The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 18, 1886, Image 3

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THE KXIGftTH OF LABOR. [The organisation Itronily Condemned hr the Holy sea. Quebec, Aug. 13 —Rome hot [finally spoken upon the auction of nnsily spoken upon the auction of the Knighu ol Labor. The society | is unequivocally condemned by the Holy See and’ the tji'hops of the church are enjoined to proceed nga nst all secret societie* under the pa al ban. Cardinal TimcMRi has just communicated this decision to the public here in the shape of a letter addressed to his bishops. Excitement la Texas Croat excitement has been cal the vicinity of Paris, Tex, by the r MOST PERFECT MADE tsasmsesR U aror tlelicioual/. 1 FOR SALE! Ifrunllii* on lUxtor Street ’_»7rt feet from Mi Hedge V venue. Furr"*'"* 1 —*'— better. Apply Avenue. For price, loc*ti< ’ J. 8. WILLIFORD. R. K. A. MIC vicinity VI I HI 13, ICA, uy no II ktible recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, wu io helpless ho could not turn in or raise hia head; everybody said be dyinK o. Consumption. A trial bott Dr. King's Now Discovery was sent Finding relief, be bought a large Ik, and a box of Dr. King's New Life IMIs by .he time he had taken two boxefti Fill* and two bottles of the Discovery?\ was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial llottles of this Great Discovtty for Consumption free at Long & Go. An Kntstprising, Reliable House. A. B. Long can atwa«s be relied upon not only to carry in stcck the best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well-knewn merit. and arc popular with the people. Their by sustaining the reputation of being always enterprising, and ever re liable. Having secured the agency Ibr the celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery fur Consumption, will sell it on a posi tive guarantee. It will anrely cure any and every affection of the throat, lungs, and chest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bcttle Free. Jerof lubeld Ml*l : 1C il<hi ot i ■» Ror«l Pnuria lerof th# Rot Kiflo; (Juovilhr of tbo Lpflsu Honor, — * tell too fur two a good Hues room eot I re-o»l«°“ltDlri' ivciilent to boiiiien, wuter. good cook 1i ,™ rlllfan nil fnrnu.f.l.l...nd I (llttly. 1 BUI Ml< I Llobiu Co'• Coca Uojf Tonic tbould n fount «1 with Ike horde of trerhy Him of the word spetei ’ with I Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, R. K. . Magnificent Water Power for Sale | The weUknoan water power twlow the com of the North md South Oconee River kno- Barnett Shoals, l»or 10 aelJ^w from Athena, 41 n»m Watkiiiaville, am a from nhiU-rville. i the rieorfla Railrod T e din road to the pi la Invel. The hbonls are very flue, he (all thoroughly convaraant w! 4»( v of preparation and know It to be not only jpomltlnaatH pharmaceutical product, butalae taaeihy ol the high commendation! it baa re ceived In all jwru ef the world. It coatalua •“ - - - - idGftllsaj oaaance of Bccfl'oiiea. Quinine,Iron and Callaava, dlaaolved in pore genuine Spanish fm- Invaluable te ail wbo a ssntt i Run Down. Nervoui fe.llh The ahoala are leu than uno tulle loi veyaiid map were made by Frol Itairov Slate I'niveralty hence can b- rrlieo ui o iaattacbnd to the ahoalfj*) ac-cs ol land fbra vtllege for opj erativra. A at ream la ieH(< ubic) I Her Majesty’s Jfiivorite Cosmetic (•lycerlnn of tb. ibiiity. For t he Skin, Complex high cuoufeh. < I iValra and the I ....... . .. ... | Ion. Irruption a, t'happiog, Koug hneu. 11.00. L^HKJ CO.'S Genuine Sjr up of Saraaparil'i i guaranteed r* **■“ *— ** ** i best Saraaparilla in ti. Y. DEPOT St Mu <» superior. For parilcu the uadaralKU d. irlm put I r partfc r the property < J. 8. WILLIFORD. R. K. TO RENT! A nice alx room < Htage in ixccllent ordc> . WILLIFORD. It, E. A. 18 PREPaUUm TO 1881*K I Drafts on England, Ireland, Francs, Oennany and Italy .T LOWEST RATES OF EXCHANGE. A. L. HULL, Cashier We Have Tried It. And would have it if the cost w| ten times what it is,” says many ladlt ny la who nave used The Mother’s friend be fore confinement. Write The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for full par ticulars. * The quickest time on record! Neural gia of the worst type, cured by one dose of .SMITH’S BILK BRANS In from one to four hours, as many who have tried it can testify. It does seem strange that sensible people will suffer with terrible disease when speedy relUL surely be found in this simple si^ftnd inexpensiv remedy. 25 cents. For sale by ail druggists and dealers in medlcide, or sent anywhere on receipt of price In tamps A four-room cottage, pood girden -and well water; convenient to buslnes J. T. f’o.MKIt. FLUM NO, Two four room cottagtf* ami one tb room cottage, nil in excellent order, i •convenient location, Apply In. J.S. WILLIFoUI). RON Awning Frames, CetueUr) Enrloamus DICKEY’S MESS EYE WATER i yd ran..c Rama, Wror ght, Caat and ea, HaulUry Uooda. Pum.a, Windmill*. Um urea. Globvaand F'ittlugs Eatlmate* for all nki Plumbing furnUhad at lent viti good work/ “— a contraci _ ■ aa low _ it i good work* Personal eupvmalon > • .ch contraci. . D. PLANIQKN TO RENT. RELIEVES ATONVK. Cure* <\ sfiatKDYln ttmworl i'for «iiu! i'l r'.hts a botl I . Auk lor It. Hi DICKEY & ANDERSON, ‘‘Use Seven Springs Mass. Ji Good Gulden and Wa WOMEN! MRS. T. A. ADAMS’ It la not noceaaary for yon to kulfer any lonn W. H. PATTERSON, *ui'po»ltnrh• will cureyo< \\ -i, ----- •!'►•*-«.' Vi. ld r#Hilly t«. th Mild powora oralmpM»H * t c«-rlii.- Sifpp .»lfon Price One. a b-x Uyr«u D. It.... M. I». r • H n-l HSi In aump* fur tlal |» cka* No. 31 Pryolffltr TO PABENW 'SrSsS t uet Dame Fortune Pass You By. ThtlM’h Grand Monthly Distribution of The Louisiana Ht ite Lottery Company c on Tuesday (al waysTuetnlav) ft 1880 un ler thd usual stipervis- on of Ga is G. T. Beauregard of La., tntlJibal A. Kaily of Va. Well, the ^anie « ld story Is tohl again; some $2U5- *>00 wi nt flying shout like thistle down. It was thusly, Ticket No. 81 { 375(c»»ting- 15) drew the First Capital I’rize of $75,000 (i was sold in fifths at $1 asch—one to tfrs. Marv E. Holmes. Ko.*208 Prlncefb dt„ E. Boston, Mass.; one to A. H. fonas. Anniston, AU. ;ono to Win. Clam worthy farmer at Monroeville, Aden Co., inti.; one collected through Wells, Fargo & Co, 8an Franflsco, Cal., fora resident there; another to a-puny a Columbus, O., who is opposed to any liscovery Wing made. No. 77;227 won the Second Grand Prise of $25,000, also wild in fifths at II each—one to Jim H. Bones, No. 340 West. 4rnh St., New York City, a party Identified with the* Amusement World aa Treasurer ot the rirandOprea House in 23d St ; one to Henry 8ass, No. 29 Western Ave. Toledo O. paid th rough Adams Expres; onp to Carl Tidema:i, Irook-kedper with the Meyer Brea. Drug Company, Kansas City, Mo.; one to Vito Dilofvnxo, a young Italian frnit vender at cor.Wssh- ingum and Imurel Sts,, New 0< Irani, eto. No. 10,400 drew tbi ThirtV Capital Prise of $10,000, soitPhi 4|Htrfitths to Rug. Lafon, Denison, Texas, through First National Bank there; one: to John A. Stewart, Detroit, Mich., through Detroit Savings Batik; the rest to par ties in 1. .«ton,—In Springfield, Mass., and Clear Lake. Wis.On September 14th 1880, will be a (Jugrterir GrandExtnlo- ITliraculwaa Kacapr. W. W. Heed, druggist ot Winchester India., writes: “One of my customers Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Randolph Co., Ind., was a long sufferer with Con sumption, and was given up to die by' her physicians, She heard or Dr. King's New Discovery fot Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six months time she walked to thtt city, a dlatancr of six miles, and is now so much lin iroved she has quit using it. She feel le owes her life to lt.' ( Free trial bot ltn at Lontr's Drug Store. Tired arid LnsgaM Wemea. How many women there are of whom these words are true: “They fee, aniruld and tired, hardly able to bear heir weight on their feet, the bloom all gone from their cheeks, irratablu and cross without meaning to be, nerves al upset, worried with the children, frette over little things, a burden to them selves, and yet with no acute disease Whan pity it is. But a few bottles o Parker’s Tonic will drive all this away and relieve the troubles peculiar to the sex It is the beat e -nown for female diseases. For part; ctilars write The Bind Held lCegulato- Co., Atlanta, Ga. . un-Far ■'ilea. j* are “equentiy preceded by of wel* it. to the back*, loins a lower parto the abdomeu, causing tb* patient to snppoie be has some affectlor of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a a very disagreeable i telling, after getting warm, as a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pilesyleld at once to the application of Dr. Bnsarko’s PIfe Jtemedy, which act# directly tinon the parts affected, absorb ng the Turners, allaying the intense Itching, and effecting a permanent euro Free 50 cent. Address The Dr. Bomsnk [ Medicine Co., Pinas, O. Sold by R[ I ydotn »nd Bur *» A Arnold.i Tliere is nothing In tin line of male or mystery about that wonderful and n ufar medicine, Parker's Tonic. It limply the best and most scientific combination possible of the essontial principles of those vegetable curative# which act powerfully and directly oi the stomach, liver, kidneys and blood, But there neither Is, nor will be. any uuii uicic iiciHier i«, iiur win uu. auj successful imitation of it. It Is all the time curing those who had despaired of ever getting well. For yourself, your wife and children. Many a person is starving with a full ble before them. Appetite gone! Am- ition gone! Life a burden!! What is he matter? The Liver has ceased to do ts proper work. The life channels arc clogged. Poisonous fluids are thrown back into the hlood, which should be thrown out. SMITH’S BILE BEANS \yili surely stimulate the liver to do its wotk well, and headache, sat lowness and bad breath will five away Price, 25 cents per bottle. A11 druggists. Gkogria. Laboratory, t, Athens. Qa . Uxivebs Ohm Office of Sjtate Che t, aiusud, v*a June 27, 1884.—I hav een familiar fo number ot years with the genera haracter ofProf, Horsford’a phosphatic preparations. Recent examinations made by me of the “ Add Phosphate” * “ Br * ~ and 1 . lying the t ages. The “ Acid Phosphate” is a in the circulars accompany Most Excellent. J. J. Atdins, Chief of Polled, KnoxViUe Tonn., writes: “My family and I are beneficiaries of your most excellent tnodicino, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; having found it to bo all that you claim for it, oesire to testify to its virtue, My friends to whom I have recommended it, praiso it at every op portunity.” Dr. King*! ing’s Now Discovery-for Con sumption is guaraneed to euro Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, Athma, Croup and uvry affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Trial Bottles Free at A. B. Long Drug tore. Large «i«e $l.UQ. SKA FOAM jsSMSSfflsjsfww- SCIEXTIFIC. rdlnarj Drawing, when $523 500 will be • lietribute! f which M A. Daubin', New Orion., Lx., will gif * xU infor- ! E.VAN WiNKLEaCO. lUMUrACTOBMA ATLANTA, QA. OASTS, JOSES A CO., , 190 nuane SUS. g. PARR BROTHERS, House aid Sign Painters WaR Pansr asd Papsr Haagsrs COTTON GINS and PRESSES, MUwMOU W1IU, M U.Un, OH. Mltto, tow Hlllx, •haftlwar, rwllqrx, Bu|«l, WMianriMlw, Ml WIMKU . Atixntm, £ An Old CUlxsnJtpeaks. Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident of Home, Ox., says that he had been badly troubled with Kidnoy Complaint for a great many years and with Eczema for three yenrs; at times cpnld scarcely walk and had tried many remedied without benofld, until ho began taking Klectrie Bitters and anointing his hands and feet with Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo. This treat-, nient afforded him great relief and 1m strongly rvcommundcJs Klectrie Bitters to all who suffer with KidneyCbraplaints, or need a Blood' PuriflefF Sold by A. B. Long. I ARNICA SALVE. *" s in tbd World for Outs BOCKLENS The Best Salve. BruDes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever s.ires, Totter, Chapped Hinds pack- w „ a con centrated solution in water of Acid Phosphate of Lime. The “ Bread Pre paratton ” is a mixture of Acid Phos phate of Lime, carbonae of eoda and I'llWlO Ul IJIIUD, UAIUUIIIUI ui B-AII. RIIU flour. Whenmixed with water, carbonic acid gas is liberated and a double phos phate of lime and soda is formed and remains In the bread when baked. In ordinary cream ot tartar baking powders the subetaoce left in the bread after “raising” is roohelle salts—a double art rate of soda and potash. The phofJ phates are useful mineral substance* in animal nutrition and growth, the tar* rates are not. In my opinion, the thosnhatic Powder is, therefore pre ferable to the otlior, so far as healthful n2 a i* concerned W C. W1I 11 CAPITAL PRIZE.S16D f OOO. “Ws do hereby certify that we su- igemente (or all th( •t€*Tly drawings el tn< ittery e*»mpany, and In . iso the Monthly and LoqJnlanaStn— —, —. _. . person manage ind control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are condnctod frith noneetv, fairness and In good faith toward ill parties, and we au tborize the Colppeny to uee this certlfl cate, jrilh fsc-lirailfs oi oor signatures ” m ' in Its advertisements.” rrrrr^rr , [orsford’s Br THE BEST.BAKING POWDER IH THE W Is made by Prof. Honrihpl'e process, the only process .that proilufei powder of any nutritive value. It supplies the ystem. utritlom and atren;' idimplrttes refl'iire! by th ^is tli i r \ an anv other powder. It is recommended by • m nont physicians. It contalnajno cream tartar, alum, or any adulteration whatever. Put up In bottles. Every \ o .t!o warranted; For sale by all dealers. Cook Book Free. Rnmfori Ghetpi.-ii Works, Pf-vMmw THREE '§Mk ILLS GRI FFITH &MELL. INSURANCE AGENTS. to b.exSf, wh.u r .*efx n rmod h i°orRepresent best Ooinpaniea and -insure desirable pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most farorablo tterms List o» Companies. Asslth. Georgia Home t....; ... $ 750.000 Home of New York. 7,200,058 PhaMiix of Hartford 4 240 760 Livorpool and Ixtndon and Globe uifioojooo Insurance Company oi North America. 9,087,235 orth British and Mercantile 8 313 714 New York Underwriters „.„j 3 505 877 Germania of New York * 2 533 783 Merchant of New Jersey l 100*081 Atlanta Homo (Pays dividends to policy holders.) 249 328 4 LONG TERM POLICIES ISSUED OS NOTE PLAN. ' ’ OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY janlfidlv. HODGSON BROS ;W110LBIALM. AND RETAIL . * Grocers. Cigars & Tobacco I ^Th Loui.ixnx Site'LJftiwie* wbfon mxy be preempted at t»rcounters. , Louisiana State’Lottery Go. man. tfilnt, Kemlngly "l.tlfoMlblemxy ixowponud 1.IU< UuMt..™!).Iktlwriri be xttxluM. Ilunnlredi of bopelea exse. tw« W *>■■“!— What Can Ss Done. By trying again xn keeping upoouragx y tbingx wen'— uf Kidney, and Liver Compltot bxve been cured be Electric Hitters, alter everything elxe had been tried In vpin. So. don t't think there fa no cure Ibryuu, but try Klxctric Bittcra. There U no medicine no xalo.xo pu-c, ainlxo perfect a Blood.rurificr. Electric BIttera wll TBKOUaa TB1 A prominent Alabama phyvieian aaid ,-A patient who waa almost dying from the electa of Tertiary Syphillla and who had been treated by Mvran noted phyaf- cian, without benafiCqMd a dozen bot. tlta of B. B. B. apd wax entirely corad. He bad ulcera onhisarma,and the bone, heotrud d through th, tlosh and akin a trp elbow, and death aeemkd inevitable.* Th. Kothm'amnd. Not only .hortena labor and laweaa p tin, bat i( greatl^limini the. the danger tt> ”/« of both mother and .child If tued a t. w montha before eontlaemeiiL Write to The BrxdfieM Begnlxitor Go., Aiauta, 6a. Cheer Opt ulliiu and. “I'm a.-raid I .ball have to Ibe taken to a liMgitalor to the poorliouae. I’ve bean rick «o that my hual an i patient, can’t worry and expenae much longer^ No, you won’t dear wife and mother. See what Parker’a Tonic will gio far you. Picutyof women rax badly off aa you are, hare been reacued almost.from the graVa by it. (k will build you n|>, .urin^ — — ffnt tm ail aliment, of the atomacb, k'dneya, and la simple, plcauut and Extraordinary Quarterly Drawings tladn Ik. pmoeal itwMTiatoii ud auU(« ea. G. T. Beauregard, oi misiana, and, . Jubal A. Early of Vir- Inia. gima. .... • Capital Prize 150, 000 . IIS' M A DAUPHIN, M «w Orlaaas, Lt. on' D CT. sty Order able i Util is AIT f IAT10NAL BADS, A Spaclatty. Itovhusrtara for OooJ . R. ROBETSON Marble and Granite Works A l*ige Stock of fiulri.cdOranlto and Murhle iiiounmnenl. ready for fettering Alao a large .took to »■ lect from—Cal! and get my prin*. A. R. ROHf^lTSON, Athena: On. HAMPTON & WEBB ptAHnr.tcTUMhaop.-ALL gtuoaop — ' C A N D Y MADflOUT*QF|PUREi*U<iAR tickCfuidyaSpestaltjf.Casuanat,Paiiul, 1 r; i ii i •talMbv uiu«mfairu;i OPWLKHEX; Inreplv Arniun, 0*„ Jftj* 121654 nreply to your inquiry, I may rial, ididly that I think liuraiunl'e Bread Toon treiv, JOHN OEBUINE, M.D. lick Headache, aak your tliogl giata tor • free trial package. One pi orsdoae. Hccular size box 25 cents Sold by Dra. Lyndon, and O W Both. ★ ^ FRIEND IN NEED DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. froMth* receipt of Dr. SUpban pries la s nT; • i J.F.tJlITn * CO* “!u-cr i ta<? 0«to Prooj., »I. U)Ul$. MG GEO. E. HEARD, Mtlledge - - Avenue