The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, January 04, 1917, Image 3

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. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS - , EDITED BY HENRY MILAM, Superintendent of Schools. happy new year. The editor of this department wish es for the hoys and girls, the teachers, trustees and all its readers a Happy, Prosperous New Year. This will be our last message to you as editor of this department and we are so glad that it is one of good cheer. We earnestly hope that the spirit of the season may fill the life of every one and as we celebrate the birthday of the Christ we may be will ing to give completely our lives into his care and keeping thus becoming faithful followers of him and willing servants of our brother. For the past few years we have en deavored to keep before you week after week the educational news of the county. We have tried to place the cause of education and its needs before you in some practical way. We feel sure that we have called your at tention to some things that has caus ed you to take definite action for the greater development of the children of the county. The bes't thing about this is that the seed has been sown and the harvest of better tilings must come. Possibly you have not always agreed with us but we ha,ve simply followed the trend in educational mat ters and in a few years yon will be To Get You Better Acquainted with This Store We will Sell These 3 5 Piece Sets of Guaranteed Quality Brand Aluminum Ware FOR ONLY $7.99 For the COMPLETE SET I Only One Set To Each Customer The only condition under which you can obtain one of these Aluminum Sets at this UNHEARD OF PRICE is to buy it on these terms \ , 99 CENTS CASH AND 50 CENTS PER WEEK Why we Make This Sensational Low Price and our Reason for not Accepting" Cash / During the next several months we will have on sale VALUES in household goods THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU, bargains which will make you a regular patron of this store. We willingly sacrifice the loss that we sustain on these sets of Aluminum Ware: the opportunity of having you call at our store each week for 14 weeks, (required to make Aluminum Set payments) is well worth all that we lose on the Aluminum Ware. This advertisement will of course, attract hundreds of people, who probably have not traded here before —if it in duce! you tc visit our store and know us better, we shall feel well repaid. This to the public, may seem like unusual ad vertiiing —tc sell 35 piece sets of Guaranteed Aluminum Ware at this unprecedented low price—and IT IS UNUSUAL ADVERTISING, but if it makes new friends for us, IT PAYS. Each sibt consists of the following pieces of Quality Brand Aluminum Ware, (each piece guaranteed to wear for twen ty years onesix quart preserving kettle, two bread pans, two pie plates, one jelly cake pan (2 pieces), one three quart covered Berlh sauce pan (2 pieces), one one quart lipped sauce pan, one two quart lipped sauce pan, one castor set, con sisting of a sa)t shaker, pepper shaker, tooth pick holder, and castor (four pieces), one coffee or tea strainer, one cake turner, one one sugar shaker, one combination funnel (six pieces), one ten piece combination outfit, (this set you will notice illustrated above in the center picture.) It consists of ten pieces, which combined permits of its use as a steamer, (see iilustratio\), a self-basting roaster (see illustration), or as a double boiler, cereal cooker, pot roaster, egg poacher, cus tard cups, pan, dairy pan, round cake pan, bean baker, etc. — this really is a wonderful utensil and is included in this 35 piece sq. We Will Sett only One Set to Each Customer A] I ? Q. iVI. .Jackson & Son, Cartersville, Oa. ardently supporting the things you have opposed and wondering why you did not see this lon'g ago. Bartow county people must get rid of their disposition to oppose every advance movement and quit being a community of fault-finders and be a community of BOOSTERS. That is all Bartow county needs to be the great est county in the state, a people that will work together, pull together and ' on all occasions and at all times, : BOOST. A spirit like this manifested or the part of our people would put j ne w life into every phase of our \ county's life. Now at, this time when we are all thinking of others, when ' ( self is best under control, when the J spirit of the Master should be much j in evidence wouldn’t it be grand for a ! i splendid people like the citizens of' J Bartow county to give to the present and rising generations a great gift— that gift to be a resolution on the part of the manhood of the county to guar ! antee the proper development of ev l ery department of our county govern- Luent. Wouldn’t it be great if we could j agree to stand as one man behind our I commissioner of roads and revune in j their efforts to build good roads? j Vote bonds, thus giving the means to ido with, then encourage and support j them in their honest efforts to serve us. Then vote a County Wide Local School Tax for the support of our edu cational system and give to our boys and girls equal opportunities with any bo} r s and girls in the state. What a Christmas present this would be to the kiddies! Get behind our agricultural inter ests and develop them as they must be developed, prepare to meet the boll w eevil, for'he is surely coming. The greatest need just here is a Farm Jieinonstrator. We are now paying half the salary of one and have been .for two years and not receiving one penny’s worth service all because we are too short sighted to pay the other half of his salary. Gordon, Floyd, Cobb all have these demonstrators. We had better resolve to give our farmers this v aluable or suffer the consequences. We could go on and on mentioning things we ought to do but this is enough to show what I mean when I say men let us resolve to give to Bar tow cotinty a real Christmas present. Let us do this thing and do it now. As I retire from serving you as a county official I want to say that all my energies as a citizen of the county will be directed toward the fullest de velopment of the county in all lines of endeavor. I want to thank every one for what measure of support I have been accorded in nay efforts to serve the county. 1 shall always cherish the pleasant associations and the friend ships made in the work and shall en ter upon my duties with the determin ation to work and fight for the ad vancement and development of all the different branches of our county life. In the work I am entering a larger field of usefulness is offered, one which with the fullest co-operation of the You Can Not Pay Cash HI people I hope to develop to its fullest capacity. UGH! ACID STOMACH, SOURNESS, HEARTBURN, C-AS OR INDIGESTION The Moment “Pape’s Diapepsin” Reaches the Stomach all Distress Goes. . Do some foods you eat hit back— taste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down; Pape’s Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. ’ Most remedies give you relief some times —they are slow, but not sure. ‘Tape’s Diapepsin” iis quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won’t come back. You feel different as soon as “Pape’s Diapepsin” comes in contact with the stomach—distress just vanishes yctir stomach gets sweet, no gases, r.o belching, no eructations of undi gested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Go now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug stord You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from Indigeftlon, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. —(advt.) No Telephone or Mail Orders For These Sets Will Be Filled 1917 IS DANGER YEAR FOB SOUTH Twenty Million Bales More Likely Than Twenty Cents a Pound, Says Hastings. Atlanta, Ga.—(Special)— That 1917' Is a “danger year” for* the south, and that there is “dynamite in the pres- j ent cotton situation for the cotton- 1 growing farmer,” are the warning words used by H. G. Hastings, presi dent of the Southeastern Fair Asso ciation and the Georgia Chamber of! Commerce, in an interview given to the newspapers here urging farmers not to increase their cotton acreage. “Eighteen to twenty cent cotton at planting time in spring,” he says, "is the bait that will lure hundreds of thousands of farmers in the south to each put in a few extra acres, and ! should nature smjle on the crop as in 1914, we will come nearer a twenty million bale crop than 20 cents per j pound, for evidence multiplies daily j that they are planting right up to • the graveyard,’ as it is sometimes ex pressed. “On the Hastings farm we don’t ex pect to put in an acre more of cotton than we did last year, because we think it a time above all others to play safe. W*hat we will increase to j the limit of our ability will be food, grain and forage, beef cattle and ; hogs. “The safe way is to first supply all needs of family and stock from one's own acres, and then put surplus acre age in cotton. With bread and meat in hand, and a garden producing steadily through spring, summer and fall; with home canned vegetables and fruits on closet shelve* for winter ta ble use; with cor" in the crib and hay and fodder in the barn or stack, tho farmer can be largely indeyonuent of cotton prices in the fall. The farmer QUR wide experience with cars of different makes, combined with our thorough knowledge of auto me chanism can be of great value to you. We are specializing in reboring cylinders, fitting oversize pistons and rings, increasing the power and makes the motor run like new. We are auto specialists and ’twill pay you to consult with us. I SAT/JPACT/ON guaranteed ■‘Robert hrenfroe- OAK AG £ PAT) A T7l KES/PEUCE ) P PPOA/E AS J UA IX. UHj P/iOA/E / | REPAIRING • RENTING - STORAGE* AUTO SUPPfcf£s^ f\\oVl& YOUR_ ✓-W-'V HEALTH? SAID 48fr5 SAMMY- / / ' cant-kick „ / SAID I- |>| \ A (L \ WELL IF MY Jl? \V \hap)py f - - JZi L_Jth'e ROAD To P )—u happy. mS MW health Jg flr STEINBERG SAYS: Wf “Well Shod is Hal! the Journey” ggllJ AND WHAT STEINBERG SAYS IS SO. A | ''HE active man of tocfay knows that the* r geti-there habit depends upon • his health, and that the exhilerat \ >"gi springy desire to “step some” in the business world depends upon the comfort of a pair of well-dressed feet. UgHD Your feet know’what is good for them. [ \ c@C bet them bring you to this shop, boot ky them well, step lively in the direction of what you are_after—the odds will be in I \J your favor. STEINBERG’S UR Y GOODS—SHOES—SLIPPERS 14 Wall St. Phone 322 Cartersville, Ga. eo' provided for is never ‘distressed/ He can sit on his cotton bales with mind at ease, and sell in his own good time when prices are right. “With labor comparatively scare* and fertilizer high, any material in crease in cotton acreage must nec essarily be at the expense of food and grain acres that are in reality far more responsible for the south’s pres ent prosperity than is 18 to 20 cent cotton. “Memories are short, but wise far mers need only to look back to 1914 and see the disaster due to too much cotton that can’t be eaten, and th® laak of food that one must eat. I re peat this year of 1917, is a danger year. Any farmer who increases cot ton acreage and cuts food crop acres Is gambling with the cards stacked against him.” MRS. SLACK'S LETTER To Mothers of Delicate Children Palmyra, Pa,— "My little girl had A chronic cough and was so thin you could count her ribs, and she had no appetite. Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs. Neibert asked me to try Vinol, and now she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter and has a more healthy color. I wish every mother who has a delicate child wouid try Vinol.”—Mrs. Alfred Slack. We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret tonic, to make delicate children healthy and strong. M F. Word, Druggist, Cartersville, Ga. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Carters ville, Georgia, will be held in its bank ing house on Thursday, January 11, 1917, at 11 o’clock, A, M„ for the elec tion of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business ,s may legally come before them. * C. M. MILAM, Cashier.