The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, July 06, 1886, Image 1

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m % *fc« *u«fst. *nt ,11m -a- -imMitnO ,lWI NBU-’f illl* agN’^l f The wEote line of argnmeint hy Scab. Bee#ii|ttid£3rifa li» orgen-grin.l- ersendetompspeakers—is that h.'would not deaert hia post of duty, and Capt. Carlton.was taking an’ unfair advantage of him in canvassing the district? while our congressmen .was attending lo the liusineas entrusted to- hHtearaby tiw people. Everybody knew'such talk to be mere hoob, and that Mr. Basse has tost enough time out of his seat to have made a half doken canvasses of the district. The Madisonian _ made a this “post of duty" argument Its. campaign cry, and even the day that Rees*’ teach ed HartwelJ, was feeding it to ita read ers. . But We kept thouth* well posted in regard to the Reese movements aa hie own followers^, end knew that bofore Capt. Cyriton’s withdrawal that he had started homo, hut was ordered back to “his post of duty” by a dispatch from his friend*. Several days *go wejntfc- V.' linked a report that John P. Shannon, of Klbtr, had* rsd M ' Reese to * c« thing fWiing j* tj* , country, am crowded itllinery department The junior mem. of the University for sate, meeting afthe com press was one of the bent y*k bald. John Booth in quite lidjtwlth fever at Mr. George Bobth’e, on “ our advertise. come, home at once, , as things looked awful squally. And • here ab. is. Instead of accepting Capt. Carltess'a manly request to meet him on the stump, where the people ceuldjndge of the merits and claiina of the two men, liis friend* forced a hasty action on the part of the .people so as to keep Capt. Carlton from raeetingtliein. Now, right on the hoels of ttie election in Hart county Seab. Iteeee aaeeka back home, withoutany warning, and attempts to re peat that old still hunt. If we mistake not, when opposing Mr.) Black, llceso took the undue advantage of him of re maining in several counties and working for himself while even on the day of an election, and this ■* doubtless his game now. But he haWh wide-awake man te deal with this time, and lias either to come out and show his face, or boar the odium tb-.t such conduct warrants. As soon as the newa reached Capt. Carlton that Reese hsd sneaked back into the district and was trying a still-hunt, this gallant gentleman lent him the following telegram. He roust either now meet his opponent face tofaco, or aoknowiadga his fesr nod inferiority by a refusal. This is the'challenge yesterdsy senthyCapf -c * ra l Carlton to Reese:, ~ ’ Citawroun, 0*4 #-uly 5.—Hen. 8e»- born Reese, Hartwell, Ga., care ef A., G. McCurry: Having just learned that you are now in the district, I, in a spirit of fairness, most respectfully *nd earnestly invite yoqtp jdln me at once here, or such other pleesfwithe district as you may suggest, terteipWipeM of arr-ng- jjng for ajpiut can vast between ua of such counties of ihe‘djktrictie»*haye not yet acted. Please answer at one*. .' » . M. fl. CaatTos. . .heryelled to oer reporter: “How is this for luly trade? .Country not brake yet; liar November rush; put down om~ 4m} trade tob?"*" 5 -' ■ mertt in .the. I ad. last Sgndfy an Yacht hats , for our# month# contract with you, and thee wejraR] this. hat 25 cehta apiece lowpr than any house'in tfie state.” “How is it,” our reporter asked, “that aome are kicking about trade beingduit?” “Ask them if they advertise. Note the success of the leading houses in this country, agdVen will peeihat they have don.flftF sndjrtjyftti^ runs out to-morrow. Next week wo tako stock and make room, for our fall stock, Which will be here in one month. Then come hvar and I’ll give you a Big one.’ CABI/fttt CAMPAIGN DOTS'FROM t ’ MORGAN. TOTE OF THANKS. M anVtx, .Gs., J uly 6.—Editor Banner: Watchman: At the last meeting of the Bacon ebb at Martra, the following rea- olntion was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the’members of this club return a vote of thanks to the dis tinguished editor of the Banner-Watch- man, one or the best papers in the state, for the high compliment paid ua in his paper of the 3d inst. N. N. Fuoae, Secretary Baron Club. ujumm Oglethorpe, having given up hia “post of ity" in Hart, Boding it foe hot to bold m. CapU Carlton’s frieuda are per fectly willing to lubmit the question to the voters of Qgfytbdrp* coupty, ,‘qfter a fair hearing between the two candidates. Mr. RackedbmiVekii pjiml«ed seyeral counties by the politicians, bnt he has now found that tho poopla have taken fTBfflBfemA t Mr. BMW jmqsey Ifj Westcrday, and says the esdtqment over Me contest unlay tf Intense,. lean end hey in wo town hieSUPES or Qordon badge pinned to hie oCeK- The vote wUl becloce. P ■:/ . YHSVOTS. Aceording to.the Qonatitution'a table the vote noW atanda: Gordon, id#;, Bn* roe, ® *W»jr deobti the matter. r= »“<*- • The politioel pot is boiling over in this county. Whew! but didn’t Carlton give' it to “Joe” last Saturday? Watch Saab. Reese spring a letter on the people of Morgan county on the eve of the primary election. The Madisonian, in its wild caperinga te send Seab. Reese, back to congress, ia deliberately sacrificing {he political in terest of Morgan county. Mr. Seaborn Reese, Washington City— Dear Sir: Will you bo ao kind as to pauqo long eqough in yhur official duties to explain te the people of Morgen coun ty why yon did not endorse Mr. Fur- lew’s petition? The people are in no mood for trilling. “Carlton's got grit,” said an old farmer to me Saturday. "l)um my buttons if lie ain't got North Georgia grit from gar ret to cellar!” They do spy that Mr. Iteeso is just be ginning to realise the tremendous mis- take he made in endorsing Blackburn's petition, and that he goes behind hia boarding house every day after dinner and (ticks himself.. If Seab. Reeaa really didn’t have the time to answer the.many letters address ed to Sim by his constituents before the ign began, why is it that he ismw sending personal letters to hia acquaint ances all over this county begging them to support him? The Madisonian is eclipsing every paper in the district in ita efforts to elect Carlton to congress. In speaking of Mr. Studdard,*the rep rcaeutative from this county, the Madi. sonianof Oct 10th, .1884, (eld: “This county lias elected a man (meaning' Ur. Studdard) that cannot, if hieJifo depend ed oq IL draft adyr hijl, let alopo advocate it before the general assembly, however -simple it may be. The next legislature will form a very contemptible opinion of the intelligence of oi\ . people, shbutd they judge Hfir character by the figure head sent to represent them." Now, io order to entico Mr. Studdard into the Reese ranks, the Madisonian of last Fri day throws out te him the following woll-baited hook: “Ur. Studdard ia one of Morgan county’s boat and most popu lar citizens, and is square on every issue that comes up. Ur. Iteeso places high value on the good will of this honest and straightforward gentleman. Anybody shortly. apleni MOiifl 58-pound watermelon fas* her nephew i No wine can be veld li Ulan* oasmfy unless made by the party netting it This breaks upthc wine room. Bush A Arnqld hen on band a large lot of.Buiat*-turttlj) seqd. . .. . , 6 t The blackberry brigade ia larger than ever, known before. They can make more ntheyin the cotton patch. A merchant in Athens fafofmbd an-old maid that site was too old toolerk io his store. The merchant Oamf very near losing hia scflp. • ' { Lost—An amethyst pin with a star in the center. The finder will Ini rewarded .by leaving aalne at Gbaa. Stern A Co’:. The candy factory is doing a fino busi ness. Large quantities are daily THE VOTE TO-DAY. ) Oartten WUl Cave IS Tates to <f - ; ’ ton’i >0. .Te-Asy, Madison, Elbert end Her will act, and undoubtedly select Call- Thie will give Carlton 16 voter to Reeae’a io. Franklin la just na solid for Carlton as theae * f ee—Man. Ho reca| ltrM Morgan, end n thorough of tile county ahowi that every district in it frill give Carlton n good majority. Then everything wUl hinge on Oglethorpe and Wilkes. The latter county, awing to the hasty action of Mr. Reeae’a friends, he will not bo able eanvaac, but he has n strong hold on Oglethbrpe, and if the vote ia postponed for only n few days, to give Capt Carl ton anopportnnity to get before the pao- 1 pie, kf will sweep It like n tidal Have; Hia friends are working like bqM*n down there. Letters received the past days from Wilkes aay if Carlton kad only Seanable to maka two or tkree speeches then that he would have cap tured t|ie county, as the people, like in Oglethorpe, we in open rebellion against ~ qnd their political bosses. We expect by tomorrow morning to score btgvictety for Capt Carlton, for we do not beliffe that the fair-minded people •f Oglethorpe will let the Raese laadera take snap judgment on ao good » man. MARBLED. ATI AMMlIf Athenian taedaefair : DadMter ef Saaks to tht Altar. .In the l’resbyterian church at Maya shipped to all porta of tho county. I villa, Cfjn, on July 6th, by Rov. H. F. Hampton and Webb have mode aomo de cided improvements in the factory. The premium list of the Northeast Georgia fair Association will bo out in short time: Our bniineta mdn will bq called upon to-day for thalr • advertise ments, and as it is on* of the very best mediums, we hope that every one Will help the good work along. BtMBT (TEAM FOWIJt. Toomer & Hsaelton have just told three New Home sewing m|ohines to Hunnicutt A Ysncer’sbag factory, thn are being run by steam power, It looks like Toomer A Ifaselton’a business is also being run by ateam power. Just think—they have sold 1,432'sewing chines, 103 organs anihlfi pianos. What docs this firm care for competition, when thoy control the trade? qbould feel proud of the support of such r ama'ti.” Whether Mr. Studdard will bo caught by such miserable taffy as this remains to bt aeon. I know Mr. Stud- Jard, and I know' that he hates hypocrisy worie than the devil hates holy water. I m , . . Silix. DOUBLY BAD. A’fsw weeks ainco Hr. and Mrs. Goo. C. Thomas won bereaved by the death of on# of their little twine, end en Sun- i y wight last the remainieg one, whieh e hovered between life end eternity eiaeh it'* little tiater'i death, took its de part ire from this world to Join Its mate urU h ha* gsM before. The funeral sen cea took place yesterday afternoon. A h istef warm friend* tender their aym- patl lea to the bereaved family .in the sad dispensation of Providence. 't . rOBBBdT. A fw room cottage on corner of Dot iherty 4 Foundry St. apply to G- SUBVEY1NO TBB LIME. Capt L. W. Roberta, tht engineer of the M. A A. road, passed through Madi son yesterday, on hia prospective survey, end, while nothing positive could be gained from him, still, w# feel satisfied that the road through Madison will be built, and that this gentleman will make * favorable report of this tin*. H* we* treated with marked courtesy by our people, who are deeply enlisted In (he work, and expressed himself as woll pleased with the topography of th« country surrounding Madison. Tha ed itor of this paper accompanied him in n drive over the city, and found that Capt. Roberto thoroughly understands bis bua- incss, and besides, ia a gentleman of moat Agreeable demeanor. Tha captain left yesterday morning syor tha rood be tween Hadjson and MonticellA. W* foal no heaitancy in giviag it as our opin ion that tho road through. Madison to Athens, will be built, and that an early day.—Madisoniaa. HOTEL ARRIVALS. COUMXUCIAI. HOTEL. II R Calloway, L L McCIeskcy, At. ianta; W H Morse. Augusta; J M Currie, New York; R W Hinton and lady, Jug Tavern; R J Willingham, Lexington Mrs Y M Cobb, City;0 B Smith, New- Hoyt, ppstor of tb* Presbyterian church, aosisto# by by lev. J. C. .Allen, pastor ef tho Methodist church, Mr. Jaa. T. Comer, ef Athena, Ga, and Hiss Margie B, second daughter of Dr. M. P. Alex ander, of May srille, were married. - -The church(i*db*fnhandsomel/ and tastefully decorated by friends as n. slight «Ayi|dfahl Ugh appraoiation ia whieh KiaaJKWgi* and her handsome bridegroom.are bald. Tho tastily ar ranged •mjutttge b*U twinging airily overhead, and tha letter! C A A grace- ■ fully united, ia rear of the pulpit, eape- ciAlly attracted your corraapendent’a at tention. BALDWIN A FLEMING, qpKALKMl IV BOOTS & SHOES, - Aiksaa, 0sortie. • rA* tiw hoar for tha ceremony ap- proeobed tbs ekurob we* HfMlyBIbA THE YACHT. The pretty little sailor Hat now tho rage with the ! ladies, and having a 1ng]salo eau be found at MICHAEL BROS., Id the past week. 425 THE JE88IKQ8’ HEIM. Mr. C. W. Reynolds, of our city, ia the head center in the 8Ute of Georgia for the Jenning’a heira. Mr. Reynold’s receives daily a large number of Utter* from all parte of the State, enquiring af- ter the status of tho Jenning’a estate. Then ia about four hundred millions of dollars involved in this estate, and about five hundred million of heir* who are in. terested. This will make the division but if it i* evernettied It will put the mbiiey Id circulation. During - this wet spell, a Jenning’s hair could make men money shopping notion at Iffy cents* day, than to wait for their for tune. The best regulated, bank*, (lav* Just caneluded to advance money to the Jenning’s heira on the prospect The moat of the heira can lav* one consola tion, and this is that thay have a large fortune in England, but to get till* (ov- une in eash 1* assertion. Gordon carvSd seven district* out of the twelve to Elbert county atol polled a vote of over fiWt. Tho Bacon f|«a maJ* a.gallant figbt, nalistog at tito tim* that hrir eaase WM alm oetbopelesa . _ manner, grql stood proud), reserved coofidento, entrulted hatotUito him who bad woa>mj-otoBtonoaj»»- teem and!lovf, lRjy#4* perfect /mm. The ceremony periSriaOd-by Hr. 1 JBbty was beautiful and impressive., A never heard a more’ impwniyp-JMtifiS-, ona has gained-in Hip* Pfyrgfc dcr an eatimabia lady. ANOTHERENTERPRISE. MICHAEL BROS., j] The only firm receiving new styles every week. The'newest designs for trimming in Juno Stylos just , received and will be greatly admired on ’COMMENCEMENT HATS.” by friends, and It'wtf'espeeUTy notice- ‘ able that all of Htee Margie’s yoaog friends won there with happy faces to greet the occasion, and to randsr the event a* auspicious and happy for her an possible. -- When'the weddiog mardh at sweet little girls, Misses Anlds Lillie Alexanjlerii almost.fair, appsarance, with .tfieir Vhitc’A ^ most aarrouaded wtth the wraathe's and bouquets, born* as flekaT offerings, first inarched up the aisle, followed by the handsome attendants, Mr/Henry Comer end Mias Mamie ‘ “ Quiiiian end'J came the centra < of vigorousmanhowL^orfted^ toTbSt ¥ fo TroBbI * u thow *“ In»tVumenU Lidioe speoially invited lo drop In at saatfegiasr trie's Piano floom, Clayton street Athens, Ga Margie, pi* New York Office, 403 Broadway. barch4.4m. Paris Office, 10 Rat tin 4 Septombre. . - hJ PIANOS and organs. aKssawsM-BUffig IRK ffiEt IHI iVERWABE, *8, , MBRELLA STANDS, RESDEN CHINA, 1AMOND, Alt RINGS, | OYAL OPTIC GOODS, Ac. O. A. BOUDDER, 8ILY8IU1IITII, Broad Street. Four of the ltadldg | Athens^* also Mr. Tom. tb* AtheM Foundry,'have, pany and will it one* -praeamHoMto erection of a large corn mill at the Geor gia dtpoV opposite Rucker's compress. Tho land has been bought, the machineiy on will commence at already, has epiendid eeta efoilln, nad oqv city it ee*ma,i*d*attood to be one of the great mill.eentenof tha 8tate, only ono of the many entarpriaei that the new railroad boom has given to ns- Other* of equal importance are oa foo Judp Emory Speer arrived in thee* ty yesterday of* visit to hia {ratify. He laU.plandidhealth, aad will nmaia eevcral days with hie Athens friends. ; . MtfaafVAuSr . Never in the history of Athena were the sidewalk* te a won* aanditieo than at pneeat. Of eourae some afUw mor* ic one* are ,Leapt to teUrably bit t, butwhan fi pedestrian gets offth* main atreeta there ia aetaally dangtrof his neck b*is» broken. USE FORfiDIARRHCEA. A Prepared eniy by JOHN CRAWFORD & CO. A.’R.ROBERTSON, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. ’ fariMterinr . as i^ N. SMITH & CO. Crjain; Hav and