The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 15, 1886, Image 3

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bannbrwatchman O'iLClTllWE A* amouth awash xtamls pre-eminent No other such preparation equals it in Koauty of color, in 4*ffcotivt*iu*ss in hyal ins the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, in thoroughness in cleansing orinantiscplicqualrtJes.Give it atria . It-* use becomes agreeable and resolves itself into a necessity. Ifyou havoasoro mouth ‘ v«j will h* »! them four tenth Dclcc- CboorUpl Help to at Hand. “I’m a.raidl fhall liavy taken to a hospital nr to the |»oorliouMe. I’ve tieeu hick so tong that my husband, good and patient as he it, ctn't stand the worry and expense much longer.” No, you won't dear wife and mother. Sot* wbut l’arkcr’o Tonic will do for you 1'teiify of women aa bully off as jou arn, hava Iwen rescued almost from tin g'avo by it. It will build you up, curisic ail Hllou*iit» of the Kiniach, liver and k‘di eys and is simple, pleasant and •oxjtTsnre rot malaria. QuIuImo la ©tafsvor. (Tru- falthum Moral* HUS f* la Um Kharkoo region of Ruaoto, quo tao Is oousldotod of ro aoroant tor oust of chills aatf tevoa Tke Kharkoa doctor calc boo a nua of Uti or Abe, poost whlskoy ovor lima uoltl they horotoo hllortamaiy drunk, and tkon polo thorn to a hot oven. After being well (fried, they ore palverlsed, ehells and a.'! and adastoto. terod la drachm dooea Whoso the era he moot abound in this eountry. to the watosd of the Keeton abort of Maryland and the Beseem abort of Viral ala. the teheMCaati have leaf since abandoned the nos of quinine aad aenslbly resort to pro* Ten bon to the use of pore whisky. Ia the malarial sections of tk#/ great West, South west and South, tots esc# famed remedy le now looked upon as worse Ikaa the disease. In territories where the vir gin sod to first broken, the malarial pofsoa exuding therefrom spreads poeMliaoo fa# aad near. Years ago to the homes of the drat; cottiers, an admixture of whtoky aad qalatoe was the farorlto dooo for too obilM. bat after years of dosing to mm crude manner, qulalne has laog staeo been given up aad whisky only remains in the flask, tor family, aad medicinal not* experience taught these settlers long ago, that the amount of qnlalne required!* drive out the malarial poison la the Motto left la no place. If not a worse poison, n condition of the system made worse toe stead of bettor. The effects of the qui nine were dearly dadoed in long continue# headaches, disordered stem ache, clouded mental faculties, disturbed elssp, ead morbid appetite, aad the ooly virtue dis covered In lie use they thought attribu table to the whiskey In tke muturm The medieal profession kaa very gratefully modified Its belief to quinine as a specifla. Gnillarri’a Medical Journal, October, lids, contains an article by L. B. Ander son, M. D., Norfolk, Vo., la whlek the learned doctor usea this emphatic lan guage. "I hope I maybe pardoned for saying that ths present empirical use of a uinlne Is worthy of the darkset period of is dark ages. It I# a Mlch'ing shame . TOBACOS. LEBRATED a jeRMtr- If-ou wish t- aiva ..... talave will lid you and impair its fr.pi a nee to your breath. There can be no doubt | of it’. »alu. toyon when t U use ia Indorsed by aueb eminent menas Bar. Andrew A. Linscomb, 0. D.j A. \V\ Calhoun, U. D. the eminent Oenllat; the late Dr John H. Johnson, and twenty of tba leading ph aieiana and Dentiata of Atlanta. /—Vtk BlllMtflMi: Sick Hfatach. l. Four hour* i® OM «, XU..,, Nc.nlfla. Th., cur, ICC , prent Chilli -. Few, Sour Stomictv r* On. I ■mth. Clear th. Skip. Tor, Ih. N,r«,. and ,i„ Uf. > Vl,«r to th. tystsm. ON B II KAN. Tr, them one. amt |ou .III never bo without them, frieo, 20 cento per bottle. SolJ by UruMlItl and —oelelno Ootterp fononlly. Sent on rpoolpt et price in stamps, postpaid, to any npdrou, j.r. smith a co„ M— and Set. Pro.i.. hr. LOUIS. *0 Excitement InTcxai Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of, l’aris, Tat by tlio remar kable recovery of Mr. J.K. Corley, who waa ao helple*a he could not turn in bed, or raiao bia head; everybody said lie was dying or Consumption. A trial bottio of Dr. King-a Now IBsoorery waa aent him. Finding relief,: ho bought a largo bottle, and a box of Dr. Kin- 1 . New I.ifo 1MU; by Jie time ha bad taken two boxes of PlIU aad two bottles of tba Diactvery, bo waa wetland had gained in fleah thirty-six Trial Bottles of tbia Great Discovery for Conauaption free at Long ft Co. As Enter prUlnx, XPllabla Hemp. A. B. Longoan alwm<aba relied upon not only to carry in atcck the bent of everything, but to aecure the Agenuy for auch article* aa have well-known merit, and are popular with the people. Thereby eu-leining the reputation of being always enterprising, ami ever re liable. Having aecnred the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery fur Coneuntpiiou, will sell it on a poet* tire guarantee. It will auroly cure any aenan of weiff it in tba back, loina and lower parto 'fha abdomen, causing the patient to enppopa be lies tome affection of the kidneys or neighboring organa. At time*, symptoms of indignation am present, tfatnieney. uneasiness of Urn stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a a very disagreeable telling, inter getting warm, ae ecommon attendant. Blind, Bieediug and Itching Pilcayield at once to the application of Isiodnlyiiic^/ lhasas MOST PERFECT MADE E. VAN WINKLE & CO. ATLANTA, CA.' Dallas, jtexas. *° r ,-ri*a ymu derinbl. vacant I IVonllnaon B.xlw w«.t m tal from Uillsdi ' kMr J - n. wii.i.iroiin. k. k.a. Also some of onr* Favorite Brands are Sole agents. Give ns a sail and be (. For prool that Dr. Gunns Liver Pill mires Sick Headache, ask your drug- gisis tor a (re i trial pickers. pill •ir a dime. Regular siae box 2S rents rio.l by Dra, Lyndon, and O W Magnificent WaterPower for Sale I Icbting aham* ...... w.. t .w r r — r .jfraaloa, H .Tka people •zpeBcd to malaria now fortifjr their ayatana *g*ln*t tha approach and la- road* of tba diuaae proceeding fr«m It. and bp tha u*e of pure un'.duller*tad •tlioulant ward off attock. Now that Uuffr'a pnra malt whlekoy ■»..ii sh«u. »« in wSTnS; SttJS? «s ton Vittinolilr, mi i a from WititwTi lte on toCwntli Killrod Tla# dir* n» i to ib« 'pn*- f*rtr U l-vel. Tae are veryf uo. toTtollu ftM-Ul fe<j«thtf volume nf water |«i;,.gm i**t(rut>ic> TH« shoal* ora lew than otto Mil* /.»n< T»« tur- vtjr and map war* tntda bv I'rof itarnw of «h„ brnc# ran h . r-llnt upon. Tbaro l< attached u> th# thoali JUd on-ta ui lttid bnlt*blp« fort vtll-fM for opperauvw. A tlrtnru gaiit wrota tb« Un i aui rt *t ai«b ouough on tha lull m ■ ro * *mih{ UK* I# ion* wat.] i- l»r crab it* ibiuuxh sny IvsIMIu,. in I ooullu ..M wIM fln* and lor otk*r | urpov-t. The CMitem*.Uteri lUilroari fiom Atlion* s uta will nn «. n |» * few mil-1 from t a pioperty, for a.t*iu>ttlurliiti»ar- srtSf nwvr r iu, " r,or - Kor p' ,rt,tu • EBSfiitS - Kx. nrur ih., ot KUill. Athkxv* Ga., Jixk 12 1254 Gextlkmkx: • Inrrplv to your inquiry, I may atate t amlully tliati llnnlc IIoraftml’M Bread I'rcparntiou tlio la*at ami aafeat »»n tlie market. Your* trnly. THEO. MARKWALTER’S STEAM InH “And would have it it tile coat wes ten timee whatit le," eeys many ladles who nave used The Motber-e fricml be- fore conlinement. Write The Bradfleld Regulator Go., Atlanta, Ga., (or lull par- abtofutriy pure whlak.r. free (ram fupez el), as has h,«n tested by eh .ratsts, R to tbs rccognlx.d curs In malarial altoeks and so raooxntssd by tba people and the ■oillralpretssalon. -M ARBLE&GRANITE W< UIWAnMTItHKT,Near lAwer Maiket, A JGl •■'! A MARBLE WORK, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED, AT L *, » Georjf.a *k i ■ ours crniy, JOHN GERDINK, M. I>. Ifia of ths worst typo, ctirca by oue do«s of AM ITU'S BILE BRANS In from otu» to tour hours, ns many who have tried ltraa teslify. It dot* seem ktntnge that sensible people will suffer with * this terrible diseaae wheu speedy relief can sutely be found In this simple sato and Inexpenaiv remedy. 25 cents. For sale by all draicgUts and dealers in medlolde, or sent any where on receipt of price In tamps Hirtcultta Ktctpe. W. \V. Keed, Uru^gUtol Wiuchcs’er r» ten tod 1S7S. Improved 1881. Patented 1S82. • Wees reduced to one-h*1f former price*. No. 1 Mach. flSO.OO | No. a Much. §40.00 Host Cleaner for Seed Codon In the market No dinner can afford to l>o without one. N* YAN WINKLE 4r. CO., Manultc'.arcrs,, Save money ami DuCtor bills. Kelleve our Mothers, Wives and Histerr by imely )»urcha*eof Dr.Bosanko's «5ot» » ami I,iing Myrup,llwibeslknown remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bron«*b a affeCUonse Believes OlnIdren of Cro p in one nlalik; may yon bundreiUi dollars. Price 50 roots and §1.00 Sample free. Sold by Dffs. Lyndon, and Ki.ali to Ariu>ld. Tliereis doinm* in tut line of male, or mystery aoout that wonderful mid ,w, ** , ifar medicine, Parker's Tonic. It mile Mon in k lares atleetloa of Maiblf and Oraujto Work alwaya on Parties denirin^ niimumcnta or work At the At liens cemetery. tm^e-Utce m • xii-lU ut onli J. a. WlUilFORlI. K, K. A. r«K*in cittiMj'c, p«mmI ginil'll, faier; convi nient to huwlm h , J. T. Comeii. iiopufar medicine, Parker's Tome. It i* aiuiply the beat and tnoet scientific coinbioatiou |M>ssible of tlie essential principle* of those vegetable curatlTcs which act |<*wfriu!!y and dhertlv on ihc stoiuaolt, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither to, nor will l»e, any successful imitation of it. It Is all the time curUlf those who had deal aired of ev«r getting well. For youratU, yoor wiiu and cnildian. Many iTfeTson ia starving with a full t*Me before them. App dite xono! Am bition gone! Life a burden!! What i* the matter? The Liver has ceased to do its proper work. The life channel* are dogged. Poisonous fluids are thrown Tao lour room •room c.-ti ago, a!! •enliventout Incut i< .BE5TT0HH? OICKEY’B KKI.O’.i ATllXi'E. b‘ur*i ftlili'iiii nih! v*, #/-♦ in ■ •*« kft*. <••**•■ xo pain. tso i.ks KKMKOY ia lk« *rorl 1 f,r a.aiial4t*l t.J*. P.te* Onw a biSIlk'. Auk l«r|i. 1| 4 *« u<. ail *r. OlCKEY t ANOERSOM, - - Proprietors -Uto Sevas Springsflsss. ) 8R1Sf °L, IEHN. •Agents for the Champii E.VJWWINKLE&SO. U»»ulfvr all* I n vi .Jri.aliorlr* will ttirr «ou iu i-wa-ww >i—*1*1 rtnAtl; i*. ill. m * I'n rln.- Hni»i» aiion t i li. Hug* ii. l>. to ♦ Maim- ii»u |» f>>r Oalp ckaac-i-ri ••* A.caU.Iy. I.t.IU.Kj IMflNOfACnUlBIto'^. L__ ATLANTA, GA — AND— »)«jj8 Dll US. 1EXAS; BUChLEN’S AKNICAJ SALTS. The ltost Salve in the world lot*Cut* Bruises, J^ores, Ulcers. Ball It he uni Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped ICxwds \ Clidblaina, Corns, and all Hkin El up tlons, and noeltively citrea Pile*, or n pay required. It U guaranteed to glv perfect satisfaction, or incoey rtfunded Pi.ce 25 cento per hox For -alo by Lone to Co.—tf. What can* U Done. By frying again art keeping upmrsgB many tilings seemingly imiioeaildwoiny' Vw* *»'»ln#»«i. HimrlH* of Hopaletrswasei* of Kidney aad Liver Coiupilnt have !«,„ tiiioU ihi Ktoctrlc Bitters, qller cm rvtldiig else had been tried lit fain. So. JontH tMuk thereto no cure foryoo. MILLINERY oapitalfrize q-iBa.pDo. “ W. do h Montliljr ud Quarterly drawing. Louisiana Slate lottery omnpeny. peoon c:.-.;— ~.£ rrr. —: ;hc ings tbemMlrea. and thst the aama are oondoetod with honesty, (alrmas and in good (aith toward all pertlef, snd we an iboriae UieCempmy to use this eertld cate, wilh Ikc.lmilesn oar aicnataroa attached, In Its advertisements?’ .Sulky Huy Rilkes, Grain Cradles, Cultivatois. ilimowH, Gullets Gins, Feeders and Conflenscrs, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinkjofs, Rubber Hose, and Hose Keels and the latest improved rCrab Orchard WATER.— --IU (or all the drawing, of^the parvon manage anil con rolTba Draw ings tbcmMlrcs, and thst the same are conducted with honeety, (alrmas and In MRS ADDIE ADAMS COTTON GINS and PRESSES, Cotton Nerd Oil WIIU, Colton Need Lin tore. Cone II Ilia, Now 91111a, MMflisff, Pal ley a, llnngere, Wind Mill* nud Caallnga, Pump* Mini Taolu. B.VAN WINKLE to CO.. Atlanta, Ofl. B anks hhkriff’s-ai.e.-wiii k« sold on to a KIHOT TUaMUAY In SKPTBlIBkk, next. *t in* «*aan Hutu* ia Banka «:*«air, Uaurxia. wllk- In tba leal houraat MUa la thaklikaat bWrior far cadUnMovIhproperty, ia-wili One Mm ■ud lot In Mtyavill<* In said county, w.ut* uln« Rt# onrinhali aorta, war tor !*•*, boandad oa th. Nortn to II. xThavld. Kart bv If. Attim and Mr*. H. K. Ryaalurtt on tha Sooth by attract and on ltoW#-tVy K, K. I. whereon tha dafan- dam now raeldaa. I^viad on aa tho proaarty of II. J. Uoareton tnaallaly *S. it., biueri from th# Huperior Court of Banka County in Ibvor of tho B.nta County C-ownoratlra AnociaUre k*r tho u*e of Kouvaa, Xickoraon A Co., aealmt aold H. 4.11 ample n. Notice slvetiio ri#f*ndant In lornia of ih* law. Tbl« Nik ot duly, lms. • but try Electric Bittore. There to «io iriNUciueao anfe.ho pure, anil so perfect a Blood Purifier* Etoctrie Bittern wU cut vDispepdiaUtobcteg sud all ntocaea j uf the Kidneys. lovnludble lo affection of fttomaeh eml Liver, «o«l overcouin nil Urinnrv Dlfllcultlea. Lirge Bottlea on’y BO nts. et A. B. Long. Univkm «OxouaiA. Oh in 1 laboratory. ! Offl’M of State Che I, Alto n*, Ga- .Ian * 2.*. 1824.—I liuv t en fuoUlarro ii um her ol yearn with the geiienu Che rgvtor of Prof* HorafunP# phoaphatlo prep tralloiid. Recent examination* iim.e l*y me of tl»« "Add plioaphmc" mi*I "Bread Preparation, * aUowihetn- to I e exactly what to claimed for them in i lie circular* accompany Ingthu pack* «!• "• Tl.u " Acid Pboapbato'Muaeon- cet fated solution in water of A«ld Sonth*woBt Corner Broadand Tlmmus Streets ■UWI.VVW. Low ii* loan : jfffltK ftdL mate 1 fW,Pm. New Or'raad I Tried inthe Crucible. OVER HALF A SHIMON DISTRIBCTKO. Lonisiana State Lottery Go. focorporatodla IMS fcr 25 rwabr tb. Left*! land #f ovar 1580,om Vaattxed bdm add*d. tuuaiak* noor too vlujrard of Allan B. Joanaen ttonatohlf gato aoar «ald iobn>un’a (in Mm Irene*down U» Mjaadara of Knu lo atoho cor ns r. three* l* beginning corner, *a Athena and JaflV raou road. OuntaTnine aboat aoveuty-Rre ■aroa mown *r lees Uakl land ltv*ed on m h< •Mpcrty of Alton K. Johnhm. t* aatinfy taro trereur* from CTorfca Knuerlor Court In lave* a KMilf Johnson v*. Alton K John*oe. Said land uriB hi told subject *oa martgag* on tha same to About (VOttmii age I discovered a little aoro ou any cheek, nod the doctor* pro- nooncod It cancer. I have tried a number of phyilcUnn. oat without reedvlog any peri-1 rent benefit. Among the number were one o( two ipeda!l»toi. Tlio mwlicln** tney apiiiird waa Ilka Rra to tba nve, caunng intenso pom. I saw a statement m the jxiper* tetlinj: wbat S. 8.8. bad dona for others ataularfy alUctod. I procarad wnx *t once. Ik f-«n’ i i»*t u*cri the second botUe tba neigh bon could node* that my cancer was heal in- uj». My purral health bad been bad for two or tore* ycan-l baa a backing coa^n ana -pit biooa contin ually. I had o severe pain m my breast. After taking tlx bocka of S. S. s. my cu-n i.-it me and I grew atoaler than I bad been for several year*. Mjrcancr r ha* healed en-r ail bat a little spot aboat tba aixe of a half dime, and it U rapidly riLoq (Marin/. I would advUj every ooe with cancer io d?o B. S. S. a fair trial. Feb. 18,188ft M “’ J. MoCONAUCIIKV, A»hr Grove, Tlp|M*an.w t o.. Ind. oJsSsBBt si* TUK tSlVlKT , Uruw.l X Atbl.u. G«. Ertraordiniry "'Quarterly Drawiin ia Isa Acidem, at Meric, New Orieaat, ntdty, tegMakir (4,(111. Under the peneuliH-nlarin and nsnsenaint Gen. G. r. Beauregard, ot Louisiana, and - Gen. Jubal A. Early of Vir ginia. Capital Prize 150,000. tSTNenee.—Tlck.tx are Tea Pellan aa AWelateij Pare ami I'axilaltmlcil. HOSPITALS, OURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIES, Aah Watwwiarg ir HnaoiM Evummua. CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGES And mil U titlhuj JUteasel f DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. urt with the l.utf sold es Cernu o(th*h Itinutou. th «h all cancer m.lAocoNii briCiiTv; a iao nx. Thousands of man and women all over our couutry are silenUy miserab*, while the outside world think yon hare an Cause to grieve. But, ah I Wa pronounce no anathemas againt any other remwly, hot wa aa art that on* single bottle of R. B. u. will do more in the core ofsny esse of blood point then twelve battles of say other. Our book ia frto and it tells ths tale. Address. BLOOD BALM CO. Atlanta, Ga. Haivti M; I otimdVH PURE STIMULANT Foutme Sick, Inv*^, o, CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, WEAK AND DEBIUTA r tD WOMFII. For«als by Drwyv' ta, Urocvi i and Ik*lt r*. PH**, toe IHlUr 1tor Kellie. ELE'JANTAND BEAUTIFUL! Perfumed With Otta of Rose-Perfectly Harmless • Manufactured by ' ' .4- J CRAWFORD & CO PARR BROTHERS, tee and Sign Painters WaH Pxoir ind Paper Hangers M*hattX'.17-' 0.49CLAVT0S8TBKRT o ofic* th'a fid day if J iaa*. aatouniiog to—...— . KdlWO ration for rates to dabs tboaU bo wad# the < fltod of tho company iu NowOrtoana. t bur ,n orjnAtlun writ* clearly, glrtaa CM PCtrhb motes, Kxpr«M money Mow k*rk*xehaog«lB ordinary totter. by Kxpreaa (at our || j[ New Orleans] La. AM atbU on'DC. . . t .iMfOrBriNyaklE mi ai MiLittdftto • ORLFAMf NATIONAL BAVK, Now •rlaaaaU. SkVtBAL /' A prominent Alshama physician said. ,-A patient who wes almost dying from the effects of Tertiary Syphillia and-who hod been treated by aorr-a noted physi- duns without benefit, used a doses bot- tlta of B. a B. and waa enttnlr emad. He had ulcers on hiaenn«,and *• boots heutrud-d through the fleah aad skin a trp elbow, snd deslh seemed inarittula.t taps am Eminout Pbyriclxx, "Have uoedfortirdiityyear* u.« prep- aration known A BradriuhrE female Kegnlstar. It le the bett MHariha known for (emaia dlarMm For parti- culxrs wriM The Bnuldeld Kegnlator Co., Atlaala, Ga. »rv*v vinaov g.c vrownt.-Mm. Mb Carte Sumri* «l*t .teril l«l» ggttiafetaarSagte 5ggg5Sggg65sagr- aaao KcWspAper. prior lotto next term of the OOOIto aHUT?:Ml XU, Judge, S C.W.C. L, AH.CUUV, Pioiatimh Attorney. - t h'T Atreo extract from th* minatss of Clarke Ap j lU iR™HUOOI»«, CUr k A FRIENP IN NEED DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. jUa boon a**d tor mar* tbs* '* rear*, and la too *kMtora ramody ter Rh*omAllan Neuralgia. **T*toPt .tooto—e Burn*. Wouada. aad oil rcbidea Wtuout tho limiM ot tha Hiote; It h thpffeapoa ordered by the Court that tho «c fesdant appear at th* aext term of thl* et th* *d Monday Iu October next, tad that sorvbi to p«rteci«4 upon th* tUCtadaai bypabllraltor thereof anra s mreth for tear moatto la Um fl*ao*r-Waichmau Nawtpapar prior to Ih* sort term of this court, fuepo Court Aprtl In W. ’ - ; . EA Marble and Granite Works A 1.1ore Siirt k » f lliii><l.< (IGrauito ami fcTprl.Io munnuiiipnl* ready Tor AIm<» a large htork ti> a* li-rt finm.—fall eikI pel my prlee*. A. R. ROBERTSON, Athens,Get. Milled)}* Av«nufi