Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, September 04, 1886, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. CITY vH'Ndl, PBOCKEDIglig. REGULAR MEETING. Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 1,188C. Present—His Honor, J. J. Spears, Mayor, and members of Council Har vey, Ullman, Putnam, Cook and Burbage. Absent—Nightengale, Ti- son and Pcnniman. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and confirmed. Appeal cases of Isaac Meyers and L. B. Davis were continued till the next regular meeting. Appeal cases of Robert Hirsch and R. S. Grier were taken up and the lines remitted, with notice that the ordinance prohibiting the rolling of trucks, wheelbarrows, etc., on side walks will be enforced. The appeal case of Sam Wilson was continued till next regular meeting. Communication of A. A. Gaddis, in reference to widening of F street from Bay to Newcastle, was adopted, and referred to committee on streets, drains and bridges to procure titles. Communication received from W. E. Burbage, President, proposing to donate the land for the widening of F street through the land of the ho tel company if Conncil would make the exemption of taxes two years •longer, being seven instead of five, which was adopted. Communication received from Light and Water Co. Conncil dc- sided to take fifty hydrants. The artesian well committee, in connec tion with the Mayor, were instructed to locate same. By Alderman Ullman: Rewived, That the committee on streets, drains and bridges be authorized to open negotiations with the owners of lots between Gloucester and F streets for the purpose of obtaining from them twenty-five feet of their Bay street front for the purpose of widen ing Bay street. The resolution was adopted. The report of the sinking fund commission was received and or dered published. The charity committee was author ized to build an additional pest | house. The Harbor Master and Clerk and Treasurer submitted their reports for the month of August, which were received and ordered published. The Marshal submitted his report for the month of August, which was received and ordered filed. Accounts approved by the finance committee were ordered paid. The third fountain was ordered to be placed in the park near the Bap tist church. Council then adjourned. J. J. SrEAits, Mayor. Attest: J. F. Nelson, Clerk. Bark Alter > 105 Brig Carrie K Pickering n Schooner Jennie Roselin 342 Barkcnthic Vidette 510 Schooner Agnes J Grace 358 Schooner Charmer 375 Schooner John H Cross 384 Schooner Stephen G Hurt 245 SchoonerGeo II Ames 431 Schooner Fnnnie L Chillis 401 Schooner Anna ^ 405 Schooner Minnie A Bonsall 435 Bark Augustine , 408 Schooner Nancy Smith Schooner Cathie C Berry Schooner G W Ism* lmer Schooner II A J Bieiulerman Schooner Moses Braniliall 220 Total vessels, 38; total tonnage, 10,072. Respectfully submitted. Chas. E. Flanders, Harbor Mnster. A BOY’S BEST FRIEND IS HIS MOTHER. BY ONE OF THE BOYS. I have been thinking of late that the time has passed away when I have a friend in whom I can confide as I did in my dear mother. How un conscious I was of her worth when I played around her feet and knelt at her knees. How I missed her sweet face when she died and I couldn’t see it again! How well I love and appre ciate her now, and how gladly I would do anything on earth for her now that she is gone and cannot hear my words or see or know my love. Oh, boys, cherish her while she is here, there is no friend like her in this world! When everyone else has deserted you, when you cannot trust' friend or relative, even sister or brother, when you are poor, sick, wretched, out of money and in any sort of trouble everybody else may fail, but you may look for your mother, if she is alive, she will stand by you to the end. Some trouble may come to you when all mankind will sebrn you, but mother will love you in spite of all. Think of what I say, boys, before it is too late, When she 5 is laid in the grave out of your sight and 'the dewy grass springs up, every glittering drop, and every flower, every sigh of the wind will remind you of her sweetness, of her gentlcnoss, of her goodness to you and you will always regret it if you do not try to make her happy. Never mind what anybody does, the best friend you ever will have is your mother. Happiness depends very much on the condition of the liver and kid neys. The ills of life make but lit tle impression’on those whose diges tion is good! 1 You can regulate your liver and kidneys with Dr. J. H. Mc Lean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. $1 per bottle., w-Sm-jylO Sumer Ms MARKED DOWN! hitelliKcnce. | W „„ Sold WoM M ARRIVALS. Sept J—Am h M D Bramball. Charleston Sep; X—Am to Isaac N Kcriln, N Y Sept a—Am acnlnne Bright, Boat on CLEARED. Aug 28—Am brig's E Pickering. Boston “ 28— •« so Minnie Bonsall, Darien “ 30— ** te Tom Wllliami, Newportnowe, Va Sept 1—Am Bg Nannio Bell, Boston Sept 2— .* to ft Lochner, Nernatalma Sept 2— “ so Steven G Hart. Providence Sept 2—Nor bb Uranus, Bio Tyne, Eng ESSENCE OF BUSINESS LAW. Report of Sinking Fund ('oimiiIhnIoii. Brunswick, August 21, 1S8I!. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Rrunswict: The Board of Sinking Fund Com missioners for 188(i beg leave to re port that, after the legal advertise ment in your daily paper, we met on the lilth of March at the First Na tional Bank of Brunswick, at 12 in. Bids were received and opened, to- wit: .1. M. Dexter offered $500 at 105. J. N. Johnson, $1,200 at par and interest. John Henman, $750 at par. Your chairman was authorized to make settlement with Mr. Henman for the following bonds: No. 2 . $'ski Respectfully submitted, W. 11. lluitiioUGiis, C'h’m’n, C. F. Way. Ilsrtior Snitrr'i Uc|Mirt. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of tin 1 . City of Brumwiek: I most rc- s(icctftiUy submit my report of arrival of vessels for the month of July, 1880: Vessel. Tonnage*. l.iirkontiuc Teixeira 4&I Hark Alexandra T.*7 .**ehooncr C'lia» A Coulomb 421 Hark I’raiiUA 4!W Hark Leonore -44« >.»h«>oner Tom William* 34* Bark Sabrina 317 schooner Win K Drurv .. 350 Hark Nannie T Hell 432 Hark IajdI Mat-Duff 503 i The payee should be distinctly named in a note, unless it is payable to bearer, A bill may be written upon any paper or substitute for it, cither with ink or pencil. A note obtained by fraud oi from a person in a state of intoxica tion cannot be collected. Notice off protest may be sent either to the place of business or of residence of the party notified. An endorsee bus a right of action against all whose names were on file bill when lie received it. The time of payment of a note must not depend upon a contingency. The promise must lie absolute. If the drawer of a check or draft has changed his residence, the hol der must use all reasonable intelli gence to find him A note made by a minor is void; a contract made by a minor is void; a contract made with a lunatic is void. An agreement without considera tion is void; a note made on Sunday is void; contracts made, on Sunday cannot be enforced. A note endorsed in bank—the name of the endorser written—is transferable by delivery, the same as if made payable to bearer. (TIIK P«»ll PIMjIvN. Biles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose lie lias some affection of the kidneys or neighbor ing organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspiratiifn, produ cing a very disagreeable itching, af ter getting warm, is a common at tendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itch ing Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosauko’s Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, al laying the intense itching, anti affec ting a permanent cure. Price, 50 cents. Address The I)r. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by I)r.F. Joerger, Brunswick, Ga. Myl-ly BRUNSWICK MARKET OmcE os Advertiser asd Atteal, Hri-.nsr’ickJUa., Sept 4, 188(1. COTTON. Good Middling.'. Middling 9 Lon- Middling 8fs Good Ordinary,. v.-.: none Ordinary.. v • none Fair .. 4»i®4; Good .7. .5 @5] Prime SLggS-j Rough country, BO® t >aVAI, STORES. Receipts ol naval stores lor the week ending Sept 3—spirits 'turpentine, 351 casks; rosin 854 barrels. m Rosins—A, Mid II 90c, C 95c, D, tl 00c; K *1 05 F, 1110; G, $112! j; II, $126; I, fl 40; k, tl 85 M $2 40 N, $2 75: window: glass. 3 00. Spirits Turpentine 83k. SUPPLIES. Ilacov-Smoked elenr rib sides, 8c; shoulder, c dry suited clcnrrili sides, long clear, 7kc(hams, 13c. Flour—Siiiieafliic, |3 2501.3 50; extra, f9 500r.:l 70 fnnrv, 4. 7.V11.5 00; choice patent, ?5 508(0 00: family 44 2.ya4 5o. Grain—Whito com, l«c: mixed com, tile; oats, 48c; meal, 711; bran, 4 96® 1 00; grist, 72J.;c; Huy—Weston: 41 (10; carload, tots, 41 00 S tern, nolle; Northern, none. ides, woOUftc.—Dry flint, 13c; salted, lie; butcher;*. ; Wool—aritne. 20c. Wax—18c. r skins—9ipt, 10c; salted, 12c., Otter skins, 25c® 4 00. %g- Lnrd—Itt tlwwsand tubs, 7Vq-in50.Hi. tins, t IT LEADS! Others Follow! THE LIGHT-RUNNING fcfi copyixg rr ix form axd style as nearly a* jx^sible tacitly acknowledges StaiJaiMM* Id NO. 4 FAMILY, ttSr " lint dealers limy say of other ma chine’*, K’O the ••DOMESTIC” Indore puirhasing; examine its simple, yet splendid iiieeiinnism, ob serve its wonderfully pimple set of attachments, and notice the wide range of work, from the sim plest ami most practical kind executed, to the iln- est embroidery, ns no other machine can do it. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Ad dress Domestic Sewing Hint Co., RICHMOND, VA. MV SPLENDID 8T()CK OF Clothing, Hats Gents’ Furnishing Goods Aro offered at reduced prices to cloae out for the fall end winter bu»ldeea. SHOES, SHOES My shoe, stock la worthy the Inspection of anyone. Only first-class goods nandlid, and satisfaction 4 always guaranteed. CLOTHING & SHIRTS made to order a specialty. JAS. S. WRIGHT (Successor to J. 3. Wright k Co.,) At the old stand, comer Newcastle and Monk Sts, jeifl-ly-aw lew ilium'! I beg to inform the Ladies of Brunswick and vi entity that I am opening In the Kaiser Block a new ami well selected stock of FANCY k MU WV GOODS, LADIES’ AXD MISSES* MATERIALS FOR EMBROIOERY WORK Such as Filloselle. Arrusonos, Chenille, Tins Kensington Crewel and Braid, Shaded and Ki broidery Silk. Felting und Sateens in different shades. Bangles, Tassels, etc. Darning Crewel and Chenille, Needles, and nrnny other articles for fancy work, too numerous to mention Stamping and Embroidery DOXE AT SHOUT NOTICE. To nil of my stock I respectfully call the atten tion ef the ladles, and I guarantee that the * trices I have adopted, In compnrilon with -wr ere to fury paid, will astonish all who need any thing in my line. Mrs. I. COHEN, J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AGENT. FIRE, T0RNA00, LIFE, MARINE AND ACCIDENT INS CHANCE, Represents Corapsim-s with assets of over $85,000,000.00, Including! thef popular aud,celeb rated SOUTHERN .MUTUAL INS. CO., Of Athens, Ga. *• Prompt settlement of losses. Office in Raise block, up stairs. fsb!0-1v “TORS’ MSDR1MR CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Life & Accident Insurance. J. 31. DEXTER, Ins. Agent, Represents the shove Co. st Brunswick, Gs. Assets, $8,417,038 Life and accident policies written on short notice Passenger insurance tickets sold. No medical ex amination required Declfl ly II RUNS WIC & WESTERN 3R. ty ty route. 50 MILES SHORTER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE BETWEEN WAYCROSS & ALBANY. On awl niter Friday, May 7th, 1888, passenger trains will run as follows: rOR THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Moil. Express. Brunswick lv 130pm 0.90pm l’yles’ Marsh lv l:Mprm 9:25pm. Jamaica lv 2:22pm 10:00pm Waynesville lv saw pm 10:40pm Hoboken lv 8:55pm U:46pm Scblatterville lv 4:12pm 122Xhight Waycross ar 4:38pm 12:30am. Savannah.viaS,FftW—ar 7:58pm 8:15am Jacksonville,vlaS, 730pm 8215am Jacksonville, viaS,Fft 22»pm 9:30pm Savannah,'viaS, FA W. lv 7:01 a n Waycross lv 530 pt Waycross' lv 5310 pm 12:45 am Pearson... lv 0:18pm 2210am Alappuha i lv T:17pm 1:58am Ty Ty - lv 8:41 pm Sumner lv 8:58pm Willingham lv 0:28 pm Davis lv 9:44 pm Albany ariosoopm 5:30an. Macon, via C It It ar 9:40 am Atlanta,viaGRR ar 135pm Marietta, via W * A ar 139pm. Chattanooga, via WJt A.. .ar 737pm Cincinnati; via ClnXo ar 8:»am FROM THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Mail. Express. Cincinnati, via Cin. So lv 8.47 pm Chattanooga, via W * A—lv 8:56 a m Marietta,via W ft A lv 138pm Atlanta, via CUR lv 2:45 pm Macon, via C R It lv 7:10 pm Albany..' lv 530am Il:10pm Davis ? lv 5:55am - Willingham lv 8:10 am Sumner lv 038am TyTy lv 0:53 am Alnpitim lv 8:18am l:45ain I’narson lv 9:14am 232am Wnycro»8 nr 1039am 438am Savannah, via S F A W—ar 738 p m .Jacksonville, via S F A W ar 730 pm 823 am. Jacksonville, via S F * W. .lv 735 n lit 930 pm. Savannah, vlaSF* T3lam 8:45pm Waycross lv 10:40 am 4:10»m Scblatterville lv 11215am 435am Hoboken lv 1130am 4:52am Waynesville lv 12:18pm 5:65am Jamaica * lv 1235pm OnWam Pyles’March* iv 1.16am 7238am Brunswick ar USOtiui 730am Leaves Brunswick 6:16 a m Arrives Waycross 10:10 am RETl'KNINU: Leaves Woycross 8:20 p m Arrives Brunswick 8:00pm l’urchuso tickets at the station, and savo extra faro collected upon tho train. The mall train stops at all B ft W stations. Connections uiado nt Waycross to and front an points on Savannah, Florida & Western Hallway. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Mann llondoir cars wish: Jacksonville and Cincinnati through trains J. A. MCDUFFIE, G. P. A. F. W. ANGIER, As G. P. A. ‘ - YDDIS. V.P. A. A. GAf . ft G. 51. The Mountains OF NORTH GEORGIA.» BURNSIDE 1 HOUSE; DAHLONEGA, GA. 1 am propnml to accommodate anyone desir ing a mountain homo during tho summer months. I offer good fare, pure cold water, and delightful mountain air, at very reasonable terms. D anion - ega, lining the centre of the gold mining opera tion* of Georgia, presents a peculiarly interesting and instructive resort. There aro abont a dozen S old mine* within cany walking distance from fie hotel. Mv guests will bo supplied with an abundance or fruit. Write for terms. Hpccial rates to families. el0-2m JOSEril ALLEN. Trop’r. L. J. LEAVY&CO , Aorb'i.t and Commission Merchants, olI. General CollectinrfAgents. Spec. Mention given to the collection of rent# Buiineiv and consignments solicited, and speedy returns guaranteed. Office under Advxbttseb and Appeal offico, Brunswick, Gs. Refers by permit- slop to 4. M. Madden, broker, Cook Bros. JkCo.. manufacturers of luirber, an* g, J, Colscn, Mayor if #he titr of Brunsi^A. • m!4-lv Latest anil Best Thim Oat! Aerated Light Bread! Fresh from the steam bakery of Acosta ft Eln- cvery day, and for sale only by EUSTACE O. FUTCH, Newcastle street. -TRY A LOAF. O'Co.NNon, Jr. W. F. SYMONR BE-OPENED in 11ft NEW HILMN6, NEWCASTLE STREET. WIIKItE WILL HE FOUND aN ASSOKTMKNT OF ALL ARTICLES U8UALLY FOUND IN FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORK. SUCH AS Pure Drugs, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMERY ^TOILET ARTICLES. D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. OASe* up •♦«!?» in Wright’s new building. |e23 ICE, ICE! DAILY DELIVERY! We will deliver ICK in lots of live )M>iuid* and more even- day to ail regular customers, Send in vour order* at once. mill HAYWOOD.«AGE It CO. A D. GALE & SON, LOCAL DENTISTS, BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA Parties having wore in the ilrntal line will find t<> their interest to call. Office in new Kaiser block over rfrutFa tor* of T.iovd k Af’aius. T. O’C'ounor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS. FIRE! MARINE! ACCIDENT! f lllKPUESEKT THE STAONCHE8T COMPANIES. (' TIIK WOULD. octlO-ly PERSONAL. WILLIAM K. SMITH, lately movml to this B-ctlmi from Iowa, may Und it to his interest to send hi.address In I’.O. Box 72, CITATION. PHOTOGRAPHIC A share of pul>lie patronage sulicitetl. HAVING OPENED ROOMS IN THE MIUIIELSON Ou Glouceater street. I BUILDING, |>repsrcd to do all kind. GKORGIA—Gi.vnn County. To all whom it may concern: W’illiaui E. Blicl- verton, administrator of Jane uhulvcrton, dc- cen-c<l, has in due form n|iplicil lotlic undersigned for leave to sell the |iro|ierty, real and personal. iH-luiiKiug to the estate ol said deceased, and said aunlli-ation will Is: hearl on the Unit Monday in Gclols-r next. This auth day ol August, 1888. KDGalt U. 1'. I1AUT. Ordinary. C. DOWNING, Jr., & CO., \nuccv«»ur» to Downing. Bnek A Co..) F O T O Re S’ AND ConuuisMiou Alcrcliants, W HOLESALE DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, G RAIN, HAY, IT UAUltKLS. UATTlSa, OLC Iltos. rfUIENTISE TOOLS, 1