom tor thoro>igh ud
•WoeUro work thaa tbo nriow Mloao of oar
Moot Local La«. tiaMOfUIOO.