The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, July 06, 1886, Image 3

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DAILY BANNER.WATCHMAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, UD^Yj^MORNING, JULY, 1S86. A GEORGIA TRAGEDY. told me he had heard an Indian say the night before, that he killed me anl thiew meinto the river. f? I was then satisfied of Stewart’s ute, I do not now remember the aame ol the murderer. Conasoskee volunteered his ser vices to help hunt down Stewart’s mnrderer. Our search was unsuccessful for some time. land His Life. _ - Mr. D. I. Wilrcxson. of Hone Car Kv., says he was, for many years, badle atHloteu with Phthisic, also Diabetes the pains were almost nnendnrable an would sometimes almost throw him Into convulsions. lie tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entirely cured and bad gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Says he positively believes be would have died, had it riot been for the relief BDEEI! BYA TRIBE OF KF.D SKINS. Harvest Qjieen, Golden Grain, n _ Mountain Ilcw, ... Pride ol Denver. ' ‘ ".?* ' Pride of Colorado, * " V- '^. ■* * Sweet Home.,.. fa j ..,..-»*$eij(V f "<Ufc. • •••: ' Success. The finMt and best that can be made from wheat and as cheap at the cheapest. - - HJ* V , fmtf 1 TALMADGE BROS. 'riend Crawfo In the meantime there Was a ball play one mile below my place; on the south side of the riv er. Conasoskee'said he wonld be there and that we could get him. We prepared ourselves and went to the ball, though before we got there Canasoskee told me that it would notdo (or me to go near, as they Would suspect all was not right. I waited a little way off till Conasoskee went up. He was to gft the Indian .out to where I was and I would do the executing of him myself. * I did not have long to wait. He came back in great haste, and motioned me to follow him. He still held his hunting knife in bis afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by long. Varment and IWechaalcs. Save inonoy and Doctor bills. Relieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely purchase of Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup In one night: mav save you hundreds of dollars. Prico SO cents and $1.00. Sample free. Sold by Dra. Lyndon, and Bush & Arnold. All la ths Lins of Haters. There is nothing in the line of magic or mystery about that woudurrul and popular medicine, Parker’s Tonic. U Is simply tbs best and most scientific combination possible of the essential principles of those vegetable curatives which set powerfully and directly-on the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither is, nor will be, any contents' noted. I will give you the facts at I remember them of the ki ling of the Indian Conatoskeo, arid it will be necessary for you to kijow the cause oi the murder. la 1537 1 wasfSVHjg whetel now live, and owqjtd a very fine race horse, % ©cauis, and white men, and inasmuch as I would r pj>P i)arr with the hptsa, th ! Indians inauguraftd^^laMiv stqal him from me. This plan they su iceutully executed. 1 never knew who executed the plan, but I do know wbo inaugurated it. Pom Woodard was the man that CLINCMAN« When yon get •in* eitimste* from other offi ces bring your work tn onr ^ firm and {ft At But »c’ hap ut P>h * : ng. Red Front. . Void street. RE ME POES Mi 1 hud dug** ‘»" u 7 1 milt nn orpines! K Had of Indians to help in4he riyer, and ■ v ljpt. one Indian We>wara across, pert in tracking man or me what he had d -had but -little trouble He said he sOon as chief of the town, and if somd note. . . re also at this time race followed him. id then he told CURE FOR PILES. Piles are frequently Pact QWigal ffWgllctBeligg, symptoms oF indigestion are esent, flatulency, uneasiness of the mutch, etc. A moisture lHfoiparsptra- in, producing a a very disagreeable hing, after getting warm, as acommon endant. Blind, Bleeding sad Itching lesyield at once to the application of . Bosarko’s Fife Remedy, which acta " affected, absorb- allaying Aha intense — .’.^a permanent cure ice SO cents. Addreee The Dr. Bosank edicincCo., Piqua, 0. Sold by B. Lyndon and Bush A Arnold. BOCXLEK’g AKN1CA SALTS. Hie Best Salve In the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sore^ Ulcers, Salt Rhsum, Hindi. GRIFFITH & MELL INSURANCE AGENTS. the clhgIah Tobacco oiktiekt j-Ut“K TjSt. fSt RhMmh |Ur? f lu-^ > l<l!9 *THE ClIMBAlT'lTOBACCO CAXE knife, but before hi it, . Conatrekee has plunged his knife o the hilt in tile hollow of his throat, The blood spurted several feet high on a tree nearby, and remained there,lor tome time afterward.' - The Indifih sank without a word*, and died instantly. Conasaskee and I then went to n.y house. I gave him something to eat He'then left and went to bitr own home. He lived where T.-Si Moore now lives, or near, the This was a short whi'e before the Indians were taken up and carried off. But before they were carried away, Contsoikee was shot on the I place which Crpt. John F. Harden nq.w .owns. He was brought home to his father, Conaseenee, of} the J. -it is now the died in two or Two tlay* after Represent best Companies,and insure desirable pro- ectly upon the parts the Tumors, allay ling, and effecting a the trail. to Ooiumauta #rftdnrd WT&bdaWrrl- irk horse. Ho denied and any. kn'oAledge .of the horse strayed, to hiy hewasonly keeping him ’net*came for him: I in- perty in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms j Liar or COKrarfm. Assure. , 4 730,000 . 7,200,05* . 4,210,760 Homeol Naw York.... Phoenix of Hartford Liverpool and London-and Globe Insarenoe Company ol North America. North British and Mercantile ‘. New York Underwriters . ......... Germania of New York...*.: Merchants of New Jersey Atlanta Home (Pays'dividends to policy holders.) 14.500,000 0,087,233 S, *13,714 .1,505,877 2.538,788 Chilblains, vr .. v .^ wwf Ootq|| and all ¥ . rT , TTtf — tlona, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give terfeet satisfaction, or money refunded, •rise i* o»nts per box -For sale by he made solemn vows that he would have the horse for me by a fix id date, and be succeeded in mi king me beliegp he wtgPIdoit 240,328,48 svsfpvtsau SWW«I/ Wrt «W10 riiAHs ,1 OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY. The qolckist time on record) Neural gia or the worst type, cured by one dose of SMITH’S BIUB BEAKS In from one to four hours, as many who have tried It caa testily. It dost seem strange that sensible people will suffer witti .this terrible disease wbeu speedy relief can surely be feund in this shppU safe and Inexpensiv remedy. 25 cents. For sale by all druggists and dealer! Id medlclde, or Th 9 lima cami pit bo appointe ev r, appeared wi 1 no horse. jsnlSdly. mg the 11 iter over, a half score ut Cheio- as and Steam Fittings. LIKE.LAZRAtTS! Hjs Relief And Joy I GUN AND LOCKSMITH, FMM CAPTAIN THE HOfiORABLE • ALlBTAIR HAy, TtlliU) pAtTAUJOX BLACK WATCH ROflL HIGHLANDERS, (SEEING 80If OF TUB EAHI.OP KINNOULl.) Duppllo Cattle, Perth, 8« oUao.l. Ta lhal I’blfOowpeay:- *• I »ulm rouillt* tos olarr-at debility, CMaaaqtieni up hi a broke - •lawn Biomarh. tly*>pvf»i« and iu tmrfai'-a^ipi!- etted alth tltl ay ' < TOWPiyMi alUftail lilt illrePt. il m l.. l»k.- i-c-.m meMe Coca IWci hmic. ItpMnHnMMfl 1 entire eaUltef Mr. W. A. Telnuul re, dec#* sad will continue the baelatM Is ellUebrsnc <HJM t LOCK ASM TRUNK BVARRNB, Will aleo vWt house* to do jpecUl work. El “f l “™ ,t ^uuSMlTi,ATr, On Clajtog 81., next to HftdAwsj ■htniMil the n mtdc' afto*Hpropof»irion, in ( wh ich I was tff^ah him three or fou r mote days to gettnqaof$e and bri ig him to me at a point near. Where I now live. During the %*<«***wnn'mw*}.™*» my friend Conasoskee, for a friend be vas. BMk Wthis 1 day'I fuel# gia i'utlo toward 'the poor Red [Si. 1, Conasoskee, who lost his life, [in I elping mjft0ft^Uge $l>\£o$- * [mic k Conasoskee and I. were at ithe place of ‘ WAbfiiril’e appoint- mei it-on lifue. WoodsTd also put in I is appearance, but to my great disc ray, no hoite did he bring. ! I e informed me (list it would be mi os-iblr for him M gif thr horse is 1 e ikai been carried, beyond his LYCEH’S ART SCHOOL ’himhim. HsowMesHAWArsad i.wllh ,cb«r.cletlMicijfbllMUcoiup MtaB wksveSsIMtUInqlianl. ] CAPITAL PRIZE, >75,000 atoTgu, mske«aipccUiur nmiiiad tiH the wuplloa h-tlrS, tkit I bsrslr kuv Uw,saOtns>«srk,M,>kwltls»he«M relfovid Will .presw^of U^iy-e k Ipsutdlet eoustj, <1* A OERfAlN CURE~F0R CATARRH I, FLESH FROD&^k'TbNICr OmIm’I FIomcp Blood Nwiewtr of rjrli.jr and Olldlna China f6r Amataun. Lea- uWTH. BURNETT. attohney- at-law. 4 , ATHENS, GA, OFFJOB OVER MAX. JOSEPH'S. FraetlrM Prafia oiJSHR Ruight ofthadl Crawo; Kuient< Oidrruf f aboil Order «f iWU* o Hon ».%c ' a '‘MsbiJK . at be eiH Iin •uikdjr, 1 am St| sot prepan at-owlilmste pi ol I ha I calved tn all p MThca of Batl. whirl, ant dlnol prtrial Grown 81 Invn'uAblatei FOR WALK OR RENT mj St.lraV. tHUt lot a WtttiniRD. a, a. a. ILLMlf roll lur (Ml. tn>J thl re. a»M«lwt to butnifu, ms s. .wiLi.iroiul. b,iT . TO RENT. lip. tlx non cottage lu excellent nnlcr. r -, f, ft WIfXIFORD It K. A, We, the undersigned Banks am Iters, will pay all Frizes drawn 1 Louisiana State Lotteries wbfoh t presented at our counters. *iS?S&»mt«l«»k. Cut. W. P. Mavj.v. Captain W. F. Manly, whose picture heeds this article, Isa wall-known resold her of Atlanta's excellent police force Atlanta I* noted for,the direipMqeaad efficiency ol its cirpt ot police and the ■--- ’flieu v.iyhlsrh. her of Atlsuta's 'i ..... Atlanta Is noted for tho loFltsnitik snSy Manly is s fair»| Anee and phy-lr which is required ol its oi years ago the Captain unMMN^^^ ■ qulreil a blood poison, which for years gave him more Of I—s. tremhUr -and m threatened to undermine and totally destroy his entire physical system^ He ; ~] with **5onttitot!on^ik?^Km, but'this u Insidious dheato gave him • •••■' 8 a 2 VXMSTAKABLK WARXIXO that It -was sspplng and. mining two^ymnago I was' u next morning with a ksndfiij of Capti esfauy BUI*. B IMT«r seal*. «r ISmal. Kumbtr c win,. BonLblj, ... I feu extraordinary uUrlr .very Urn. months la-.^. numfr H Usr.lofcr,, csrntt'ly that I could not do other- •urn i man to give, him another chance. _ ta M »,*. ?j to this city, a dls . i^»i : t‘> If-’, rree trial Ind an, or Indians, to murder me. /vKiPTiMsesTM asTun* TT child birth, m-ud free. Also, -'OiMimt ot VN Men." for bm only. Atldn* X>T. STAIHBACK WILIOV. AtttXtft, OMTgU. raraiife swart for me and i the bank of the pt. Wooley now r „ his body into the It drifted down and lodged nab noar where. i-livfd. I LUDY OOBB INSTITUTE, ATHENS, OEOROIA. T IIE •icrciA s of (bU Hchool will be rpiunod WvdBMday. HtpHBbir mu, IBM. All l^tcra eb4 APplIcBlioes for CbUleguct will be proapUr BBwereJ, ll »4ilN>n< to Mini M. RUTHBRKORD, FrtneipaL murdered bin -riyer where emedy, (Its price being only $1 a bottiej hould place it within reacn of all and no better-cleanser and blood cure waa ever mrnle. I know, fori tried ’em all.'. This medicine Manufactured by J. M. ling to he, nerves all i the children, fret tell a burden to them- Ives, and yet with no acute disease.' hat s pity it is. But a.^w boltleaol irker’i Tonic will drive all this away, GEORGIA ELECTRICAL WORKS, IOLUI a»OS., Froprtetars. ElLECTRO-GOLD, SILVER Broad Street, Auguets, Georgia, ter's Tonic will drive all this US'recognition. Ip and buried the body on gives new life to the , jra doae. Fisesam and O. W. Bosh's