Advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1875, April 14, 1875, Image 1

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mm BRUNSWICK, G30RCUA, WEDNESDAY MORNING., APRIL 14, 187; BitHAWICK ADVERTISER Iast Wt i'5s of Noted Perseus. “Let' not poor Nelly alarm ”— ciws.ii. ‘‘Refresh me with a great thought.’ —Herden. “Let me die to the sound of deli* -Mirubeuu. There is an interest in the dying | words of men that does not attach to j thorn while living. They often give a ■; clue to the whole history of the man.- They still ofteuer give a significant in-, 11!mutton as to the state in which the. ] departed had expired. We give below the last words of a* i 1 ones of the world. T i pondering them: “Head of the army. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORXIXO . -BV- T. GOULBOTO STACY. cious music. ANNUAL SUmClilPriON $1.00 ADVERTISING RATES*, I PKU S'jUAKE. 10 liuuB 8j>aoe, first insertion, 75 “ ‘ ■each subKergient insertion, 50 HSrSBECIAL RATES TO LAUGH ADVE11TI3EKS A'lvertisers iiiust sjwsoiiy time, ou copy sant, or tie subject for charges until ordered but. Communications for individual benefit or of a personal ohfJablorfiharged as advertisements. Marriage* and Obituary notices cot exceeding five lines solieifettT'of free, publication. Over tliat amount charged as advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon presentation after the first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to in all cases. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to ' • • T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. A Doubtful Case— Whim Dr. -Frank lin’s mother-in-law first discovered that the young xiisin liad a hankering lor her daughter, that good lady suid she did not knotv so well about giving her daughter to a printer— there weie already two printing oflices in the United States, and she was* not certain the country would support them. It was pluiu young Franklin' would de pend for his support upon the profits of a third, and tliut was rather a doubt ful chance. If such an objection was urged to a would-be son-in-law when there were but two printing .offices in the United States, how can a printer hope to get a wife now, when tlie re cent census showed the number to be 15,067. fi&*T£ind words are the brightest flowers of earth—use them, and es pecially round the fireside .circle, for they make a paradise of the humblest home. They we jewels beyond price and more, precious to heal the wound ed heart and make the downcast spirit glad than all other blessings earth can give. <;ti, - -——— &‘ay'£»trong passions are.' the life of manly virtues. But they need m t necessarily he evil, because they are strong. The passions may be likened -to blood. horses; that need: training add the ; curl), only,- to enable them whom they earrv to achieve the most -xSapoleon. -“I must sleep row.”—Byron. ‘It matters little how tlie deadlioth..’ —Sir Walter Raleigh. “Kiss me, Hardy.”—Lord Nelson. “Don’t giye up the ship. ’.!—Law rence. -“I’m shot if I don't L chive Tin dy ing.”—Chancellor Thurlow. “Ia-this your fidelity ?”—Nero, “Clasp my hand, my dear friend, I die.”—Allien. “Give Duyrocles a' chair.”—Lord Chesterfield. “The artery ceases to beat;.”—Hah ler. “Let the light enter.”—Goethe. “All. my possessions for a moment of time”^—Queen Elisabeth, ” “What ! is there no bribing death?” —Cardinal Beaufort. . “Be serious.”—Grottos. “Into thy hands, O Lord.”—Tasso; “Don’t let that awkward squad tire over my grave.” —Robert Burns. “I feel us if I wetfeuiyself again.”— dir-Walter Scott. “I resign my soul td God, and my daughter to my country. ”—Jefferson. “It is well..”—Washington. “Independence forever.”—Adams. , “It is,the last of earth, I am-oon- ciut.’ -kT. Q> Adams. , ’ “I have endeavored to do toy duty. —Z. Taylor. : ME m i: - Professional 0. P. COOL YEAR. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorneys at Law, BkUNoWTUK, O FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Gloucester streets,—over Drug Store of J. S. Blain & Co. Practice In all counties of tlie Brunswick Cir- I cuit a.nd the city Qf Darien, Ga. . mar. 24-tf. Geokoia. T.: E. Davenport, a Trent war a r law, - W ILL practice in all the Courts ol the Brunswick Circuit. Of fice in - - • • r jf f r * ; SMlTrf ariuf foEXT ER’S Building, Newcastle'street. | mar, $j4-ly. . . • KP?uWhftt a, lonely'life a man lead! . without a*wii‘e or children ! He seem 5 to lung, tu it Wei'c/ a loose, : disjointed ~ nijaib^r upqn nociety; disconnected yfrom the ve'stVu liis feliow-bcings, by ah those household ties which seem to • i>»-‘ u the connecting links of life. *