Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 5

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m iPlT, SEPTEMBEB6,1917.. • THE AMERICUS T1MES-REC0RDER. PAGE FITE. * SOCIAL Doings and Goings Miss Sarah Tower, Editress TELEPHONE 99 . + + .+>♦♦♦♦ pyne, Mary Walker, Margaret Wheat- * + TEK WAR. ♦ ley,.Katherine Hamilton, Eugenia Col- N't ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ [line, Clara Glover, Mary Sheffield, Dor- ’ ’ lothy Cargill, Anne Kills, Mabel Ellis, er to lose with a conscience Gertrude Davenport, Ruth Councl, Mary | Dudley, Alice McNeil, Elmer Bell, ,.j n with a trick unfair; . | Agnes Gatewood and Nellie Worthy; to foil and to know you ve Messrs \y. D. Harvey, Eugene Har- p ._ vey, Stewart Prather, George and Hen- e r the prize was—square, | ry ^y a lker, Frank Easterlln, Bill Ivey, : laim the joy of a far-off goal Doug i a9 i V ey, j 0 hn Taylor. Owen Poole, cheers of the standers-by, |Q eorge Lumpkin, Junior Easterlln, Bill 5 * down deep In your Inmost .Littlejohn, Otis and Oscar Carter, Chris Sherlock, Carroll Clarke, Fisher Brown, you must live and die. | 0 f Cincinnati; Henry Allen, Jimmy Westbrook, Sam Hooks, Charles Crisp trick may take the Prize. ' d Jlmray Selg arit he may think It sweet I ... day in the future lies wish he had met defeat; A lcazad THEATREK Wednesday Matinee 5 & 10c; Night 10 & 15c Louise Glaum, in “LOVE OB JUSTICE” Five acts, and “HIS MABBIAGE FAILURE" Triangle comedy Thursday 5 & 10c Sessue Hayakawa, in “THE JAGUAR'S CLAWS”MI Five acts Friday 5 & 10c Alice Joyce and Harry Mojrey, in “THE QUESTION” 2 acts; final chapter of "Mystery of the Double Cross" MISS RUTH EVERETT'S admet ueieai; B , BTHDAY PARTY. an who lost s a e juss Ruth Everett was a charming 1 , ,, 1,1 oh Ittle hostess yesterday afternoon, when —-—rn:frrry ,rlcnd81nce,obra ' the par. progressive old maid was played on ■at and mng • Itho porch and afterwards delightful fair when the fight’refreshments were served. , | Those enjoying the occasion were thur Ky i ande r, Frank Marshall, Lewis "’ , won Mary Earl Allen, Anne Heys, Ira Gate- Merritti Charles Crisp, Lewis Ellis, 1 , S th thlne W hen the wood, Mabel Hamilton, Mary Glover, D , ck wimams> prank Cato, Carroll bate ' „„ S | Christine Brown, Bernice McArthur, c , k and BU1 D odson. ids are gone, I t.i-« cimmnnn _ . QUITS NAVY LEAGUE. Mrs. E. T. 8tote«bury Objected to Crltioiem of Soeretary Daniels. OTHER TOWNS JOIN WITH AMERI CAS CHAMBER or COMMERCE IN OPPOSING THE SEABOARD’S PE- TITION. vds are g ' Nell Hamilton, Josephine Simmons, The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. tanda for a false aeea none, s„=i« Tnhnsnn. ... . ... n n iu. letter you never reach your Marjorie Cargill and Susie Johnson. | w Q ^ rp | n a nd Mr. and Mrs. Hollis 1 * * * 'Fort, er success to buy SCRIP DANCE AT ARMORY I ce of knowing down deep In ENJOYABLE AFFAIR. MISS ERMA WILKES rsoul ‘ A large crowd enjoyed the scrip WED CAPT. YOCXG. ur glory is all a lie. dance at the armory last night Miss Dr. and Mrs. J. M. V> likes, or Jt Evelyn Bragg and Mr. Welbur Smith South Borne avenue, announce the en- furnished the music. 1 gageme-.t their daughter, ..rra&F*., Those present were Misses Eugenia to CecilI George « £ S —Detroit Free Press. Photo by American Tree. Association. Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury, prominent In Philadelphia society, has reslgued as di rector of the Navy league for the Fourth district Mrs. Stotesbury said she did not sympathize with league of ficials In their dispute with Secretary of the Navy Daniels. Il OFT Will BE CONTESTED A business meeting of the mejnbers or the Chamber of Commerce was held Friday pfternoon, and during the meeting the application of the Seaboard Air Line railway to the Railroad Com mission to discontinue trains IS and 11 from Helena to Amertcua, and trains 15 and 16, Amerlcus to Richland, was discussed an dprotestod against by the members of the chamber. , he president of the chamber ap pointed a committee to confer with the „iei chants and business men of I he city, and obtain their views on the re moval, and report to tho chamber the early part of next week after which other action will be taken to prevent ;he trains from being taken off, If the merchants are inclined that way. Other towns on the line have already filed petitions of protest, and It Is likely that a vglrons fight will be made. ty. Georgia, said tract being bounded on the North by lands of Judson as follows; On the north, east and Chambliss and L. O. Connell, on East , west by lands of Dr. W. J. Smith, and ‘ bv Chambliss, West by lands owned on the south by plantation road run. | by Mrs. J. F. Finch, and on South by ning along the south land line of said J, L. Chambliss, said property betas... lot. - I In the Twety-elghth District of Sumter Levied upon and will be sold as the County, Ga.” property of Josh Fay to satisfy a cer- j Levied upon and will be Bold as the tain Justice court # fa In favor of Dr. property, of O. W. Gllsson, to satisfy Vp. j. smith vs. Josh Fay. Tenant In an execution Issued from Sumter Coun- posstsslon notified In terma of the law. ty Superior Court, In favor of W. El This Sth day of September, 1917. I Brown v»' 0- W. Gllsson, property LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. pointed out In FI Fa. Tenant In pos- , session notified In terma of the law. | This 5th day of September, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. By R. L. Maynard. Wanted—Ash timber 8 Inches and np In diameter, and 48 Inch lengths. Hanna Handle Co* Macon, Ga. 8147 Sheriff’s Sole. GEORGIA—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court House door, In the City of Amerlcu, aald Static and County, between the legal siauu miu a-oumvji Sheriffs Sale, hours of sale, on the flrat Tuesday in oEOROIA, Sumter County. October, 1917, the following described will be sold before the courthouse property, to-wlt: ropeny, w-wiv. door in the city of Amerlcus, said state “One vacant town lot situated on and county on the flrat Tuesday In 0 Jackson Street. In Amerlcus, Sumter toberj 1917) within the legal hours ot County, Ga., and bounded ae follows: M i e> t0 the highest bidder for caah, the On the North by house and lot of Geo. following described property, to-wlt: Henderson, on Bouth by house and lot 0ne sm ith and Barnes piano, Number of Ab Jackson, on the East by proper- 91 g 0 9. Levied upon and will be sold ty of Missouri Robinson, on the W^t a3 the property of , Mrs. M. E. Bush, by property unknown to me.” to satisfy a certain mortgage fl fa In Levied upon and will be sold as the favor 0( j jj, pools & Sons vs. Mrs. property of I. A. Harris, to satisfy a M B . Bulh . certain City Cout FI Fa, tSBued from the City Court of Amertcua In favor of M. J. Stevens va I, A. Harris Tenant la possession notified In terms of law. This 6th day of September, 1917. LUCIUS HARVEY, Sheriff. Edwin H. Bradley to Become City Editor Brunswick News „„„• r srcrsrjss .i~ » »<:«...o'-*-. - • -fe a, at rar.ns=:!srs. =. =± rsti-- was formerly stationed at Fort Dade, and has many friends here who will congratulate him on winning such a charming bride. He is now captain of the ordnance department at Washing ton, and is held In high esteem by all who know him. The above announcement from the Tampa Tribune will be of Interest to Miss Wilkes' many friends here. Miss Wilkes Is a former resident of Amert- cus anil spent some time pleasantly here this summer as the guest of Miss Melva Clarke, on Jackson street. The many frien-ls of Mr. Edwin H. Bradloy will bo Interested to know that he has resigned as managing edi tor of The Times-Recorder, In order to accept the place of city editor for the Brunswick News, home today. Oday. property aencriiwu »** ««« • •• Mr. Bradley has been connected GlliSon to w. E. Brown, dated Decem- wlth the local newspapers for severa\|h er jj. 1908, rocordod same date In Now That September is With Us You| Will Be Interested In These New Fall Fashions COATS AND SUITS WITH STYLE ALERTNESS /' years and enjoys a wide circle of friends who undoubtedly will regret hiB departure. 'Ho Is a very capable newspaper man who In a now and larger field Is expected to make a con siderable success. The fashions of these gar- ments faithfully reproduce the French models from which they were created. They contribute the sense of well-being that goes with being well dressed. Quality is conspicuous |in every thread. They bear the ega Pinkston label which in sures their goodness. We are ready and confident of pleasing you in every way. PATRIOTIC OFERATTA Twenty-two of the most attractive children In Amerlcus will appear plcklnlnnlea In the patriotic operetta given by the Woman’s club on Tuesday night. September 11th. This one por formance is worth the price of tho show. Don’t fail to see It. MASTER tiieron hooks TO entertain. A pleasant event of tomorrow af ternoon for the little people will be tho party at which Master Theron Hoosk, attractive little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hooks, Jr., will entertain at the home of Mrs. O. O. Loving, on Barlow street, io celebration of his third' birth day. GEORGIA—Sumter Couty. Will be sold before the Court House door, in the City of Amerlcus, said State and County, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday ta October, 1917, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wlt; ’’All of lot of land No. One hundred , - land Etfhty-three, except aeventjr-ono Ho goes to his now (71 , acres off the West Bide, being that property described ta deed from G. W. This 6th day of September, 1917. T. L. SUMMERS, Deputy Sheriff, Sumter Co., Ga. Want Column. WANTED — Experienced man to work on farm and overaee same; farm noar Amerlcus; give reference; ex perience and salary expected. W. H. Emmet, Atlanta, Ga. I W.ANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable chargee. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., Lit?A il| ievO| I CVUi uww deed book “JJ”, page, 128; bounded directly In front of poitofflce, 6-lt We will pay you n good price for your pork. Come lo see us before you sell. Arno Sanitary Market. Legal Advertisements MISS OLIVETT GANDY The following sketch may be of ln- tercst to those who expect to hear Miss Olivett Gandy in the patriotic operetta to be given by the Woman’s dug on Tuesday night, September 4th. At the ago of eleven, while staging Dunk Property In Ettofflle For Sale. As receiver of the Bank of South western Georgia, I have an offer of (3,000.00 cash for the bank building of the Ellavllle Agency of the Bank of Southwestern Georgia, and the fixtures, and furniture therein situated. Includ ing safe, vault, etc., and the premises on which It is situated, described follows: Commence at a point on the north side of Oglethorpe street duo east from the corner of Broad street and Ogle thorpe street, seventy-nine (79) feet and six (6) Indies, and run east along Oslethorpo street sixty (60) feet and six (6) Inches, thence north seventy (70) feet, thence west sixty (60) feet and six (6) inches, thence south sev enty (70) feet to atartlng point, being the real estate conveyed by the Plant- era Bank of Ellavllle to the Bank of Pinkston Company In the Cathedral choir in St. Augustine, she was heard by Madatn Nordlca, who persuaded her grandmother, Mrs. S. J. Poette, to send her to New oYrk to train. , „ Through Madame Nordlca s Influence she was given an audience by Gatti Ca- dozza, manager of ’the Metropolitan Opera Company, who being impressed with her possibilities placed her ta the home of his businesa manager an-1 had her trained by Metropolitan ar- I lists. ’ 7*. In 1915 she entered a contest with 350 girls for a scholarship to the Pea body eapwmivT ,n ? aIt,m ° re ' ,u Southwestern Georgia, escribed lndeea recorded ta the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Schley county, Georgia, ta Book I, folio 442, and un- less I, as receiver of the Bank ol Southwestern Georgia, have a better offer or bid for the same before Sep tember 12th, 1917, said offer will be ac cepted and submitted to the court for confirmation. Thla tho 1st day of September, 1917. U O. COUNCIL, - .-'--er of the Bank of Scui'nwestern ^Coorgla. '-*•'*<*>* «- 191 Sparks Grocery Company PHONES 43 & 279 Always a full line of good things to eat from the Markets of the world. Citation, _ Which TewTi^le there ah* show- GEORGIA. Sumter County^ which she won. jf ‘ nn,. rMI *i rB Johnnie E. Fenn, nee ed such maredk abJ» » rc f u „j Mc ^rlm, admlnl.tratl* of Robert U a special teacher. Late. * • tu ™ |«® reDres entB to the court In ed to New Qork. again taking Uff d*u. ’ flUd Bnd entered on •tudlea with the Metropolitan Opera her petit*. ^ administered Company. Her special Instructor there Is Bologna, the noted Italian mu slclan. She la 18 years of age and stags ta French. Spanish, Italian and English. In the fall Miss Gandy will make her debut at the Aeolian Hall In New York City. Miss Sarah Cobb went over to Rich land today to organise a Red Cross chapter there. Mrs. Frank Cato, Jr., returned to Amertcua yesterday from a motor trip to Forsyth, Atlanta and Montezuma, s s s OPENING OF •*'** ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The new elementary school to be located on the cam put ot the Third District A. & M. ectoo! will open Mon day, September 10th, to students below the Seventh grade. For admission ap- ■ -h« has fully administered record, that . Im , a estate, this Is, Robert L. MelOi. nerl0 ns concern- therefore, to eltd gw , _ a> t0 ab0 w ed, kindred and dfMflto,. ’ . , dm i„. cause, if any they can, why sale . tetratrix should not be discharged frou. her administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In October, 1917. This September 4th, 1917f JOHN A. COBB. Ordtnsry. We can use the following second hand books if same are in good saleable condition. Cy'r Primer. Cy’r Second Reader. Cy'r Fourth Reader. Jonos' Third Reader. Prince Arithmetic Book 1. Newton Primary Melodies. Wentworth-Smlth Arithmetic, Book L Wentworth-Smlth Arithmetic, Book 2. Wentworth-Smlth Arithmetic, Book 3—’ Frye’s Home Geography. Frye’s First Steps In Geography. Frye’s Higher Geography. Mother Tongue, Book 1. Music First Reader. Eggleston First Bock la Ameri can History. Cooper Our Country History. McLoughiin a a. Song Reader. Eldredge Business Speller. D’Ooge Latin tor Beginners. Wentworth Elementary Algebra. Myera Ancient History. Myers' Modern and Medieval History. Brooks & Hubbard Com. & Rhet oric, Walker Caesar. Caldwell & E. Elementary Sci ence. Milligan A G., Flrat Course In Physics. Cousin t Hill American History. Halleck English Literature. Wentworth-Smlth P. * B. Geometry- Knapp-Vlrgll. McHudson ft H. First Course In Chemistry. You can exchange your old Reed Primary and Word Lessons, Reed and WU9JB Graded Lessons and Higher Le.sone, Montgomery Enf SJ K. Watkins’ American Literature, for th. new book, dis placing same, J - • ■ — Hightower’s Book Store .Now is Seed Time SherllPs gale. GEORGIA, Sumter County. Will be sold before the courthouee door In the city ot Americne, said state and county, on the first Tuesday In October, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to- wlt: One and one-half (1 1-3) acres ot uis s. * .mu .land, mare or less .situate, tying and ply to E. J. McMatb, City, or J. M. Col- being ta the aouthwest corner of the Ium, at Third District A. & M. school, east half of land lot Number 247 In the, 2-11'Old Sixteenth District of Sumter cotta- And Allen’s Drug and Seed Store is the ^t and the city. Vci. >TG AND TM SU V ALLEN’S DR.. ,,- SEED STORi.