The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, October 14, 1886, Image 1

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ATHENS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1886. MEYNARDIE’S CONDITION, AUGUSTA'S MASTER WORKMAN CRAZED. A Brin Attack From Excitement and Over. Work.-Tbt Xalchts of labor Aro at tea Paid Pin Department forAupteU. Auqchta, Ga,' Oct IS.—[Special.] Waster Workman Meynardie is stilt in critical condition and cannot be seen. Hie head lias been ahave’n and poulticed, and it is thought that worry, excitement or something in Richmond fired hie brain. The Knights here are at see, and with, out Meynsrdie may go to pieces. They don’t know what was done for them in Richmond or what to do with themeelres hero. 8eToral others are at work in the Augusta Factory. The Augusta Operatives la Dread * na pe nee. 'AafflMaC ronlcle.) A few more hands .went to * urk in the Augusta Ikctory yesterday. Opera tire were seeu in groups discussing some important matter, On inTeatigetion it was burned that the. subject was con cerning the return of delegate Meynerdie, who had unexpectedly come home in a a moat precarious condition. A Chroni cle reporter celled at Mr. Meynardie’s residence to aecerteing hie condition. A ring at the bell bronglit out Dr. Sally. . “How is Mr. Meynerdie?” “Much better then yesterday.” “When did he arrive, and what is the matter with,him?" - ‘ “He came home Monday night on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta railroad and when he drove up to tho house he was really in a critical condition—com pletely prostrated, from mental exhaus tion, from overtaxing the brain.” Dr. Bally ahsved the patient’s head and applied poultices and blisters, and last night he was resting easy, though quite a aick man, and will more than pro bably be obliged to keep to the house for over a week. “We have allowed no one to see Mr. Meynardie because he gets excited and almost crsiy whenever he speaks con cerning the mills. And I am afraid,” ■aid Dr. Sally, “that excitement will bring on fever. Mr. Meynardie lias been in this condition oversino- last Thursday.. His friends have called til during the 4-vv but DO one has seen him. Llis appear- ance when ho came in wns tflat of a man who was under the infiuonce ef liquor, though lie was not for lie detests it” paid fire department. Augusta to DeeUe tbe Quetttaa by a Pop ular Vote. ... AouuiTA, Oct, 13.—[Special.] The City Council tmlsy ordeted the question of a paid fine depsitiiient submitted to the voters on the first Wednesday in December, at the time of the regular city election. It is proposed to levy a tax not ixceeding one quarter of oneper cent,, end Meyer May drinks a paid de partment can he run for 425.UW a year. The Engine Commit tee w«s ordered to investigate and report details and esti mates, to he submitted to the people be fore tlie election. Council is in earnest, and business people are enthusiastic over the prospect. THE HEmciPAi. COM TEST. Editors Bannxk-Watchmax! 8ince the days of President Washington it has been the custom to indorse all our ex ecutive officers, by electing them a sec ond term, provided their administration hail been satisfactory, and I want no ex ception to the rulo in Mayor Reaves, provided he will serve if elected; and if he will not serve, I r«>poso to hold a democratic primary, and all who will submit their claims to inch nomination. If elected or nominated in a democratic primary, should bo sup ported tor the position to which he is nominstedwithout any past inferences. But in- this nomination the best mon ahou d bo put forth—thorough business men with# full stock of “git up and git" in theio.O m*|te the shove sqggMtions wilhWllWuiuing What I am willing to conceda to others. Yours, truly, ’ ■ m Paras Cutr. H| Tavern Motes. jBo,TAyknh,mia.-Wpaymp»lblxe with our friends In the sad losses they toiUincd, as follows: Only child of Mr 0. W.tolth, hr- of Hoschton, died on the fiik tot On tho 7th, daughter of ||ia» Nellia Hlgby, of Princeton, Ky, baa arrived to take charge of a music .class here. Shetoto a atoter sf Mrs. It. V. Oilier, of Athens. Cotton sold a»8X to 8 5-8 on the afreet todap..’ Our business men are determined to build up the market here. W. TgLkrsokih—Mr. W. T. Gentry, man ager of the Atlanta Telephone Exchange, has been In tho city aevoral days with manager Layton, looking up the tele- phone borino**' “«* Wying to get new subscriters. Mr. Gentry aaya Athena to a fine city,Tod baa more tore* stores and residences than any city of tbe sgine pop- " u enr^tk^?toS , s, ho,r ' PERSONAL AND MINOR ITEMS. . All tho signs, that awing across the street have been token down. All the leading styles in stiff and soft hats at Chaa. Stern A Cos. Mr. T. E. Mills, oj the Baby Bindley attraction was ip tbe city yesterday. Two carloads of new crop Cobs Holas- sea, choice gonda at Taimadge Bros. Judge W. B. Thomas returned from Attonta tost evening. For your gents furnishing goods to to Chas. Stern * Co. The criminal docket will not be taken up until next week. If you went a genuine Stetson hat call at Chas. Stern A Cos. Mr, C. W. Hood spent lest night in the city. For tbe boys, the “Cambridge” suit, cap to match at Chaa. Stern A Co. Mr. T. K. Mills, the advance agant for “Heroine in rags,” is in tho rity. School suite fi.r boys from 82 to 810 st Chas. Stern A Co. Mr, Tom Bearden the noted'candy drummer ot Atlanta, is iq the city. We are prepared to make suits to order st short notice. Call and inspect onr fall samples. Chas. Stern A Co. W. B. Thomas has had a telephone lUced at his compress. His number is The largest line of stiff hats hi tho state st Chas. Stern A Co. Choice Tennessee meal, and .Zachr Bros meal, strickly for table use at ' lm Talhadqk Bbos, There was one dollar’s difference be- BUD COX TALfts. ABOUT PROHIBITION'S Afll> THE VICTORY IN GftEKjrE. Ia fifteen Days Atlnuta Will Bun Dry as a Bone—TUo Liquor Head, quarters Moved to Orlrfla-.IIovr Badleatlsaa Was Boated in Creene. The pleasant face of Cspt. J. E. Cox was seen on the street yesterday, and a BaitxkX-Watchkax reporter, at once transferred himself into an interrogation point and sought in interview, “Yes, I haven’t been ia Athens for some dayV.wu the reply. ;“Beer. ar ranging to go into business. You'll see from this handbill that I will jutvo charge ■old in dencessnd offices, tho number of sub- scribers hero would soon bo doubled. Many cities half the site, havo many more telephone* than Athena. A fine residence to not complete without this modern convenience., There are thon- of uses for it, which are only dis- tween Msddrey A Jones' and Flsnigen’s bids on the fountains. Before buying your children's clothing lon’t fail to examine our atock. Chas. Stern A Co. Mrs, Alley Beussc who has been visit ing Mr. Henry Bcusse, left for Macon this morning. To ItxNT.—A large, comfortable front room to rent, furnished or unfurnised. Apply to . J. C. Thomas. Mrs. Kcuben Nickerson has retnrded home from the North after a summer’s visit When you want anything in the dumbing line consult Msddrey A Jones, icensed by the Water Works Co. All work warranted. septl7dlm. The largest and most complete line of lothing for men, youths, boys and chil- Iren lo lm found st the exclusive cloth- s. Chas. Stern A Co. The cheapest thing on earth to burn oal in is a Portable Urate, requires no etting. Msddrey andJones have them. ocil2Jlw. A DARING ATTEMPT On Tuesday night tost, about 10 o’clock, the family of Mr.' Tom Williams, who live on Baldwin street, were aroused by n noise st one of their windows. Mr. Williams, who is foreman in the Basseb- Watciima.v office, was not st borne, and the todies Were greatly frightened. The wonld-lw burglar aeomed very bold and determined, and after attempting for some time to opep tbe window, poked his hand through an open pane of glase, but the diin light did not reveal whether it was the hand of a black or a white pet* eon. At this Mrs. Williams i children were greatly frighten raised a noise that frightened the At this Mrs. Williams and the toned and ■conn- Irel off. These outrages are getting very common of late in Athens, and some steps should be taken to capture and use a lesson of some of the perpetra tors. REDUCING THF FARE. r. J, H. Dora.y Pat. Dawa the Street Aar Ticket.. Mr. J. II. Dorsey has reduced tbe price of street car tickets, purchased between this and the first of November, to four cents a ticket This will enable our people to lay ins supply of tickets forth# season, and will enable tho street car nfanageinent, with increased salo anil in creased returns to complete the exten sion of tbe track to the fair grounds. Fine and full opportunity is now offered ail our people, merchants, ladies; students and business men, to purchase tickets at p figure which may not soon bo reflat ed. It is virtually equivalent to a lea- son's reduction of fare to those who will advance the money for (heir winter's riding, ami it will give the city, if this offer meets generous response, Jthe advantage oflnereased accommodation to the fair grounds. It to a . offer with public-spirited interest, CLARKE SUPERIOR COURT. Proceedings *n tk. Cowrt Yesterday -cawi m.pwd or. The following esses were disposed .of yesterday by the court: ■ Geo. C. Thomas, vs. 0. D. Ftomgem— appeal from Justice* court Verdiet for pluntiff for |33 and costs. .8* Craig re. Athons Water Works Co. —suit for services rendered. Verdict for plaintiff forflOQ. Wm. Nahore vs. Wm. I. Tuck—com- pbint for land. Verdict for plaintiff F. Pbinixy vs. Alton R. Johnson— foreclosure ofmortgage. Rule absolute mnted. F. M.,Chandler ts. C. B. Chandler, ox- •enter of Cicero H. Chandler-bill in equity for relief, ate. Pending trial of this case the coart adjourned W. II. Fuller has'on band four car Mllimum temperature un loads of lumber and two of ahingles. OOO Call on him before buying. octMdSt United SUtea Signal Berv'oo, Get. 13,1888—4:30, p. m, Maximum temperature Minimum temperature 01 a wholesale liquor house Joe Thompson, tote of ti Cox, Hill A Thompson, and to knock tho spots out of Atlanta, too. We Intend erly eyoou the prohibi see that the anti's don’t sn usi comfort You see forty miles distant from A intend to eetablish a fast the two points so that a suffer long.” “Isn’t there plenty of wh Atlanta?” ' “No, sir. Tho license under which the Kimball House bar was run expired last week, and in about fifteen days the only liquor license now in the city will run out The town will then be ss dry tss last year’s corn-stalk. I suppose a few blind tigere will roam over the city, but this to a risky business, and it won’t amount to much. Tho whisk* sold by this class of dealers will kill at long range, and a man must be copper-plated on the inside to tackle it .Tbe Attonta brewery will deliver beer, but>you know that don't satisfy the whisky drinkers. | , It’s sorter like feeding a hungry man on ered soap-bubbles.” • • “The boys made a gallant fight in Greene! How did you doTt?” the report er asked. - “Yes, it was a grand victory, and the old independents down there are now too deed to skin. The democrats made no compromise with them, and fought radi calism hilt to hilt. Wo beat them over two hundred votes in • fair fight Tbe negroes voted almost solidly for their nominees, Johnson, black and Jones, a white man, and. we made no ef fort to control theuf. We drew the lines and draw them fine. The negro convention had endorsed Lewis for sena tor, but they did not putpis name on their ticket, nor any other democrat Who is Jones? Why ho is a tall, gangling fellow who sorter farms over in the Fork. SaveoJ S ' Z en J Judge ett took all the style out of him with ■ |20 fine for smoking in the court house. His brother is a member of the executive committee and a good demo crat, and is very denunciatory to his re publican kinsman. The night after ue election the hoys had decided to present Jones with a now suit msJe of tar and feathers, but they were perau aded.not to do HO. r DAY OF ATONEMENT. The Celebration or tbU Event In ••—".Athens. Editors of the Dakbim-Watchman:— ■Last Friday whe£ tho heat of noon died gradually ausy and the sun WM (lowly setting, e.grent calm cams over onr busy mart Broad Street assumed the air of sn approaching holiday. The sir aitll breathed of the freshness and life’of day whsq tho Israelites of this city closed, thei: places of business to prepare for to- marrow’s ordeal The day of Atonement the day of fasting and of prayers. By o o’clock the Synagogue WM filled to its utmost capacity. 0, how great to a man hi the eyes of the worldt but how insignificant does he feel himself in the presence of his God and Creator? Every face bore the impression of grief and sorrow, yet a glitter ia the eye wm visible to the close qhsenrer that bespake of hope. Hope or foreivMM for their iniquities—pardon for their sins. Every heart seemed as if inspired with one feel ing, “penlteuce,” and ovenrbody seemed to take hope at the words of the holy book, “Come unto Me with a penitent heart and you shall be forgiven.” At 6:80 o’clock the organ pealed forth' a slow, sad and solemn music which ac corded with the feelings of everybody present, “The great day hM commenced.'' BOOTS . AND SE«S. Ilowlythe Rev. Dr. Jacobs arose and offered a bcautifuljprayer which wm sec onded by every heart, and a tear wm eeen glistening in evoiy eye m they said “amen.” The choir then, in a melodious strain which seemed to arouse each heart to its duty, sang, “Nearer my God to PIANOS and ORGANS. A DANGEROUS EtEMEHT. The Free School Balt Fills Athens with Negro Thieves and Vagrants. Of latu petty larceny has become a most common practice in Athens, inter- with house breaking; but it to hard for tho pre^i to got information on the subject Tho onlg.arrest we have heard of is tho little negro* butcher found hid in his chest and whom h* turned over to u liceninn. Although Clpt. Bernard's use wm burglarized three times, it WM kept a profound secret until tha but qing of his barn brought it out The city 'til, now rapidly filling op with strange ne groes . some coming from M far distant as Wilkes county, that they may have their children educated free of charg* by the tax-payers of Athens. They have uo visible means of support, and there to not enough work for so many unskilled laborers. They must necessarily live, aud to do thia have to resort to theft. It ia to the new comers that the villainy in Athens to directly traceable, and before the winter is j«rer we expect to .see lar ceny increase to unbearable proportions. Some stops should bo taken to bring these outlaws to justice, and to. rid our froe schools from such a bother. Thoy don’t even pay poll tax, and yet their children are placed on the same footing as the beat citilena of the place. We suggest that the Board of Education rule out such creatures from the benefit of our public schools. If someting to not done it win seriously injure the system and impair its usefulness. NWOKULTI COLOR LINE. Rrcmcoxo, Oct 12.—My solo object in selecting a colot ed man to introduce me wm to encourage and to help to up- lift his race from a bondage worse than that which held him in chains twenty-five years ago, vlcmenUl slavery. I desire to impress upon the minds of white and black that the ssmo result fol lowed action in th« fleldof labor—wheth er that action wm on the part of the Cau casian or negro labor. In the field of labor and American citizenabip we recognise no line of race, creed, polities or color. The demagogue may distort, for purposes, tha words of others, and for a time the notoe of a boss ■nay silence reason, but that which to honest and true w U become known when the former hM paused to rest and the aoon^jof the letter's voice has forever •art*. bo known that tbs intel ligent educated man to better qualified to dfceeretbe difereoce between right and privilege, and the unwritten law of •quality wilt bo more rigidly observed than it wm today. T. V. PoWDBWT. organ wm heard. Nearer and nearer each and every worshipper found him. ■elf coining to his Maker. At 8 o'clock the Bev. Dr. Jacobs deliv- ono of the ablest discourses we over listened to. His subject was the Perpetuity of God’s Promise. He took his text from Is. 40-7: “The grass wither- eth, the flower fsdeth, but the words of our God shall stand forever.” Beautiful, indeed, did the Rev. Dr. illustrate the ex istence of a God, and with a masterly hand did he follow his text until the end of his discourse. The congregation was deligted, and for good reason, for never did a more able man fill the pulpit of the Athens Synagogue than Dr. Jacobs. His discoarse tested about one hour, after which tho choirsang, Protect Us Through The Coming Night The choirsang very finely and deserve great praise. After the delivery of the benediction the audience left the Synagogue only to reappear tho next morning. Thui passed the opening of the great day. Thestaji,^fqtjffijn'Hju ‘Ij&ifsoTihs Synagogue again were opened. At'8 o’clock the congregation had assembled, and prayers were offered. Mr. 8. Hirsh- ficld assisted Dr. Jacobs in in tha morn ing services which were very impreMive. The saddest, yet most beautiful feature of the morning service, was the Memorial Services for the Dead. Each and every heart (M foil of remembrance for the dear departed ones. Irving lua truly ■rid, “Sorrow for the dead is tho only sorrow from which we refuao to "be di vorced.” Every other wound wa seek to heal, every other affliction to forget, but this wound wo consider it our duty to keep open, this affliction we cherish and brood over in solitude. Where to the mother that would willingly forget thq infant that pertehed like a blossom from her arms, though every recollection to a pang? Where is tho child that could willingly forget the most tendar of pa rents? Tears of recollection flowed froely; the spirits of the departed seemed as awakened. 0, the noblest attribute of theaoul to the love which survixps the tomb. At tbe hour of noon the* Rev. Dr. Jacob* delivered e lecture.. Our pen to too feeble to give eoab UrMU* the Rev. Dr. dosrirvae. The fflecounw vu full of learning and lattcd half. His subject WM hi. text from Dieut. 29-: day ail of you Additional service lasted until 4 o’clock. ... Tho hours had past and again tho heav ens repleted .the splendor of the setting ■uti. Nothing had, as yet, bean partaken to refresh toe penitent. It asomed he did not care for that which gave him strength; his thoughts-were with Him, the judge of the human family. To Him alone he nude hts confession and swaitet forgiveness, . Again Dr. Jacobs lectured, Hi* text was taken front Pa. XC-7: Teach us to number our days that wa may apptroor hearts unto wisdom. He beautifully illus trated Human Life—compared it to tha day’s services, ,atc. The twenty-four hoars of fasting and prayer 'ware at an end, and after, the confession of the Jew ish Frith, the blowing of tho cornet, and the peUedlction by Dr. Jacobs, the aervi- ces were over. But O, tha speefeeb that met oar eyes! There won husband and wife, parents and children, amid tearful eyes congratu lating each other, but these were no tears of sorrow or ‘ * Ity. O, how How great 1 what to man that Thou takast knowledge of him? or toe son of man tost Thou makest account of him? Men’s Calf Button; Congress and Lace Shoes at Made especially for up, and tho BEST SHOE III 1 MARKET FOB THE PRICE. Call and examine them. Baldwin <£ Fleming, pil § DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, ATHENS, GEORGI 8ept9 dSw Toning and Bepairing The E. W. Burke, Athens, Ga., only Music House in NorthEast Georgia. OUR RRjJflPg OF FLOUIW Harvest Queen, Golden Grain, Mountain Dew, Pride of Denver, Pride of Colorado, Sweet Home, Success. jani-iyd TALMADGE BROTHERS. Hosou Amoxo Tmkvxs.—A novel case of horse-stealing to reported by Chief Oliver from Banks county. Mr. Newt. Telford lost s horse from his stable. In lii. buggy waa found a note that the ani mal would be ridden fifteen miles and toftutDamascus'Chureb. This wm re garded m a bluff, but M th e tracks led that way, the trail was foltDwud, and the animal wm found securely tied to the rack at the church. On the saddle wm a note stating that tho hors* had lm stol en from Newton Telford by an escaped convict, and hoping that no one would diaturb the animal. This to a new order ot the ride and tie custom. HAMPTON & WEBB, UAN0FACTDBBB8 OF ALL KINDS OF CANDY MADS OUT OF FUBI SUGAR STICK CANDY A SPECIALTY. COCOANUT, PEANUT, BARS, TAFFY Prices guaranteed as low as any other market. Send for Samples. ■artMAvl, HAMPTON * HUB, Lumpkin Street, Alhont. Be. SILVERSMITH, HODGSON BROS. rDnrrDC CIGARS and UAUUlJAij. T BACCOS. Floor, Com, Oats, Bran, Meal, Meat, Coffee, etc GRIFFITH !& MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS. Vepresent best Companies and insure desirable pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms. Liit*of Compahixs. Georgia Home Home of New York Phoenix of Hartford Liverpool and London and Globe InsuranceCompanvot North America...... North British and Mercantile New York Underwriter* Germania of New York AriauteHomc (Paysdividends to policy heldcre.) ....... LONG TERM POLICIES ISSUED ON N OFFICE AT BANK jaalfidly. I will make a Specialty of Renting Pianos in the City, JNO.CRAWFORD&CO A Large Lot of Chemical Apparatus for Students of Chemistry, just received by JNO, CRAWFORD, & CO,,. Clayton St. , maria-iyd&w ATHENS, GEORGIA. Will open in a few days an Elegant Stock of Moire An tique, Art Glassware, Bisque Faiences, Royal Worcester J. N. SMITH & CO. FINE CORN MEAL Fine, White and Sweet. HOME MANUFACTURE. Superior to any foreign meal brought to this market jants-diy r