Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. A. E. Hicks, of Etowah, was
Che guest of Mrs. Sam P. Jones Mon
day •and Tuesday.
Rev. Walter Holcomb, of Nashville,
left Tuesday after sending a week
with Mrs. Holcomb at the home of her
■bother, Mrs. Sam P. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Smith announce
*be birth of a son Tuesday, April J.
Miss Rillis Green, of Rome, was the
week-end guest of M iss Gladys White.
Misses Helen Ham, Kathleen Mc-
Williams, Mary Saunders, and Man
Docile Walker were the guests Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ham.
Mrs. Nor cross, of Atlanta, is spend
ing a few days w ith her daughter, Miss
Delta Norcross.
Mrs. Warren Tinsley made a short
risit to relatives in Dalton last week.
Mrs. Sara Tucker, of Birmingham, is
fisiting her sister, Mrs. Claude Brown.
Mr. and Mrs R. B. Hargis announce
the birth of a son on March 25th who
kas been named Robert Phillips.
Miss. Mary Brumby, of Stone Moun
tain. was the week-end guest of Mrs.
C L. McGinty. With Rev. and Mrs.
McGinty this week are Rev. and Mrs.
JL E Parker, of Rome.
Miss Zeta White, of Shorter, spent
Sunday with home folks.
(Beauty Topics)
With the aid of a medol paste, it is
<ar easy matter for any woman to re
ffiove every trace of hair or fuzz from
sß'ce, neck and arms. Enough of the
powdered medol and water is mixed
wrto m thick paste and spread on the
iV*irv surface for about 2 minutes,
then rubbed off and the skin washed.
This completely removes the hair, but
3o avoid disappointment, get the
medol in an original package. Medol
eiasts only 50c and SI.OO a package.
15aiI orders filled by American Pr -
pnetory Cos., Boston, Mass. —(advt.)
Cotton Seed!
Selected Cleveland
Big 8011, absolute
ly pure, yields 40
per cent lint.
Small lots $2.00 per bu.
25 bu. and up $1.75.
Order now before
they are all gone.
i. H. Gilreath & Son
*r generally think the time for using
very much coal is over, but there will
fee a good many days yet when a fire
•ill feel good, so don't let your coal
supply run out. We will deliver you
,jal in any quantity, and get it to you
promptly, for we always have a large
supply on hand. Send us your order.
L. F.Shaw & Sons Cos.
All parties holding
3r having in their pos
session Bartow Coun
ty (Ga.) Warrants of
1915 issue will please
\T ONCE present
them to the County
Treasurer for pay
ment on sight.
3on’t delay. Interest
>n them discontinues
liter this notice,
County Treasurer
and Clerk.
This March 8,1917
The plans for the school for preach
ers and Christian workers were well
executed and the school was fairly
well attended. The bad weather on
Monday, the opening day, doubtless
prevented many from coming. The to
tal registration was IT. 10 of these be
ing from our own church. The total
enrollment in the -ix classes amounted
i , 101. Many availed themselves of
the opportunities offered in the even
ing addresses. It was a rare privilege
to have these leaders of thought and
denominational activity among it:-.
* * *
On Monday alternoon the ladles of
the Missionary Society laid plans for
the district W. B. M. l\ institute to
he held with our church April 26 and
27. Chairmen of various committees
were appointed, and the detailed ar
rangement for entertainment, public
ity, etc., will be worked out by them.
The order of the exercises w ill be an
nounced later. We want to make this
meeting a thorough success and it is
hoped til] will bend their energies in
that direction.
Easter Sunday will be observed by
a sermon upon an appropriate theme
ar the morning hour. At night the pas
tor expects to speak on the object,
‘•The Man With a Handicap." the la
dies and gentlemen taking part in tin
golf tournaments now being held are
c peciall; invited to attend this ser
* * *
Mrs. .M. C. Puckett and daughter.
Miss Elsie, were received into the fel
lowship of our church last Sunday.
They come from llte Baptist church at
Jefferson, Ga., whence the family has
recently moved, On the previous Sun
cay we received Mr. C. H. Cox, from
Jasper, Ga. Mr. Cox is the recently
elected farm demonstrator of Bartow
county. We are glad to welcome these
new members to our church. Mrs.
1 tickett lives at 20 East Market St.,
and Mr. Cox is sharing the home of
Mr. Lester Pettit at 108 Forest Ave.
♦ * *
The following memorial to Erwin
Coding was prepared and adopted by
the Royal Ambassadors at their regu
lar meeting last Sunday afternoon:
"The home going of our dear fellow
Ambassador, and faithful secretary.
Erwin Coding, leaves us in sorrow and
loneliness, but we are sure that he has
heard and answered the call to appear
at the King’s court, where he may
still be a ‘Royal Ambassador,’ clothed
in *he robes of the redeemed.
‘‘Let us who are left to serve the
Kai.g here try to be more faithful and
loving in our service, and let us, too,
be ready to answer ‘Here am P when
we are called to come up higher.”
Commit tee.
If you are without the milk of hu
man kindness just pass this scrilt by,
for if you know what it is to be just
a little bit generous and read this you
will reach down into your pocket and
bring out a nice piece of money to
: end to our Sunday school next Sun
day morning.
Listen friend—if 1 may have the
privilege of calling you such because
of your attitude to my cause —we need
your assistance at our Sunday school
next Sunday morning. Our treasurer
informs us that we are to the bad
a bout SIIO.OO or $35.00. Every busines.
man understands this anil knows that
it is not a pleasant situation.
Many of our Methodist people are
doing but little if anything at all for
the Sunday school work, and yet it is
one of the greatest institutions of the
church. So we plead with you to help
us raise the indebtedness on our school
next Sunday.
Let us on this glorious Easter day
give our silver and greenback a re-
I ’ions outing and let the poor little
overworked penny have one Sunday’s
rest It won't dampen his spiritual
i aider to allow him a day off and it
certainly will help the larger mem
bers of the finance family to do some
Sunday school work.
Parent, give your child a nickle or a
dime, at. least, for this special object
and occasion. If vcu are so unfortu
nate as to have no little tot of your
own, hunt up some child who has bu
little of this world's goods and slip
a nice piece of money into his little
chubby hand and tell him to take it
to his Sunday school. The little fellow
■will feel that it is not only a fit season
to celebrate the resurrection of our
Tsvrd, but that his second advent must
be close by.
Suppose some of our people who
: have good bank accounts, and who
i seldom, if ever, come about the Sun
j day school, this great institution used
! tor the salvation of our little ones,
should send us a check for $5.00, or a
gteenback bill of a like denomination,
on next Sunday morning to help meet
cur indebtedness, wouldn’t it be
great? If you will, you will know one
erne, at least, what it means to be a
real, sure-enough man.
Let us hear from every body, either
directly, or through the children.
Doingly yours,
There will lie divine service in the
"Church of the Ascension” on Sunday
teeming, Easter Sunday, commencing
at eleven o'clock. The Rev. I)r J.
The-'. Murrish, D D., Ph. J)., will
preach the sermon. Subject of dis
course, “What Is Easter to Us?” The
Sacrament of the Holy Communion
will tie administered.
Everybody is very kindly solicited to
worship with us, A special meeting of
the communicants is called for the
close of the service.
Mrs. w. T. Burton had as her guests
during the Ministers’ meeting of last
week. Rev. J. D. Womack, of Dallas,
On., and Rev. Gordon Ezel, of Arnm
chee, Ga.
Rev. .1. E. Hudson, cl' Adairsville,
was thi guest of Mr. Shaw.
Rev. A. .1. Morgan, of Ac-worth, and
Mrs. W. Stovall, of Marietta, were the
enests of Mrs T. P. Tedder.
With .Mrs. T. V. Genies was Rev \Y.
I Brumbeloe, of Aragon, Ga.
With Mr. Ingram was Rev. C. A.
Neal, of Fairmount.
With Mrs. Joel G. Greene were Rev.
mu! Mrs. Z. \\. McNeal, of Ellijay, Ga.
With Mrs. L. P. Lewis was Rev. J.
S Garner, of Rockmart, Ga.
Mr. Foster entertained Rev. A. J.
Garner, of Rockmart, and J. H. Wor
ld!, of Rockmart.
■Mr. Howard entertained Rev. J. A.
Hudlovv, of Ringgold.
Airs. W. A. Dodd entertained Rev.
am] Mrs. L. F. Walker, of Rockmart.
Mrs. R. L. Griffin entertained Rev.
W. H. Rich, of Athens.
Mrs. A. G. White has as her guest
Dr. W. S. Dorset, of Fort Valley,
Airs. Frank Matthews had as her
If Cross, Feverish, Sick, Bilious,
Clean Little Liver and
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
lake the time from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
sou r.
Look at the tongue, Mother’ If
coated, or your child is listless, cross,
feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn’t
eat heartily, full of cold or has sore
throat or any other children’s ail
ment, give a teaspoonful of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs,’’ then don’t wony,
because it is perfectly harmless, and
in a few hours all this constipation
poison, sour bile and fermenting waste
will gently move out of the bowels,
and you have a well, playful child
again. A thorough "inside cleansing’’
is ofiimes all that is necessary. It
should be the first treatment given in
tiny sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle
of “California Syrup of Figs,” which
has full directions for babies, children
cl all ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Look carefully
j and see that it is made by the “Cali
-1 fornia Fig Syrup Company.”—(ailvt.)
lr> Five Minutes! No Dyspepsia, Heart
burn or Ar.y Stomach
M isery.
Sour, gassy, upset stomach, Indiges
tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when th
food you eat ferments into gases and
upsets you; your head aches and v u
feel sick and miserable, that's when
vcu realize the wonderful acid ne ;ral
iziug power in Pape’s Diapepsin. it
makes all such stomach misery, due
to acid.ity, vanish in five minutes.
If your stomach is in a continuous
icvolt—if ‘you can't get it regulated,
please, for your sake, try Pape's Dia
pepsTn. It’s so needless to have an acid
stomach —make your next meal a fav
orite food meal, then take a little Dia
pepsin. There* will not be any distre-s
—eat without fear. It's because Pape's
Diapepsin “really does’’ sweeten out
of order stomachs that give it its mil
lions of sales annually.
Get a large tifty-eent case of Pp -•
1 “apepsin from any drug store 1 *
the quickest, surest antacid and siom
aoh relief known. It acts almost like
magic—it is a scientific, harmless and
pleasant stomach preparation which
truly belongs in every home. — fadvt.)
guest Rev. A. J. Moncrief, of Barnes
v i lie.
With Rev and Mrs. McGinty for a
day were Revs. H. C. Buchholz, P. V.
Lea veil, John R. Sampy, and Dr. W. L.
Pickard, of Mercer University, and P.
C Flemming, of Rome.
Air W. C. Henson had as his guest
Pev. E. H. Jennings, of Griffin.
Miss Margaret Pittman, of Talla
poosa. was the guest of Miss Emily
Aliss Beatrice Write, of Tallapoosa,
vas the guest of Mrs. W. C. Griffin.
Those registering at the hotel were
[;, vs. G. W. Andrews, 1 T. Mender
s' n, A. C. Cree and W. and. Adams.
The mayor lias proclaimed this week
as "Clean Up Week.” Now is the ac
cepted time for Cartersville to have
her spring cleaning. Just as the house
wife searches every coiner and crevice
for hidden dust, so every citizen
should do his part in cleansing his
town as thoroughly. If you haven t
been interested in this phase of civic
work before, wake up and spend part
of vour energy in making this town
i Copyright Hart Schsffncr Sc Man
It’s a Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit
. For Easter”
YOU'LL see scenes similar
to this a good many times
this spring; a little group of
men looking each other over
in a friendly spirit.
New clothes are always a
matter of interest to active
men; they don’t dwell on the
subject long; a brief glance,
a “sizing-up” of the goods and
the man; a quick judgment of
approval or disapproval; and
the matter is closed.
That’s one of the reasons
why we advise our customers
to buy Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; because the judgment
is always approval.
These clothes are for men
who know the value of good
quality; the economy of all
wool fabrics, of good style,
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Ia more wholesome place to five in.
“Clean Up Week” should appeal to
every citizen, man, woman, or child
either from a business standpoint, a
sanitary view, or from an aesthetic
sense. A clean town will improve busi
ness, prevent disease and germ breed
ers and make living more of a pleas
ure. Let’s pull together and by each
doing their part we will soon have a
united effort that will make Carters
ville the cleanest town in Georgia.
E. G.
Mrs. J.*R. Whitaker, chairman of
the Civic Improvement committee of
the Cherokee Club, announces the
plans for the coming year. The street
that makes the greatest improvement
v ill win a prize of $7.50. This does not
mean that private homes are to be
counted an the contest but the vacant
lots and their condition will be a big
factor in the rating of the streets. The
committee wishes to have two women
from each street to arouse interest in
making their street best in town and
these ladies will be announced next
week. A prize of $2.50 will be given
the boy or girl having the ben garden
on a vacant lot. .A prize of $5.00 wp
be awarded to the negroes for the b
FOR RENT— Nice 5 room cott
617 West Ave. Apply to Mrs. Enin la
To restore gray hair to its natural
color and beauty. No matter how old
and faded your hair looks, or how lona
you have been gray, it will work won
ders for you, keep you looking youn
promote a luxuriant growth of health ,
hair, stop its falling out and posi;iv t
ly remove dandruff. Will not soil skin
or linen. Will not injure your hair. Is
not a dye.
Refuse all substitutes; 50c a bottle
at druggists.
FREE. We will send a large trial
bottle Free by return mail, to anvon
who sends this Coupon to American
Proprietary Cos., Boston, Mass., with
their name and address and 10 cents
in silver to pay postage.—(ad-vt.)
and exact fit. Such men like
to see the label in the clothes,
just as they like to see a good
signature on a check.
We’ll show you the signa
ture on these Hart Schaffner
& Marx clothes; a small thing
to look for, a big thing to
New Shirts and Neckwear
Here are all of the newest
things; Shirts in late stripe
effects; silk cord madras.
Heavy, rich silk neckwear in
figures, stripes, solid colors;
unusal values at 50c and sl.
Shoes and Slippers, Hats,
Hosiery and every other ac
cessory here in abundance
just what you want at the
price you want to pay.