Newspaper Page Text
Professional Cards
Office 2 1-2 West Main Street,
(over Young Bros. Drug Store
Office Telephone No. 33
Residence Telephone No. 175
Office over Softener Bros.
Residence Telephone No. 255
Office in Walton Building
Office Phone 191. Residence Phone 241
Represents National Surety Company,
“The Largest and Strongest in the
Aitorney-at Law
Office in First National Bank Bid*.
Money to loan on improved farm
lands at 6%; prompt service.
Cartersville, Georgia
Veterinary Surgeon
At Jones & Oglesby Stable
Day Phone 143. Night Phone 388.
Calls will receive my prompt atten
Fire Insurance.
Cartersville, Georgia.
We Carry a Complete Line of
Coffins, Caskets and Robes.
Cartersville, Ga.
Civil Engineer County Surveyor
Surveys of all kinds —Maps, Profile.
Specifications Furnished.
Phone 430 Cartersville, Ga.
vt r ■■ I— I | IHTIIH 1
C l 244 or 246 for Tip-Top or But
ter-Nut Bread.
rival and departure of S. A. L
l;y. Company trains at Cartersville.
Ga., daily:
No. 311 departs 6:50a.m.
No. 323 departs 4:00 p.m.
No. 322 arrives 11:15 a.m.
No. 312 arrives 7:50 p.m.
”OR RENT —Six room house on
West Avenue. (Gid Ward house). All
modern conveniences. Apply to Dr. R.
E. Adair.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the
Cough and Headache and works off the Cold.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
E. W. GROVE’S signature on each box. 25c,
Bread is the staff of life, therefore
have it good. Tip-Top or Butter-Nut
Money to
At Low Cost
Paul F. Akin
Lodge No. 142
v - v> i.o.o. f.
Regular meetings, first and third
1 iiursday nights of each month at
f *3O o clock.
; no longer necessary to bear the
weakening sickness and terrible nau
sea that always follows a dose of cal
UV-VER-LAX cleanses the torpic
• u er, and livens up he whole systen
L Adding it of the clogging poisons
it works so gently and pleasant!]
'"‘ at you hardly know you’ve taken it
LIV-VER-LAX, being pnre’y vegeta-
D ' e ’ * s absolutely harmless, and does
0 tear up the system like calomel.
-- ‘d its guaranteed io he sa:i? factory,
P druggist will return your money.
n OT sale a t 50c and $1 at Griffin Drug
v -cf-‘-(a<ivt.)
County Home
Garden Notes For April,
Ihe following may be made during
the month of April:
Beans (bush), beans (pole), beans
(inna), beets, cabbage, cantaloupe,
torn, cucumber, lettuce fin North
Georgia), onion sets, squash.
The following crops may be planted
in the latitude of Macon:
Egg plant, set out in field; peppers,
toniaitoes, okra, pumpkins, watermel
An extra effort should be made this
spring to add to the list of vegetables
in the garden. The heavy rains have
delayed planting but there is still
time to plant most crops. In fact, most
seeds will be better off planted after
the recent heavy rains than before.
For fertilizers see March Notes.
Cultivate the garden often and shal
low with some light implement. Be
careful to keep the crust broken after
every rain.
Be prepared for the insects and
fungus diseases by an early applica
tion of Bordeaux and Arsenate of
Copper Sulphate (blue stone) 3 lbs.
Quick lime 6 lbs.
Water 50 gal.
Dissolve the copper sulphate in 25
gallons of water. Slake the lime in 25
gallons of water. Pour these two olu
,tions together at the same time into a
50 gallon barrel. To this add 1 lb. of
Arsenate of Dead (2 lb. of pasre).
Strain before putting into pump.
For small amounts of Bordeaux use
1 oz. Copper Sulphate, 2 oz. quick lime,
1 gallon water and add 1 oz. Arsenate
of Lead.
* * *
Orchard Notes For April,
During the month of April is the
accepted time to begin the fight
against insects and diseases in the or
APPLES should be sprayed for
Cadlin Moth as soon as the petals
have fallen. This also controls Cur
culio and Scab.
PEACHES should be sprayed for
Curculio and leaf diseases about the
time the shucks fall or when they are
the size of a large buck shot.
PEARS, PLUMS, etc., should be
sprayed also as they are subject to
some of the same insects and diseases
as the peach and apple.
The following formula can be used
365 DAYS in the YEAR
the goodness and hcalthfulncss of every
meal depends on the efficiency of your
The health of your family is safe with
one of our refrigerators. They are re
frigerators in every sense of the word.
They refrigerate. The postive circula
tion of cold, dry air penetrates every por
tion ot all food and auto
matically discharges all moisture, odors
and impurities through a water sealed
drain and trap..
We will guarantee them to use less
ice than other refrigerators.
Ask us for demonstration of both, our
“Cold Bh*t” and “McCray "Refrigerators
cn apples:
Concentrated lime, sulphur solution,
1 gallon, (commercial).
Water, 40 gallons.
Add one pound of powdered Arsen
ate of 1-iO'ul to the above. Make Ar
senate of Lead into a paste and work
out all lumps before adding.
Two to three weeks after the above
application has been made a second
should be applied to apples and pears.
PEACHES. Self-boiled lime-sul
phur should be used on peaches.
Self-boiled Lime-Sulphur.
Quick lime 8 lbs.
Sulphur (flower or p1ain)...... 8 lbs.
Water 50 gal.
Place lime in 50 gallon 'barrel and
s’, art to slaking with enough hot water
to cover it well. Have the sulphur al
ready made into a paste with hot
v ater and pour it into the barrel when
slaking starts. Let It boil for 5 to 8
minutes and then add rapidly water
to make 50 gallons Add three-fourths
of a i>ound of powdered Arsenate of
Lead. Repeat this on peaches and
plums in two or three weeks.
By all means use a good pump and
maintain a high pressure, otherwise
the work will not be effective, espec
ially for Cadlin Moth of apples.
All fruit and foliage should be cov
ered thoroughly.
Consult the Spray Calendar for fur
ther information. Write to this de
partment for one if you haven’t one
ci' hand.
Apply a Few Drops Then Lift Corns
or Calluses off With Fingers —
no Pain.
No humbug! Any corn, whether
hard, soft or between the toes, will
loosen right up and lift out, without a
particle of pain or soreness.
This drug is called freezone and is a
compound of ether discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug store for a small
bottle of freezone, which will cost but
a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's
feet of every corn or callus.
Put a few drops directly upon a ay
tender, aching corn or callus. Instant
ly the soreness disappears and shortly
the corn or callus will loosen and can
be lifted off with the fingers.
This drug feezone doesn’t eat out
the corns or calluses but shrivels them
without even irritating the surround
ing skin.
Just think! No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting when applying it or
: ficnv. rd e If your druggist" don’t
ave freezone have him order it for
you.— (advt.i
Department of
Public Schools
Edited by
Superintendent of Schools.
1 he public schools of Bartow coun
ty will close the 20th of April. This has
been one ot the best years perhaps in
the history of the schools. The enroll
ment has increased materially and the
attendance, considering the severity of
ibe weather has been good, and iho
character of the work has been grati-
Uiiig. With a few exceptions the c-f
--lecr. of the compulsory attendance law
lias been notably good.
The congested condition of the
schools, the severity of the weather
and the limited funds have caused the
board to be more limited in the en
forcement of the law to the letter,
than they otherwise would have been.
At this time we wish to direct your
attention to the county commence
meet, the exercises of which will he
held in Cartersville on Friday, April
-’oth. Every school in the county is ex
pected to be present, with the largest
delegation of parents, friends anti sup
porters of public education, that has
ecer assembled in Cartersville. Every
community should catch the spirit and
realize the importance of this occas
ion. And certainly the parents should
lend their presence and influence at
least one day in the year to the great
educational work of the county.
On this day specimens of work from
e'i ery school will be exhibited and the
children will vie with eacli other in
their friendly rivalry and spirited con
tents in declamation and field sports
v ill constitute the program for the
Parents, you owe it to your children
not only to see that they are present
on this, their commencement day; but
U- come with them. citizens and
business men of Cartersville are going
to help us make this a gala day for
every child in the rural schools of
Bartow county.
It is possible to have three thousand
children in the parade. If there are
fewer than that present, it will possi
bly be, because some parent has de
nied his child the right to be present
the last school day of the term.
Watch for a further statement and
announcement of the complete pro
FOR SALE—One piano and one
organ for the unpaid balance. Address
K J. Doby, P. O. Box 109, Atlanta or
care this office.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured*
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution
al remedies. Deafness is caused by an inhumed
condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian
lube. When this tube is infamed yon have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wbeit
it is entirely closed Doalnes, is tin* result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will he destroyed forever; nine cases out <f
ten are caused bv Catarrh, which is nothing hut
an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
3f Deafness (caused hv catarrh) that cannot he
?urod by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
’ars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Danger Lurks in Dark, Damp Places
At this season germs breed and if not destroyed will
become a menace to health and life. Use
freely around your premises. We have all of the
most effective disinfectants and can recommend what
is best to use in special cases. Act now. Delay may
result in serious illness in your family.
Ben C. Gilreath Drug Company
Cotton Seed That Are Fit to Plant
Wannamaker Cleveland Big 801 l 9 VH
Why send away for planting seed when you can get just as good or
better grown here in Bartow county, therefore, better suited for your land.
There’are none better to be had at any price.
$2.00 per bushel in small lots.
25 b'ishels or more at the farm $1.75
A. H. HALL, (Highland Farm.)
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Guyton visited
Mr. John Branton and family, of Siuith
ville, Sunday.
Mr. Ed Bramblett, of Norfolk, Vir
ginia, is visiting his father, Mr. Till
man Bramblett, and other relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Chitwood, from
below Cartersville, were guests of Mr.
Frank Wilson and family last Sunday.
Mr. B. F. Leaonman and family, of
Cartersville, were guests of Mr. rnd
Mrs. Josh Guyton last Sunday.
Rev. Shelton, of White, was the
guest of Mr Charlie Simpson last Sat
urday night.
Mr. Eulus Hazel, of Cherokee, was
the guest of Messrs. Clifton and Jen
rNngs Bryant Friday night.
Miss Lydia Chitwood, of Stamp
Creek, who has been spending some
time with Mrs. Frank Wilson, returned
home last Sunday.
A Kinging was given at tlw home of
Mr. Tillman Bramblett last Saturday
ReV. and Mrs. H. G. B. Turner, of
Cartersville, Air. Leonard Hunt, of At
lanta, and Mrs. Julia McMilan, of
Ohio, were guests of Mr. T. A. Brown
and family Monday.
If you don’t know who handles Tip-
Top and Butter-Nut Bread, excuse
your neighbor when he in your
face. If not. its because yofi have not
tried Butter-Nut Bread.
Mrs. Artie Smith and. Mrs. M. W.
Ward, of Linwood, were guests of the
latter’s mother, Mrs. M. E. Hunnicutt,
Miss Lizzie Edwards, of Pleasant
Valley, is the guest of relatives at this
P : nce this week.
Quite a number of young people at
tended the singing at the home of Mr.
J. J. Souther, Sunday evening.
Mr. George Rice, of Adams Chapel,
was the guest of his brother, Mr. Beil
Rice, Tuesday.
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holden
March 3toh, a boy.
Special Notice
City Tax Books will be open on April Ist for
receiving of returns of personal property for the year
1917, and remain open until 6 o’clock p. in., on the
first day of June 1917.
All persons failing to make returns of their per
sonal property will be doubled taxed as provided
by law.
By order of the Board of Commissioners of the
City of Cartersville, Ga.
City Tax Receiver.
LOST OR STOLEN —One steamer
rug, brown plaid on one side and of a
reddish plaid on the other. Either
dropped from or was taken out of sur
iey last Saturday afternoon. Return
to this office and receive reward.
Field’s Special Meadow Ground Meal
Is just as good as ever and a differ
ence of a few cents per bushel should
not keep you from enjoying the best
corn bread.
Just received a car load of cane bot
tom chairs. Price for cash 65c each. G.
M. Jackson & Son.
The Board of County Commission
ers at their regular meeting, April 4,
1917, will receive sealed bids for fur
nishing supplies for the month of
April for the chain gangs, also for
supplies to the pauper farm. These
supplies consist of hay, corn, oats
flour, meal, meat, syrup, rice, sugar,
- eap, soda and tobacco. By order of
the board.
This March 27, 1917,
Clerk and County Treasurer.
PI in this terrilory to rnak r - 6a
■ 34-lli n ix tin- lan, him vii . :.' C.-Vil f
jM> ai *OOO, completely equipped.
P iIMI-inch wheel-base —4- §2
n 25-ii.p, molor —7 speertt,— Pi
elect rie starting and lighting, ct : . w
Eg Write to-day fur full drtctls of f>; $
ffl Mm'ni-Mnkiny XIXTZ l J ropoi : ‘i •...
11& Mela Company—-Vvaitliam, Mas*. "J
For Rent, $17.50 Per Month.
No. 206 South Erwin street. Six room
house, all conveniences. This house
now occupied by Mr. J. M. Rising. Can
give possession about April 6th. See
or phone W. H. Field at the warehouse.
The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA
TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary
Qui-nine and does not cause nervousness nor
Ingiiia in head. Remember the full name and
mk for the signature of K. W. GROVE. 2.',c
Refrigerators for sale on cheap and
easy terms. G. M. Jackson & Son.