The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, January 04, 1917, Image 9

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Professional Cards [ - HOWARD E. FELTON, M. D. President Board of Health. Office 2 1-2 West Main Street. (ever Young Bros. Drug Store Residence Telephone No. 175 SAM M. HOWELL, M. D. Office over Scheuer Bros. Residence Telephone No. 255 DR. C. H GRIFFIN, dentist Office in Walton Building CARTERSVILLE, GA. Jffice Phone 191. Residence Phone 24] CLAUDE C. PITTMAN LAWYER Represents National Surety Company, “The Largest and Strongest in the World.” J. R. WHITAKER Attorney-at Law Office in First National Bank Bldg. Money to loan on improved farm lands at 6%; prompt service, Cartersville, Georgia WATT H. MILNER Attorney-at-Law Farm Loans v-anted. Interest 6,6 ft and 7 per cent. According to amount. Commissions reasonable. Offices Bank Block over Store of Mad ison Milam. H. W. CALDWELL, Veterinary Surgeon At Jones & Oglesby Stable Day Phone 143. Night Phone 388. Calls will receive my prompt atten tion. GEO. a AUBREY, Attorney-at-Law, Fire Insurance. Cartersville, Georgia. We Carry a Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets and Robes. G. M. JACKSON & SON, Cartersville, Ga. J. B. CONYERS Attorney-at-Law Sam Jones Bldg. Cartersville, Ga. W. W. PHILLIPS Civil Engineer County Surveyor Surveys of all kinds —Maps, Profile. Specifications Furnished. Phone 430 Cartersville, Ga. MISCELLANEOUS. Money tof Lend At Low Cost Paul F. Akin Perfection Smokeless Oil Heaters. f or sale by G. M. Jackson (& Son, hone 164. FOR SALE— -1 Bay Mare 1 Bay Mule 1 Duroc Sow, (bred) 1 Saw Mill Outfit. 1 1 Jersey Cow. Apply to W. W. DAVES. Cedar Chests for sale. Apply to G. M. Jackson & Son. Bread is the staff of life, therefore have it good. Tip-Top or Butter-Nut Bread. -—— ■ To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money il it fails to cure. E. W. GP.OVE’S signature on each box. 25c. Call 244 or 246 for Tip-Top or But ter-Nut Bread. Cartersville Lodge No. 142 Regular meetings, first and third Thursday nights of each month at 7:3o_o’clock. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Tour druggist will refund money U PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure any case of Itching, njind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in6tol4days. The first application givea Ease and Rest. 50c IRISH POLICEMAN • ATTACKS GRAFT Honest Lai Flgim Hsw York's roJilcians, "A SOil OF ERIN” Pretty Colleen Waits In the Ould Coun try Untii Promotion Makes Lover Captain of Police, When a Joyful Re union Occurs. “A Son of Erin," a Pallas picture produced for the Paramount Program, is an interesting, clearly told screen story of Old Ireland and Young Amer ica, both personified by Dustin Far num as Dennis O’Hara, the frolicsome young Irish lad with the big heart and the merry smile. The story tells how Dennis O’Hara, a poor Irish lad in'the “Ould Coun- Winifred Kingston v Xvly : XV / Winifred Kingston, Pallas Star In Paramount Pictures. thrie,” is lured to America, that land of promise for so many of his kind, there to be met with discouragements and disappointments that would have dismayed a stouter heart than his. Katie O’Grady, the Lady of His Heart, is left back in Ireland, and when, soon after leaving her, he sends his photo graph in uniform of a policeman, she is skeptical, for has she not been told of the “fake” costumes to be obtained in America? In the meantime, Dennis finds him self up against tough problems of poli tics, and be fights them, losing his position as a result. A fatal catastrophe figures as a turn ing point, leading the young hero to great success. Winifred Kingston, who plays opposite Mr. Farmim. makes the most winsome of e< llccns, and it is easy to see why all the Irish lads were in love with her. Isn’t She a Darling? I. .... BCENE FROM **A SON OF ERIN,” A PARAMOUNT PICTURE PRO DUCED BY PALLAS. THE BARTOW TRIBUNE, JANUARY 4. 1917. A SINGING OSTRICH. Mae Murray’* Pet Attempt* Grand Opera. Mae Murray, the talented Lasky-Para mount star, has two hobbies —music and pet animals. Of the latter'she hks almost enough to start a private me nagerie at the present time. The latest addition, from an Australian admirer, is a baby ostrich. Thinking that if she begins while be is yet young she will have greater success with him. Miss Murray is cultivating his voice. The latest addition to his repertoire is the Sextette from “Lucia”—'“because, you see," explains Miss Murray, “be is six times as big as most of us, so what could be more appropriate than tfee ‘Sextette?' ” It is rumored that the bird will sing all the parts at once be fore many weeks. STAR FROM “FOLLIES.” Reasons For Mae Murray’s Unparal lelled Success In Photodrama With the Lasky Company. The beautiful Mae Murray was one of the first of the many “Follies’ ” stars to go over to the motion picture and she has had an unparalleled suc cess ever since her first picture, which was “To Have and To Hold,’’ a Para mount Picture produced by the Jesse L. Lasky Company. Miss Murray is a A Moment of Destiny '> '•' VrjO- p ' •' 4/fgjft Jfp V M f. :- • WaR " & S&% % ••ittfe'l raMsSIC ':i ■ > *•£&s& J& j^&^S t^i”^ — “’' •>. ' m '*' - - SCENE FROM “THE PLOW GIRL,” A PARAMOUNT PICTURE PRO DUCED BY LASKY. type of blond that takes especially well in pictures and her charming per sonality together witl\ her beauty has won for her a snug corner in the hearts of the fans. GIRL SOLD TO SALOON KEEPER Found by Lawyer In Search of Lost Heiress. "THE PLOW GIRL." Thrilling Adventures of Girl In South Africa and London as Drudge and So cial Butterfly—Mae Murray at Her Winsome Beet. Mae Murray, the brilliant young Lasky star who has won a distinct place for herself in the hearts of pho todramatic fans by her splendid pet formances In “To Have and To Hold," “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” “The Dream Girl" and “The Big Sister,” has creat ed a part even more perfect in the Jesse L. Lasky production of “The Plow Girl." This is a play that was prepared for the screen by Charles Sarrer from the original story by Ed- ward Morris, and it carries the audi ence from the South African veldt to the elaborate drawing rooms of fash ionable London society. The story has to do with the adven tures of Margot, a little girl who is the family drudge in the home of a drunken South African farmer. The farmer sells her to a saloon keeper, and she is only rescued by the lawyer of a titled English woman who is in search of her own lost grandchild, The Plow (lid ... . M Murray, Lasky Star In Para mount Pictures. *3* - * = whose parents perished during the Boer war. A scheming relative, to obtain mon ey from the grandmother, selects Mar got to impersonate the lost grandchild. How the little girl is made into a beau tiful society woman and how the ta bles are turned on the scheming for tune-hunter when Margot at last comes into her own, is brought about in a most vivid and spectacular manner. The cast supporting Miss Murray is of unusual excellence and includes the well-known Theodore Roberts in a wonderful characterization of the South African fanner, Elliott Dexter, Horace B. Carpenter, William Elmer, Charles Gerard, Edythe Chapman, Lil lian Leighton and others. I SWANSDOWnI The Choicest of l “Biscuit Flours * : i i.nn dollars a year are spent in 1. the U::.i and States for family mainte- Wm r;?;?<■ r- ]\ \ on. : Imre of that big budget you j' : ;4 cu.i .. -ur? i full value in money, nutri- ■ pv| t" •' sh T '3'.n ar.d excellence in your “Staff 1 jk‘,” il you make it from Swans Down, |ip an u perfect Hour of creamy whiteness ill xno easy-working qualities, therefore bakes |||| ; ?.rto whiter, lighter, finer biscuits, bread and |||| p ;> cakes. Requires far less than the ordinary wm 0% amount cf shortening because of its abso- ||i A lip We HaVe Made Flour II * ffifjjfffffirffffhT .imr But this new Swans Down |j|| | | : Wr is our finest achievement of N? ; ' brains, experience and the lafc- |pf \ est, finest machinery. Every fill / riAURMADf- I grain of wheat is cleaned, ill tCARTERSVILLE GROCERY CO., Distributor Guarantee w&fa LuzianneCoffee will satisfy f ft W& you in every respect. We W' ] M ||| further guarantee that one Ml / jPi pound of Luzianne will go as far as two pounds of cheaper 1 coffee. If, after using the en- | tire contents of one can ac- *o} cording to directions, you are not absolutely ||l| satisfied on both these points, throw the !§!;: empty can away and get your money back ||| ||( from the grocer. He will give it to you with- |||| i|||i out quibble. Buy this better and cheaper ||§ coffee today. Write for premium catalog. ||| ; ; ‘The Reily-‘Taylor Cos New Orleans FIVE DOLLARS DOWN One Dollar per week will put this range in your home. We believe it to be a good value. “The firm that appreciates your business. * ’ O. M. JACKSON & SOIN