The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, November 14, 1886, Image 2

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THE BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA, NOVEMBER 14 i8b6... BANNER-WATCHMAN. OFFICIAL PAPES OP TBS Olir OP AT SSI.* Kid Conntlei of Clark', Banks ant Oconso THE DAILY BANNER-WATCHMAN 1* aVUTfm «ll*r.aiu.»»..., — s/ ■ i’-'i 50 cent* a month or 25 lent* lor two eeek*. Same rtf* to noe*r*»ideat subscribers. pmum ire*. THE WEEKLY BANNER-WATCHMAN If nuiled 4 (o*ttbkrr be<* f«r 11 «;Mr., Th* South *rn Dinner. eitoMUhet UB); Th* I occupies in that institution vv.tcii oiu, ifei. c,u.jii(i*i«o M.rcb, TJl „ atrnggle ba* been prolonged but ach stage has been full of interest. It DR. WOODROW CONDEMNED. The SUte Synod# of Abe lreabyterian Churchy now in session, have been unan imous in their action conjoining the stand of Dr. .lames Woodrow upen the question of evolution. Thoso having control of the Columbia Theological Seminary have vigorously recommended his dismissal from his chair of natural Science and revealed religion which he MU. ADVERTISING RATES. Oae square, on* month —. On* aqua.**, three months One square, ala months - One square, Ou* year .... Tranaient rataa, fl peraquare fitch in erttouii 8pvcl*l contra it rat.*• mad* in the office. AO cent* each subsequent insertion. portent topics arc invited. poclal latea- ttealttaoct aote, money orde Heolttaoccs ahjul I ba mad* by ezprcaa. postal I b* mad* by exprm n«, uuuw, .... nr. ftgifitfred letl« T. All communications soould oe addressed to THE BANNER WATCHMAN, Athena, •**. The school for statesmen did not take its usual Saturday holiday yesterdry A Saturday session this early in the year i an unusual thing for the Legislature, It ia said that the winter vacation will be given and the usual summer school of the statesmen’s institute will be held. Well, if the business of the State can be best subserved, let the re cess bo taken. Ip it is true that Phil Armour and Miss Hettio Greene are to buy the Central Railroad and hook it on to the Kansas system at Birmingham, it will make mince meat of Capt. Raoul in Georgia. The latter has just consolidated a tine Carolina system how ever, and will re main master of a fine field in any event. Capt. Raoul has always figured like man who could hold his own. Now that the Richmond and Danville Railroad has met the Georgia Railroad and matched its fast train schedule, we hope both roads will put on new* ami neat passengor coaches, and give us a de cent if not a delightful service. \Ye do not doubt that each road will find it to its advantage to do this. The best way to bid for travel is to make people com fortable and to render the journey easy It waa Gen. llragg, of Wisconsin, and Bourke Cochran, of New York, who had the spat in the Chicago Convention. Cochran said that Cleveland could uot b , not be elected because he had made enemies of Tammany. Bragg doclnred impulsively, that he loved Cleveland for the enemies he had made. Cochran has been elected to the next House and Bragg bos been defeated. 80 the spat will not be prolonged. It is very probable that next year’s fair will be held under an enlarged and embelished exhibition building at the * grounds of the Northeast Georgia Asso ciation, and that the display will carry •11 the main attractions of a State fair Northeast Georgia ia tlio natural grain and grating lection of Georgia and faira which acem to hate petered out in the cotton belt will receive their beat inter- *at and beat patronage in the piedmont taction. The Richmond and DanVillo Railroad haa proranaa good aa it* promise. The new fast passenger train, will begin their trips tomorrow morning. They will ran strictly by schedule time, and will be hindered by no freight complies- tions at either end nor on the line. This will it a great benefit to the traveling public and to Athens. It will deliver the msils here twice a day liin clock park, and will give an impetus to bifsi nesa generally by adding a separate freight lection once a day. The Richmond and Danvt le Railroad has dona the aquara thing. Tm aelection of lion. Jamea T. Kis bet to be private secretary and legal ad Tiaar*f Gov. Gordon brings onco more into lctive public life a man of fine ability and high character, lie was at one time a lawyer in Augusta, and was the editorial writer on the Constitution alist Since the war he has been prac tiring liw in Macon an 1 was a partner with lion. A. 0, Bacon in the firm ol Nisbet, Bacon ft Hines. Judge Nisbet ia tha ion of the late Hon. Eugtniu* A Nisbet and during the recent canvas* wu a firm IKend and supporter of Gen. Gordon. Tha new Governor has placed himself in safe and competent hands. . Tho Century Magsxine has commenc ed the publication of the life of Abrihatnl Lincoln, written in aerial form, by the two secretaries af tha murdered Presi dent. The narralira open* in the No-1 vSlpliey number in a clear, readable -wtgitamd flows easily from the pens of led continuous inves- years to close per- al a?l-wd»tion of four year*, ema to be grkpkic .nj sym- ' dng~ I and began in May, 1884, when Br. Woodrow delivered an address to the si rani of the Tresbyterisn Seminary, in Cot tmbia, S. C., in which he pointed to all the evi dences of the formation of the earth and the creation of man, and declared the probable truth of the unfolding of the species by means of evolution. Dr. Woodrow believed that the evidences of the rocks, the prtli of the fossils and the succession of the various form of ani mals showed that matter had been fol lowing a progressive aeries of develop ment from the lowest form to the hi£- ost crestion of man. This made a commotion in the Pres byterian chnrch in tho Mouth. The mat ter was at once referred to the Tarioua synods and presbyteries, which general- ly dissented from the doctrine, but de clined to insist upon tho Professor's re moval, The question catno up before the General Assembly of the Church it Augusta last May, and that body made a direct deliverance, affirming that man's creation was by immediate act of sup.'ruatural power, and not by the atages of evolution which some scientists held, Aa this body had no power of removal, tho trial of l)r. Wood- row for heresy was referred to to the Augusta Presbytery, which met at Itethel uhurch list August in Gresne county. This church court acquitted l)r. Woodrow of tho charge, but the four State Synods which control the di rectors of tho Seminary have recom mits! his dismissal from the college faculty. The Doctor will have to retire text mouth and tlio doctrine of descent by modification will probably hares rest so far as the Presbyterians are con cerned. The question has been agitated beyond its merits. Science is not positivo itself about the truth of the theory of evolu tion; indeed, later students of geology uro inclined to discredit the hypothesis entirely, Dr. Woodrow who has inves tigated tlio matter in Europe and Ameri ca has only hinted its probable truth. Tlie controversy in tho church has hing- I upon the question whether or not the theory expounded by I)r. Wooodrow was hostile to the Word of God as con strued by Presbyterian standards. Dr. Woodrow maintains that the Bible sim ply announces that God made man out of the dust of tho ground,that the Bible does not say, and the cliutcli standards do not make it say, that he was created imme diately—or blown into existence like soap bubble. His theory is that God made tho rock, the shell, the fish, the mammal ar.d the man by endowing the primordial germ with the instinct of life and leaving that genn to unfold itself into higher forms and finally tobloasom in His own image, lie does not think his theory ban out a belief in God’s power, hut rather broadens and bright en* that belief. He hold* the species may have bniltup by fixed laws and in* telligcnt methods—all proceeding from an overruling power—all sanctioned by a divine omniscience. Dr. Woodrow haa had the best of the argument. Wo do not see the danger or the impiety af his teachings. He stand* condemned by the authorities of the Presbyterian Church, however, but will probably continue his other chair, which ia in the Carolina State College in Co lumbia. Ilia church ministry is still un der the direction of th* Auguata Presby tery. form, or whether h* will return to the Randall alliance. Mr. Blount is a man of ability, experience and influence, and Georgia would be honored by once more having a representative in the Speaker!* Chair, once occupied by Howell Cobb. Ik report* from this section are real, ized throughout the State and South, and we believe the crop conditions were generally alike, the cotton in the country has been nearly gatbared and sold out, and the yield ia from one-foortb to one third short The increased receipts at the ports and interior point* merely represent the precocity—which means the prematurenesa—of th* crop. Tha yield of 1888-7 will be e light one, not withstanding tb* New York prediction*. Greatly Excited. Not a few of the citizen* of Athens have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facta, that several of their friends who had been prenonneed by thair physicians as incurable and be yond all hope—suffering with that dread ed monster Consumption—hav* been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only remedy that does positively cure all throt and Inngdiseaaes, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at A. B. Long ft Co's Drag Store, large bottles f 1. An EBteiprlalnc, Bailable House. A. B. Long can alwav* be relied upon not only to carry in atcck the beat of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles aa have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, ihereby sustaining the reputation or being alwaya enterprising, andever re liable. Having secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sell It on a posi tive guarantee. It will rarely cure any and every affection of the throat, lung*, and chest, and to ahow our confidence, we Invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. An Old Oltlaen Speak*. Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident of Rome, G«_, say* that h* had been badly troubled with Kidney Complaint for a great many years and with Ecsatna for three years; at times could scarcely walk and had tried many remedies without benefit, until he began taking Electric Bitters and anointing Ilia hands and feet with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. This treat- nient afforded him great relief and ho strongly recommends Electric Bitters to all who suffer with Kidney Complaints, cr need a Blood Purifier. Sold by A. B. Long. FOR SALK OB KENT. For Rent. A NICK 8 room cottage with four acres of land, Al n two oarr»«, at c j done pit, *i* ALSO For tale half aero I t adjolnlaf above with E- K. LUMPKIN, . Attorney at Law, f* ATHENS* < k.s !n any and all of ib* court* bj Office ia eld Franklin •eplfrwly , W. B. BURNETT. : ATTOHNEY- AT-LAW ATHENS, GA. ornccdvna child* sickbrsox x Fuelled in 4t*:t nr ftratal (m l & INSURANCE AGENTS. Hoproscat Companies and insure desirable pro- port} ia Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms. Lira cr CoMrJNiis f JOHN D. MELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Georgia. R. L. J. SMITH, ATTORNEY ANDaCOUNC'kLLOr. AT LAW HARMONY GROVB, GEORGIA. Will practise In Jackson, Banka, > Mad!*: Franklin aad adjacent count!**, mod US'! In supreme and Frier*! coart* *f th* sti Will give special attention to collections a stake prompt morns Office, room No.2, 01 Dr.Hard*man a drug store STOKES BROS. DENTAL BURGEONS. C.D.FLAM PLUMBING ATHENS - • - GA W.. H. PATTERSON, BOND IHD STOCK BROKER PRIOR HfREET. PARR BROTHERS, House and Sign Painters Dewaters and Dealers in Wall Paonr. Athens, Georgia. Telephoat 17-8. 49 Clayton Street »spt2HI.86. BAKING POWDER. J. A. GRANT INSURANCEAGENT, Represents Firat-CInse, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED 140,000,000 Georgia Home Htlttlr oi N»» fba.-i>tx nf llarffuM Uveipool an t Loudon aim Li'ob" Insurance. Company oi North North Brf'iah nnd Mncui.tile.- Sew York Uiidrrwrftria ........ G-rraxnlaof New Yolk. ;.. Hi'tfoi'Vo C-nit .... Atlanta'I OFFICE , , jaul&ily. Capital. $ 300.000 3,000.000 . 3,000,000 £3,000,000 3,000,000 £3,000,000 I.301M 100 1,000,000- 1,250,000 >ya dividends to policy holders.) '300,000 VO TEEM Pt)1,iOlij4 ISSUED 0\ NOTE PLAN. AT BANK OF THE Asset*. gri, ♦ 745,200 7,028,401 . > . 4,488,210 15,014,725 . • 8,977,590 In U. S. 8,421,871 3,559,300 * * ,i 2,449,805 4,745,341 249,328 TY JOHN CRAWFORD & CO. 'WHOSALB AND BETA L DRUGGISTS. ;Large arid a Beautiful Line of Taney Goods Juatrccelved and mn*t ba sol Come and see us, , marcul2dftwly. Furniture, Furniture, Furniture I For Rent T HK (loose and Lot on th* corner of 11111 bug lUrrta Mrcci*. tb* bouse contain* 6 rooms, pantry, kitchen, and servant* house, good water, garden Ac., $2.60 per annum. Not* with good security required. Apply to ^ J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent, aept23dtf. For Sale. Tb. homo and lit a* Mlltodf. Arena,, ... merly belonjinx U Mrs S. E. Smith. Tbte fln. property con-1.tin, ol tuff th. block, .contain- Sacra-. Th. bow daalgaad expre—fj tor con-, I- admirably built aad In thsrouih rapatr. Doabl. rattan tor aarvanta ia yard, sood -tab]— aad ontballdlDt-, poultry hoo-ra, ett. Bn. vail «f dalldou- voter. Ian* cuden vita (rap— aad fruit trara. Ann eb-ara tot say one wishing a plaaaaat boma. Apply to oraoilt. H. K. 8BAW, For Sale. i bub room- and cook non attached, rack room baa steady m-rbla mantel, (rate., etc. Gas la seek room, vlllke sold lu so. lotordlrld- -d IntoalaU. A bargain may ba bad If applied (or al aaea. oetlOdAVJv. E. 0. ARNOLD, ★ * M l FRIEND IN NEED (OR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT: o/c£„S£ST tK Uubeen orad hr man than M nan, aud la tk* •rfir’w * itdasssr BEORBIA CENTRAL DETECTIYE AGENCY, 1001-2, Cherry 81, Macon, Ga. W K have opened a Detective Agency at tl place. After several years of experlenc* it e ve* as loll knowlrdge of the busloeas. W* ive * force of honeft, upright and sober men. Special attention given to criminal business In all parts of the country, and to intnranoe and commercial work. Merchants and attorneys can at all times socur* the servles of skillful opera tor* at abort notice and at reasonable rate*. All communlcrtloD* strictly confidential. Call and s«c na, or address GEORGIA 0ENTR4L DETECTIVE AGENCY, •etlldlm 100% Cherry • treat, Macon, Ga FOR RENT! T EN Desirable Residences at i rlcea ranging from $8.10 totSO.OOper month. W. D. (IRIVFETH, Real Pstate Agent, octiodtf, Office at J. R. Crane's Ptore. Postponed Sale. WING to an unexpected call of Capt H. H. _ Carlton to Atlanta on lmpert«nt business th* sale *f the Clortrkurtt prop*: ty has been post poned. Notice of tne postponed isle wifi be given In a low days, rgain Week! Down goes prices to actual Factory it. $10,000 worth handsone parlor suites. What I propose to sell are . - . . New ;And Desirable Goods! Do notrbuy a single article of furniture without getting hiv prices Then, nil tilings being equal, patrenize the man that Brought the Prices Down I Competition is the life of trade. Bemember Monday Morning, for one wcek--at a branch of L F. H. I t Any article not in slock can be hnd within 24 honrs from my Atlanta house. P. H. SNOOK. HATURK'I A yS¥,A B S*5S, E . DT CURE FOB Torpid Liver, ^ mmvaCZSM Athena must have on* of two things. Tho Auguata anil Chattanooga Railroad ahoulil be secured, or tho Georgia, Caro lina and Northorn mutt be insured With this latter and roost promising connection built, Athena will have the j advantage of having crossed the Auguata and Chattanooga Railroad in two places by the Richmond and Danville, already at Harmony Grove, and by the new aya- | An tem near Elberton. In this way wo IYSPEPSIL™~ might hold our own. It would be aafer to have tha Augusta and Chattanooga anyhow. rarraat’a BAraseaat SELT1ER ArjtltlBNT UlstMata tails 8M BS KHTl^'ua. everyl The exponent of tha past week has [shown how badly Athena need* a bote 1 . No place th* aise of tbi* baa poorer ac commodations than Athena. Wa speak oftb* aaedaf a h'tel building, with all tha room and appointment* of a modern hostclri*. Fine near hotel* are spring ing up everywhere in Georgia—tho smaller towns are vising with the larger cities, and all of them are surpassing Athena in this re-pcet. The greatest want in tilts vymnuinity rioVV.t* that of a good hotel. ’' ? .ggt*’* TO ADVERTISERS. A lt»t -I uno —wi-ay-n dlvlAa* Into »TAT«a AMD 8K0TWX8 vOTba arat oa appUeatioa- FltEE. To Urn* vho vast tbilr aAnrttalax tops-, we aa •flbraebmtsvmeatvmftf taotuesk ander- L i.mrt wanted to gtivpTraCIIb-tor oer Pun Prlre at>4 Premium LUt Special Ofrar: to n.rai’wTMii^'eeiS reveanVpwud O- ejoka T * KArtrilA carr Eg CO., Baton. Id-1. oue buy*; oni At sod narUculers free \RD SILYKhWASS CO., Dost lion. 1**4k ‘papers art booming iilount, of <Ja^ for the Sptak next House. We have not loaro*l whether }fr, Blount will make hi. plat- 1 nw- 'Vaejhrtdi, pj—k of tariff re- WANTED. S Cneraadc *u vllb^4-\J» Caaltal n part New Goods I 1 am now recclvlnz my FILL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. Call and examine, tor they most be sola. Mrs. T. A. ADAMS. For Sale ^ULL be seW tothe hlgheit bidder, [n front of Capital Prtee, $150,000. “We do hereby certify that we •» lerviae the arrangements for all the lonthly and Quarterly drawings of the Louisiana Slate lottery company, and !u perron manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honeatr, fairntai and Id good faith toward all parties, and we an 1 thoriae the Company to use this certlli- catn, with fac-slmilea o our signatures attached, in Its advertisements?’ Commissioners. We the nderalgned bauks aad hankers will pay all Prizes drnwu in the Louiai- ia State Lotteries which may he pro vaecuHlvatonof tbo'tM>-t bn tha inaiVaA I ecntfd at our counters. gHgjaray pr-f.r- ttjue win jMj^na-twelve jg OSLESBT, Pres. Uatstu- National Rank VY Ueader-on warehouse, .n Atheos. Thoisday. Nor. 11th, at 2* p. m., six |«v6-h< walking culiivator* of the best on the mai InnU^ilVMPaMLlnUHat iniuasvii rra. •"■••Wi- nnuunm ussa SSfSSSlfjST j T m'ontgomrry^ I J w KILBKKra, Pies. State .National tank eteerejolrad. J. N. MONTGOMERY, j BALoWHfpPlrea. Mew Orleans National Bank FAIR WEEK, Louisiana State Lottery Co. with a capital of •i ( poo,oou-u which a ream- (Bad of ever 9690,000 has sloe* he * nr helming Ryan ertnrh l popular veto lu i; Whol< sale aad Retail Dealer In A n ener ■erln Ui» latest' Mswrt-toiieg I TINWARE, ETC., ETC., BROAD St., ATHENS, Ga' The prettiest disp'ay of fancy goods you ever law, and lowest trice* Id North-East Georgia, ieadquartere for knives and forks, tea ana tablespoons, casters etc,, in plain good* and silver plated ware. All kind- of hou-ckeeper* goods at J. H. HUGGINS. aprts dtv ~otlc L> perron* art hereby warm d ret trad* for ^eeftaij nolens lost the andeielgeed, mad* J . | Its Orane lingla Sasabir DrawUcs will taka plica monthly. It nartr soalaa « .' postpjnci. Look at tho following Distri bution ; 1 199th orand Monthly asd na EXTRAOUDlMARQ QUARTERLY DRAWIRO IN THE ACADRU T OP MtJ-lC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14. IsM, under the uenontl enrarvl-lon aad nueuemant of Ora. 0. T. EEAUREOARD, or Louisiana, aad Ora. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE 8154,000. Notice.—Tickets arc ion Dollars only. Halve.-. I«. Fifths, (I. Tenths, gi. Liar or pkiick. i capital rrisk or 1 GRAND PRI8R OP 1 i.itA'.D PRIZE OF ICG CREAM! If you want something nice call.on C. BODE, As he ha* alwaya on hand Halm, Imi, Mr ^ C—futlnenr ee Cnam o, alt Slnde, by ika plate, qaart Oil eueb u rum, »4uu. Naaraatan at*. Varnella. Lemon, Btnwbtry and aia; al-a Rnain Punch Orange aad Aa- It™ inaoaiert made to order. S' H. HP., Hill’s Hepatic Panacea^ Th* celebrated Southern Reand, nr Constipation, DyspepsiOv Indigestion and Bilionsness. LW&X&Z -WKSoir 4- - *• J. CRAWFORD & CO., for rates to clubs should be made Djy lo the ott-e of th* composy la New Orleanr. MWlfaf information write nearlv givleg. fall ad ! re«. POSTAL NOTE*, express, meaey order* or New York exchange In ordinary lower eancacr by V-vunra (at unrrajrtnRi.-ed or M A Dauphin . . Washington, S 0. T . : waiungion, u Mtki P. 6, Homy I G. L, P. GILDER'S LIVER PILES, Purely vegetable, are the BEST! TRY THEM. For sal- by* i gteta. «boleaalaby 1j. CRAWFORD & CO. ATHENS, OAi - . m THE FINEST STOCK OF Imported ud Domestie Pimi Roods can be fraud at A HOFF’S,!;. TA1L6RIKS ESTABLISIIIEIIT, “ At Prirae that Defir CompeUtlra, No. 5 Broad St., Athenn, Ga. Repairing Done.