Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, September 04, 1886, Image 2

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\ * s * \ , 0. STACY i and lltoriMd Proprtctori. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 8, 1888. A few days ago, Mrs. Lowry, of Snow, Dooly county, attempted to commit suicide by taking^orpbine and strycninc. Before taking the poi son she wrote her obituary, at last accounts it was thought that the doc tors would pull her through all right. He who is truly brave will not only encounter obstinate obsta cles Ad to do daring deeds; he will also be bold in attacking wrong and misery whenever they appear, and strong in resisting his own dekircs and impulses whenever they conflict with a higher law. A little miss wanted some ice cream the other evening. She woiild not accept her mother’s refusal, and us n last resort she was sent to her father. The question was put to him and he answered, “Not much.” She went back to her mother and told her that her papa said “she could have a little.” Dr. P. H. Nichols was tried . in Cummings, Ga., a few days ago for larceny after trust and convicted. Judge Brown made his sentence as light ns possible, giving him one year in the penitentiary. John C, Nichols, of Atlanta, appeared against him. One brother appearing against another in a criminal case, and they both gray-headed, is something which very rarely occurs. “By an unfortunate typographical error,” says^a Dakota newspaper, “we were made to say last week that our distinguished townsman, Profes sor Kennedy, was about to rig up a nobby baboon on her wedding trip across the prairies. What we meant to say was a nobby balloon. Wc write this with our left hand, while lying on pur spare bed, with eye closed and the other hand painted,' and an inverted chair across our stomach for a writing table. The extent of our regret for the blunder may bo measured by the difficulties we have surmounted in penning this explanation.” A story of a most oxtrordinary case of petrification is received from St. Johns, a small town, west of To ronto. Several years ago a Mi’s. Chnppcle died and was buried. She was a copulcnt person, weighing over -00 pounds. Two years later her husband died and the body was interred beside Mrs. Chnppcle. Re cently relatives of the couple wished to remove the remains to another burial ground. When unearthed it took six men to move the coffins, and it was fouud that both bodies had turned to stone, that of the woman being perfectly petrified and weigh ing eleven hundred pounds. The popular impression that cutting the hair short tends to incrcusu its growth is doubted by the Herald of Health. It says that “women rarely become bald; yet they never cut their hair off, as do men. May not their immunity from a shining pate be partly due to the fact that they do not patronize the barber, nor wear tight headgear? If, in early life, ouryonng men would look after their scalps,even while they do not appear to need at tention, it might save them the trou ble of looking after them in sorrow at a later period, when it will do less good. If they do not, the time will come when we shall have a race of human beings without hair.” NOW HAS FAITH. I had been troubled all winter with Cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At same time 1 saw advertising Dr. liosauko's Cough and I.ung Syrup. I had but little faith but thought to try it as a last resort. Now 1 believe even more than they tell me of its curative qual itics. (From The News, Elizabeth town, Ky.) Sold by F. Joerger. Wry steam boilers explode. laUr-OMM. A boiler explodes because it is not able to withstand the pressure to which it is at the time subjected. This condition of weakness may be caused by any one of a number of causes, as follows: 1. Bad design, as when the boiler has not been prop erly strengthened by braces; or a deficient water, space prevents the proper circulation of th» water. 2. Bad workmanship, the riveting or other work of construction being done hastily or by incompetent work men. 3. Bad material, blisters in the plate, etc. 4. Excessive pres sure, caused by recklessness of the engineer, or by defective careless ness of the engineer in allowing steam guages, or inoperative safety- valve. 5. Overheating of the plates, caused lW carelessness of the engineer in allowing the water supply to get low and then pumping^mupon the too great heated plates. fWR.ccumm lation of scale, mud, or otherdeposit, which prevents the water gaining ac cess to the iron. This causes the seams to leak and the crown sheet to bulge or come down, and when this occurs the boiler is in a very dangerous condition, liable to ex plode at ohy time. There is really no mystery about boiler explosions they are always caused by one or more of the above causes. If all boilers were of good design, work mnnship and material, and were managed by none but sober, intelli gent and experienced engineers, such a thing as a boiler explosion would be almost unknown. a strange case. N. Y. Herald, The Rev. Mr. Leys, a venerable and much respected minister of the United Presbyterian Church, of Scot land, is now in Carlton jail, Edin- bugh, for refusing to obey an order of the court of session to deliver up his grandchildren to their father. Tlie father, it nj&neajs, has cqme un der tho^nfluencWf the Roman Cath olic Church, and the old gentleman objects to give up the children be cause he 1ms hitherto charged him self with their support and be cause he is unwilling that they should be brought up in the Catho lic faith. Of course the law is against him. Mr. Leys has been urged to yield by some of his best friends; but be cannot. His case is com manding much interest throughout Great Britain, and Mr. Leys lias the sympathy not only of his attached congregation but of the entire relig ious public. All efforts to have him released have so far failed. DON’T KICK. The following from an exchange abounds in sound advice, and should be perused carefully and thought fully: If you live in a town or neighbor hood be a citizen, don’t be a churl. Don't forget that your business de pends upon the business of your fel low-citizens. Don’t judge the idea that you can be perfectly independ ent. Don't forget that the success of the compiunity in which you live depends upon the success of individ unis. One bad atom taints the next one to it and so on through the whole mass. Keep this in mind. Don’t be a bad atom. When a thing which promises good for town or neighbor hood comes up, don't sit at home and read about it or go out and blow against it. Put your shoulder to the wheel with the rest. Contribute your mite, if it be only a cheerful word, but give more, if possible. If you do not intend to help, don't kick and predict a failure. Don’t be a kicker. Remember a kicker is a mule. If you . have no hopeful advice to give, don't kick and attempt to dis courage others who have. Young Adam Eorepaugh v has a horse that walks the rope twenty feet from the ground. He proposes to have the horse Blondin walk a rope over Niagara falls on September I3th, unless Mr. Bgrgh interposes and stops the performance. The rope walking horse ifjet black, four teen and a half WndB high, and weighs eight hundred pounds. He is four,years old, ajd has been train ed from coltbood. At fl rst he walked a four-inch plftnk -Tiro feet from the ground. Then he ^walked a three- inch rope at an elevation of ten feet. In public exhibition he walks a two- inch rope twenty feet high. He wears rough rubber shoes that cover the bottom of his feet.. He has not fallen from the rope in several month's.' i » —-•<— ♦ A Gentle Stimulus Is impeded, to ttae kldlbjrs sn<l blnrtibr by’sftomech B^hra, which i> most useful in orireoming torpidity of tlice <>r- gsn». IlesiSes infusing more activily into them, this excellent tonic endows them with additional rigor, and enables them the belter to undergo the wear snddesr of the diecliarg- ing function imposed upon them hr nature. Moreover, as they are the channel for the escape of certain Imparities from the blood, Increases their usefulness by strcnglhcning and beslthfbUy stimulating them. Ill errtain morbid conditions oftheseimportant organs, they fall into nwluggisb state, which is the uinsl purcuraor or disease. What then can be greater service than n medicine which impels them to greeter activity when sloth ful? No maladies are more perilous than thou which affect the kidneys, and a medicine which averts the perH should be bigblr esteemed. * besttohIc. s This medicine, combining Iron with pure * ‘ ultfkly t-* ndlacKti Impure Blood* aMal«rln»C’lillUaiid Fever** >il Nr Cure* Dvupcpftln* indlfccnflon, Wenicnr*** Vraraiiiss It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney* and Liver, It is invaluable fo»; Dbcnve* peculiar to Women^and all uitt|||<l ^denary llyc*. Itfloe# nM Jhjure tnclHrh. cim*ellvadnche.or produce «1i*tlpatfon—■dW'r Iron *rr/«w» do. It enriches and purities the Mood. Ptlmu-lnti* the appetite.* ids the nsMuiilMtion of food. re lieves Heartburn end Belching. and strength en* the muscles mid nerves. For Intermittent Fever*. Latitude. Inck of Energy, Ac., it bn* no equal. li/r The gennim ■ -ther Jill. OUNGNIAN’S TOBACCO 1 REMEDIES . iECLINGHAN TOBACCO OINTMENT T.IK MOST KFl . lilN <>n tho market I , I t elling IV )-r>mpt relief. , _____ i full* Tetter. Filt Minim Berber’s Itch, Ring- iin*. Pimple*. S*»r«*s and Boils. Price oOcte# 'KE SLiNBMAN TOBACCO CAKE OWN Hi:.l|i:ilY* Corn* All •I I I Out*. Rrmea, 8nrai**, Erysipelas, Boils, • I— ii. w!•» b'elonn. Ulcere, bores. Bore Kyee, * H’it.b.n-c.,rnr NeemltU.Rhearaatfi'm. ",BESS'S • a • In txet sUsy-t *U local Irritation anl »•oawbatever cause. Price ^6eta. c. •NMAN TOBACCO PLASTER . ifVi-ffriUite in tire moat wlcmlfie . **I if.e PMC !>T KKIMTIVK ' rrmiNRirtied with the pur***t * ' «inlly recommended for 1 •! .-Irt’ast. and for that class *tm> maladies. Aches and ... {WSS& Weed I* <Hk» 1 •••lit J* unable to Isriir!).- stronger application • i t ••• Tobacco Cake. Pur Headache or other Aches muI Faina, it fa* invaluable. I*rk*e 15 et*. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM. H. C.. U. S. A. • The *aii> of Movie has in from 4.imi to Kittle* wale in every Male m the i Frequently accidents occur iu the household which cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises. For use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Vol canic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. w-3m-jyl0 CITATION. CiKOIUilA—tiLY*x county. To all whom it tnay concern: Julia 8. I bright having in pro|»or form Applied to the Ordi nary of i*aid countv for |»cnnanciit letters of ad minKiration on the estate of Joseph K. l-atn bright, late of said county, deceased, which ap plication was appealed to tJ»o gtfperinr Court lie- cause of disqualification of ordinary to pass niton syi.l application bv ration of relationship ‘ the applicant, I will pass iiimui Mid applica nt on the first Monday in September. IW». .iiven uiiiler lay hand and olUcinl signature thi* :»th day of July. 18wi. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Bv virtue of an order from tlie Court of or dinary of Bibb county, I will sell at the Court house* in Macon during the legal hours of sale, nu the first Ti»es*lay in Soptemlier next, the real estate lying in the city of Brunswick, Glynn couutv, tieorgi*: Lot* 74.7S and70, as appearsnif the map of the lands of Chits. Day. and the es tate of Mrs. Annie K. Bloom, made by AllM’rt Avrrs January, js7o—said Umn* containing twenty acres, more or le»s. Kohl ns the projvrt of Florence B. N.-U t, dece;toed, for tla lie ' of the heir* of -aid estate. Terms cash. ItoBt.H l A. Ni>BET. Adiuinistrati Extraordinary Announcement! A. KAISER &BB0. Otter for the next Three Weeks the •rreatest inducements to everybody to buy SUMMER GOODS ! The Greatest Bargains ever offered ! Come and Look! Our Mr. A. Kaiser being now in New York to buy our Fall and Win ter Stock, we must close out our sum mer goods before arrival of our new goods.' Goods Heady Given if ay! The best chance ever offered to get Real and Honest Bargains ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Stationery and iBook .Sellers- I* ^•FAJNTCY GrOOD &<+ IN EVERY V RIETY, Glass, China &. Crockery Ware, HOUSEHOLD REQUk .’ITS. OPTICAL GOODS, Music& Musical Instruments, Artists’ Material, GAMES FOR FIELD AND HOME. 1TET77G DEPOT. ORDER DEPARTMENT A SPECIALTY. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON INSTALMENT SYSTEM. MOOEE & McCRARY, HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. EnTS, Etc. WE MAKE'SPECIALTIES OF Fine Flour. Butter, Coffee. Tea AND CANNED GOODS. tSrWE GUARANTEE PRICES AS LOW AS FIRST-CLASS GOODS CAN BE SOLD FOR IN THIS CITY Mcore 2v£cCra,r37-_