The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 24, 1886, Image 3

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■ THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHB.NS, G A., AUGUST a 4l 1886. WHY THEY MABB1KD. We recently tent nut cards to I he married men of a tmall I own in Smith Florida, says the Jackson ville Herald, with the inqi iry, -, why did you ma-rj ?” We g ve a tew ol the responses: That's what I've been trying for eleven years to find out. P.” - “Married to get even with her mother, but never have. W.” “Hecause I am too lazy to work. L V.” “Because Sarah t ol n:c that five other young men h proposed her. T.'rjf B.” "The old man thought eight years courtin’ was almost long enough B.” “I was lonesome and melancholy, and wanted somebody to make me ffcfe- N - a - Sh “ makes me n v o ry ' ^ ..... . D - peer baknc powder t o. OgaMtseJrJa ST PERFECT MADE iaiimv FOR SALE! “1 was tired of buying ice cream and candies and going to theatres and church, and wanted a rest Have saved money." J. C.” “Please don’t stir me up. J.” “Because I thought she was one among a thousand; now I some times think she is a thousand among te. E.” “I think it was because I was cross-eyed; now I am afilicted with two peirs oi cross-eyes daily. . “Peter.* “Because I did not have the expe rieoce I have now. G. That’s the same fool quei-tion that my ft lends and. neighbors ask me. C. P.” , , , —-- „ . . i “Because I had more money than A P A pi; , tS. #,xr00tt0 lUge ln « ce,lent Ikncw what to do with. Now j. ». Williford, r, e. a. | have more to do than I have money. I front; uj on Baxter Street,27U feet from Mi lied (te I Avenue. F ir Price, location, &c., I know of no better. Apply to. 1 , J. 8. WILLIFORD. R. E. A. — - ■■■ - . '»*Rtp! M eoek I ro»tn exrellm garden for vegetables and flower* Everythin? n • w and til g.tod order. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, R. E. A. TO RENT! A four room voltage, good ginlen, amt ivi-ll wuiiSr; convenient to txisiness J. T. C'OMEIt. Two four ro-im uott'igM and onu threi. room cottage. all In exc Tent order, ani : convenient loca 1 Ion, Apply to. J_s. wn.LtFonn. TO RENT. b, d.” “I wanted a companion ot the op- | posite sex. P. S.—Sne is stilt op- posite. Bon. “Don’t mention it. F.“ “Had difficulty unlocking the loor at night and wanted somebody to let me in. A." “I was embarrassed and gave my A Fina-R HU Dittoes OllDCOliee Stre l| Tcould takeThe tMndfit^Yhenjame igned to a check. Scrooos.” “Because it is just my luck. P.J.” “I did not intend to go to do it. S.” “I yearned for company. We now have it all the time. Karl.” Have exhausted all the figures m tne arithmetic to figure out an answc Jtoyour question.. Between nultipiication and division in the OJii Oardiu and Water. MRS. T. A. A DA M3 mu • mine, IbolUr VVood-wurkla^ Mm- working do not fell to u mis tl*. i he un i—wlgn-d, whe* hM for rate •!’ kir.U of Engine* and JVooH *w«l ■«••« Wo Itiig ffflnchiuery, boili A'eumnd Sec milk; «J. mi |»r ct* Bimpii defy competition, Lei us ki*w yonr want* tod price* will be a sued It you warn t*» *ei m-. .... ,, KSftwSSrT ,|K0 ofa, '^ m ' ! ’ do “' ,u family and distraction in addition, j v. Belton,« Li .£K .iffilU .1 NATURE’S CURE FOR icoNsripm, mD m»rh Torpid Liver, hut line iintiluc(it\ Cuhilvi-nrai TeriAnfe v or >ao*nt MJLTSKlt AI’BIURNT , U.» !».».. U. I'U klTsct t* uri.'lr t. iU Hi I loti I palatable o h* '*»*c. • au be rvuef upon locun- tut] li tur * uy fc««lMl not by ouuuH'f. “ *| | the answer is hard to arrive at Old Man.” “I ma.ried to gat the best wife | in the wi rid. Simon.”- Bvcsirse I aske I her if she’d I havenio. She said she would, think she’s gut me. M. V. W.” _ _m t k« viol ut |<urg.< I ves »o'lrs. Ivl-#, «r alto urelilHn M» ieketi>en says up* «hto j_*l ystit j Sick-Headache, I awn .sreucce-i* 11 r*-p*r>«ib wlrfclt liu I DYSPEPSIA. * If y-4r* more thm. ■■■■Bn I. Id iig ilniiiyLt* rt rytshn DIOKEY’B PAINLESS tit WII!!li|Pi=I^S U.<fafBVK4 \T )V.’E Oaw'nfitnet »nd ev. *n i to.v bur*. t|944 NO PAIN. Th> hW i it! i rxusre DICKEY 1 ANDERSON, Proprietors. “Use Saves Springs Mast.) URISUIL, TEN . | Si.-H.AK' ufiAAnw, J.F. SMITH A CO., •Mnnfirtiren mj |D Free*., >T. iOUlf, -ft MlTC IKL LS STATION, CULPEPPER CO v VA. 5 Dr. F. S. HALL, (UitivertiuyoV Va.) Pnncipi\ 1 it •» h-slikycoun lt>. 1) rut up li | ir) visili n y ol'geor budl p«-f. T rma Pirnine m mm* •* 30 lieglu • 8EI*|. 1 1*4. Write for OMMM Crab Orchard WATER. KIDNEV8. A POSITIVE CURB TOR |3«S5F !A TpatIom. Q EADAOHSw I r DotsOne to two tcsapoonfols. nnlneCsAsOscsAsn Malts In smu psckAKe* st JO snd SAcls. >u r«n- m SslU sold in bulk. reb Oreherd Water nuMnnoniDn moDamiutt A prominent Alabams physician Aid ,‘A patient who was almost dying from the etfects of Tertiary Ryphit'.fsnnd whe had been treated by sevres noted pbys' eisns without benefit, used a dozen bol ties of B. B. B. snd was entirely cured. He had ulcers on his arms, snd the bones heotru Id through * he flesh snd skin trp elbow, snd death seemed inevitable. Cb«*rtrpl Help li a. Baud. “I’m a.'raidl shall have to be taken to a hospital or to the poorlionse. I’ve been sick so Isug that my husband, good and patient as he Is, can’t stand the [Worryand expense much longer.”No, you won’t dear wife and mother, Bee what Parker’s Tonto wilt do for you Plenty of womeu as badly off as yo are, have been rescued almost from the graVe by It. It will build you up, curing alt ailments of the stomach, liver and k’dneys, and is simple, pleasant and fae A BAD VlX. Thousands of men and women alt oyer our couutry are silently miserabr, while the outside world think you have no cause to grieve, ltut, ahl We pronounco no auatliemas againt any other remey, but we as ert that one single bottle of li I). I), will do more in the cure of any cass of blood poisn thsn twelve bottles of soy other. Our book is free and it tells the talo. Address. BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. pKLEOTALAVE Aa amouth awash stands pre-eminent No other such preparation eq >als it in. beauty of color, in effectiveness in heal ing the mucoiismembraro of the mouth and throat, in thoroughness in cloansing orin antisepticqualitles.Give itairial. Its use becomes agreeable’and resolves itself into a neoossUy. If you have a soro mouth or soro gums Delectalavo will heal them If *>ou wish to savo your teeth Delcc- talavo will aid you and Impair its fragra nco to your breath. Thoro can bo no doubt of it’s value te you when i ts uso is indorsed by such eminent men os Rov. Andrew A. Lipscomb,D. D.; A. W. Calhoun, M. D. the eminent Oculist; the lato Dr John M Johnson, and twenty of the leading BtlOKLEN'S arnica salve. The Best Halve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hinds Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tlons, and positively cures Piles, or n pay required. It is guaranteed toglv mrfect satisfaction, or money refunded ’rice 25 cents per box For sale by Lone A Co.—tf. As Enterprising, RellaMt House. A. B. Long can nlwais bo relied upon hot only to carry in stcck the beat of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well-known merit, and are popular with thepeopte. Thereby attaining the’reputation of being always enterprising, and ever re liable. Having aecured. the agency tbr OAPITAL PRIZE S1flD,000. “We do hereby oertlfy that we su- C'viw! the arrangements for all the Vlonthly and Quarterly drawing-* of the ’.oulslanaState lottery o»mpauy, and lu •er-ou manage and colt rol the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are condnctoa with Honesty, fairnraa anu iu rood faith toward all patties, and we ■ u thorize theCompauy to use this cer.'fl c te, with fac similes o our signatures a-tached, in Its advertisements.’’ MANOVACTUaKaaorlALL ,Kll the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovci fur Consumption, will sell it on a posl live guarantee. It will aurely cure aiiy and every affection of the throat, lungs, andchest,andtoshow our confidence, we invite you to uall and gel a Triu Bottle Free. We HareTrled It, “And would have It if the cost was ten times whatic is,” says many ladles who nave used The Mother's friend be fore conflnemeiit. Write The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for full par ticulars. The quickest timv on record! Neural gia of me worst tvpe, cured by one dose ofSHINl'S BILE BEANS in from oho to four hours, ns many who have tried It can test Ify. It does seem strange thut sensible peuple will suffer with this terrible ilisc»*c wheu speedy relief can surely lie found in this simple safe and iucxpensiv remedy. 25 Cents. For sale by alldruggistsanddcaleraln medlcide, or sent anywhere on receipt of- price In tamps. .. Cement Great excitement has been caused in vicinity of Paris, Tex, by the remar kable recovery of Mr. J.K. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise hti head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him, Finding relief, he bought a large bottle, x of Dr., King's New Life Pills; .he tinie he had taken two boxes of P Us and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and ha'd gained in flesh thirty-i pounds. “ - Trial Unities of this Groat Discovery for Consumption free at Long & Co. UlirMaltu kaupc. w. W. K.-ed, druggist ol Winchester India., writes: ''thin of.tuy custom era Mrs. Louisa Pike, Barton ia, Randolph Go., Ind , waa a long sufferer with Cod' sumption, and was given up to die by her p lylM'lans, She heard ol Dr. Kings New Dhcovery fot Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six months time she w.dked to this city, a distance of six miles, and ia now so much im proved site lisa quit using It. She feel he owes Iter life to it.’, Free trial bot let at Long's Drug Store. TinSssdLuHls Wi Bow many women there are of whom JR ■ these words are true: “They feei lM ttnrosjtilr ciorsrtsit «nln Its I angutd and tiled, hardly able to bear - •?.! I heir weight on tlieir feel, the bloom all Si'S none from their cheek., jrnUable and rslwd la all Miu •( Uu world, it oMioiai I cross without nioamug to be, nerves at •msoco ol hrCOu. Uufaloe.Iroo sod Callsars. upset, worried with the children, I'rette vblckare dU*ol?eil to par* g«ouiu« 8p«nUii Ia I ...... , . .. perlM Crows gkerry." ,, “ 1 " “ - * — “ **— U Cllf.t IS ml* ■(, dir Lstlllt illll'Al Koysl Pruwi. Uiriftai'ti. »f.,| tiinliir or tac Legion llrsir st over little thing', a burden to them reives, and jti will, no scute disease W ha a pity it is. Bui s tew hoills a a Parker’s Toulc will drive all this away and relieve tlie troubles familiar to tbs sex Wkat Cass'Bs Daas.* iTRSfeco'a M..PW* un*",,. uusesdu ts, be« susapariUs lu ISr Islo*lned. IlilnnJrod. of hopeless cares raw. _ lot Kidney and Uver CniupHut have | been cured he Electric Biltera, after everything elee bad been tried in vain. So. dom’t Difnk there ts no cure tbr you, bssia ocoRgg coci.ty- I but try idee trie Bitten. Then te no — — naio, Dyipepilc, BUlioua, Ifmlartoua or *01 wo** kid at/* B*w*r*o( ImIUI'oiu. Her HkjMlj'M nirtrUe VmwU*, til/ccrtar # • •/ Used by ker fUy*J 8(|kiM Ik* Priire** * WmIw* aud ike aobliltf. For ibodkla, CbntpU* on. Kr«|iU4ui t C*tpt*i*f, Koiifkaw. O rofilMw . l DEPOT 99 Mu Hint' linlwira Lvea r^'i r‘*T‘ilnl*1r*l>—. **4 twui | cure D .aisepsu* Dsabataa aol aU Disease ddwSadaMatM. SWI wui oareD.eiiepsutDialMaaao*! all Dtaaaaa rirfgi?. ^e~lo< th « Inraiaable In affection unjua tsJlmS *’ **** *** *“ cUI I of Stomach and Liver, and overcome iJSkwv »g. th a as da a — ‘ An Old Clttssa Speakr. Mr. J. M. ,Norris, an old resident of Rome, Ga, says that he had been badly troubled with Kidney Complaint for a great many years snd .vyitli Eczema for three years; at tinses could scarcely walk and had tried many remedies without benafi'd, until he began taking Electric Bitters snd anointing his hands and feet with llucklen’s Arnica Salve. This treat ment afforded bln, great relief and ho strongly rocommendeda Electric Bitten to all wtso auffer with Kidney Complaints, or steed a Blood Purifier. Sold by A. B. Long. '' combination poaalble of tho essential principles of tbow vafietabls dbratina which act powerfully and directly on Use stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither Is, nor will he, any successful imitation of It. It la all the time curing those who lutddespaired of ever getting well. For yourself, your wife and oh ildren. Ma ny.person 1 g starving with a ful ble before them. Appetite rone! Am tion gone! Life a burden!! What isi he matter? The Liver has ceased to do> s proper work. Tbs life channels are clogged. Poisonous fluids are thrown back into the blood, which should be thrown ouL SMITH’S BILK BEANS will suiely stimulate the liver to do its work well, snd headache, sal'owness and had breath will five away Price, 25 cents per bottle. All draggistg. RUE I FIR!! Fill!! ~ ATLOS A ODX .mam Visa Saste- Coinmm isslonerH We the ndersisned banks and bankers will pay all Prizes diawn in the Louis- State Lotteries which may be presented .it our counters. HOULE 3B Y f Pres. Louisiana National Hank W K1LMKKT H« Pres. Mate National flank BALDWIN,Pr es. New Orleans National Hank INPRECEDENTEDATTRACTIONI I OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana, State Lottery Co Incorporated In 1868 for 26 J**n by tho Leg la! ,jre for Educational and Charitable purpoaea- wltha capital of •1,000,000—to which a zaaonre (and of orer 8659,000 dm alnce been added. By an QTerwhelmln* popular TOte ita tranchlia waa made a part of tho preaent State Comtltution adopted DeepnUier 2d. A. Ds. 1879. lu Grand aiaglr Number Drawing! Ill take place monthly. It never Mala or poet Look at the followin< dUtriDutloh: 106 Grand Iffwnthly _ . - AMD THE Extraordinary Quarterly Drawings In tne Academy el Music, hew Orleans, Tuesday, September 14,1886. Under the personal auporrlslon and management Of Gen, G. T. Beauregard, ol Louisiana, and n. Jubal A. Early of Vir- ini a. Ci oi p rize 150,000 rsftjrl T kets are Ten Dolars on Halves $5; Fifths %l\ Tenths If. list op PRIZES. I CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 ... *160,00t 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000 .. 50 000 1GR INK PRIZE OF 20,000 ^ 20.000 2 LARUE PRIZES OF 10,0J0 ... 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZES OP 5,000... 20,000 20PRIZES OF 1,000 ... W/100 » •• 600.... 86,OCO I « BOOrere. 80,00 I Plixes Of 200 ... 40,00 - : ■ * f SIS APROXIIIATION PRIZES. Approiim,uon.prlwsoi«»0 .. Wj •• •• i-i IU Sis ppllcatlon for ratM to 11 sba suould 6" mad r to tls, 0O0. of Us. compter ta New Orleanr. furlhor intormtlloa wrlM clctrlv slvLut "POSTAL NOTH *, wanu. Vork, CurssdcybsKxp.-os, sir to I ill D sd° Vorkcxcbtnco In o&Us!rr»letts ’ ^’•“■(‘to^TSAirpHW • New Orleans, La, Saya an Eminent Phyrlclan, “Have newt for twenty years Use prep aration known a IlradtieM's Female Regulator. It fa the best combination known for female diseases. For tmrl| culars writo Tho Bradfleld Rcgulato- Co„ Atlanta, On. Piles are > - equentiy precoJed I senae of w«i it In the back, loins and lower pnrto tho abdomen; causing the patient t<> suppose lie lias some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs., symptoms of indigestion a e present, flatulency, uucasifsess of the etomacli, etc. A moists re like porsp - -a- tlon, producing n a very disagreeable tcls i ng, alter getting warm, as n com iiioii attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching I'slesyieid at ouco to the application of Dr. Bosarko’s L’lfo Remoily, which acts directly upon the parts aflocted, absorb ng the Tumors,, allaying the intense telling, and effecting a permanent pure I’rce 50 cent. Address The Dr. B >s«a»k MedicineCo., .Piqua, O. 8old' by'KS l ydosn'nd Hup 1 * A Arnold. , * ( The Xotlser’s Friend. - ' Not only shortens labor and lessens pain, but It greatly diminidie*lio daiiger to life of both mother a id child II used a few months Isefore confinement sWrife to The Bradfleld Regnlartor Co., Alauta. (ia. i jo ib.unrot HAMPTON & ICTURKR8OP4A N N 4DP;OUriGF/PUBXiSOGulK MCanjfa^siiiitf.C'iiiuit, Piaut, ha ilaff A WEBB, LumpklQSL,4th«a*,Ga J. N. SMITH & CO. MILLERS AND DEALERS IN Steam and Water Ground Meal, SHU! J Grain, Hav and Feed. Horsford’s - Bread Preparation THE BEST BAKING POWDER IN THE WORLD Is mode by Prof. Hereford's process, the only process that p-odores a baking powder of any nutritive value, ntritloiis and atrengf j.flvi ’g irisnaphates reqillral by tls — han nay otho.-.iivdi-. It fa recommended by , m’*ieiit plsytlclnns. It eontalns no cronm tnrtnr, ulum, or any :o'u’tori-tion wlmlev r. Put up in bottles. Every bo'.tio wariraMs-t, For sale by all dealers. Cook Book Free. Rnm'ord Chmulcnl Werks, Provlilen ic a 18361 !■ I SWIFTS SPECIFIC. I Ez’r. of I<oU U* Lag win, decaaaed;- in Ocoufo HuptrlorCourt—Aniwerof Del’t. 'J. B, McKae fa the nature of a cros* hill, July Ur iu. ISai, of Oconee Superior Court.—It apr the court that the dafeadaut, Jacob H Executor ef Lott M, Lee win deceaaed, ha* fllmt hi* auseer ia the nature of * cron bill in thr above Mated case, and prayed that the followioi named paitlee, who raaide out of the aUte o Georgia, be made partle* defendant to the aald original bill. lo>wU' Martha llo**, of the 8Ut« of MliuUalppl. Oarolioe Crldcn of the StaU. of Huuth CaroKaa, John Godfrey «od William Godfrey of tbe State of Alabama, bauuel Godfrey of the Htate of California and Asa L. W. Veal, O. C. Wood, Tillerro M. Wood, and Mails** Crabb of the Ktate of Texas. It la ordered by the court that the above named parties be wade parties defendant to said bill, and that service or said bill and answer la the nature of a cross bill ho perfected on said parties by the publication of this order once a week for wo month* la the Banner- Watchman, a news paper published in Athena, Georgia, before July . _ ■pp^i >HESEI2fcttbl^BK9n~‘ k n-i > »•' ♦ - ‘* 7 V „ , eounty. this 84th day of May 1848. lliereis Loihiryin tbe hoe ot male B. %-TH|M8UEB, U eobgia, ate R. 8 lie late, o MetL executrix of Mrs Rebecca B of aaid county, decoacad, has applied to me in terms of the law tot letters of dismission from taU executorship. Theee are therefor* to cite and adnacalah all cooer-ned to show eauac at the regular term of tbe court of Ordinary of •aid oouuty to he held on the flint Monday In Rovemb-r next why said discharge should net be granted. Gives uador my hand and offllclal sig* aUaeetoA.nal slgnawir ateAoe This 2nd ’day AafnstU9I, ' * “ ‘ APHKAbV.0.0 O LAKKE SHERIFF SALK.-Will be sold ba 1 the t'eun House door In Atbeti*, Clarkeeoua ty, Garetris, within the legal hours of sale on th F188T TUKSlmY in KEPrKMbFK. IWri, the foU lewlbg property, te-vlt: All that metor parcel- of land In aa>d eouaty of riarta, befinin* at Ueo. M. Booth’s corner, beyond Ferdinand ntialxy’s oa the Athene and Jeflersoa road. Thence along meanders of said road te corner of fence at thr Bermuda grata Aeld, thence «. E. with the taooe to a stake near Gm viayanl of Allen K. Jonnaou thence to big pAm aeay said Johnson's gin bouse, trance down tls? meandau ef leucc to stake cor er, t hence te beginning Corner, oa Athens and War son hoed. Oootalaiugaboat aevaMy-flve acres oaoereer less. Said land lensd on aa the property of Allen K. Jehnfen, te aatiefy two Exectiters ^ ”» Clarke Hope lor Court tn rarer of Emily Jof i BIS vs. Allen K. Jobusea. Said, land will hi cohafd >jaot tea mortgage on the tamo la tsvor of Jwaswu <k Vlaoeat. ta* grow lag aroe on uald land te be reterved. Pivpaly pointed out ydgfffti t antlufl. fa. JThl* Any 7ih^WA f|UD fDINir08Hm|Hfk« T09M 0 snap* ihapatnaseedtngersjptohlifl-hbrth. float fredL Ai*<e ’H>uea«e« of Men n hrara only. Dr. 8T AIN BACK. VlU0N,ZttaMa,6a. A BEHEST NOT EOS A EAT, BET BOB tar HALT A 0EHTEBT -’fej BEUEVMG SETFEEIN0 HEHANITTI AN INTCRCSTINQ TREATISE ON BLOOD AND BRIN DIBEABEB BENI Ff EC TO ALL APPLICANT*. IT SHOULD BE READ BV EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. SXWWHWAAAIWWWMWWHWHIAMWWUWHHHHWMMWmmi V;-■ ; CRCAB MOST PERFECT MADE The Cream of Tartar used In DR. FRICTTS CREAM BAKING POWDER is the purest In the world. The crystals are from the finest Grapes, imported direct from the vineyards of France. Washington, D. O., April 28, 1885. I have analyzed the Oreatn of Tartar rued in Dr. Price’s Baking Powder, and find if of the highest degree of purity. PtTCft COLLIES. CUtf CAtmitf hr Ik• UnittS Metes Doetrtmmtot kfritaHm. The following, Heads of the Great Universities and Pnblio Food Analysts, find Dr. Price’s the ‘purest and strongest Free from Ammonia, free from Lime, free from Alum, and recommend its use in every family. Pmonz doubting the tmthfulnass of thla can write any of the Chemists named I Prot. a OGDEN DO REMUS, O.LI.D. BaUeros Medical Ooilesa, New York, l’ruf. IL C. WHITE, State Chemist, Univsreity udnla, Athens, Ga. l*roL R. C. KEDZIE, Late Prestdent State Board of Health. I csslnf Mfah. “ - MjcffiEEFERAMhrtlealChemite,StEoqfaMa LARLKSJi. DVrlOHTj AneJytiraTcheiatet, t W. Va. ^ njiiwMh^ DaLk ~