Brunswick weekly advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1889-18??, October 11, 1889, Image 2

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A SINGULA. 1 ' • i»ln with Ovrr Thirty TliiMiwtfcil If:i|i Neither Shop. Art'laitii Lyimr between Assam and f'.imnah is the n*nioU* little hill state of Maui pur. lately visited by Indian olUccrs. one of whom, writing on the forests of tlx;state in Indian Forests, gives an ex traordinary account of Imphail, the capital. It is situated in whaf appears n uense forest. “Neither spires nor ehimficys cut the blue sky, nor is smoke observed to ascend from the sylvan scene of the capital. Nothing, in fact, bespeaks of the busy homo of 30,000 to 40,000 jteoplc, and ^et hidden away among theso trees is the palace of the rajah, und hard by are the houses of his fa vorites, each family having a large inclosure around the homestead. Im phail may thus be described as a city of villages, or rather suburban resi deuces, around the palace. Straight, wide roads, lined with trees, frequently intersecting each other at right angles, fttford the means of communication, but neither shop, artisan nor wheeled conveyance exists in the city ; indus try and skill occur only in the distant rural homes.” Tho peoplo of the capital nro the f iromoted favorites of the ruler, who lavo had assigned to them plots of ground near tno jialaco, and liyo by pressing upon tho persecuted agricul turists of tno state. Tho capital of Manipur is a royal residence dedicated to luxury and amusement. Tho streets are crowded witli smiling healthy faces, o. which few bear the marks of toil 01 labor. Thero are no schools in tho si ite, and court favor und promotion are secured by success in polo. Coinage is un known, and the men are not allowed to trade; imports and exports, except in certain articles that yield a royal revenue, are practicalIv prohibited. Tho women from the distant vil luges repair on a cor Lain day to the cap itul or to otlicr recognized centers. Each carries on her heiul a neatly mado smiaro basket, in -which has been placed tho surplus stock of the home stead, tho labors of her industrial skill or of her husband's agricultural knowledge. On reaching the market placo tho contents of theso boskets aro exposed and bartered, when each re turns again toiler family, carrying off the proceeds. On nmrket days the long, straight road from Rishcnpur to Imphail is crowded by groups of women hurry ing to und fro. Rich wours an ele gantly striped dress in bright colors made of silk and cotton. Tho stripes run nlongtho length, und top and bot tom aro neatly cinbroidcd. A long pipe© of cloth is clovcrly carried across tho breast and just under tho urmpits, in stead of round tho waist, and is firmly tucked up, so that tho top embroider ed edgo rails forwaixl, adding an ad ditional fold to tho garment, while tho bottom edgo reaches a littlo below tho knees. Tno legs and arms arc left ex* l>osed. Tho women ure tho only trad ers in tho whole state.— London Times. l*ut In the Law. {There is one other thing that ought co bo mado a penal offenso, with n minimum flno of nt least $$00, with imprisonment of not Ions than six months. It is that of doubting the statements of a man who has been n-fishing. Fish havo been caught ever sinco hooks were invented. The fish wero mado to bo caught. They rather expect it It is no trick at all to catch llsli. And yet as Jones re turns from his vocation ho Is stopped and asked: “Been away?” "Yes." “Up north?" “Yes.” “Went fishing, I suppose?" “Of course.” “Catch anything?” “Certainly." “Xl’ml Caught some four pounders, I presumo?" “Yes; I caught one which weighed seven pounds, “ITml Good-by!" Jones not only caught one weigh ing seven pounds, but n number which weighed five and six pounds apiece, but ho dared not speak of it. Even with wlmt ho did say ho felt that tho other man believed him to h a liar. As ho walked oil he felt In littlcd und degraded, and he made up his mind to tell a lx>ld lie on the next occasion and declare that lie did not even soo a fish while ho Was gone. Something should be done in this mat ter, and it cannot bo done too soon. A man should bo protected in telling the truth as well as in life and limb.— Detroit Free Press. ilniiODiicenieiii Extraordinary A. KAISER & BRO. H AVE die pleasure to announce to their worthy patrons, and the public in general, that they have already re ceived tin; finest and most magnificent selection of Fine Dress‘Goods Po^: tli.e Coz^Lingr Season. We have nothing but what is the very latest that has been brought to this country. We buy direct from importers, and in a good many instances give our own importation orders. We arc tlius enabled to sell cheaper than anybody, since We Buy Direct, And do not need to pay two or three profits, which others are obliged to pay to be able to handle the same class of fine goods. Ladies, it will do your Eyes good to Iook at our DF tin* patterns are liner, the qualities richer,’and the ensem hie much prettier than has ever been your pleasure to behold be fore in Brnswiek. We are considered by all in town as the Lr ion liavenutnt and eow Trices, and our aim is to- retain our rLoWef Stylesd no aee'exhibit the loveliest and most exten sive lino o( >- * like utwl Unlike. “Thero are three things,” said an old philosopher, “which a woman should 1)0 like and at the sumo time totally unlike. “In the first {dace sin* should be like a snail, because the snail is always to be found in his house. And she shouldn’t resemble this singular crea ture, because he put# cv« r\ I Ling that be lias in the world upon his . “Again, she should U» like an echo, because the echo speaks only when it is spoken. to. and unlike it, lweauso tho echo is always bound to have the last word. “Once more, a woman should 1m* like’the town clock, in that she should keep regular hours, and be exact m all things. And, unlike the town clock, she should not let her tongue lx) heard throughout tho town.”— Youth’s Companion. Tl»« CUm In Spelling. Tho lirst class in “sjxdlin’ ” was a fair Kuuple of similar classes of the old ungraded school, comprising al>out forty, nearly all sturdy young men and blooming damsels, old enough to vote in town meeting. Occasionally a bright boy or girl would be pro moted to the lirst class for superior ability to handle the long, hard w ords. Here s tho way the children of that period were taught tosj>ell and pro nounce : “Incomprehensil ility.” “I-n in, c-o-mcom. iacom, p-r-e ]>re, incompie, h-e-n hen, incomprehcn, s i si, lucomprehensi, b i-1 bil, ineompre- hensibii, i, incomnrchcnsibili, t-y tv, incomprehensibility.—Le w iaton Jou r- nal. IDzess Sillcs In black and colored (all the newest shades) nt prices which are cheaper tlmn ever before. We have also a wonderful line of Table Damask, Napkins and Doylies to Match, and Towels. We know we are not saying to much when we assert that you will not he able to find a richer or larger or more varied se lection in these lines anywhere this side of Baltimore. gST* Our Dress Trimmings are Simply Mugnillcent. HOLD WEATHER Is upor. us, and you will need good and warm UNDER WEAR. Our'department in this lino is filled up to its utmost capacity with the choicest goods in the market, from the cheap cst to the finest, and we guarantee to undersell any and every body from 10 to 20 per cent. We have also just opened and exhibited on our counters, ready for sale, the Fiijest Selection of Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. We make a specialto in TROUSERS, and are prepared to clothe everybody in town. Wo have thousands of suits or trou sers to select from, and the most fastidious will experience but little trouble in getting pleased. A COLOSSAL LINE OF For Old, Young, Iticli or Poor. Immense selection, cheapest cripes, and last but not least, very latest styles. Come early, and get your choice from full stock. A big percentage is saved by you,*, on every dollar you spend in our stores. $500.00 Reward With evidence to peovc that any remedy .n this wide world equal* Johnson’* Chill and revel Tonic In the treatim-nt of chill and fever and al malarial trouble!. Price 50 cents. Money re funded if not satisfied. For Bale by .George D Bodgtflt WAY DOWN UPON THE S’WAN NEE KIVER. From Branford, Fla., situated upon the roman tic Suwannee river, Messrs. itotthc A Thoms* write under date of August Ml. lftW): “Please for ward us another gross of Johnson's Chill an< Fever Tonic. Have sold out every bott lo of last gross upon your strict guarantee, and noton i>ott(e returned. Fernandlna. Fla., Aug. 20th. A. B. Girardeau: Please send ub one gross of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic, it is the best seller wo have for malarial fevers. tioui in can conscientious] and Fever Tonic remedies for chill and« . I am acarefill observ doming proprietary medicines. intkm&Ty endorse your Johnson’s but 1 Chill of th<L best eomhlnatii __il feverl have ever so i. It corrects the vitiated secretions of the relives costiveness, and promotes the ab all the indications claimed for it. id assinMilation of food, thus fulfilling 9rlt. Yours truly, ’. Edwards. M. D. The claim made for this medicine is a modest one. We maintain that it Is one hundred times better than quinine, and 100 years in advance of the profession in the treatment of all fevers, from the most malignant types of billions hemorrhagic fever to the sunidiest form of chill and fever. For sale by nil druggists. A II. Girardeau, Sole Proprietor. J. E. YOUNG, PINE AND CYPRESS DUMBER. LATHS. FLOORING, SHIN GLES, CEILING. MOULDING, CASING, fire. Correct Measnremeflt Gnaraiteed. Lumber not in stock w ill be furnished on short notice and at reasonable prices. ^Telephone No. 11; I’o**t Ofilco Box No. 15. LUMBERYARD U.IM1 Bl, Near McDonough's Lumbsh Yard, 'K KEEP constantly on hand all kinds of Lumber, for building 'purposes, such ns PINE SHINGLES, WE AT' 1 ERBOARDING, CEILING, ETC. Also VIDE BOARDS FOR COUNTER TOPS, BOAT SIDES,I ETC., ETC. Anything not instock can bo delivered prompt ly by leaving orders with our agent, Mr.Whltch- ard, who will take pleasure In showing whnt wc have on yard for sale. B. B. GRAY & BRO. Malory S.S. tint —between MW KIRK & BRIM. STEAMERS SAN ANTONIO, WILDER, STATE OF TEXAS, WILLIAMS. O N and after Sept. 28th, 1888, above steamers will leave Nc— Friday at 8 p. m., arriving ii one |of the ...... York every «... — „ ... Brunswick follow ing H inday. Returning, leave Brunswick every Thuri lav afternoon. Close connections E T., V. AG. bills lading sigi Macon and all r .. Insurance between New- York one-fifth of one per cent. Freight and passage as low as by any other line. 'For freight, passage and general informa tion apply to THUS. FULLER, Agent, Brunswick, Ga. t Brunswick with II. 4 W. id A. P.& L.railroads. Through __ed to Atlanta, Albany, Americas l” interior points. *■’ v -'—id Brunswick, NEWnQi • T! IIS ScarG i ..lock. IIELK MY hT< Dry Goods and Notions WILL BE Fd'VH Marked down TO Ill.l) ROCK. X5. *3r*. x>rj3NriNr. stows Fat ArmoiirBeef. BAUMGARTNER BROS., BUTCIIERN AND UUKRN MtOCKHS, M AKE a specialty of Delicious Fat Beef re celved daily from Armour's Stock Yanis ii Chicago '' 'cliciously Fat and Tender, ant is sol . <• Per Cent cheaper than name »‘T elsewhere. Try a. Bieoe \nd you will have no other. Reel', Poik, Sausag e, Etc. ALWAYS ON HAND. A. KAISER & BRO. SEA ISLAND ROUTE. BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH A XU WAY LANDINGS. j ■*«-.} Steamer St. Nicholas On and after Monday I)eccmlRT|10th vpll leave savannah for Brunswick every Monday and Thursday at 4 p. ni Connections mads with B. h W. sad E.T., k G. K*llro*d*. sad steamer “Cracker Boy* for Hatilla Lending*, fhe f -st. Nichols*“ touche* at all way point* between Brunswick and Hsvannsh. - rates of freights and passage, apply to C. S. STEPHENS. Agent Prepared for Winter. Yes, I have just received my stock of FALLCLOTHING JStiOJUJS, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS.» i able to suit a y one In my line c values t* making ft CITS Tv> ORDER. J. B. WRIGHT, C LOTI1II, A5I> rrRMilini VIA Brunswick, Jesuit, Macon, Atlanta, Rome,Chattanooga. ONI.y f,INK DOUBLE DAIL Y SLEEPING CAll —— BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND CINCINNATI. SOLID TRAINS BETWEEN Jacksonville aid Chattanooga. -—closely connecting with— DOUBLE DAILYTIl.Vf V4 WITH Pullman Sleeping Cars TO AND FROM MEMPHIS, NASHVILLE, KANSAS CITY, -rues west, Knoxville, Washington, New York & the Esta THE— Itrunsul. k and Atlanta llruiisuIrk andt'listts. Ilrunvnick und Hacon. For r , Tin the Agt d Georgia Unihvav. B. W. WUKSN, ( HAS. x. KIGIIT, Gen. Pass. »t Tkt. Agt, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt KNOXVILLE ATLANTA. J. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent lirun»wick,Oa FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, STOVES OF ALL SIZES, BEDDIUG- NICE AND FINE. Easy Payments BY THE WEEK. Liberal Discount FCIi THE CASH, L MERIWETHER. Monk Street, Brunswick, Gc. THE HIGH ARM LA TE STYLE Singer I REMINGTON Standard Typewriters Machine-* bought, sold and exchanged. MANLY .V ROWE Healetv, Brunswick, ( J.C. VALENTINO, kiittttui Mill Ub. Plans anil Speclilcationx Fur- lii.shcd oil Short Notice. OFFICE: 609 Newcastle st, - Brunswick, Ga. ii E are still upholding our old and well warn- »v ed reputation by offering to tin* public the best and most d-iralde ft EWING MACHINE made, Late Style High Arm Vibrating Shuttle SINGER MACHINE Full Supply of Needles And ALL ATTACHMENTS G- F- GAY. Agt. Singer Mir , o , 110 Newcastle street Grand Opening. Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Children’s Worsted Goods. Elegant Corsets Zephyr and Saxony Yarn, Embroidery Sillr CIIENEKLL, Demorest Reliable Patterns For,Ladies’ and Children's Dresses. Great Bargains in ladles' and children's Ho siery half the usual prices. The ladies are ro spectfully invited to come and see for themselves. E. EARLE, « \ Ncwcast e Street, - Brunswick, Qa PUTNAM. Livery Stable l Corner Monk and Og>ethor|>c»tr«»e.» The Finest Turn-Outs .\r A.NDTUK IlE.srsKimo K. Her »n.| «ntHr».'t,on A. T PUTNAM. WJJWl&Co, DEALER.*' IN .S AbliL^b- k rf A IN Eiv!> OF EVERY DKSi'UimoN. :f i' I’rlil-lll A Nil Leather Qeltin-, Rubber Parking ami Hose, Sole l.estlitr. Calf Skins and Shoe Upper*, . Trunks mill Traveling Bags We cal! e*|N*cial attention to our Heavy Team Harness for the mill and turpentine trade, which we manufacture ourvclves from lH>t selected leather. Cornu and sec us w hen in the city, or send in your orders when In need of anythihg in oar line. • ' I Alpine Safe Co., CIXCI.WITTI, OHIO. FIRE PROOF SAFES With Non-Pickable Combination Locks O. jA.. Baker- Agt.. BRt'XftWICK, GEORGIA.