The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, October 14, 1886, Image 4

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YhE K3R* tHE MACON & COVINGTON. EVERYTHING 8KKM8, TO KAYOR ITS KARI.Y COMPLETION. A wHllW. B. W. i'rahfil—Knd airana wae Chrrrlns R*W»—«’-l. J. «. smith'* farce at CwuvIrO Arrive and <ie at oare la Nhadr Dale. ]M»di*oftt*.ii:] While your rei*orler wa* enjoying a |*Iea*attt dance at the Madiaon llouw, lie was approached by Mayor Ibiardeii, who asked him if the Madwoman would like to hare a (oik with Col. 11. W. Frob*'i, manager of the M. A C. road. ^ A railroad was the only aoliject that could hare diverted our attention on this occasion, and a e thanked Mayor Bearden for hia thoughtful courtesy, and as soon aa we could leave the presence of churui- iiuf waltzers we went with him to the office where ,*at Col. Frohyl enjoying a cigar. “Well. Col. Frobel/, lxgnn the Madi Honian, U 1 Mippose that Mr. Inman’* tel. egraphic double*scored and four-leaded withdrawal from the M. dr C. will leave your little enterprise high and dry. far be yond human aid?” Col. Frohel laughed and said, that “Mr. Inman sold an interest that ’ he nev er had in the road, and neither his ap proval or disapproval could affect it in the least, it Would be built as soon as « line contractor could do the work, and I have been gralithnl to know that the peo ple along the line have never yet faltered in support of the enterprise. Mr. Inman baa done everything he could to hamper the road be tiying to bring it into disfa vor with financial circles. But we have captured all bis lead cards and hold noth ing lmt trumps. “Mr. Inman now assure* the peop!< that the road will be built," “Yes, and I haae been struck with his sublime assurance. After throwing ev ery obstacle in the way of its construc tion that his ingenuity could devise, and failing, he now has the Inddnes* to come fora ard and assure* everybody that the road will Ih» built. The people do not need hi* assurances, and the road is in such |» financial condition as not to re quire his aid.” “You have given the contract for era- ding the road 1st ween Mitchells and Athens to Col. .lames M. Smith.” “Yes, Mr. Furguson ‘became embar rassed by building either roads with our money, and rather than suffer from mis takes of others, we concluded to relet the contract. Col. Smith is a business man and will have the road graded as soou as it is practicable to do the work. I am going out to his camps to-morrow where he has one hundred and fifty convicts at work on the road.” “Will this force Im» increased?” “Oh, largely, lie will put a la*ge force of fall labor on the line in a short time." -How long before the road will 1m. equipped to Madison?” “I ou will hear the whistle of the engine by January, and in two weeks the music of the pick and shovel will Ik* heard in your streets. The track beyond Monti- cello is being laid at the rate of n mile a day, and we 1io|k* to be able to lay two life* a day in a short time." COfTON MARKET. omcK* w.T i oo» Witt ibhe?** .is LSrmknn. ‘ . *** Mw Y.n OM.B-Cm.lifl-Mrt.-Klr Bl-inlli | • ft- 0 o-l ran ip • IM.-WI ■ n-PlJ. i.r.u Ilfiutun.iauirtmnnli.HB; «MUiwai%nsl| cb.nn.1 roll puu.; «UIa UM far Mil- ..mpilon 430. FUTUltkH. HPF.SK0. f.LOT~ 1-Wiilj. su BANNER-WATCHMAN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS trr GEORGIA STATE FAIR MAC ON. Hoptambvr K4SS4J i i-j-ut F» hruary March vpril v»y »» .77- 4M-C.I r-ur*' iVM M-M « 4tl os-JO L*V«KF«>OL Ip® cottoa dell In buyer* t to U.iuuds Oreou* Hale* 8.0U0; Spec and K«|*ort* I nut; Receipt 7 * A *» erlcau l/sw hV I'VllEH. U;>HZr>. Ten*. hull an I luaetl re. Fir. Oct. 5 4-04 a & 4 01-M 6 ft II Oc . and Nov. Jaa. and Frit. I KUH4 Teodor* 100 u«#. ATHENS WHOLESALE MARKET en (e re«f *tl»e' ofii cc* escortedLy'oiie of the surveying corps, and insisted on <’ob Frobel going into tho dancing room. He was too gallant to refuse, and n very sat isfactory railroad talk gave place to th« wait* and quadrille. Athens Ga.. Oc*. 12, l#s«J., (inain, H v v, m\—FI *«ir: a i perdue $>» ftO, extra t, go »vi Mm 1/ 4 50 choice 5, fuucy *> 2», fancy p trout* higher grades, 5 50. Wheat: No 2 re 1 bulk, ltti|l. Co m: No 2 white, sack, si, 62; No 2 mixed, gacaed, £7.iU3 Qita: No 2 tn xed, feeding, -II; rust- urnof 05 i“0 1| iy: Choice Turn thy per 100 lbs Waft); prune Tinniffiy ttiaOOis; counUy hay—ewauip grass 2-V, B-rmii- da40.»75; Hudson's be*f $1 Folder— fr,, tn (W to SOc. Kva: G * *1 2*», Virginia and Tennesset-Jlal 10. Barley; Ueorgia |1 25, Virginia 1 10. Broom corn: talk! lb. Cow pea. 1 *: >.V. limit: aesti m Mcke f, tier WO, OOuitic. Stock fee* i: $1.25 Pnovisioxs—Bacm : am- Iced clear rib sulea looso 8„VjaO; shonldera non* ; dry salt dear ri!» sides 7f*a; choice S G i ami, -.nail average 14c. Lard: choice retined, tierces, 7?4*7Ja choice farullv S; ftj^. Coin meal: per bushel 00c. Grits: western, Id 50 per barrel. Grik'euikn —Sugar,: eru-bed T^c powdered ^.-; gianulat*-«l UVc; - U'llila nr' p-i t! IL ('ommeneinE October 25th, end continu ing for Two Week*. THE GEORGIA RAILROAD will sell ROUND TRIP TICKETS ONE FARE From all Stations. Tickets Good For Three Days. Sale of Ticket* Commence* October 24th, and Continue* until November Gth, inclusive. E. R. DORSEY, G. I*. A. JOB. W. WHITE, T. P. A. octI-*dtn5. ATHENS, GA„ OCTOBER 14. i8b6 A NOTr*i«;»-r «npp-irt iii-t ih- ^rlW'lplra of . IMfliormtlu AiluilnUtrmtlatti rSlbM I. Of, cl Itfw Ycrlu KpM WILLIAM DOKS1IEXMEK, Editor. Daily, Weakly, and Sunday Editiont. THE WEEKLY STAR, A 10 pago Newspaper, lMU.d every Wednesday. A .IN*, pure, bright suit InterMtlu. FAMILY PAPER. TERRIBLE TESTIMONY A Man Who Suffered Si lently Seventeen Years. dar I A d 1 j.i77* '» white extra 0 tb traC6*41*; gtud extra (' ft 12; yell «w ft. MoiNSfes: ceiitrjfngt. 20«*tlc. C»i-*aoost '2$»:>ku 8yrui^: sugir dnq-s iW;32e, New Orletus 2o».)5g, bome-niade 505 «t i» tail.tltiest N't), 55c. Java (J"tfee: 22:i27, Rio II l „aI2^4, Lsgu tyra 12a 15c p**r lb. Salt: Liverpool boc lack. N>ap: $2 25« per 0*n, all qualities. Rice: choice South Cttro'iua, 5 1 2 .tk.', prtiiit 5t*, orifi- narv -Ic per pound, 'leas: linfM'rial WdSO, youpg hyson JOaoO, black .'K)w75. gunp »wd* r 40i75cper In, mrordmg t*» quality. P*‘pp.«r 20e; spice 10c; ginger !0c; cloves 50c |H*r pound. S*hI« 5'«ts in. Starch 5c l»*. Firii: No 3 bu». 50, No :t half bbl d 50, So 3 qmir ter bbl 2 25, N*» 3 kit* fen j»* uu-J* 50a55c. Cor why PmnrrK.—B ut. r: 15v25- acconliug to quality, sei- ct Jersey 30 *35 |k r lb. IVdlrv: young dnekeus 12* a ISe, ben* 2tL**2V, turkeys 00h$1 2>. ge*n* ■»0a5Tc, du -ka 20»?. guinea* 25c, partrid ges 10c. Kggs 15.*I7e. R roviix I So. I 1 '* rpwawl. (JmoTisfl per bu ll. Sweet po M'oe* 75c hush. Irish p.itaroeH bbl $2,25. Peanuts: baud pick'd NO 4^a Fa km St’ppi.i ks—Bagging: standard 1*4 7J # *sc. Ties: New Arrow $1 U7al 10, l>.lu $1ai 15 Harlvvare ' HaNI>somc Caros.—This office has % received some handsome cards from NY. II. Hugulv & Co., Manufacturers, mer chants and bondors, of West Point. Mr. W. T. Hugulv, a well-known newspaper man, is the business man of the concern and is a Very successful one. The bank ing department* has just been added, and and the firm enioy flue Verities for busi ness. The cards are lithographed by tho Savannah Nows establishment, and’ are very handsome. GgoKutA Stats Fair.—The State Fair opena in Maeon Oct. 25th, and continue two weeks. Tho display ibis year prom ises to be something superb. The ter. thousand dollar premiums will lie dis tributed among meritorious exhibitors, and large crowds will be In attendance. The Georgia Railroad, with coinmendihle enterprise has reduced its fare to Macon, and commencing Oct 24, round trin tick ets will be sold at half price—full faro going and return froo. Tickets aru good for three days. Axe* $7 vloa; buik i*. painted $1 40 j*er do*, re«l»r, two hoops $3 25; co tun card*$4 5o; trace chains$4 per do*; hauies Iron bound $3 ft0>i4; plow hoes 3‘3j|jc lb; Iron, 8**cde 4u5c lb, n flue«t 2)4c; nails, $2*2 35. biris of 10 •, ner kcg;plow stuck*, iliiman'D $U1 10; ro|>Al-ihllU loc, si -sl 10c, cotton I5<*: horse shoe* $4 per keg, mule *hoes $5; Arne*' shovels $9 per do*; plow aterl 4J»c lb. Shoes: ' ruga is $1 2-^ i»er pair, lirbPi I ts# (tolka $1. Fkuit axij Vkowari.ks. — Apphs: m.urtain$1, northern 150, Slimklev* 50c per bushel. Lemons: Messetia $7 50 a box. M 1SCFI.LA NKOL-s.—Brooms \ $1 ^pa3 50 per 'lea, according t*» quaFty. Candid: purechy madu HaHUc. ‘ $1 per lb, 1 * ^ipocftbpy vnm* in one ounce runs Feiitiiers 464* 52 iK*r lb. Rioom »*orn, 4iH* lb. C lico 4>a : <<h’vd. Lumtier: drca-nl, $15 p i 1000 f ; rough 8sl0 Hbinylea, $2 5tfa3 Lbne 81 10; oenieut 2 25. Cotton seed, 15“. , iiccuniiiig c quariy. untune*: y mada MaHfac. 'Ibbaooo. 25o t • b, according 10 qn iliur. rinu my 45<t55i:; Hillioi I M $4 75 tn** went of my ehtulou Very Ks«£ FOR MAYOR, I here*)* announce aa a canJi.tatc f r th* M ty- orallly of Aikesa l reef ertfpOjr »efleU **• «»«- aon of all the nvopU, and In whew Interest lh- city govtiinaieut wlh be a*liuUilajjr*U^u tb« W*. 1. vvoo'll. von coi'BTr torvuvor- 1 will be a ca •-Wat* fur re e -tion t»the offirt* < f countv surveyor, and ask the aunrort o'tbs voters cla'ke county. V. ft. PAKKIL ►OK CLKUK 8VPKBIOH COURr I reseeciTbllr anuoeuee ■ jr>»lf for re- UcUjuW ihevtbcc tf Clerk of ikeKut^rlor Court. JOHN I hl’OblNS. POU 8HKU5FF. a candidate POWDER Absolutely Pure. I rreecctf- lly attn uac ? aysclf as a cam'tdai for rwelectlo.. for s-e.itf atibe J^nnary^Vtfo. FOR COUNTY TRBAUUlSxC Having naeived thaqaUt approval uf a large r umb*r ef cilia n» ef 1 e county l hereby ea rn unce uiyeetfaa aeai>dl<*sti for re- Lctioo to • be ofllce • I Treuar*-r of CU-k Cue .ly. My record av an uttlcla I Is beore the iwmpa Elec* lion first Wednesday la Jeausty next. Kaepeetrany, C. J. OTARUKIX Bv derir* of natty fBenils. 1 kerrin announce mi sell a candidate tor Tin usurer or t'Urku county* end shall tru»t to the geseo stiy and ku d ret ling* of the people towards me to a • core my election. r r . V. W. SKIFF. . 1 hereby announce myself a cai dl-ae for Tr* asurer nr Clarke county, at 4 ns|actlaUy ask the suppedt of ibe vot r». This How * rr never vanes. A msnrel nf parity rtnaikand vhetowowoeet. Mote M-nnrun lean boa the ordinary kinds, and cannot l» |n|if It OUtprtltWH* with tho multitude of low t* at sh.»r. wHfbt,ihe nrulia VtUl Powd-m. ««l«l m l« Jgl ”— ‘ * We A. P. DEAR1NG. FOB TAX COLL CT.tR. I hereby rinouaoe mj*wl a candidate for Tea Collec.or 01 Clark* (entity, and sek Ibe beoriy sup| ort of ‘be Vui ra. If elected. I plcdsemy- Mir to d* 1 vote my b*«t anerftce t war-l maki f thooflie a teoetaa. on I ibe people will u eve bsve cause to ream Uw irus; reposed In me I hereby annon* J.W.LONO: i ms a-11 as a enndtdate fo»r» election te tneogkceof Tsa Celle<do« of Clarke Crntmr, and re-#» tml y wtett the eordla sup* nEORMA, BANKS ( OC STY. Afrecebls U order of ike can t of Ordinary of iJHi SAr will bo soW te the hbtbo t bidder, at ibel mmmfleem door of •ald.eonaty. ou the Snt fy la November nest, within the local »f*a>, the fo.fovlrd pro.crtr L-wib two.l k la tae fHonrU i.’a.'Jrad act i .rsisr^V-k :i,%5r n 3sa.a H I. Mcl- isaUMrt'r _.„i. unto*. - vnn 1 ax beckIYkk Th. *wn, IIWaDrfMi W. T. CARTBB. *'- M«m hi* n**u *» * m 4UMt lo» T * H* • orinuMIlub rnunr. u* rah-ih. •■ppmi oftiMV.-un. Nr.CtMhttanlrtnni m>* »:*d I* In.ran **y qullt.4 kdlKh.n* Lk. dull., rt ih. rtfra -II* —dill, MMraHtfw W. *r* anlhraldK Md M an. ** r-AV.'l*K. »IH-«*.*.*djdrtr fcr rartra tm* UrartHwof tUMlfrt *( T.* iraimra* at curt ' (.ltcalMla Jaa-dir wx( rawBT. •tU. «•**!•* • MR. J. 0. WABXOCK. The above portrait Is an excellent pic ture of a very Hell-knoWn Atlanta man, \lr, J. fl. Warnock, of 148Ea*t KairHt., -n that city. Aiuixik Mr. Warnoek's niiinerous friends and aci|iuintanee he is known as a man of iinlmpeflc-hal>lt> haracter, and his rcimtation for trutli is aecond to none. Tue lol lowing- REMABKAnl.K HTATKMKNT, coining from a man of his character, and under the circumstances thereof, attracts the attention which its facts demand: “I have been a sudorer with kidney Ironljes for seventeen yesrs ami have >><t-u treated by prominent physicians la his State and Alabama. I have used large quantities of medicines advertised Id euro blood and kidney diseases, with out receiving the slightest benefit. About six weeks ago I suffered such intense pain—scarcely being able to breathe at times—I concluded lo try * Hunnieutl’s Rheumatic Cure,’ and alter using one botile, was , aiisoutei.y and kntiiiblv cured; and for the first time in seven- tteu years I aiu without the slightest pain, and earnestly recommend all who .v K-'e urn Card a m«i. Hunnieutl’s Rheumatic Cure is infal'i- hie for rheumatism and all blood and kidney troubles, and is sold brail drug gist* at $1.00 a hot- le. J. M. Huunlcutt dc Co., proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. J.NO. CRAWFORD A CO., Wholesale Agi’a., Athens, Ga. Octifiddm. Last Installment of City Tax I . due and required to be paid by tho firs! day November next. VOTERS! The Hooks for ibe Bogieimioa of vntora ate onen at my ottco, and will be etooed at ‘i o’clock, P. M. on too 20th Joy of November nevL oet!2d4le For Sale. The house and lot on Milled** Avenue, for merly botentlng to Mrs 8 K Hmlth This fine property eonslsUng of half the block,,contains isasft R&Smsn^KSi: SwSnAfWUSr etc. In. wcl. ofarllctou* water. Ian. gsriion with |l*r» and trull tnea. A rare ebsora hi •aj one wlihIc,*n|MHnt home. Apply to , OPIUM If. K. E-8ip.1V, ,vr TODNO L. a. BARB!*, PRUIDIin STKVXKS TB0WAS, SSC*ZT.*T. - I CSnctom _ Toe*, to O. Haebm, Siavaxs Taoaas, ou* H. trawvo*, J. a. IIauiltom, Pk*oim awd Phixiit, Ua*c*u,cs8ta*ixt. n*. E. & Lninoa, Jo** w. Nicuouo*. L. H. c***os»i.* newwictrr 1 DBIKIHTRATOR'S SAL«.-A(nrablT t* U A Mrtorot UM Coart or Onttouy of JmShb Hm*rarart||te|pld, *t auction, at th. court boos. wratr.wlUb-'cU' M • oJoor ot.*H county, on rarabra next, wtikl* tbs ih. trstTnuday In Bo th. lecal hoar* of wla, th. to-wB- .A tract of land In ' .his, alust twMly p*M sid RsU sal down, I about ready fix eultlval^n, about» aereola pint I Al*On at the era Hat anJ plrao, will ha raid, ly.dnacf**,moraorlcis,adlolntDKUnd*of Ur*. IlaudwaM, stand* non brothers, Eva** tad B. ol whisk- stout stfht wens mm lsn«ll k at.o l twcDty scrsi old tlell - 1 Ihc Writ .into! s*M iri It. It. 8*|d u th* propel# *r II. S Henderson, lit* M Jackson county, dr- raMd. T»*Mc»*h. panto, dralrtnc to aoa raid c SNdmN. 0$ vbfol river bottom laOdi^abo holaneo In foreot. Tho lie* aerure tbe N. B. R. 1 «. lota Itrontnfni the latest news, .town to the hoar of coluj? to |SA»«: Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Deportment*, ell under the direction of trained Joarnallate of tlio htgtxut ability. It* sixteen ngt-a will t»c found crowded with good tiOu^s from beginning to end. Original •lonw by distinguished American and foreign writer* of fiction. , TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR to Sub- ■citiBKR*. ritKK or 1‘oaTAoc iii the United State* and Canada, utiuidc the limit* of New York City : Per year....*. $1 Club* of Ten 10 00 Club* of Fifteen (and one extra to organizer of Club* 15 00 For THREE MONTHS, on trial, 29 CENTS. THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Stab contains nil the new* of tho day In an attractive form. It* specal corm*i>ondeuce by.cable from London. Paris, lkrlm, Vicuna and Dublin U a commendable feature. At Wavlungton.- Albany, and other new* center*, the ablett ctrritfxjiitUiitt. specially retained by Tii* Star, furnish the Jateat now* by telegraph. It* literary fcaturra are umnirpaiofcd. The Fiuiincial and Market Review* ore unusually full and complete. Hpeelal term* and extraordinary Induce ment* to H|cntN and canvuMcr*. Heiul for jclrctilur*. SPECIFIC, fable Blood Purifier. ' Its Claims Sustained BY. THE TESTIMONY OF Wilting WHmsms SUCCESS ' THE TEST OF MERIT. e THE GOLDEN HARVEST HEALTH REAPED From this Prolific Remedy A REMEDY NOT FOR A DAY But for a Half a Oentury. Interesting Treatlao on Blood And Skin Diseases mailed yjtEKto all who apply. It should be carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT 8PECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. H PEYTON H. SNOOK, BRANCH OF w The CheanesL Furniture House io Georgia. ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER lit, I EXPECT TO OPEN UP IN ATHENS, GEORGIA, A lira ch of will be my endeavor to conluct a fair and laglitiiia e 1- nrinlure businis*, recognising the r.glit or any nnd all competitors to make ■ heir own prt-v-s end term*, and adopling their own methods, reserving to niveelf the same priv l-ge. I shall al»o endeavor to place before the Athens public all ti e Novel t nd Unique *tvies as they appear in the art centre* anil furniture markets of the world. I will be bettor able to do this from the fact that my At lanta house alone sells nearly a quarter of A MILLION DOLLARS , > annually, which is bought entirely for cash, in lat^e quantitiei and at heavy.discounts. This will save my patrons at lea*t ten percent terms or THE daily star to Sr*. | over all competition, besides give them nothing but fresh and modern Voeiic/^f* | styles. If you contemplate buying furniture it will pay you to-wait until Jtvrrj Car for one yrar (incindingSunday)....,7 oo ! my stock is ready. I will open ud with about one hundred chamber and *?.ryd«!‘Sf£SSuu:. on *^:::::::::::::: IS p ,rlor »«i>», ranginif from a verviow price up! up! up! to gar* five 3 00 j HUNDRED DOLLARS.^jg# Suits in Cherry; Suita in Walnut; { Suits in Ebony: Suits in Mahogany; Suits in Raw Silk; Suita in P|u»h; Suits in Brochatclle;- Suits in Valours; Suits lor a Cottage; Suita I’ora Palace. Sideboards, Bookcases ChifToneers, Armoures, Buffets, Ward robes, Hat Rack—in fact a little ot everything in my immense Atlanta - Warerooms will be found in my Athens house, lor exactly the same price. Every article sold will be guaranteed as represented, or money refunded, Besides, and “ more’* the pity.” I will carry a full line ol Coffins, Caskets and Undertaking Materials. Eacli department will be in the hands .f thoroughly reliable and competent gentleman, well known to the good Ol people of Athens. With this siinole announcement I fling my btnner to NlllMhM iCT* «, the breeze, and trust to dcsetve and secure a shale of vour pattonage. (/% .cpia&dtf. P. H SNOOK. Dollr, Mriinoiu nuiin*y Sunday, without Dally, one year 1 50 THE STAR, Broodwaj and I’urk Place, Ne* York AURANTII A. R. ROBERTSON, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, A large stock of finished Granite and Marble Mounuments ready for let-eiing. Als-t, a large stock of ndW liiliognphie designs to select from. Call aud get my nrioes t. R ROBERTSON. Athena. O*. kind nrw origin- ■ dDImUVKR. For *11 complaint* ot thu kind, neh a* Turpklily ol QioLmr, BtHooonmo, Karroo* Dyspapaia, IntigM- Uon, Irreoulority of tho Bowalo. Ooutlpotko. Flat a- looey. Eructation* nod Bornfha of Uto Htomacb ■ometimw ooHod lloortbarn), Miasma, Malaria, Moody Flux. Chill* and Form, Braakbono Fever. Exhaa-tion b*f<x« or after Foran, Chrooic Dior- rixon. Lorn of Appetite. Daodaebo, Foal Breath, lrre*aiarttie* ImcMmtel to Femalen. BeeHnc-dowa ' ^STADIGERS 1UR1HTII tuablo. It lartOtoponacoo foa*lldiMa*M, Or price’s CREAM mpJ.xioa fn*n » yrtlow -fflVlMPJ Wn*r. to * ruddy, liwdthj eoldh-. It mtireT/moo.M Sm. (knmr ndrtu. U1. oo. rt Ih. BUT AL TERATIVE* amt PURIFIERS OF THC BLOOD, nod la A - VALUABLE TONIO. BAKING POWD# STADICER’S AURANTII Xhtml*Sfnorawlrta. PrtcSI.QOp»brtU* C. P.STADIOER, Proprietor, LSO SO. FRONT ST.. PMtaOslaftla, Pa. Aksslutdy Pure and I’aadilterated. H08PiTAL8, CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIE8. d Hasartra *v Swraia Ammmrn, CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. | PURE STIMULANT ■ For the Siok. Invalids, I CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. bialtbll J. CRAWFORD A. CO,, ATBENE OA. H. H.P •°* Dr Prices .Cream BatiNaPwoEal r PUBLlIGiSA^ Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, The celebrated Southern Remedy for Constipation, Dyspepsia. Indigestion and Biliousness. Qtaniilori te care, or ImportedReginteroci HOLSTEIN CATTLE, Oct 21st, 1886, at Chambers I Co’s. SSaUm, Corner Hantar and rorsyth Sts. A tientral purpmeeatUa. olUboo _—, il mer. »aUd. JCmFjarerj^. “"-"aordABivnis. V. Ttrw&rs Pure Blooded Chickens Ot diESranthraeds will bs Kid. Stockholders’ Meeting. TBKimlirairtl Hrailnsor ih* si<*-kb*Id- it* 'TuSoS!mBSlS , ■ A K. HODOSOX, Esas-try,