Brunswick weekly advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1889-18??, October 11, 1889, Image 4

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X y ■ &pyp^s|j| BURNED! THE DAVID CLARK BURNED TO THE WATER'S EDGE THE "OLD RELIABLE" A TOTAL LOSS! The Crew Escape with their Lives but the Steamer is Fortunately Empty, and Waiting for a Cargo. ftpcriul to the ADVKKTWEIU Feiinamuina, Fla., Oct. 7.—About it o’clock tlii» morning tiro broke out in one of the state rooms of the ateauier David Clark of the Savan nah Inland line of steamers, and burnt her down to the lower deck, leaving only the paddle wheels nud forward deck above water. Ibe steamer is almost a total loss, as a strong northwest wind was blowing and tlic lire spread with great rapid ity and the Harness soon enveloped the whole steamer. Several of the of the crew barely escaped with their Jives, the llames spreading so rapid ly- The steamer had just returned from Brunswick a couple of hours before where she had discharged her cargo of jot ton and was lying at the Centre street wharf, and was waiting for the Mallory steamer to vacate her dock so she (the David Clark) . could get in nnd take on a cargo of cotton for Brunswick. The steam tug Wade Hampton was lying dose by with steam up, preparatory to taking a vessel out to sea, and the crew were t^ic lirbt to • discover the lire anil nlraost instantly bail a host? turned upou it. The alnrm of lire was immediately sound 4nI, and Fernandina’s clllcicut and over ready volunteer fire department were soon upon the ground with two *St5aiiy ’ streams of water. For an hour and a half the firemen battled bravely with the wind and llames, and it looked of one time as if noth ing would be left of her. She being of pitch pine, and very combustalde There were no icanola lying i lose by her or they ’would have caught by the sparks from the burning steamer. The crew will return to Savannah by rail. The steamer Merrimnc of Brunsw ick is expected to run in its place. W. I{ K A Sad Accident. Another loid accident occurred this morning at the new building ol Mr. Newman on Bay street. .Some time ago a scatfold fell breaking one man's leg. This morning a lot ol joice timbers gave way throwing three men to the ground below, and bruising them up terribly. It seems that a lot of plank were placed on the second story tloor joice without nailing, and on them were placed about 2,000 brick. This was not secure hut kept vibrating more o less, and live men were ordered to re move the brick. Additional weight of these men set the whole thing to swaying. Two of the men jumped and got oir the unsteady platform be fore it fell, but the other three men went down with it some fifteen feet below, in one great mass. The three men were badly bruised up nud in jured, one poor fellow had his head and face cut and gashed up badly, another's limbs were so mashed that lie could not walk, whilst the other fared a very little better. This being the second mishap on this building, one would naturally suppose there must be some lack of judgment somewhere in those who direct. Bosses should be more care ful of the lives of those who are sup posed to obey orders without (jues tioning. Fat Cattle. Messrs. Baumgartner Bros., our Monk street butchers, inform us that they will get in this week a car load of the finest beeves ever brought here. They have been stall led ever since last November—one year. They ought to be tine, indeed. They got in a ear load of extra line pigs lust week. The Coming State Fair. In less than two weeks the Georgia State Fair will open in Macon. There is every reason to believe that it will be the largest, most representative and most interesting exhibit of the resources and products of Georgia ever made. Over 11-0,000 in cash premiums has been offered. Besides there are many other valuable premiums including valuable special prizes in cash, ma chinery, implements, etc. The contest between tl e most pro gressive agricultural counties in tbe State has constituted one of the most interesting features of the last two State Fairs’ but there lias never been such a general competition, such lib cral premiums or such line displays as there will lie in tliisdepartment of the coming Fair. Ten counties have already entered. Kaeli one of these will send not only a large and varied exhibit, constituting of itself nil ad mirable illustration of the native wealth, the industry, the pluck and enterprise of Georgia, but each coun ty exhibit will have a host of fi lends who will come to back it with their presence and to prove theirconfidcnce in the county that enn make such a showing. The best county will take home besides the fame in victory $ 1 200 in cash. The second best will receive $700 and the third $000. No ueli prize for county displays have ever been offered in Georgia before The display of individual exhibits will lie great. A large number of tli most progressive farmers in the State will contend for the $1150 prize which offered for tiie best display of farm products by any individual. Tli will be $250 lor the second best, $150 for tbo third and $100 for the fourth The number of special premiums cash and other valuable reward for special exhibits of single farm products is larger and more varied than any other premium list ever offered in the State. There are liberal neouragements f. i the work of Geor gia women as well is men. The de Intents of dairy, household and ey work will Ire better filled and more liberally rewarded tlitin ever lie •e in this Stale. The exhibit of (jeorginstock uloii that will lie made here will lie mu Hi cielll to establi-li the suecess of III Fair. Tide has been a pheuomi.ual improvement in the breed of horses, entile and swine in this Statu of re cent years, ami the pick of them all will be seen at the State Fair. Arrangements have been made for the entertainment of the crowds eve cry day by cavalry tilts, bicycle con tests, balloon ascensions and other means. All the railroads in the Stole will carry people to Macon at vciy low rates. Ample provision has been made for their comfort and entertainment, and there is every reason to expect that the Stale Fair of l.HS'.l will lie the best, most interesting and most use fill ever given in Georgia.—Americas Recorder. TWO MADE ONE. Mr. Glasgow W. White and Miss Ida Moore Joined in Holy. Wedlock. I he news of a wedding irt a church . or fails to bring out a Dill house, in Brunswick or elsewhere.. i tiler and The Oldest Oddfellow. The Liverpool ('imiio- says: I Liiing, who has probably only senior in years in this country, who is certainly the most remarkable centenarian in Great Britain, was the other day admitted in his native town of Klgin a member of the local lodge of Oddfellows. At the conclusion of the initiation ceremony the centena rian sung with marvelous clearness and strength of voice, liis favorite song “Gildcroy,” and, in replying to the toast of his health, give evidence that the great weight of years he ried had not completely crushed out of him the rugged humor for which lie was wont to lie nottsl among his fellows. It having been remarked that it was not likely the Order could boast, during the forty years since its institution, of a member who had life record of 105 years, Peter wished that all the company would live an ithcr forty years, concluding his brief speech with the quaint phrase. "An' by that time ye may riddle my ashes through a mill seive.” Darien Short Line. Mr. It. K. Walker, of Darien, pass- I through the city this week en route from New York. Mr. Walker s President of the Darien Short Line road, and lull for bis indomitable will tbe project would have been aban- loned long since. The iron is bought and the first engine is ready for tbe track. It will lie landed in Brunswick and Halted around to .leilville, twelve miles from Darien, where the work of track laying will begin. It required over 400 ears to trans port the Central railroad s cotton freight,'Monday, from the interior to Savannah. General Freight Agent Whitehead said llmt this is a belter showing than any single track road ill tiie i’nited States is able to make. Such proved to be the case at the Episcopal church of this city last Wednesday, when Kcv. I). 5V. Wynn joined in the strong tics of marriage, Mr. Glasgow W. White, of Virginia, and Miss Ida Moore, of this city. The marriage took place at !):30 p. in. But long before that hour the bouse was packed with eager specta tors. Within tiie special circle sat Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Moore. Mrs. Maggie Blain, Mr. and .Mrs. II. S. McCrary, and tiie members of tbo Cumberland Club, of which Mr. White was a member. These e.u-U were donned with a wiiite badge on which was in scribed in gilt letters “Cumbifflanml Club." The BrunsWik Horse Guards, of which Mr. White is an enthusiastic member, acted as special escort to the Imppy pair who were so soon to be “no longer twain, but one flesh.” These latter stood iu semi circles around the chancel. Thu or- der|of entrance were, fu st, brjde’s fam ily: second, Cumberland Club; third. Light Ilorse Guards; fourth, ushers, Messrs Aiken, Cunningham, Russell mid Covington, and, lastly, the bride, richly dressed i:i wiiite satin, etc., leaning on tiie arm of the man she had chosen for her partner for life. As they came up the aisle the organ, under the prac ticed touch of Mrs. Alice du Bignon, pealed forth tiie wedding march, re viving in the mind of many similar scenes ill tiie past, when they were wed. At the altar Kcv. D. W. Wynn stood rolled ill the gown of his office, and ill a tew moments pronounced the words that made Glasgow W. White and Miss Ida Moore ‘'man and wife for better or for worse.” After the ceremony the young couple were driven back to the home of tiio bride, where they received congratulations of the Cumberland ( lull, Horse Guurds and friends, and an hour later hoarded the train that was to take them to Mr. White's Vir ginia home, where they will spend a short season before returning. - rKIISONEI.. Miss Ida is a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. John C. Moore of this city, and numbers her friends by the scores. Mr. White is from one of tiie best families of Virginia, and lias taken up his abode among us nnd become on enthusiastic citizen of Brunswick. The happy young couple carry with them the well wishes of as many peo ple in this city as any couple who have ever gone forth on a bridal tour. Advent Services. The special services at the Advent church began Thursday at II a. m and was attended by’ a good congre gation. Rev. W. M. Sheldon, of Wis consin, a visiting minister, Ill led the pulpit and his sermon is described as most searching and convincing. Services will be held to-night and each night through, at least, the bal ance of the present week. The Southern Gcorgiu Advent As sociation is now holding Its session with this church, in attendance upon which are several delegates from dif ferent portions of the State. The business feature of the convention will be limited, however, owing to the unavoidable absent and vice president. Funny, Isn’t It! The city fathers have issued their edict that streets in the city of Bruns wick must not be fenced, and to that end the Marshal was sent up into new town, and did then and there break down certain fences across certain streets, while right down in the very heart of town not only is a square being fenced in,but the street along side of it. Inquiry brings out tbo fact that the County Com missioners are doing it Query; whose permission? Littlefield's Report. Mr. ,S. C. Littlelield is just back from the the Atlanta Exposition. He reports exhibits still coming in, but of them all, Glynn's exhibit •* takes the cake.” Everybody stops to gaze at it, ami Captain Merrificid lias an swered questions until his tongue has grown Htilf and tired. When a new batch of visitors strike him lie takes a fresh stari, and goes on again were used almost wholly, und, til , ... ,, , . . though drain pipes liurc, to a great cx- telling ail about tiie Jib, topsail, top- ji s pi acel [ thorn, yet ill draining THE DANGEffOt. j DAMP CELLAR. 11 ii tv It Cun lit 1 Improved When Not Pos- hilile to Entirely Avoid It. Not one person in fifty realizes how important a bearing the collar has u|>oii the health of those who livo over iL The consequenco is that part of the house is generally more or less ne glected, being either damp by I'cason of ill construction, or otherwise un healthy from lack of care and cleanli ness. Here in Boston damp cellars are tlib rule, especially in certain lo calities, and, yet, in hiring a houso, if that gravo defect exists, it has com paratively littlo influence so long as tiie location is satisfactory. And, be sides that, in tbo section in which, considering the character of tho soil, au underground cellar is suro to lie damp, builders go on putting them under houses just as was done half A century ago, when less was known of the dangers of such defects than there is now. In Dorchester district, for instance, tho subsoil is clay, and it is doubtful if any one knqws to what depth that extends. Old masons in thnt region say there is scarcely a dry cellar there, and that it is practically impossible to mako one underground which will be dry; nnd still almost nil new houses thero have them tinder them. Of course, wiicre tho soil is day, ono can by a system of drainago koep a cellar free from water, but there is no suro way of perfectly drying it; and if it is at all damp, then it is absolutely un healthy, and no one con livo long over it without suffering evil conse quences. Tho .wise builder on a clay soil makes his cellar ubovo ground, using exceeding care ill tho construction o his foundation, being suro to have at least two feet of solid concrete under bis floor limbers. As for drying an old. damp cellar in a clav soil, ns in- tiiin-led. the i.iie who undertakes it is to fall short of absolute success, although many masons will say to tho contrary. Simply filling it up will do no good w hatever, for the filling will soon absorb the moisture like aspoiige. If one will not raiso tho houso and mako radical changes ill a cellar of that sort, ho can improvo its condition much at comparatively trifling ox pensc. ••Tho first tiling is to look to his drain. In former times stono drains gallant, foresail, mizzenmast, hatches, hold, anchor, stem, lmw, yardarms, etc., completely bewildering the hearers. To mporary Olga n ization. The charter members of the Mer chants and Traders’ Bank have met, accepted their charter and agreed to open business on the 17th inst.— For the present they will hold forth in the old original Madden hunk building now occupied by Messrs. O’Connor <fc Symons. This will only lie temporary, for us soon ns the en tire-stock holders enn convene there will be n permanent organization. Safety Railway Carriage. A genius is at work on a new ru urriage which will not Iiiiid or telescope. It is .-ill iron aud steel.— The roof, sides ami ends of the car arc made of steel boilerplates riveted tlfer, and is nothing more or loss than a big boiler. It is not quite round, however, being somewhat the shape of a horseshoe—tiie round part being flic top. iu tbe bottom, it is said, arc several steel girders packed in cement, much the same as in the I’lillman ears. Along the sides is an array of windows precisely similar to those of an ordinary passenger coach. The top of the cur is destitute of tiie heavy roof and ventilating arrange meat that is seen on ordinary ears.— It is said that ventilation is to be se cured by pumping air into the ear through pipes. These pipes in winter will furnish warm air. There is also a system of ventilation around the windows.—London Herald Many Woods in a Bridge. A rustic bridge has just been com pleted at Beech Haven,Ga.. thutcon- tains 57 different kinds of wood and vines, grown on the 50 acres of Beech Ilmen l’ark. The following is a list of the woods and vines : Short leaf pine, loug leaf pine, post oak. w hite oak. Spanish oak, water oak, red oak, poplar, sweet gt m, black gum, red haw, black haw. red hud, prickly ask, chinquapin, wild plum, persim mon, cedar, wild sloe, wahoo, shuiiiae, red elm, pig hickory, scaiybark hick- ry. hook or sugar berry, willow, chi na, black alder, crab apple, wild mul berry. wild cherry, dogwood, winter whortleberry, sourwond, black locust, sassafras, cotton wood, buckeye, cy press, laurel, beech, holly, ash, iron id. birch, magnolia, sycamore wal- :. sweet bay, evergreen and spruce. Vines—Grape, muscadine, bellflower, rattan and hamlmo.—London Herald. Three for One. Tiie steamer Merrimac, Maggie Bell and Rppe Gatlin have all three been chartered to take tiie place of the steamer David Clark. The Mer rimac will run between Brunswick and Fcrnandina to relieve tbe wan- house there of cotton, the Maggie Bell between Suvnnnali and Bruns wick to keep down the accumulation of freight here, and the I’ope Gatlin between Savannah and Fcrnandina. For the S. B. Terminal. Twenty ears for tiie South Bruns wick Terminal road arrived in tho city Wednesday—ten Hats and ten coal ears. Tbe latter ten were pack ed on the former. They will lie put on tiie lino at once. This begins to look more and more like business.— Engines, ears, rails, docks, etc., etc., earrv weight with them They mean railroad, without a doubt. Bristles with Masts. Our port fairly bristles w ith masts to-day, and a look down the line im presses one with the importance of Brunswick as a shipping port. There are here to-day, in all, 40 vessels, to say nothing of steamers, tugs, pilot boats aud other crafts not named under the above head. In short, we can boast to-day of a “forest of masts.” Outrage Resolutions. Washington, Oct. It.—Among this morning's callers at tiie White House were a committee of the National Colored Baptist Association, recently- held at Indianapolis, who came to present resolutions adopted by tbe association, asking the I’resident to do what he could toward suppressing outrages committed in the South up on black men because of thoTr color. Tbe committee was given a careful hearing by the President, and de parted expressing themselves satis fied with tiie result of their visit. Take Notice. This is to notify my patrons that my collector Mr. J. D. Ross will wait on them botwr n now and the end of the month with bills up to date and in future on the first of every month. Wm. Noble. Dentist. Dillon’s block. cellars tho old stylo of drain is the best, being much less likely to choke up. But in making drains of stone our forefathers did not always show tho best judgment and build them properly, but oftentimes they were so imperfectly constructed they soon tilled up. Soovery cel lard rain ought to bo care- full v examined and, of course, relaid if defective. It is next to impossible to mako water tight an old cellar wall, which is banked up with earth, without going to considerable expense. Really, about tho only way would bo to lay an inside wall of brick, raising it about two feet at a time, and filling the space with cement, “tamping’ 7 the saino in solid. But something may bo gained by “poiuting” well an old If tbo floor is not .cemented, of course it must bo so, and besides pitching toward tho opening in the drain it would bo well to make a shal low gutter in tho cement floor ull around tho walls, tliesamo to end in tho drain. Then any water which camo in would quickly run olT. At tho point where it is to run into tho drain thero must bo a trap. These are tho provisions for keeping an old cel lar clear of water. But they do not insuro freedom from dampness, which, as said before, is sure to exist in a cellar with a clay bottom. Tho best means which suggests it self to obviate the dampness and foul air under these conditions is to build a j tl replace in tho cellar and connect it I by a drain pipe with tho chimney, en tering tho saino above tho kitchen stove. Dumpers must, of courc, lx* put in. Thero will need to lx* a little tire kept in the flro place—two cords of wood might last tho year round. By that means all tho bad air would lx drawn from tho collar up tho chim ney, and it would also bo much drier. —Boston Herald. GihnI Lord, Deliver I’l. From these "blots ami blemishes” savo us. From all who “say” their prayers but never “pray." From all whom dogs and children dislike. From tho slattern nnd tho severely clean. From tiie three P's—plumbers, poli ticians and neighbors’ pianos. From peoplo who rush to tiie sea side ill summer, but never toko a bath at home. From wives who think thnt hus bands were only made to work thnt tlioy may spend. From Americans who have never seen their own country, but go every summer to “Yui-ope.” From mothers who turn their chil dren into the street to “keep tiie house tidy.” From public libraries that never buy a book worth preserving. From dealers in tho‘‘ftntique" who make their own wares.—Exchange. MITCHELL’S Eye-Salve ▲ Otrtala, Bsfe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightednest. & Rtstor- . mg tho Sight of too Old. Care* Tear Drop*, Granulations, Stye Tuaiors, Red Eyes, Hatted Eye Lathe!, in nooraie enca keuet aid rtuiiciT cues. w^n-wlnflurautlonMlata.^rSlicjrjU&ra BAJjVB may be need to advantace. Sold by mil Dra«tleta at 43 Cento. L. L. s. LAWRENCE’S LIVER STIMULATOR |A CURE FOR BILIOUS FEVER, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE, CHILLS AND FE VER, COSTIVENESS, DYSEN TERY, Colic, etc,, ' a —IN S'ACT— All Bilious Diseases. **“ITS MILD ACTION IS ES PECIALLY SUITED to FEMALES AND CHILDREN. r suit! by Brunswick Drug Co., K Joerger. opposite Oirethorpc Hotel, .1. T. Rockwell. novV lv EEELS Charity in France. In France there aro no public funds for tho relief of the jwor, and privato charity is almost wholly relied noon. It appears, turnover, that French laws an- very much opposed to privato as sociations or individuals distributing charitable funds, and require tied tliissl cmld be done by officials. Tiie machinery provided for tho purjiose are bureaus composed of persons two- thirds of whom urc nominated by tho prefect of tho district und one-third by the communal authorities. No person call found a charitable institu tion aud support it witii his own money without express authority from the state, nor can he iuavo by will a sum of money for any private individual to distribute in charity; that dutv must be performed by an of ficial. —Chic!lgo Herald. BAMBOO JOINTED RODS, Baided Lines. PALMER BROS. SAVANNA^, GA. ATS ORDINANCE j provide for the numbering of houses in the city of Brunswick, to require the same to lie numbered, and to provide a penalty for a fail ure to comply therewith. Section 1. Belt, und It 1* hereby orduined by the Mavor und Connell of the City of Brunswick, that nil Imii-es, whether the same l»e residences place* of business, ereeled or that may be •eteO Within the limit* of the city of Bruns- « k Dull he numliered in accordance with whnt K: ■« n uh the demon! system, that in one hun- ii square, that is to say; that .** *111111 tin kit "V" •d north and south, ireel, nnd cast froi ideitv. i. turn 2. Be it nnd it I* hereby in like manner titer ordained, that each owner or occupant i house or part of a houso in *uid city, shall >1 v and obtain from tiie city Surveyor, or such er |H*rson a* may be at an time designated said Mayor and Council, the proper nuinlter ording to the plan afore mid, a* made by W. p her donated |i further ordained, that •ii nnv homo* is now i plan a fori hou«e. for which'said aid surveyor, or other >f twenty-five cent*, i* hereby in like man- vheruver a numlwr shall not ben * it would ary for the owner or occupant thereof to pro cure and affix to said hou*e u new number. Beet!<>ii 4. ih- it. and it i* hereby in like man ner further ordained, that eaeh owner or occu pant of any house shall have the right to deter mine the form, si/e. material ami location of such number *o obtained, hut the plate bearing such number -hall lie affixed, or the numl»cr inscribed place on hi* or her h< . lie it, n I iti* hereby In like man- plan of numlierinK sa every resaid, a number shall b . ... rtv feel of ili*tauee ami a one-half nuiulier for v lci»* distance than thirty feet, eetiouii. Be it, and it l« hereby In like man- ■ further ordained, that any owner or occupant i building, who shall affix or retain any Hum- i the pro|*erty or that « plan of numlterlnK i ure and affix ... H*upied by him or her the cfor iu occordance with the a aforesaid, shall upon con- e |s»licc court of said city, lie i |3<i, or be imprisoned to n the chain Kang u|*on the >r a term not longer than and it i* hereby further in >cclloii ;. Be it, like manner ordain* if urdinum *•« in conflict herewith t»c, same are hereby express, r.‘pealed. Passed and adopted by VsJuncil Oct. t, l*«u. Attest 31. J COLSON, Mtjot. K. A. NELSON, Clerk of Council.