The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, June 24, 1886, Image 2

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cmouL omu or - cttrefAtlrameaad our*., Oconee *B*alu. e(te< j amoal *oa*caifnon rates: r,$5; .... Sunday, (t .... Weekly,SI T. L. GAX'I CI.ARKK'S DKMOCItACY. The democratic party of Clarke county is requested to meet at the opera house in Athens on Satur- •day June afith. at II o’clock, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the congressional convention. G. H. Ya.vcry, Chairman Con. Com'mittee. WHAT 18 A RESIGNATION. To resign ah office is to give it p and surrender it to the (tower from whom it was derived. W hen Gen. Gordon left the senate he cimmunicated his intention to Mr. H. W. Grady some flays in ad vance. it was done in some kind • of a written instrument. Mr. Gn dy to statec) at the tim e to a gentle-’ man of this place. He proceeded . wjth this document from Washing ton to Atlanta, and then a delay ol a week, or near that time, took place befor the resignation was act ually presented to the Governor and a successor appointed. The ap- ponent of the successor followed instantaneously upon the presenta tion of the resignation to the Gov ernor. But the Governor had been put upon notice at the time Mr. Giady reached Atlanta that the resignation was coming. Mr. Gra dy stated, when on his way from Washington to Atlanta, that Gov. Brown would be the successor. Now, in that interval between the arrival of Mr. Grady in Atlanta and the presentation of the resignation to the Governor, what were the Governor and Mr. Grady doing about it? Where was Gov. Brown? Did Mr. Grady go and see him? Was he telegraphed to? Was the proposition made to him to resign the presidency of the State road and let Gen. Gordon have it? Did he refuse? Was the delay occasioned by bis refusal? Did it not become necessary to provide some other • place lor Gen. Gordon? ^fr. Grady said he was going, to be appointed president 3T the SAW tVlljPW when Tie -got no Governor Brown he found ' ••Old Joe Uotftij uk at the bare suggestion of hit giving up the presidency of the State road to Gen. Gordon. It 'will thus be seen that there were aeveral daya of delay, during which the aucces- cion in , the aenate waa be ing cecretiy arranged. The peo ple of Georgia in blissful, innocent ignorance going along attending to their buaineas and Gen. Gordon holding back his resignation, after notifying the governor, ao that ae- cret negotiationa at to the succea- aion should be completed. We deny'thnt this was treating the peo ple fairly. We charge distinctly and expressly that Gen. Gordon was guilty of a breach of tha high' trust confided to him when he be came a party to this delay for the purpose for which it was used. He was elected a senator by the general assembly. When he notified the governor through Mr. Grady that hia resignation waa ready, he ought at tha same time to h*ye made it public. He had no right to deal in that way with hia office, nor to treat the people in any auch manner. If he had made up his mind to resign, be ought to have made it public. He gave an unfair advantage to the- .two or three men whom ,he did. in form. He gave them an opportu nityVf is personally and pecuniarily If he waa a judge, be could and would get-cnother judge, or a judge pro hoc vice, but in the case of the governor there is no substitu tion. The governor, ami the gov ernor alone, under .' h % law, mur.t act. It is too plain for argument. If Gen. Gordon is elected governor it releases that company on whose bond he is a surety'from all liability or responsibility to' the state. You Will have a governor who is dis- q talilird to act in that case, and there la no one to take his place That company can do as they please wbile he is governor. They may turn loose all their convict,; or kill them all, aud until the legislature can. pass some law to meet the cate the state will be refnediless.^ It will do no good to say he can come ofT that bond. Who is going td let him off? Where is the law Suppose there is, thatrtloes not .re lieve him from liability for their up to the time he come, conduct But this is not all. Under the ac{.of-lS7<vif * lease it vacated the governot makes a new lease ac cording mn Vet of 1874. Gen, Gordon is ^ot in a position to do justice to the sMfe or the people or the convicts. He is the bondsman of one company; he has convicts under his own control, and has been concerned directly end pecu niarily in this business of leasing convicts in these various ways. 'Wilt he say that he Is the propet man to make a new lease for the State road with hit partners and his principals in the butinesa com<> petingaa they probably would? WOULD YOU* have no coufldepde whatever ip Gen: Gohlon’s capacity u> manage of the State "rorfrtrbut tmd'know that his whole It you wanted a business partner, would you select Gen.. Gordon? If you wanted a president for u bank in which your money is invested, is not he the last man that you would choose? If you wanted a manager fora factory, or any other institu tion where busines tact is required, would you engage the Atlanta can didate for governor? You would not, for the simple reason that you nity of controlling the successioi and to control it by providing ad office for Gen, Gordon which paid conspicuous in this respect, and him mord-ptoney than that of sena tor. \ THE BONDSMAN 0?THE CONVICT LESSJU5H* Gen. Gordon is'one of the sure ties on the bond of the lessees of the convicts; he it also a'candidate for governor. The act'of 1S74 gives the governor the £>swer to annul and cancel the contract with the lessees upon their failure to com ply with it. It will be his duty . to' do so if the failure is brought to his official notice. The act of 1876 xpre.sly re-enacts that part of the act ot 1S74 as to vacating leases or contracts by the governor. Now, then, here is the case presented: A tnan :■ seeking au office, one of.the life hat been one succession of fail ures. And yet" you are willing to elect him to manage the intricate business of our state government, and in which every man, woman and child in Georgia hat a personal interest. Is there any reason or justice in this? If Gen. Gordon can not even successfully manage 1 Sheepyanch, what will be do with the multitudinous and complicated business of our state? This is • rious question that voters should ■sk. themselves. While not pogpiog the integrity , and honesty of GeH. Gordon, we dp charge that he is uttferiy unfit and -incompetent to guide tblljelMof aW«l|nd refer thingthat he bat undertaken to man age in confirmation of the charge. Wc appeal to the peo ple of GcorgiaSnotacWtwttiy man at the head _ofour J»Utegovern ment that cannot manage^ia own affairs. ” •’ !?0-| We confidently expect Oconee!’, to-day to select a Bacon delegation, although Gen. Gordon has a strong backing in Messrs. Booth & Ash ford, a mercantile firm that has al ways exerted a strong influence in ; the politics of the county. Oconee ; has heretofore been an anti-Bacoo | county, and hence if the People’s j Candidate captures it, it will he a j clear gain to him—if it is will; not he a great disappointment. We| - are convinced, however; that the ' yeomanry ot Oconee -are over- ; whelmingly for Bacon, ami if" they will only attend the meeting there is no possible chance for defeat. I Here is the pfily danger. Crops are , badly in (he grass, and it is hard to j' gets farmer from hit plow. The' concentrated 1 fire of .the Atlanta ring is now directed toOcpnee, and we believe that thia impertinent in terference with their private affairs will ao inflame the indignation of the people as to make them resent the insult to their intelligence. FLY FANS, FLY TRAPS, . T Hi ]fe FROM CAPTAINJ^THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, ~ THIRD BA1TALU0J BLACK WAtClI ROYAL HIGHLANDERS, (SECOND HON OP THE EaRLOF K1NNOULL.) PuppLis Czztlc, Perth, Scatter,;!. Ts the I foblgCoropsny:— " I vuloi Ion Migrant tiubility. consequent upon a I dawn stomach. dyspepsia sod malaria, “ * rlth kidney irritsth ^ catsd with kidney irritation, when my medical attendant directed m# to take your incomparable Coca Beet Tonic. Ita effect was a Imply marvel* out. The power of dixtstlba waa quickly,rector* •d, the kidney Irritation vanished restoration to health followed. dd rapid For the Wholesale and Retail trade at J. H. HUGGINS. FOR SALK OR RENT. VACANT LOT. Have for tale A very desirable vacant lot fronting on Baxter street, *70 feet from Mil- Avesuy. For price, location, Ac., 1 know ir better. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD. R. B. A. 8900. WILL tell yon for RMO a good three room eoU convenient to business, good water, good * toe vegetables and I win cook ro uj. excellent garden toe vegstebL Everything new and in good c ApUp to/ 8. WILLIFORD* R. E TO RENT. • A Alee six room cottage in excellent order. Apply to J. 8 WILLIFORD* R. E. A, TO RENT. Two four room cottage* and one three room cottage, all in excellent order, and convenient location. Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD. Wooaville. »J* Un. PL.... t:M a.a Arr've Atlanta 1.00 p m Leave Athens 2 Au Em! Airr'e Wiulv’e 5 it it. ml wfssttiusaUk <• Uli.fl, <:<Sp.wt ArWcAugu'lu e.13 pm I Five Cold and Two Silver Medals, awarded in 1835 at tha Expositions of New Orleans anil Louisville, aed tbe In ventions Exposition of London. Tbe superiority of Cornline over liom or whalebone baa now been demonstrated I by oxer 8v. years'experience. It Is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations nude of various kinds of cord. None an genuine unless “Dk. ‘Warhxs's Cosaloi” is printed on Inside of steel cover. fM (Alt IT AIL LIABIAQ MUCHAITt. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City Js.StdSm. N ATU R ARRANT’S CURE FOR r CONSTIPATION, CURE FOR “•"TAri.atT 1 " eVgaut rfflcaclnus, lea sent ai*rient In the lomofs powder* noodne* ing when dissolved In water nn Eihllcrating. Draught, re- -■ lodaff *■ by our 1 hyslciat a as a tellable if> agreeable remedy, cures Conetlpntton, MAGNIFICIENT WATERPOWER FOR SALE. The well known waterpower below tbeeonflnengn •”othSj»»M.ttoirSrcoi bed been tried q rltlwnt the eUfhteet «M.» S^.tg&X’SS' • & < 3fojSRl 0UT81DK INTERFEREliCE. II there it arty cnethirigWt the intelligeat, j independent t pjeoplo, of thia section of Georgia resent more it tide than any other, it it outiide inter ference with their local iaffuirs. They think that they know their own minds vvlthout beiii£ ! dlfrtcted and overseed by ring-appointed guardians from Atlanta oir' eise- - l gallant Iftr* where. The gallant little county of Oconee has J>een particularly hence t*b predict that Mr. Pat Cal houn, the young man.-irnt by the Gordon 1 club'of Atlanta to direct gnd boat the votera ot 'our neigh- horing'county. Will fiad.tliat he has made a water haul. 'Just on the heels of Iheilectjon made hia advent into Oconee, bolstered up by a cart load of Constitutions! and has undertaken the taskof directing the movepients and bossing the pol itics ot ni£ti who were* grey with e^p«rlert*e'.Ah»p t^t man wire |<*ig d»Ilf>t been the 'omisW'oir' #eortee *he knew what to do without being directed by out»id«n,«nd here we aee a stranger, who has never set foot upon iter soil before, coming all the way from Arisntf tpjtell her people Fret; Ch, Lwlnrlg Von Seeger, I mor of Mtdiclno stthv Roysl Unlvsrslty; htof the Boy el AustrU* Order of tbe Iron t*y end pmpwsj Crown; KnigbiCommenderof the Royal Hpenish 8Ute University 1 Order of Imbelle: Kulght ot tee Royek Prusslin le atuched totbe not be eeuibunded with the horde of tret by cnre-elU. It ie In no eenee of tbe word epotent remedy, I aes thoeonglUT ooevemet wfth lu mode of preparation and know it to besot only • leerlllraate pbarmaceutlcal product, but also worthy ol tbe high commendations it hu re ceived in nil parte of the world. It eootnlns eeseoce el Beef. Oka. Quinine,Iren nod Callsava* which are dlsmlved In pore genuine 8pauisk Im* nUl'wh, an R.u Down, K.rvona, DfiMpUe, Billions, Stuart... veu.Knell. Bewsreof Imlta Bar. BaJcstj's favorite Cosmetic Ulycertae Umd by. her Boml the Wale, lit the ooDlllty. Bar Ui. Skin, (Aimpi.x- lon, Eruptlou, ChspplK, RMShnm. ,MM. Of CO.'S Oonuloe Sjrap of Suve*wtll> uuuU**S ho the boot SonoporilU iu tko ■ rt. Y. DElOT N Mum, Street.- JenottdAwia. CUNCMAN’S I i - w mm . THS CLINGMAN TOBACCO0BT*HIT THE CLIHOMAN TOBACCO'CAKE n WatklneviUe* as ^ . Ceergln Railroad The dirt rood to the p party la level. Tbe shoals aregrery flue, t> 64 4-10 foot, the volqaof wa The shoals are len then on mile* property, lor manuCsctnring bui poses mis property has no superior. For yartlev Urs apply to J. M. VraL Kxte., near the pn party erthennderalpned^ pro- ILUFORD, K, E. A, RELIE F Fobty Years a Scmaxa Fame CATARRH WONDERFUL TO RELATE! Hr .imr Van.ttoi. h—e A victim^ C.tarrh—ttirce-fourtli, a! tlu from IieraeUtlhgrilae AeRMRMMMI^H ud Mr Heatrll A The dleekwiee were ao ofen-,oxeeHtor the' seed It uur So wme other niremr. I have .past .jreoat fo-lune front ter eerolng. during mg fort, jeerepr.uircrlng to obtain rellel from the doctor.. I hove tried patent etedlcloee-every Mi could leuo or-lmm the fcer oomer. of the , with no relief. Aod et (47 veer, of Age) Itj.pep.le, cure. Piles, cures nearthero, cures Sick-Headacfie.'IFS^fi S AMO urtee ell Ihe Fierewrj D1S P E P SI L. , :3 : "slSS' a 3 .1. wxrr DALLY. L’veAugostA ’ 10JO ii-.-w - -—_ —- ---- - - •• WMM'g'n.fl'jl O.BI •' Woodvlile 2:W i' •'Athens.... iCWe.ui' “ huejt... S:M p ■)_ ■■ Winterv’e *:M te| “ Antioch... S:M pj. I •* Lex’gt'n . 10:ut a.m| “ Lexington. 4.-01 p ml I “ Antioch.. 10:44 a,m “ Winter*ve. 4:4# ( •• Mexeys . 11:00 s.mlAr’ve Athens.. 0:*> \ •* Wood\1lle 11:37 p.m' •* Wexh’gt’n. 2-JO p.i r’ve U’nF;.. 11:55 a.«r' * Maeou... 6:15 ps *• Attanut 6:60 p.m* *• AugusU.. ‘ NO. 4. CAST DAIL1 . I L’veAugusU igusta. < Macon Ar*ve Atlanta. 4:40 a.m-ar’e AngiuU.. 6M ■ sengers to and from the fvUcwinx st . Orevetown, Harlem, Dearlng, Thomson Nor I wood, CrawfordvUle. Union Point. ure«nss-f ** ■' - Rutledge, ttoclai Circle, ooro, ■notion, ituueuge, owim i*uvh, Covington, Conyers, Llthenia, hfone Monn* tain end Decatur. Train No. J* t 111 stop at and receive pMsengers to and txo^ the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Thompson, Norwood^ ^Crawfordville, Unlei| Point, Greensboro, Med Ison Rutledge, 8ooil_ Circle, Covingion, Conyers, Llthonia. Hfona Mountain end l>ec»tur. '• Train Mo. 2. on Athens Branch (tree puMen. gen from No gs on main lias, le minute, let .upper at Delon Point. ■ fnefwt moil run, through ilecpert betwee* Atlanta and Charleston. Trains to aod from AUeni connect with train,27, ?*, t and a J0H DOB.8xr JL G*a,rut.knnu JOB wfwfl . Agent, Auguala, Os. NORTH-iASTIHN RAIL-ROAD. ' SurxniHTisDKitT'e Orncs, ' h* VAthmarMlan tltna./ by 76thmartdlnh tlme*> 8:45 s 0 PAH.T JtXCXTT eU»i>AYl. LwV« Athens Arrive xt Usrmooy Grove. 9:4J _ Airlva Luis.. 10:51 an Arrive st Atlanta 1:30 p m Arrive at ClarkesvDle no 61 Arrive hi Falls IW7pm 6^6pm p ■ 7:45 p nt 10.40 p m DAILY hlc*rt SUXPAY. ixo pn. HO. M) umve ieauiais rau*....,. 8.2» » **. ArrivecierkwvlUeT *:es am , Leave Lula ii:io a ro p a ' * UU6 p m 9:84 p a* Ay ve at A .Taimiab ■‘JSSKH pm 10:80 pm Wedneedsya and Maturdays only. tax w t - Mo. I. k Ill's 4 - . i * 1 DICKEY’S PAINLESS EYE WATER S BMEVBS et once. Cure, lrflamed and weak Bje. In e few hour.. Uivw no Bain. The t remedy in tbe world for granulated lid*. Price U cent, a bottle. Aik for it. Have no other. ^ riCKBV AAMDERSOM. Proprietor. Die "Sevan Bprlnp Me..." Brtrtol.T»nn- TkY8PKPSIA,mr remedy root Ireeloeoved- U drees, being the reeuit or actual experience D, ‘P*SoBN U. MeALVIN, LowelLMam. BURNHAM’S IMPKOVEU IMPROVE u STANDARD TURBINE * Is cost at Manufacturing aud Advertising. Pamphlet with New Price List sent tree by “*JRHHAM BROS., York 1 JAMES McCULLOCH. ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTIVE ENGINEER. Will furnish plans and estimates for all di of buildlnte and structures and superintend the of w erection of tamo when desired. Office in Opera Hocsb Up Stair*. ★ Jf + FRIEND IN NEED OR. BWEET’8 INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. ffom the reoelpe of Dr, letter. Hu been naed for more than 10 Tears, I tor roi , and Is the beet«kaown remedy tor Rheumatism. MenralgU, Hpraiss, Rniiac^Cata Boros, wool * audelUxtenmi lejurlro. BARBER SHOP REMOVED hat- rdnwstbrtlmmi CLINGMAM TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. N. C.. If. 8. A. mmm house, CLARKESVILLE UA. This well known hou«e will be run this season by W. D. YOUNG, ..hols well -1 thirtten yi’Art IL.iu! f’lerL'u , FroorlMoror theTallnlnh Fall Hotel. CUrkesvltlc hu bneu a fovorite summer resort for the lest lifty years. Its tine climate, misersl water, nnd mounuio scenery, etc ; with three rherehes, two iirery stables and guo«l drivers make it very donirahle for hulih or pleutire seekers: It isoaly 11 mllst to Tallulah Fal-s* pai ties <:an go to the Kalis iu 2* minutes on K. E. k. R., spend the diy and return in the evening. Muthuaf wiil .be left umloue to make this the gayest r u vsrt of this srsrsn. A good rtntig baud employed for kite in-vu. hpetiai rate with temiUee. janefoitC lirely—made me a new man. .... pounds and now weigh 144. I used thirteen U not have, influence to prevail on all catarrh iu frrers to use what has cored ma Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Rtntwcr, IIENRV CURVES. If a. OfTBecood^H Macon, Oa, i Mr. Henry Chevas, tbs writer of tUabovs tt»0 Snfldcoos <ohaUntermte?ln W. A. HOFF, Ex-Major of Maoon, A SUPERB FLESH PRODUCER AND TONIC 1 Cirtfm’t pioneer Blood Reoower ^sss* a lsi.“i?g insBagAraRP MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, Maoon* Oa. R. T. BRUMBY A CO., Afsntrfcr N, E. Oa. to AND LOCKSMITH. and wllleentleue the baeUtBleeiritahnnekw LUX, LOCK ABB TRUXK KEPA1IU.VU Will elan tMi hiaeee u Ao lpoetnlwovh. I hcUe. jBCjoytan 8b, next to Medewej ehgrneea TAX NOTIOE. : N extended opportuo tatqdleUnd’e odce.rrom JneeKh. le . Inclutlv# (Sand.yuexeepled) on whleh Bhh Inetuilve(Sundeye-exeepten) c_ v the Tex Low deie my work. So proxteei prompt I One theuaend behind 1 Time not . i.ident for the work. Procrmetieuilon th<> thief of time. Lack out. muXe a rah tad avoid ***■ DAVID E.8IM3, R.T. K.C. C. JunelOdAwtd. rchildbirth. Hend free. Also,* . J Men. 4 * for men only. Address . 8TA!*«ACK WILSON. Atlanta, Q* We have removed our Palace ‘Berber Shop to the stand on Jackson street* formerly oocnpted by Lowe A Go., as a saloon, and are now better rapared than ever to watt upon ear eld cm* mneerUl utUuarocmpleyM. Ulve n, atrt* HcauBiar * DDRHAe Leave Cornelia trrtv! «Tr;*UhrIli« •' luxe p m mode et Lule end Cornelia *: 10 p a t Mnapfiar.M^ •upper et LuIa oo evening tralna, linperh i:ueplm ear ecoommodatlena. The •herteat ud vsearSm r e “ ‘ nd ^ pola “ .H.K.8BBNABD. Hn»>t I Dan villa Athens, Gs C. W. CHEARS, Gen. Pass. Agent. , Richmond, ve. RICHMOND* DANVILLE RAILROAD pAeasnaei defawmbst. "TovcoA "Seneca "Easley Gre«*uv’lc. •Gastonia. * Charlotte "Salisbury....u^... "Greensboro "Raleigh "Goldsboro "Danville "Rlohmond Lynchburg Onarioticsv "Ciiariottcsvllle '•Wathlngtda '-Baltimore "i'blladeiphla “Bew York .... ... Lve Mew torfc .. * ChsrloUeavlilr,. ! ' Gaffney’s :prS'n n v%.r.v.".'.::::: * Easlsy—^u. •Benew • GalaeevUle. .7*.— Ar. Atlanta............ ».. BLELPI.70 CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 61 Pullman ;Buffst filssper between Mew York and Auasta. us trains 52 and 53 PuUmart BuffetHlsepcr between Wash ington aud New Orleans; Washington and Alksa Pullman Sleeper between Greensboro and Rich* •solid. Through tickets on sals at all principal stations to allpoDits.. For rates and Information AP*, to AU, ogtat of Ais’t. Ute. Pew. Agt. E. B. THOMAS, rrr ' ' ’ " -m'l. Mtntger, lUchmeed, V*. ^ /~fUM BHiemen; DM fLhdeche hi Beer fleer*, ry tham eace end vaawM fiasssMssaa price le rtlape, pettpeM.tein iMreie, j.T.iarnt'cou ■udui'rtn eM Set. hWA. $T. UMM.M U^MA.i, • = MILL! NERY. I aw now receiving e large stock ot lprii;aflmiirlMs, I sw now receiving a large stock ot -%