The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 15, 1886, Image 2

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ATHE GEORGIA A agpsi f # # BL*N J-Wfjltfi N AkNITAL BUB*CMimOK! KATZS: jf.JS; Sondir,Si; WmUtSI T.L. OAMTT. POLITICS IX RABUN. One Who leeks la be s Lexder. Clayton, Go., * ug. 10, 1SS6.— lleginning with ‘hit character du- i ing the late war. Firit—he would have you believe that there is not a man in all this large senatorial dis trict that could represent the peo ple so well as himself, and that all bia life and acts have been as good and puic as a saint. But let us no tice only a few ol his transactions during and since the war. During the war this good man, as he will urge you believe he is, belonged to a company that was stationed in Clayton, Ga., at which place he was stationed also. About that time Gov. urown issued a cer tain proclamation concerning man’, going through the lino, and it hap pened that three men from Savan nah Ga., had been a little delayed and were on their way through the lines when they were captured and put as prisoners of war under the charge of this same pure and good man, W. H. Picket, esq. After the t good man relered to had extracted irom the pocketa of the three pris oners, about (*30o) three hundred dullars in go.d. One night the; were let get a vay from the guard and to make it look reasonable that they had made their escape unsus peeled;after the prisoners had been gone sometime the guard Bred an alarm. Whatnext? Those three prison ert, who had left Clavtdn, were on their way to Tenn., but were again captures), and after relating may had been robbed at Clayton by this same good and pure man, bquire Pickett, of thiee hundred dollars in gold. The prisoners were brought back to Clayton, Ga., and the cap tain of -aha company commaudsrJ this same 'good man to surrender liter money and he did so. But that was not all, the prisoners did L"i>c-~'f kr«oiv» all the money that wn .. 1 them: why, I cannot telL Per hap.:, |„ d been apent, TMa tame good attn ,., re man ac costed one of the men who brought thej three prisoners back, but in* man told him plainly hia intention were to do evil and the Squire let y—the subject drop, and the man told ' tlie good and pure Squire, that he had brought the prisoners back to see that they receive their money and were not murdered, as the pris oners thought they would be if they did not have a guard with hem. This ia but a short history of the case. The above can be sub stantiated by men who were pres ent and belonged to the compan Where do wr find him next? A , ter the war Squire Pickett etarte to run lor the house of represent lives, but he strived in a certa ssttlement and he met the above nod he turned around and went back home and told one of hia friends hn would not run, that some oqo had started 4 lie on him. He knew it was true and wonld be proved f he did not atop, and he would be left. But about ten years ago lie did make a race for and was elected to the house of represente . tivee, end while there had an act passed to relieve a certain man in thi,county from security on a bond. The caption or preface of said bill or act Is a barefaced lie, and you will agrre with me that it ia when you reed the act, and at tha asms time know how mnch tax said man paid. Ho returned, In 1876 two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars’ worth of property for taxe- lion, and 1877, the year the act was pas>cd, returned 81940. That act yuu can find in the acta of 1877, page 35J. So you can judge ■ youraell, whether or not said pre face of said act ia not a barefaced lie. If you orutny of your friends era on any bond wr buns s, and wish to be relieved and cannot now legally be relieved, it will be no trouble, it you desire an act passed to be re lieved, it you will volt for and elect the same good and true man, Squire Pickett, to tha Senate fioiu the .44th Senator's) district. Wncre *do we find him next? Shaving his father in-law and — png him twenty five cents time, nut withstanding,hf(Col. ' hud furnished him money ice the war up to the time ot shaving without charging the Jre any inttrest. Well he says he had to charge that to keep ui with the other heirs to get as much of hia father in-laws money at they did. Now he aaya it was an agree ment with the Squire and the Col’s sons lor him to charge for said ser vices. This Is too thin and will not reliev* the .'quire from the infa mous act. Where ran | obtain evi dence the shove is Irun? . Ia tLe Ordinary’s etlice of Rabun county. Where do we find him next? Assaulting tbe Mcthodiat denomination with They era Good Temp'ara, aa<d ha would con tinue faithlul. He has, some of the members sa,, a tended but about twice tie meetings of lire Good Templars in one and one half te*r . Wlty not? Because ho bund that a majority of tbe voters of tbit county »• re tu t in fav. r of prohi bition, aud be wanted, to be on the “big’* tide o| rv try question. These are stern tact- and whenev er the greet, good, and pure Sauire Pickett says they are not, we nave the Irving testimony to show up tire above history. This is dona to •how the true history of the man now asking fer voir* to elect him to the Beuat-r from tide district composed of the counties of Union Towns and Rabun. Rabun. M! MIAMI ANNOUNCEMENTS- FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby mdohm mytoif a mediate far Tu Colloetor of Cfarko manly, an* uk the hearty •apportof «bo voters. If clac-ted, I plodga my« MirtodarniJ Mr nnnrgtoa tow.ri auk Iff tbsolaa a Mscdu, sal tbe imopla will n«vn bars earns to ream Um tract rejmecd Hi aa. i. W. LONG. OLINCMAN’S r OBACCO REMEDIES ."HE CUMIM T5MCC0 OjMTMEIT ITHI gyjjjjlg TMACCO cm _ TPI15C0HA8TU EgShtalrt. Cm, Um*JmSm cKKKurTco: ■DUIKSM. N. a. » X . STATEOFGEOf mil DEPti proclamation; BV HBifUY-D BeUAHIEL, OessmorNJsM SOU*. mt tti Whereas, g|fe5*ga»a 3aBBSaaa6tt: Clinton’s Bottling Works. Prof.Chs.UfaigVii£te|e 1SS7 Broad Mfftot, na at tha <loral UalvawU I • anteat wPhlls 11 dial. Bight tbe oo/ol Uab(|Tco a C'jcm Bo af Tonio aboaM t bo •**•■ tfed with tbe bordn of irntby re-alla. It Hia no boom of the medy, last theroeghly eaa 1 . _ — mmandatfama d baa re- wfctos *1* erssolsil is reie aeaetae fn- her ■aRstJ’edranrtte thwHe Uly.triao loo, Kntftloai, Chappints Rougbas-aa. fi.aj, 0 ■•Aw. _ ... De not set Dews reetaae huiTn By. ThelOttli brand Monthly Distribution nt Tin. 1-nniNlsn. Hi ■ ti> Lottery I 'ornptny look p' -e ■ mi Tuesday (alwaysTuesday) July Ml* IHSii "ti le- the usual suiHirvur- Ion of G n». O. T. ll.-autcgard nl 1st., sihlJului A. Ksil. of Va. Wei!, the •sine eld srury Is told asSln: some 4SUS- VX) went fl - Ilia stxiot like thistle down. It nii thusly, I'icket No. 8t t t7S(oontlee »!i)0iewtl-e Viral Capital t’rizo of 478,000 It ess and in oetiss .1 j| meh—sine la Mrs. Mere h. llolmes. No.JOh I'rinootoi Ht„ G. Ilos'oii, Mesa.; one 10 A, H. Jniivs. A-.iiistMii, At*.:'one to Win. Clem » worthy r.rmer at Monroeville, A'lsn Co., I"<f.; one mllected tbroiivh Wells, Parr-A I'Hen Francisco, Ual., fora reetd.nt IlH-re; another to a party at t'uluinl u., O., who la opposed to any dltcm.ry I* n 1 u tile. No. 77.J27 won the Sec- n l tiraml I’rixeof 408,000, also « Id in Hulls at II each—sine to Jno. U. Bones. No. .nil West. -Mch ML, New York C ty, a natty idanllHod with the Amusement World as Treasurer uf the' linmdOprra House In 2Jd fit; one to Henry Bass, No. » Western Am. Toledo O.. Dahl through Adams Expire; one in Carl Tkl. raa-., book-keeper with die Meyer B oa. Drug Company, Kansas City, Mo.; one to Vile Dilunnso, a young Italian frtslt vernier at oor.Wath* ilislou and laurel Hu„ New Oilcans, etc. No. 10;-400 drew tha Third Capital Prise nt 010,000, sold In on edit tbs to Kug. Utfoa, Denison, Texse, through First Nattonai Burk lMfv; one to John A. Htewart, Detroit, Mieb., through IMnat Ravings Bank; the rest to ties In B wtooi-dn Hjpringdeld, M ami Clear Lake. Wit On Bepteober 14th HUM, will tw n quarterly Grand Extrao rdinary Drawing, whan 462J.SOO will be dlitrlbateil, of wbieh M. A. Diuliin, New Oileeus, La., will glre all Infor- pfeifttssffafimawsat [bf »am«f liy t f Ut« ■*«■«,? h*' <b« C«ms IlMfaa • rihfa »u:* hm MMnded bf Ptrlblnd i»snpl« I* of wctbM MYr*.<7) tbrM ItiM Bovm of Hopr.onioUveo.Tbe Hpuko.-ortfl liNMof KopreMitoUvM tin!!, vMbfa Ire dofil from tbe organIzollou el tb« Ueiernl Aa«eabl/, b%»oSTAir^'csi bill MMidor ud oo—oUfkitl olI »»ocUl eo-ll •boll bo m4 or ooboMprwl by th* IIoom □■till tbiNMkM been f«iurl»J bj the coaotittre, ■■lea* by a two-tblr.1* rote; on<1 no bill 9b«il be conaMered or nforfA to tbe Houie bjr Mid wnnitlce, uo'fN tee um* aball b»ve bet;n 1*1-1 bebwM U with in COmii daya iliirUt orjaiilM'.ioi. Uf tbe Oener.l AJfetaMf, except by ■ t«o tnirdc Iflir. II. Bo It farther enacted, That wbraerer tbe abora propped aMMndHefet tv tbo C«a»Utu* MOd tUil be und t® by tPOlhirda of the dbrlrf to raeb of the too Haatfa of tbo k AMtubly. the governor 9h«'l.and hell IP Kuiborlnd and Instructed to osum 1st Id ■■Tor tbe parted of two ntontbopext piocodm* SSSSU^’rrliSffl OlSaSJSTJlSUS At ISA eat fsesal elabe w be ham After SSMIsertae, ss -OTUUd lor Ia l>« meal sssIIoa ol this Art, le Ifce SArsrsl .Weill. dUlrlcb In ISIS mala. At wk oh ilsslloo ersry pomm sboll bo MUttod lovol, wkolMOUUod w me lor tssnmon oIUoUoooiaI .SAOSibJjf. AUponra^omieaJ ■aIA eloclloo lo Mvor i »y?JrtiSd W bfifti^i ewCs. -To. lift printed k-atlon ol ■Lid elfpewon* oppiood to tbo odjotlou of i atfssb r! zjatt’wziiixz’v* 8aC.lT.Bo H fanbor oiiotUd,rb«t the Governor bo, ot.d bo U herebr authrrlz d *nd dlrectesl to provide far tbo mmIboiom ol the omcndibcnt pronofod Id the flrot * *cilon of ihl* Act to i vote SfTUi^ple. ok r^alrrt by-tbo (JouMltutltjuof tblo duu*. la pfue«r*Pb L net tion I. of nrtlcle IS. as d by ton Act, end If roil bed the Governor •boll, wioo ho eoeerUloe rich from tbodocrotory of dtole, U>'•homthe ro'atntrhall berefemd In tbo mmio tooouor «. lo cuoiot eloctloo fur wotolM-n ot the Geiurol Aowmbly to cooatood aveenoin tbe reeaU, tpue bis i-r«l»- ihtb.a far the period ol thirty dky* ounouMing it malt end d« eloilof tbe ema'iaio-1 rotiflod. Sic. y. »« It farther eaecteA- That all low* ood poxtoof lawa |econ*!;and Am Art to Amend th4 faeiMb’ceai•/ Article 7, Section I, Pbraurayh I 0/ the OfueUtulunt oj 1877. IBCTIOX L Be It enacted by the General ioiat!; ;?'!:• »• fianedv. That tbe Iwl ooot— 1, MracrofbI of the ConaUtatk>a of tin be, and tboame fa hereby amendad bf adtlin< theme M tbo »o>l of a*ld aoutcnco tho falhwlm word*. -Aod to Mtko auitoblo provfalwM far aoch tfadfadcrate aoldicra aomybovobrea pernaueoL’y Injured In oaeh aervlco." ao that aald ■oofauev whan ao oiaended ■Mii tawi zz “Til p.uddIv the hohllosk who loot ■ limb or Umbo In the mBiory aomco ot toe f’o-tfaderotebfete’e wfib •ollobia artlhciol Jlmla * ring llfr. a»d totdfikr aaftaHo prttffaioao far 1. Ooaf -slrrato aidlon H nay have been ■utm-oUv lularml la anch aornro.” tc II. And he It farther oooctrd, TbatWtbla apdment aball be agreed fa by iwo-tbir la of ■ tacmbrri elected to eocb of tbe two ilouaca, tho aame 1 boll be entered on their J-iurnala with the ayeaand nayt tnkan thereon: and the Gov ernor abnil omuoo aotd amend maul In be pulillahed la auo or more nowvpopeia lu aaChContfretalonal IHotrlrt tor two wo'ttbo prnvloav to tb« tioot i the hooae thall bo anboiltted f£pp. 00 tbesf DMy Wooao to vetc;'«t: tbo votenr q««llfled to vote far (toooral Aeoembiy, votleg tharmn. ahall vote lu favor of rnUflentton, tbon Ufa ••.endaHrot a..all become o part of taid artleio V •vetrou I, imu- gr«pb 1 oflhc Conoltutton of tno Htafa. end tho Governor aboil make proclomvtlon thereof. Hue. HI. bolt lurther ouaPlod, That all lawa or rotta of Iowa militating againat tho pruvlaioua . .. o.l A)H|| Five Gold and Two •fiver Modalt, awarded in 1888 At the Expositions of Kew Orlcnn* and Loniaville. and the lu* rentlona Exponitlon of London. The aajHjriority of Cornline over born orwhAleboao hna now been demonatrnted by over five yesraT experience. It U more durable, imye pliable, mom comfortable, tad tutor break*. Avoid cheap imitatlona made of mriou* kind* of cord. None are genuine unlcn “Dr. Warnbr's Coraluib" is printed on inride of steel cover. fit SAU IT All LCAOINB MEBCHAITS. WARNER BROTHERS* 353 Broadway, New Vork City J3. Veron 3 City Plumber. Hord es P.umbtn^ And Gas FK ingt in all its __ l-iiil, BARBER SHOPREMOVED ilirhifreinoval our Palace Parl>er Wbopto tbe t->oia 011 Jackaon utroet, formerly oct-uplod I.owc A Co„ aa 0 naloon. and aie now bettor *arc>l ihnr. s ver to w H upon ouroldcuato- ■a ard at many new onea aa will patronize ua *■ ' tquipped har yfifatille •f tbia Act be, and tba a 1 bnrvb) repeals J|l. Aldins, Chief of Pulied, Knoxilllo Tenn, wriltti “My family and I an beneficiaries of your meet excellent medicine. Dr. King’s New Discovery for nnsuaption; having found it to be all that you claim for it, awire tn testify to WJVtRy^ttGUN AND LOCKSMITH psrtunily.' Dr. King’s New DUcovery for Con- sump-ion i* guarsneed to cure Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Athuui, Croup and evryMfection of ThraaL Chat sad Lungs. Trial Bottles Free at A. 11. Long Drag tore. Large iise *1.00. MACHINERY ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS GRIST MILLS a.u — uonoarrems ea.yittuV«ng TiasTivas aao nuairiiaa ar vug BLOOD, SAW la A VALUaaLX roaso. OTADICIR’S A U It ANTI I ftoalelraBBnssiMA rrtwtl^ SHAFTING, PULLEYS HANGERS COTTON GINS toflWitir Pipt I Frttiin Inn film ■Awa FILES INJECTORS PUMPS Water Wheel* Approved October 19 IMS. Now tborefore, I, Henry D. McDaniel, Governor of maid Stato, do htaue thin my S irocltniatlon, hereby declaring that tho oregoing proponed amcnduientit aro ■nbiuitteato the qualitkd voter* of the 8tAte,Bt the genernl election to bo held on Wednesday, October 8, i1880, for r^rili- cationor rejection of mtid amendment* (or either or them) m provided in anid Acta respectively. Given under my hand snd the seal if the Executive Department, this 81st lay of July, 1888. IIENUY D. McDANIEL, Governor. By the Governor, J. W. W a BAKU, Soc.'Ex. Dep’L COMPANY. Athens, Georgia. Rwoldont Dlrootovn t Town L. Ok llASRia, BnvinTaout, ON* D. Nnwron, J. A IIamilvoo, Prbmnanb Htimr, IfAncaLLun ktao lit. Da. B. B. Ltmdox, *Jobi W. Nknolim, L H. Cwabb Patna. J/r llBiwtravv J wnnld aanooBM Utat I have pnrtkaarl MttrwooUUal Ur. W. A.flrimnd», Oicn—. and wilt coounna the burint ao In all lu hranebea CUE, LOCK AMO TXUMK RKPAUH.W, Will nle» via brnmn todo apoolsl ‘■^•inuiSRin awt toltadawny hn cc CD o b-3 5 *53 Lid „ _ 0^1 cn O 125 PQ Pi O S3 tS O' & ei «= CO •S W CD b -a ^ lP eb ■: -»s * « = a $B0 REWARD! Mark H. Cheatham dlaappanred from hia horn la Athena on tha Uth dayjf July. »**. nod btve nkttowu. Wa have reaaon orhereuoula are ntill nnknowu, to belfave that be fa drowned li •ad detlroua of the recovery ill hia leriy.oAr a reward of SAO J , ‘— *— h«nJa the •flL that kn lio Hrka, rilEATRAM, Jma of a i ld" Mark H. Cheat- bam, la the tvant that he be dr^ CHCI <1 fa CJIKATllAM. Athena, Ga.. Attf., 6, ISM. dAv-2m FIDE I FIRE I FIIF The TAYLOW A <XiX~ straw Pin Kali*- Cnlahrr for cwtlOM •!■• ta tho beat profaetfon ■vslnat look-by fire, ftemtsinaurance d'beitp, ■aaiaatanroNM, Bffedaal nnd Mellohle. eetul tor olrcuun and loll pertlculara. AuaNva WANTxn. Hood par el van. J. M. BPTBEJtLAMD, Belton, I. 0. MANHOOD HOW LOST HOW RESTORED rimy KSZZX'VJL TeLLUBRICAI. 00. Y.fhnt Monk Bn* 4* GIN 8AW FILING MAOHINE. The TAYLOR CIIX SAW FI LEU fa one ef the boat made. Anybody can file Uiu Maw# with tt' Requires ae practice. Does Ita work aa It ahonld nnd ten timna looter than by band. Kv* cry MathIne warranted. Price $1'J. Inyafar ftaelf every aeaeon. order from J. H. 8DTHRBLAWP, Beltnp. fl. 0, | WAR! WAR! WAR! Mexico Refuses lo Release Cuttings! CUTTING ON FRUIT JaRS JELI.Y TUMBI-ERS. LIME, PLASTER PARIS, KEROSINE AND LUBRICATING OILS AND Guarantee to Save you Money on Them If you Will GIVE ME A CALL- J. H. HUGGINS. W. B. BURNETT. AHOHNEY-AT-LAW ATHENS, OA. 'ELECTION notice. oiutloti pa?ml bv ll j. an clrAlon will' d*y ot AuyiitL nexL city with •II. June Naturday Hih . . ine ihriiucvtion to whether or'not the rity of Albcim au«ll faaue thlrty-ive tbinwad ilnlUra of ImiiiiIb, (or nit tuiirh iln rt- .i g> I hr tnuy-r ardt4.iir.i ll may derm nr* cs »*«rt) to run for thlrtf yiar* at a rate i f inter- rxt »ot to i xccril ais por n ot, InL rrbt pifable aeml -anually and l« n-l» ml maturity, tbr precorda ... . . > lui C f tfiw | ae, ih«- Hoard bUtc Tech to'oMiral lufi In rate U aball be permanently 1m uleil rue. itiflvorof Itanrlitir Imi n lhcirtlckrta:**K«»r hour Totliii iiKalnUlho Uaurelnzol faynJa ahtU). hi tho cltr of At hr i Th one votlt'l I havr prlulBit on ihelrtlckru: Tulin* •“*' primed The t oua win or u|«iw» — ... r— . vntln* In c ah ward *19 e’clnek *. to. auU clouvd *t 4 Vrioi-k p. >n. All pernotit •han^tii- Tote in a il<l oiertloii. KUFUXK. RKAVR*. LYCETT'S ART SCHOOL AN I* China Decorating Works. 17.’, WBltahnll 81., AUauca, OeorcU, Xr«M the Uixw'. Aiwr’.ip#nt of Srt MnteriaU fine rhl'ia for I>r4-trv.ln *. a id ma «i-sa apucl il|iy jof fIrln b*j<1 Olldlnc ’or Atnatoura. I r» •«. i« In (China Palutl'i*. Oil aiul Wafaj‘2" 0 ™* Write fo Clreulara. •prlllSdSm. BITTERS CMkuiag iao» wiik roaa tbbuu toxics, sifcur mmfUuir CLisxzxa no gxmican tub blood, osictn. UuKtlM.rU.UT«ru4U<>nL Cfcszslk. —^WlS^OSSM1*.iai»0*MSa. ItdMSMt lal«l«U»lml>.fim«k««4Mk.,sypr«*iW— in otzeb iso* aKDicixxa na Wee d-. — Work tns _ Maehlneiyel aay kind; Haw Lltl. Morhln tools, or Maehtaery of any kind tor Wood e Iran worfctaga, do net fail to cenauit the a a. faro »l«?ed, whohao foraMe nil kitda ef Buiaar «d rioiler* nod Weed and Iron Work iai Moebloery, both Sew and Secondhand, prieei thataimpiy defy Oompetltlea. Let oak* yoor want*aadprfcvewill be nomad. If • s$!astaissr u ~ kl ~" «• J. N. 8UTBBBLAWD, Btlton, Tallulah Falls, Gn, on the PletlinoMtAii«llno,lh * Cliff lIouitB in«l comngen itre iMiwopett tittilrr new iu*uitgenic.iU F«tr roomn ami in lor inatlou apply to r . H. and F B. SCOFIELD pr prictor 1 ate of betel Kater aoe-tnielna, N V, and I aland ho Kxirunion llcketa will be tonnd on oil road office. Habersham House, CLARKK8V1U.E, OA. w YOUNG J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represent, First-Clan, Prompt Paying Companiei. ASSISTS REl’RESENTKD 440,000,000 pcumhinu; Who to will known to tbe Uorlat of the lank thi faea voAfn no Freprtetor ef UwTnUnlnh Folia If 4 tel. L larkeavlUe baa been a faverite aammer rrort btr the fast Ally year*. Ita flan ittiab, —al araier, and muuuUin aevnery, etc.| with L-burthca two Uvnry »tab lea nod good drlvatn It wry dtaimbln .far beauh or pleuure ra, it to only is ulle* u Tallufah F«Le pa'rixm nut go to tbr Pnlto fat Ja mlnotaa on M.X nnd retnra inutnevenla N« thin* kill an left undone to make into I «-) rat retort of Utn neawn. A xm«*t ttnoc hn emp'ered *r>r lit * eoonn. bpetfaj nut w f. I. KUi . e JitW L2uWih;tt. aL w JACDTk* WettH 1 k'r. ml loa fa. Leg« to. Sanaa> A-HU fa . OanttM Superlotceurt—Anaveroflh I’t. j. u. Tjtas l» the nvtorn of a yraoa mu, July farm. “It apt eariag to T:n£ffi h ~ m B.KTUH.8IIEK, . a*f.EX. h, KtLWitt, »- foritol'L J. M. dfcBee, Xx*f atTIlIJNkgJYl?? r “—**St> IS. IJ 7Jlb IM *•• acsusisuai. ■fMxIifunir XI mlantoa *lo k^Wmaiiiif. I' JulilSf 1 lo’ve Athena t;»e a na as vo Wut'vto sol x m ** tUtt ■ m *• Aottoia... ixlna “ Miueya.... RNAb - Wnodvtlto. toSS - Un. FL.... tfaa a A rr*ve Atlanta 1-Ut«. 7:to a, xu Uava Atmnu X.r> p. ■ '•>11 P.M Mnoao~~.Vl Winurv’e *:-i a,xn IPS!:: S!S!Sp “ WMdylii* usS fcSr« wsih-K-a: 5-8 H^ag"«aal-=asii::.iat! no.a, entry basil | no. imrataT. 41*99Atlanta, s.atojn-er*# karttun.. {Mi « *u~m« ’LISTS}: ussrsiissrtu circle, Covisixton, cos Mountain an ! Irarattir ^ Jn *«•. la on Athena branch (tvea paaaaao gera from Me tt on aula Una, ibmtanfos tor sapper at Union Point. SsSSSHS?™ JOB W. WHITE. Clcn'l Traveltag Faaacngt Aaent, Auxuata. Un. NOHTH-AAgTBHN HAIleROA *trrxaiMikMbkMT‘a ornca, Avsixna, (la., Jane Slat, 1mo,U>* follow «•* •vbtHtUMlild Opt rate *■ UlB read. Train* TMImietidiitn t itainv uvm avnoake. i a* ‘I'amiiah rail* ¥ m p m 7 .4»p m U.ev* I oilman i-aua . riltltttlftkrtTiiit ... . • :£> m am r>s • m . lt:lb a n> S;4* p iaave Ltaa . , Aiiive llaratoav Grave... IS;ia p ta 9J4 p _ *— toJjLE ■ Airuiaitiultllui Opera tea mi —turdaya t -*• “iI." Arrive atefa ketville eat Lula and tonielia Kichmuuu and Danville .. l and Wa«t. Aiupto time lor t Lula ua rvenlim traina, mipuib ir *4 i'outuodaltuna. 'The atioriml ami out* beinmn Albeiia and alt point* C.W. CHEARri, Gen. I*au. Axcau I.o U a.L DINIHIIN. OUNDIUSXD ,0HXDULI I. Lfffcd July 4th, 1886 Tin ia tun i*> Toth Meridl.n lime—One hear fan* let MNh Meridian time. Leave Atlanta "Kama) ., 'Hpartab'n •Mil Kxpreaa a.ut p 7,Alp a *ju p m Ml p a « 64 p M. 1 6J p Ms l’4.W p Mi Jl s. m S.V1 • M, » X- a m Hprln.a • ualelub ’Uontaboro . .. (iist-kniwiu.,,,,, •I'MnviUe ...,, fahit’ilnwiisl •CI.M.-wtuavtuT.; “U a.bln* ton ... * ifaitimera •*l Inn dt s|.bigg ... •Ate kts'k lx (ftp Ui * 14 P tu . »»• pm lit* pm; awtnm iiJ«A » m \ w \ tMll>, ffs* »*■ «»• pm *25 * ,,M ass pm pm AlU pi 11.21 pi Uf ?; 1US i L. « a u, ll Ato pa. Hi i: is it tl.t7 p H. * pi' 1S» p, •palsy CX (r|H Huntloy • Lit-kfaig .... • btcbwwsd • Lai vine..... , . .. ' i,r*a .b re.. • Uiilifabere • Mri ik 11 • Wssrut H, ring, • ssabi - villa • * atoaviile • ralLlMiry •O.’harhxtte — ... .. • txattaxete —■ • UalTuey.. ' npat'isu’g. • hhauvTr. ' Exuley — - . • tH’Uecr • TinmiuAm.. itJifs bWpn , i#.XxpM» < 34 p m L4S pm 4.14 pm ••l* p m • ta pm •tapm »•*» ¥m KLElFINU CAB UABVICE. On traina Mattd SI Fnllman bafat m—t« r apply lo any agent of Utn roorpnny at to c. v. OnKAR*' a. a. thomss. '“Mn. un**t Managnr. Etehm “ ’ 1CECREA M a too wait Miuinaa nog cm. ox c. BODE Fork,.his slosnCM hud Ilk Ci III, tin,, CisXici 0 Colitis si,, S^ l i , V r On t i&um7uVkSft'^!!t "J ICEIICEI ICEI ATHENS OE WO RKB SS&^fiJgRHk' B,fcFMOCK,ISbs'uliu^.