Newspaper Page Text
The Grand Central Wholesale «&Retail Dry Goods & Clothing* Emporium
Cloaks, Blankets ami goniegfics at Rednced Prices. Sole Agents for Mississippi mills Jeans*
A Robberf nt the Depot—A IF«lr
Thief Captured—Hnrpor’e month*
ljr—A New minister—The Oae Caee
—A U»| Lott Brother.
Auovsta, On., Not. 13.—[Special.] A
Pennsylvania Methodiat preacher, named
Edwards, en route to Florida, was rob
bed last night of one hundred and four
dollars at the depot in Augusta by three
fakirs. The man with the money escap
ed. The other two were captured, but
were released to-day for lack of proof
car, the story tidier said, “You know
the dried peaches tale I told yesterday
morning? Well thought he would
try it. Ho is as close as the next second,
anyhow, and all the stories were told for
his benefit. Well, yesterday he settled
with his landlady before dinner, and
bought him a peck of dried peaches as a
starter. He ate a good many for dinner,
and when supner time came, he tilled up
on water thinking he could get along
without breakfast; and he did too, he
want anything for several days. Of all
the mean, stingy hut we got off the
carat the crossing and did not hoar the
rest of the eulogy.
1 revert once more to John Jacobus
Flournoy, lat* ly deseased. Judge Cobb
and the writer were talking the other day
One of them, Albert Cole, was again ar- a j >ou t him, anil the conversation elicited
rested for stealing $500 and a diamond
at the Macon fair. The diamond was
found in his satchel, and he was carried
back to Macon. •
Six members of the Harper Magazine
Staff aro sketching and riding over Au
gusta today. The mayor and council,
Maj. Green and several citiz. ns are
doing the honors
Rev. John Goss, of North Carolina,
arrived today to take charge of the
church of the Atonement.
Dr. West wins his gas caso in the su
preme court, and he can now lay his
pipe in the streets of Augusta,
A long lost brother of tho late John
Davison has turned up out in Michigan,
He has not been heard of in thirty years,
but a gentleman writes to Augusta say
ing he knows Davison well, His sixth
part of the estate is waiting for him when
he comes, and the five other claimants
have already been paid over one hun
dred thousand each. The balance of
the estate is in real estate, and has not
yet been divided.
One Branch of the Uereral Aniembly in
Atlanta, Nov. 13.-~f8pccial.]— 1 The
Senate wae not in session to day. The
House met at ten o’clock.
Mr. Tate, of Pickens, Chairman of the
Special Judiciary Committee, reported,
recommending the passage of tho follow
ing bills:
No. 7. To create a Board of Commiss
ioners for the county of Hall.
No. 8. To repeal the Act establishing a
City Court in the county of Hall.
By unanimous consent, tho following
bills were introduced:
some additional facts concerning this
strangely gifted min. J He wr*te an
article once for the “Christian
Union” which the paper published.
The subject matter was education. Tho
article attrno’cd considerable attention,
and was extensively copied, and elicited
tho most favorable comment. The editor
complimented it in the highest terras—
using such adjectives us “strong,” “forci
ble.” “pungent,” and “scholarly”—meet
ing Mr. Flounnoy sometime after its pub
lication, Mr Cobb asked him why be did
not contribute further to the “Christion
Union.” “I did,” replied John Jacobus,
“but my articles were rejected.” “What
was your theme,” queried Mr. Cobh.
‘Polygamy!” replied J. J. Mr. Floun
noy was at heart a polygamist, advocated
trigamy, because it was more convenient.
Judge Cobb thinks that his idea was that
theoretically, prolygamy was tho best so-
cialy system, but that the poorest of men
to control and govern ,are so different in
their degrees that a modified form of po
lygamy was safer than unrestricted po-
lygainy, |Mr. Flournoy was a gentleman
of immense personal courage—once his
mind made up he was as brave a min !
as ever lived—ho had the courage of his 1
convictions, and carried into affive, and ,
we believe, successful operation his pccu- J
liar views on this subject Requioscat in ;
mistake in our compilation of the figures,
but there was something wrong some
where, for at the expiration of about
three raonts the cotton receipts of the
town approximated seventy-five thou
sand bales, and it was a bad year for
cotton, too. I have always thought
th.;t had the plan been continued, Ath
ens’ cotton receiwts would have gone to
a couple hundred thousand bales. But
it haa to be discontinued, for the editor
declared it was hurting the paper.
Eggs, Butter and Chick
ens at Hulme’s.
Market Arm.
Good Middling,
Low Middling.
Mew Yoke Nov. II.—Colton cloned a tend 7.
Middling 93-16; net receipt* 47,068; exporta to
8 34
8 5-3
8 1-2
Britain 7,51.'. Franco 4 921; continent
•16,021; channel porta none; stock 778,019; axles
" consumption
N jTomber
D .comber
F bruarj
9 02-06
9 06-07
9 88-39
spot cotton good business— htxdlzg.
Ud lands 5 3-16
Orleans 5 3-8
sales 12,000; Spec and Exports 2.0J0; Receipts
2',000; American I7,.'00.
Nov a: d Dec.
Lee. and Jan.
Jan. and Feb.
Fob and M’ch.
M’ch and Anrll
April and May
5 6-64
Excitement in Texas
Great excitement has been caused in
tbe vicinity of Paris, Tex, by the remark
able recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who
was so helpless he could not turn in bed,
or raise his hesd; everybody said he was
dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of
Dr. King’s New Discovery was sent him.
Finding relief, he bought a large bottle,
and a box of Dr. King’s New X.ife P.lls;
by he time he bad taken two boxes of
Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he
was well and had gained in flesh thirty-six
Trisl Bottles of this Great Discovery
or Consumption free at Lons & Co.
Hulme’s is the place to
get good vinegar of all
has supplied us with the celebrated
which we have in stock and highly
s| immense Stock. Prices to Suit tbe Times.
» «
The Confederate monument, 011 Col
lege avenue wns thought to bo a very
imposing memorial until tbe water tower
was erected, But that huge, unsightly
tank causes the monument's modest
height to sink into insignificance,
monument ahould he removed to
Athens, Ga., Nov. 12, 1880.
Fl>ik Grain, Hay, etc.—Flour: su
»L*rfi »e r 5 50, extra 4, good family 4 60
Inn-eft. fancy 5 2«, fancy parents
•IgLcr ir tides, 6 60. Wheat: No 2 red
mik, 05 ?1. Corn: No 2 white, suck,
I, <»0; No 2 mixed, sucked, 57aC3
O.ub: No 2 mixed, feeding, 4J; rust-
0.5. 70, Hay: Choice Timothy per
100 lbs 1)0*95; Prime Timothy 85a00o;
'••rantiy buy—swamp grass 25c, Bermu
da 40a?5; Hudson’s best $1. Fodder—
from 0') to 80c. Rye: Georgia $125,
The' j Virginia and Tcnnessec^lal 10. Burley;
the ! Georgia $i 25, Virginia 1 10. Broom
cemetery, where it properly belongs, ft
is all very well to erect triumphant
monuments in the busy streets and near
tho marts of trade, but the memorials of
unsuccessful valor intended to illustrate
tho love of a peop'e for those who fought
in a cause they believed to be just, and
lost, should stand above ihc graves of
the men whose names and glory it is in
tended to couunemorute. And yet tho
memorial association of many of our
Georgia cities have located these memo-
r» t e 1 ... 1 rinlslin the heart of the!busiest part of the
By Mr. Lamar, .f Richmond-Toau- j city ^ Tfco 0 „ mon ^ ment .,
__i_- Macon must ft el very sad when he «ces
the eager timing of men seeking wealth
passing him daily without so much os
thorize manufacturing companies to do a
banking buainesi.
By Mr. Howell, of Fulton—To incor-
1 ?;i^&»y‘S
lUilroid Company. J ed of tho fact that men forgot very «oon
Mr. Terrell, Chairman of the Committee the memories of the dead. One thing is
on Countiea and County Affairs, reported, | certain, and our people no doubt w ill
recommending that a bill to repeal an
Act consolidating certain offices of the
county of Oconee, do pass.
Tho Southern Express Company was
chartered in 1859 under the lawa of the
State of Georgi. Its corporate existence
waa to be thirty ycara with the privilege
oi renewal. In 1889 its charter will ex
pire. An act to incorporate the comps
ny will bo introduced at the present sea.
sion of the legislature. The Southern
Exprese company haa been of great ben
efit and convenience to the people of the
South—it haa’agencies everywhere, and
it ta said that it will soon begin to es
tablish lines in foreign countries where
permitted’ The company was original
ly started in Augusta, and for a long
time its general offices were there. When
the ’ Adams Express company joined
forces the general offices were moved to
New York. Mr. H. II. I’lant, whoowna
the Savannah, Florida and Western
Bailway, and control! to a great extent
th, railroad aystain of Florida, is presi
dent of both companies. lie ruse from
the ranks of the comtiany'a agents, and
is bow a gentleman of large fortune and
commanding influence. His wealth is re
ported to he eight or ten millions.
agree with ns, tlist whothcr tho nionu
raent is moved, it should ho thoroughly
cleaned, The appearance would be
greatly improved.
earu: -Ulio lb. Cow peas: 85c. Bran:
Absolutely Pure.
Thil How ’ernevc- ra-loa. A marvel of purity
rcng'hand whole otueneM. Moie eeonoinlcan
' ’.Hairy kinds, and cannot he a. lj it
ompetition with tho multitude of low teat »hor.
Wall «t, N. V.
l/r.n, ^v/., it
fcopta ilAffly.
County— Pursuant to an order of fie Coart
of ordinary of »aidc>unty, will be *ohl be for* tins
Court Hou»u door of ud count; - —
Tuesday in D remb.-r next, durl
hours of ■
r sale, tho following property to-wlt: ■
. Inf....
s o .tern sucked, per 100, 00a95c. Stock '"’“V •“<•*"* '» > h » ' (*7Athens, in >.!<■
* * adjoining G. H. Palmer,
county o
fuel: $1.25
rnuvisioM—iiacon : smoked clear I mom or less, 'betas ib. revijenen of .aid
rib sides loose 8WsO; shoulders none: dtomd; one store boom oud lot on iho /
dry salt clear reside, 7 a.7*; choice a®KKSSSSSSW! S?b*8?J.3B
SC liaiui, small average 18c. Lard?
choice refilled, tierces, 72.a7%; choice
ftiinllv 8; fancy 0. Corn tueal: per
husliel «0c. Grits: western, $3 70
per barrel.
tinocaaiaa.—Sugars: crushed 7c;
powdered 7>fe; granulated j^Sc; stan
dard A white extra C 6c; ex-
trsC 0?fc; gold extra C 51-2; yellow 8.
Molasses: centrifuga. 20i31c, Cues Dost
2S,i30c. Syrups: Sugar drops 30a32c,
New Orleans 25a58e, home-made 50o at
retail,finest NO, 65c. Java Coffee: 22s27,
Rlu llMaI2£j[, Laguayra 12al5c per Ib.
They were talking about close, slingv
men, and had even gone so far as to men
tion names. There was one in the par
ty who is unfortunately related to every-
liody in town, anyhow lie was one ol
those miserable wretches who called
yon “cousin”—and seem to love to repeat
th. word time »nd again, lingering over
it with ... affection that was maddening
One of tbe party •>«,! just HnisLo.1 rciat-
iag tbe story of a man who ate dried
cbes for breakfast, drank water for
ir, and as a natural result, did not do.
any supper. The mcou >weir t,.
' Impression upon the man I ed to give tire figures when the prom
’ bo was J was made that th- papers would no’, i
[ dividutlize or tel! one firm wiut another
The promise was sacred.
The census of 1880, ss compiled by
the United States authorities, presents
some curious figures in reference to
Clarke county. To begin with, in point
of area, the county is one of the smallest
counties in the State, if i> >t the smallest.
In 1800 its population was greater than
in 1870, and it had not been divided
then. In 1880 its population was less
titan in 1870 or in I860; to tho stranger
looking at these figures the natural In
ference would be that the courty was
retrograding, but not so; between 1870
and 1880 a slice larger than the present
county was cut off, and the increase in
Clarke’s population can lie readily seen
by the small difference in th. inhabi
tants as shown in the census of 1870 and
18.nO. The city of Athens live a popula
tion considerably larger than that of
Oconee, and about three limes as much
as the population of Clarke, exclusive of
the city. Whether the country people
have been, moving to town or not, tho
population of the county outside the city
is very stationary. Foreign horn citi-
sans are few in Clarke—the Jews pre
dominate, and the Germeus come next.
Tha Irish hav. buta small contingent.
I see Iho Banxm-IVatcuae endeavors
to give tbe weekly cotton receipts of tho
city, the sales, stock on hand, and thdl
bumber of bags consumed ?y spinners.
IA commendable pieco of enterprise, but
a herculean task. I had soinetidng to dp
with a newspaper once in Athens and the
aame effort waa made. No exchange to
get the receipts from, so a man had to
Le cent every week to the warebOBMB
and to mer. hsnh who took entton/in
trade and get their figures. At drat the
--/B-S-/4I * - * -- • ^ * • «•
Nall: Liverpool 85c Mck. Soap: $2 25a
8 per box, all qualities. Rice: choice
South Carolina, 5!„'hSc, prlmt Sc, ordi-
narv 3jfs4oper pound. Teas: Imperial
30a80, young hyson 30a5U, black 30a75,
gunpowder 40«76c per lb, according to
quality. Pepper 20c; spice 10c; ginger
10..; cloves 60o per pound. Soda 4Wa
5**1! lb. Starch 6c Ib. FUh: No 3 hbl.
$8s8 60, No 3 half bbl 4 60, No 3 quar
ter hbl 2 25, No 3 kita too pounds 60a55c.
Cocnry Prodcck.—Butter; 15t25o
"coopting to quality, select Jersey 30a35
l»-r lb. Ponltrv; young chickens 12){a
18c, hens 20a25c, turkeys C0a$l 25, geese
lOaoOc, ducks 20c, guineas 23c, partrid-
cos 10c. Eggs 15al7c. Beeswax I8c.
Tiliow8o. Hides lOallc Cabbaca 4a
■Pa cpounil. Onions $1 per bosh. Saeet
po. moes 75c bush. Irish potatoes bbl
$2,25. Pcauuta: hand picked NC 4>ja
Fakm SurruBB—Bagging: standard
I J. pounds 7J»a8c. Ties: New Arrow
$107all0, Delta $lal 16. Hardware:
Axe. $7 Oos; buckets, painted $140 per
doz, cedar, Lwo hoops $3 26; cotton
cards $4 60; trace chains $4 per doa;
listnes Iron bound $3 Mat; plow hoes
-ic lb, refined
to. la »aid city on tho 8o.lh*!d«- of lower Bread
Blrect, containing one ace, more or 1cm• two
home■ and lute on the North tide of U»wr - vJ
• reel In mUS City containing, etch three tout .41
of an acre, noreorleai, and one lot in the town
of Tocco*, la the county of Ilaberibam In said
Hute, rear of and ad|oinins the Dav* nport hotel
lot, containingSOxtnieet, more or 1cm; aald abov.
dracribed property to be aold aa the property of
tbe estate of Jrsr.e J. Head, lute cf raid county of
Clarke, deceased, lor the purpose of distribution
among the heirs at taw of said esUts etc. Te. ms
ON, Adnrr.,
J. Head, dve’d.
pEORGIA, BANKS COUNTY. -To all whom It
y may concern, \v. S. and W. G. Wilson, haa in
ODifcrm ap* lied tn the undaralgntd for per
manent letters of Administration on the estate
ol Mary Wllaon.lateof aafd county dec rased, and
I will pass upon *sld application on the first
Monday in Decsmbc" next. Given under my
hand and offlulol aignatura, Nov. 1st, 1886.
uovJwU. *" u ”” *
T. k. UILL, brdlDsiy.
3 , i ' :,1 vC lb; Iron, Swede 4a5c lb, refined
2j.e; nails, $2,2 36, basis of 101, per
kigiPlow stocks, Halman’e $lal 10;c
rop. Manilla 16c, trial 10c, cotton I6c;c
h.irse shoes $4 per keg, mole shoes $5;
Arnes’ thnvela $9 per dos; plow steel
4,’,'e Ib. Shoes: brogais $1 2d per pair,
first-class polka $1.
G eorgia, hanks county.-Tosii.whom it
may concern. Fannie N. Lawrence, widow of
Isaac B. Lawrence, deceased, has applied to me
to have Mt apart to her a yearn support from the
estate of raid deceased. This la therefore to cite
and admonish all concerned to show cause. If any
they have at my offlieen tne first Monday in
December next, why sold application ahouM not
be granted the years support allowed aa fixed by
the return of the appraisers appointed for that
pnrpsee. Oct. mb, 1866.
oct26w4t. T. F. HILL, Ordinary.
Call and See
The Goods that were on
Exhibition at the Fair ami
admired by every one. They
can now be seen at
pKOBviU.BANMHCuU.’kiV.-W O. J. uairi-
sod,administrator of u. J. Garrison, having
applied to Us court of Ordinary of said county
for e discharge from hit odrainistrati »n of D. J.
Garrison, deceased. This Is therefore to cite all
C rsons concerned to sbo. cause. If any they
ve, why tbe said W. O. J. Garrison should not >
be dismissed fhim said ndmlaiatratton and re
ceive letters of dlsmlsnion, «■ the first Moaday
In Feb., 1817. T.F HILL.
Ordinary Banks County.
Oct 28th, 1886.
Piano and Organ Display,
at Fair grounds.
Headquarters For Low Prices.
Mottle F. Granger} Libel for divorce In Bank-
X ror court, rept. term L
It appearing te the
court by the return et tbe 8bertlT In the above
stated case, that the defendant does not reside In
' w.-nt ic 'j. i iil. «.$,’ * C saideounsy,and it fuKhor appaarlug that ha
rop: Manilla 16c, sDal 10c, cotton I8CjC dors not reslda In tnlsatate. It la theremia ord.*r-
Pickled rigs Feet at
woni.rfai Cures.
W. D. li vjrt A Co. Wholvsala and Ra
ta i Driggiit of Rome, Ga. aaj: W. ban
ht,m if fling Dr. King'* N«w Discovery,
Fjrirli 1 -tter» and Bncklen’i. Arnica
8. v. f >r t *-o yean. Have never handled
„ m perfected
dafaudaut by the publiertton of IhU order once a
month tor fr*r month', before the next term of
this court. In the Bannei-WsU hssan, a newspaper
published In the city of Athens, Clarks county,
Georgia. A. C. MOM, Hale till ■ Atl’y.
N.L. HUTCHINS, Judge 8. C., W. C.
U li may cooeerr; James W.Damcl, Adwlnlat'e-
ter of Mrs. Hu>an R. Nenfo, deceased, hestneiae
form applied to the undor«tgeed tor 'eare to aril
the leads belonging io the e»Utc Of said de
ceased, and sold appfichtioa will be heard ou tbe
first Monday In December i ext, tha the 3t .day
Tickets to Fair Given Away!
Every Cash Purchaser is entitled to a Ticket to tbe
Fair Ground Free of Charge, for goods bought to the
ainouut of
The entire stock is placed on tbs market at
f at sell as wcU, or giveaoch jGES’J&SSSS***"'&£
11- - -tisfaction. There have been , Bare IvdinCnv.) >w|i-4mU>. tn wotulerful cures effected ty these ;
r-.^fcitf ■" this city. Several cases uf j Sif
P. J >nouced Consumption have been iB^ o
merchant, and cotton man kicked—at tfliiiy tftn.'J In-use of a few Lotties of DBfjlRJy" U II. K.T s. Llt.Ol^mg>g
least some of them did, and only content- JC ; g’s New Discovery, taken in connec- f — - —
Only fivfe weeks time to sell our enormous st
fhe s. ore is for rent, and the goods must go, Come ' i
early and avoid the rnsh. Double force of salesmen are
•Lltaelied for this week at . . X^5'““
. ■’ >~
ri.-n v. ith Electric Bitters. We guarantee ‘ nton ia.ov
■ old tiy A. B. Long A Co. 1 ■ - * - *
OCOXEF. COUNTY.—T. all -kom
\r rn: Jajics W. Dnr$o*, h*» In •
to ib aoJertignel n*r perptauaoi
if admlnfst attoe on the o«ute •>( Vn.