The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, January 04, 1917, Image 6

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CHEAP MONEY; HOW FARMERS MAY GET IT. I believe that the Federal Farm Loan Act is the product of a master mind, and is destined to do the farm ers of this country more good than any law that ha* yet l>een enacted by congress. Briefly its machinery is as follows: U) The Federal Farm Loan Board, at Washington, of five members, nam ed by the president. (2) The Twelve Federal Banks, scattered throughout the na tion, (Ours being at Columbia, S. C.) (3) The many National Farm Loan Associations, each made up of ten or more farmers, who borrow $20,000 or more from the Federal Land Bank of their district No one except farmers, who live on their land or intend to so live may belong to such associations or borrow money through them, and they must give a first mortgage or first security deed to secure their loan. No farmer can borrow less than SIOO or more than $10,000; he must borrow his amount for from 5 to 40 years and must pay interest not to exceed 6 per cent; he must buy stock in his land bank to the extent of 5 per cent of his loan; he cannot borrow more than 50 per cent of the value of his land and 20 per cent of the value of his im provements. To illustrate: If Smith has land worth $4,000 and improve ments on same worth SI,OOO, he may borrow on the laud $2,000 and on the houses and improvements S2OO, mak ing $2,200. Five per cent of this amount or sllO must be invested in Farm Loan Bank Stock, which stock pays a dividend, like other bank stock, in proportion to the prosperity of the tank, and the stock is cashed out at par when the loan is paid off. 'A National Farm Loan Association is organized as follows: Ton or more citizens, owning land or buying land, who desire to borrow not less than $20,000 meet together and sign an application for a charter and at the same time sign an ‘‘Organ ization Certificate.” The applicants become a temporary organization and elect an agent to represent them, called a ‘‘Secretary and Treasurer.” Their agent will then receive from each of the applicants a subscription to the stock of the association, they' are forming equal to 5 per cent of the lean they desire. The application is forwarded to the Federal Farm Loan Eank of their district, and the bank / ir fZZ — 771? I I □ h " \ ? Vo ' ' \ h j * • —— T 77? ,' ' r 1 -‘‘rs/M'i’ • ’ > i* h ' ' • •’Nv N , ... ‘ W * h g, 1 | 5 . * \ X S J > N " ,N iru ‘ s3 <V V 4 \ C 4 / ? £ £ 1 # ~ p /. 1 r-/?‘w /zv 6 _ T Rif/£r . ■— * . kJi > “CASCARETS" FOR A COLD, BAD BREATH OR SICK HEADACHE Best For Liver and Bowels, For Bil iousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation. Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges iion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and flogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, whfch sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s the first step to untold misery—Indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yel low skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cas caret tonight will give your constipat ed bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don’t forget the children—.their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. —(advt.) sends an agent to examine the repre sentations made in the application for charter and if found true the charter is granted. After the charter is granted to the association it operates like a corpora tion, organizes and elects officers — five directors, who in turn elect a sec retary and treasurer, a loan commit tee, a president and a vice-president. After the organization and elections are perfected the directors pass upon tl;e admission of new' members and the loan committee passes upon the value of the new member’s land and the same committee aided by the sec retary and treasurer, or some fit per son, passes upon the land title. • These associtions are being organ ized in the states and counties all over the United States. Floyd county to our west, Gordon to our north, and, I think, Cobb to our south have organiz ed such associations. Several farmers have already signi fied their desires to organize such an association in Bartow county. If I may, I shall be glad, to render further, de sired information to anyone, or aid in the organization of a National Farm Loan Association for Bartow county. C. C. PITTMAN. CHRISTMAS STORM ON THE BORDER. Fort Bliss, Texas, Dec., 28, 1916. Dear Editor: % I w'ould Like to have spent Christ inas with my friends and loved ones in and around Cartersville, but as I could not, my thoughts and best wish es, were with each and everyone. A great Christmas celebration, pre pared for the people of Fort Bliss, was spoiled late Monday when the worst wind storms yet experienced in this region descended and swept from end to end, swirling down the chimneys of the abode shacks. The wind filled the dwellings with smoke which drove officers and men in ro the open. Tents were flattened, abode houses unroofed, and hundreds of men are hatless for not realizing the force of the wind as they ventured into the open only to see their “head gear” swepted away over the mesa by the tempest. The wind rose Xmas Eve and in ci eased in violence steadily. By day light the music of the bands, which played Xmas carols, were heard only in snatches. It was impossible to see more than three feet in any direction for hours at a time. The weather is nice and warm now, and despite the fact that the best part of Xmas was spoiled the boys are having bushels of fun. A “fantastic crowd” marched through Fort Bliss today with a ‘ monkey faced” mule dressed in a red, white and blue dress. Loggias and bonnet to match the dress. The troop commander, Lieutenant Wyman, was dressed in a robe to match that of the lie’s costume, and the comical part, he was riding the mule. The band marched in front playing “Dixie.” In each regiment a big turkey din ner w r as served and the men in Mexico will long remember this Xmas. Dress ed turkey filled “64” barrels, “32” packing cases of pies and cakes, and 3,500 pounds of candy were shipped into Mexico by motor trucks for Gen. Pershing’s men. There has been a lot of deaths in the regiments of the militia caused of pneumonia which they contracted while on a hike during a blizzard. On account of thd extremely high altitude here, those that take pneumonia sel dom recover. Fifteen boys have died during the past two weeks, five died one night, at the army hospital. A girl friend near Cartersville has asked (he several questions in regard to the “soldiers’ soul welfare,” and of the army, which I will answer through The Tribune later, as space will not permit at this writing. So wishing each and everyone a very happy and prosperous New' Year, I am, MRS. JENNESS DENMAN STEWART SAYS BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take a Glass of Cold Water and Kid neco to Flush Kidneys If Back Hurts Omit All Meat From Diet If You Feel Rheumatic or Bladder Bothers The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trou ble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; the elimina tive tissues clog and the result is kid ney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead, your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or have rheuma tism whop the weather is bad, get from your druggist about, one dozen kidneco tablets; take one with a glass of w'ater before each meal for a few days and your kidneys will then act fiDe. This famous remedy is made from perfectly harmless ingredients and acts quickly and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending blad der disorders. Kidneco is inexpensive; cannot in jure, make no mistake, insist on kid neco, it belongs in every home, be cause nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. —(advt.) TRAIN SCHEDULE. Arrival and departure of S. A. L. Ry, Company trains at Cartersville, Ga., daily: No. 311 departs 6:50 a.m. No. 323 departs 4:00 p. m. No. 322 arrives 11:15 a.m. No. 312 arrives 7:50 p. m. Receiver’s Sale! Cartersville’s Most Desirable Residence Lot to be Offered to the Public. By virtue of orders of Bartow Superior Court, Granted 21st day of July. 1916, and December sth, 1916, in case of H. M. Smith vs. R. R. Smith, No. 10, January term, 1910, I will offer for sale at public outcry on the premises, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10 O’clock A. M. All the realty of the estates of C. H. and Mrs. M. O. Smith, on the West side of Erwin street, and known as “BILL ARP” HOML PLACE Cartersville, Georgia. Lots to be offered separately as per the accompanying plat, which plat is recorded in the Minute* of the Clerk’s office of Bartow Superior Court, in Minute Book “P” page 572. Terms of sale are cash, but a reasonable time will be given the successful bidder within which to secure the money to com ply with his bid. Sale will be immediately reported to the Court for con firmation, and sale will be subject to the order of the Court The purchasers of these lots will have the right to the undivided use of an alley 12 feet wide, west of lots Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4, and an alley 12 feet wide, north of lots Nos. 5, and 6. and an alley 20 feet wide, west of lot No. 6, thi* use and easement to be undivided and equal to each and all of the pur chasers of any or all of the said lots of land, as shown by said plat. After each of said lots have been offered for sale separately, the entire property on Erwin street, together with dwelling thereon, will be offered to bidders for sale as a whole, and the plan which results in the largest amount of money to the heirs of this 'estate will promptly thereafter be confirmed by the Court, unless good and valid objections be made thereto by some party or creditor a* interest. THERE WILL BE NO BY-BIDDERS FOR THE ESTATE. The property will be sold free from liens, or any taxes due the State and County, or City, for past years, or for the year 1916, all taxes, through the year 1916, to be paid out of the funds arising from said sale. All lots are well drained, centrally located, comfortably shaded, and lot No. 6 carries substantial, extensive improvements, with two story house and outbuildings. This is an opportunity for home seekers and investors, YOU SHOULD NOT MISS. H. M. SMITH, % As Receiver of the Estate of C. H. and Mrs. M. O. Smith A CARD OF THANKS. To the Editor Bartow Tribune. Dear Mr. Peeples. Will you kindly print in The Tribune a few words of thanks to the friends that contributed towards the beautiful little marker placed at the head of my husband’s grave? From what I can learn Mrs. Lillie Bradley has taken a great interest, and also Mr. Gaines. These I will try to see personally. All the others that 1 may not see I thank them. The marker is larger and more expensive than I would have been able to place. These friends have no idea how much this helps to console. That his friends remember my husband cause me to feel that his/ friends were and are mine. Very sincerely, MRS. AARON HAZLEWOOD. REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON WANTS PUBLIC EXPRESSION. Mr. Editor: I want an expression of the county on two propositions: First: Do you favor a longer school term, at least of one month for our country schools? Second: Do you favor the state furnishing to our school children school books at least at cost? Please % w r rite me a card giving me your position on each of these ques tions, and accept my thanks in ad vance for your kindness. Permit me, Mr. Editor, in asking for this information to wish for each of my constituents a Happy New Year. Very truly yours, M. L. JOHNSON. The Quinine That Does Hot Affect The Head because of its tonic and laxative effect I.AXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Qii’nine and does not cause nervousness no: 'miring in head. Remember the full name and olc for the signature of E. W. GROVK. 25c DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE* I have decided to’ sell my home on'Leake and Erwin streets at a very reasonable price and can make terms to suit purchaser. This property fronts 96 feet on Erwin street and runs back 208 feet on Leake street. The house is mod ern in every respect and in first class repair and is rented to a high class tenant. This is one of the most desirable pieces property in Cartersville and can be bought at an investment price. RUOHS PYRON ~ STRAIGHTFORWARD TESTIMONY Many Cartersville Citizens Have Prof, ited By It. If you have backache, urinary trou bles, dftys of dizziness, headaches or nervousness, strike at the seat of thi trouble. These are often the symp toms of weak kidneys and there is grave danger in delay. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kid ney ailments —are endorsed by over 40,000 people. Ytour neighbors recom mend this remedy—have proved its merit in many tests. Cartersville read ers Should take fresh courage in the straightforward testimony of a Car tersville citizen. E. Matthews, 205 Erwin St., Car tersville, says: “I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills and I am glad to say the medicine is good. When I first took them, I had been suffering from kid ney trouble for some time. Doan’s Kid neys Pills gave me great relief. Since then whenever I have noticed a return of the trouble, I have used Doan’s Kid ney Pills. Relief has followed immed iately.” Price 50c, at all deale; s. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr. Matthews had. Foster-Milbum Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.—(advt.) FOR RENT—Two houses on Mont gomery street. G. M. Jackson & Son. Phone 164. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. WANTED —5 or 6 room house. Want same by January Ist. Apply to Tribune.