The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, October 14, 1886, Image 2

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SKt' THE BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA.. OCTOBER 14. i8>>6 RAILROAD SCHEDULES. MISCELLANEOUS, Bl'SISNKS CARDS. BAKING POWDER. THE PENNSVLVaNIA CENT HA!, BANNER-WATCHMAN. OBOR0IA SaIUUMD oowart. KTONE MOI STATK ROUTE, orrica um«a MAHaumh. Augusta* G Je»*. l*th, 1SW. Commencing Su-uay ll*.b ius|> m, tbo loUow* 111/ l l 4‘*r1 l H f t •thuja 0 Wll. OpeiSle OU lilt* WM Tw.uVrun b> Wth luerld au tlme-ai u-inute* jlowirflnin AuxHitAtnn . Athens, Georgia. .Tri.phons 1J.J. fj Clayton fllrwt? Mpt*W.M. " —pAsTuiET la delivered by carrl-rs la Ik* ally lor W a yea S cent-u m jotb or r. earn* tor two *foU kkm riM» Wn«B'rw>i>1aui subscribers, pottage freer 7:45* xu Leave Atlanta 2A&p.» .....a- . A 1 Aft ra «■ J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt Payiog Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,000 Tea HoethNre ■ woer, mianjurmi Mother* Waieb iun, 1KM. Consolidated March, ISA • • • - NolE-eldally. L've Augusta.. LOJO turn PRIOR STREET. ATLAS * I, Train numD#rX7 will atop a* ana receive p tengers to end Iron the following ateiona only Grevetown, Harlem, Dearing. Tbomaon Nor wood. Barnet Crawfordvllle, Onion Point,Green- eaboro, Madiaon, Rutledge, Social Circle Covington, Conjrera, Lithonla, *ton* Moan tain and Decatur. TYain No. IS % ill atop. aa and receive paiaenyera to end from the following stall oua only: Groveiown, Hincn. Nearing Thompzon, Norwood, Cnw! fordviue, Onion .Point, Oroonoboro, Uodlwn Bulled,e, Boctal Circle, Corington, Conyon, LUhonta. Stone Mountain nod Decatur. Train No. ii on atkon. branch gitea puaen- gcra from No Moo win Uae, Uminnta. tor .upper at Oaloa Point. Tholaat malt run. through itaapui batwoaa Atlanta and Ohwlaoton. Train, to and from. Athen.connectwltlitrainiZ7,a,laAdl. 1 *«AFji». , Un£&£~ JOB W. WHITE, Gen’l TravtlUf Faaaense Agent, Augusta. Ga. Ciuea cottuecuuiM wade at Lula end Cornelia with paweuger trains oe Richmond and Danville Railroad, both Kant and Went, ample time for ■ujjj*cr at Lula oe evening trains, buperb steeping caa accommodation*. The ahertost aud quick eat route between Athena end all point! Noilh, 'Bast and West U.R.BERNARD. Putin Athena. Ge C. W. CHEARS, Gen. Paw. Agent Richmond, Va. PIEDMONT AIR-LI-4E ROUTS, flichmonrid end Danville Railroad Co Til h popular route to all pointu NORTH AMD EAST Doubl. Daily Trains .f Flag.nt Coocbc. tun Ihrougli wlltn ut th.tlgi, Mm. Atlanta •ud, with Pul.aan Burn Sleeping Co,, to s aw Ywa end uouicom.ry t. Washington. Only a Hour. Tr.iaU AttadiaioNi'W Von. T • • .... O,*! to III to dll V 1U ArLuta IBM an 7.41 p ■ ASHVILLE ANIr gl'ARTANBUBC RAILiSoPaS ::: Ar AahrilJe —I^Opn ADVERTISIHO SATIS. Oaeaqnare,one month.. One aqaa/t, three months Special contract rate* made In the office. Ourfriet tld are requ-•*!«! to scad u« uewa by poatai card or hitler and brief ealea on tm portaat topic , are melted. Hiuaric*. anaouicemen t afor uflii . . atloaa proponing caadld a ca will be charged paclal i a tea. KmIuuco. .basld be aid. by cap ran. pratal oow, toonoy otd« or n slM.ito lent r. All commonlc4llon..iiouldoo.ddr.awd to tllK RANKER- WATCHMAN, Ain.oi, tra. Charleston i» free from further shakes. Gen. Henry R. Jackson is now on his way from Mexico to Marietta. Hon. Heveiii.v I). Evans, Ju.. repre- sentativd from Washington county, is but 21 years chi. Harvard hart the lnrgest freshmsn class that the institution has ever known. Ho far 2118 huve tegisleretl and more are expected. liuniNii August the deaths in New York city averaged one every fifteen minutes. During July the average was one in every ten minutes. ling and Northern Railro»d whieh hi making its way towards A titans wi'l be realised when we relloct upon the matter ■ New York letter printed yesterday. . Tb» whole (Acme is now laid out be- fore us. The PennitylrnnU Cen- trel Railroad is struggling for a South ern outlet Its great line from New York, through Philadelphia and Norfolk Is Imilding for a Southerly connection. This much it is obliged to have. Its old 'rival, the Baltimore and Ohio, has struck out in the same direction. It has ranged for A continuation of the tihenan- dnah Valley Railroad through North Carolina, upper Georgia, Alabama, thence to Pensacola. The Pennsylvania Central sects n line over the 8eaboard and Roanoke track to Weldon; thence over several separate links to Chester, 8. C., whence the proposed extension through Greenwood, AbbeYule, Klberton and Athens. Mr. Marion J. Verdery, who has trac ed this line in its Southern hearings, writes that “for the construction of this new road the capital is absolutely ready. No better guarantee could be given than that the Pennsylvania Central is behind the enterprise. Whatever that powerful corporation espouses is perfectly pro tected against failure if millions of mon ey can insure success." At Athens the course of the railroad has not been definitely determined. It may deHect southward through Macon— throve to Florida—or it may continue to Atlanta. At ail events it will find in Athens a Southern link which it may use to me t the llaitimoro and Ohio in Florida, or it may tend westward to At lanta. in any way it will prove a great factor for*Athena. It will be the most Naw Yoita City opens the municipal campaign three week* before election,. .... ...... day," The light is short, sharp and in- I '>ne which has pointed th» Dbmochatk of now York art* making a gn-at i-ffert to turn out the “half-breeil” Senator, Warner Miller, ami turn in n Democratic Senator. Mb. Gi.aphtonb i* unahle to leave his bed room, lie in Buffering from fever, and his condition is believed to Ik* worse than is publicly admitted. Timur, will bo in the next House three W. II. Felton’s. Bartow, Bibb and Ma con counties furnish the trio. Tht re will be three HuhnscIIm—from Chatham,Clarke and Folk, While Sorthvrn workmen are crowd ing colored laborers from all the crafts Hichmond. XkwJekhey Germans are protesting against the prohibition plank in the Bo- publican* platform adopted by the State Convention. When their kegs are broach ed the Gorman's have threatened to Imlt. Mr. Powdealy reaffirms the proposi tion that there must be no color line in’ lalior. Then lot the factories .bo filled up with negroos, says the Augusta Eve ning Newt. Tho Knights cannot object any longer. The Knights of Labor have appointed a committee to collect evidence going to ahow that'employ ora have entered into conspiracies ogainst workmen, and to in stitute suit against such employers under the conspiracy laws in all cases where proof is obtainable. No county will have finer representa tion in the next House than Oglethorpe. Hon. J. T. Olive and Hon. W. C. Birch- more will guard the interests of the peo- .pie in a faithful and efficient way. Huch men will have strong 'nfluence on the floor. # ar since the old horse cars toiled up i the tram way from Union Point. It will give new life to trade and new inspiration to all enterprise. It will awaken Athens at once into a city of large proportions, and will instill new vigor into the section of Carolina and .Georgia along which the route is fixed. It will give Athens easy access to Klberton, Abbeville and the growing country of the Savannah Valley, which is just now developing under the magnetising touch of steel rails. It will put us in immediate communication with Now York and Philadelphia, and insure us even better eastern freights than we now control. The possibilities of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Bailroad are simply immense. The city of Ath ens mid the counties of Clarke, Madison, JJU- —* U’wllnn tor to vital! V concerned. AUK THEY INDIFFERENT? MOST PERFECT MADE a. ps*ed with atrfct regard to Parity, Strength, and ReaUafotosee. Dr. Prfca a Baking Powder containe no AmnuMla^lmejAlnmorPhoaphatoa. Dr.Price’a Extract^ Vanilla, Lemoa, atc^ flavor deliciously. esussssusasmis ECZEMA. yecies of Itch- Bry Spe t Burning Diseases And Eve: ingand Cured by Cutieura rCZKUA. or Balt RbMm, wl.b 11. .lionizing L ttoblDi and burning, Instantly relieved by a warm oath with CaUcura 8oap, and - — p Herat Ion of CaUcura, the groat Hkin repeated dally, with twoer three doaea ofCutl* cur* Resolvent, the Haw Blood Purifier, i the blood cool, the peraplralfen pure and tating, the bowels open, tne liver and kidney* OcUto, will apoadll? cure Ecaema. Tettor. Ring worm, Psoriasis, Lichen. Prurttua, Bcala Head Hand raff, and every apeclee of Itching. Hcaiy and Pimply Hamoraof the scalp and Skin, when the beat phyaiciana and all known remedies rail. Salt Rher m.'on head. nrck. fece. arms and lega f.»r seventeen yeara; not able to walk except on haadaand knees for one year; notable to help itself for eight yean; triad hundreds of reme- jfea; doctors pronounced my ease hopeless; per manently cured by the Oaticura Remedies. WILL MCDONALD, 26tt Dear bon Btrcct, Chicago, Ill. isureto in- ECZEMA. Home flva months ago 1 had the pie form you of my Improvemant la the uae of the i ntteura R* medtealn my case of severe Cnronlc Eczema Erythematosa, and to-day cheerfully —__ —ia Bryl... . ... —— —— . confl-n all I then said. I eona der my car# per feet and complete, and attribute It entirely to your remedies, having — ■* w Osii ttAlM nio.l i-xpejiwicwJ mil most useful member* of the next House will bo Hon. Martin V. Calvin, of llichntoiul. Ha ha* keen elected for the third term to the General Aaaembly of Georgia. For the pant four year* ho ha* been chairmen Of the Cominitteo on Kdurttion, with which great interest he ha* been a* prominent ly identified aa any man in the Statu. Ha ha* been * teacher and ha* written and worked extenaivaly for the cauae. Mr. Calvin ha* been chairman of the Home Kducational Committee for four yeara and ha* hail a working place on the Ag ricultural and Military Committee*. Du ring the Keaaion of the last Legislature the Speaker of the Houee called upon Mr. Calvin a number of times to preside. He Is a fine parliamentarian, and will pro bably bo presented by hi* friend* a* a candidate for Speaker pro-tem. of the House, which will organise on the first Wednesday in November next Mr. Calvin does not seok the Aral but the second place, and hi* record for dilligenee and probity in the Legislature ahould secure for him the position for which be will be pressed. It was at Mr. Calvin's suggestion that the Hucceaaful experiment of printing a daily joqrnal was attempted in the Honae. He showed special aptitude for legislative work, and is one of the pnrcgt and meat painstaking men ill the Legislature. The Baxxxb- WatciikXn- would be gfad to tr* M*. rin elected to the place. Cin any merclumt or any citizen of Athens affect or afford to bo Indifferent to the municipal content which is now approaching? Arc they indifferent to the kind of men they may elect to the mayoralty and city council? Are thoy indifferent to the ordinances which insy he passed bearing upon their business? Are they indifferent to the burdens of taxation which may ho heaped upon their property and which may block their trade? Are they indifferent to tho policy which may keep their city government clean and honest, or which may render it corrupt and vicioua? Are thoy indifferent to the class of men who may control city affairs snd to the interest which they represent? Are they indifferent to the men who will sh*|>e tho commercial policy of the city or who will give coloring to public snd private enterprise? Are thoy indiffere nt to municipal pro gress and to that immediate system of home rule which is dispensed by the . c >_ty. government, snd by which more communities have been clogged, aud more cities l>ankrupted than by any oth er known intlii cnee? 8306 Peons avenue, Hi. Lout., Mo. ECZEMA. I bare niBVred Irom ell Kbtum forover right j.sra, at time. »o bad that I could not atlcud to atr bu.lneM tor wash, at a Urn.; Three boxe. xa John THIEL, Wllko»oura, Pa. CUT1CCKA RaMSDIM. AraralS byril drngxlat*. Pries-CuUeura,60c.; eaoWent, ,1.00: So.p, 75c. Prepared bj tb. Potter Drug Mid < hemic.' Co., Borion, SOI. Prepared b; rug and < bemte.' C Sa.dfbr “Mow to Cur. Skin D. BEAU T,KY Comptzziou sod 8km by utfng th« Cutieura Soap. I CAN’T BREATHE. Chest Pains, Numbness. Roreneaa, Hacking Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy aud Inflammation relieved in one minute ,bv the Cutieura Anti-Pain Plaster. 'Nothin# like it. At druqxista, 25c, Inc like It ». Potter liruf and Chemical Oo., Oat.ldAwlm. Fancy 1 Chamber Sets, Vases, - Wine Sets, Flower Stands, Cups anti Saucers, Candlesticks, Fancy Tumblers, Glass Pitchers, French China Ten Setts; Also, large line Fancy Lumps, And Nickle Electric Lamps at £2.25 to $2 50 each To arrive in a few days: Large line F ancy Swinging Lamp and other fancy and staple goods. r Every tody invite to calid look through fijrjnvitrt especially THE LADIES. aprt8 div J. H. HUGGINS. ICECREAM! If you want something nice call ot) C. BODE, As he has always on hand Cakes, Bread, Candy l Confectionery ra o. all kinds, by the plate. ““ Fruit, *— Also Ice Cl or gallon; Chocolate, Verneiia, Lemon, Strawbery and nowflate; alao Roman Punch Orange aud Ap- and Lemon Hhebert. made to order. So NATUR ' r K . y ;' c ' i !™ E ’ v CURE FOR 'twSuw ' CONSTIPATIOH, “SSET* Tarrant’s Effereacant SKLTSER APERIENT. ltisc»ataln in lu vlTecta It is gentle in Its action II palatable to the taste, e, curg, an be relief 1 y a*«iMt-g „ ng. nature. Lonot take violent purge- itlvea Touraelves, or allow your children to take them, ’always uae this elegant harmaccutlcal preparation vblch has lor more than ' ~ forty yeara a public favorite DYSPEPSII.&I 7 fV " J ' AND E. K. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, ATIIEB8, Will practice in any aad all of the court* by pedal Hrrungtment. Office In old Franklin Iloufie* " “ - C.D.FLMIGEN PLUMBING ATHENS GA TO ADV A Hat of 1000 newspapers divided Into STATES AN'D^SECTlOXS will be amt on application— To those who want their advertising top* ravwra. a.,.*. 4,EO. P. RoWELL A CO., . .. Nawsp. per Advaxtislug Boreau, SseplG-dlui )0 Spruce ktreot. New Yoik !* « ?5o t = ®25P5 .-Ou|8 s am a ovst-ssi * HI;i •S= “s Q °“ FR0KE8SI0NAL. I.XT tht police lie on the look-out for the gang of hotise-hreakprs that wo are satisfied are working the window shutters snd front doors of the city. The efforts at robbery are ingenious and audacious: Oao or two grrestii and convictions or one or two w*U-directod pistol baRs Will put a stop to this aort.eC thing. It is prepqiwil that out police officer* be authorised by ordinance. If they, are not already au? thoriaed, to- arrest suspicious parties prowling about tho streets at nighL * MtoMto, CLARKE OOCXTY.-Old tu jP*» W»«k“- I1HHI Lonisiana State Lottery Co. “We do hereby certify thnt we su pervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Quarterly drawings of the Louisiana State lottery oompany, and in per-on manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and thnt.the same are conducted with nouestr, fairness and Id good faith toward all parties, and we au thorise the Company to use this certifi cate, with fac-similes O' our signatures attached, In Itg advertisements.” k* * A FRIEND 1JN in 1Z.DO OR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT- it, U Baa been ua«d fc>r inorr than 50 years, and is tbs bast known remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains. Bruises, Cut*, Burns, Wounds, and all external’~* — ** “ E. L. J. SMITH, ATTORNEY AN1COLNCkLLOR AT'LA* HARMONY ‘GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice in Jacks* n. Banks, Madia t. .dpi,'mi "tek'SuSJ Will giro special aiuutioii to collcclioits and make prempt returns Office, room No.2, over Dr.Haidcman a drug atoro NOHTH-iASTEHN RAlROAD. SorxxiNTiMDxrrr'a Orxxcx, Atheni, Ga., Jena flat, 11M, Thu following aehouulawiil operate en this rood. -Traiaa run by 7&thmeridlau time. daily Jtxcxrr sun nave. sRU. . NO 61 Loave Athena Arrive at Harmouy Grove. Airiva at Lula Arrive at Atlanta .mm Arrive at Clarkeavlllu Arrive at TaUuiah rails a:4d u m 9:4S am 10:51 a« \M » • leu? p m 1^0 pa i^ti p aa 7:46 p m iu.40 p m DAILY KXCorT SUNDAY MO. fiO MU Ai Leave iUUUlau rails Arrive ClarkesviUe Leave Lula mm. Airive Harmony Grove.. A rn vc at Athena kOo m «. •:ea u m ll:iu u as 1*0* p tu !:*»-*• a- 8:40 P m k:*4p m IVMif •. lailulah Fails AccousmodaUuu Oper»t«a on Weduesdxya and Saturdays oni>. No. t. Leave Tallulah Falls Arrive at uiarkasvilie Arrive at C*r alia «;40 p m 7:23 P m 7:80 p m So 2 Leave Cornelia Arrif e at cl*' kesvilla Arrive at Tallulah Fulls •tio p ra top ra Into) p ■ W. B. BUENETT. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW DICKEY’S EH WATER! RELIEVES AT ONCE. Cures Inflamed and waa ariw in a taw hour*. Given NO PAIN. The bES REMEDY In the world for granulated lids. Pride 25 Cents a bottle. Aik for It. llave no alter. DICKEY 8 ANDERSON, Proprietors. UtsSavsaSprings Mass.] BBIPfnt-lt«r FOR SALE OR KENT. Commmtaaioner * banka and bankers We the ndenl will pay all _ State Lotteries widen may be presented at oar counters. reigned Prises drawn ! n the Louia- JHUBLBIBT, Fraa. Loatataa* Rational Bank J W KlUIttBTH, l'res. mate .National naak J USUlWI-I.Prca. Raw Orleans Ratlaaal Bank Iac.rporaudl.11a lutojranbvUi.totUU Land For Rent I bare a tra<dwf good, enltlvatod land (most of It trefih), #«• miles to*low Athena on Ua Laxlng- ton romi. I will divide this up into one, two. and three and lour horse farms, and rent these places •at on reasonable terms on monied note or for port of crop, to responsible partlea. These -* have food frame balldinta and fine wate aaiaaa. augSllm W.H. Jonea, Jr. r To Rent A four-room cottage, good girdctv: and well water; convenient to bualnes. ,J. T. Co * the people of any State. _ Jt newer renter or ewfamii. l*a Grand riagla IVaaikcr Dra HKW 12, laM- For Sale. Hon. H. H, Carlton baa consented to sell a nnaabktr of beautiful, lame building tots, frontinS S n Ml Hedge Avenue. Thaw lota are unequaled y aay In the city* Nature has graded these lots mere beuotlfelly than art f*?> do; hence, aot eoe SSI riWTUI Monthtv Crz.tnT I CAPITAL PRIZE >75.000. 100,000 TICKiTi AT nVSDOUJIRR Ri Tractions to nttsb to Tsopotooa- flCnDImtag par reoL 5Cfr1gtfuB.nf4S5rrS?S To pay the expense#Vf the Centy r atfourt, ooD-nadentwitoraac/uirri isa, faal.aerraaia hire. Matleaafy aud W per cent Tth To pay expenses iuf poor, and aa !a otherwise rih.r tawtol tkaigaa toilaatlka **iVraralJraCf'kv u i, ot Us .brire tarts, lobau SMa-arx.appuaOloi dkwtj, appli-1 to»r ta.t.I charge. 11,1 .Uilit'l •-r.’frariiasi" ' A ss:isr“S-Wnly. c.c.o. MS. R.w Orleans, La. or ■ A Dauphin NSW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, Nxw Oiuiaxs,Lta. To Rent Two four room cottages and one three Oto cotuge, nil In excellent order, fend convenient locution. Apply to. . WILLIFORD. J.S. For Rent, with teurtemor taw), .arrises boius. d raw IH.S0 ,«i month. A gyi _ f Mro burns, sfoblea. earriage howee./dry wolli eytlouepit,tie. “* “ *“ For Rent IB House uad Let on the honae ot HU1 and i .wean, tit koom contain, tnom., tab... and errant. houM, goto water, U, (ua pw aana. Haw with good VSffiujfXltifnool Maw Agent; ATHENS, OA. OFFICK OVF.8 CHILDS XICKRR80N •« Practices in Stata and FaOaral Courts FINE LIQUORS If yon art In need of anything In the wav o Pore Whiskeys, Wines or Brandies, * Bead year orders to as at Greenesboro, Georgia, And tfcsy will bu promptly filled. We keep only The Purest and Best Goods, Bat our pries* are as low as first-class liquors can foe sold. LOWE A CO., Greene aboro, Ga, FOR SALE! My Xttldancs corner Jackson to Rtrong Sts., Boom Contain. B Rooms, Dressing Room, Pantry and Basement Store Room. Lot la one sera, ahd h a* servant*' Rooms Wood and Coal Bouse, Chicken Boose, Largs 6 and Barn, eu Inexhrvstible well of purs t and pipes connecting with the city mains. Large flower pit tu front yard. Terms easy. oeUdlm. « L. 8&. CiURBONBIEB. COAL, Coal, Coal! New Goods I lara saw neatvtag ray FILL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. Catt sad aaaalna, W. thwr raara ha wW. acadsra. Hit. T. A. ADAMS. RORGIA, ■ftjBbn * Alt kinds and beat quality, at LOWEST PRICES! Bela .gent lor Mcotarcffo Ctol W. B. THOMAS.' rant* dim WANTED! drac told. NIGHT SCHOOL'. ^winto«aa]gMmkoat torjsnag men and Neit Monday Night, Oct 4,at 8 P.M. RtoWsmama-apply«» a F. ORB. ! 3 Mall No. 61 Dally. v. p .ir Dally. Leave Aiiaut* vily tliui-... Leave All .nt* RAD ti ua A Lula ’*8*0*00 ••Greenv’le. . .. 'Charlotte. *Sallabury....MMM Gieaneaboro ’Danville ‘Lynchburg .... „ *Ofianott«avillu.... “Washington ••Baltlmara “Philadelphia •Now York., “Beaton 7 to ah M*. a m 11.07 a u 12.57 p ■ in pn itt p a 8.01 |. u 9JA pwr 1MB P a J Of an. 4 86 an s8U an lu as an H85 pm 32U pm 10 80 m V AW pm 6.U) p m (•Jdpm A10 a m 768 a m 1008am l 5VpS iW *ooam •Warn 8 00pm 'iStiM ‘1:988—- Ar Rtebmoud 7 tw a m SJOwm ar bur folk .... ... 12-0 7JU p m .... NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD;. _ . ip. ~ r~ tfiO p ■ c. nr. obram 1 R* R. THOMAS, u.a’l. Mantgar, Richmond, Va. G. L P. GILDER S UYEft PILLS, Purely vegetable, are the BEST! TRY THEM. ■astobra • gun. Whofraalaby J. CRAWFORD & CO., s3SSSS f.ving in aaid couuty, known as fortal; on said 1 ml is a go-> |ooais, good waier and erch ir also* wsfsrsswfa la, in a* lets, an county conutnlng six acre*, more or mu it.,. IUMU, g TVa. 7. Anderson, deceamd to g VS?h c £,'iSET-r.SSK S»i. ADderaoo, deceaatd toythu aTJnraJ HraAwajs?u •pp.ln to; Irate to Mil, to term, of lbs taw, .It lha re.l e.ute b-:„ns;n< to the •• ute of Mid dorao- t There «o then fo ‘ “ irar.ed to zbow esu concerned to show caua«. nt the regular term of the Court of Ordinary at said fonty. to be held fesag»MB^«yn'a’a;"* >