The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 18, 1886, Image 1

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ATHENS GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MOB' ING. AUGUST 18. 1886. THU UTV FAl'fiEm. THE OLD CE1IKTKRY. Y .*.t to the Spot After the Hands Had Left. Wo yesterday rooming strolled around t<* (he old cemetery, to see what steps h .1 been taken to obliterate the vandal work that had already boon done. The ga k < is still left in the fonce, while the side-ditch of the street is filled with red earth, with little black patches of gravo dust, to form a road for the lumber wag ons to pass over. A fowjwhcclbarrows of dirt havo been thrown nn tho promiscuous pilo of bones in that sunken grave, ©ring them from night. The long red trenchos oxcavated for tho foundation nro still opon, with linos of graves in them. Home of their shapos arc as per fectly preserved as if just from the hands of tho diggor. Some aro deeper than others, whilo only the corner of a few were touched, and they were exca vated out like a cave. Among the clay you can readily dotcet tho little patches of iLrk mould, formed of de caying human bodies, but we saw no bones, save a few little fragments. Tlieso trenches should be retilled at onco by the street force; and all evidence of this unpleasant u .dot taking abolished. Tho yawning second-bond graves, with ashes of the dead cajoles dy thrown out, is not • very pleasing sight in a Christian and civilized city. i the HARMONY GROVE HAPPENINGS. Hahmoxy OfJVK, Aug, 16.—lion. 1 opo Harrow and adgo Emory Speer passed through uu village this morning. Editor Wagnon, f tho Signal, is now down in Oglethorp , Wo wish him a pleasant trip. Rev. Mr. Alien began a protracted' moeting at the Me.Iiodist church here last Saturday, (li at interest has been manifested thus fa in tho meeting, and we doubt not great good will bo done. Mr. Allen will bj assisted by RevsJ Hargrove, ot Ga! lesvillr, and Frank Hughes, of .loffers n. Tho meeting will continue several d *ys. Quito a daring burglary was commit ted al»out three miles above hero on the night of tho P.Hh Inst. Tli.i house of Mr. Tom Hay, during tho absence of himself and family from horn >, was li Wen into and rilled of its contents. About $60 worth ot provisions, clothing ami buU ohold furniture wen stol?n, includ ing lU> pounds of meat, L'l pounds of Hour, 4 gallons of honey nr l various other articles too numerous to mention. Last Friday evening Mr. Hay came to to vn, went before Justice^ Jordan and imura out A MlntKj" Dare Pittman, Charles Pittman and Ell Housey, all colored, charging thc:n with burglary. Early Saturday morning our efficient hailifT. Mr. F. Lord, ari these parties a id brought them to to stand their • oinmlttal trial. Tho was heard Sat irday evening at 1 o’clo *L before Justice-Jordan, Ik I.. J. Smitl Esq., representing the state and Win. P Simpkins, Iv np|ieariug for the i fense. Alter In .. ing the evidence, both pro and con, and listening to tho argu ment of counsel, Justice Jordan bound Dan Mintz over under a two hundred dollar bond, to appear at February term of court, 1880. Xfct having ovidonco sufficient to commit, tho cases against Dave Pittman, colored, Charles Pittman, colored, and Ell Housey, colored, were dismissed. Morn anon. Roiikrt !.*>:. A Eev«r# Arialfunmat of This Bi Mr Editor: it was thought by respectable element of our population thpl many of our troubles and vexations were over wh .*« Mayor Heaves and G.tizeus Ticket were elected. Our peo ple congratulated themselves upon return of good, honest, municipal gov ment, and with perfect faith and trust went back to their daily avocations satis fled that all was well. Hut, Air. Editor, that restless, uneasy feeling which culminated last December in the election of Mayor Heaves and defeat of Mr. WooU has returned, pervades three wards of the town, ami mon are sorrorffully awakening to the conclusion that the light of last Decern all in vain. Gur people satisfied with the appcaraucu of things, and many of us'are taxing our brains reconcile tho votes of counciliuen with their oft repeated promises before tho election. The Citizens Ticket was pledged the reformation of affairs in ih** city gov erniuent In the short space allotted us wo cannot hope to review every action of tho city council. We can only notice somo of their misdeeds, and can assure tho public that the sins of council not mentioned in this article are as aggrav ting is our people as those discjt-fced here. When the hew council went into office one of the first acts of the body was to curtail city by abolish ing tho office of city attorney. The p pie applauded. Six months had not elapsed ere the office was re-usta bushed, and the gentleman called to the duties ot the position congratulated himself upon tho fact that his com pen.-a', ion m greater than ever before; Wo have noth ing to say iu regard to the occupant of tho office of city attorney, lit yor—one competent and qualified, and in every sense has the rigi * to accept the office when tendered him. We make no war upon Mr. Rucker, but we would ii all fairness ask seme of our citizen repre sentatives is the need of a ci y attorney more urgent now than when the office was abolished? Will some member of council tell the good people of Athuns what litigation to which ihj city of Ath ens is a p»tiy h*« arisen since Ja i. 1st? True, there was some old business, but no now business; yet our council was aware of the existence of that old busi ness when it abolished the city' attorney ship, and tho council was aware of the tact that no new business had accumula ted when tho office was jc-establishe< ] ygfc—mUHmj nf U." CUtmmnm SOCIETY AND PERSONAL. Mrs. N. Kefl* Smith, nee Miss Carrie Hcuddcr, is visiting her parents in this city * The following |«rty returned from tho falls yesterday: Mrs. George D. Thomas,' Misses Morton, .Messrs, J. D. Mell, WJ M. Howloud and F. 8. Morton. Prof. A. M. Scudder Is on a visit to Mr. J. M. Edwards, of Memphis. lion. KnJot^r Rpeer and lajy left on Hornby for. Atlanta, - Dr. •). 8V Hamilton left fottho^fts jj^terday evening; wheat lie vpll swnd Mr. 8. J. Gentry tuts just retu^Wd from a Hying visit to Atlanta. Traveling during this season of tho jmr is excq^£|ly disagreeable o^ac- ronsUf ffifrflnst * Mr. Honry Grady spent last Sunday at tho quiet little tewn of Clarksville, Mr*. Walter Paine, of Millodgevillc, is visiting Mrs. E. D. Stone. A CITY CLOCK. No doubt this subject is becoming stale, but nevertheless it is a matter of Interest, and whatever Is for the interest of the city should bo agitated. Now Ticket oxplain the whys and tho wher • foros? When the city voted the bonds for the free schools, the city council paid a ge; - Human hero tivo hundred dollars for ne gotiating the loan. His trouble was nom inal. A few stamps and a few sheets of 4 paper was all that Mayor Heaves requir ed to sell tho bonds, and yet the council pays an outsider five hundred dollars foi this service. Now, few of our people know this fact. When council mine to audit this claim it was ordered paid, but in the published proceedings the servi ces for which the money wf s paid were not stated. No one blames the gentle man who received this money. Ho sold tho bonds, and if it was agreed that flve hundred dollars was to be his remuneration ho had every right to it. Hut wo do blame the city couhcil for paying out flvo hundred dollars of the people’s money, when the honorable Mayor or any member of tho body could havo performed tho service, and when the battle cry of tho campaign was that (he Mayor was a man who could lloat this debt without cost. What docs the Mayor receive? $800 per annum. What caused the council to continue their year ly annual sal irios? Are they to be paid, and yet have the {jght to hire others to do their work, ami pay for the same out ol the treasury of the people? It is a well knowftfact that the city paid the archi tect tth#drow the plans and specifica tions of the public school buildings $600 for his services. It is also a well Mfcwn fact that the city council did not ask for bids for this work, but selected the man and paid him his prico. No one blames thch arcitect He did his work and was entitled to his pay; but we do blame tho council for not advertising for plans, etc., and awarding the wntk to the lowest bid der. The Martin Institute at Jefferson, an exceedingly pretty, well-srranged and comfortable building, was jrawn and its xaluftle consideration for the fire!gift. It iN possible they nmy give away i thing else. who is well inform- od and who is not given to exaggeritbn, a few days since, “Iho Tweed ring wjjen the relative siz*» of the cities concerned is considered, would show but a little more jobbing and corruption than exists in Athens to-day.” This estimate may be harsh, but of one thing vow msy be assured, Mr. Editor, our peoplo are die- ;usted with our city fathers. W-A, P. JIEED. By a Cowar.My Our Who Lav in Walt for Him. Carncxtr!'o Kefittar. On Sunday night a week ago, W. A. l\ Heed, ivho lives on Tugalo river nokr Foplar Springs church, was shot on li* way from night .meeting. |Io was *n horseback and alone, and when in a qiuf- ter of his home, the ruffian who vu concealed on the road side fired upln him. The bullet entered bis left sida, passe-1 rround tho vital oegans an t op his back. * The mule Mr. Reed was riding jump- kd when tho weapon was discharged, and ho was either thrown to th^ ground, or fell from the effects of the shot. It was with great difficulty that he reached home, sometimes walking 1 soinotimes crawling. It was thought I that he was shot with a ride. The wound j serious but not nocessarily fatal, and e will probably recover. We vuder- stami that Mr. Hoed says he saw and re- coguinized the assassin by the iitsh of A vigorous offbrt ought to be made by the people living iu that (art of the county, to aryest the off’endir aud •ring him to justioe. UMtLC- SOKE. CAMP-MEETINGS. There is quite an interesting Meeting now in session at Wood's camp {round, Jackson cqunty. On Sunday quite a, number from the city went up tb spend lay. It is said that there were at least eight thousand poisons presuit, and that for half a mile around th« stand horses, carriages, buggies and wagons were as thick as pens J h j exercises were conducted by the presid- cider ofthat district, and a great deal interest in the meeting was shown, hose who have nover visited a camp meeting should not lose the opportunity attending the one at Hethlahcm in Walton county, a ew miles this side of Tavern, on tho fifth Sunday of this This is a beautiful place, well shack'd l>y u«k •ml hickorv trees, and having the flnost spring of water this of Tallulah. The people in that sec tion of country are very hospitable, and nlways see that visitors are woll takon care of; so lot all that can go up on th; t day and swell tho attendance. Jug 'I AA Eaves Dropper Scalded. CanMivlUe K«;tsier. few oightl ago Richard Jliliov, former citizen of this town, in company with aToveniio officer, went to the house of Mr. Dennis FJiillipa, against whom the officer held a.warrant for some alleged violation of the revenue laws. Not find ing Mr. Phillips at home, the bright idea of eaves dropping the bouse entered Mr. Hilley’g head. He crawled under Mho floor,.which waq near the'ground, and wedged hiutsolf. closely between the dit$nnd ffooring-plinks, where-he oouhl distinctly hear all that was said in the house. Mrs. Phi I lips soon became aware 6f hts presence under the floor, and hav ing located him satisfactorily putakettlo of water on the fire. While the water was heating, she turned the conversation so as to interest Air. Hilley End keep him in momentary expectation of gain ing valuable infoimatiun. When the water reached the boil-ng point Airs. Phillips carefully emptied the conten t in the cracks in the floor, directly above where the caves dropper was lying. Air. Ililley was so closely wedged in that his exit was very slow, notwithstanding the urgency of the occasion- Tho way ho hollowed murder, and made th^irtand chips and rubbish ffy, was astonishing, llis shoulders and back are said to bo in a sad plight, and it will probably be some time before he repeats tho experi ment. THE L£AOERQ BOOTS AND SHOES. THE BEST ATHENS, GA, HOT WRATHER. We are hiring .torching wcothir now, nml crop. are withering and losing. Tho shower that fell Sunday afternoon soon dried off. 1M NaW QUARTERS. Mc.ara. i 1 licit ii oid x Bluuenihal hare moved into their new store tinder Hie franklin house, aud are opening their fall stock of goods. This is otto of the prettiest stores in the city. OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS, OVERCOATS AND OTHER SPECIALTIES the ensuing ae»«on will bo ready for Inspection by FJE^TEMBBIl 1st de*l re velr briefly to state that It s the THE OCONEE TROUBLES. There is nothing new from tho Ordi- nary of Oconee. .He has not ns yet is sued his proclamation, aud inanifeKta no intention to do so. Wo do not know what will be tho next stop tho prohibi tionists will take. Mill Complete Eiibit for Variety, Extent and General Excelsnse Ever Ofteref M%y ask vou to reserve your orders * un itll you . have a hopportunity xamine the same. Very truly yours, CHEAP HAY. A great deal of Bermuda grass ,• hay has been saved and sold in Athens this summer at from 35 to 40 centA per hum dr«< delivered in your bam. Mgiiy of these dealers will next winter buy this tame hay back at $1.25. FERRIS & SON. Me>ch nt Tailors •» es*ut i sin yourc & eprrmVrj Any or <1 euiion Film’s i!n,' Orris. Oar At.* E. H. Kffrls will raj* af‘p«f> ! sto »n?of aunplM I f 'Mt*» 'rtrtt fieri o fi whfe i vo ni*y iitfM/i.. 1 vil rj/»iivj{»wwi nl at MADISON ITEMS. Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. Hunter arc spend ing a few weeks witl! relatives in Ogle thorpe county. • Died, af her homo in this county, on rhe 15th inst., Mrs. A. R. Ah|^y, after painful illness. Air. P. M. Atkins*n will^Erto the real estate agency in Chsttsnoopi He has just returned from that place, and considers it the coming city of the South* We have fsceived tho first numberof the Advertiser, anew weekly paper pub lished by E. A. Rice. The first number i< a very creditable one, and know that it is only a sample of what may bo ex pected to follow. Air. Rico is on# of tho best printers in the srate. We gladly pftce tho Advertiser on ouroxchange list, and sincerely wish that it may live long and prosper.—Aladisontan. THE TECHNOLOGICAL SCHOOL. The energy and enterprise of Athens was never more clearly demonstrated than in its determination than in its de- termination to issue $35,000 in bonds to secure the Technolbgical school. There were but few scattering votes agaiust in the election he^l last Saturday, flip measure receiving more than tl necessary two-thirds votes voto of tlm city, the settlemont of the school in Athens becomes practically a certainty. This ihirty-Avo thousand dollars, how ever, will bo but a small contribution in comparison to the great advantages of fered by the university, in its magnifi cent apparatus, its libraries, its profes sorships, dormitories, etc., which aro DIRT BROKEN. Yesterday dirt was broken o.» tho lot for tho public school building for tho whites. This will bo one of tlio bond- souicst and most imposing biiiljlings in tho city, and the site is a conspicuous and elevated one. \tfe belie re that eve rybody is now satisfied. he’surveyorh Capt. Taluiadgo left for Oconee; yestcr- Stationery. rd.j, to finish tho trorkof geUiiigllio Sight of way tor tbf JI. * A. road between t m AppoUcoe. and the city limila. The iigincoring corp. were jreaterdey camp- id at Farmington, and Woiking on Mr. tv. T. Klder’a place. The prettiest aud cheapest Hue of wedding mid note paper in the city. ? Stock ii esli and new. SclibdtA fin;- ' niahed witjh stalioneiy at liHvcxt rates, w I ord ers from tho muronnd - ing cOThtrj will receive/prompt ut- !l tention. k largo line 1 of bliink books, inks, penn, and pencils, can ‘ ! - bo found at airtimes at our stove,,. Be® Front, |5rtuul Siruct. •FORI CRANFORD ^ DAVIS, AT k rtRHltM. I Judge W. B. Hionu>s|that E »pera house is an assured feet,-am will commence tliereon the* Lit of mr. A number of applications have teen made for stock that can’t be sup 1 plied. It ^ worth A prftngxtt. 1 Judge Thomas, ^haldont of ou Association,^fays J*e ' wants $$, make it a success, and Immondy come. He is certainly thflhght!r tko right place; and our dtixA dcubtless furnish alt the thonsiyi sary to main tho fairs success. necessary to complete the advantages of the school, and which, at any nther construction superintended by i well place, could not be duplicated unless at known architect for one hundred dollars, great expense.—Constitution. We baveno inclination to be hard upon that the council have .elected one of tho j a, d|y council. The lut offlet U act of beat and mo»t elevated cite, in the cltyl thltWy pUcing , public school oa which to erect .ver]rh.ndiom. Mruc- | i, q j|jj Br . u no n innd to which the* Ittd *•* # — * —*•—* arniilil il haI tu< I .. .... t.refor eurfreeKhool, would it not be i n(ith „ j (ed „or.ight tncline. u. t* pity a fc.piC.Udea to pUc u nice dock iu tho , h „ COU ncil. They evidently need tufTti i u; • > ’ - i vo»..«.o They evidently need e «up“K -or the conr.nt.nce of our ciU. , nd nquinl conduit w»tching. nt»; Bnry city of nny importance hu onm Dpon t U ntn guv. uw.y Ah# North- one, ind progreuivo Athena >honld ko.p EuUm th.j . .hart time .go spue with the tim«k I gave utiruy what w»« tnppoaed to be tho ■ DZATK Of All OLD LAST. In. Ulouet, who i. known to every one.d* thin eity, died tt her home in £uft;4th«* oiLllondaySight Khe «.. brought from Inhnd ye.r^ngo by Hr. John White. Unring the put faw year, of her life aha bu baen an inrdid— acareaiy abla to more beraalf without ATBRItt DIRT, it'll e.Ute ih'Atbefla i. pcrtaiiiiy on u a, as one will dlacover if he] ntarti invent inn lot. The city paid |Jjr >r a lot 105 by 145 on a back street, it was the cheapcit place, too, th.t couM bo fouiyi auitablo for the jiurposc. Ou Tbomu .tract $5,000 wa» uked for a lot, and on the boundarie. or Ucltakilli to$3,c;5. 1 Do yon wo it tny printing, now Of later?— from $1,500 aiga Thia ia a health m AM ACOlDtHT. UeeTj^^^alrin Johpaoa, .ato aerioua affair.. Uf arha* aa uau»l,hL.. atUck of vertigo aaampd, to come, ovi him and ho fell ‘bnekwhrda, his'head a. atriking the corner of the bod-po.f. At Brat tho wound traa thought to be! gerona one, hut after pbyaical con *•»». Hwna found to ; bo oaly.aj 1 wound, nml not a fracture, ad waa it Wanted-LUO