The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, October 26, 1911, Image 6

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COUNTY NEWS' CENTE K. Colton picking is about over in this community. It seems as it summer is over ami winter lias come. Mrs. A. J. Lewis visited Mr. am' Mrs. Janies Haney Saturday night and Sunday. Misses Claudio and Josie Lewis of Center, visited their sis'.e.r. Mrs Most' Looney, of Atco. Sunday, who is all smiles over a fine iiaby boy. Mr. Jaiili s Lew's. of Tennessee', was in euir burg Sunday. Mr. Alin ; i l.ewis - boa-ding at Mr. it. I*. Tranham s now. Smi.tJ.v Sclio.'l • I ling ailing nicely, koi mted Su "• • J. (tar-el|. of Ci nle:-. : nd Mr. Wil liam I ' : 0:1111. li onb of I!;is r.oimnni.'iy ius!< a.t 1 of using Morig:e.a r l.lltei coU.'U seed i: -. and 1 leh! liiter , U e* i I col ton. • • ...i ... ** * * G L E N V i E VV. it seem- .‘.mil r has come and we ai'e having some real cool weather Mr. and Mis. Harvey isruce wen ill \\ heeler.- Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs A. J. Larwood in on the sick, Lst. Mr. and M:s. Craw lord Neal vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Will Hailey, ol Bimltiv die, Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Cowart visited her mother, Mrs. K. C. Atkinson, Sunday Mr. Henry Moore and wife spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Erwin. Mrs. H. T. Cox and Mrs. K. C. At kinson were the guests of Mrs. A. J Earwood Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Atkinson spent Sunday in Cartersville the guest of •fir. and Mrs. George Gaines. Mr. and Mrs. L). T. Smith, of passed through our burg iSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Law wore in our vi einity Sunday. Mr. Oscar Alien, of /Gbaesdale, ap*pi -Saturday niflUt.Mr. Tgnt Earwood. Misses Minnie, and Carrie Lantern wore visitors at Cass Sunday after xmau. Mr. Ed called at the home •f Mr. Elbert Erwin Sunday after soon. , Messrs. Ernest Turner und James Cowart were the guests of Mr. Torn Bruce Sunday. Miss Sadie Leu Earwood was in Cartersville Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Arthur Cox, Ernest Lan ■tern and Oscar Allen were the fueet of Mr. Torn Earwood Sunday morning. Mr. Bill Sanford was here Sunday afternoon. Several from here altended the show at Cartersville last week. Mr. Fletcher Atkinson was in Car tersvifle Suiday. M VRCBIB ON. We art having some real too! •woather at this writing for cotton pick mg. Mr. L. C. Chapman, of Kingston, was in our community one day last wort col loot ing road tax. Mr. L. L. Mathis spent one day last week at Calhoun. Mrs. A. I’. \\ ilson spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hammonds, near Home. Messrs. A. F. Wilson and J. L. Wheeler, of Sugar Valley, were rn -our community last week. Messrs. L. L. Mathis and Hen Hire were in Kingston Saturday night on business. Mr. J. M. Sullins was in Kingston one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. hey Dinning, of Gass, were in our ronimnnity Sunday the guests of the hitter's parents. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Sullins. Mr. Lee Martin, of Sugar Valley, visited friends in our conn,no . ity Saturday night, and Sunday. Mr. Will MeMikin was in our com munity Saturday night. Mr. John Andrews, of Linwootl was in our community Sunday. Mr. I). W. Young was in Cart* cs ville Saturday. Mr. C. H. Howell gave a eolL n picking Sat rday and a randy draw ing Saturday night whirls weie en joyed by al! present. Mr. Henry Wheeler happen* <1 to -the misfortune of having a fine cow die last week. Mr. J. W. Jones, of near Gn-sville was in our community one day hr-1 week on business. When you eel! your cotton don’t forget about your subscription to ] JThe Tribune. It I C II A ft lS CORN E It. ’ Cotton picking is the order of the day. Xvlr. Jack Yancey, of White, has typhoid fever. We hope for him a hjM iMiy recovery. the little soil of Mr. and Mrs. George Chapell was buried at Cross Hoads lasi Sunday. We sympathize vcitri the. bereaved parents. M: sure. Oscar Allen and Torn Ear vid Tribble, of \V iiite, last Sunday, wood, of Glenview, visited Mr. Da- Mr. W. H. (loodridge made a trip to Cacl.rrsville Wednesday. Mrs. Vii'i.i A.len, ol Glenview, n;, ia.-i iiiday with her biidlnr itii*. Vv . li. i.oodii ige, i>l White, ii ii ilible. of Wnite, at f I 11. 'll t - t ..g ill O -t->d't I' tiny N; r-. Hi adley and Mrs. Iticliaru.- v.cie the guests of Mr.-. Itamioipu Sunday afternoon. H;u ton will preach at While Sunday morning and llev. VlrGh t Sunday night. Miss Alma Goodridge visited - Eliza aii<l Kate Richards 1 m -day afternoon. Miss Carrie Vaughan visited Mi-s Nell White -Sunday night. Mr. Wallace Gunn visited the sing ing at White Sunday afternoon. T A V L O it S \ ILL E. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davis were in Atlanta last week to attend the fun eral of Miss Aliine Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stewart we.;* recent visitors to Atlanta. Mrs. A. K. McGinnis entertained the sewing club on Thursday after noon. After an hour spent with fan cy work a delicious salad course was served. Mi. Paul Moon, of Home, was in town Sunday. Mr. J. H. Cerbin and family, of Oartersville, spent a few days last week with Mr. W. M. Trippe. Mrs. S. E. Shaw entertained her Sunday School class on last Friday dveaing. *• ’■ ' " Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis anuounc* the birth of a son, who has beer named James Henry, Jr. Miss Jessie Haiford spent Sunday in Rockirvart. Mrs. Iris Swinney, Mrs. Ronald Shaw, Mrs. J. F. Parker and Mr9 A. H. Stewart were in Cartersvi|le Monday. Mr. and Mi's. John Trippe spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. M Trippe. Mrs. J. M. Dorsey visited her son Mr. W. M. Dorsey, of Oartersville a few days last week. Miss 01 lie Hampton, of Rome, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Lan drum. Irene Jones, the little daughter o r Mrs, Miller Jones, of Rockmart, was buried here last Monday. Miss Emma Ballard and Mr. Joe R. Summerville, of Birmingham Ala., formerly of Taylorsville, were home of the bride near Taylorsville Rev. B. Z. Barron, ef Powder Springs performed the ceremony. Dr. and Mrs. Landrum motored to Rome last week. Mr. Gilbert Kennedy happened tr a painful accident last week while driving with a load of cotton to Home. His mules became frightened at an automobile and he was thrown from the wagon and his leg was crushed by the wheels. DANDRUFF AND IITGMING SCALP YIELD TO ZE.WO TREATMENT. Why should you continue to ex periment vviili greasy salves, lotions and fancy hair dressings trying to rid your scalp of germ life. They can't do it because they cannot pen eirate to the seat of the trouble and draw the germ life to the surface et the scalp and destroy it. Why not try a proven REMEDY? One that will do this. We have a remedy that will rid the scalp of germ 1 ,fe and in (his way will cure DANDRUFF and ITCHING SCALP. L’fiis remedy is ZF.MO, i clean, re pin'd. penetrating scalp tonic thai goes right to the seat of :ii< trouble ad drives the germ life •,.* the sur and destroys it. A shampoo with ZEMO (ANTI sKt'TIC; SOAP and one applieaii* n *f ZEMO will entir% rid the s alp of dandruff and scurf. Do not Ivs ifatr. hut get a bottle of ZEMO today. It acts on anew principle end will do exactly what we claim for it. Sold and endorsed by the M. F. Word drug store. Lot of fine pigs for sale. Come early and gel choice. YOUNG BROS. FARM. lilt. SOCLE TO BE AT THE BOYS' COlt\ FAIR.; Athens, Ga., Oct. 10, 1911. Dr. Wrn. Bradford, Cedartown. Ga. Dear Dr. Bradford: The splendid work done by the Boys and Girls' Clubs in the 7th Congressional district lias been a matter- of great pleasure and salis faclion to ad associated with our ex tenlion department. 1 was deeply grateful, therefore, when I receiv ed an invitation to be present at the 7th. district Corn Fair to be held at Carters vilie on November 2nd for the purpose of talking to th* i teach-rs and sr.hool officers and fhej boys and girls and their mothers j and fathers. 1 believe this should tr 1 on occasion wOrlh much to Ihe 7f !t dislrici, and that no pairs or effort slku: i bo spa rod on the pari of the; oounly author 1 .os to h:ivo their, officers and t* achers present. with j .. I, ci (onlingent of young people > as well. Kill •cation lu s :.l lasi broken down j the harrier which has .-o long ex- i islod l.ilwi in ihe farmer and the | scieiilist, and is harmonizing the cft'oil of both along conslructiv and efficient line-. Tin- good peon!* ol Georgia arc ,jusl beginning I- j drink deeply at the fountain ag- I rieulfural knowledge, and if il may I ho the good fortune of Ihe agencies ■•ha: cod with tin* dissemination of the truths which tin* devoted work! of scientists and philanlhrophists: lias made .known, an era of pros-! pei ity and success is just opening ■ up which will surpass in agricul- 1 tural realization our fondest dreams I am making a special effort tr , got together some rlata and inforina- 1 lion which 1 believe is of vital con- ! c.ern to the welfare of the good peo ple of the 7th district for the little talk I am to make at Cartersville on November 2nd. I hope I shall be able to present a message which will he of more than passing importance and 1 trust 1 may have a large and representative audience to talk to on that occasion. I am very anxious to secure the co-operation of thr school officers, teachers and par ents in the campaign for the re direction of our agricultural prac tice. . Trusting that the occasion may be a happy one for all concerned and thanking you for the privilege extended me of attending this Fair and again meeting with the good people of the 7th Congressional dis trict, I am. Very respectfully, A. M. SOULE, 'Pres. To Boys’ Corn Club Members: You have already been informed that the Seventh district contest will be held at Gartersville, Novem ber Ist to 4th and the Southern Corn Show at Atlanta, November 21st to 24th. We are expecting all of you to exhibit at both of these contest and hope you will let nothing stand in your way of attending the corn show in Cartersville, one or two 'days at least, if not all the time. Y’op will be gratified to learn that the Seventh district boys who ex hibited at the State Fair in Macon carried off more prizes than the hoys from any other section of the state. We are therefore, expecting the Seventh district boys to have an excellent exhibit at Cartersville and we shall carry your exhibit froir Oartersville to Atlanta to the South ern Corn Show. Please select ten ears of your best seed corn as early as possible and fill out the report blank and send both to your county school commissioner not later than •he 30th of this month. We expert to give a prize to every boy who ex hibits at both of these contests Theerfore, let me urge ypu not to neglect sending your exhibit to the county school commissioner until if is too late. No matter what has hap pened to your crop if you will fill out the blank report, and send in ;> ten ear extiibit. you will secure something for your trouble. Let m< express again my gratitude for your excellent showing at the State Fair and the encouragement given \ s movement by the business men, tin press and the public spirited citi zens of your county. They will be well paid for their trouble through your success. Hoping that f may have the pleas ure of seeing you exhibit and meet ing some of you personally in Car tersville and Atlanta. I n,.g t„ re main, Yours very truly, J. PHIL CAMPBELL. Special Agt. in School Extension. Look at the little yellow label on your paper and see when your subscription expires. If it is out kindly renew as now is the time we need the money and you have it. toystehs mrn lany If ; U STYLE f\ Raw! Raw! Raw! On the half shell with a dash of lemon, or cooked in any style recognized among judges of good eating. \ You Are Invited to drop in any time, day or even ing, but especially when hungry. Quick service, seasonable variety, superior . cooking and popular prices are our mottoes. G iAV r \mvr? 'vr|n D l iiOiiOili lluDldu* d.UI 23 West Main Street Cartersville, Georgia. _ OCR BUSINESS is to furnish you with Lumber of the best quality at the lowest prices. If you are thinking of building anew house or repairing your old one YOU CAN DO BETTER here than elsewhere, as many of our pleased customers will testify. We are as anxious that you should get good stock as you are to buy it, for we want our'repuation and your ‘house to wear equally well. NIKE BRO S. LIMBER GO., Gutenrille, Georgia. W. A* Ml LINER LAWYER Office in Bradley Butldlnc Carteravllle, - Qeoigi Money to Lend on Farm lands. Low rate of interest PAUL F. AKIN, Cartersville, 6a. Oartersville Lodge No. 142, Lodge room on Public Square. Meetings first and third Thursday nights in each month. For Women Only Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine is prepared expressly for the ail ments of women. It contains ingredients which act directly on the delicate female constitution, mildly and pleasantly—yet It ex ercises a most beneficial effect all through the system. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine Overcomes weakness, nervous ness and irritability. Gives prompt relief from the depressing bear ing-down pains, backaches, nau sea and irregularities which cause so much suffering ar.d despond ency. It has a most happy effect. Restores strength, renewed hope, cheerfulness and the energy and will to perform the duties of the household which formerly were so trying and distasteful. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Price $1 Per Bottle C.F.SIMMONS MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM AND ATLANTIC RY. The best route from Atlanta to South Georgia and Brunswick. Close connections for Florida points. Parlor dining cars on day trains. Pull man sleepers on night trains between At lanta and Thomasville, and Atlanta and Waycross. Trains leave Atlanta 7:30 a. m. and 10:- 15 p. m. Sleepers open at Union Station (most convenient station in Atlanta 9:00 p. m. “The Standard of excellence in service.” W. H. LEAHY, E. H. FELL, A. I). DANIEL General Passenger Agt. Asst. Gen’l. Psgr. Agt I. P. A. ATLANTA, GEORGSA. Life and Casualty Insurance Bond It may be a little farth= er round the corners of a square deal but the road is better. You always get a square deal when you buy your insurance through me. HORACE W. HOWARD Cartersville, Ceorgia ANNOUNCEMENT Am now moving into my new three story building on Erwin street. Will soon have everything in shape in both departments. My repository for buggies and wagons will be on the second floor. We will keep .whatever dye trade best goods at prices, cash or easy terms with right treatment On the first floor I will have an undertak ing parlor, also a morgue and a chapel. This is anew thing for Cartersville and Bartow County, and 1 believe it has long been needed. COME TO SEE US. JOHN \V. JONES PHONE 26. • Harness That Wears ar< almost always :mb n. made bar- I;>4 ness and look well too. Bui Harness that keep the repair man up are usually the factory made kind. L ; i,f Harness goods this is some to t a!wav - Kfp eeod stock or, hand: car Kffoe.'-A take pec:.;: >. make and denvei I ’ ... .. ■ prompt. 101 lus your need and get our prices. Be our customer. Harness Repairing Neatly Done. SHMMPMVIIMWfII W. E. BURTON lOQ West Moln SL Cartersville, Georgia. WE PAY CASH FOR HIDES. Read the advertisements in this paper and trade with these business men, they will appreciate your business, and give you good bargains.