Brunswick weekly advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1889-18??, October 11, 1889, Image 6

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Brunswick J. h crti cr. Published Daily *n«l Weekly ai BR NSWICK, • OSORGIA TIU IJITV BY Vllff stA.'' T. H. *1 Ml * •*>*, Miter* and Proprietor iMUecriptum HnUv: !>«•*>. by mall, or delivered > barriers within the.-uy, ft par annum; Week ly per anaura. v Advertising Batoa extremely reasonable, and Bade known on application. I Advertisements for which ao definite contract o ma«!e will bepubliahed until ordered out. and t exacted accordingly. nymeut e GEORGIA NEWS. Judge Atkinson returned to the city this morning. Col. C. I. Stacy returned from Clinch court this morning. Celebrated B. C. Young's Shoes, in all styles, nt Lissncr's. Messrs. Taylor A Davis nrc still nt work painting up their store. Miss Ada Wright returned to Sterling station this morning. Mr. Jno. H. McCullough leaves on the 13th for a flying trip North. You can buy grates cheap from Hughes, Boone A Co. . The steamship San Antonio was loading at our docks to-day for New York. Mr. J. I* N. Henman, of New York, formerly of Brunswick, is in tl.c city to day on n flying visit. Lissncris sole agent for Williams, Kneel and .A Co’s Button, Lace and Congress Shoes. Cards nrc out for the marriage of Miss Rosa Lee Franklin, of this city nnd Mr. Malcolm Jones, of Macon, on the 24th inst. Prof. Carroll, of the public schools, handed in his resignation today to take clfcct “as soon as his successor couMbo elected, within two weeks at farthest.” 1.issuer has every style, shape and quality in union made mens’ lints and Caps, nt tho lowest prices. The friends of Miss Lorcna Lang will be pleased to henrof her return to Brunswick, accompanied by Misses Nina Ward and Jessie Wright, of Tarbcro, Ga. Mr. E. P. Kcnnurd, of the South' Brunswick Terminal Company, is looked for in a day or two. Tho whistle of the engiuo will bo heard at South Brunswick by the end of next week. Cork Solo Shoes ! Cork Sole Shoes! Tho most durable, comfortable and —nnly water proof Shoes in tho market at Lissncr’s—each pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction or money re give pen funded. Tho public parade of the Riflemen, advertised for this afternoon, did not come ofT, as the young n en did not, feel (hat they could spare tho timc > as they would lie away so much of next week nt the Piedmont Exposi tion. A colored man was badly cut at St Simons Mills this morning. It was accidental, an informant states. Fortunately Dr. McCnskcll was nt the wharf about to take the boat to Brunswick, so promptly dressed bis wounds. Wo could not get full par ticulars. Hughes, Boone A Co’s Paiuts will stund this climate. They nrc the host in the world. A casual observer will wonder what will become of all the goods coming in. Every store i:t.being packed to its utmost capacity, aud the wonder is. where will the purchasers come fiout. But that don’t worry the mer chants; they have done the same tiling tiefore, ami never failcdVi sell out before the season was over. Examine J. J. Lissncr's stock of Underwear—the largest, most com # plete, perfect and cheapest ever intro * duccd in Brunswick. Mr. Win. Turner, Assistant Super intendent at Jekyl, is s’iil Inning partridges for the club, to lie turned loose on the Island, lie has some ex perience, however, that will do to print—like this, for instance : A man writes him from west Florida— “I ship you box partridges by ex press.” On going to theexpress ollice Mr. Turner finds six dead partridges in a box, so small they could hardly turn, aud on it SO cents freight— more than the worth of the birds if alive. TVakted—100 Carpenters by the South Brunswick Terminal Com pany. Good wages aud good qunr ters for good men. Apply to Jxo. Ross, Contractor. The State Board of Pharmacy, will meet in Atlanta on Oct. 15 in the new capitol, to examine applicants for druggists' and pharmacist’ ii cense. .At Abbeville, Tuesday, the Blayer of youngWhighain, Willie Williams, was found’gullty of murder and sen tenccd to hang on Nov. 8. John Wil liams, charged witli assaut with in tent to murder, was found guilty and sentenced to five years in the peni tentiary. General Manager Lane, of the Georgia Southern and .Florida rail road, has gone to New York. On his return lie will begin the examination of tlie bids to build the first sixty five miles of the Macon and Binning ham railroad, which distance will reach to tho Georgia Midland road. By the terms of agreement, the sixty five miles must lie graded, track laid and entirely completed, within six months from the commencement of the work. The Macon and Birmin; ham will lie built by the Macon Con struction Co., the organization, of which has had such remarkable suc cess in building the Georgia South ern road. In a few days tile Southern Cadets, Macon’s brag military company, will bo to Atlanta to enter tho prize clriil at tlie exposition. Great rivalry exists between it and the Gate City Guards, of Atlanta Major A. 0. Bacon lias done the handsome thing and put the Macon boys on their mettle by presenting them with tho “champion belt," which will lie worn by Captain Rolf Sims. The belt is one of tho most costly as well ns one of tlie llnest trophies cvctMvon by a military company in Georgia. The belt, a regulation United Stntes fantry captain's belt, is made of woven gold thread, white and yellow, with heavy plaited trimmings, and a solid gold hand-eliascd clasp. The clasp is a work of art. On the face, standing out in raised red gold let ters ngqinst u yellow background, ap pear the words, “Champion of the South.” Umiflncalh, in green gold, is laurel wreath, and between the in scription and the wreath, a spread eagle in green gold. Tho border is hand engraved, and is of bright yel low gold, setting off the inscription ns well us the background of the iilate. The New Hardware House of N* €. GREER & SOW Is the place to get what you need in that line. We will sell as cheap as any otiicr house in town, and pro|>ose to keep what the people want. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE STOVES, TINWARE, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, TOOLS OF ALL DESCI IPTIONS, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY GUNS, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, PAINTS, OILS, Ac. DAUGHTRY STILL ON HECK with aJRATTLING TRADE! As it is now admitted by all the Ladies that 1 have the Handsomest and by far tbo Cheapest Dress Goods and Silks in the City, I wiii now hIiow that I am 'selling other goods equally as low: good Sea Island Shirting at SOHTJTZ BEOs. HARD TO BEAT’. OUR PRICES Ackngeded to bo tlie cheap- - est in tire city, quality and quantity considered. fill Ms Mil io Util lipts . Sic A better article at ,c£c Best Calicoes 7e Good Ginghams Sc Side band (new style) Ginghams 10c 10-4 Bleached Sheeting ,,25c 40 inch Pillow Casing (good) lltee Yard-wide Bleached Shirting, will wear well as Fruit of the Loom 74} Heavy Twilled Flannel 2ao Better grades at -. 30,40 and 60c -inen Crash 61. 9, 10 and 124c HOSIERY! SIci DUNLAP HATS! BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP I§ giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales are positively marvelous, which can be accounted for in no other way except that it is without doubt the best on the mar ket Aik for and be sure you get the genuine. For sale by all drug- p'lUs Latest Styles of Dunlap Hats just received by Jas. S. Wri; ;ht, tire Hatter. Building Railroads. Georgia leads the States in railroad construction this year, and Mueon is tho proud possessor of the best luiilt, best managed and most prosperous line in tho list, tlie Georgia Southern and Florida. Estimates of tho num ber of miles that would be built this year have fallen fur short because many of the projected lines were spec ulative. Their building was not dc- J rounded by the needs of the country, and they would not have subserved ! nt the present anycml justifying their const ruction. The lirst nine months of the year make a record of 3,312 new miles oi railway in the United Stntes, exclu sivc of side trucks. As we have Bail! before, Georgia leads the list in railroad construbtion for 1889, having built up to the 1st of October 2118 miles. Tlie oilier States which have to their credit more than 80 miles of new road mileage stand as follows: New York 108, Pennsylvania 151, Virginia 176, North Carolina 147, Georgia 238, Florida 113, Mississippi i lit, Louisiana 87, Tennessee 170, Kentucky 138, Ohio 88, Michigan 131, Indian Territory 113, Texas 179, Colorado S3, Montana 85, California 89, Washington 214 miles. It will be seen that life South leads all other sections of the country in railroad construction. With Demo cratic State and local governments the South is sure to progress.—Ma con Telegraph. WHAT A FORTUNE Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few are aware of tbo short time it takes for a disordered liver to -ause blotches on the face, and a dark greasy skin. One bottle of BEGGS’ BLOOD PURIFIER and BLOOD MAKER will restore this organ to its natural nml healthy state, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. It is meeting with wonderful success. We guarantee every bottle. For sale by all Druggists. For Sale Cheap. A horse aud buggy, botli good. Ap ply at store of Cheap John, in front of l’utnam's Stables. pint Lino Ladles’, Misses’ and Children’s from 5e per pair to 81.00. We have a Ladies’ Black Stockiug, warranted not to fade, ns low as.... 15c CORSETS AND SUNDRIES. A good 25c. » A bettor ono nt 50c. A line one at 75c Dr. Warner’s Cornlino $1.00 Dr. Warner's Health Corset—best in, tho world for the money 1.25 An all wool Jerrey Jacket at 75c 3 large cakes Toilet Soap for 10c A good money purse for 10c Writing paper, per quire 5c Gents’ Handkerchiefs at...... 5 C A better one 10 Finelinen 25c Tlio prettiest Scarf in town... 25c A big bargain—Unlnundricd Shirt...., 75c A bigger bargain—Laundried Shirt 95c FOR EVERYBODY. SCHUTZ- BROTHERS JUST KEUEIVEi) ! ,OOQ: ' Coinc one, come all! Everything will be found just ns advertised, Polite attention and n hearty welcome awaits you. Respectfully, X3. IL. E. HUOBSTON. ELLIOTT DUNN RROBSTON & ©UNN, Real Estate and Insurance. 105 NEWCASTLE STREET. TU: XSWICK, GA. WJLL HANDLE PllOPERTi ON COMMISSION. MOST OF TUB BEST PROPERTY ON THE MARKET NOW VN HAND. £jOF“l'ha Collection of Rents n specialty. No trouble to show property A team a>”ays ready. WORTH OF I1ST LTJDI3STC3- s m -AT THE- EACKET STOBE Which we will sell 5O per cent, less him any other house in town. Call see our stock and he convinced. IR.a.cJsie't S“box*e. and 1889. State and county Tax Notice. 1889 date nml County Nt. Simons .Mills Stoiv, Bethel.Oct. II. Oct, UO. Not. 20. nllcRtinK tho t* vear iW, to-w’f: t. 12, Oct.2% »\ 7 1’ennicVsStore, Oct. 15, Oct. ai, Nov. 17. IMlrunawick (at City Hall), Oct. 17, IS ami 10 Nov. 4, 5 amt 0; Dec. 4, 5 ami 0. Kvelvn. Nov. lsth; Fancy Bluff, Nov. JOtli; No. 1, K. T, V. .V O, Dec. 2.1. Therefore, pie. ntone " " Ik* jjtiv quested by the state Treasurer to vjtrjjest time pi * — forward anui ruber this is the only notie Will not be notified through tlie HIRAM .1. UK AD, v Collet . Ga. J. W. NUNN, DEALER IN A N D MAXI’ FACT U U Lit OF Carriages & Buggies, I'll.ETON’S, I'll. ETON’S, WAGON’S. WAGONS. ROAD CARTS. ROAD CARTS, DUMP CARTS. I) I MP CARTS, National Mutual hi mi Liu mm OF NEW YORK. Brunswick Agency. J 1\£. DEXTER', Local Agent and Sec'y and Treasurer, ion Id apply.— c per SAVE YOUR MONEY And Ovn you Own House! £V*Duca payable on last Saturday in each month at otlicc oi Treasurer, Kaiser block, up iUuus, Rifles, Pistols, ill New, and Below Manufacturer*'Priees j — ASD — For the tish or on Time. j All MskGS Of S6WiD£ MBCMBGS Second hand vehicle* on hand cheap, ai*0 one rood phaeton, and a lot of buggies, rood cart*. \ agon*. Two crus**tie wagon*. I am agent for the Bgs tCoilSpriii Bng&jf Made! Ask Mr. It. U. Konkin* to take y u to sec *om£ Brunswick property In hi* COIL Nl’KJNG BL’O- ‘\ . Don't forget to get price*. Don't forget to te nm. Don’t forget I am her*. Don’t forget I \j‘cct to stay until I leave. j. w. NUNN, t one r V.ib*iicMftrd Reynold*Street*.’ REPAIRED. A 1*0 Electric Bell Hanger. Key* fitted short notice. Loadingtsbetl* a specialty JOHN HAENEL BRUNSWICK ABSTRACT OF TITLE CO castle *lnet, Ifrun l Law, Man* tm‘4. New t ick, 6a. Complete abstract made of all property in the city of Brunswick and CHynn county fr>>u: the earliest pert**! to the prenent time. BORCHAUDI & LEAYY. Real Estate Agents, 301 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, Ga. CHOICE CITY AMD SUBUR IiAM PROPERTY ALWAYS. OM IIAMD.. . - ' PEOPLE’S MEAT MARKET, Corner Grant and Mansfield Sire* . . B EEF. VEAL, MUTTON, FORK am) *ll kind! of Fresh Meat* constantly on htwl *1 kind* of VEGETABLES in at’itxon. C9~Thc trade of steamship* an l hailing ves* « a specialty. All order* deli veied tree in the city and to the shipping. K. G. STEEN* Prop. T. O’Connor. % W. K.Hymosm, T. O’Connor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS Fire, Marine and Accident. I l Dr. i 0. Blaiii, Physiriao anil Surgeon. NOTICE. ALL _/*t era penalty of full enforcement • W. F. PEN MM AN, l’r Retail dealer* 1 Anthracite and Bituminous Coal BRICK, LATHS an.t SHINGLES ANTHRACITE COAL Egg mid Clipstnul Siaes. .WE ARE HOLE AGENTS FOB lilt VICK BRICK WIII1K'!. And able to furnith In any quantity. Juat Received, a lot of Alabama Oil Pressed Facing Brick TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, GA It Stands at the Head. pleat an I ea*le*t ..berated Tviic-wriur in iln* rid. It hold* the championship of the world on speed. Don’t buy a t)pe*wnter until «on have examin'd the callgraph. HOWARD. BOW LEU A CO., Agents, Itinn*. viek. NOTICE Neither the Master, owner* or consignees will be rc»pon«ih!e for any dein* contracted by the rn wf'f th.«.er hark GUINEVERE. Ol’ITZ, lUsteiv.