The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, November 14, 1886, Image 3

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HI ■ rep mgs THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHcNS, GA. NOVEMBER, 14. »SS6 flBED OUT! =££K-S5pSjS mm BEST TONIC I IT. a lartier ptosldia «f •X^*Vtt. , iti£?'S2Z3}tr ■*•WM OUUUCttO^ BALT1MOJUC, KB WILL WE GET IT? A TALK WITH COL. FOLLAHDAS TO THE A. & C. HOAD. He (171 Odethorpe Mutt Come Up With Her Subscription-Some ot tbe Insides of tbe Contract to Build tbe Bond. The Oglethorpe Echo this week ssys; “Filling to get sny news from heed' quarters concerning the proposed Augus te & Chattanooga Railroad by writing, we went to Augusts Saturday lost snd sought out some of the gentlemen in the lend. We found CoL Pollard talking railroad to s gentlemen from Columbis county. When he hud explained its workinn to him, he turned to us with— ' And you went to know something ibout the A. A C.? 1 ’ “Thst’s just whet I era here for. Whet's theprospects?" “Good. We’re signed 1 contr ct with W. B. Lowe & Co., of Atlanta, for the ANNOUNCEMENTS, not sllowed to present to eny one custom er more then $20 worth of signs, all told. Beer is to he 48 a barrel, with 10 per centotf. If a customer change-, hil brew- . er. the one he adopts cannot allow him Mtoe Mthtcus. betaleblto more than 5 per cent. iW. and for every mjtolf barrel this brewer sells said customer the ‘ FOB MAYOR, tbs earnest lollell Unmet ray Maafeanl ... j» elltzcas, bolb white and cclor- it, ft>n> sit for every itomer the as candidate for Mayor at tho •pptot» c hinM«l*c» brewer must pay *2 into the association «toy. r V% l 'VSh«eSe'-ri*«r- fnnd. The object of this is to keep brow-, P°« r <» $•—• ' t ' 8 ' nc "'/‘n! iioulisok era from interfering with each other's I hereby .urneooe* e> a candidate f-r te< trsde. By thus uniting their tbe brewers have pul aj effectual check Kir a **»■»! will l>« admtnliur-d In ta li Je.eoiof wyelaeilon. Vcrj^Mpecttull^ on tbe boycott. t ALDKBMKK. At tbe earnest c^llciatlon't mjqreUli_nt of SPEAKER CARLISE DISGUSTED. tie Intends to Leave Kentucky Fewer. ; m mat wa™I3rtt“ .Iw"/, CmciNKATi, Nov. 9.-A. close frfend i of Ur; snd Mrs. Carlisle toid the Times-1 Eowaraf, ulthful and oonwlautl'.us work to 1 ... - whatever at the | lot. r M B. UcOINTV will he a ctodtda'e for re- iloettoh at Atdsriai Star that the speaker and his-wife hid Kcntu PROF. CHAS. LUDWIG YON SEEGER Polenoi of Medicine *t tha Ho al Unlvaraltjr Knight of the Royal Au-trlaa Order ot the Iron Cewn; Knlgnt Commander of the Royal *p»nl*h Order of Iiabelt Knight of t e Royal Pruaalan Order of the Red \ agio; Chevalier eg tbe Legion of Heoor, etc,, etc., *aya: 'Liebig Co.'a Coca Be of Tonio should net be confounded with tho horde of traiby curn-*U«s Ulaln noaenaeofthe'wordanatent remedy. lam thoroughly conversant with It* mode or preparation and know It to be not only « legitimate pharmaceutical product, but also remedy ot the high commendations it baa re ceived In all pari* of the world. It eoattles lavnlnable tontlvhe are Ran Down, Nervous. Dyspeptic, Billious, Malarious or afflicted with weak kidneys Beware of Imitations. mmd ■er «dJ«tj’g favorite Cosmetic Glycerine Highness the Princess of the (Skin, Complex- — H.00. Of Used by her . Wales tod the Ion, Eruptions, Chaj lIkhiO CO.'S OenulneSyrnp of 8amMrll?a la guaranteed as the bees GanaparUla In the market. ECZEMA by PCZXMA. .er Sail Rheum, wl.k Its agonizing II Iteklrgaed bur ting, tn tantly relieved by a warm oath wtta i.utlcura Soap, and a •!n?l* ap plication of CuM.-urs the groat 8kin Cure 1 hie repeated dallv, with too or three dnees orcutl* sera Resolvent, the N i» Biool Purifier, to keen the blood coo', the poraplriUon pure and onlrrl tatiaf, tbe bo-re:* - pen, tne liver a d kidneys aottre, will apae lllr rare E-serna. Tetter. Ring worm, Pr-irlaxls, ' lebeo, l’rmtu*, 83*11 Head Dandruff, and every »peciea ef Itching. Scaly and Pimply uamaonot *ka Scalp aad Skin, *hm th< beet physician* and all known remedies fell. I crate fully aeknowL&g? a* cere of Eesama. or •alt Rbar.m, on bead, nee*, he-.*, arms and leg* Rtf seventeen year; sot ab’e to walk except on bands and knees for oae year: net able V> help mi self for ulght* sere; tried hundred* g of reme dies; doctors pronounced «ry ease bopelees; p. p SMS Dc.rbon WM. Cklc*«*. Ill. KCZEMA. Kerne An Moclki w I ka-i Ik, plMiurai, In- bra you n! ay la’imr.aml U tbs iu, of th. I'eucun R artMtln ay caaeof m,r.C ■ to to taw xtyt’-ewauet. ul tcwl.y cherrfH 1 y a,li a Ml 1 Ib-naiM. 1 m.i drr ay n . per. ketand coapl.i., and .(tribal, U aatlie'r to jear itaMlea, ha.lnu a>ad so athara. FKRMAN K-1NCBARD0. . not Fean, Avenue, W Loata, Mi. fcctnu, I ban ictr.rad Iron wait Rktaa fararar alakt yaara, at Uma. a. bad (hat I coaid not altaufia aybiulnaafor weakaat atla«. Tnrwa baxa cl Cat eura and four twtlaa RMalraat kara an- tiraly euiadaaol ikltdnulfnlillHiaa. _ ' MU.J HM THIKt. WUkaaaaira, Pa. Callao n,Ma.; * by tha * *aaa BEAU >0araUUnD tha Caaplai urinf tea Cattcura Soap Iilou and Skin by I CAN'T BREATHE. Ckaat Fatal, Kumbiau. I log hka It. at dnntau, lie. > nun Drus and Cbaalaal Oa., OeudAwlm. J. F. SMITH • C<X. “Mil— artSMaPraaa^ >*«*«.■» kitkenMitulluiirme COMPANY. Athens, Gworgia. TODHO L. «. HABE'S, Paaainain STBTBMS 1H0VA8, SacuuaT. ' ; ' . Raaldant DtracUra • Fauna L. O. Haaaia. MmaaTnat. aaa H. fawna. i. a. B.W.LTOI, ■tnfnaiir, mnrau.naSw.wt.aT. S. Lima. iaaa w. Hfwuo'. directors ace fit and will /urniih the money fait enough. The road - between Gainesville and .Chattanooga is to be bnilt within t#o years after it is began, and it it optional with the company when work aWl bo commenced on that end of the line." “How’s that about building from Au- guita to Gainesville as fait as thu mon ey is furnished?" “It seems that the time depends upon tho piompiness of the Subscribers along the line in paying their installments. II they pay them promptly that will ena ble us to float more bonds, and work will be carried on in proportion to the amount of money raisea each month.” “Then it will not be a year before the road will be completed to Gainsville?” “X think not. Within ten months all the installments will have been oalled in and by that time the road will be through. But first of all some of the countiee will will have to increase their subscriptions, among them Oglethorpe. The counties from hero through Lincoln aro about up with their subscriptions and the line will first be located to Lincolnton. ‘ Then if the counties above there do not come up, it may ba that a diflection will be made then, snathe road go through Elbert county, her people haring offered to grade it through the county." “How much does Oglethorpe leek of being un?” “Includingsome conditional subscrip tions, she lacks only about $3,500, but it seems that that smalt amount is hard to get Your people most raise it, or I fear they will not get the road.” “Is Auguste fully up to her amount?" “Not quite, but subscriptions are being taken almost every day, and we are quite confident the amount asked of tho city will be forthcoming." “Suppose not Will you diflect the route at Lincolnton and go around her to some other city?” “Guess not Augusta needs the road and must have it Her people are awak ening to the sense of her situation and frstirring themselves to regain some of the territory she has lost. By building tho A. h C. she will do this.” “Hss the surveying party started out?” “No not yet 'the chief surriyor baa aodeover th. line the Lincolnton. Every* thing is in readiness, and the party will stall Monday morning probably. 1 will follow after tbe surveyors securing deeds to the right of way. This work will take only a few weeks when the contractors will begin work. You may say to your peo ple that only a short time remains for them to do their duty in this matter. We must have the $20,000 asked of Ogle- thorp county before we can decide which route the road wi|l run. It may turn at Lincolnton and go tha Athons routs, but tha Elberton routs is the most favorable. Whatever if done must be done within the next week Or ten days, as the directors are impatient to sea work begin. The contractors are ready to start and in all probability grading will ba under headway by tha first of Decetn- her.” "Then the road ii a certainty.” “ It is. The contracts that have been signed up are quite iavorable ones to tha road. The contractors aro respoucible parties, and we believe all the mrney needed to finish tho project will be forthcoming when needed; that is, if the counties now behind do what we expect them to do. We are confident that the road will be completed through to Chat tanooga within three years at the furthest, nenf.'ttUtiVt' and' «rk to j tsuvaro! lb* publicwnrlce n!L*o£o.M.„« tntUCW f0r * T " “ * I “m-B. McQINTV .it. be . US for re- P 1 ??? °, * denC *' . , .. .. | election a* Aldrraan la tbe tetnt want and a- k* “And you may say further,” said the tuesupporter the voter*, gentleman, “that upon their return from Dr J. a .H ux KIoUTT. ill Kansas they will remain a short time tbe AU ' rm *° '• «»e»o j ftk Wa» br m*n, rotrr.. oflfr. and Mrs. Franx Helm, of th* rertn* cltj election a reprewntthw. In th. _ ettf council. _ _ tho end of their residence in' Kentucky, and thereafter their hotna will be with thiir two tons In Wichita, Kan tea. Do yon know that Mrs. Car lisle feels much more keenly the man ner in which Kenton and Campbell coun ties treated her hnsbsndatthe lata elec- than he pressious to these feelings in public on more than one occasion since the elec tion? On Thursday last she wss driven to the post office in Newpert, and Col. Spencer, whom her husband endorsed for postmaster, was reproached in not very mild terms for leaving Newort on the day ol election and going with oth ers for a hunt.” Not only did Col. Spence, who owes his office to Speaker Carlisle, go hunt- on election day, but there was an- E num- one of them voted or tried to influence any one's vote. There was a number of Covington intlomen who did the same thing and iey apparently did it intentionally. Later i the names will be given, but it is known that Speaker and Mrs. Carlisle, who is furious over the mat ter, will never forgive nor recognize them again. It moat be remembered that now tha Carlisles have no home in Kentucky. They have sold their house in Coving, ton; their sons have moved to Kaoaaa sad it would be merely, a nominal mat ter for tbe speaker to forerer shake the dust of the dark and bloody ground from elThis feet, as he has practically done it already. MB. J. 0, WABNOCK. The above portrait Is an exoellent pic- are of every well-known Atlanta man, Mr. J. O. Wamock w of 148East FairSt., n that city. Among Mr. Warnock's n utneroos friends and acquaintance he Is known as a msn ol unimpeachabla character, and his reputation for truth is second to none. The tollowing KIXASKABLK STATKHBNT, coming from a man of bis character, and undor the circumstances thereof, attiacla the attention which its facts demand: “I have been a sufferer with kidney troubles for seventeen years and have anl it may be that two years will not tali State have elapsed before the last spikt is driv en. Everything is working along smooth- |y, snd ws are dsterminsd tha read shall lie built jnst as fast aa circumstances will permit 8tirup the people of Oglethorpe. Tell them that they need have no fern but that the road will be completed whan once started. Impress upon them the necessity of increasing tha county’s sub scriptions to the amount asked of it It will not ba long after this is dons before the surveyors trill be atone, followed by the construction force end they by the engines and trains. Tha directors mean business.!" “Anything else?” “Nothing more just now. I must be making arrangements to start after the snrvsvoka Monday. Give tha people of Oglethorpe my ragnards and say to them for me that I shall expect good news from them in a fear days saying that tbe fgO^O'X) has been folly raised." REWARD BEAT THE BOYCOTT. )BNI Sr Katrine a Combination Whlck All ot Them Will j, H [*rw Yxk 1 If a Jersey City newspaper tells the troth the brewers hare made a haw com- bination, which promise union of all the leading manufacturers. All the principal brewers of New York, Brooklyn, Union Hi'I, Newark and sub- urba, with but few exceptions, are in the pool. Each brewer i* required to depooit|15,ti00in tho fund aa a guarantee of good faith, mid sum to be forfaited if any of tho pro vision! in the agreement an violated. It is estimated that tha ' ‘ will amount^ over $1,000,000. Nearly All Mew Ken. In the House there areonly five mem- ben who have been elected to the Leg- islature three consecutive terms. They are Speaker Little, of Muscogee, Messrs. Griffeth, of Oconee, Calvin, of Richmond, Tate, of Pickens, and Russell of Clarke. TERRIBIl *Tis™0NYl A Man Who Suffered Si lently Seven een Years, 1U WKtWW ■ •TSWIW©* isnnsaeretulyi S£r elSsr WK. D0OT80M. MR. ANDREW COLRXAM wUl be a candidate br recitation u councilman in tea Frtrte man! of Athena. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. I wilt ba a osadMatater ralaoUen totes offlee FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I rtapectfullr announce ayulf for reeleeUon to ,k..^cL,k.Mk.8.|.ri r cgnre j FOR COUNTY TREASURER. the offlee at Treaaurer ot Clark Caaaty. record a* anofflclal tab* tore thtpeepla, Elec tion dnt Wednertev is Jan nary next. Itcapacttnuy, 0 j, (^FARRELL- Br daalra ot many fktonda, I herein aanonnea cure my election. V. W. SKIFF. I hereby aonoance myself a candidate (or Treaaurer of Clarke Couaty, and reapectially sak thx support xf Ui® you is* ^ p DKAUNO. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I h«rebj announce mjadl x cxxA14l# tor Tax Collector of Clxrko county, and aak thu hexrly ■apportof thoroterx. If ducted, I pledje my. ■eunto dufotu my bout energies tiwurd muklug thuofflre u suecAus, uni thu poopl# will data hut* CAOUA to lAAVAt thu truut reposed In me. J. W. LONG. I hereby announce myself aa a caadldAto form- election to tbo offleo of Tax Collector of Clark# County, and respectfully solicit the cordial tup. E rtof tho roteiXAt the election to beheld on the it Wednesday in January n*xt. ■VVhy don’t you buy y: ur meats of Charley Sbhuhait? He Takes all the bones outof roa fgO'tliat y*»H will lnve | obstruction in carving Hismnlton chops are su perb and liis sill pork sau sage will tickle the pal ate of the most fastidious epicure, Mr. Shuhart’s —long experience gives him the knowledge which has long been needed in our midst. Don’t fail to call on him •at his place of business on Foundry street Reaves Warehouse Company, ATHENS, GEORGIA, liflll 1DY1NCES NUDE ON CORMIRES. B AGGING and Ties Furnished at Market Prices. Strict Personal Attention Given to Weighing and Sampling Cotton. Fire Proof Warehouse. Ample Facilities for Stonge. oetlSdti A. R. ROBERTSON, MAEBLEAND GKANC I’ ffi WORKS, A large stock offinlshed Granite and Marble Mount! menu ready for letteting. Also, atlsrge stock of new lithographic designs to select from. Cull and get my prirea je*3- ty A. R. ROBERTSON. Athens, Gu. bfall They Come. Almost everyone is troubled with nervousness in some form, and nine- tenths of the prevailing illneat cornea from nervoua oxhaostlon. brought on by overwork, montal (train or diselpa- tlon. No wonder people are asking for a rel 1 • nerve remedy like Moxle Nerve Food, It builda you up, and strengthens your whole nervous system. Tryit. The quickest Urns on record! Neural gia of the wont type, cured by one dose ol SMITHS BILE BRANS In from one to four hours, as many who havo tried It can testily. It does seem strange tbst sensible people will suffer with this terrible disease when speedy relief can suiely be found In this simple sate and Inexpensive remedy.25 oente.For sale by allDruggistaand dealers iu medicine, or sent anywhere on receipt of price in stamps. Active, Pushing and Reliable- A, B. Long & Co. can always berellM upon to carry In stock the puree and beat goods, and sustain there reputation being aclivs, pushing and reliable, and luding xrticlns with weU been treated by clans In large quantities of medicines advertised to cure blood and kidney diaeasaa, with out receiving the allghteit benefit. About six weeks ago f suffered such interne pain scarcely being able to breathe at times-J concluded to try 1 Hunnicntt's Bheumatic Cure,’ and after using one bottle, was ABSOLUTELY AND SKTISKLY cored; and for the first time In seven teen years 1 am without the slightest pain, and earnestly recommend all who sutler to give tha Cura a trial.” Hunnlcutt's Bhenraatic Cure Is Infalli ble for rheumatism and all blood and kidney troubles, nnd la sold byall drug gists at $1.00 a bottle. J. H. Hunnlcult A Co.,proprietors, Atlanta, Gs. jnoTCBAwFORD A CO., Wholesale Agt'e., Athens, Gs. Oetl2tUm. Says aa Kmlasat Physician, “Hays used for twenty years tbe prep, ■ration known a Braddeld’a Fernal- Regulator. It fe the best combination known for female diseases. For parti culars write Tho Bradflsld Regulate. Co.,Atlanta. Oa. IT 18 WORTH TBYINO. J or the nervonB, alcepiess and mon- y overworked people, Moxle Neve Food Is a pure and safe Invlgorator. It silays nervousness, kssists digestion and promotes sleep. It tea nerve and bra'n rood, prompt and lastiagin Ha effects It eradicates the craving for into xican a in those addicted to their excessive use. Fifty ceuta per bottle, at druggists'. ESCCKLXI S AnktCA SALTX. The Best Salve in the World forCnte Ulcers, Salt Rheum liter. Chapped Hands ” Skin I all Elttpe tired. It Is guaranteed to I H. D. UNTOM. Tbe taaor filen4e of Mr. W. T. CARTER, ea- ounce bis naiao aa a esudldate for Tax Ro- . el rer of Clark* Coauly, aa, ate tea support of tbo Tutor*. Mr. Conor la o doowrios young mao, aid la In ovtrr war qaaUSed to dlrikarso tko duties of tho offleo wllk ability and aatlafac* Uon. Wo ore authorised and requested to ansonae DAVID K. Sixes, a -• tor reolooUaat tko offloool Reoolvor of Tax Rotoreaor Clark Tounlr, ottkaonioluxol.-oUoola Joanarvaoxt O'FARRELLfi HODGSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Athens, Georgia. rooommending .,, , lished (merit and such as are popular. Having ^he agaucy for the celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery |for oonsump- tloncoldsand coughs, will sell it only oo positive guarantee. It will sorely core any and every affaotlon of throat, longs, or chest, andln order to prove our claim we sak you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. Files are frequently preceded by nse of weight In the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing tha patient to suppose he has tome affection of tbe kidney* or neighboring organs, symptom* of indigestion are Hatnleney, uneasiness of the .efe. A moisture like penetra tion, producing a a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, aa a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at onoe to the application of Dr. Bosarko't Pile Bemady, which act* directlyoponthaparts alwctotL ~ imanantcuro. Dr.Boeoanko ..absorb tng th* Tumors, allayt ■AtaM H Itichirg and effecting* Price 60 cent. Addieasl i ’ R '- Uui versily of Georgia. Office ot State Chemist.—Athens, Ga June IT, 1884.—I have been familiar for a number ot yean with the general character or Prof.Horstord’s phoephatlu preparations. Bccont examinations made by tne of the “ Asld Ptiosphste" and "Bread Preparation,’ ahowthem- to be exactly what is claimed for them in theclrculars accompanying the pack ages. The “ Acid Phosphate’’ is a con centrated solution in water of Aold Phosphate of Lime. The “Bread Pre paretion" Is a mixture of Acid Phoa- nhateof Lime, carbonate of tods and flour. When mixed with water, carboofe acid gas is liberated and a double phos phate ol lime and soda Is formed and remain* in the bread whan bakad. In ordinary cream cl tarlsr baking powders the substance left in the bread alter “raising" is roc belle salts—a doable art rate of soda and potash. Tha pboe- mineral auhetoucee in aad growth, th* tar* ttS Mb etas are useful i HODGSON BROS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. W# slabs to ba tea larseaUtaatan In FLOUR IN NORTHEAST GA An inspection of our General Stock solicited. Prices and term* of any first class House duplicated with plcasert. OUR BRANDS OF FLOUR: Harvest Queen, Golden Gbaik, Mountain Dew, Bride of Denver, Pride of Colorado, Sweet Home, Success jani-iyd TALMADGE BROTHERS. HAMPTON & WEBB, XAMDFACTURXR8 OF Adi KINDS OY CANDY HAD* OUT OF FUBl SUGAR STICK CANDY A SPECIALTY. COCOANUT, PEANUT, BARS, TAFFY Price* guaranteed as low ts any other market. Seod for Samples. •mttUAoly H UirrOM « WKBB. Lumpkin Street. Albeee, O S. D. SMITHE, -dealer in- Grurte and Marble Work, Maiumeiits, Statiary, etc. Designs In all kind* of Granite and Marble to suit. First-Class "Work Guaranteed. P» O* Box 88, ATHENS, GEORGIA. novpdiy* SWIFTS SPECIFIC k Vegetable Blood Firrrfjsr, 5 Its Claims Sustained BY THK TESTIMONY Of Willing Witnesses THE GOLDEH HARVEST HEALTHREAPED 35E33E sueOUSC TlfE TEST eg i.;rri7, AR51 NOT