Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. THURSDAY, Ht|. Tl ; M|!£ THE TIMES-RECORDER ESTABLISHED 1879. THK TIMES-RECORDER COMPANY (Incorporated.) Publisher. Published every afternoon, except Saturday, every Sunday morning, and as a Weekly (every Thursday). Entered as second class matter at nstoffice at Amertcus, Ga., under act March 3, 1879. FRANC MANGUM, Editor and Manager. THOMAS M. MERRITT. JR., Ass’t. Business Manager. Subscription Kates. Dally and Sunday, Five Dollars a Year (In advance). Weekly, One Dollar a year (in ad vance). Mr L H. Kimbrough, circulation manager, is the only authorized travel ing representative of The Times- Recorder. OFFICIAL ORGAN FOR: City of Amertcus Sumter County Webster County Railroad Commission of Georgia For -Third Congressional District. U. S. Court, Southern District or Georgia. Amerind, Ga., September B, 1917 ] SPEAKING With the falling of Riga, rigor mor tis seems to have set in In Russia. Quite a number of our well-known young men will spend the coming winter season in France. o? The price of peroxide is going up— a account of the war. Oh, well, all can’e be blondes, anyhow! There never was a Doy who wanted to be a man half as badly as most men would like to he boys again. With wheat at $2.20 a bushel, we wouldn't mind If you were tj pass those potato biscuits once more, please. "How To Get married On $100.” That's easy. But what most mc*n want tJ know is how to stay married on that. A Virginia man read a poem on the war and then shot himself. Why didn't he shoot th? man that v.rote the poem? Our society page today states that this fall “skirts would be shorter and tighter:” Thus, we see more and more #hy boys leave home. Twenty years from now all the of llce-holders in Georgia will be one- armed, one-legged, or one-eyed men who fought In the war In France. We read where an author Bays that writing for a llvlnj is as uncertain -ar gambling. It's not uncertain at all. If you enclose stamps, you get your manuscript back. An Announcement Mr. G. R. Ellis has sold the entire ownership of the Times-Recorder tt> Franc Mangum, of Macon, and Arthus Lucas, of Atlanta. The latter will not have any active, personal connection with the business. Mr. Man- p-um will be in charge of, or have supervision over, every department of the Times-Recorder, beginning with this issue. YOUTH TO THK FRONT! Any review of the work of the Geor- bla legislature this year would nec essarily give prominence to the part played by the younger element. Time was when the legislature was composd largely of A COLUYN OF CLIPPINGS For the first time in its long and distinguished career, The Times- Recorder is no founder the combined management and ownership of an ex perienced newspaper man who will devote to its interests his entire time and energy and make its succss hi life work and ambition. Htherto, The Tmes-Recorder hga been owned chefly as an investment and actually operated by others wh either were not thoroughly seasoned in the newspaper profession or had no governing interest in the business. 'The Times-Recorder has, however, prospered and progressed, until it has become in character an influential institution, identified with the times and the traditions of Americus, Sumter county and south Georgia. Thoroughly cognizant and appreciative of its attainment and achieve ments, the present editor and publisher of The Times-Recorder commences J his association with It intensely imbued with the inspiration and the en- ' A Mild Statement. A Belgian woman nas been given a sentence of four months in a prison for saying that Germans were pigs. If eterans—either she had. really expressed her mind, no veterans of war or politics. But now | doubt she would have been shot.—Sa« it is true that the personnel of the vannah Morning News, genera 1 assembly comprises chiefly A Very Gossipy Crowd. The Georgia legislature might not men who have had little experience in practical politics and who are com paratively young in years. Of course, the leaders-or men who *».e » " hl - the Uc ™ an ar “ 5 '' aspire to .eadership. s.nce there really a glnger cake t0 8 1 , . , ,,, n.Ucughnut that It can out-talk any- was no leader in either the Senate or •* I . I thine on earth except a woman s rthe house this year-are seasoned per-1 1,1 K fenving society.—Rome Tribune-Herald. formers. However, a tremendous influence is! exercised by the new veneration. Much, of the activity of the legislature is' High-Living Oysters The increase in the price of oysters, attributable to their energy, ambition j we suppose, is due to the war. The and persistency. Many of the best assumption is that oysters find It a deavor to make this newspaper still more closely and vitally affiliated Vjj| g p as sed this year were devised byjgreat deal more expensive ti live and with the afTairs of the people anl the section which it will serve. A newspaper is Institutional, and should never be perverted to the j personal purposes of any Individual. It should be a reflection of the life of ; the people, a vehicle for their expression, a purveyor of news for their instruction, Information, and enter-tainment. In absolute accord with these ideas, The Times-Recorder henceforth will be published. Whatever may have been its preferences in the past, Tthe Times-Re corder now is fancy free for the future. The Times-Recorder has inheri ed no partisanships. Its only doctrine is devotion to that which is best fo its patrons and for mankind in gen eral. In politics The Times-Recorder proposes to present its opinions when ever there is opportune occasion, bu always and ever it will exalt princi ples above personality. There will never be any uncertainty as to where The Times-Recorder stands and for what It stands. Its position will be public and positive, and promptly proclaimed. The Times-Recorder will be four-square to all the winds that blow; without fear or favor; friendly to all and afraid of none. In line with this fixity of editorial purpose will be its policy in the business office, where regular rates will be maintained and a common . courtesy assured for all. This salutatory would be utterly insufficient if it did not acknow ledge appreciate nof the cordla welcome which the citizens of the city and county have generously given the new’ management, and if it did not thank as well the newspapers, dailies and weeklies, in all sections of the state, for their many congratulatory good-wishes. them. grow large enough for market during Conspicuous among the young men j war times than In time of peace.— who have attained prestige and influ- Columbus Enqulrerer-Sun. ence In the House is Representative Stephen Pace, of Sumter. Indeed, it is doubtful if there is any young, new member who achieved more or occu- They Hit From Ilelrlnd. A prominent editor has been threat ened with death, in an anonymous let- pies a more enviable position. He made ter because he conderaned the draft the best speech heard on the floor °f, regIgterg He sbouId protect Ms rear the House this session-his reply to, dan , er , n front ._ Griffln Ncws & Rep. Winn, in support of the resolu- g UJJ tion to endorse President Wilson. He^ ________ was a splendid committee worker. Hej , , rt I At Least That .Much, was always present. He spoke seldom. . . ... u*. 11 is getting to be so it takes a dol- but always effectively, and he never i _ .. , .. . „ „ 0 „ 0 , lar to buy fifty cents’worth of almost failed to have an audience. As a usual { anything that one has to have.—Albany L G. (0 listII, Fres't. C. H. COUNCIL, VIce Pres. INC. 1891 H. S, COUNCU, T - F - BQLTos, Assl^ Planters Bank of Americus CAPITAL. SURPLUS & PROFITS $225-000.00 Resources Over One Million Dollars Did yen Help to over-subs,* Liberty Loan Bond issut? war conllnuts, another k these bonds Is Inevitable, an Interest bearing accotsi Department for Savings u, prepared lo help your Cm helplng'yourself. Prompt, Conservative, Accommodating We Want Your Business No Account Too Large and None Too Small thing, when a member rose to speak, , , , i Herald, the other members made as much noise as possible, and gave him as little at tention aa they could. But they lis tened to Steve Pace, and Invariably applauded him. Abe-Conger, of Bainbrldge, was an other or the younger set’ who distln- spin?—Thomasville Times, guia'lied himself by showing a capacUy to think—to think while on his feet, as well as in rnoro deliberative moments. A Sunday Diversion. Why not kill a worthless dog in stead of a hog when you are running too fast on your Sunday afternoon TllOS. E. WATSON. Just beyond the little town of Thom son. In a magnificent, old-fashioned h!m „ | hers than Conges, none more aggress- Twas his own that struck the blow.: ,»'« ° r possessing more legislative ca- Today, instead of being honored by P acll >'- John Wood ' of Cherokee coun- Where W’e Come In. The facts are brought out In the There are few more clear-sighted mem. memoirs of former Ambassador Gerard, now running in the Philadelphia Pub- his people, an inspiration to the youth L’- one °* young fellows, with a southern home, there lives a man of the j and his name the proud boa8t 'gift for the old-fashioned style of whose very name should, by all rights, be blazing brightly on the halls of time. Today this man is in the depths ot despair, burdened with woes unex- ttnguishable, eating the bitter fruit of remorse and tasting the dregs of griec. To him, as it were, ^ “When sorrows came, they came not single spies, uBt in battalions.” Born with an innate pride which lashed his ambition like th ewhlp of a task-master and spurred him on and on to heights which the average coun try youth would not dare to scale, this man cultivated himself, developed his talents, and made himself man among men. He became as good a lawyer, In of his countrymen, he is despised by oratory, which tears the stars out of decent-thinking citizens, practically ,ho na S and make> tha vcry easl ° proscribed by his government, a pariah scream In syinpathy-he left his irn- among patriots. press °" the “"Ion. Cecil Neill, of While others less gifted but more Muscogee, decidedly one of the ablest devoted to democracy are giving their. men * n entlre assembly, and the unselfish services to their nation, this author, perhaps, of more successful man is sow ing the seeds c* sedition. I legislation than any other representa- His writings are denied the mails. and t,ve * mU8t bo glven a deservedly high a prosecution for an offense akin to ra H n 8* treason hangs heavy, heavy over his 11 ***** Scnate ' Heath of Waynesboro, head. lie Ledger. He tells us that the Ger man crown prince is half dippy on the subject of Napoleon and has gathered about him a collection of Napoleonic relics which are the Joy of his life, And notwithstanding his shallow mind —which makes him all the more dan gerous—he has always hoped to be a second and more successful Napoleon. He w’anted to dominate the world. Early in 1914—six months before the great war broke out—the crow’n prince was exhibiting his Napoleonic collec tion to an American woman of Mr. Ge rard’s acquaintance. The crown prince MONEY 51 0 MO WHO on farm lands at 5 1-2 per interest and borrowers have ilege of paying part or all of principal at any into, period, stopping inlerest on amounts paid. We al have best rates and easiest terms and give quickest vice. Save money by seeing us. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEB Americus Undertaking Compz Funeral Directors and Embolmers MR. NAT LeMASTER, Manager Agents for Rosemont Gardens Day Phones 88 and 231 Night 661 Commercial City Ban AMERICUS, GA. General Banking business INTEREST I’AID ON TIME DEPOSITS An Ohio man is suing for one turn* dtred thousand dollars for alienation «/ Ws wife's affections. Seems to us' least one Particular branch of the pre- tbat the price of affection Is going up> ,<loa ' aa tbere was ln 0eor « la ' doubtless on account of the war. I He cxlbl,ed luallties of statesman Bhlp seldom Been ln these shallow The oyster season being four days times. old. it’s about time to read where with hts pen he employed somebody found a pearl worth n "Choice words and measured phrase thousand dollars while eating a fifteen- jabove the reach cents stew in a Greek restaurant. I pr ordinary men.” His essays rank with those of Lamb What Senator Hardwick said about | and Macaulay. «he Georgia newspapers was fairly ln-j Hls histories arc the ablest ever CeresUng. But It will be even morel wr men In this country—hls "Story Interesting to read wliat the Georgia 0 f France” being a classic and hls newspapers are going to.say about him. !"j; a poleon” the most comprehensive • one-volume study of the most famous When General Pershing was kissed iman of hlgtory . HIg Jcrrerpon |a n " and b, the French war minister, he burst j ,. Jacklon| „ hIg « M , llco » hh .-The Into tears. Can't say as we blame Hohenzollens,” even his "Roman bhn. but we believe we’d fight, rather »hsn cry, under such curcumstances The French papers cannot under stand why a Texas soldier slapped the tace of a Frenchman who flirted with the American's lady friend. But we ttzzuteratond it perfectly. It’s simply a little way we southerners have of do- Cathollc Hetrarchy," are works wnlch prove him an historical writer of the highest order. His edi'orlal expression burns with the fire of a Marat and the powerful eloquence of Brann or may soothe like the tender gentleness of a woman. Fr.renstcally. he Is even yet, with the posible exceptton'of Judge Speer, the most superb orator in the South. —Kisses are a compound of chemical Certain It is, he is without a peer ln «lsnents," says a college professor, this state as a political stump-speaker. We refer this to Editor Duke of the^ Griffin News and Sun, who says tbatj while be may not be entirely up onj en new, stylish, so-called ‘'military, ' he atlli guarantees satisfaction. 1 arertheless. Yet this man has "Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen,, Fallen from his high estate, And wett'ring in hls own blood." However, it may be said that ••‘Twas no foe man's arms that felled 'itself in favor of them. and Dukes, of Effingham, were among ^ a j d tie hoped war would come while ^ jtl.e young men who completed the ses- lhls fathe , r was j, et al(vc but lf noti be Seme day. If ho does not soon desist, 8 ^ on " ith a reputation for efficiency u squad of federal offleors, or troops, and earnestness, are going to march up the broad,! ^ a healthy, hopeful sign, this shaded pathway that leads to hls do or prominence of the young men In Gcor- and, |f they take him alive,, Thomas flia politics. E. Watson will either spend tho declin- ould start a war the moment he came to the throne." While Mr. Gerard as writing memoirs he secured from this Ameri can woman the exact conversation In her own words. Here It Is: "I had given him Norman Angelt’s We've got to get acquatnttd sooner j fcook , Th0 0reat I1U|slon . wh , ch Reek3 lng years if his life behind stone walls and iron bars or, some Friday, desig nated by the court , he will be led or ,ater * wh >’ not now * 0ur vices an *.tu prove that wa rls unprofitable. He to a trap and with arras bound and eyes' v,rtues are as fol,OW8 * t0 * wlt: (the crown prince) said whether was bandaged, will plunge downward to| Our favorite book—Bank. j as profitable or not, that when he came eternal darkness. AX AIHiU.MKXT FOR BOXDS. Favorite musical instrument—Dinner bell. to the throne there would be war—if A. D. WILLIAMS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER AUIS0N UNDERTAKING I Day Phone 253 Night Phones 730-10 not before—Just for the fun of It. “On a previous occasion he had said that the plan as to attack and conquer Fiance, then England, and, after that my country (the United States Favorite strong drink—Grandoldbut- — termllk. _ The raising of the tax rate by tho | Favorite frutt-Squasb. county commissioners is another ar-' Favorite pie—Onion. gument In favor of bonds. . Favorite song- We'll Hang Kaiser' Amerlca) . Rugala was als0 tQ bg CQn _ With a bond issue In force, this conn- William To the Sour Apple Tree." I querer and otrman)r w0(||d „ e mas(er ty could pay off all current Indebted- Favorite paw time—Work.. ! of the world , ness, construct permanent bridges, Im- Favorite part of Chicken—Either prove its roads to a maximum, and ba jf. Indulge in other public improvements. Favorite color—Blush red. Favorite mayor—L. Council. Favorite congressman—C. Crisp. Favorite governor—H. Dorsey. and—It would not then be necessary to apply a tax rate as hllh as the one now to be enforced. There need not he any misunder standing as to The Ttmes-Recorder's position on the question of bonds, tl believes In 'em—believes in bonds, mors bonds, and then bonds again. Americus is bonded nearly to its limit, and is better for it. Sumter county, too, would be enjoy ing more roads and bridges and better roads and bridges and other improve ments as well, including a lower tax rate, if It would only give the bond proposition a fair trial. Bonds So there you have It upon the worn of this blustering crown prince him self that he Intended to crush America when France and England had been de stroyed. The war he threatened In the early part of 1914 came to pass in Au- Favorlte Georgia s-.nator-No such gua , , 9U and , g g0 , ng animal. * on now. And yet there are people who ask what has America go to do with it. We’ve changed cur opinion about ex-.Macon News. Czar Nick. Since learning that he, smokes a pipe and hoes in a cabbage patch, we believe he must be a rathe* good sort, after all—the kind of man you’d have over in the evenings play checkers. the foundation of the disease, civlncr tha patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing Its are A three-conts piece la propo>ed, b *» neither a tax on the present generation we put the world on record right nof nor a burden to be shifted to posterity, that It will nrer be popular. There and sooner or later the intelligence of isn’t a single self-respecting Pullman ...... . I Hundred Dollars for any rass that It falls this splendid county is going to assert porter or hovsl v u *cr whr wo*, u ac- to cure. Send for list of testimonials SFEHSL* £9 • $100 Reward, $100 The readers of thl, paper will be pleated to learn that there Is at Isast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cur. In all iu stage, and that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Catarrh Medicine ts taken Internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur- face, of th. Syetem thereby destroying th# fntinHnHnn a# th. dls.... ..s ., _ Cstarrh M.dlelne that they off.r One cept it as a t‘p. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 71c.” PHOTOGRAPHS Of yoursell in your favorite nook, of baby.or your in or out doors. Let us demonstrate for you. L. A. McPheeters Forsyth Stufl EBBK1I3S1 LD55 DI5TRE55 A POLICY OF ACCIDENT INSUR’ means expert surgical and ^ pital service in case of acctden The coil is small—be P r Inquiries invited. Herbert Hawki ■—■■ The Commercial Warehous 1 Wants to weigh your cotton and sell it for you fo highest price, for the season of 1917*1918. A ton stored with us will receive our personal atten Our long experience in our particular line oj ness insures satisfactory service. Mr. W. M. *»u will again be connected with us. COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE &