Newspaper Page Text
Edited by
The approaching marriage of Miss
lieienIi e i en McClain, the only daughter of
r and Mrs. Edward Lee McClain, of
, leenfleld, Ohio, and Mr Robert S.
Young, of Concord, North Carolina,
e o nly child of Mrs. Robert S. Young
and the late Dr. Robert S. Young, has
occasioned more than the usual
a mount of pleasant comment and con
ratulation since the recent announce
ment of their engagement.
Miss McClain has been a visitor here
since her early girlhood to her aunt
Mrs. W. M. McCafferty, and during the
past few years so much of her time
has been spent in the south she is al
most considered a “Cartersville girl’’
and a large circle of friemds are sin
cerely interested in her future happi
Mr. Young is a graduate of Annapo
lis, and has had several years service
in the navy as lieutenant, but at pres
ent is completing a medical course at
the University of Virginia.
The wedding which will take place
in June at the home of the bride's par
ents, will be very quiet.
A number of friends aaid social ac
miaintancers living in Cartereviile at
tended the wedding ceremony which
united Miss Marjorie Holmes, of Ce
dartown, and Mr. Frederick Jones
Bounds, of Weldon, N. C„ on last Wed
nesday evening at 6:30 at the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wadsworth Holmes.
Miss Holmes has been a frequent
and popular visitor to Cartersville and
lias been the guest of Miss Alice
Crouch and of her sister, Mrs. J. M.
Neel. Jr.
Thoke attending the wedding from
Cartersville were: Mr. and Airs. J. M.
Xeel, Jr., Messrs. Robert Knight, Will
Henry Lumpkin and Frank Patterson.
Phone 244 Quick Delivery
‘ A them who trade with
me or give me a trial and
be convinced.
East Main St. Walton Bldg.
Thanks awfully,
Jim Shaw
worst thin<> in
world. He has HIS
money safe in ’^Kp
the Bank. s
The black hand is certainly hangina over the poor devil
who is in DEBT.
DON’T get into debt. There are lots of little things you
can go without NOW that you can enjoy later if you’ll just put
a little money in the Bank. That little money will grow just
°s the acorn does into a GREAT OAK. You wiil be encourag
ed to work harder and earn more when you have money in
the bank.
Put YOUR money in OUR bank
We pay 4 per cent interest.
Bank of Cartersville
bridge party.
Airs. Frank Hammond entertained
her bridge club on Friday hfternoon.
Mis. Ed Strickland, Jr., won first
piize, a pitcher; Airs. Will Young, con
st-nation, a tea pot holder, and Aliss
Isa Nee! was presented with the guest
prize, a pottery vase. At the conclus
ion of the game cheese straws, glace
nuts, coffee, cream and cake were
Those invited were: Mesdames
Bradley Howard, Conyers Fite, Horace
Howard, J. A. Miller, Lindsay Forres
ter, Will Young, Alank Young. Will
Satterfield, Lila Morgan, George
Brooke, Hampton Field, Paul Akin.
John Anderson. Madison Alilam, Stew
art Lumpkin, Tom Simpson, Ed Strick
land, Jr, Cliff Dodgen, Robert Alun
ford, A. B. Greene, Lee Womelsdorf,
P. C. Flemister, Alilton Gaines, G. H.
Aubrey, Kate Akerman, Sam Chandler,
Nat Granger, and Alisses .May Jones,
of Canton; Louise Walker, of Monroe;
Elinor Jones, Isa Neel, Ella Neel,
Bernice Tumlin and Christine Lump
Airs. Lila Aforgan entertained at a
bridge luncheon on Friday morning in
honor of Airs. W. B. Crouch, of Atlanta.
The table had tor its decoration a bas
ket of spring blossoms and ferns. Airs.
Ben Gilreath made high score and the
honoree was presented with an ivory
toilet accessory. Aliss Mae Jones, of
Canton, was given a pretty favor.
Airs. Morgan’s guests were: Airs.
Crouch, Miss Alae Jones, M rs. George
Brooke, Airs. Ben Gilreath, Mrs. Felton
Jones, Airs. W. AT. AlcCafferty, Airs.
Lindsay Forrester, Aliss Louise Wal
ker, of Monroe.
line, attractive score cards, just re
ceived. M. F. WORD
Mrs. Prince Lewis was hostess to
the Round Dozen Sewing Club at a
rook party on Wednesday of last week
in honbr of Alias Delta Xorcross, a
bride-elect of April. Airs. A ilton Games
von top score and Mrs. C. W. Sproull
consolation and the honorte was pre
sented with the guest prize. At the
ccnclusion of the game, a salad course
was served and Aliss Annie Lee Jack
son assisted the hostess.
Beside the members of the club,
those invited were: Alesdanies Harry
Womelsdorf, O. C. Outer, C. Taff, C.
Nelson, John Adnerson, Toni Simpson,
Lindsay Forrester, Milton Gaines,
Alice Collins, Conyers Fite, Will Row
land, Madison Alilam, Frank Ham
mond, Sam Chandler, C. W. Sproull,
and Alisses Isa Neel, Lydia Jackson,
Alyrtice Adair, Alice and Jennie
Crouch, and Annie Lee Jackson.
Mrs. Sant P. Jones was hostess at a
shower in honor of Aliss Nor-cross on
Tuesday. Spring flowers were used in
decorating and the table had tor a ,
centerpiece, carnations.
In the receiving line with Airs. Jones
and Aliss Norcross were: Mrs. Alice
Collins, Mrs. Norcross, Airs. Ruobs
Pyron and the officers of the Wesley
Sunday school class. Assisting in serv
ing were: Mrs. H. E.Hicks, of Etowah;
Airs. J. W. Jones, Mrs. Arthur Franks,
Airs. Oscar Haney and Aliss Alary Ken
nedy. An ice course was served. Miss
Sara Jones, dressed as a bride, ex
pressed good wishes for the bride
elect and showered the gifts for her
from a suspended parasol.
Airs. P. C. Flemister entertained at
four tables of bridge on Wednesday
afternoon in honor of Aliss May Jones,
1 of Canton, the guest of her sister, Airs.
! George Brooke. Airs. Sam Chandler
wen first prize, a hand made handker-
I chief, Airs. Brooke consolation, toilet
I water, and the honor guest was pre
j sented with a hand made handkerchief,
i After the game a salad course was
I served.
Mrs. G. H. Aubrey was hostess at
an informal party on Thursday after
noon. Misses Ella Neel and Marylu
Young gave several musical selections
and Miss Stella Brown read. Mrs.
Bradley Howard and Mrs. Robert Mun
ford rendered the vocal numbers of
the afternoon. During the afternoon a
salad course was served.
Those invited were: Mesdames E. C.
Stiles, W. H. Stiles, Paul Akin. Will
I eebles, Hampton Field, W. M. Mc-
Cafferty, J. A. Miller, Conyers Fite,
Nat Granger, Stella Brumby, Frank
Hammond, George Jackson, Will
Young, and Misses Guilie Stiles, Dor
othy Stiles, Emily Daves, Ella Neel,
Stella Brown, Christine Bumpkin,
Marylu Young and Miss Louise Wal
ker, of Monroe.
Main Street Bridge Club.
Mrs. Lila Morgan was hostess to the
Main Street Bridge Club on Wednes
day, of last week. Mrs. Mank Young
v\ on top score. At the conclusion of the
game, tea and sandwiches were served.
Messrs. Fain & Adair have offered
a loving cup for the gold tournament
that is being played by the women.
The one winning three times will be
awarded the trophy and the finals will
be played during next week.
Those playing are: Mrs. Lila Mor
gan, Mrs. George Woodrow, Mrs. Fel
ton Jones, Mrs. Will Weinman, Mrs.
Phillip Word, Mrs. Ed Strickland, Jr.,
Mrs. Will Peebles, Mrs. Hen Gilreath,
and Misses Emily and Jessie Daves,
Minerva Word, Christine and Roslyn
Lumpkin, Mary Peeples, Margaretta
Womelsdorf and Marihill Joky.
The Cherokee Club will hold <he
regular meeting on Tuesday after
noon. After the program a social hour
will he enjoyed. All member? are in-
I v'ted to be present.
| Mrs. H. P. Womelsdorf is spending
j sometime in Chicago the guest of hei
j pa rents.
j \liss May Jones, of Canton, return
j home this week after a visit of sever a!
j weeks to her sister, Mrs. George U .
; Brooke.
FOR SALE CHEAP.—One second
J hand roll top desk, second hand oil
! stove, second hand sewing machine.-,
one range, one dresser, three *1 in in-,
chairs. G. M. Jackson &
A union Sunday school will he or
,; ganized at Rebecca Chai>el Sunday af
ternoon at three o’clock.
This week lias been officially desig
nated as “Clean Up Weep” in Garters
ville, hut on account of the extreme
weather conditions, no definite plans
could he made by the Cherokee Club
to cooperate with other civic bodies
o! the city in a clean up campaign that
would be worth while.
As soon as weather conditions are
at all favorable the different organiza
tions will doubtless pledge active work
to the city officials.
Let’s whitewash, paint and clean
up—one time—just to see how we
would look and feel under such con
* * *
Civic Improvement Chairman.
Mrs, J. R. Whitaker has accepted
the chairmanship of the Civic Improve
ment Department of the Club and his
already begun to organize her forces.
One or more sub-chairmen will te
selected for each street and every wo
man who has a particle of town pride
i- earnestly begged to offer her help.
Please remember that this is your
town, and your family’s health depends
upon local sanitary conditions, and per
haps the future welfare of your chil
dien depends upon the upbuilding and
attractiveness of Cartersville,
Telephone Airs. Whitaker and offer
suggestions as well as assistance.
U. D. C. MEET.
Airs*. Robert Renfroe and Airs. Wil
bur Ham were hostesses to the Eto
wah chapter of the U. D. C. on Tues
day. The following program was ar
The Battle of Bull Run —Mrs. W. W.
The Battles of Wilson Creek, Bawls
Saturday is
iMan or Hoy.
An unusual feature in
Real Tailored Suits for Easter Appearing.
The forecast of early contracts will secure any buyer
unusual advantages in style, quality and price.
SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, is the day,
but as everyone can not be 'waited on Easter Saturday,
you are welcome the day before.
$12.50 Value in two piece Suits for cash
$15.00 Value in two piece Suits for cash .
$20.00 Value in three piece Suits for cash
$25.00 Value in three piece Suits for cash
Superior line of Boy’s Knee Suits.
Kha-khi Pants, White Duck Pants,
and White FI annel Pants.
—Special priced for cash.
J. VV. Vaughan & Cos.
Bluff ami Lexington—Airs. Ah Mon- i
Trent Affair —Miss Ethel Griffin.
Stone Mountain Memorial Mrs.
Sproull Fouche.
At the conclusion of the program a
social hour was enjoyed and tea and
sandwiches were served.
* * *
The Etowah Chapter will meet with
the Veterans at the club room Satur
day morning at. ten o’clock. An inter
esting program has been arranged.
We Have a Big Assortment
\V j E bought the biggest shipment of Dish
** Pans that ever came to Cartersville,
and bought them before the advance.
Now is the time to buy a dish pan at your
own price.
Look at our big windows and pick out
what you want for this is your last chance to
get such bargains.
3605 or 304
GARDEN SEED —I buy my y„Mlea
seed every year and they are reliable
and fresh. Now is the time to plant.
Assortment good. At. F. WORD.
I have about 15(1 bushels of good soani
planting seed. Will sell in ore lot for
|I.OO per bushel. Mrs. Sam P. Jonee.
CANI >Y —NUNNALI ff’S —Ma de o*9
day, received here next and kept im
ice refrigerator. Always- fresh aw*
good. M. F. WORD.
$17.50 All Wool blue
Serge Suits for cash | 3*90
$20.00 Fine All Wool
Serge Suits for cash | / @O3
$27.50 Extra Fine
Wool Serges for cash £ 2• 50
Fancy Novelty Suits in Pincto
Backs, Soft Rolls, one, two or
three button models for the 1 ;
young man, as well as the sta
pie models for the matured!
$ 9.50