Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, September 06, 1917, Image 7

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)00 Young Soldiers To Be in Three Georgia Camps anco 1 Cities, training •ast soldier great of the new t about ready for In , September 4. pines. A great hospital has been (jTOX.ll' " erected at the extreme western end ot the camp. Provision has been made ti accomodate 38,000 men in addition v are to a remount station for the service. “.""southeastern states. Inj To tbe ea3t oI the carap 10,000 acres “reds have been laid out, joI , and are available for an artillery under ground and target ra nge. The water supply will bo furnished by tlie city of Macon from Its pumping station. Cutup Gordon ut Atlanta. Camp Gordon, 9 1-2 miles north of j Ramo ls ~ bereby levled upon all prop- Atlanta, near picturesque Silver Lake, I f )n sa , d coun(y 0( Sumtcr , a s tol- will be the third National army can '| lows . tonment in the southeast. Here will re to THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEFL PAGE SEVEN,. \ MIMTES OF ROA1ID OF COCMY COMMISSIONERS Americus, Ga., September 3.1917. The Board of Commissioners Heads and Revenues met in regular )C k at Augusta, Camp Wheeler at Macon, and ! ' lon ‘’ rcscnt: A - Uylan<1 * r ’ amp Gordon at Atlanta Are the Three Camps „ frame buildings erected ^coming during September of men who have been ° jvlcc in the National army the nation as federalized National selected by the War De- [or these great camp settle- as ne ideal as could bo m the standpoint of comfort, convenience to their in- gpedal care has been taken adequate supply of pure ,ost cases the adjacent cities from their permanent Although former National are to live mostly In number of buildings erected nearly as large as ial army cantonments, thus ssiblt? to convert them Into , quickly if necessary chairman, S. E. Statham, R. S. Oliver, T. B. Hooks. N. A. Ray. lltnutes last regular meeting read and confirmed. . The board proceeded to assess the tax rate for 1917-1918. Having escer- tained from the tax ditest, that the taxable property value of all the prop erty cf the county for 1917 amounts to eight million, one hundred and none thousand, one hundred, eighty-live and no-100 ($8,109,185.00) dollars, the Board ordered, for the purpose of rais. ing revenues to defray the various ex ponses of the county for 1917-1918, the following assessment be made, and the be trained the men drawn by selective conscrlptlno from Georgia, Alabama and Florida. The camp occupies 1,168 acres of gentle rolling land and two small streams traverse the site. Part of the -eservation still is under culti vation and a portion of It is wooded. The city of Atlanta will furnish a water supply of 2,500,000 gallons daily from Its pumping station, and the city has spent $200,000 in running water mains to the camp. The buildings are similar to those erected at Camp Lee and accomdatlons have been provided for about the same number of men. The enmp ts situated more than three miles The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charm—a good complexion. Of couroe they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Mil. 6. H. ELLIS SELLS THE TIMES-RECORDER PROPERTY IS NOW OWNED Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER •nd um »«ordin« to .ii»pt«i ditWIion*. Imple ment i. noticed et once. Soolhme. cnolms end ns. refreshing. Heels Sunburn, slops Ti 75c. at “Druggists or h moil direct. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stomp. LynnMfs.Cn., 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. licit I y U UW.VOm»4. I CllIUp l» BllUttlCU U1UI V. V— ~ ~ a n- located near Peters J distant from the end of the narestj Columbia, S. C., and At- strC et car line running to Atlanta there are National Guard ie vicinity of Charlotte, N. nburg and Greenville S. and Macon, Ga., Montgom- iniston. Ala., Alexandra, La., burr Miss. Hancock at Augusta lows First. Legal indebtedness for the county of Sumter, .00023, or twenty-live cents on each $1,000.00 Second. Courthouse, Jail and bridges, .00050, or fifty cents on each $1,000.00. Third. Sheriff, Jail, etc., .00065, or sixty-five cents on each $1,000.0. Fourth. Coroner's fees, .00002, or two cents on each $1,000.00.. Firth. Court expenses, .00023, or twenty-three cents on each $1,000.00. Sixth. Jury fees, .002, or two dollars on each $1,000.00. Seventh. Support of the poor, .00030, or fifty cents on each $1,000.00. Eighth. Educational, .00. Ninth. Roads. .004, or four dollars on each $1,000.00 Tenth. Special bridge tax, 00483, or NOW IMPROVING DIXIE HIGHWAY IN THIS COUNTY Irena Sherman against you In said court. In default of your appearance jtho court wilt proceed as to Justice shall appertain. I Witness the Honorable Z. A. Llttle- I John. Judge of said court, this the 15th BY'day of August, 1917. MESSRS. FRANC MANGO, OF MA CON, AND ARTHUR LUCAS, OF ATLANTA. GEO. E. THORNTON. Clerk. O. Y. HARREL. Atty for Plaintiff. Webster County Formal announcement 1» made today that Mr. O. R. Bills has sold his en tire ownership of The Times-Rccorder, to Mr. Franc Mangum, of Mncon and OEORO , A Web ster County. Swainsboro, and Mr. Arthur Lucas, °f AB wbom It May concern: R. L. Nicholson of said state, having Citation. ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ASSIGNS SIXTY NEGROES AND EIGHTY MULES TO TWENY-FIYE MILE STRETCH. four dollars and eighty-five cents on each $1,000.00. It is further ordered by said Board of Commissioners that the following rates be levied In the several school single track extension is being con structed by the street railway com pany and until this is finished the only rail connection between Camp Gordon and Atlanta will be provided by the ratPS ue | Bvltu Southern Railway, which expects t0 1 districts for school purposes, as fol uncork at Augusta operate a shutt'o train service. The lews: , r Hancock site comprises c | ty la making good Its promise for, An dersonville, .004, or four dollars of high rolling land situ-) SO cd roads between Atlanta and the on eac h $1,000.00. miles from the center of Cl nl p however, and the litter will be ;and hills overlooking, ot t , asy acce ss by automobile. In all 120,000 troops will be sta tioned in Georgia. The camp will receive its ply from the city pumping lch is located near the cn- ihe reservation. The Geor- id and an electric line run amp and the roads leading mostly city streets. The takes in all of Camp Mc- lu-rc Pennsylvania troops mped during tho war with nnsylvanla National Guards- been assigned to come to this raining again, p Wheeler at Macon. 'heeler, near Macon, will be ig cantp for National Guard m Georgia, Florida and Ala- is situated flee miles from I covers 2.300 across, lnslud- fu! groves with a large lako er. Divisional headquarters d about 200 yards from the 1 edge of tiie grove of virgin SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. American Exchange National Bank ,s. Collins, executor, et al., and vice versa, from Sumter—Judge Littlejohn. Wallis & Fort. E. A. Hawkins. Harde man. Jones, Park & Johnson, for plain, tiff in error, first named. Ellis, Webb Sr Ellis, R. L. Maynard, C. R. McCrory contra. (Judgment affirmed save as to one exception.) rub-my-tism jWill cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cratnp9, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. AT YOUR TONGUE! un i IT BROAD, WHITE, FLABBY? -YOUR BLOOD NEEDS ZIRON! Atlanta. w „ With this Issue of the paper, Mr. | ' t0 me for letter , of admlnls Man? um has taken charge of the bust-, tratlon de poni, non on the eatnte of ness, and will be in active control | ^ w , B i a k e y, of said county, thl» la to henceforth as editor and manager. Mr. ^ >B and ,i n . u ia'r the heirs and Lucas will not be Identified with tbo . credltora of j \v. Blakey to be and ap- operatlon of the business. l pBar at the October term 1917, of said Mr. Mangum was for many Jjears•“ court and „ how caulei , f any they can, Macon, for five years doing all 01 “* e why letterB 0( administration de bonis editorial work of the Macon News. For ^ Bhou , d not be gr a nt ed on the es- the last year and a half he has been ^ of (a , d j W- Blakey . practising law and running his owi^ Thls Septe mbcr 3rd, 19 .paper, The Forest-Blade, at Swains boro. He will made Americus his per manent home, having secured the Perry residence at Lee and Furlow streets. | Executor’s Sale. Mr. Mangum will be Joined about ( By virtue of an order from the Court September 15 by Mrs. Mangum an ^ 0rd | nary of Barrow county, Ga., will their little dauthter. be g0 , d Bt pubUc out cry within the Mr. Thomas Merritt. Jr., will con- hour8 0( , B | e 0 n the first Tues- tlnue as office and advertising mana- .. This, September 3rd, 1917. J. R. STAPLETON. Ordinary of Webster County. Don't Throw Away Your old Automobile Tires and Tubes. Bring them to us (or repairs. Our Steam Vulcanizing Plant is at vour service. Every job we turn outis completed by an expert workman. Time trill demonstrate the wisdom of ‘bringing your vulcanizing to us. G. A. & W. G. TURPIN four Tongue Is White and Flabby, It Is a Sign at You Are Anemic and That Your Blood Needs Ziron Iron Tonic, For the Benefit of Your Weakened System. t your tongue In the mirror! it to lie pointed, pink, clean and firm, i broad, white, coated, flabby, It Is probably a sign Ibat y t your blood lacks red corpuscles, that you are not In good neattn, ystem needs Iron to bring It up to proper condition. • your blood needs Iron, take Ziron, the new lion Ton c, w ,__ o he hvpophosphltes of lime and soda and other valuable tonic lngre. cribed by the best physicians for this form of trouble, rou feel tired and miserable, lack ambition, suffer from lndIg8stl ® n ’ Pains, gastric catarrh, depression of spirits and 0 . uh , ineb r the weather”, why not try Ziron to help you back to he • the new compound of Iron, contains no habit-forming rugs, able tonic remedy—good for men, women and children. L. Poston, of Lillie, La.. wrltes: # ”Somo weeks ago I was »u«erln* *>»* Hke dumb chills. I Just ached all over, my skin would feej “bed worse from my knees down. I didn't rest well nlghta and 8 wasn't good. I was afraid I would get down In bed »nd so much ‘0 Spring Of the year. I began to look around for kometh ns and decided to try Ziron...I had not taken one third of a botu? i^uch better. I grew stronger,^began to get hungry a Q °ro of th© chills. I think Ziron Is a splendid tonic. AL OFFER: Buy a bottle of ZIRON. today, at row dn«lri«* ■ a falr trial, according to directions on the bottl • • bott | e b ack you find It has not benefited you, take the enp y *l»t and he will refund what you P» ld blm iS r J^ t J oSy^ppllei 1,11 reason why.he should not repay you. This one >^ v 1 trial bottle. ■ ZA3) on each $1,000.00. Benevolence. .002, or two dollars on each $1,000.00. Plains, .003, or three dollars on each $:,000.00. Thompson, .004, or four dollars each $1,000.00. Friendship, .00150, or one dollars and fifty cents on each $1,000.00. Huntington, .003, or three dollars or each $1,000.00. Huguenln, .00i or one dollar on each $,.000.00. .. . BeSoto, .00450, or four dollars and fifty cents on each $1,000.00. Anthony, .00350, or three dollars and fifty cents on each $1,000.00. New Era, .00250, or two dollars and fifty cents on each $1,000.00. Howell. .002. or two dollars on each ; .ooo.oo. , Sumter, .003. or three dollars on each 1,000.00. Leslie, .00323, or three dollars and wenty-flve cents on each $1,000.00. It is further ordered that this levy and assessment be advertised as re quired by-law. I B Small. T. C., made final settle ment of tax collections, charging off insolvent $825.19; errors In d gest. $824.89. Settlement received and ap proved. The board agreed to contribute on» hundred and fifty dollars for rebuild ing the county courthouse at Leslie, Ga. The following commtttec was ap pointed to sell the present lot on which the old courthouse was situated; E. L. Wilson and W. T. Anderson. Will Jones plead suilty to being road defaulter. Fined' ten dollars, or he relieved by serving ten days on the chalngang. On motion carried, one hundred dol- lars was granted Mr. Jule Felton as extra compensation as solicitor pro t,m in the November term of court, "Alfred Hollis and wife granted $1.50 per month. On account of the need of more la Lor on the roads, the board ordered that the convicts working for the city be removed to the roads. A. PINKSTON, Clerk. Work on twenty-five miles of the Dixie highway In Sumter county Is now in progress. County Road Superintendent Henry Christian is engaged In Improving the stretch between Smlthvllle and Ander- sonvllle. a distance of 25 miles, run ning through Americus. The convict gang is divided Into two squads, one working from the nor thern end of the city limits. There arc sixty negroes and eighty mules assign ed to this work, which will not be stopped until the highway Is restored to its former excellent condition, when was famous throughout the state. It Is Supt. Christian's idea, and also the plan of the board, to get this road. ,vay In splendid shape before the bad weather sets In. The fact that the highway will be put hack into Its former good form will be interesting news to tourists throughout tho state and especially gratifying to the citizens of the county. e as office and advertising mana- ^ )n Octobcri 1917> at the court- ger of Tho Tlmes-Recorder, and “f' lhous0 door , n p rest on. Webster coun- Lucius Kimbrough remains as ctrcu- ^ Ua th0 followlng tracts of land latlon manager. Mr. R. C. Moran has gUuated , n B9 , d We b s ter county, Ga., been made foreman ot the paper. suc ‘, descrlbcd B s follows; 1012 acres of cecdlng Mrs. Daisy Gnosspelius, who ^ ^ ^ , n tho 2Bth dlstrIct resigned to go to Greenville, . .. i of Abater cotmty* known as the May Sarah Tower will conduct the social Land , ot8 fl9i 199 , 125 , 126, 132. C. P. DAVIS j Denial surgeon. Orthodontia, Fjorrhen. Residence Phono 316. Office Phone SIC, Allison Bids. ROBT. E. WHITE Abstracts and Loans Americus, Ga. news department. On said land there Is seven horse farm In a high state of cultivation, 500 acres cleared, 512 acres wood, partly I original forest. 2 first class tenant A Statement From Mr. Ellis, have sold The Times-Rccorder to Arthur Lucas and Franc Mangum, ho " se>j 4 tenant houses not so good, and Mr. Mantum will be manager and Tgrml of i>t#i one . t hlrd cash, one- editor. . third, twelve months, ono third in two Mr. Mangum Is a newspaper man oi ^ Deferred payments to bear experience and will continue to m j BCVen per cen t, interest, prove the Tlmes-Recorder un “‘ our | So i d a9 the property 1 prove the Ttmes-necur... — | g0 , d „„ the property Estate of J. C. people will be proud of It, and I a “. DeLaPerrlre, deceased, late of Barrow sure the people of Americus and tb ® coun t y , Ga., by authority of said or- readers of The Tlmes-Recorder will. oJ the 0rdlnar y 0 f Barrow coun- givo him their hearty support. I, 0a and o{ tbe w m of the said de I thank Ute people for the support ’ jcd given to the paper while It was owned by me, for It was this support that A HD TRIEND made !t» success. G. R. ELLI8. It in&y bo stated in Mr. Ellis' behalf that he retires from the newspaper ■'.eld With great regret, and does so sr.lcly because a supervision of tao business interferes with his other more mpprtant Interests. DR. N. S. EVANS NEW DENTAL OFFICES seated on Jackson Street Over How ®J’?_2 ar ' near Kress. Have had 15 years expe AMERICUS, GEORGIA A good friend stands by you when In need. Americus people tell how Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the test. Mrs. Cobb endorsed Doan's over eight years ago and again confirms tho story. Could you ask for more convincing testimony. Mrs. Alice L. Cobb, 630 Forsyth St., Americus, says: "I was subject to at tacks of pain across tho small of my back. Sometimes I had dull head aches, felt languid and had but little energy. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and since using them, have been feeling much better. They relieved me of the pain In my back and my kidneys became normal." (State ment given March 28, 1908) Lasting Results. ceased. G. W. DeLaPERRIERE. W. B. M’CANTS. W. L. DeLaPERRIERE, • Executors of Will of J. C. DeLaPc. rlore, Deceased. MEETING NEXT WEEK ON Finil WAREHOUSE STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGBICUL TIRE TO SEE IF LOCAL CAPITAL IS SUFFICIENTLY INTERESTED IN THE PROJECT. Citation. GEORGIA.- Webster County. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that C. C. Tracy, of Web ster county, Georgia, has^flled In Web ster superior court his petition to es tablish copy of a certain certificate ol stock alleged to have been Issued to him by the Bank of Preston, on the 21st day of January, 1911. which certl tlcate he alleles has been lost or de Btroyed; said certificate being numbei 60, and for five shares of the capital sleek of said Bank of Preston, of the par value of One Hundred Dollars each, and that said petition will bo heard before me, at Preston, Webster county, Georgia, on the first Monday All persons con- A meeting will be held next Monday night, under tho aspices of the Cham ber of Commerce, for the purpose of in October. 1917 ascertaining if there Is any llehkood corned are required to show cause be Lasting Results. of Americus capital Interesting Itself fore me at the “ m ® *" d „ P f “l/wrUfi- On May 4,1916, Mr*. Cobb said: “No , n a proposition to establish a farm said hearing why c py d one could be more glad than I to prortuctll warehou.e In this city. |cate of stock should not he estsbllshed again recommend Doan's Kidney Pllll- Mr. Carr Glover, chairman of tho as P rayed for. .ivnature I haven't needed any since they l*»t marketing committee of the chamber,! Given un er y benefltted me.” I will return to the city tomorrow, and this. August 31st. 191. | wm »tint a* IU v Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t | defln | te arrangements will then simply ask for a kidney remedy—get made for the meeting. Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Tbe meeting will be addressed by Mrs. Cobb has twice publicly rccom- Dr _ A i ex B . Kecse, who will represent mended. Foater-MUhurn Co.. Props., | tbe sta te department of agriculture. Buffalo, N. Y. Z. A. LITTLEJOHN, Judge S. C. Webster County, Ga. Home Guards Organize. ATLANA, GA., September 4.—Ansley Park home guards began active ser vice today. Orders to the suard re- P ort for rifle practice today were con tained on postcards. >tHITE WAITRESSES USED IN ATLANTA HOTELS NOW POULTRY PARASITES. Legal Advertisements “Cured’ Libel For Divorce. Huel White vs. Irene B. White. Libel ( for Divorce In Sumter Superior Court. November Term, 1917. To Irene B. White, Defendant. Greet ing: You are hereby commander - — - You keep the chicken honso clean to either by attorney or In person to bo keen the parasites offq the chickens. B nd appear at the next Superior court You spray to kill germs—but what do to be holden la and Tor said Sumter you do to get the germ and parasites county on 4th Monday in November, Inside the chickens? Hens especially 1917; then and there to answer tho show It at moulting time and during!plaintiff's complaint, or In default ATLANA, Ca., September 4.—Atlan- Bhow „ „ iuuu.o-.b —..... , hotc i s are feeling the pinch of tba w |nter. How can you expect them thereof the court will proceed at to Wcmen waitresses are beginning tQ , ay ^ the m of all Internal par-, justice shall appertain. -—■— **— n? a9 ites by feedln? B. A. Thomas Poul- Witness the Honorable Z. A. Little- try Powder occasionally. If It doesn't John. Judge of said court, this the 18th make your hens happy, we will return day of August, M17. war. vvosmv.. , _ . t ( replace men entering the service of t'ncle Sam. Today guests at the Wine- coff find that girls In white dresses and caps arc on the Job. Instead of the your money -Georges” and “Sam®”— co ^ ore “!ii«f'hftnan. waiters answering to those names. An announcement on the ntenu card. —ad- ' Inasmuch as many of our em ployes have gone to war or ars foln* to war, the management ha. decided to employ in their etead experienced white waitresses.” For sale by G. advt. H. E. ALLEN, Clerk Superior Court. No. 666 This Is s prescription prepared WjMb for MALARIA o* CHILLS A FEVER. m.Jor six do»et will break any esie. and Ui.l.n then sss tonic the Fever will not It a?tt on the liver better than Calomel and does not tripe or sicken. 25c To the last drop MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Is Perfect Ask Your Grocer Libel for Total Divorce. Irene Sherman, V«. David Sherman. Libel for Total Divorce In Web ster Superior, Court, October Term, 1917. To Davo Shorman: You are hereby notified to bo and | appear at the next October Term^ I 11917, ot the Superior Court ot Web- ( Bter County, to be held on the First Monday In October next to answer an I action for total divorce brought by Mn. Jay McOee.oI Sti envote, Texas, write*: ' ulna (9) years, I suffered with womanly trouble. I had ter rible headaches, and pains la my back, etc. UieemedaaU I would die, I suffered so. At last. I decided toby OiM the woman’s tonic, uA • helped mo right away. Tho full treatment not only helped me, but it cured me.” J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Law Planter’s Bank Building Phone 830. Americus, Ga. TIIOS. E. HAND, Dentist Commercial City Bank Building. Telephono 863. Aerleas, Ga. . EMMETT 8; HORSLEY, CIvH Engineer. DAWSON, GA. LAND SURVEYING A SPECIALTY WRITE FOR REFERENCE. F. G. OLVER LOCKSMITH. Sewing machines and Supplies; Key and Lock Fitting, Umbrella* Repaired and Covered. Phone 420. |,ee STREET. NIAR WELL IMERICUS CAar, 202, WOODKCB OF THE WORLD. Meet! every Wednesday night la Fraternal Hall, Lamar street All vis iting Sovereigns Invited to meet with ue. STEPHEN PACE. C. a NAT LeMASTER. Clerk. F. and A. M. AMERICUS LODQM F. ft A. M„ meets ev ery second and fourth Friday night et 7 o'clock. FRANK J. PAYNE, W. IL RESCOE PARKER. 8eCy. M B. COUNCIL LODGE 7. and A. M. meets every First and Third Friday nlghta. Visiting brothera am Invited to attend. DR. J. R. STATHAM, Wrtfc NAT LeMASTER. Secretary. TAKE Gardui The Woman’s Tonic WASHINGTON CAMP, NO. 14. F. O. S. OF A. Meets every Bret and third Monday eights In P. O. S, ot A. Hall, No. 11* Lamar SL All members la good 1 tend ing Invited to attend. Beneficiary certi ficate! from $250.00 to 22.000.00 Issued to members of this camp. a A. JKNNINOB, Preet. O. D. REES'*-, Recd'g. Sec’y. Cxrdul helps women to Urns of greateat need, because II contains Ingredients which act ipecliicaUy, yet gently, on the weakened womanly organs. So, If you feel discouraged, blue, out-of-sorts, unable to db: - r'vySF-JjAeaBra-J -THE- UNION CENTRAL LIFE INS. COMPANY Cincinnati, Ohio The belt Life Insurance The Lweit coil good Insurance