Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, September 04, 1886, Image 1

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Advertiser And Appea ♦ PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, SA^HpDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1886 ESTABLISHED 1875. The Advertiser and Appeal, Published every Wednesday and Saturday at BRUNSWICK, “THE CITY BY THE SEA,” —r-BV T. G. STACY & SON. 8ubserlpiloti Rates. One copy one. year 00 One copy aiz months 1 00 Advertisement* ftorn responsible parties will be ablJshed until ordered out, when the time is not specified, and payment exacted accordingly. Coxnzmyticatlons for individual benefit, o? of a personal character, charged as Advertisements. Marriages and obituary notices not exceeding four linos, aolicted for publication. When ing that space, charged as advertisements. All letters and communications should be ad dressed to Advertiser and Appea __ •rgia. OCEAN LODGE. No. 214. P. X A. M. Regular communication, of this Lodge aro held on the first and third Mondays in each month, at 7:00 o’clock, P. M. Vial ting and all brethren In good standing are In ternally Invited to attend. -, „ W. M. BERRYMAN. »V. M. •IAS. E. LAMBRIGUT. Secretary. SKAPORT LODGE. Ko. I. 0. 0. P. Meet, every Tneadaynlght at eight o'clock. P.S. W1NTON.N.G /AS. E. LAMBRIGHT. Alt. Secretary. OGLETHORPE LODGE, NO. 24-K. OP P. Meeta at their Cattle Hall. In Mlchelson'. build, ing. every Thursday at 8 p. m. Visiting knights in good standing are fraternally invited to attend „ T W, L. PULTON, 0.0. II. J. ItKAD, K. of R. mud S. * » SECTION NO. 505, E. It., meets First Wednesday » ftVflrv tit mi til T. B. FEltQUSON, |I* resident. la every month. H. J. REID, 8ecretiirv. MAGNOLIA LODGE. No. 1105/ AMERICAN LEGION OP HONOR. wSS&Sffie M ‘ tt ‘' ltb Fr,daj " ■■ t. T. I^Ml iRI OHT.^cre C ta?T VA - r ' Cvnm ^- SEAPORT LODGE, I. 0. G. T., NO.' 58. Ut i.-helnon',. Hell every Mooduy eveniug. " ,‘,. K. PORTER. W. c. T. J.M.DEZTSR, Keal Estate Agent, RELIEF! FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATARRH! WONDERFUL TO RELATE! “FOR FORTY YEARS I have been a victim to CATARRH—three-fourth* of tho time a sufferer from EXCRUCIATING PAINS ACROSS MY FOREHEAD AND MY NOSTRILS. The dis charges were so offensive that I hesitate to men tion it, except for the good it may do some other sufferer. I nave spent a young fortune from my earnings during the forty ytfars of suffering to ob tain relief from the doctors. I have tried patent medicines—everyone I could learn of—from the four corners of the earth, with no relief. And AT LAST (57 years of age) I have met with a remedy that has cured me entirely—made mo a new man. I weighed 128 pounds and now weigh 140. ’ * ---* the < ble wal T .. _ vail on all catarrh sufferers to use what has cured mo— QUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. Mr. Henry Cheves, the writer of tho above, for merly of Crawford county, now of Macon, merits the confidence of all interested in catarrh. W. A: HUFF, ex-Mayor of Macon. A Silerb Flesb ProSncer&Tonic! GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER receipt of price. Small bottles $1.00; large $1.‘ Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. * MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, ■ * Macon, Ga. FOR SALE BY LLOYD & ADAMS CARBOLIC SALVE. The moat Powerful Healing Ointment ever Discovered. Henry’s Carbolic Salvo cures Sores. '^Hpnry’s Carbolic Salve allays Pm?p^ ja ~ C * rt>0,,C ** lwa ^Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Piles; Henry’s Carbolic Salve heals Cuts. Ask for Honry's-Take No Other. OrBEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. _ZE! Prico 25 cts., mail prepaid 30 cts. JOHN P. HENRY A CO., New York. $?y*Writo for Illuminated Book. • m«iek. up BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, H. H. HAltVEY, Broktniij Cmaissioi Merchant, BRUNSWICK, GA. All KINDS GF \>' \vti:i> COUN RY PRODUCE lion. J. K. Dart Speak, a Few Plain Words te Iloa. 7. X Norwood. Brunswick, Ga. Aug. 31, 1886. Editor Momiivj News: In your is sue of August ,9 a communication appeared, signetf, “B.,” vftitten from the city of Washington, reflecting upon and criticising my efljrts to advance the material intercuts of our city. Being buHiumnn.I naturally Celt indignant al^e attempt at ridi cule and to belittle my e^jjrts for the good of my people! A perusal of the article would convince anyone tlmt the author was an avowed enemy, or some one having a secret motive to lower me and raise himself in the estimation of this section. A request having been made upon you, Hugh Waddell, of Washington, was given as its author. £ Being an entire stranger to' the man, our interests not being antagonistic, he not hav ing not been, taken into my confi dence, or ttiAednfirjft cnee of% i'rieuds, or present'.at a^- interviews with tho heads of the departments, I nat urally concluded that the pretended facts contained in his communica tion were derive^' from the .source where the motive existed. I culled upon Mr. Waddell, at Washington, and in the presence of his chief, Col. W, B. Cooley,, he acknowledged he did not know met had never seen me before, and that the pretended facts or information were furnished him by Hon. T. M. Norwood, of Georgia. The following paper explains it self: SVAsrnjjftro .Mr. Dart, of Georgia, Having ca upon me and informed me that Air. Kstill had given him my flame as the author of an article which appeared in the Alorning News of Aug. !), signed “B.,” and asked from whom 1 obtained the facts, I make answer that they were obtained from the lion. T. AI. Norwood, of Georgia. II. Waddki.i.. me the penalty of usurping the rights atM privileges of the Repre sentative of the First District. The following letters of Messrs. Day and and Dunn will explain: Bkunswick, Ga., Aug. 23,1886. • Hoii. </. E. Dart—Dear Sir: In re ply to your request made this morn ing I can state, being one of the com mittee appointed by the city of Brunswick to visit Washington last February, that you were present at every meeting between that commit tee and tne Congressional Commit tees on ltiwra and Harbors and Pub- S c Buildings, and also that you ad- ressed noth committees earnestly and fully in behalf of Brunswick’s claims to an appropriation for her harbor and for public building. Yours respectfully, H. C- Day. CnicAuo, Aug. 26,1886.' Hon. J. E. Dart—Dear Sir; Your letter of 23d 'lust, is just received. Without attempting to reply in de tail to your queries, I will say that you were present at the meetings of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and yourself addressed the committee on behalf of Bruns wick’s claims for public building. I believe I followed you in a brief state ment of the reasons why a public building was needed. Air. Norwood made no speech, but did state to the committee that Brunswick had never had a dollar appropriated for this purpose. You were also present at the meeting of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and were the only one that addressed that com mittee. Mr. Willis stated to us that an appropriation greater than $25,000 (the amount we asked for) would be made to continue the work at Bruns wick. After leaving the committee room Air. Norwood did say, in sub stance, “that, jutkong from what Mr. “r: L* wick would «;et nrorc 1 2*11 houses 1'Ok SAI.K AM) RKXT. MOORE & VALENTINO Contractors ash Bpiloers, o\-*Ji;\'M KNT. •l' I ':o7| , .|!|n , v->’ms 1 Hitt tv!' i'»’“'‘'i't ******ii*i b rill, lintrl, Mj. -lair-. m National Hank: F..I OCEAN HOTEL, Brunswick, Ga. MBJII0K& 10.. PROPS. BANKING HOUSE Wm. P' MINER, imrxswicK. ca. Aly indignation gave way to regret that such pretended facts should have emanated from the Hon. T. AI. Norwood, just renominated to repre sent tlic First District of Georgia, to occupy the seat in the councils of the nation made illustrious in the past by such gentlemen ns the Hon. Thomas Butler Kingand the lamented Julian Hartridge. The responsibil ity of the attack having been shifted from Mr. Waddol to Mr. Nor- wooil. it; justice to myself and the peopli he asserts have been my "dupi s" I feel l ulled upon, after some delay in obtaining answers from -li. Do Newt-: I Blinds. Aiouldinjj Rosts, etc. ’ I It:. nt.-€ hn-.M.ofn it V lt:nik, Atlllllt; rail.:.. Ilnnk, M:i ala I -- I tber Foil SALE BV WM MVRPIIY BROS th« .,y'i w i-iUi, u4 now rt ..out .... Ie*a.g II »=•• r.:,eoiUo»T A. L. SMITH. Br,! SoMbrDnw.,,,; MtOVATT A CO. House Painting, Kalsouiininpiifl Paper-Hanging, a.. j. i May In* foiupl ;i GUILD Mr-.Oakli’v’/. Itoanlin* llou-< C. I. STACY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK. GA. Ice-Cold Laii'er Beer! EV Kin I hose cognizant of my acts and do ’ mgs. to submit the facts. in January last, I was in Wasli- i ington on private business connected with my office. Air. Norwood knew j this, but kindly requested me to go j before the Committee on Pulilic • Buildings and Grounds. I went be- i fore that committee as a private in dividual, and not as an accredited | agent or representive of the city, this I fact being known to the committee I and Air. Norwood. If. in my zeal to promote and fur- the interest of my people, and advance by information the pros pects of securing our public build ings (those enterprises we have been asking for so long and been denied) be :i crime, and should expose me to the eitizens of Brunswiek as an ob ject of ridicule and witicism by < ol. Norwood, then I plead guilty. By resolution of our February last .Messrs, and myself became tin than even Savannah. - ’ I have read the attack upon you in the Savannah Alorning News, and take pleasure in saying that, so far as the charges relate to anything that transpired while we were serv ing together as members of the dele gation sent to Washington in the interest of Brunswick last February, I know them to be false, and believe them to be so in other respects. Very truly yours, H. T. Dunn. In July last Mr. Illain, Assistant Postmaster, requested me to accom pany him to Washington to assist him in certain matters, all of which appear in the following letters: Hon. J. E. Dart—Dear Sir: Refer ring to our recent visit to Washing ton, 1). (J., 1 will state that you went with me at my request. We arrived in Washington on Sun day night, July 18, anil on Monday morning called on the Hon. Jas. II. Blount, Chairman Committee on Post Ofllccs, and stated the object of our visit. Mr. Blount made an ap pointment with us to visit the vari ous departments, and stated that it would be best for him to see the va rious oflieiuls lirst, which he did, and on Thursday took . us to the First and Second Assistant Postmasters General, and also to the Chief of Sal ary and Allowance Division. The Hon. T. AI. Norwood was ab sent from Washington, nor did I know of his return until 7 o’clock on Thursday evening. During our in terview with the First and Second Assistant Postmaster-Generals no allusion was made to Air. Norwood, nor was it intimated that it was nec essary or proper, but on the contrary, Mr. Blount stated to us that it was unnecessary for us to see any other Representatives or Senators, as it was a matter for his committee. As to the Cumberland route, the Hon. J. B. Baird had been sent to Brunswiek by the Postolllce Depart ment previous to our visit, and he requested us t< reference to it. and also Cur allow- Council in uno.e for special service at the Bruns- Dunn, Day!"' 1 * postolllce. Mr. Baird did not make his report on the Cumberland senting contrary must be actuated, by malicious motives. Respectfully yours, W. S. Blain Assistant Postmaster Brunwick, Ga. AIacon, Ga., Aug. 27, SB86. Capt. J. E. Dart, Brunswick, Oa.: Dear Sir. When you came to Washington Mr. Norwood was ab sent. I introduced you to the First Assistant Postmaster General, to the Second Assistant Postmaster Gen eral, and to the Chief Clerk of the Salary and Allowance Division.— Your object was to get an increase for allowance for clerk hire at Bruns wick, and to have better mail facili ties for'Cumberland. As Mr. Nor wood was absent, it would seem per-, fectly legitimate ’ for you to have ap plied for aid to myself or to some other person. Very truly yours, James H. Blouxt. If the question arises why did we not ask the co-operation- of Col. Norwood, the above letters state he was absent, and give the reasons why we did not apply. No com plaints wore rnado from Senators Brown or Colquitt or the balance c»f "the Georgia delegation, because they recognizy the fact that Col. Blount, as Chairman of the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, was the' proper party to apply to; they sure ly did not believe I was there ■ “at- tempting to boss a job” or usurping the rights and prcriuatives of a member, but actuated by a spirit of liberality, they accord to me the right which belongs to every Ameri can citizen to appear bofore-any de partment of the government arid make known our wants, if in a man ner commensurate with the respect due them in- their ofti- ff I be a" “moth,” bought waight^q whom *Mr. Norwood’s “colleagues and numerous friends” were enter tained with, and lie so amused them by the attempt to “lift myself over the fence tugging at ray own gal luses,” then I surely could not de tract from him any of the honors that cluster around him, nor would it have been necessary for him to have borrowed an alias, over which to tel! the public “I came home to dupe my listeners by vague state ments of interviews with Dan-Man ning and Lush Lamar.” The attempt at sarcasm, witticism and ridicule may by intended to ele vate himself with those I have “duped.” Aly listeners may not be so brilliant as Air. Norwood, but they are true to manhood and prin ciple, and I would no sooner rob the Hon. Thomas AI. Norwood of an alias, or usurp his rights and privileges, than these listeners would be false to the nominee. They will be true to Col. Norwood, pts the choice of the Democracy, and though at times may have have been “duped” yet not by the principles they sustained, but by the selections made to repre sent those principles. I trust the above will place Col. Norwood, his alias, and myself in our pro|ier posi tions before the people, that they limy form their own conclusions. J. K Dart. Had * firrsl lies*!. accredited. . ... - . .. .. . , , . 1 route until we were in A\ ashumton, •tgi. 1 s o ° City . As a delegation ] , in ^ on [,j s ,. e | >or t. and by request of — u.-.oim:— j ' v<: ' 'sited Washington and urged .Gen. Knott, Second Assistant l’ost- .... r . „ ,,. , the wants of our section before the ! master General, vou telegraphed to , Wlljes, Liquors OtLlgarS. proper committees. In this instance Air. Gilman for a bid for service on x.ixe m r the nor. * must request my eo-eommitteemen j said route. _ and the Council of Brunswick, in a 1 These are the facts as to < OOSSLin Bar 'liiit of generosity, t" shaie with’in Washington, and anyone Tact is the lubricant that makis* sliding down the baluster of life easy. She had two adorers, and, as usual, halted between two opinions. Henry loved her well, hut George's head", visit Washington in | was the longer as the sequel shows. _ “Speaking of memories,” cried Lit; eille, “why, I can remember when I used to play with dolls and make mud pies in the lane. - ’ “What a wonderful memory!” exclaimed the- foolish Henry, admiringly. “1’shaw! It is nothing wonderful to recall that which occurred so few years ago?” ■ spoke George of the long head and r acts I the next time Henry spoke to her she repre I snubbed him.