Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, January 03, 1852, Image 16

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Charleston Carts* DUNK & DURYEA. —Fashionable Clothingimporium, No. U3B King-st., in the bend. Always in store, a large assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Articles, wholesale and retail, they warrant to give satisfaction. *#* A call is respectfully solicited. Jan 3 JG . \V I L L I S .—Boots, Shoes, 0 Trunks, C’arpet Bags, etc., King-st., Corner of llorlbeck’s Alley. Jan 3 CIOOK’S ‘PREMIUM PICTURES. / Highest premium awarded for 150. The largest and finest Heads in the world are now exhibited at his Rooms. A!so those exquisite Photographic Painting, be ing the only flesh coloured Daguerreotypes taken at the South, a style peculiar to him self, and obtained by his inimitable “sky and side light” combined, such as is only used by the best Artists in the country. Rooms over Spear & Wood’s, No. 256 King-st., oppsite llasell. _ Jan 3 CW. CROUCH’S ACADEMY • and Night School, S. W, corner of King and Calhoun streets. Jan 3 JAMES S. ROBERTS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Fancy and general Boot, Shoe and Trunk Store, 233 King-street, op posite Hasell. Jan 3 AM Eg E. HPEAH, *35 King-street, Importer and Dealer in fine Watches, Jewellery, Silver Ware, Table Cutlery, Mili tary and Fancy Goods, also Masonic and Odd Fellows’ Regalias and Jewels. Jan 3 PIERSON Ac JENNINGS, Whole sale Clothing, KIO Hayne-street, and la4 Broadway New-York. *** Particular attention given to orders at either of the stores. Jan 3 WA. K E NT fc MITCHELL, G Masonic Hall Clothing Store, King street, corner of Wentworth, Wholesale Dealers in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Out fitting Articles. Jan 3 HVV. SIHFFER, 270 King -street, O corner of Wentworth, Manufactur er and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in every article yet made of India Rubber. J an 3 KLINCR & YYTCKENBERG, N. E. corner of Broad and Church sts., importers of and Dealers in Teas, Wines, Liquors, Preserves, Segars, Groceries, etc. Jan 3 Bli N DS, sashes and pan el DOORS. The subscriber is agent tor two of the largest manufactories of above articles and is prepared to supply contractors ala small advance on factory rates. JOHN C. SIMONS, 226 King-st. Jan 3 DAW SON At BLACKMAN, Drug gist’s and Apothecaries, 17 Broad st., Importers of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfum ery, Surgical Instruments, etc. Jan 3 JOHN S. BIRD At CO., Military, Looking Glass and Fancy store, “sign of the gold spectacles,” 223 and 225 King-st. Mathematical and Surveyors’ Instruments, Spectacles and Optical Instruments of all kinds, Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, etc., etc. Oil Painting and Engravings, Picture Frames made to order, and old Frames re gilted and made equal to new ; Glass and Pebbles fitted to Spectacles to suit all ages and sights. Jan 3 Groceries, fruits, cigars, *AC. N. M. Porter, (Late W. L. Porter and Son,) No. 222 King-st., third door above Market, has an extensive and varied stock of Groceries, Fruits, Cigars, etc..suit ed to the wants of Families and Dealers, whic.. he sells at the lowest prices for cash or city paper. Jan 3 W1 LLIAM 117 BART LESS, For warding and Commission Merchant, Brown’s Wharf, F'oot ot Vendue Range. *** He will give his particular attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods, His long experience as Secretary and Forwarding Agent of the South Carolina Railroad Com pany, gives him peculiar facilities in this line of business. Jan 3 CAMPHENE AND - SPIRIT GAS, wholesale and retail, with a large vari ety of Lamps for burning the same, at the original Importers’ prices. __ GEORGE ABBOTT, Paint, Oil and Colour Store, No. 97 East Bay. Jan 3 CHARLES LOVE, (P artner and Suc cessor of the late firm of Jos. Thomson it Cos.) Saddle and Harness Maker, at the Old Stand, corner of Broad and Church streets. Jan 3 If f UTUAL LIFE I N S U R A N C E iff. Company. Net Assets ot Company, SI,OOO-439 62. Last Dividend of profits 3J percent. L. M. HATCH, Agent. 120 Meeting-street. Dr. D.J. C. CAIN, Medical Adviser. HB. CLARKE At CO., Importers G and Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Tailors’Trimmings, etc., No. 205 King-st. Jan 3 GENERAL ADVERTISING SHEET. Charleston Carbs. GEORGE OATES,234 and 236 King-st ., (near the bend,) GEO. A. OA TES & CO., Broad-street, Augusta, Ga., Deal ers in Piano-Fortes, Music and Musical ln truments, Books, Stationery, etc. Iff ©CARTER At ALLEN, Booksellers if B. and Stationers, have an extensive assortment of Law, Medical, Theological, School and Miscellaneous Books, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Jan 3_ GAt 11. CAMERON, Importers and G Wholsale Dt-alers in Crockery, China and Glass Ware, No. 152 Meeting-st. *** A choice assortment always on hand, and for sale low. Jan 3 GREGG, HAY DEN At CO., Import ers of Fine Watches, Jewelery, Silver VV are Guns, Military and Fancy Goods,cor ner King and Hasel-sts. Jan 3 ]f| RS L. WTLLCOKB, Milliner and iff Ostrich Feather Manufacturer, 157 King st., Charleston. Jan3 THE MISSES SLOMAN, Harpists, Pianists and Vocalists, 248 King-st., at Mrs. Day’s. Jan 3 dTi EORGE JACKSON, Tin Plate ff Worker, 275 King-street., Tin and Japanned Ware wholesale and retail ; Im porter of Block Tin and Japanned Ware, and Dealer in Housekeeping Articles. Jan 3 PY. DIRRLE, Fashionable Hat and • Cap Store, 37 Broad-st. Jan 3 17IEHD1N AND ZOGBAUM,Harmon _ ic Institute, Importer of Music and Musical Instruments, King-st., sign of the Lyre. Jan 3 SAMUEL B. YVELCH, Book Binder, corner of Meeting street and Horlbeck’s Alley. Blank Books ruled to any pattern, and bound in the best manner. Jan 3 JOHN’ RUSSELL, Bookseller and Stationer, Krng-st *** English and Foreign Books imported to order. Jan 3 WM. L TIMMONS, General Im porter of Hardware ami Cutlery, East Bay. Jan 3 Gillilands a Rowland, im porters and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 7 Ilaj ne-street. Jan 8 EDGERTON Ac RICHARDS,’ la yers and Tailors, No. 32 Broad-st. Jan 3 CD. CARR, Draper and Tailor, No. G 30 Broad-st. Jan 3 H” STODDARD, Wholesale Healer G in Boots and Shoes, No. 46 Hayne street, over Townsend, Crane & Co’s. Jan 3 DAVID LOPEZ, Steam Factory for Sashes, Doors and Blinds, 36 George srteet. Jan 3 iTlngustci Carbs. J’ AMES A. At C. GRAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign, Fancy, Staple and Domestic Dry Goods. No. 298 Broad-street. Jan 3 CHARLES CATLIN, Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons and Forks, Plated Castors, Lamps, Girandoles, Fancy Goods, etc. Also Agents for Cliickering’s and Nunn’s and Clarke’s Piano Fortes, which they sell at the lowest factory prices. Jail 3 DB. PLUMB At CO., between U. • S. Hotel and P. O. Corner, Whole sale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, etc. Agent for Lan dreth’s Garden Seeds. Jan 3 ALBERT HATCH, manufacturer of and Dealer in Saddles, Bridles, Har ness, Trunks, Military Equipments, etc. — Broad. sreet, in Metcalf’s New Range. Jan 3. O W. FERRY Ac CO., Wholesale G and Retail Hat, Cap and Bonnet Warehouse. Broad-street. Jan 3 WM. 11. TUTT, Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Chemicals,etc.etc. Jan 2. Wholesale Grocers. Also Dealers in Bagging, Rope and Twine, Nails,lron,Salt, etc., for Planters’Trade, Jan 3 Thomas w. Fleming, com. mission Merchant, continues to do business, and solicits consignments of Pro duce Jan 3 JAMES FARROW, Attorney at Law, Spartanburg C.H., S. C. Jan 3 ly SPENCER Ac HENDELL, Manufac turers of Gold Pens, No. 2 Maiden Lane, one door from the corner of Broadway. N. B. —The above firm were awarded Gold and Silver Medals, lor five consecutive years, at the Fair of the American Institute, for the best Gold Pens. J&T Dealers supplied at low prices, with or without holders. Jan 3 K~ H. ELL ES, BOOK-BINDER, • No. 114 Nassau-st., N.Y. *** Cambric Book Cases made for the trade. Jan 3 SILL &. TII O M SON, Importers of F'rench and English F'ancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, etc., No. 23 Maiden Lane. Jan 3 FIRTH, POND A .CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Music and Mu sical Instruments of all kinds, No. 1 Frr.nklin Square. Jan 3 WI LLIAM WARD, Wholesale _ aHd Retail Dealer in all kinds of India Rubber goods, No. 159 Broadway. Jan 3 WM. HALL At SON, Publishers of Music for the Piano-Forte and Gui tar, and Dealers in Piano-Fortes and other Musical Instruments, No. 239 Broadway. Jan 3 KE LLOGGS At COM STOCK, 87 Fulton street, PublishersofColoured P rmts, and dealers in Maps. Charts, Frames, Glass, etc., etc. George Whiting Agent. Jan 3 A S. IIV RNES At CO., Wholesale G Booksellers and Publishers, 51 John street. *** They publish Davies’ Mathematical Series, Parker’s Philosophies, Chambers’ Educational Course, and many other popu lar school books. Jan 3 I OSSLYG iAt BARRETT, Designed A and Engravers on Wood, corner of Nassau and John-sts., (up stairs.) L. &. B. will faithfully and promptly exe cute all orders in their line on reasonable terms. Jan 3 WM. A. WHEELER At CO., Im porters and Dealers in Stationery, Printers and Manufacturers of Account Books, 80 Wall-st. Jan 3 CM. SAXTON, Publisher of the O American Agriculturist, No. 121 Fulton-street. C. M. S. also publishes the American Architect, Allen’s Farm Book, Domestic Animals,Poultry Book and the Bee-Keeper’s Manual. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly executed. Jan 3 ENGRAY I AG. The subscriber would inform Authors, Publishers and Prin ters, that he still continues to carry on the business of Engraving on wood, in all its branches. His facilities are such that be is enabled to execute all orders promptly, and in every style of the A*t, upon the most reasonable terms; while the experience of many years enables him to feel perfect con fidence in his efforts to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. N. URR, 151 Fulton-st., New-York. Jan 3 JOHN. S. CAI LKINS, Manufacturer and Importer of Walking Canes and Umbrellas, 69 Maiden Lane, one door below Wiliiam-st. N. B. —The Goods at his establishment are all. perfect, finished in the best manner, and offered at reasonable rates. Jan 3 Ac PETERS, 100 Jolm-st., Im‘ porters and Manufacturers of {Staple and Fancy Stationery. S. & P., with their facilities in England, France and Germany, can offer goods at the 1 owest prices. Jan 3 WM. \Y. ROSE, Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Imported and Domes tic Stationery, Blank Books, Copying Presses.etc., No. 19 Wall street Jan3 KICII <fc LOUTREL, Wholesale Deal ers in and Importers of French, Eng lish and German Stationery and Manufac turers of Blank Books, No. 61 William-st. Jan 3 T||ARK LEVY & BROTHERS, Importers ot French, English and German Stationery, Fancy Goods, etc., 27 Houndsditch, London, and 49 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Jan 3 MOL R dk CO., Dealers in Writing and Printing Paper of all kinds. Im porters of Foreign Writing, Letter and vari ous other Papers, N0.97 John-street. Jan 3 UF7&J. DOUBLEDAY, Import © ers and wholesale Dealers in F'rench, English, German and American Stationery. No. 40 John-street. Jan 3 ITT B. ( L YYTOY SOYS, Corn- J® mission Paper Warehouse, 84 John street. *** Book and News Printing Papers of every description, on hand or made to order at short notice. Jau3 JJljilabelplpa Carbs, Thomas cowpkrtii vv ait a CO,, Booksellers, publishers and Sta tiouers, 523 Market-st., Philadelphia, pub lish Mitchell’s Geography and Atlas, Prim, ary Geography, Intermediate Geography, Ancient Geography and Atlas. Universal Atlas, with nearly eighty beautifully colour ed Maps : Pocket Maps of the United States and of the different States of the Union ; Swan’s series of School Readers, Spelling book and Primary Spelling book; Green’s English Grammar, and Green’s Analysis of the English Language; F. A. Adams’ Arithmetics, parts land 2; Pinnock’s His tories of England,France, Romeand Greece; Ficot’s series of Elementary books in learn ing F'rench; Frost’s United States, etc. And they offer for sale at the lowest prices, the largest stock in the country of School, Classical, Law, Medical, Theological and Miscellaneous books gy Orders solicited. Jan 3 The cheap book store. “Small profits and quick sales.” Daniels and Smith, No. 36 N. Sixth-street, between Market and Arch, keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large assortment of Old andNew Theological,Classical,Schoo., and Miscellaneous books, wholesaleor retail, at very low prices. ***Monthly Catalogues received regularly, and books imported to order from London. Second-hand books bought. Jan 3 WILLIS P. HAZARD, “The popular cheap bookseller of Phila delphia,” has always a large and suberb as sortment of books in every department of Literature, which he offers at cheaper prices than elsewhere in Philadelphia. His store is contiguous to “Jones” and all the principal Hotels, being at 178 Cliesnut-st., opposite Masonic Hall, between 7th and Bth street. Jan 3 Henry carey baird, cs ucces sorto E. L. Carey,) Publisher, N. E. corner Market and Fifth-sts. *** The Encyclopaedia of Chemistry, Overman on Iron. Leslie’s Complete Cook ery, Longfellow’s, Willis’ and Gray’s Poet ical works, and many other Standard publi cations offered to the trade. Jan 3 JY\ . YIOOR E, Bookseller, Publisher © and Importer of English and Foreign books, 193Chesnut-street. J. W. M. publishes Sales’ Koran, Taylor on Coal, Montague’s Essays, and many oth er valuable works. Jan 3 JESSUP & MOORE, Paper manu facturers and Dealers, 21 North Fifth and 23 Commerce streets- Book, News, Hardware and Manilla paper made to order. Jan 3 CM! ARLES 11. BUTT, Stereograph J Safety Blank manufacurer, 62 Wal nut-street. Bank Checks,Promissory Notes, etc., made to order. Jan 3 B IPPINCOTT, GRAMBO fe CO., m~A Successors to Grigg, Elliot and Cos., Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers anil Blank Book Manufacturers, No, 14 North Fourth.street. L, G. and C. publish School,Theological, Medical, Law, Classical and Miscellaneous Books, and Fine Editions of Bibles and Prayer Books, in every variety of binding and size, also Dealers in Paper, Blank Books and Stationary. Country Merchants, public Libraries and the trade supplied on advantageous terms. Jan 3 iiilaccm ®arts. JJ. & S. P. RICHARDS, Dealers ® in Books, Stationery. Music and Musical Instruments, at the sign of the “New Book Store,” Washington Square, Cotton Avenue. Agents for the Southern 0-uarterly Review, Southern Literary Gaz ette, the Eclectic Magazine, and the School fellow, and Honorary Secretaries of the Am. Art Union. Jan 3 JM. BOARD MAN, Bookseller and O Stationer, Second-street, supplies School, Miscellaneous and Professional Hooks; Stationery and Drawing Materials, at the lowest prices. Jan 3 I3ootoit (larto. CHAMBERLAIN & BIT C III E, manufacturers ot Philosophical Instru ments, for the use of Schools and Colleges. Nos. 9 and 11 School street. *** C. & R. beg leave to refer Southern Professors and Teachers to W. C. Richards, Esq.,Editorofthe Southern Literary Gaz ette. Jan 3 __ f i OULD fc LINCOLN, Booksellers VIL and Publishers, Washington-street. G. & L. publish the “Psalmist,” Cham bers’ Cyclopcedia and Miscellany, and many other choice works religious and miscellane ous. Jan 3